STANDARD, 1 rtv. iT'tiNs OUT GOOD -JOB -WORK AT LIVING PRICES. GIVE-US A TRIAL WHOLE NO. VOL. IX -NO' 17. CONCORD N. C; THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1896. ' .1 Ml GEOilGEV.i LLE ACADEMY. fluttlni;' i'XT-rctttm tifa Flout-lnfiliiM' Coni.lrj ni-lnxn--Kuv 11. Jl. I'urhpir A(lUrMNe4l ilium--it iliUuod null tbv . finutl riaetl. GeurgtyilW ii a plnis-int uud thriyli Rule village iu Southern (Jttburrrja ii-tr too ueuca of Rockjr ttivw, and Dutch Btillalo creek. Jt is pjl uutcd eleven miRa from Concord m the mid:,: of the richest t")ld rcgiuu in the United S.'utea. It 18 alio bui ton a Jul by u line agri lultural region au-d thus it will be seen that its natural advan tages aro unsurpassed. It is not wanting iu Gchool advantages. (Several years ao t ie citizens cf Georgtville feeling the need cf bettir school facilities rstsbliahod George. yilla'Academy, A Jarga und com modioua building was tweeted and the first school iii it was began iu the fall of 18''2 uud has been from the beginning iu a flourishing eon. dition. The fourth session of this school ended Friday, tbo closing ex trcises buying gsn on Tbursosy eyenwg at 7.30 o'clock. The pro gram consisted of dialogues, reci tatiom aud declamations. The ad., dress of weluome was made by Mas ter ISddie Widenhotise arid waa well delivered fur ouo cf hia age. The entire program wus rendered by thc-yoin:.; r inyU uad iu geeb a iu.sui:.-r at to prove that they had received tender and can-lul turn ing. Music whs furnished by the Georgavilie string laud. Friday w;u a red letter day for the people of ticori yillc and community Jlirly in the moiuipg people from every direction begau to pour in and by 10:30 o'clock, when the exercises began, a lifge concourse had gathered iu the grevs on the north Bide of the tel.eol build.-uj where a roalrBm for ike speakers and se3t for the audit-cco had been prepared, anxious to hear the rendition of the duj'e progisui which bud tn eo well selected and carefully prepared. The Mr. Pleasant land was on baud and turtiu-ht-d mooic for the occa sion. Ths exercise were opeitd with prayer by Re. M D Giles, of IU. Pleasant. The program was rendered by the older pupils those who did not hare a pari in theexer. oises ou Thursday night. The reci tations were tiret class in every par ticular tuii the declamations vrere of the highest order. We would lather not iiuli wuual.ze, hut we caaaol refrain fioui uiaking especwl mention of "Erin's Woes," by A I' Widerihoate; "An Ocum," by Frank liirr; iiud the "New South," by llawlej Shmn. The meaner in which thi'i-.e joucg D:en delivered tlieat dtc!umiviot.a eho wed marked oratorical powera. At 2:30 ia the afieruoon llr.v. flilea iu a few happy ;;ud pleasant remark introduced to the lurpc and appreoiative audience tnot eu inent diyinB anJ i.chlu Southron, Ley. E II Parker, of this ci y. " be audi ence was eiger to hur fcini. Many had heard him before while many had not, tint hia reputation l.aJ pre ceJed ii'm aud those who had only heard of him were aleo anxious to hear theievereud gentleman. Mr. Paiki-T oegiin hn address by B)iri that Greece and l!oa:o had played their part in ecliool com D'.eiicemetitj und that he would coi.iu down to prciHUt it-'iieg. Even b.;foi he l-en hid a-Jdma dark clouua were iiu:id ridiuj.; iu the wc-'t mid by ti p t he bad epokeu ':v. ti lvU' ktinitlis w ii t sic t uppoKud to KC'vunt Itrrai ptrei.K'W and perfect (itHit!!. .ite likt-ly Ic M c i e nm?cuNritj iM't alwuvs htaltti tli't'ise wiil irell rni-i'lly nce lt-t llu i-.-- w s tt'tn into ;i ntan f y ?.iL- tin m V fvs't ni. and it will nun reiiaiuiy 1 liu r -mi tdkc tin; propr tm r.j.'li I" Ri:t it ' 1 am! dielitip: .iik. all Uiat suit ill Ilr.tif Hrp pc.otl ir llielr w-V, but con - niuipti'iii i cm: in lir tlvc ihatihoy t cut.-. Tlic t-adl lfii of Lcn-mnpiifii if i livinu orpimnni. 1 Is l!tfinit.'vm..l. but It is lh "') w iv in na tid of ii in 10 kill it. If it kiliid, it will develop and rattlt.ply. .''i' rc wnniH'tluliv ptoliSt. In qui' .'V ImnghiAliic t'm. one tff'wn ""."'" Burt ft thmmilKl a uiilll'.in 1m lV:roe I Gulden Mnlicat Tn .nvi iy In a cctm butit'ii uud a g. rm killpi. Whurev. faUiwo nvra llirltH in tho li.i.'.y, l!;e " l)ii-nvery " wll fill It will ttml.-i it earm'.t-hi. II J'lesn'I Bike nn (Miki-mce " hat you your uis a:.t, orwhit kin.1 fl nu it Alt (fcrmi tircul u.. in On- bloi.d. Th 'T-oMin i.;il iail Duliivcvv " purif.i.r. the b'.owl purKul It of " rml ciiiii hn it Willi Ui.Rivir jir.ipenii.3. It net only kill tliwinw, but i. (iiiilils up lwahii. It In a toiik, a tieiviiic. or tietyt' (!. 1. or InviuraTiir auil Vlo"ii ( U Itiiur. all in ot:e b.u'J.f. Ii you wniti lo know all of the fact' abut. Ih.s ..!.) liiil ii ir,iil if ynu t know all .iii "Jt hc Siifiau b'.'lv, .vnl btunttf tv p lit .tltll, fiTi'l nit iltii'f-s Hiul lift"- ( .- .. I ,( It S,'tl(l IO. l)t Vi.';v : piqu e's Conimo" S. iit' Mi-1 i' ' ' 'J ii. il Advv.Lt, a rttniulfiid !'.n d '"'11 i .1 : r.t ui p;rt ; V :....! illll .lrill'.d. vll.ii ll Vi.lV Ik: mid f'.i-e in nixipl of i one -iv it mum-t-i ti cii'Tf m nt iMiiihiti? O'i.k. 'i1!.: 'k 8 Ife I r,! ''iidln'? ""K. I I '- u' ,ri jr-.T - J a c. inplt'e f.-mlly doi'toi jr'F bo.. ir,.: !t. M m trial I t bi.'li yimti and id i. lli'' pio'o nri llo' rfi' of '), H"1 t:opii"i ill .t iionurtd pi 't.i We -hit. ft. c f.Htioti- Adibi Vi'.-t'if IJt fx wary Mcdirn! Ar'""'ioli. W'iit"l. N'- V kmk. twenty minutes a wind and rain sierra K-t in, ceuipeilijg the audi ence to have the groye- aud seek Hkelter in toe school building, "'Lite the rain wi wuob we!C'Wd, on account of the tlrovihtjther-. was universal regret tbt J":. J'arker could not Caish his utLdrtss. A sociable waa held Friday nifjlit and tluii nii-i closed another tchuine tio year at Ceorgr.yille Acadituy. The eeciio:) juet cloaed, under the efii'iient initit3a:eut of Iiev. Prof, W M Brooka.bdd been tho m(jet suc oessful one and httter result J hace tiern uccorupli'ihed than siuoe the Bchool was efitabliBhed. XOTK. During the s'orai the acool bnild ing, both stories, was ciowded and while it rained the band flayed. A StaxiiaRd representative was un hand and was treated most hos pitably. He had i:utiicrofi8 invita tions to dinner acd was sorry be eould accept but on". It was a ge.od Booking ruin all the way fro.n Oeorgeville to wilhin four miles of town thc only sprinkle Qjiie a nun ber of Concord peo pie attendl the coniuieiiccinent. Mitlu Jim Hi on n Hurl There came ne-ir being a ia'.ul ac cident at the graded tchcol groui dg last X'rldaT tnorbiug. A number ef littie buy 9 were piajing baseball duriug lectds at 10.30 o'clock and while Miiettr JaiiK-.s Brown, the bright little -33-year old son of Mr. and II j s. A 11 Brown, was in a stooped roai ion uud iu the a:;t of catching the ball, something otruck hiin on the top of bis head, stunning the litllo fell so badly that he dida't know what hurt him. Little Williu Walhice has a siiug sbot, r.:o.e commonly kuown as "juvember," uni W!is tiding to shoot a slug of lead "out-o'-s'gb'," when in some nnacconniable wy the mifsle struck Jim with terrible force, cutting the sco'p into the skull. The unfortunate little fel loir is at hia home on North Main street and i' sa intense siiirer. Dr. L M Archey dressed the wounded bay's bead, und says that he dots not think the skull is fractured. Ti ia a mLdemeimor for.fling shctfl or "javombfira" to be carried und ti'jed iu the town of Concord, und, besidon, they aro vary danger oub wefipan?. It is eaid the! hit litllo Wallace boy is guilty o.' other misbehavior and ba ia regarded as a terror among his ?uhLalra.tte$. Parents shoolii, if potv,ib!e, prevent tbtir children from bavirg these danger ous slung?, eepecialiy where there Are eo m.'.ny children. A oisKimii'il ii-ttiiirr. A Northern man and a Jhpubli' Cjii, a Mr. Baku , of Fail Kiver, Mai-a , arcivi'a in the city last night with hia eyea opened. Mr. Baker was aitting ill front of the Li Fay ette Hotel listening to a cumin. r of gentlemen dltcuseiug palitics. He iuddculy arose from hia seat and sud: "Geullemeti, you are all etran g-rs to me, but if you will allow it, I want to neb utuc u my miud uf an hnmble thought. I waa born and reared in Muiijacluuetta, the hot bed of abolition, aud have been taueht to believe all my life that the IV publicana and negro'S who badly tri-ati-d by the 1). mwrA.'s of th South, in fact that ti.iy Were o'iii liUlc better than slarea iMt Vii -tt a y I s'epped iu a Kouthcrn city, (he city of I.l.-deigb, for the fir.t time iu my life. I heard tint there was a lU.'tublicrin St?!e convention in siaaioa and 1 went, charged with cympi.tliy for the oppressed Repub licans. I stood ond gazed at that I Oivlin: seething, cursing mob, and. hutaf.v momenta were sufficient to convince me th.vt if this was lio p'lblicanism in the S', then God deliver her from it. Boys, I am a Southern l'emoerut in benrt and spirit; if not by" Fay etleville Oeepr-er. It is gratifying to his many f'-iemN t.: know that Prof. Hoiland Thoni)-on will return to t;;e city rr x'. fell anil eohlii.ue h- ptincijuil id (.-i.ii.e-)rti U''i Sidiool. Jt ii h fuV'iUnii'.e day fur a man when he fl r i't diMw.vcra thtt value of Ayvt'm HiirepHrt".a as a blood purl fiur. With tois medicine, ho knows ho hna f .and a remedy upon which he mi ay reiy, ami ibut hiit life Im-g malady ie at Ist coi uiiviod. Ila; cured (ii.h'r-i, Will cum you. Mr. A V,' B ii-t, e.f No. 9 '.owt.i hip, v.hh iii tin) city this (Sat ut day) morni;::ir and rowrts that he c it wheat ye.ocrd.-iy. Th'a is qui e e irly f r win id ,i -t ari l is toe tirl we hive liiard oi' liiii ! ro, M'. bus ibe wK.'', m w wlui will hrii g in tbo first co Uli bloom? GRAIN IS SUFFERING. ChlunE I'usv CreAtly IfAinibKiiii; CJrftin A Niahlui Jiuiu Our Only KllKf. From ar ' efiianoes the bland i; wlicftl ftiid cats in the country looks pa if thero would be uicre than eu averagij croo this year, bat unle.fa there is a eoalciub' raiu the furmers will fall slnrt of svsu a half crop of wheat and oats. Harvest isslnoiji up:jn us, bat iu soma seotiorg there is co graia in the beads. A St a Ni Ait f reporter wu? eUowit a bunch of w heat brought fioui the plantation of Mr. 1) F Cannon, and while the heads are welt developed and look if they shou' J be heavy with wheat, there is no grain in it. Ila Lad expeotod to make 500 bneh els of wheat, bu', tbo drought has been so lasting that the chinch burs have euok;i tho sap from the stalks, d.irar.ging his crop to such an extont that if he realizes the peel planted he will do well. All aloug the Rocky Ridge and Rocky River section wheat andoals are in this condition and a hulf crop w ill cot bo made. In the Irish section of the county, where the land ia so dry, farmers will sufer inwnse loss. In rooidt lands the bogs aro not so bad and a very grol crop will be made. Friday, May 22, Daily Standard. llan;Kru kirougtil to Awnil I rial. It will be remombe.od that nev oral weeks ago George V Clay, w ho lived iu the rural regioof of lower Cabarrus, was arrested and kd.d in j ail on tbo chargn if inr.eet, und liia daughter, Fioia Clay, nor u Mrs. lludenn, biing a patty to (he crime, was arroeted and brought to theCabarrufi jibil Iroia Union county to await trial at the next term of court. Pepniy Sheriff Byera brought her over. Father and daughter will sleep in jail uuder tbo same roof until-the woman is bonded out. Iii I'll '111 oil (lit' NHI.'U n'ki. Banana peels fhonl l not be I carelessly thrown upon tho eiide- walks, and it wouldn't be a bad law, if it is not one already, for the sn. thorttiea to impose a fine "Jpou eyery one cautht duing such a thing. When one steps upon a banana perl and begins to slip a feeling comes over him that is not pleasant to ex perience. We are rid of the bioyo-Ic sidewalk nuisance uow to this thoughilcas way ia which a poison's lift aad limbs are eauaagfrcd. M'vunl j- Nlxih Aunlt uury. Usst Friday was the eOventy- sixtu anniversary of oocof Cubiirrus county's most estimaoie l-idici, and tho ocoa-don failed all the chil dren nnd grandchiidreu of Jlrs. Kirumonri, mother ol our tnw rmman, J A Kimmons, together at her country home neRr Mill Ui'd, ..heie the day was celebrated by a family reunion. A special feature of the day was the excellent dinner that was setved. I fa rrlaliily if nmliiuin. We find on our dcidc the. Wo man's Edition o( the Char'ntto Ob server of May 20. h. It is a 20 pngo issue and is me of tho attrac tive aud brillisut productions that we have a .-en for a lo.og while. Of codree uur eyes linger long on the handsome f.icr.i that gta-.o its (irnt pign. Oj the next wo a copy of the original M- -klcfibur,! D.idn ratiob of lndtpi'iid'jiice wiih the f::c sim'lo wgnaturos. Then on '.he thiid pace we find a most interest ing history of Mecklenburg county with a cut of the OjrnHu'lid build ing. On the fourth pae wo havt the topics, "The War Hospitals," "General Stonewall Jackson's Ap preciation of Womou" und ''The East Visit of Jefft'idon Davis. The fifth pngo is devoted to the hi-ilory of Birth, Growth, Nature and Aims of the Y. M. V. A. to gether with the R's aud Progress of the Woman's Auxiliary oft-ame. As we scru its p.iges w that churches, schools, railroads,' high ways, buu'ness inierotts. mtuic and art ore ali chaoipiuned by some clever brain and dolieato hand. Even the New Woman, pro fessional career, 1 abits, etc , receive attention. They even aiveonocut of her on her wheel and it is si life-like and (.harming tlnu we half eoepeot that, 'bo piuture was bor rowed f.-ijrn CjReord. This was and enterpiso of the Wo, i, m's Auxiliary Department of the Y. M C. A. that were sold by eubteripiion at 10 wintfl per copy and tliH proceeds douuted lo the in- i tornsis of the Y. M. C. A. of f.'inir- 'lot-.', It is iude'.l uidtpK? and highly creditable to Charlotte's bi i'li an t arid patriotic v. OU'in. SHORT LOUALs. Thij workmen on. the coiiipucy ishop buiiuirg at Salisbury arc divifj pvt. Tee beat is too appr.; u:ve. . J ui Doi.'itr, :n iou-i.t!'1 of t (Utility ilom, Ooai tbl j (m. uiorniiic;. ilj W-,o tb'iul i year ..." pai-aiyeia. of Georgovilla ' Mr. Jake Shinu, jv.'i.a iu tho city this (Thurdity) 1 morning find i p :rtj a (tood raiu ir His uuighborh.-.o.l Vedne-'da . : .1. i u:K.:i. Mr. and Mm, V.' 0 Bo-.Liimer have moved into the Dub-.-nl my hout'G on west l':ot street. It in a lcveiy home. V Kd Ifarrif, of Harnsbu.-g, wnds The Ftasuaku ih-i fol.owing "I have taken tip aiihtbay raule.'' For partien'.nri) and tlio malo call on him at that place. Rowan county has been heard from. The county oommiHt-.ionevi-have advertised to hi a e in tract to build eighty-three ballet boxes. They wilt hold about f'fty 'bu.-hols of wheat or ( fotes. John IjOwIow, the famous clon, is reported to be dying at tho home of Lin sister, iu Cieve'nd, Ohio. Many people in Cabarrus retae.'.her Jckn Lowlow and will regret to hear of bis death, Merchant G 0 Ritchie, of I; itch fbld, Htanly county, was n recent visitor to our city. Ho is a succow fu! business man of that section and says that crops apparently are good, but that they are Buileriog t'orr.iin, Mr. PB Fotzer bo returned from Green Pboro, where he we.nt to con fer wish Mr. F V Pool! in regard to sinking au artesian well. Probabil ities an) tna'. we will bnvo water fu m a great depth. Next bet thing to a cutt on fac tory Aineoiaile has otrmirjj a Vrass land. Tho hum ofmadvuery st.d "tooting" of whistles and horns will bo music lo tho ear. This bend will usarcu tnoso gooa people (lown there on to prosperity. Tho conciu t and f.r.tivn! r.t Jo Montgomery's We.Jui.Khy nJgbt was an interesting ami plea :n.nt mie. The proceeds amount"-! to $25,150 which will go to tho fund to pur chase hcf.diitorioii to mark the la.-t resting piaoea of the Nunii Carolina Confederate d.-u.d at v'iin;hfcc-'ter. -Vs. Jim Miller, the ny,-& who drove otio of Wadswoitb'n horsea from Charlotte, hero which died from the tliects ol being ovor-drivun, hnd a preliminary he.iring in Charlotte Wednesday, In default of bond he was sett in j.iil, to the next term of Kccklvoburg bupftiior Court. ' A considi.-ral'.! ? snif-sh up occuned r.t tho lower end of the eH(h at Eexhigton We,1i,e-;-biy evi'i'.in;?, when one freight train via.? rua in to by the eiigine cf one folic win.t Sovt'ti cars and its f;eig!it were .Iu molihhed and scattered un ell skies of tho track. No one svm yvim u irt. Faircll & Stone, cf the Carolina Piiotoi'rapii Company, will pitch their tent in Concord, m-xt to tho poettiIice, where they will bo pro pared to do first-class woik. Com pare their work with the be,!-:t work in the State before yon bavo it done elsewhere. Rev. A K". Pool v ill conduct rga lar servicer at the Forett llili Pres byterian chapel tomorrow eight at S o'clock. I' Sihbath br.-vicea will bo held at tho First J'renbyker ian church tomorrow. A cordial ioviti.tion is extended to everybody to attend. rulmor.f.ry coniumptior, in its early stngee niey be checked by the use of Ayer's Cherry l'ectoial. It slops the distressing cough, eoothee irritation of the throat und lung1.:, sod induces touch needed r-ipose. Uondrnhi have turied to tho ro niaika:;lo viltues of this prcpari t;on. Cooc ird Hih School closed last Friday afternoon an I Tin: .Standard congratulates Mr. Hol land Thompson and Mii-s Ewie Marshall upon their eliiciont tench-ing-i end too eucce-ftilne;S cf the school. From toe good reports and improvement.' in the pupil.--, the principles merit great praise. Mrs. Virginia Erwin has closed one of the most succe --f'.il FOlioois ever taught in this city. For a'HJie time pii-.'t the cblldier. have bun c a) poling for ft prise, whieli ere rted corisKlei-dbia iutere'-t and zealous study among the pupil;. Master Major Fr eouul wks awarded tho prize for his proficiency in speilinK ai.o goon deportment. Mr. Z E Scott, our tihViorit pho tojirapiier calls your at ton lie a to toe i"i:t that Hbi-ut the mid lie of next week tie will be found iu bis new (jn.irfcrs, u.ttUii's over Mr. M.irsh'e drug stor-;. He proposes to eivs bin psti nis the follotving low rates for the thirty ihyn foilowi'ig his removal, viz : Cabinet silo, S! for halt' dis iu ; e.ird situ, 75 cents fur half dcxen and all other sirja at uniformly low rates. Oiir faithful ntvs galbe.or sur- priKus ti s wito hia tb l:ty to report ihings filmodt the instiint thy oc cor and he d-.-SigiUn in d.-ttiog down eryihins mat be thinks would pietue interest our read cry, wiUi but oce excep'.iou that we nsve yet difC ivcred.' its draws the Urn on bcuOH. Rev. .1 R Mo wo eo joye.ii ni'vs i.'i'ra bis cmn p irden s ii.d..y, ltd Kin. dipt. .1 M AU..'i...!er nl'ows closely with a aiess on the liUh. Mrs. J A Cline ie elso.ia the ring today. J CONCOU'J'd CLUB. j Ii IVHi Ks ::u.uit tiit Alien -Arcttitem IkooU Mnlilutt Clinn. j (.iuascrd U 10 htyo one of the jlab hcitu'fi ic th S.aie. 'dr. KeUot . r. who is will j known iu this 3-ction aud who li.i. tut vr ltd t.xtvafiviij, rerep.u re turned to iiis ho. oi; in Concord t.i-d full that the cJt.b uteued 4 laodiilti building and tioro sp-icieoa qmirters. After eluJying ccvenl phms Lh e.Jo:".i.d those jobnj'Ued by Arohi- tect Rook, cf this city. Mr, Hook jpeui, iieuutuaay in uoncoio auajouuodi uuu wua or. vns.;e.i JJ c- iett witti wr. i LUera oeaouiui t water color of tire bnildiur, at.-d is now niuSiug tUe working (..rawiugs. While the building will only he two ttories high it will be a beautiful modern btructure of the handsomect type, Mr. Phlfer preferred to have the bidding one of "quality r,tl'cr thun qnantit;-.' Selishury t.anite will le used in the bn'uiing, and trie front will be ntaasive in appear. anca. The cl.i'u rooms will b; o.-. the accoiid lioor, while the fiiSt will be devoted to ;ores, The building will be sunt. das soon af the plats are completed. The uboye w.;s taken from the Charlotte ObaervtT. Thr St.NDv a ho knew tbat this vork was being mapped our, fc.-,t for aeycrrd reasons we vrithlK-ht f.icta until full -t psi tieuhirs culd bo obbtitud. Aa tho Ohpervfr says, it will 6c the hanJ oniefit club boose in he State, and one that Ccncorl tan justly Le protid of. Uiti-ktu-H Artiltn Salru. Toe Best S..ive in the woihl fcr Cuts, ?roiBfs, Nuts, Ulcers, St t Kheui-.i, Fever Sores, '.i'etteid Chuppe Hand, ;bilb.'aimi. Corns and all Skin Kru: tioi s, ami p: ?i lively enrts ! Piles or uo pi. v r"otii-ed. It is guarantied to girt: fl'.iitiefaetiou oi iiioiifv reiiiiiilud. Price 5 ci-nta per box, For c.l : :t'. I' B tVtavr'a Drug store. IIiinli i,i I)!.: Hays "" Cm li i. nl ami I' oim. Tie iluiitersvile.i and I).ividson b-is:b.t!l teoiia ciOc:(d at lluiitorsvilie on v jiiiu May -41 iu the pre-i- uco cf ipoite a crowd includiiijj members of the fair s.'x who cluertd aud encouraged the ball playing beys to do tloir beat. Victory, from the first, bci med ti f.-.ior ll'.iutirsville and tiiey casiiy toek the visitors into camp by a iCOM (boiled down) of 10 to G. The moit noteworthy features cf the Hine were fccott'd "honors," he bat ting no l-.-M than three henn rotsiti suet-i.i.i.'i, t.iid the splendid b-ittery works of Han'er and 'en Pelt, un the ITiVlersyille tide, flanter having struck out tcu iC' U. David son's battery f mod "out two "fanny 3" iu tlie heme team They aeeu.ed to looiiii hope after the third inning, but uiado a brave r.dly during the seventh, but too to turu ttie ti e of victory in the'r favor. The Hoaleraville trim threw doRD tho gruutletsonm ago lo any team in the coua'y, and thus far aeema to hold their own against all comer.;. Davidson w.'.U play fluiiteisviile ag .iii, it is reported, 1 he i::-ure by inniLgs : Huctersviih! 2 l. 2 110 0 li 30 Davidson 0 0 0 1 0 0 A 0 20' X. c. f.'OT A S!CK CAY AYER'S PILLS Avr r h ( uiiii-ii'tic 'h:h ftT or,-r il'irty f.yTA h.i. a fertttt rao in yo lic.-iitli, i:",i:c h iuz Iml p sick, d.iy ia r.ll tl...t ; : ii .. 1 h';(i I va iwi'iiu, I fMurVrvil Ruin ' -t c"ntimially -s ifc it:j.ul; ot ctm ptitlion from Jyspi-psi.i, l-:aLilu'hB, IdmumIl;;;, or IpoMh fliul utlir otuptive S.;i:,i.r.i, lien I l't'cai'io conviucfj .4 1. ti 'I '!.-.; nii)'-t' iu.t. tf my tvoni.Ii';' vm i' i.y cnvn :mtuit, I t'.o '.f-o i. I Ayer's l'ltl, v- -!li Xi.-i no.i; .it jl -h.ry rin'a, noviT l.ivir;. uU.u'k di.l iD't u'lttlil v li-M t Uf. ri-iii'Miy, My wifv, wlio ha'l bw.u an iiivitiil U'-r nx hi ;-.tih tit in A vi r' T".: 1, und h r liiilth -I'dckly ii'-HT'mI. my .dni.iio:: I liu.i I.- tit.vd H.j't -'c-iriy ;d! ! in-ir Htinjt t,tr vfri jrnidt"i .y i oUA i j-.ti in, irtd t soon i!id the plt:vui-' f.f kTiwing tlia' wi:h n'lnUrt'n an wit'i pHit-iitr., A;T'r iMJln, (i Iukch iu ti, nvt-it a'! tiiiivv' o i-:Um'.w." It. NVktthtki:!. )'j'iur, ill ft 6 i 10,,'hoit Honors t.t Woilt;' Fair, fjf's Sursifi.'il'i !i!r!'i':i!S tie Sji-tta. N 0 1' MAI CO M M EN V h " EN T. H( liir -Vju vc'ir 17. thte y I r v' u i tv d r i a 1 1 n hh K f tie tlim Cnrr :! til. it-Mius rin.l -fct riuj.iiuciii - t .ti, ,! ij " ('.iff U' n T..'l4 -OfrH Uotin ii.m". r- , M 1. t . vi.i-.'..s;', i. o., way ajy oi .1-,.. v. .- ..11 jin.c iii&o. low iiunu'.i ndnstrial school at this pie 'e ie bui- perior in tn wiy respects to ail others lor the of f.-uialt) eda. , i yer at in; neau it 's aoirjr uicuicii hibie good ia ! promulgating tht icLowicoge or tue uej.r women or our Jjtate, Its teachincs are cle. 4.UU CI i r I the highest order, Cojimeiicemeiit esrciies a:e now in progress, and GreinsWo, the 'city of flowers," with tb Normal on the high bill north of the city wuu i8 loo pretty r.cnooi gu'-'s inaiv.'s a perrect; ooenuet mat al j ! 'itate shcul.l be proud of. It ia a grucd institution and it stsndd as the result of tho efforts of tho grjad and immortal VaLce and onr pi o. plo look upon it with no d - grcc cr pride. oivuiagexercian begvi iujs day, when the R-y, Yates, cf Dm ham, preached tbo anrunl ser mon. Dr. R H P'sttle, of iialeigh, in th aD? ni uov. Jr. ,i;ia Ciit, t!t,::verc-u n, ..It. , . k i - 1 1 . .ill! IIiUKDj tti t.-ie UliYeillli L-I In. N'ance portrait, and amon; things, Mr. Battle enyu ; otui r uu-n ijiiH jinitiaii ri.pri:deui 1. A3 a work of art it represents tne s .ill, loitustry ana genius o North Carolina's greatest art,?t; be cau-.e eviy oue who knew Hovernor Vanf-e wll, during the last ten years of hit- life, tnuat recojr.ire iii it a pcifect and alui'-at epeakiog likt-ti-ss o triumph of the paiotoi's art 2. In it w rectgir.:.! tb giati. tride of a n -it irstituti. i, this the 'N'onnul and Industrial Kt lo-ol of I a ho, w hen bin v;k,3 wsj most poll ':t w 11,01: g ail the people cf nis uatvie jCtiite, so raised that voino in udvo C'icy ot normal inalriiCiou that this ii.n.tu'.iou btc&nio a rn -; sihilitty. True, it is lire cu:i- toa of great Norih Ci;o - 1 . , .... e::li,'l, your tiOLOrt'-i pre dent 1 ' i-e m?, aud we owe it moat! to nim tout we have here so ua.p, 1 '--' m tiaining :ti: l 1( veh,;). oteut of t.'c best wotnsiaho) t of; North Carolina, which ':, t j etc, tile beti wem-iuhood of the v-.;'.J. i 3. In it t g-e Vanes i he erec-i, gullatt, eeJl-conhdeuf, but j wi.iijoi a eu, . gt'tuou or ucuue. Sell- ttssertioc, the nud-'er of hia sc.! aod his audience, addries.rg pens in tne Seuato of the V ciUttJ, priuiua iuter pan-, ia greatest arena of eorth." The widow of Senator Vao..:. di.ep mouvnii);., was a cortstoc u.a the i;Ud iigure aiicng those ou the platform, having urriyed Tuesday mo'uirg from Washington. Mis, Vai.ce ect ued deeply impresjcd. Tht A r tint Raadall sat oear her, Amoug othtra on the platfenn were M.-ipr S M Finder, guperiu tenderit of Public Ir.strnc.tion S.-ar-t... rough, Colon.-I McAlister, ol Asheboro; Col. John II Webster, of, W 1' Shaw, of Hertford; B FAycoeif, nf Wayne; JWf mi Is, of li'jleigii; Senator J-'owiei, i of iSanipton; W E Ch.-iHha of W.uL-1 iiigfoi ; Refi. Die. Smith, Weaver, Johudtou and Car ra way, of Greens boro. Ersays were rcid by gr.oluates 63 follows: "fnn Pcliocl Mastir i:i J.'.tei.i tnre," Lmia Hili Ccit, Rowan county. 'Whi.t a Woman Del," Mury AtiL.e i'rtiiiiders, Uuiou county. "Tne Way s of Womou," Ha-ti t'runn Garym, C::.'aT: a coM.ty. "A iiiiptirtii of .Sorrow," Martha t'oniuiia DiVitou, Iredell county. "Ring Out-False Pride iu Place uud Blood," Mury H'iunifrtl Milam We.. -en'y. There i."t mneleeti 1-aiuutc.i this year Iroiii sixu 1 u coonti s, as fi-1-ljws : Kmiir Manott Asbury, tou eciaity, Kraucea Maude Coble, Richmond; I -aura Hill Coit, Rowan; Sd!i:e Joymr Davis, Goiiford; Iva ( 1 it-ir IWm XViU.if.- M..rft... riu. ' n..l. !..,. , I ...I..!:- 1. tt.. .01 ' Elhugton, Kicking ham; Hattio (3 nun Giiiyio, Calawbi; Blanche P. 'i-wyn Harper, L.-oo::-, Jimm.-i Bcyce If-irrii, N nthamptoi.. j 1 . . - y ' Ellen, Iredell; Tir.a .-'. l.iildh-y, Guilforo; Stella Li . '. , Middlcton, D.ipliu; Mary Win:. . M Milam, V.'arrcn; Kithenoo f.;.-'.-.-, ; Mo t.', Iredel'; Annie May Ti' tn . . E Igi'Ctiiubt; Emm. L-.-c Pen!, Ibnifill Mary Aiiui.- - SaUoiRr Union; FL-i'j Weiiberly, Go. 'lord. 1 u VcdiioadiV n.omicg jftirtlv.i HigK ': ! U 4f ",...' M us; c v.-rt ;-eo(..L.a ('l(';u.VoT I v v ir,-.;,('.o 5 th,h fi;6" a(;.rj, (ii I t,3iur,(ir 0f S L V.-'.l o0u trit -ouorcJ !l hi Hon. Coma's )t,,1(, a K;rf,.,. !..C!0iii -01 i- 0P i. re of -, I nib d i);,!;U(.7 la.lo ftti e'lVy ;at na',l r. :.,: trlbu'itc the u.;m our fc'ts'e aid the ;;ri.ijd ics'i' o t'-.i- Neroial a;.d luJostriai CV! which (loirjji uo i.iiit li fo .01.3 - (,''' the I inoo"r i'ai'iiU:! tf the fiur Ct:e,-. Vyg ,i,m. i v,.n.... - u.. j rl( tiint the rc.,',!,-, .eeie of n'biaa wio doe to the f..ct that ! rr.ooy cf tbeio hae rothii to i!o ami c;i.i-i;:- su uiitcy uuiiiij'i'y uiurnagea cj i-i'b fact, and urgi-d that they le educated in iudustrial rauuita to joLcw how women were wio: 0g '.J..:r ! wiy to the front he a.eted tht.'. cut - f jduaLrial iiu'iit, c;f.--;dei by the Un.ttd States I.alwr I.'irt;n, oru ni no ! no w men. I was r. ucli in Mr. Jjjbuo; ri I for the '-i-hhc (j rdh;t coot ! v-i iivi.iug the 'uiij w q-j; -.-( aid gt'itv. Worn tho txercijea verc ci Whiit'cirnVd pr-,f. Mclvxr a-mc-nrcr-i Or.M i ; -fi.t,; t 'j, J .,lT , M ,. . ... . I... i .:. t .. ; . . UOLuUd a ICbcLlfcOi,! .;'.;0'J iia-iuullv to aid worthy 5.101-;: i women in ehtain'rig the ii.struov'Oii j o'Jrei by this tic to imiPUticu. At! Co!. Juioin li Cair's di-iiia he pro- l"!io t'j pet iJiOO ni will, tb ml' riwi to he used as inuicated, hod Wi.l be l'.uoivu us the ' Ln,a Van bohoiarsbip Fund." A grille.! hila r W.-..1 the i 1 .et-: i u i by t! "..;r v H.cS on o I, Jed 10 f.ild. ',:'. : ; li.u.iiie w id'iH A v. Iss'.id for st it: dr., ! u v. K J ;.,l;iiCr, - L j KUi a jp -'eui 'oujo, an 1 1 -ahov! s I .-y'ut. ';,t- !, -.h- li 1 ti.-.-. r.-..yU L-;,,.a j,,, tV. V... ' i r un,,K ti"xu e :u.a : ol J f(.;i,( rC(j( ju Uldlli (,t Jal.'nn bi.J i of jhe-.t e Carr, ka.'.w i 1 j ,,Ere. a pa.'t.'iir, and the g days 1,. 1 1, u,)i,. ci 1 hit th 1 tr.c.r t'.L hop.::;,- to rctut j, while fii- r. oeyei meet agdo. Cieensl-oro ia attsrw in N '-M j color j RtJ-i frjia every wiadr J eyery w here (-.outedri'ii-ouoe.-.: ai.d ! inj of gold and white. Tut: iiA.NOiio iu.ia ras lei cori.'iully ty t'.e y-. oirr from city tho Mhjis V Hill and Siaia. Ihwe jouLg arc t noivii to their sci. oe-iU!.,; "tho little butterthes." rod '.iC-S W At N.tnii Unit stini .' List Thursday n'.r: o'clock a pistol ohut thai, 1 art of tho ci. v vj.-m the Pn-oytcrmri rhM-oi; .tad ! miir.;:::.r, Liu.; ! th-t v: ;ij ' 1- rtcf w v. : "; , -a- foiio I and old, cru.i.pled d 'iOy b. with aevernl he!.-.! toroti;;:i :., . sembliothat m.iilj by a bail lijiu piotjl. fconie s.iy tti it t uicod on tho hat, wuiic cti" : . not. Ifjwter, ihe f-.a'. t'ltiei with the baits "i it, mil it r ,; .0;: ui.kuowa wuv-her thj L '-t w.. :.o ell a tuna a h...d or rot, i: m., - t disooi'e.'i d th;t; a',-j.,e on,j u' e.o ry ilig -i billlet in hi-j hr,;;l. A Do CP I"- 1 ii. S.llll lltTII I ri-ilwloi. 101 . mti-ssi tali 1 ii :.t..ii 1, The Southtru u too 1 aoiilde traok butwt-n Gret". ?,;!., bury, 1 'hi: we ri li.i'ji.? tour.;.;. A in iv . which trj to ep:vi toe YuL.' double tr..k hoi beu 1 will U phlCu-l in a t:r; :.t The iLuiLb.-Ui's Iriuee f-jr t o Ly a I .bOro.VJ.ll i. A hi. 1 Las t-it-a 01 ;it' ct ---ol d :li! ):-'tlr,''i "reot the 1. IJ '.'it Mi.! 11 L-r doe iu. t :rr to I - i".,y; r'.e.i. 1 tt. I OOOioht'1 t o. .0 lili.e-vd t ,.o other "or ll"u Lie tr;o.:k wl'l he to niiiiien.'e ti-i,'!i( 1 Ol'.- to- t or thij roiel. 1 L 1; ,s been ,.;o- .:,-.i .too lLat a 11 t k iit. two j-ioi-i;.-- (.1 ! rot i v : liremeti.'s of tho So':t::. ' ..- -.-I t r f t ' ? b.e.ii freigf ' r.or and it is to t'.-..o 1 iiti , t."i fii.iilitiioi w:ii be : by Ui mm w i'l t.i '..Llitoied H-il ,..)i;.: . ,utit of rerl- 3, 1. ',.: . v h vri.i '-,e.t,-vO u-r 1-.0.1L , AT -i'.BK.yiitl.K. VI S. ll,((.i.fS .UJ lrefj 5 I. .(i-d. . .- t .'.' s!okLoi2.M A.i-i ,;..U in mill i. ..;.ie.ii,7 u.'ei .(u i" tho 03;;-; eon orj'.-'.mzii. A;v i.,i pi-rfectcd f the i. .j.d .'vfaau y, H'ttii directors : I P ECrcl, J ti -1 . j im I o: ;o v y-'.t w!i:!;,V,'H Fortutan and J :-n .l.;.'iv;-:;r two more duectors :!'!.'. J W Citi'uou, of this j i r.-cttd Prcfidotit, and J S f A :bc!u:V. m-critury end r. Cr:.: ::i stock for tha i to be e ri' ; h'l'r ', j trio! I g-a rj ior he log will be let ot ce L'im of the ej'indh-s -:o: :. be beard in that j thj very pkee for i'dastrles, and of ot.ton woo'J ia r c jrd and . .,;lon fa tore. '.!. 1 1. .'.Hi. i it., it: j;1 rijvoi 1. ai. v. 1 Ci. - 1 .ay t'ii: J. n.'lOU j .-orf-niofr r 1 .iid Le ua : i 'a of -iii ba il aeve;oil -. .ally ' -id oi.-i I Hs : 0 r i.- foi'ce?s ' '.i v .: nor 1 p: i nt 1 1 1! .lore,, of vm--.-itli loo sol- .y uUCCt'K-.fa! (.. lbs city of six. ye,;r: i niorai e. r- i V! -...- !.,.. i.o .l.p.ecop-'t ; io.-cor atol .-i(.o of (l.ti too Ley. J A UK-h:;Lr fellow n'vavry's bar- a v it.;-t iii-rs to" -.Uvi'-ing their :i.!;r-. ,0 tho A. wlii -.!. waj to -Jne J:ty tdeht. 1 j !;;'- hi t l-.-id-K kct, Cc-jr- d,, 'ir.-.i t:, I, , pa.-.y to t ia Mos-, .0 tT..irr i: ve. uno. anted ; i -t of i:. t.e-riciii.r.-j; '.o ftiinet--. l.-.l O! !. Ji.ok ti a .cred iiiau who nr : 1 -J ,.; v.i .eg down tho j,.! y ccccpied by .: ;; :.d. .-'or Ly v. hila at work io!o his foot. The ' i .-i.-juw from which i ..-. ay t ,-ht ... , . 17 f, r xMTtred tie ,1 bud.; iL'i-a ao.l oj t j iV')UO t 1 1 i.. i:.i X, 1 : i too: '' - ' - it I; '. 1 mn . , .our.- ii r. n.