AT LIVING PRICES. GIVE US A TRIAL VOL. VIIL-NO 53. CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1896. WHOLE NO. 353 - fTOTf. 1 Y"FVT I FIGUHE3 AM) ESTIMATES From Gate, 8334,072.03; Concessions, 9115,054.33; Paid Entrances, 817,- 928 Other Calculations Hade The Question of Whether the Enterprise Pld Sot Yet Nettled. When the Exposition- gates closed last night th? .turnstiles indicated that since the opening day 1,286,863 people had been admitted . to tfce grounds. t this n imber there were 817, 928 paid admission, including adults and children. This statement is according to the report kept in the cflico of Mr. O M Felder, who has beea the chief inspector of the Exposition and who hat made the reports of the turnstile readings to the officials. The total figures include the ad missions at the pass gates, paid ad mission gates and the wagon gates, through which.the loldiers and in vited guests have passed. The following is a detail states in nt of the attendance: Adults paid admissions 738,115 .fihildron naiJ admissions 79.813 PaLes.... ...434,935 Wagon gates.....' 35.C0O According to the best reports ob tainable today i he Exposition com pany has realized from ihe paid ad' missions, $364,072.95. THE MONEY TAKEN IN. The precentage received through the concession epartment is figured at $115,654.32 and this added to the gate receipts make the total rectipt from these sources siuce the Exposi tion opened $4 79,727.27, but there are other scurces to hear from. According to the statement of Mr. S M Ionian, ho has handled the financial department of the Exposi tion for sometiui", the total receipts of the Exposition company will ap- i nrn-riniftte million and a QUBftel dollars wbile'the penditur s were HrEt above thi-se figures. Mr. Ininan na thoroughly conversant with the affairs of the Exposition and has made the following statement about its finance : "We cannot give a detailed state ment of the finances of the com pany, bat will be able to do so in a few days, but the receipts of the company will approximate a million and a quarter dollars. - , ,-t -"This -nty .comets ibe anwuiit handled by the Exposition company. We canno1- tell yet how we will dis. pose of the exposition effects, but will adopt some plan to dispose of them to the best advantage. This has been a three million dollar Ex position, but that amount ha3 not boen expended by the ccuijiuiij. Atlanta Journal. A Romantic Marriage. Last night the comiug of the New Year was celebrated at the First Baptist church of this city in an un--usual way. Just as the big hammer of the city was striking the expira tion of the-dead year Mr. Charles F Joyce, of Alexander, Va., and Miss Mary iBelle PigforJ, oi this city were declared man and wife. If at the moment that the dock struck six this couple were declared to be man And wife, what time were they married. Wilmincton ..Dis patch. They were married about ix seconds before 1895 passed out of existence. Pshaw! that's easy.J Located In Atlanta. T J Jerome, Esq., and family of Albemarle, have moved to Atlanta, where Mr. Jerome will praetce hu profession, law. Sarly county regrets to lose Mr. Jerome and bis family. Who wins in the race ? Is it a sick man ? Is it a man who is weak? Is it a man whose blood is impure? An athlete trains lor .every race. The best athletes train all the. time. They are always in perfect condition. It is pretty safe to say that the best man will always win. The man who is strong and in the best condition will surely distance his competitors. - In the race for suc cess, the best man will win if he takes care of himself. He cannot win if he neglects his Shysical condition. It oesn't make any dif- V t? ference how smart he rV,. is. If his body isn't .-, stronsr. he will never Enish the race. He must look first for a dear, healthy, strong body, because the body makes and supports the brain. If the heart pnmps impure blood into the brain, yon cannot expect the man. to be clear headed, you cannot expect him to accom plish much. If a man's blood is pure and rich, there can not be much the matter with him. If it isn't pure and rich, he may have almost any disease under the sun, and Dr. Fierce' Golden Medical Discovery will cure it. It doesn't make any difference what form the disease takes, or by what name it Is called. - Nearly all diseases spring from impure blood. If you make the blood pure, you remove the cause and cure the disease. That's common sense and medical sense and scientific sense. Vntt miorlit learn a thousand valuable lessons about preserving your health by - ICWIUg - .,.,. w fc- ...... Sense Mettical Adviser, n is a grand book and the present edition is absolutely free to all who send 21 one-cent stamps to cover cost -of mail ing only. It contains 1008 pages ana over 300 engrav ings. 680,000 cloth-bound cop I ies have been sold- at ti.o each. - This free edition is la strong tnamlla paper covers, otherwise it is just the same. Address World's Dis pensary Medical Association, puaalo, N. V.. i X M If lift I 7?J KB FIVE STRONG MEN. The Venezuelan Commission One aMon-Partlsan. Fonr Party Men As sociate Justice Br ewer, Jndge AI vey, Andrew I. White, Frederick R. Condert and President Oilman Form the Commission to Enquire Into the Rightful Boundary Be tween - Venezuela and British Guiana.? - Washington, Jan. 1. The Presi dent to-night announced the com position of tne Venezuelan com mission, which will consist of five members, as follows Dayid J Biewer, of Kansas, asso ciate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States; Richard H Alvty, of Maryland, chief justics of the Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia; Andredw D White, of Ne-v York; Frederick' E Coudert, of Ne-v York; Daniel 0 Gilman, of Marylaud, president, of the Johns Hopkins University. By So Means Disabled. Rev. W MShaw, pastor of JBeth page Presbyterian church, whose people grave him a bountiful and de served pounding, was in the city. He is by no means disabled. At G'lwood, one of his churches, he was presen"ed with a nice lamp One gives him food the other light. Uow Is Hi it? Eight or ten years ago at. this time of year, it was not good day light at 7 o'clock in the morning. .Now the sun is up a little after this hour. xiaye me ciocsa oeen running alow or is old SjI getting a move on himself ? Perhaps cur Mr. Thornton can furnish an explanation, hit s hear from you. Greensboro Record. And It Played Conlinnnlly. The Stakdaud rises to a point of personal privilege: Won't Slark Madison Morrison, of Harrisourg justly known as the "City of Roses keep his brass band at home long enough tor us to catch our breath? This band visits us weekly, more or less, and stays two days and a night each yisit, dispenses most harmoni. ous and enchanting music from one end of town to the other via the "middle of thi; road" until our peo-. pie stand charmed and soothed to inactivity. The voluminous strains of unadulterated music peal forth with such force and precision that it knocks the aerial region silly and blind aad rushes all of the airy ele ments into a compact lump over Hgainst the fatal hill beyond the iipot; and when the band ceases to piay there is a yacuum in the busi uesi j art of town where the air is so rcarce tbat'there is not enough of this lung fuel to supply; the demand and hence suffocation almost ensues. Wheu this atmospheric necessity is piled up on the outskirts of the ;own and a sudden co d wave hap pens along of sufficient force to fret ze it, our people would be in a calamitous predicament. All we ask Mr. Morrison ia to ins duce his baud to lay aside the in struments of delieious and charm- ngmasicjudt for one (1) month and we will forever sing his beauti ful praises Severed tits Connection. Mr. J P Q iery has seveied his Qou'nrctijn with the Morris Ha;d- re' Company. He is yet unde cided upon his future work. The business is now in charge of Messrs. Bert Bennett and Eddy Morrison. Married on December 36th. The Standard received this card from Lonoke,' Ark. : Miss Sallie C. Robinson, Mr. Davis K. Scott, Married, Tuesday, December Twenty-Sixth, Lonoke, Ark., 1695. At Home After January i.s, 1806. Ten miles Southeast of Lonoke, Ark. "Mr. Scott is a son of Rufus Scott. formerly of Mt. Pleasant. Narrow Escape The Secretary of State Cook had narrow escape Monday evening. A itorm was raging at his Louisburg home a storm that uprooted trees nd blew down several h irises . Mr. Cook had just gone out of his office when a brick . wall crushed through the roof of hia i0ice. Had be been t vo minutes later a terrible leath vould hnve been bis portion hnow Predirted Cold Wave Coming. Three-.- flags were hoisted this afternoon, one calling for snow to day and tonight, the other two call itig for fair weather with cold wave the temperature to fall 20 to 30 de grees during Saturday and continue freezing during Sunday. The snow we have missed, but the cold wave is coming. DEATH OF MRS. bMREY. the Wife of President Shirey, I of Kortlt Carolina Collate.. Dies In Baltimore A Gre knock. Dispatches . from 'Baltimore last Thursday evening, to parties- in Mt, Pleasant, annonnce the death of Mrs. Shirej, wife of Rev. "Dr. Shirey, president of North Carolina College at Mt Pleasant, in Balti more at 9 o'clock. Several days bef orejChristmas Mrs. Shirey left for South Boston, Va , o consult ber old family physician upon a constitntional trouble that seemed to be quite serious. An opeiation was deemed neces sary and Mrs. Shirey was taken to Baltimore for the purpose. In the absence of further particulars, it is supposed that death occarred during or soon after the operation. This is a shock, indeeJ, to all of her many friends and acquaintances, She was a woman of most estimable qualities and popular with all. A 636 Pound Hog. Mr. John D Walker, of No. 8 butchered on Wednesday. He kill ed a hog that is a hog. It was four years old and weighed 636 poun t! net. This is the biggest hog ever killed in the county. Mr. Walker is a good farmer, but he raises hogs too long and colossal Call to Dr. iring-ard. Holy Trinity Lutheran congrega tion, of Mt Pleasunt, has extended a unanimous call to liev. H S Win- gard, D. D., of Clio, Qa., to become their pastor. The ca'.l had been forwarded and the congregation is awaiting Dr. WiDgard's answer. Dr. Wingrd is an able man and a fire pulpit orator. A Sew Year's Scrap. New Tear's Day was a red-letter one to the colored people of this vic.nity, and only one scrap was re prtcd to the maror. About 4 o'clock in the after, oon at the home of Jesse Eoontz, in "Rat How" the eld tlodcins store room a gen eral row occurred among the women. Jesse Koontz and Lum Boger, in which the latter received a terrible blow upon the head by Koontz. Both men were allotted. Koontz gave bond, but Boger west to jail. Outside of this, good crder pre vailed. ,rr Kinety-SI.x KnildinsH. Oar little city is still on tne up cline, News is going the rounds that in the early spring of this year, 1896, handsome neV buildings will be erected on the sites of the frame buildings now occipiel b H G Ritz, J M Allen nd Fred B-ck. The old building! will bj torn away and three store rooma built,. Improve men's in other parts of the in-iin business street will be made, probably at an ea lier date than tue building by Mr. King. Ninety six will ste extensiye building, as did '05. . . - A 860.000 Fire. It was very unwelcome news to Mr, D L Ga'kill, of Salisbury, who was a guest at the St. Cloud hotel last Thi reday morning, when he received the intelligence that his tobacco fac'ory and warehouse, wi'b all their contertp, were destroyed by fire aNut 4 o'clock in ihe mornioe The fire consumed about $60,000 worth of stock, says Mr. Gaskill, tsnd that there was only 20,000 in surance. He left for Salisbury by priyate coovevance directly aft r 8 o'clock. The origin of the fare is supposed to have been the result of shooting 6reworks, something that should be prohibited in the corporate limits of every town and city in the Sta e. The Agricultural Department. The records of the Agricultural Department show that seventy-five fertilizer companies are doing bun ness in North Carolina, of which sixteen are North Carolina co'mpa nies. ' The Department estimates the cotton crop c f Liie Sf ate at 350,000 bales, corn crop, tun per cent above ihe average; full what crop, slight decline in oils, lccreaBe in number of hogs and inprovement in condi tion. Daring the year , Commissioner Robinton resigned, and Mr. S L Patterson, of Caldwell county, one of he most prominent planters in the State, was elected to the vacant position ., In conduction with pro fessors from the A. and M. College, a cumber of Farmers' Institutes have recently been held in different parts of the State For fifteen years Dr. Jackson Bost has not visited this city until now, haying come on ayisit to his broth er, Mr. Aaron Bost 'of this city. He is a resident .of Olive Branch, Union 0 nity. .---- TOWN AND COUNTY. The Year;- band welcomed . the New Dry & Wadsworth are having the front of their store room coated with yellow paint. ' ' T" Four bar rooms were c osed up in Charlotte January 1st on account of inability to put up $1,000 each for licensr. Attention is called to the sa'e of valuable lands . near Paplar Tent church, by Messrs D 'F and J W Gannon, trustees. The eighteen months old child of a Mrs, JohDson, who lives at the Cabarrus Mills, died sometime dur ing Thursday night. Mr. Jim Tlaster and his bride, lately married in Warren ton, N, C., arrived in the city Wednesday night? en route to Mr. Plaster's home near Enoch ville. " ; Mr. James L Watson, one of Sal isbury's basiness men, has arrived in the city and is associated with the Ould Mercantile company. He, is a brother to Mrs. Dr. Smoot. Mr. E E Wingard, of Countsyille, S. C, who has been on a visit to his father-in-law, Mr. John Cook, of St. John's, has returned home. Mrs. Wingard will remain until Spring. Deputy Collector D R Julian ef Salisbury Thursday seized the dis tillery and outfit of J V PleBS, to miles from China Grove. He was charged last week with somelrrega lariUes and the seizure was made on that account. Lexington correspondent of the Charlotte Observer ; Our town has been, gay with the usual holiday parties aud entertainments, Tj night Miss Camilla Hunt gives an elegant ftew lear party from 8 to 12 t'clock, complimentury u ..liss Lai Hill, of Concord. Mr. George D Palmer, who re signed the ( ffice of county treasurer ot Stauly county, has moved to Paducab, Ky. Mrs. Palmer's love for Kentucky was greater than Mr, Palmer's love for Stanly county.- He was & splendid citizen The law passed by the Legisl ifcure requiring a board three inches wule to be put at the top of all wire fences along publio roads went into effect on the first day of January 1896 vi'e call attention of our readers to this fact as some of them may have forgotten it. Mr. Frank Shaver, of Saliabmy, was in Cancord Thursday. He knrw nothing of tha serious lllcess ot his sister, Mis. Shirey, until he saw The Standard aid sw the announcement ot her death. It v. as a terrible shock to him and almost prostrated him. Four-yearKold Irene micConnell, the little daughter of Airs. T J Mc Conr.ell, on East Dpt street,' met with a painful accident Thursday afternoon , while playing! with her little brother, Frd, ho wa3 skat ing, carrying h.r npon his back He fell on her leg and sprained it. Capt. Richard Eraes, of the Glei Brook Mining Company, Montgom erv county, ia in the city to dv He tells us that the reported fiad of a 31ponnd nugget of gold near Ello rado seyeral days ago, is withou foundation. JNo such nod bas ever been made in North Carolina. Salisbury World. The old reliable Webster's blue oack speller is sold at Allison's var riety store and tbe salesmen theie say they haye had quite a number of calls f- it lately. JThey incline to the opinion that it is coming back ;nto general use. Speed the day ! fbe Landmars is a friend of the old blue-back and we hope to see it on top again before we die. Statesvil e Laudmark. Bow many young men -nd young women ire cut off just as the to ture seems I rightesc and fullest of promise 1 They are taken away by tbe disease which cause's over one sixth of all the deaths in the world the disease which doctors call con. sumption. There is absolutely no res son in the world why - consumption should be fatal why it should be even serious. It is a disease of the blood, and can be cured absolutely and always by purifying and enrich ing the blood. The only exception to this is the case where the disease bas bsen neglected and improperly trea ed until it is stronger than the body until the body has become so weak as to have lost the ability to recuperate. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will!ure 98 . per cent, of all cases of consumption if used according to directions. It also cures all lingering conghs, bronchial and throat affections. Send 21 cents in one cent stamps to World's Dispensarv Medical As sociation, Buffalo, NV-Y., and re ceive Dr. Pierce's 108 page commohi SIN3E MEDICAL ADVISER, illustrated, The valuation of property de stroyed by fire in Raleigh during. 18D5 is o&ly $2,0C0. The Cabarrus Blak Boys military company bas not yet received its aU lowance, which is about $150. Hiutorf Wiltcferd makes n good auctioneer. He cried on the streets today for the sile ot several horses. Messrs Edwards & Broughton have purchased the Biblical Recor der, the organ of the N. U. Biptists, paying for same $16,000. There are seventeen cases of pneumonia in No, 5- township, this county, it is said. Pneumonia and measles are el over the coanty. Mr. and Mrs. John N Barringer left today (Saturday) for Charlotte, which will be made their home. Mr. Barringer will resume his work on the Southern Railway at once. Mr. Josephns W B Miller was, on Friday, married to Mies Mamie Fink, both of Forest Hill, at the home of Esquire Charles A Sher wood in No 4 township. It was a runaway match. A January thaw is always more productive of colds and cough.3 than a January fretz?. Then is the time Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral is needed and proves so extremely efficacious. Ask your druggist for it, and also for Ayef's Almanac, which is free to all. Dr. Shields, an eminent phyaiciun of Tennessee, bsvs: "I regard Ayer's Sarsaparilla as the best bloodsmedi cine on earth, and I know of many wonderfuTcures affected by its use." Physicians all over the land have made similar s'atemeats. Mrs. May D'Anna Thompson ar rived in Hickory (JumtTias day and demanded the presence of her little boy, Hugh D'Ana, about whom there has b rr: so much coutroversy. When the ordv of tbe court wae made !eai . his rV.hei Ms. Thorn i 1 ha boy in charge of . ;.s Etijul.i:ed that n .could fife the boy under certain r ricious. So when she come Lsro tud demanded to see the child end Lave him with her during Chriatmr.3, Deputy Sheriff Hawn was co npelled to attend the entertainment, also, to keep cgttody .pfhe ctjHd, Hickory Press. . Ihere occurred a shooting affray near Plateau, tlis county, Wednes day of last week, in whicn Charles White shot and Killed Daniel War wick. It came abuur that Whito was out hunting and passed a saw mill in which was Daniel Warlick and his brother Frank, and afterwards who began following W'bite. White turned around and told them to quit following -aim, but they did not pay any attention to him and went on following him. About this time Warlick said something and made to shoot, in which case White turn ed around and shot him, be said, in self-defense. White was leased on $500 bond and Frank Warlick to ap par at court - under $200 bond Daniel Warlick died the next morne ing. Newton Enterprise. A l.lttle Girl in Jail. The Cabarrus jail contains about tbe youngest prisoner of any jail in the State. Jailer Hill has an heir, which was presented Friday night. LOSS OF VOICE After Acute Bronchitis CURED BY USING ilO Cherry rectoral A PREACHER'S EXPERIENCE. "Three months ago, I took a vio lent cold which resulted in an attack of acute bronchitis. I put myself under medical treatment, and at the end of two months was no better. I found it very difficult to preach, and concluded to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. The first bottle gave me great relief ; the second, which I am now taking, has relieved me almost entirely of all unpleasant symptoms, and I feel sure that one or two bot tles more will effect a permanent cure. To all ministers suffering from throat troubles, I recommend Ayer's. Cherry Pectoral." E. M. Bhawlet, I). D.. Dist. Secretary, Am. -Bapt. Publication Society, Petersburg, Va. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral GOIS MED At AT THE WRLB'S FAHL, WER S LEADS J,L OTHER 8ARSAPAR1LLAS. 1 "The Pleiades." r?This brilliant cluster of social stars gave their annual ball tocele brate tbe advent of the New Year, or Wednesday nighf, and be, g Leap Year as well as Npw Year tbe yonng ladies claimtd their rights and each invited a young gentleman to ac company her, Calling in a carriage to take him to the hall. Mies Agnese Moss leal the German iu ter yery best style. The couple3 were ; Miss Agness Moss, Frank Rogers; Mies Fair Loving, Joe Carnon;Miss Belle Means, Maury Richmond ; Mss Kate Means, Ed. Moss; Mies Eliza beth Gibson, Ralph Van Landing ham; Miss Emily Gibson, Gus Bing ham; Miss Eunice Beach, Will Neave; Mias Fannie Hill, C L Smith; Fannie Rogers, R L Keeslei; Miss Janie Erwin.El Hill; Misi Addie Cannon. Ricnmond Montgomery, Miss Margaret Can non, Hamilton Wilson, The young gentlemen were look ing their best the young ladies were as devoted as eyen Leap Year demands, and the ball was a brilliant success. Late in) the evening Miss and Mr. Eyans arrived from Reids ville and contributed their share to the pleasure of "The Pleiades" ball. Long may "The P.eiades shine !" The young gentlemen h?ve ar ranged to give a dance tonight, in honor of the Pleiades, at the resi dence of Dr. Robert S Young. Tliey Were Ke-marricd. Mr. John W Creasy an I Miss Clara Gaston, of Charlotte, both quite youthfu1, were secretly mar"5 ried last June, in South Carolina, It' was only discovered lately, as noted in a former issue, wheu the young man and his bride were eura moned to his father's homo in Win ston. The Sentinel says : The couple arrived in Winston this after noon. Dr. Creasy, father of tho groou, seeureci a license from Rcff ister of Daoda Miiler, and re-married Lis son d ;diughter-ia-iaw. This v&a done, it is sa d, because no record ef the union waa made in South Carolina. There ia no charge for matrimonial papers in that State, you know in fact no licenses -ire used. . Mr. Creasy and his bride ere of the same age 19. years. The second ceremony wns per. formed at the Centenary pardon. is?, by Dr. Creasy, at 4 o'clock jester day afternoon. Is There Choice? The Chirlotte News, copying The Standard's semi-annual notice of the late Charlotte Mandolin Club and notiDg tha adyent of a new or ganization, feels it in its bones to say this: "If Prof. Cook doe3u't quit prod ding Prof. Archie Anderson, the latter Professor is going to rise in his might aod smash the former Professor. The Charlotte Professor and manager of the defunct man dolin ciub is a man of peace, but he gets wrathy eometimes. He ia de batisg now whether to whip Cook, or inyite him to another concert," If there be left to ns any choice in the matter, fgive ns, pray, the former or in the language of Pat rick Henry (not Walter) give us death. Fonnd.Ucad In the Court House Yar- About 9 o'clock Thursday night citizens passing in the neighborhood of the court house lot were attracted by distressing groans and grunts. Upon investigation a'most heart rending scene wa3 witnessed Tom uel Eustein was dying. He was too far gone to be relieved when assis tance reached him. Tomnel was a faithful horse and lived to a ripe old age. His remains were taken from the court house lot this morning and laid to rest on the hill one mile east of the cityj Tnis is the second sad and sudden death in the county's coort house yard within the past few months. Badly Bnrned. Simon Harris, about ',25 years of age, and an unfortunate subject to fits, living in the Poplar Tent sec tion tf the oounty, was badly burned about the face and head by falling in the fire, face downward, on Wedn b iay morning, whilo 'at the home of Gip Davis, a neighbor. If he recovers from -ihe bum ho will lese the bight of one eye and the use of one hand, which is totally parched. He-was 'brought, to town today for Dr. Young to treat. Travel Heavy. 5 Travel over the Southern is yet extensive and heavy, although the great Southern exposnion is over. No. 37, vestibule, was run in two sections this morning, each being crowded with visitors from tee north goiog to Florida. It ia understood that the Florida special will be pit on Sunday next. It is not known whether or not it wilt effect the schedules of other trains. Highest of all ia Leavening Power. Latest U. S. r i? friars: rrrs-r r-r-.r?r. THE ROSEBORU ROBBERY. Preliminary Uenring in l'rosrexs t Clinton KxpresM Acnt tiricr, ns fflluosii, lei 1-4 IJow lie, Ruder nud Cooiier Put up Hie Job Itntler mid Cooper Aver Tnat Crier is Lying iu Order to Save XI 1 nisei f. Jlisttox, N. C, Jan. 2. The Roseboro exprefcs robbery case came up for preliminary hearing to-day. Express Aent S W Crier, who made a confession implicating Dr. Fieet J Cooper and Redden Butler, had the witness stand ail day. He testified that the robbery was a conspiracy suggested r.y Butler, and agreed to by himself and Dr. Cooper. Ac cording to his eyidence Dr. Cooper acted the masked man and got the money, Butler, he sta'ts, webt to Fayetteyille that night in order to be able to prcye an alabi. Crier had not Cai3ted giving in testimony when the conrt took a reces3 until t-mors rov. It is thought that tbe reaiaindtr of the weeK will be consumed ii tne preliminary examination. The court bouse ia packed with spectators who came from all over tbe count to hear the examination. Nothing in years ha3 created a more profound sentation here tnan this mat ter. Cooper 13 the coroner cf the count; and Butler is mayor of Roseboro. Both are of good family, and widely connected. Thoy say the his;ory of Crier is false, ami propose ti introduce evidence to oil- set it. An abia array of counsel leresost both sides. Cjoper and Fowler J D Kerr and Solicitor M C Richardson appear for ihe State, whilu Le & Ba;ler, J L Stewart nd II E Faison appear for the de- tense. Mrs. Svott l lslior Dcatl. The wife of Sir. Scott Fisher, a prosperous farmer of No, 4 town3hipt died Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock of pneumonia. She became a mother a fpw honra before iLiiih." The death of her mother, tne iate Mrs. RVoerfc Blackweller, was noted in these columns only few days ago. Died From i)rink Mr. W 3 Fraley lost a fino bird ci eg last night which died from ef fects of drinking. It drank the w.ater out of the branch which runs aloiig side Gaskill's factory fand iu which fall the water from' the walls and tobacco. It was a case of pois onin? from the tobacco, it is sup posed. Salisbury World. Ih Jir.Snlnk Married? It was reported in Concord, Fri day, that Mr. W J Swink, of Aibe marle, was married ; to whom, run mor was not smart enongh to know. His many friends in Concord were somewhat excited, even Dr. Fetzer was much inclined to send congratu lations. The Standard does not beluve the rumor has any truth in it it is not W J's time. If such a rej-ort were to aivt' about his broJjer, C it would see ti mo; e natural, oj he loves tha gentler sex mire dearly and is in lit e of promotion. Sir. SIcSieely lias Found the Parties Who Destroyed Ills Lienor. A negro was arrested as being ore of the parties who entered Mr. J H McNeely's barrooom ia Morganton and poured his whiskey out. The negro confessed and said Sam Pear son and a man Poteat came to him and stated that they wished him to go with theji a certain night. They went carrying a lantern in a sack to McNeely's saloo". Poteat entered and did the work so says the colored mn aud as we are iuformed, while Pearson and the negro stood guard Mr! MeNaely kf : here Monday to at feiid the trUL c!a eovilie Masi-or. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, ill., was told by her doctors she. had Consumption and . that there was no hope for hr, but two bottlsp, Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thoa. Eggers 139 Florida St.;San Francisco, euf-, fered from . a Vreaiiul cold, ap proaching Consumption.'tried with out result everything else ; thin bougat one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two . weele was cured. He is naturally thank fuL It is such results, of which these are samples,, that "prove the wonderful efficacy of this , medicine in Coughs ad Colds. Free trial bottlest"': Eetzer's , drug 2 store. Regular size,50c and $1,00. 2 v mm About Il.c f,fljse, rresiuet.l ,1. exander, varouna ivauroaa, was Here inure" Say, aocoiiipaGiet by Jmnes.S Man nu g, Esq., of couotcl for the de" fence, and had a conference with ! uovernoo . Pit. Your correspondent is informed today that, perhups within 48 hoars this suit agiiast the North Carolina Railroad wili be stopped. This uews c.mi9 from ttree persons, each presumably Wfli iuforraed. Ex-" Judge Spier Whitaker returned from Washington, o. C, today and au attorney f id he. believed one of . hi3 ol'jsc'.s fli -roiiig thera was to see Senator 13 jt.Ur abcut this case. It was further remarked that some time " Senator Butler had ex messed a dc-sire to haye this suit pushed, R:.lo;t;h Covrespondorce. We art? first to announce that a suii was L ran y: sternly in thtL Superior Coart cf county by ilargaret Cobb, (stockholders in tho" North Carolina Railroaei Com pany, to invalidate tha lease. Shenck & Plienck uro the attorneys. This wiU b: a lively bi :t before it end 3. It i.i conic idal that "even lit tho North C.irolka R::lroad had the right to.icajj .ho roid it could only be done by a uiu-.isnm vote of the 6tut:L jolderp. (Jrceiibboro Patriot. Hon a :ii.ilve Cab:iri-;i litti i-'ares. Ever sice L'hrin.;.:: tha Salis bury piixi-s .! teiUig how hia parior, iavhv; Uv.tted Il-y. C A Rose, ci' - ii!:' cjuaty nud a brother ivc3oiia Juha K Pattern son. ii . ii.):. is pajtor cf three LuU r .yr.iv:.'3 near Sa tiurj. . ; . ror'iUon is viei vviiii ' '. -j.;.' - ia nmembranC' with R-y. Icj;e, V(ho ha3 terved peopie 'y.elve jearg JI!ssivsi;;il Mule Capito I'usalo. r Recent investigations of theeondr tion cf th, fciaWtkd haYe de. aapstrtttcd the fact that ft is. in art'; - khrIateiy tr.j-.ft" coadition. f.Tto 'i, VuWi ieaiij ih BJaEIi lizor elgnE ' inches, far euoua to puil out the perlines, which rost;d fiye or sir inches on th .-. h.-ibk wall, and caused theru to bar : loose. The dome is separated frt :je walla by a space of fiye inchss for naarly half its cir cumfereucc tud new cracks are a r pe-riu? dailv. Experts say that it is liabio' to coiiapie at any moment. A little more strain end the .anchor will gire v ay, bringing down the entire etructnrt'. The co-uing ees sion of the Le2.slture wilt be corn- pair of the old one. I.el't for the County to -Hove. xne norae tnat wa3 round c in the court hoa .t yard was not county's proptriT but there is ordinance that tomoelled the couu to haye it lemovcd, which was doJ at the couiHj'd expense. siODersjV ;..n.;:u i a t -.'nee m or cattle ai.d stvc hands. mni PAIN. Dr. J. J7. TVtiil?, crt. -;rt and physi cian, Huinbo'Ct, Ucl , rha suOfered with heart dise:uo f -? four years, trying every remedy and all tret- -nis known to him setf and ft'liow-pract;! jners; believes that heart ttUoase in curable. Hu writes: "I wioli to tell whiit your valuablo medi Ctno has dona fcr no. Tor forr yearslhad heart. d!ses:K of tho very worsii kind. Sev eral physician. I cncsutu-J, said It was H was aiioat un endurable; with shortness, of I'-nath, palpita tions severe-r.'-l.-a, unabla to sU'.e;). e;T-.:3Cially tbe left side. Ko pea can de scribo my suffer- f ...,- v sent particularly urlng tha last jntbs ot those four I i tour weary years. DR. J. M. WATTS. I finally tried Dr. Wiles' New Heart , i 'ro-isWjioz on iheir m m w . s r sod was surprised at tbe result. life into and Dads a bbt nave not naa a symptom or trouwe nines and lam satisfied your medicine has cured me for I have now enjoyed, since taking it Turce Years of Splendid Health! I might add that I ar.i a druggist and ha-rd sold and recbtamended your Heart Cure, fori I know what it b:m done for m and onlW wish I could stats more clearly my suffers Ing then and the good health I now enjoy.' Your Nervine and other remedies tv, it will best-nt, p-iMiid, on rev"ipt ol pri.- By the Or. Miles ilcsj.ol Co., Elku&rt, iuU. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Restores liealtf For sale by all Drogi9t-' neari cure, esult. It put new - , w m,n of meJK, i of trdttoie since give excellent sn.ttsf action." J. fl. WAtts. Humboldt, Net)., StnrS, "9J. . V Pr. Miles Heart. Ci roia boIH a prsltlv (tnarantee tbactiietirst tsoule ill oenntiu , l AUdrnitKisMsetltvatSl, 6 bott'ns for(i.or r - 6.

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