STANDARD. JOUili 1j. BAHRIElfi &; &0. Editors ond Trcprioto.-s iTs, ?. COOK. 1 Editorial CurrespotiaVi.- '-f . ..;-," -V ' ') has thij to ' lTer agitation , -V'.'fcl many men 3 y-' . . : ; vita tlie fret '' ' ..' , ratio cf 16 to : f,f . iiroipi-riij (o , .. ... f the rr.' J-coition is til-", U-u .. wou'u r.ct ' t lor tl.e ihi and tjulnuUctl coic-gr ol silver? Wbo it it that do-:s not covet prosperity foi Liu country? If the eo'.'l stand. proaoriT wlo would r.ot U a gu!d bagger ? Bat v. ill ulIht the cue or fae Cher, or butb, brinp prospentj? li tbc sordid, t-oiid stuff cs'ieu gold and silver the only h,i& t.p?n which preeponty can come r I aui reodj to say, with my knowleofte of :Lt fact and tba situation, that neither one nor the other rill ever bring prosperity to this country. We must have acme other th;n n? with tbui, mort ic.icstry, more - couowy, a fcore cartful o' ;U situation, nd Ic-ss foi.s wud jc B5Se8 bni.;'icg round the land. "We already Lave free ecbools, fru boois, and I sanpose scuiie e:iiUs mari, so called, will soon isnrj!ortaIi:.e bimself by tt'bbliciiijr free U-..rd-iun bousef, fi-ec Vh:: g e-ore?, j.nd a fr hardware shop to furoish the Ttllsuaa proct-ioa with pitchfork?. ';-' And us to the principal of the thinp - it ie my nonest couvictiou that it is '"' iicwore John Smith's bdaeJa to pis' the tuition of rry children tbaD it is f or him to clothe tny chiidreti. :i..V rr,v rbiWrMi And when ' h"V i."" ! gtovn furnish '.rem wi-.h pitr.hJ f jria to march in the Tiiiinau nr.", If I were a politician I weald not say lliese tbint;3. 1 do not r.y there sti a politician, bat as a gtatlttaan. Eyery little cnii.lidi.te that pops v.p these latter days is tuakiug rare -roin'ees !o the dear pecple- "If I Ket to ccniiwes I will see that yoa, tny c.jnBtitncnta, arc fayored in this, or S.C appropriation shall be giyir. for that," and eysry little longhaired short !egs;d. Lcdloweyed jackass iihat rcs for the leg'siatare ie prcai iiiBSE Ita dear people tht if he cc ouly get into office Kioney will grow on trees, the rivers shall fluff with honey aid the luountains shall turn into pones of bread already but tered. And by und by tba 'dear people'' be look.tig t the; both t aud, to taae them out of UA in tbe nornicg and dre: thn:', fnioujh thetr tiotbfi, nd g:v theta thtf world und feccr. it ia, and jjaiui the fence a;jd pat brats knobs tin the gateposts." The Standard ilnrts on its desk an ir.yi'a'ion to its entire sta to at tend, on ths first day of June, the celebration of Tennessee's Cen'en nial. The state was born into the Federal Union June lsf, 17S. At the CLicaiio Exposition wms found to gro to such proportions that the Exposition that should, have been held in (.i mas rc-aU? held ia $ so the . C(.n!t-,ni?i ..ipo-uoa r Tcnntwc's Fiatchcoa w.Ilbehrid J SI, J.UF uimriii Ji will be held on the 1st of June o'L,., n , ,:,,,, I while the s'po..iti a will hi fora- . ally opf'ied on uie 1st day cf 1 507 and is to cot.tiaao ix w.i. There are hUlviiul relations to-1 i tefn he two that varr-ut a irs-H interest ly North L'aivlinii,:.s :a ti.. '- cdelrat-ofXei.i' fc-d fVstaiary. ilef rjlatirm to us is now w-r,tw!!y that Of a sUt'-r, lot it v. :.; one tb of a daughter. At ft: b""b of . car P.alio'i io 1770 ti: t, at - v. u: Ntem Wild' with a cl it-v-r e-: iniin. eri o.ib'" 't to tl.e ejn r a. a'e. iiovtrnti.enttf the Ui.l Xorfh Churach riatic of Tar Ucd syuipo'ov and generosity our b'.ute cl.fed to Ccnzfcf8 all the territory of wh.'.1 i cow Teniu'5'r e'eicept such laniU were regularly t nten-J by sutlit-rs. This va Ai-.,c to lifeip ro procure wnaaa for the emp'y United States Trcuctiry, tut was cotstiuei by the Rtlleri as a dipoUio to tn ihtm off. Oougrcs did not accept '.be princely off-.T pr-'nptly undvoi r t!c very p.-.p- rly v.'tbdre'i.' it: l.i.t the Tei'liffee-eitim t.'i' lo-ted to c". Jioo f;u, ue rd c-t',.inied a brute orertau-ut Uv a!e cf Ki'.el. A-i. S. e-i - ' iin-ha:.! 0.. ''i uai'ie cf th- il b the '.. ve toni N'vfh v. ti juvi-.r, i- a pieat .i;.;., U. O i ;!,,u t r i.f U f.':V" j y.m r.;pu.:id i-i l oc Mor-p'tnton in tX-iij. The foiiuiutJ cf . f fr-n-liiia was tiiso. . are; (ioy. S-vi,r was tu'ewed to ts-1 cupt from jail ii was par-in-ed ' without lei!. iUmoi'its c-f his ulient services in the devolution and e-jitouliy at Kind's Mooutaiu procured, this clemency Tcnne&ce. already said, became a State iu lift', with her old leader Col. it'eyier as Governor. 'jr waat lvoLey be was to jc- i reive 1,000 deor skies fcr his sal.vy. Ihe Chief Jnatif got 500 di-er skins dud to on down tiil some were paid ia ratcctiD Ekius. Tho Atlanta Journal, which dor jot r.i"!& to defend a woithy n .uaii.s t'.i'iuu tho Ie:'? .ignrcnidy Wauie Mr. Smith is a cabinet "tll:?r, t'tit; Vs rdl cf Knaijr Hill' aVe atid emt.-e. r. oppcs'r.jf the bnd S't'.o lEyi.bCigi'.ijD, h;.t t'rong'.y iuti matcs th-.1-it i3 ijni'r ntvrpthMe- ti tbo piirtie? cn'iT" e:" c?tn:rriH-il in tin; (it t.M.ce. ; Mr, 1'. Iter, the .'--"I'.s.'f, tbf f.iry j little Ve3t and a nttmo'. r o" others i who cyfc on tinios can't rejeh to i tha piane of statesmanship on Lieu the I'rrsident and Secretary of the Treat-cry more, my cow puth the invstlciticn atd lir.d the crime and hold it up to tho aor'.d; ! .-'i;r d if rot lesjCrifp cf Georgia, tbern ttop U-smcaring h:gh digtn:d cfScial pwiioi.j yif.ij.erativc- lip s!rp. ana with Js'o otner cown.ry oiers such cp portnr.itiea o those dt-sirine to marry as Arar-rioa. In that respect it is truly .if home of 'he f;e at;d t'l? latid t'f i'jc brave, not to say tb f.ol La.Jr, Is Snite CO'intrieS thoe. matr.asonn'.Jy n:c!!ot,l have to i-t the i-aiTtrts cor. sect, iu others the prospective bridegroom has to ehow thr.t he can s lpport a w;fe. Uncle iiin throws to eouh obstacles tn the :n o. lino love. Je rccoa-s i rr. hi g r-jrbt tj starve a woman I If she is wi'.iinj-.and or.)'. ided oneMt r ii.-." !-ue slight fr necessary for the license '.here Is c itning to hinder his get 'i us nsarnei if be eai fisd a ri .ran ef '.he e::me mind. Jn South Afr'. -v t;,e Wie tribes nave a p; c.iilar ceremony which they pyt t!e mat. iijif rf 1 oaiiJiditc- tnrotigh pre viors -o h?esterice that holy estate. His He Is sra tied np ia a tsj ta'.nii. Pre eata for two hoars. If he b?ars, TjnmrjTed, the tortnre of their stings he is considered qaali fied to cope i;a tba nagging and daiiy jar and fret of married life. Snob, a n:an ocald inaVe ao airtnir- able hoalaau. lie would not be apse: by the thotibts of apricg bonnet, or grow irritable every tia the E',e..k was overdun. Ex. It is a ideasini fisot that n.emoriil I lay wis so genera!'? observed on ;.:or...ay. This ssw it thonld be and ;. re ,a i o tacgjrthat theyoanscan ! he tie."1 hnn pr.-p.riy eathojrd with jitnutic pride for their fallen ncs tors, while it is no small relief fcr bereaved on these staled periods to bi-Jew afresh the grays cf tho.e whose memories ever liye green and fresh in our her!3. No eloquence too moaic too ewect, no tears too precioos to be consecrated to the memecry ct oar departed heroes When the Cuban insurgents can do no better and frequently they oaraut they manufacture home made rM!i oat of a ra'iye tr je of 2 re at to.:.-'.ies5. The b-.rr- : I'tnt ; wu ot trct?.ra ana tn. gni j I tutiy wound witr. ?rt-a ra abide p.r.l ii R'ri'ip. A rorresnond-nt re. I - , , . . (orai.s cenverUd an ir?n p:pB, a cr.ptun'd sawmii!, iiito a cannon. a1 d w::L it d'ove the Spaiish troop out cf two etronchoids and comjieli- e 1 t;.'-m to irr.'.d-.r a third. If the Chlr. wcie piCtiled with n.orl rit arms io suiT.jiect ijaactities !l.-y wotrlil sr. rely set-p the Sp u;ith tier I r i j .jn: ;i,e iainr.'l m short ciiei. I'm; ..i.' -ttcily ti.iv will Jo thia c yeat- ujliy ;:. w.lh their i;n;:jcyi-ed I weuj . .' '1 do' uili. alien to ir, j :e t: . l;.iti-' i,:i w. .;. The bar- h.o-i.-.iis tii'v lured l.urn- wi'vi iiows and fe.rc,s, K'i-.k: s.i rtorrs and j wholesale delractinn of th'i"i Oemf. otber l-.andy ..i. til. s. Ato.l the bar- j crats, whether they be gold bnss or baria::3 lacked the jnsp-rati-n born silver Lus, for W!'i.?ervants or of ra' IriVtistn and a just cacte. ;v:iw yk AjVLr,:,,r, One c-f the absorbing tcpiC3 r.f the dry i? tbo CuLan pi.ilicn. It-formation it hoii'ed and pictures mu) be ovr.i'i ju. n, but the Am-ricaa pulse 'ri;; dc-ply while the Cuban . e iiurgs ;t. nuKpens'e. Por a few :,r-.-r it was acto iDftcd tliat it. i I "' u-,fo C''.l.e'.tlor'H p.iei'e- ... 'aMi with tie'. :-. The ,i ; h t-.e i :1 r:.i 'J A' 'i.-iei.t' ellaeti ; urn lifte hi'. V '. i J"l ht t:l'!'rio'.' v ' ia-..-' ' t' ei!,t,t ti. i.;o ; le lerunni.-il ai-d apl.ed fe't S'c. Ot. I ut it roalJ U' pa' - rke I pahly nri'Jijtnfii d it. wiv.'d bo nr 'l.r j inft for o ir -m-ut i ..lor. to it'ttore t and tiau:;.!i oa bt ( f u wif-ker nat:.,-, or aot lu & t.y mar arbitrary then if hvin vein our ii:.;!. H Siiuiij sbiuilti rhei ' . , ;. ' j - ----- . with the spirit cf eiiatiug triaiies, we ouly i'-j them but cannot Uaite Spain for executing Ver laws. Icded tLe president seems utyor to yield ioaecitimenfrtlism at tlietiscriiJce ot that nfttioral honor nud prcsiije which it is his dmy to uphold, He has warned cili;;i'DS of cur conntry against unlawful acie in Cuban r,f faiii. We think that the Auiuicao people can rest aeauriU of the td niiiittration's fidelity to duty and fairness in tho protection of United Slnlea citiivt.s. There are complies-1 tics in l he cundictof intrr.ation&! j ail jirs thdi are iut fcti.dly pra'psd by j there t ho or not t-ntrusttd vith this e ri..y(j :;ever Been Tinat we thought were very strong-aru meets iu f iyor of the free coiu iie f eilver, but have enured n.T 1 rt tie per- 'plenty when some for wlnse- states U'anship we had eo lnuca respect, were foucu adyooatiug it. Auioug thise was moat co'i.'dy Hon. Charles It eeems now 1 -it be is not hoiuiujc bis owu vtry well iu joint d:SC!i(3ion. it !i to be hoped that be will vol htsitate to corn's bac'i to cs whenever he thinks our company would be really wore congenial. We haye nor a word of impatution against those who see the tirerjientv r.f err nation thronga ch:;iit:L'3 dii;rent from i hose by which we Lops to ;eal:-i the mm-', tut no cL'aoir-ioa cf the free coinage of siivrt hts yet Ucea that has not been more than matched by the ad vocates of the ,;obl basis bi-ineta!ists. As f or the ravirg vitoperations cf fc-.T.ator Vest cf Missouri and some 0Mera we o not Wl-eve we con id respect tlum if they were cn our side of the question. Thty ehonld bavo iiO power to mould oar con victions. A ii cichacga very bappiiy tr.akcs the poit.i thai if there is no t, ir iu Cuba then there i- no crime with which to charge the captivea of the Competitor. Spain has persistently prot'Sted agJicst the I'reaident's rec " j n i z i n g C ul s n be! liger t n cy. He claims that if there is no war there, but only some bandits, Spain may go and grt and confiscate cargoes of whatever imports tray b msde contrary to la'v. Gen. Fi'ihugh Lee is boon lo sail from Tampa, Florida, to the dis tressed island of Cuba. lie goes as Consul Csmrs.! and donb'.lers will j carry with him ell the element of U d:f;n:C-.l ar.d ekilifal nat that rill h i aj to have a f..;uiary tr oence over ucs. u eyler. WALSH CALLU) DOWN. Pol il.ulrt l n I'orKutln io Col. Pat Walsh, editor of the Au ga?ta Chronicle, ni.ide a sfriou? ocni-sioo in tie speech at Southern Pines. Ke covered e?erythinfr, ex cept oar gold mining interests, and Sandy Smitb, of Cab&rros, made a big kick about it. Aftsr the speech be went around hnnting Pat, but conldn't corner him until, walking the piazza, be looked into an open window sud eaw Mr. Walsh at din ner. Sandy climbed into the win do &ci hid Put where; he couMo't retreat. Jie ur-.-pk-eu a rjui y.-iuH , .-., , ,.,, .;,u . . . . ii. i, - : - . ... .i ..." I:MW - oraue -.ootarouno, IP" - "" , ""V "v ! r.ur d and iitnct-d the t,later r g.-t i: fror. I rf tho orator. Then tv." i'ot s-,rx.e points on jrol-l a: 1 z ' 1 tir nio,;- aod tho re suit waj tbet Mr. V.'aish prorttis'!' to make iperh and do let ter. Charlotte Nev7. Wlr l..'i- toh Ollirr. Have too North Carolina l'cuo era!" a svifficient j b cn tbelr binds a. pre-nt wi'!,out abusing tech otl-'T? If t'l. r- e7r was a time whn it r.hoovfd thetu to et u.d tog-.'wr it i now. Tiiem j very lit!- fenfe arid elili Ws p li!ioj in age icsi iciu.w BtrvacM, wl-.. u n-i i tun on t .ee qu'e.t oris as no other DerriocraN. "rt'bile we may diCer let us concede honehty to escb other and k-y to get together. P.eoonciliation, rather tbsn re- p iitaon is what is needed. At the rate wo have been going in North Candina for many months past we will ha'-e to IVmocrat'n; party to t real. ' f b'ft-; very long unlet-t e i'.alt is '. ' ! ttiO pa7 i t!K. id takertoe-.i-ivca . grotinJbon v i ublic q-i-vti- it let it rur:.oo a j . . , ,,,, ami M-r '. 1 . . . ... :,. r .....''" il '"'- '"' "k " a If.S ij l' v(iww r one . ".otid '.id nod i.ot o:-e , ;e'.l c ' l.'.i 1 ' 'f.-'uro di.Tit'.ei'. : B !.!'. wtii e".iai Durham K-ii. ,K l.'IK-HTH" r. iiSfl . hi .its i TO flaiks V. . ill : ':'; j- V, M n it. Tec vvl ion n--:i)rf. to i's.t IVl'jl insi.i of ' I A-nieoit'ire for S'e-y n-ia'os to the pn fr.Ms of pliiati'ij hivI the propo-- 1 or i'i I'ieuii'U'p'.l iiveritse. The . . . - '. . i l""ivru:. n uio ti.atfmp'ait.1 ftir.-t iv rf'ini.'ii mi i ii p iirsi ri ht wao 87.9 per cent., -nich Pjirol - mates very closely the breadth usu ally l'lar.tsd l that date, vt hich is rstiuiated at 88.2 per cent. The es timates fur the several SutUs are as follows: Virginia 30, North Caro lina South CuroUua 00, Georgia i 0, Florida 3 00, Ala bun a 0', mii'o. issippt Hi, Louisiana K, Tsm' 83, Ark:is68 8i, Temiesaeo Ti The returns of orreepocdenis in rrgird to tot contemplated acreage Indicate a cc.siderab'e incroaJt cv he e.rta piinied laatje-ir. The per- c.Mitiiges by b'. tics are us foiiows Virfiuia 10T, Korth Carolina 117, South Oari!ina HI, ticorgia 113, Florida 1 1 1, Alabama 111, MiaSls sippt 110, Lonijiana 1CU, TV as 115, Atkanfas 1;', Ti ticee?ee 127, Pi d:au Ttrrilor: H". Missouri 141. j The a'erace for tl ton n try is 11 1 f. Planting hn W-en earlier than usual in most of thn oot'on S a'H. but mnch cumnhunt is in d of drought m a large area la Norta Carolina, touth Carolina, Osorgta and Ala'oan a, retarding the nf,"0i'" nation of the s d. Iu a ftw coou ties in Texa the Mexic-in seevd is rejiorled as doiu? considerable dam age . As a gent rr.l thiti; tho plant s saiu to le in good conditieui, with favorable Season. Orlsluul ODifrmlinn,. The man in love with himself never has a ri vl The c-ittlf. rais-T now preriares to s':"d his steers. It harts a man pretty badly some times to fall in f o an error. Look no: upon the wii.e heu red nnlci yon wsnt aa acbiux head. Ynu are r,"t needed at college tow urle.a )iu '?.' the hare ball course. Thi natural supply of c-atuitioi.s advice always l.'.'i !y txceds the leeitlwate den' an I. He su-yes his country best who don't steal t'"eiyi'.ii g be gets hie hands on while ii ellice. r-ome teoi'Ie life so completely off of their i that they neyer sing except in a lorrow tone yoice. It is whe.i a wet n tiea to wnis tie that the greai i.;hy of her mouth ie a pii viiti.ov.t !.. . n u' very Riuch ht-ard. Orau.e' - (Vi.) Observer, Notice id hereby given of the seizure of tbo following property, nearTubn in Cabarrus county, JN. C, orttheS7th of April, ItUC for the yin'ation ef Interna! Revenue Laws l the United States : Oi;e steer jeid wagon. Any prr'iou. c!:;T:n said property is hereby notiiied to appjur before the undersigned at his office in Asheyil'e, K, C, within 30 days frora eiate hereof and maice such claim ; a the form and manner pre rit)cd by law or the property will he r.'clrjri d forfeited to the United Ssb j. t-AM. L. itOCEKS, CoP'ctor. il. .S. Hakri'.. I). C. 4t. mimi timr lllindrril Klilcl, It is the pride and Lori'T of the good Old North Slate that cent t3 the front of battle more soldiert ihau a::y oth'-r Southern State thtnaands sealed their deyo'Jcn wilh their life's blood. Pour hundred of these lie in the ceme'ery at Winches ter, Va., in nnmark-d graves. Sol diers from all other States, who were bn'ied there have head stones. North Carolinians haye none. That this una be remedied by for. warding the funds necessary for the purchase of head stones for these Confederate dn-m. a concert will be given ca tomorrow week, Thursday, May 21 ss, at th- mi ience of Jude Wei, Mcntgoin rj, refreshments wi'l also b served and it is hoped fiaUho will i ... . insure ii i if-rr, ri'itr-.m.:-. Wtil,.il f, lliev nnil vi n. I.jn,-l,oil. W ve-i.o--, Ca., May 12. Hill liar lee, a Coffee C) 'itty '.te;r.i, WrS hasje-l to a liaibaul hit baii r--l-dled with luli-i'sa', Ct W l).-t.u L CVs turpccMao S.11I ru.;r N'lcio'p, on the Waycro;-3 Atr Line nilroad. ! Unlet! hid cruelly HZ-.'A a young white b Wi.en his arrctt was a'.'.eo.p'.ed he mt the oflT.cers wi'h S'leb ejaspiat ig iasolen)? as aa already id:gnaat carnwuiitty coma not trT. Vi :, j ' '. v P: : w is a e '. 1. (t-u.:. Vj' n slrf. Yx'CZ'r.) V rh.i ct .- re. .i..ii tjt c-nat'irU j to Cuiix Vi-sl; :bIiaJ Ct!iI. Ir.,T. ca-0.t -n C'AJjtO'S . A bhir an a nutk Se.c. Mr K W Ingle was here Batardty and when askid if he knew any tbir-j, said he had a turkey gobbler jetting on a rest foil ot duck egg It came about this way: The turkey hen ii setting on', in tin fi.-M, and ,tc gating l-iccsome, fct.nd 1 ,i.,, . 4 r ,,, t wu'h an eeir. hi.;h lelytH en ft t-mic in ft alU'raiive. It r. four. i .. f,,,,r.- li,!. ik.U, i-r f ,.'-. t fc - - -i si l- g.V- hllll a HI:.'', of 17 f', 4;id he ill doing Cm v. jik i. any turkey ben. , Iluriii I,.,, V.-HS. ' FOUFST HIT C. NP.tT.V ,,a ' .llt4rt -aw mil -aivlut 'JIm'.Un im lliv .HtlhmlL- I tin. U- Ilm M-K-. Oilier n. MMr lioht rt K Cubic and Jaoib mvner Wt thia (Mouday) morn- lii for GoU'iiboiw to attend tbt 8uu, m,etitlg of the ladepeudcat Order of Odd Allows. iSr, Coble is a member of Grand Lodge of the S'a'e. Mr. Carter is a delegate to represent Cold Water Los'ge, No. 6i, of this city. The laying of the corner stoue of the Orphans' Asylum ill take plane cn Thursday with ap propriate ceremonies. Mr. J M Burruge will leave for Goldsbo'-o tomorrow. Ivit. Wm. G-adingbagin, of Mer. cr, H. C, a native tJermaii, wbo it tow ia hts seyenty inird year and who has fpent the last forty years of his life in preaching ths gospel, t'ave the people of Forest llul Methodist charch en interesting I prcifitub'e talk .Saturday eyening. K -v. Cieadiiifchiifiiu conies among us . we'l iec..ion:fnled by Dr. Cai lisle and othifi. election wuh only if 19.35. i'n.f. O i iVatioi-J, of Lexington, I 'i be iiidiscriiunnte catting of trees is visi.ii t at Mr. T II Cook's, onjby the Kicctric Light (Jowpany was Church street. Master liobi i t McLtsier, sou of Mrs. Matilda MeLnter, is quite sick at his grand fj ihej's, Hev. J Kirnp son, on Simpson street. Mr. and Mrs T It Tenninger are visi ing frieui's and relatives in No 0 towiicbtp for a few days M;ss Mnlhe Propst is very sick at her father's, on Third street, Mr. Nathan Flcmuiiug, of north Iredell, spent Sunday with his cousin, ,la. C Fink, lie made the llip on bis l.f ; is ie a champion of the road. Q ii e a number of ymirg folks .1 j .ud an i.te party at Mrs. S U i'. ui .'e, e'l CharleB slretl, tiiru'ay 'aht. Mi:s Annie Eioae has retnrned fiom Atlusta, Ga'j bre e'tie was under trfanneiit ia a s'lTtt'cal insti tute. Mr . b (i ehly, a yo.ii' j: tnae of this i.iaee, is st-riouely nick. Put little hope cf bis rrcovery is enter taineii. lie baa typiio'd f--yer. Ti e-fd.-.y ev. nirig at 4 o'clock, at the mi of 0 A Stierweod, Esq., Mr. fc'amm I Pdiieoiher, f Yadkin county, und Mir. 1' uiy He;.tty, of this, were ijOii tly married by the 'Mjuir:. The luppy couple left on 11)0 noiih bound train ibis (Wednesday) moruiog for the groom's home. Not long since Mr. J 11 Kizziah h?.d some young chickeoi which were being caught, and Mr. Kiziiah put out some poison for tb3 thief, but nnfortanately tho chickens got the dose and eeyeral nice frying size ones gave np the ghost. Major Jones is fiuiie sick on forest Pull street. Mr. John F Trout uian has opened up an ice cream parlor in the Play dock store bniiiliog on Sprin street.. Mr, Wm Joo.s cf Asheville is yisitinfj hi3 smter, IU-y. Mrs, M A Smith, at the pareor.age. "oer,1 If h, litu ll,T C'ti.i,, Tnheu. Mr. It M (JootlL-ian made a prop Oiition to the beard of town com o.iisHionera at their meeting Tueeday nielli to take a census of the city. The matter was referred to the finance committee, which was ac cepted today (Wednesday;. Mr. Goodman will take the school cen. sus et tue sums time. lis begau work this afterroou, starting m ward 3. What is tho Population cf the citj? UiM-fclrn Jirul4'MiklTt.. '1 he Pest Safe in tl-.e world for Cuts, CruiH's, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, F.-ver Soros, TetU-rd Chtij pe I'laudj, Chiildaiufl, ('oros and all Skin Eruptions, and ojitivelj cures I 'iics cr no pay rc-pii ctl. It i" ga.-aa'ef 1 to give s'ati'f iction or miM.cT r-f urnL 1. Pri:; 25 c nts per bos. For sal ; at P B Fetxer's lriig a tor?. A '(iip)el0 VIbIm -lucr. The graded school baseball boys, known and play under tho name of Sinnn Giants, ficd a rejular pud ding in their fcarnos with the Thftftpson SIug!r3. Thron out of four games the graded school boys have, been victorious. Tuesday'-) game willed in a eompie'e walk ovr f ir the prided et.hool boys up to the ninth inning when the Thompson "kido" run in H men. The fco-o was Y6 to 0 ia favor of tho Shinn p-t." Mr. W A Cald well umpired and P.-v. W C Alex ander ecored tbegarao, which was fall of interest. OIC I'roaila. Old people who retjuire medicino to reeulate their bowe'e ana ;id neys will find the true remedy in i'i.c.ctrio Litter. 'J his inftdicine CfKi not stimulato ami contains no tinkry nor other intoxicit, Ijiit 00 the eiotn-: , arid ! t,,.h, 8i lui;' utrei.vht and iriviiK l .. ..,.,... ..,.w.i, r..ifnifi j ' ' "' h 1 1 p. ....- j . in t!ii pi ('..eoiiie : pet.ze.r i f-ii'iaiioeii oi tho fuiiet.ion Ot'i-re ih art Meiilb iit t ii'els 'iiaeetinu. Oi-i ,d it joi-t i-.ssetly wh' t. p'.lliii'l to, i .jo j i. eft 1 t.i..t.!ne.: F price, ft.' ' H'll i'l'i. ;.ei i.lZfr h V i ,',; i-it'ir-.. OOMMPsglONEnS MEET." i'lm 'Snwn llourO !( Situliir Ncwluii ttnt om HefrrrlUtf. t Tbe board of town co'umieeaoners in regiihr session Tuesday rj'.bi Ail weie presf ut exoept K V Coble snd (i T i?row,U. It A BfowD.'who Wn not present t the last meeting of the board, was duly sworo in. Ths election returns were lead sod ordered to be recordod. The committee's report on IteeJ street was accepted. This street was opened by Ii F Pbtfer at bis own expense and has been received by the town. Ths street runs from East Depot street to the intersection of Loan street. It ii vtry probaole that a oenmis of the town will be taken. H Mi Goodman, who will take a census of thewe of school ag?, proposed to tin Board to take a census of the toD. Mr. Ugodman s proposition was placed in the bands of the C nance com in it te, with power to act, The usual accounts were audited and ordered paid. The ost of the recent municipal election amounts to 1 77.(-0, while tils' of last year's referred to the Jtileotric Lij;bt Com. roitlee. The matter of opentug up the old pub'io well or making an arrange nient with Mr. Fctzer by which the pnblia can get water was brought before the board. The matter was referred to tne water works committee, with power to cot. J L liurtaelt was re-elected clerk of the board for the eusuicg year. J L Boger whs re-elected Chief of Police and S C Fisher his aasis'ant. Rttivno fcitpi'l.,r l onrl. fio.v.n county Supirior Court has been in eewdon thin week nr.d adjourned Tuesday r.fiernoon. Severn', iutcresiing taeo wero di posod of. Tba cao ofW L Winteri--, the ex in-nirance agoct and fraud, "iwas called Tuesday mouiing. Winters pitad guilty and wan senteucsd to two years' work on tho chain ganr;, wbicU was afterwards reduced to Cftoen months. The attorneys in the Lob f.oy den murder case Huccerded in effittit-pg a t-OKipreciiite. Loyden geta five years in the peniientiary for manslaughter. Tho ca?e rf Mose Trexler, who stands charged with sbootirjg hie daughter, was called, b-it was con tinued to tbo Aogu6t ttrtn. The case of James White, the In dian doctor, was also onticued ta the August term. i . . mm i. Dome ! Star ('! ml 7 t'rU.r!i. As is customary wit i the basines bouses cf the oity, ma iy of the dry goods and other stores closed ;tbuir places of bubineJa at 7 o'clock in the eyeniug, during the Bummer months, giving ths clerks a much needed vacation of a few hours at night, after along md j,tiro30me winter's work. Those vho have con sented fo clo'e at the ihoye itited hoar from now until Pep-ember 1, baturtlay nights -'.treptta are; Yorke, Wsdsworth I; Co Cannons & Fetz-r, A 15 Corr ll, A J & J F Yorke, Morris Hardware C'o Gibson & Morrison and Lowe, Dick & Alex ander. Others mav fall in line at a later day. A t laatr. There will b pletty of fruit this year. Mr. fl J treeman left at The Stakdabd ofl'M a s id all branch from an apnle tree contain ing It apples. The apfles are in a bench or cluster aod are noarly at Urge as oar gourd-egg sud are about as gretn. Mr. Free man hes several trees in his yard and they are all well la ten. Nowh conies this (Wednesday) morning that the dry kiln of J J P.arringer A. Co. took fire yeaterdey afiernoon and was coneumed witn ab'.ut 8i3 worth of lumber. The w ho!-! uinebiiiorv narrowly e.eripee! de-iti notion. . Tn cmipariy wish to c.itivey, throi-gb Ti;; h'r.tNPAito their inot gratefeii appreciation c! their noighi.t-rs' help iu saving the imperiled property. Ke.liii oil llnllriH,l ItMin. Inter-State Drill nd lt.5e Coa tent, Savannah, Ga. Tickets on (ale May 0 to 14; limit Miiy IS, 1890. Continuous pasnago in both direc tions. Fare for round trip $3.43. ""iftccth Annnul Convention of yorcg people's society of Ciinstian Endeavor, Washington, D, O l'inki ts on sale July 5, 0 , and 7th. Limited for retorn to Joly 21st 189'J Fare for round trip 111 b5 Iron I'lad tickets with con'iunous passage ;n both cbr'ctioos will be used. North Carolina Contention of the Order of Kinkg's Daughters and Sons, Chapel Hill, N C. Tickets on sale May 20, 11 and 12; ileal limit may 13, 1806. Ooijtii.uotij passage in both direction!. Van for ion ad trip $5,85. North Carolina laVpublicsa SUtc Con Tendon, ltaieigb. N. C. Ticket no -sale May 12, 13 and 1; esl limit May IS, ISM. Ccr.tinnous passage iu '-of.h directions. Fe,re for ronnd tnpti.7si. General Awo.-nbly t-f the I-reeby- !enar, chureh, M 'mphie, Tinn., ickits on f aie May I'Jih and Uth, ti-ial limit Juno .r:b, ISH'l Cor tinnouH ge in l oih direct iom. l'',i.r for TO'jti l trip fl 'i LADIES -EXTRA - SizF. GAUZE VESTS . 7 AND 8 AT 25 CENTS, lot cf We have the be.3t GAUZE VIST in town for 10 CENTS. See them at once Cannons & Fetzer CONCORD MARKETS COTTDK nr. Corrected Ly Cannons S, Fetzer Good middling 7 i). Middlings 7. to fiow middling 7 Smins 5 to 61 PRODUCT. WAnKET Corrected bv C. W Swmk. Itttcon 7 lo 8 Sugar-cured nams liilto 14 Bulk meats, aides 7 to 8 Beeswax...'...-.... 20 Butter 15 Chickens 10to25 40 Hz io Urd 61 Klour(Norlh Oaroliua) I 85 Meal 45 04rs 34 fallow , JtoS ill'rt I ft Mil Hilt 1.7 1 1 VI No offerings better than ouh for this week, No paiees so low. P'i' be a week full of pieasiug: hi'gi.'ne, a wet I' of joyful money-saving 1 1 portur tties, it will be to your i, terest to yisit us. Hsv.t you seen our silks for waists! If yoa hsvn't you ought by all Means to examine them, for H cants. We bays the prettiest line yot tyer saw for the money. una : smm from 35 teuts to $1.50 The best line e-'er brought to Concord. We alsii have a beau iful line of MEM'S : TIES 50 cent kind for 40; 2.1 cent, kind for '10, and 15 kind for 10 md on. Men's pure linen hamlkercbu-fs U a great sacriu'e Wool seii'et? at 98 cents, a so a line ot ricy:Ie hoee. WOMEN'S : GLOVES Our summer atork is c-)inileto. Glove are g specialty oi' tlii.1 ntnre. The ratilinc gl'ivc t a vent hM gtova al 7.c, it ia'a true 81.WI flovc. PARASOLS. li cts to 3.50, cat! am' tai-iliie them tor you i fell". H03IfcHY. UNUEUWEtR. Here Ia tne largeat and n.em eeiny'i.te line of'n, nomaii'n anil eh liiree.'s honleryml ii town. I.ailien' your attention I enlted io our fani. We have the mnst compli io line ue have ever offered and at yrii :s will marti yoit, from 1 to 50 eenli. Oxford Tien from 40 rents to gtl.tiO OLOTJHJIIISrG- Mon'i put from 48 iat to "t (S), Uiiji iuIi.ii from 75 cent to $6.r0. DR. H. O. HERRING ,-.-.f A) ' ia afitin al the ' W t taud, where be,' will ho pf us. d to see ' AS all t who are in s .f M'iA of Ida POP KShJONAP - hLUYIC; rt I I) II MFrt Ifi ,7 At A Ii lb' H U ti M MB -. KM ...... . V. Jw h a Wei vent In rail sincl Ret or.r prices front tlir litrRf at htook of Groceries in Concord. We offer Ite ollowinj; at tvnolssale and relftil: 100 barrels angar, 25 ca8ec Arbuckles coffee. 25 bags green coffee. 75 barrels kerosene oil. One car salt. One car lime and cement. SO casus Star potash, CO cases Mendlet-ocs i "tafet, - 100 cases t.'ialcheM. .10 boxoa soap. , 50 PoXeiH PO'Lt. 25 begs soda. One car llcnr. Oae car tthisttiff. 2.' cases "Rex" ,lakjnjj"',pb,$ del'!?. y5 cases "Good Luck' baking pcwd&rs. ; 100 Boxes Tobacco. 7.r Boxes Snu.'f Gai.l Si Ax and Ladies Clioice, '. CO thousand Citrarettes.:. 10 " Cberootei; 100 thousand paper Dagt?. Two tons vvroppir.g paper. Ve have a Ltrrre ntork,.: : . ! .iH'fi :V'S mu? I'.le 'ih j'c.v t ill tJf-.:orul band .tl vil i-iti'.--.. yt-u comtt yery v: pri. C'oni? and see r: PAT'THRSOM'S. WHOl.i Ci A N P. PETAIL ; i'Oi;K OA "IS THE. i Ujll.1 I I 1 I J LUI Yorke Wiulsworth, Concord, JV" '', U m -.V &4U j, l 1..3. 1 r1 ft! ' ! t- . .. . pi m :p ;i li a'iT;- WAC-i?iA:-i Pt-iF V,.,!'. 'nif i O-'t . - i. t - I.- ti.- -,; f .T AOULT3. liD, i:').lL;C GOCf.'S. (, i:. .1 1 ..ii i,.., f.'--,7. io, i?:ei. , HI. IK., ' .,.:.l I t t ii-.r, I 'l'i h'-'IMl, r.1 inuAie h.. ,ihi u i -ll'lj.- J .HOIJ, 'lOMf .i.! l.,iv it .4 ,il.-..e y ' y J f i. 'I . .v ft' . .. .rn. i'l tl.u II". ',",; .- 'f lli'il v." .. t. V .it . ,rt-,il - r :..iis. i .ae, m .h", J,..4l.0ii'R SCO Vue sale i'l 1 guara:it-5i tj al "V. IdroKgist'. AUMLMSrllATCirS NOTICK. lla'iiiR ttkun rot letlirs rf nd miniitratiou on (be estate tf F.liza bath Oooduian. ilet"""d, all per rr.a wtio are itidibted to the .tte of said ileeeaaetl wo licrehy i.'Ot;!ied to and '.no siri' , eed nil parin who Lhv t-'nin, lU'Htnat laid e-tu'e Vol r,ri --'"it to me for iiajmrn.'i.ii L.-ove rronthi, -or tire no it-a will bo .!et,.l in blur.', f their ito- vety. 1 hi. , the W 'ay ot Miie, 0. il. Oooi-w" Ailnamstt" 1 TFl V n a gaawna "O; 1