- XT s ! IITIUI'llfllll Stem. THE Y STJPARD PRINTS THE- " TURNS OUT JVJSWS THAT IS NEm GOOD - JOB - WORK 7 r J " irOR 1 YEAR AT LIVING PRICES. GIVE US A TRIAL masked i-urglaes. An Expretta Agent Held p at JIiil Kight At tlic SluEBleora Revolver Held ( ompeiNl to Often it bafe and Fork Over early 81,00. News reached the city yesterday morning of a bol.l robbery by two masked burglars Yesterday morning at 1 o'clock at Koaeboro, a station oh the Uape Fe r and Yadkin VaK ley raiiwttj, fifty-t o miiea west of WiluuDgioH and one mile east of Fayettevil 'e. Mr. S W Grier is agent for the Southern Express company and tele grapn operator and agent for the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley rail-. way at that place, and from passen gers who cani9 in on the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley railway last night we learn that he gives the particulars substantially as follows : On Friday evening aboct 6 o'clock Mr. R Butler, who is mayor of the ftvn anil onffarro in Viiicirtasa fliAFa hvc hi. i. unci a taoaage ixiutttiuiug IF 1". 1- i. ; 50 to be transmitted to the Dur um TTorHlitfir onmnftnw. nf r)nrhr.i N C. The Express company's safe is kept at the agent's residence, about two huncirrd yarda ftom the depot, and wht-u he went home about 10:30 o'clock that night he carried the moiit-y with him end locked it up in the Safe. He and his wife retired shortly afterwards and at 1 o'clock they were around by a rap on the t.aoic door. Mr. Grar inquired, "rt'bois tha:?" and a man ouiside reoiied that he was George McLanib, and that he wanted to send off a telrgram as "old man White" was ore. McLanib is a resident of the place, but the agent, failing to recognize the voice as hi?, told the man at the door that it was not McLiuiL'a voice. The burglar itisia.fcd that he was McLamb and the agent told hi in to go toJfront dour and a lick the message undtrne :th the door. nthe meantime, Mr. Grier slipped his pants on, opened his room door ; and stepped into the passage. As e did bo, a masked man thrust the muzzle of a reyolver in his face and demanded money. In some way he had opened the door and was in the passage when Mr, Grier was getting ready to come opt. Mr. Grier re plied that he had no money, but the burglar said; "You have. Open your safe and give me that package of $950, . or I'll blow your brains out !" Mrs. Grier, had also stepped into the passage and attempted to Bcream, but the burglar told her he would kill both of them if they made outcry or gave an alarm. Mr. Grier being confron ed by oue masked man and teeing uuoi htr on guard at the door, unlocked the &if and gave up the package of money, the ourglars then backed out of the door and disappeared. After the men had gone oat, Mr, . Grier called for help, aud having secured his revolver, fired to shots with the hope of a trading help. No one, however, answered his alarm but some of the l.eighbois heard the shots. The burglur who faced Mr. Grier ' in the passage is described as a s'en - der man of about 140 i cunds wtight, and the one at the door was a shoit, stout man. Mr Grier haoccapied bin prat position for more toan fw v-ars. - lie is a man about 2o oi 26 yratti of age and has a wife aud oue obi tl. Wilmington Me8tePer. A Ponodlng. Mb. Editob Please give us spac in your excellent paper to express our gratitude to (he good people of Mt. Pheasant and old Spring.-., for a most .superb pounding. About fifty good looking, well dressed per sons old and young composed the com pa . They moved with stately step piegs in the charge they made, took possession of our dinning room and crowned our tab. e with bounties in great measure, and when the room was no longer to be found on the table they ut loaded under it and even crowded the children's dining room bench with four sacks of flour No such pounding ever happered in Christendom. Thoy- brought sugar, coffee, butter, apples, lard, sausage, ham turkey, chickens, soda, tur nips, potatoes, punkins, flour, soap, kraut, turned fruit, dried fruit, rice, apple butter, dried beans atd cake of different kinds. They also brought two fine rock ing chairs and a beautiful lounge aud several ;cther things for par sonage. I sever served a kinder people, the love of . our hearts, go out to them in gratitude! ..- - ; M. D. Giles. A Leg Broken. " s While driving a team of horses - Thpnfday afternoon Epbriam Culp, --colored, met with an unfortunate ae- cident. He was Bitting on the front - end, with his lees bhgitig .oyer the ; bed when : one horse began kicking and (track bis leg, which broke it. vol:yiii--wo52. THE "ADVOCATE.' Rev. Mr. CJrlHsom Make an Explann- ' tion Abont Conference Action. The Record yesterday published an extract or two from confeiecce proceedings regarding the Advocate, owned and published I: ere by Mea ts. Grissom & Groom. lhe clippiues referrred o were aa follows: "Oa motiot, the cfbr of Vhv. L W Grissom, 1 alfnowner of the con- ftrence organ, the North Caio'ija Advocate, to sell his stock at $1,000 lees than cost, was referred to the Committee on Books and Periodicals. The committee on Looks and Periodicals brought in its original report, rejecing the offer of Key L W Grissom to sell his interest in the North Carolina Advocate to the con ference." "A-liyely discussion took place, participated in by Rev. F D Swindell acdEsv. R B John. Rev. J T Gibbs moved the previous, and the substitute, offered by Rey. R B John to not accept the North Caro lina Advocate as the organ of the conference, which was adopted by a vote of 59 to 52." Mr. Grissom naturally wants the matter folly understood and says it all came about in this way: Con ference wanted to appoint the edi tors of the paper, and fix their com pensation, this compensation to be paid by the owners, and the edi tors to be installed wh?tber agrees ab e or not to ies9rs. Gridsoin & Groom. It shonld be rememberel, however, that conference has no monetary in ercst in the paper whatever, and this eccroachmejt was taturally ot jdeU to by Mr. Griesoui and then it was he ca:d be fore lie v.culd fcubmic to it be would sell to conference his eU-ck at par and bead a subscription list, with $1,000 towards buying it. As a result ot it all a committee was apf ointed to confer with a simi lar committee from th-s Western Conference next year at.d See v. hat cuuld be cone. In the liitaotime, the Bishop was lequested to appoint Mr. Grissom editor, which was done. With any other body this attempt ed action would be characterized as a "high-handed proceeding" trying to control a nun'd private property without any compensation whateyer. Under the circumstances conference might, m some degree, dictate the policy of the paper, but this it as far as they could possibly go.. However, the milk in the cocoa- nut is the fact tha; the Eastern eople want a paper within their own baliwick. They haye been dis- taUitJed ever since Dr. liied came west of K.tieih with it. A proof of this desire, re.d this from conference proceedings : "The conference separated from the paper and appointed a commit tee to tct with a Western North Carolina Conference committee, if they will appois t one, 'o bi y or es tablish a paper or, if liecetsary, to i stablisb a paj er sc parately but by 27 majority " Gr entboro Record ol tiarurdav DcCtiulei- 21, A Dream Thnl in a Itrcam. Editor Stakdard : Last night I dreamed of shooting a wild goose only woundmj it having no more Bbt-iL-s for my arquebuse I ran and q iickiy ov.rio jk i1, ;n 1 while ia 'be net of cut'iiiu Us heat iff with ci ktife, the f,o)fe f r ; forth io h se ciaiieU urde; 'IIiti mere on in intcu cji ner.' lias this u cm a signilioance, or is it a reprodueion of au impression made on some one of the convolu tions of the t-ncephatic mass which s suppesed to be encased in the human crar.imu? If so, which one, and at whi period of protoplasmic evolution was the impression made, or is it a sort of ''Santa Clause" jubi lee whicb comes about this time of the yar ? ,1 fear it is an ill ouien and I shall not suspend my hose from the tra ditional mantle uotil I hear from you. William Siiothers'kjk. Again the sages of the Lyceum must come to the rescue We have personal evidence that this dream id not a case of delirium tremens. Death of Dir. A. E. Hoover. - As noted in a former issue, Mr. D R Hoover had gone to L:ncolntoa to see hia brother, who was critically ill. Mr. A E Hoover, the gentleman in question had teeu sick fpr three years and for the last six : months was unable to leave his place. On the 19 1'", seyerat hours before Mr. Hoover j eacbed him, h.s brother. died. - He - leaves a widow and five Hying children. Ue was 5 years younger than our townsman, being in his 47th year. ' Misa Ahda Wtme is visiting at Mr. W A White's; at Mill ; Bridge, Rowan couetj, ; V ;. . N .v.: FromJimllh's Fori!' Mr. R W Gadd, of Charlotte, is visititing the old folks. Mr. Thomas Almond, of Concord, id a visitor at Mr. Hiram Barbee's The public school' at Pine Biuff is progiessing finely "under the ansn pices of Mr. B'F Saart. .. Our observant observation ob serves an observable Sunday school in which flogging has betn intro duced as a means for promoting gcod behaiior. On tha 18th msfBt fiye o'clock, p. m., Mr. John Kluttz and Miss Florence Turner were married at the residerce ofthe bride's father. A merry Xmas, a happy New Year, aod continued felicity for them throughout subsequent dayp. A certain mining concern owed three men $43 $24 to one, $12 to another, and $7 to the other. Be coming uneasy, the men bartered the debt for feyen gallons of wine The wine was cenveyed about four miles from where it wa3 procured; here the men had a general reunion that's all. The Iatesf, edition of impertinent gossip contains this startling an nouncement: A fifty year old wid ower whispering to a "sweet sixteen." There is no tranquility for a widower vrbo persists in dwelling in the cold tents of abject celibacy; thoHgh he may be well fortified against the in. sidious attacks of Cupid, yet he is exposed to a broad, open fire from "the unruly member." If we were "unpertected wideier," we would either get splieid, if possible, or e'se do up our ectthly possesions in a led bandanna and get Yv'es "To the land o.f the free, Wnere the mighty waters Roll (Town to the En." A. & Co. Poisoned. Mr. J A M;E cherr, Mr. J N Hunter and TLos. PritcburJ. liv,; on North Ficv street. Yesterday a cou'itrym it cu;ne along ith rome liver pudding and souse tos-.ill. Eaoh of their families bought some and had it cooked for dincer. Later iu the afternoon ail who had partaken of it were tkfcen with terrible nausea and pains. Dr. John Ii Irwin wa3 sent for and went from house to house, miui;lei-!ti; to all. As soon as he saw il-e symptoms exoibikd in all who had partaken oi the meat, he pronounced their sickness due to p asoning. There were about three n ea.:a firmly who were ill. Charlotte Obseryer. An Eseiipcd fouvirt I'liuplir. AviilBroon tvs in.tnvrn- Tuesday p.irchasiiig C Li lilias iut.icles, but did not return to his quiet home iu the country. IIetF:aied from tLe Mecklenburg chain gang about IS months ago ana has aiuce been at large uctil Chfcf of Police Bocer uabbedhiir. Ho Epeut Christmas in jail ia this city and Thursday was deiiveied ever to the Mecklenburg authorities. Had a Fight iu at'liurcli. Oa last Saturday, at the Carey Baptist church, Mr. Thad Iyey, manager of the State AlMnnce Busi ness Agency and Maj. C II Clark gotinto a fight during a stosion of the church. The News and Observer says that it se ros thac Mfjor Clark had b.-en n quested to cjie io the churcn on that dare, and wheu be came some brother cilnl attvtition to some d;ffereiiCe between M.jir Clark, tlie senior dtacoa -f the church, aiid Mr. Tbad lej, sup rin- tendeut of the Sunday school. Da ncg an explanation being made by Maj. Clark, Mr. Iyey advanced across the church, and standing with clenched fist over Maj r Clark, de manded to know the nameof his in formant for certain statements. Maj. Clark: declined to be forced by threats to give Mr. Iyey the informa tion. Then Iyey said, "if you de ciine to give your informant, you are the -aothor of the statement yourself," whereupon Maj. Clark, in righteous wrath told him (Ivey) he was a liar. Then Ivey, who is about 40 years old, struck Major Clark, whe is a man of about seyenty. Maj. ClarK returned the lick, and despite his uge, was proceed .vg to folio it up when the brethren interfered. ; . It is understood that the difficulty grew out of false and slanderous re ports mada by Ivey during the last dampaign. Major Clsrk being a leading and' high-toaed Democrat, who served his State with gallantry in the war, was for a long time cot ton weigher- in Raleigh, and was a m mber of the Legislature iu 1893 Ct pt. V I Nesbit gaye us a finan cial call. "He pays not only for his own but for that oi a friend. Right on his heels came a new subscriber, hia nerihew. Mr. W- F Smith tie list swells aad grows. CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY TOWN AND COUNTY. Mrs. Murphy calls her slipper Castoria because the children cry after it. Rev. Stagg has accepted the call to the second Presbyterian church, of Charlotte.' The agent says that the Xmas express v business was not near so large as usual. Mr. John N Barringer and bride were registered in Washington, De cember 2Gth. The Southern. Exprees office has been moyed to the Smith row, oppo site the court house. Master Joe Fisher was right badly bunged up about the mouth while plajiug football Christmas d-y. Alfred Arey, colored, probably a hundred years old, died Sunday. He lived in rear of Scotia seminary. Your attention is called to the announcement of the annual meeet- ing of the Stockholders of the G W Pattersom Mfg. Co. There will be a Bale cf revenue- seized property on January 8 at 12 dk at Brown Bros. Stables, by R S Harris, Deputy Collector. A Maine woman' kept a needle seventy-two years. She did it by swallowing it. It mad-i its appear ance at her elbow a few dajs ago. The Charlotte News bas figures out the sge of Albert Area, the old hatter who died here Sunday morn. ing, to be 98 years 3 months and 22 days. John S Smithdeal is now working in the cotton mill at Milledgeviller He left this evening for th.tt place after spending Xna3 with friends here. Salisbury World. The chain gang ia doing some very good and long needed work on the public road leading from to u to Mt. Pieasant iu the swamp at Digj Cold Water creek. The bed s be-j ltg raised. The remains of Love Shauklc, 'ne of the victims in the terrible ex plosion that oocurred at the coal mines in Chatham county laBt Thursday, were brought to this piace, his old home, for interment. Mrs. Margaret Krimminger, of. No. 5 towonship, aged 00 years, died on December 25, and was buried at Mt. Gilead grave yard. Rev. W H L McLaurin conducted the funeral service at Mt. Cannel church, - The colored firemen of this city have requested The Standard to epre?s their most grateful thanks to the white citizens lor their libeial donations amounting to $19 30, to their company. Not only are they deserving, but appreciative. On Christmas day at 2 o'clock, Mr. Walter Ritchie, of Danville, Va., was married to Miss L:zz'.e Clayton, of Forest Hill. Rev. J O Alderman officiated. The bride and groom left on the 7:23 trtihi for Danville where they wilireside. Dr. J N Anderson's horse . ran away and thiew hirn out of the buggy two mile3 from Lex ngton Saturday evening. The , horse go away with the buggy and was caught some mile3 from the scene. The doctor escaped with a jolt up 'An exchange gets this off : A man named Moon was presented with a daughter by his w.fe. This was a new moon. The old man was so overcome that he got drunk. This was a full ' moon. When he got sober he had only twenty-five cents. This was his last quarter. " We are sorry to learn that our former townsman, Dr. J E Smoot, now of Concord, has had a very serious case of erysipelas. Mrs. W G Wa'son who has beeu visiting her daughter, Mrs. Srnoot, returned home yesterday and tells ns that Mr. Sinoot is much improved. Salisbury World- Wiley Miller, one of Mr. Jacob Doye's wagoners locked the hind wheel of his big wagon in the wheel to the hack of Mr. George Plott Saturday eyening, on Main street, causing a break down. - Tha acci dent was unavoidable, the matter compromised and no arrest made. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sapp "enter tained a number of relatives and friends at -their home in No. 5, Thursday December 26. . An elegant dinner was seryed in splendid style. Among the guests were Mr, and Mrs. Sapp. of Concord, Mr. and Mrs. F V Barrier of ; Salisbury, and Miss Lora Waltur. of Durham. The Italian band now stepping in Con cord was present and added much to the enjoyment of the oncas:on by their splendid mus Qi Mr. t.-'iarles Brown, once a rei dent of this city, now of Asheville, is visiting in the city and county. Mrs. Crawford Culp, of Wtxo, Texas, is on a' visit to relatives in tbia city She is an aunt of Mr. M J Co; I. She is stopping with Mrs. ,v.J(H Mcli&mara, ' ' Merchant J M Allen has a sweet time of. it. The other night a whole barrel, of molas3es run out on the floor. This is long dran out sweetness. Mr. W D Sherwood, Rockcngham county, aod a brother of our Charlie, spent several days in the city. He came m and renewed for the Weekly Stakdz.ui. Dr Lawson Kluttz, who six or eight year3 ago went to the State of Missouri from his country home In No. 7 township, is back on a visit to relaLiyes in this county.- Measles are prevalent in various sections of the county. It is said that in the Rocky Riyer eectiov. they are ranging. Jme or ten cases having been reported. So thorough is the excellence of Ayer'a Hair Vigor that it can be used with benefit by any person, no matter what may be the condition of the hair, aud, in every case, it oo. occasions satisfaction and pleasure, in addition to the benefit which inn variably comes from its use. Robert Scales, the negro boy who attempted a criminal assault on Mary Bolton, a young white woman living near Madison, in October last, and who, on failing, shot her in the head with a pistol and made his es cape, was rrrested in Neapolis, Va., Thursday afternoon aud lodged in jail. Alberi, Speak', aed about 40 years, "a wild, reckless fellow, a gr-at blockader, with cot much 6'a.nJing ia the cok::-. unity," who lived i)c; r Ey.-rlii' p-. .-toffi.ee, New Hope township, Irtdw-li county, was f.and hanging to the rafters of an old dr?ert- d sol ml house, Christ mas morning, wi'.b his hinds crossed and tied ia from of him. From the position of the body it is supposed to be a case of lynching. Jtlr. Ilnvid I. l'nri-li I)cnd. -1 Mr. David L Pirisb, aged 77 years, 1 month and 2 days, died at L'shoie three miles south of Con cord, this (Friday) morning at 6 o'clock. It will be" lemembered that several months ago he suffered a stroke of paralysis and since which he gradually sank until life was extinct. Tbe funeral was conducted at Rocky Ridge Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock by his pa3tor, Rev. Lan caster. M r. Parish has been for many yarn a familiar figure. For years ne was the faithful officer of the Grand Jury. IK- leaves a large family, all of whom are grown. He has a son in Washington, one ia Raleigh, one m Texas, one on the Southern and two in the county. Mr. Parish was a kind-hearted old man, who had many friends. In ibis bereavement, the family are remembered by many sympathetic friends. A long, usefully spent life is thus ended. OVERWORK -INDUCED - Nervous Prostration Complete Recovery by the Use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla " Some years ago, as a result of too close attention to business-,' my health failed. I became weak, nervous, was unable to look after my interests, anil manifested all the symptoms of a de cline. I took three bottles of Ayer'a Sarsnpnrillsi, began to improve at once, :' j .... and gradually increased my weight from . one hundred and twenty -five to two hundred pounds. Siice then, I and my family have used this medicine when needed, and we are all in the best ot health, a fact which we attribute to Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. I believe my chil dren would have been fatherless to-day " had it not been for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ' of which preparation I cannot say too much.',' H. O. Hrssox, Postmaster and Planter, Kinard's, S. C. . Ayer's S Sarsaparilla RECEIVINS MEOAL AT WORLD'S FAIR. AYER'S Pills Save Doctor's Bills Pi m IF- - i - 1 2, 1896. The Franklin Connty AmaHlnatlont Mr. J T Harris, of Franklin oounty, is in the city. He tells ns that his son who was shot a week ago last Thursday night, ie improv ing and the doctors think he will re cover. The jdetails of the attwnpt ed assination,. some accounts of which have already been published in this paper, as given by Mr. Harris show it to have been a crime f kind happily rare in North Carolina, "Nobody was in the room," said Mr. Harris, "except my wife and two sons. It was a very dark, night and it had been snowing nearly all day. My wife, whose seat was in ' direct range of the window, got up to go in the other loom. I think thejassassin must.have waited for her to move before shooting. The first thing I heard was the crack of the window pane. It sounded like an explosion in the hens?. My son James, who was shot, rose from his chair and ran to his mother saying : "What is it ?" She saw. the blood on his left jaw and neck and said : "You are shot my son." We laid him down, and then heard another shot, which had been fired into the opposite room of the house, the shot breaking a large mirrow on a bureau and a picture of "The List Supper," Nobody except some little children were in that room and nobody was hurt." Upon being asked whether he had ary suspicion as to who had com mitted the deed, Mr. Harris said he belieyed the shot was fired by P D O'Bryant. "My son had had a diffi culty on the 8th day of last March growing out of some slandorous re marks that O'Bryant had made about a lady. It vas settled, but O'Bryant never forgaye them My sons never intended to haye any thing to do with him again. O'Bryant had been heard to say that he wa3 going to kill James Harris, but rhi3 evidence oould not be used, and O'Bryant was discharged for want of evidence." "The people of Franklin are in dignant and there is much excite ment growing out of this stealthy crime. A purse has been mude up to secure the capture of the assassin." Raleigh Observer. OH Io bp JIrrioI. Mr. John X Barringer, accom panied by Wm, N Misenheimer, left Monday night for Barium Springs, where Mr. Barringer was married to day (Tuesday) at 2 o'clock to Mie3 Lelia Dayvault, sister ot the Messrs Dayvault of thiscity. Immediately after the happy nuptials, Mr. and Mrs. Barringer left for Washington City to spend a week. It is very likely that the happy couple will reside in Charlotte when they re turn. To the couple we extend our heartiest congratulations and best wishes. Fire Bt I lie OUell Mill. About 3;30 o'clock this (Friday) morning, night watchman J M Per kins discovered a blaze of fire in the dye room, and immediately gave the alarm. He was not long in gets ting assistance and putting it out before any great damage was done. Not manv of the people of the town knew lof it until after day light, although the fire bell rang for a long time- The firemen reported at their halls but were unable to locate the fire, seeing no reflection and hearing no cries. A runner was sent to the mill, on a horse, but when he got to the scenes the fire was out. The damage is very small; origin is unknown. Tue FatterNon Mills. In several weeks the G W Pater son Mills will be running on full time and to its fullest capacity. The mills have contracts now for all its production, day and night, for the next six ironths. The report going the rounds that the mills had stopped etc., is a lie, not a shadow of truth in it or about it. Eyery cotton mill in Cabarrus county is O. K. Married rhrtatuiiut y. . Mr. A D Wilson, son of Dr. J R Wilson, and Miss Fannie, daughter of Capt. J M W Alexander, were man led Xmas night at the home of toe bride, Rev. Lancaster officiating. A wedding supper was served, and a reception giyen the next day at Dr. Wileou'. Many friends extend best wishes. ' Killed at Snltsbiiry. Section Master V G Adams and his three assistants had started for their home four miles north of Sal" isbury, Saturday night at 9.30. Just as their dump car reached the main line it met No. 35. , - " ' Lee Carr was instantly killed' and Tom Johnson was terribjjr injured There are no hopes for hia recovery WHOLE NO. 35 Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Ii C. F. & Y. V. TO BE SOLD. The Baltimore Plnnlor tue nhIg 1'rc rails Both the Seaboard and Southern are Rlrfacrx.' Baltimore, Dec. 23 The bond holders of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad met this afternoon and discussed the future cf the property and the plans of the Balti more and New. York holders for its disposal. The meeting was very ex citing and tontinued more than three hours. About 100 persons were present. The Baltimore plan contemplated the sale of the road as a wnole, while the New Yorkers insist that the three divisions of the road npon which three 6eri:s of mortgage bonds known as A, B and C are outstand ing, be sold separately for the bene fit of the holders of the respective securities. It was agreed that a ma jority of the holders of the three series should be necessary . to a de- ision. A majority of the New Yorkers endorsed the New Yoik plan, while the Baltimore holders of the B and C series were in the majority and the vote as a whole was in favor of the Baltimore committee's plan, the total being: For the New York plan $040,000; for the Baltimore plan. $1,519,000. Propositions were received from the Seaboard Air Line and the Southern Railway Company for the lease of the road under the Baltis more and New York plans respect ively. The fight will now be taken to toe courts. A (luiet WiMlUlus- Surprises are customary along about Christinas times, but no eyent was more surprising than the quiet home wedding on Thursday evening cf Miss Esther Ervin, the second daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J R Ervin, of tbi3 city, to Mr. S T Pear son, of Morganton. For a long time it has been known that the above mentioned couple were to wed, but at that time it was unexpected by their scores of friends. At ? o'clock last evening quite a number of friends and relatives gathered at the bride's home on Spring street to witness the affair, which was solemnized by Rev. W C Alexander of the First Presbyterian church, immediately after which the bride and groom left on an extended trip north. Miss Ervin has ever held a high station in Concord society and is popular with everybody, while Mr. Pearson is a prom nent and wealthy citizen ot Morganton. They leave a host of well-wishers, who hope for them the choicest of this life's bless ings. A Terrible Explosion. Tuesday evening at 4:35 the pow der house of the Smithdeal Hard ware Company of Salisbury ex ploded. It had in it 2200 pounds of dynamite and 23 cases of powde? . Two boys, George and Ira Wea ver, aged 18 and 14, were using the powder house as a target. It was during this that the explsion oc curred. The ground is torn up, trees uprooted and splintered and the grass for hundreds of yards around shaved oft. George was killed right out ana Ira is terribly mangled. The windows and sash in all the houses of the neighborhood are broken. The boys were advised not to be shooting at the vowder house, but intoxicated with Christmas they heeded not, and the last shot was the one that did the destruction. Like Bill Arp. ' The head of this establishment did not eat any green corn, but he spent his 'Xmas like Bill Arp did the time when he had the famous "Midnight Corn Dance." AU is quiet and serene now. But every desert baa an oasis or two. In this connection he wants to thank his force for the pleasant surprise they gave him for a 'Xmas present. It was one of thof e "per f ectly lovely" gold pens, with pearl staff. It was with one injunction, howover, laru to write a more legible hand. Thumb Blown Oil. Lon Bost, a 13syear-old colored boy of the town, while fooling with a fire cracker Monday night, had the misfortune of having a thumb blown nearly entirely off, the crack er having exploded while holding it in his band, . - r SE TJ 1 DOLL t Jfe:. a 1 :T S U a So. 6 Tonus!::;, firms Mr. "Jacob Moose ia in feebU health. Mrs. Julia Eudy, nu aged lady, ia very sick with--bronchitis. Mrs. Keith azZ daughter are visits ing at Mr. C W Keith's, where they peihups Vrih tj end the winter as they are both' iu lecllo health. The many friends of Mrs. Will Goodman will bo glad to learn that she is improving, after a severe illness. Miss Lou ArmSclJ is visiting at Mr. J J Baringcrs, 'whtro she ex pects to spend the winter. Miss Louisa- Barusgcr," has de cided io attpud school at Mt. Pleas ant. Miss Mallie Liopard, expects to enter?Bchool at Newton after the Christmas holidays. Mr. Davis Barrier Las moved into his E3w house at I'iuer town and makes quito uu addition to the place. Mr, Eli Lantz Las also moved near where Llr Barrier lives. We welcome Mr. G A Fisher aid family amors ua and hope they will make tLi.3 their f a:ure home. Cur neighborhood Las for the past few wcek3 been dii-tuibe J by tramps that cluiia to be ila f go beg ging to earn iiiiir ',: :; 7. Mr. Rob; it Safrit nad Mr. Clay Louder Lnvu tuovt d their machinery to Mr. J ;J 2:aiI.-i-:i-3 vi Lero they expect to pi t up a rhep and be rcu.ly to ceco.uTi'cteto the public. Tve wish t'itui success. Mr. Jacob LUcr.rd after a few days amc:'g riativea hus rcturued to Davie couii'y v.-Lora he Las been attouiBg scLol, Lccoiupanyed by his sister and Mr. J E Faggart and A J Lippard, they expect to spen a week hunting birds w wish" a Cue limo. Tho hammer an. I tao saw addeJ quite a cheerful look to a certain widower's Louse the rust week; look cut eirl3 nest will be some one to superintend h.inschold affair. X. arpi- I In l.v.viii;;ioii. Mi3 Mini:'? Eisner, daughter of Mr. William Either, cf Mt. Pleas-, ant, wa3 umrritd Tuesday, Dec. 24th, at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Wheeler, of Lxic'on, to Mr. Miller. The brid;tl party passed througli Concord en route to Mt. Peasant. Looking for itie Seedy, Roy. J O AlJorrajD, of the Baptist church, spent Christmas Day in quiring of physicians, ministers, policemen and oiLers whetherthey knew of any needy families iu. Con cord. Ho, himself, went in sections where sufferings were more likely to be found if ia existence at all. From all the information obtained and by his own ro; search, only one family in - t 1 could be found. Tbia 1 l il no wood, no uio :ey, ni . to eat, and in aaauioa two c is or me family were down -ickuess rncye OI Willi J:;VT m - : v . , VJ" This is a ldmar 0 snowing were 6000 souls sr itlicred ton gethar and whore bai 1. tco, do not exist you know .. -.iliedged that Local Ootiou would ruin the business of the town. From LuGrippe. How Dr. Allies Nervine Restored One of Kentucky's Business Ai-vV'sv' Aien to Health. g.'y ft, r -a VY-Y No DISEASE has ever prosontod so many peculi.trit.ics an LaCcinpe. No disease leaves Its viot. so ocbilitateJ. useless. jlepplrss, nerveless, as LaGrlppQ. ' Mr. I). W. lliltoat state apen't, the Mut ual ife Insur.iDP.o Co., of Keutycky, says: "In l:vs9 aud ''. J I had two sete attacks of LaQrippe, tho l:wt one attacking my ner tous system with suoh sevor:1 y that my ltfo was doapaircd of, 1 had not sk-pt for mora than.two moniV.t except by the use of nar cotics that 8t;i7e!ind mo, but (ravo me no rest. I was only conscious ot Intense mental weakness, asojizinj bm'.ily pain and the fact that I vas hourly srowiug weaker. When in t his coi.diUorv. I commenced using Dr. Miles' BestqrattTa Nervine. In two days I began to itnprqve and la one month's ttma I was cured, mu.;.h to tbe surprise of all who knew of my condition. I bavo'boen In ex coUunt health shico and have rocomir"ndd your reroedlr to jti.-.ny of my friends." Louisville, JjliJSv., 1 P. W. Uiltok. 1 Dr. Biles' .vtvs 1ksloresnd&: 4 7 mm-

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