HE STANDARD Standard. -TURN 6 OUT prints GOOD - JOB - WORK M-j.r. at l:v;ku thicks. iJIVE US A TRIAL For 1 i VOL. 1X--NO 48. CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1896.' WHOLE NO. 377 KENT) US 1 1)01. LA l JOE U EU.il. J CAUGHT. 1 lucli-IUiirrlvil LK'f'onvlcC Ui Ruwl a j nl 1 l)(u it'M kin Oviu Nuine mid All BkliPWltillK'e ol l-emoua Wlio Iileiill- ed lliiu. , Joseph Marbball Ilerrin, late of mly county tx-conviut, who r eutly marriuU Mrs. Fcthel, of i; wan couqij was arreted Thura ,! I oa the cuoro of bigamy and ; .! 1 a hearing before justices U A i. i in and Joel Cu.riber at the form v I cflice io Chin.t Grovu township, j nan couuty. Herriu was fonnd .-,..lty of ths charge, bigamy, and w .i bound ia a bond of 5U0 fur hi ., learance at the Kit terui of U: Tan county gtiperior court. Fail i' to give bund he wie sent to J il. according to the nc.irds iu toe Roister of Deed cffiee ia this conety Ilerrin was marued to one, Duity Starus atd 15 years, of this county, on 24th of February, 1633 Soop after he was married hn was arrealed in Stanly eojuty on the charge of larceny and wa3 convicted a...1, sen, to Cabarrus chain gang fur a term of 12 mon'us After hm re lease from the cuum gmg his wif refused to live with him and doped tfV-j another rnan. : ince then aLCl' until recently ria has been livitig with hie t er ia Sta'.Iy county. Sumo live of r.x weeks ago he lett Stanly and s . t to Rowan ariatwtig the name i.it ! !arwn;i. He becam? acquainted i t . Mr-?. Pithi ! .'id 1 married tier d.i, 3 a-"iei- thvy were married it as rumen-.-d tb.ir, tie ruan was Liit Joe Ilerrin. A ,-.;ed Eu l fle was ur L jsti us WARRANT SERVED. loiuiiitalcr rake rily ol oncord tiilverlnK for nnyliik 1'ulil for Services lleiid r-l In Uoldtnv nn lllr.llon. Sheriff Sims, on Saturday evening, served warrants 03 Mayor L M Morrison, the board of commission era and Treasurer J L Hartst-U, re quiring them to appear before his honor, Judge A L (Joble, of States ville, and show cause, why tht 7 paid the men who Leld (be muniucipa) lection in My rem-monition fr their time and aervices. Tha ooaaUfioBers are quivering with fear for having dcue this misdemeanor "pay out public money without legal authority," This procedure is ope among many J of the frtakiih tricks that the dis- satisfied Populists ure noted for. Poor couiinissiouers '. t t liar wood ant wi"j '. I... d. Til'e "i Il'lutJ. ill J ii..i as Joe II- r l l.: id kl.O'.il; ( Ji . in and ton: it. i'i . was . Jli-.' & : -:t 23 jea.-e , fc . a arried is V'j I!-.' triu en i: l idenlifi :d . liii ptra!bten!ly iiitvUuci' about :-..:ra'.'d tuat uis oou. ' ilerrin is and tint woman t to. lua fl rest 'vif is living iu Charlotte. ! I'lua x. M t. Editor- Pkvaj till ui how tht ff.-s be to pay the 1: ti for eervicg the summonses t ia ten members of the totvn Add this to the $177 and 1 np the ltecord. Jobs are still asing for some people. An-Ml'UhA'i. ,1 ! KCri?fc and I'aly Ilao. . e of tho most unsightly scenes here in ths city limits iH the 17 gully or drainage between the I .., - room of G VV Pattowon and M K Castor's cabinet shop. It in i! t imly a rugged and dirty place, out iiawhoiesorua and diiigcrous. Sht aid some ..uJ, feeble or totUii iug ; ersoa coae by that place and nr.1.3 a misjti p fce would very !. , '.' bii-ak l.iii Deck or something . Vi . It would be wu'l for ths com riUi oners to look into U1I3 matter, !-.;;d loakeitea.a for pedestrians, if n't . ir c haalthful oommuoiiy. ii .i nent has been roado of 1 ':: iii'rrini'H of Rev. ilin- r, ii to Mihs Lou Kirt , i r of the Rev. and Mrs. iball, which will take u i iiday evening, June I Lutheran chupel at I I t. The contracting ie many friends in this vh 1 nn- ready to rongraiuiaie VICE PRESIDKST STEVKNSON hl'rojiraimnc nr ISiH MuvcinvulM fit ill' UuH'firHll 4'ufiiiiiienv'iii.'nt. Vice-Prsident Stevenson, ac companied by Oeiieral W It Cox and a party of young hilics will reach Greensboro at 7 a. ru., next Thursday, June 4, and will leave ut 8:20 a. m. for Chaps! Ilni re.if.hin? there at 11 o'clock, A party of trustees, alumni m f.ictnis will ir.ee: hir in Ureen6horo and eecort him to the University. Tho V co-President will speok the Bam? day, Thursday, at 1 p. m., Memorial Iiail, where immediattly after the exercifffi a public rcCt-p-tiun will be held, aud all will Laye aa opportunity to shake hi j hand. The Vice President and Genera! Uei will be at President Winston's residence, where the public is in ytted to call ou Thursday from 6 to T p. m.,and on Friday from 10 a m. to 1 p ni. Tue Vice-FrsiJi-nt and yonng foil: will attend tho commence meat bill Thursday night. Death ufa lroiiiliiiiil Vonii Itlim. S'.rickan down in the morning tiasli cf his manhood, Mr. W B Oajbioi), oldest son of Mr. J S Cash ion of Oorita, died at tha home of Mrs. J Mack Barnliaidt, of Cald well's, where he hud been for same mouths engaged 111 the mercantile business, yet all that skill and power could do to alky, lu succumbed to that dreadful disease, typhoid fever, being i ck only a wselc.His auffericge wtla intense, and oa Monday aft-.r-i.oou at 3 u'cluuk the uugel reaper n.ofccd duivii the titcm cf li'c nd the ll'ifftl' wiio-e pe als were S'.il! unfolding was carne 1 to the great beyntid. Tho aympathy of mat y friends go to the ritf glrickei fiirii'iy and rtlati e3. Eight months ag ) c.rj luiriecl their okles; (Jaus;h ter, bis bebyed sister M;nnie. In life they showed more affection than usually eiiuts between brother and jitter, and iu death they were not Song separated. Mr. Cushion was 2 1 yri of age. He was a youn mau of brilhaut natural end:--'-meuta, and had a bright future be fore liim in life. On Monday eyening bie borrowing parent conveyed bit body to their hour.'. And tn tk following day his remains wen interred in tho cemetery at Sugar Creek. E. l ur 0tr I'lllj leiirm Slro. 'ti'inslew'a Soothing 5?rui has cen u.td for ever fifty years by mil iionj of mothers for thiir chi t- en wM!e teething, with perfect sue. otas. it e-30'.nes tno c'liid, EOitcna the guni8, alliijs all pain, cures wind cone, hud ;i the beat ri-uiedy for Diarrhoea, It will tchev? tin pior little sufferer immediately. Sold l Druggists iu every part of tho 'vc.-ld Twinly-fi-,e cent abot'.'.e, Pe?ure and ask for "Mr. Winslowd S tili- ing 8yrop,"a4 take no other kind A lliilucN CllaiiKe. Changes in railroad circles are at all times in order and some times they are very surprising. Wo are to lose Mr. C L Smith, the efficient atfent at thj Sontbern depot, lie will go to Oxford Monday morning. Mr, Smith haa been the aent at this place fur nearly fjur years and has won a host of friends, in both business iti.il toeial ci.-clee, who wiil regret io tee him have. It ia said that Mr, Gowart Dusen bury will be re-instated as agent at tin place w:A will arriye tomorrow and lake charge Monday. Victor C litrrlntcr Dcntl. A cnDepicooti8 character in Con cord in the days of our boyhood w.i3 the pubj-'Ct of this eitetah lion. V C liarringtr was barn in Cabarrua, in 1827, three miles below Mi. Pieasnnt. His early lif war. ;!pent on tho f.-.i.-a ar.d hid fiit Ifh noi.8 wtro gotten in au oia school houne in tho upper part tf M Picaunt. Ilia ci lh-giate education was partly obtained at Gettysburg. Pa. and i n niiuuud at Chapel Iliil in lf-48. He practiced laiv in Concord for years. Ho served on the commission to codify the lawn of tho Stats in 1871. Ha was ap. P oi a ooij i, is event. j! 11 : ism of soiiji t.y the I eilver ard potato bog, pi '.he bet, ot the fiSiKo Jai.i ; (ill be a rciiot to li; uuea (V ' v. it,;: V I 1 t. T'Ji' a youn lrtil'a lif -T-" I th-re conn s a t):u fTut'. when the carelcsi r Jv- 'J" ' iiuujciiiie of chilil. 1KU7 lionii ilimiri-s to tha y V i "t, mniKst, hlimhlng . S i maiilcnly Bclf-con- l If - . .i'inii(npifl of an. '- ' rnailit:R niyturi'y. s 1 ho eye i.i brii'htir ; the fi.in; in blunder ; tlin e- is a tvuch of filly coquitry in the r.-', tjlir-c: tht pii'l hua . , hcromc a vomm. - Slit' h 1." t-nti T"d tll;it critu iil pio ioit so full ii. of huppy po.iiihil l itii-. vi-t ro liLddl Ji ni)out with the pliy- . mew aimiTitH'i ana f''ul.tnffet8 pccu.iar to V.-'J It been Mitf t ttidi li L 1 ironinn ia .I tn miff ,-r. TVnofUn thi'i ui tti.e A u nian'J whole rutnrj 80 honnil up in tii "3 ppecitil f;uictl"JlM i1' herw nanhooJ Out any disturbance of th at it orp.anisia thiows the whole syU'i-i oft 01 linrinniiy. "l-'eivill weaknesa'1 , nina-tenthi of all the wretchvdiu-w v.,r H voineil endure. It can never be per . iii.im: ely relieved by "local treatments." That in trellemlly an expensive, enibarraj l ij- 11 uleaa, make-shift. What ia neeilid ia ' rrce'a Kivolite I'renrriptloti to reach tierniont souices of the trouble anil . health and strength directly to the iml orirm 1. Tliia alopa th weakening , ,1 which sari life's foun lation : heala V crated eruditions, divcathe litralnents ii,. twiwi-r nf theniM'lve9 to correct m-.a- ,-.nent of internal oians and iiupaita i iiror anitvitatity to the entire feimriina tiism. In a md the "l avorile 1'rc p,ion" miiko healthy, bippv won-en. r Pi'-rce H the Chief CotiniHiiiff Phi .i,'i..n ll g Invalid' Until and Siirpn'ul pi-ll'ale, U Io N V. lie h mule a lit ti,ly ..1 wi ll a uectilinr ailment. Over ntiielv paxes of Teotwirk. "The I'eople'n Cmiimii mum W i.i-"m' -H -he .-il.tea. ,i!i,i tu W"ii"-n. nininsnn , ii' nn I 'li-in siik 'i" Iril, .'it v i " t i' i1'1.' n i ii vtu'in n. it i, hi ' i" ni. " ns iiii'i " liil ,'iieritl V uf!i I'l'Il'i. I mhv' 'lie i ti ) "iit-ietti .imnli'. in .( uiiiiiE .."'I -.1-. if" "- y ! k A '''te!, ','i'l 'I I L' i- a I X (t..f- of h,i A As ad tdr lw. Mrs. Kink, widow of the life Ifoiei Fink, f No. 5 township, died 11 korat in that township Sun day at noon at the age cf 77 yoars Mrs. Fink was a sister to Mrs. V E t'cok of this c-ty. Her remains were laid ir. their last resting place Mt. Mitchell church this (Moudty) afternoon ut 3 o'clock. A Cmtllnx JMilrrinK. Inyiftiou are out for the mur-riage- of Miss laabel Wood and M . Frank Lee Page, both of Stutenyil! . Fise fereoiony will occur in t!o Presbj terian church Wednesday eyio ihk-, June Ki.-h. hi 30 o'dccii. Fho t .-.di-tn-iv is .Uaugb er cf l!ev. Dr. V.'tr.t und tie t-xo p.ain jio'ioi ' a sen of Rev. J H Pj,e, formerly of Stuteoyilli', low of Aerdeeii. Li.i,trnnik Fort-al 11)11 Not many evinii'gj tig'j a jming min clHd on his girl and the old gentleman cf the house . asked ti e youngster if he could play ball, whereupon the yonng mau answered in the slliiu ative. "Kow," taid the old gc-nt, "I am going to make a center hit and I want you to make a home ran." He made it. pointed by President Grant soon after an judge of International Court of Appcaib at Cairo, Egypt, wheri be porved for twenty ye&rb in a climate peculiarly beneficial to Lis health. lie. returned to tha United State? ia 180 1 in time to be with hi." brother, Go-.!. RliI'uh Uarringer in hia last iliuesH. Mr. liartingcr was more than ordinarily brillir.nt and n: lito Vies lii.'i'd wita conrpicuous iOR HALE Ten thousand old paper, njiply ut tliis oilicti at once. Mall currirr M irton reports anollif i pond rain at. Gitirevil.'e Vedce.-d:.y night. T wo badly torn tip enyineti parsed up the Southwu th:s riiirnins. Capt. P.itteia in l.a-.i them in cl-urge. There were 4,00 negroes in Si!U " Lory Satiirtlay find il is s.'iid that it iu the most crderly gailvtrir.g of colored ptopleever known there, Tho I.nura Sanderlaiv! School closed its Btseion oa Wednesday with appropriate exereLv. Prin cipal Green ii quite sick. Br j we'd bric't ui'd is the bu?itst slace aboai tuwu. Four ia'.'e k.lns His many friendu will regri t to team that Mr. C B Ale gander if confiued to his bona , eu.Tering an f-Ui'.k of typhoid fever. lie l.uf '.Ken absent lrom duty a week. On Sunday -he Threo-Miie 'j.'hi ch and Ada'n's ciwk, between ti. m city aiid Mt. Pkai-ar.t, the . .iter had ciat-ed io run and the eti-tk channels were dry lnttoni?. Tiik Standakd is ready to receive yo'l into its iiew quartern now. Wt will bo fciiiiid in the Kit,;: brick row, nex the court houne, in roome formerly occupied by Ksott'e pho-tjr.-iph gallery. J'icf James K Shii.n, principal of the Concord irailid Behoois, was to. duy ( Mondavi cnDointed Dub'.ic ei- are standini; on the yard, two al-' ajiiner for th. coutitv of Catarrot ! " its honorable beard to succeed i Ja-iK-s Ptook, resigned. Sir, iO'.t- 0. ptioiji- .ur? oil,, yit.er rntin nil.;: t-a the I'nitoil Stetei lu made bis homo in Washington City wheie he di.-d on-i o'clock yen1 erd.iy i Wednesday ). He leaves but one of the irame diato Lariinger. family the vener able Mif, Grier, oi Ilarrisburg, who is, by the way, one of tin; most in tereplias! claisc ers it tins ever been our pleasure to mee'. -KoHiljt Itlll" I.eU I on ll. "Rowdy Bill," the tall i cgri who bus been very coiir-picuoua on the streetu lately, has left town. FVai.k Alexander, colored, didn't bavt much love for "Rowdy Hill" nud Friday when lie met biui in. the road near the depot gavo Lira a (ood pouiidiog After Kr.ink co.x plhied tlm i iunning j.-roeesH and let aim up '"Rowdy Pill" started ia the lincliua of Charlotte an. 1 h:'.: not bee a heard of titu,.. Fratik Wij before E'-q. Hill Fri day evening and was fined a penny and cost. leady burnt and two in ica-lintf. Caterpillars have tal'en the terra. Or.Ja'.most every tree aud shrub ix: the city can ba seen guests with thoURands iu them. See notice of the sixteenth peries of the Concord Perpetual Building and Loan Association, which opens oaJuneC h. Tho annual meeting of stockholders1 will bo held ca Tuetday, June U.h. Mr. James F Dayvault barely rnibsed getting an eye knocked oul tbia afternoon while standing near where Home men were unloading ice at bia ice depository. The hooks tore out and one prong caught him just above the right eye, cutting au ugly gaeb. Rev. J W Lfi.Ter', of Pielmi nt, Va-, spent Friday nifiht in the city with bis sister, Mr. J T MtCon noil. Ha was on his way to IXvld son College, where Lu will vitfit. Concord citizens now have an ex col out opportunity offsetting good, firs', class photographs taken rihl at tl.t-ir own doors by Farrcll & Sto it , tie photographers who. arc quii.-tiHtd next to the postotlice. Givd ihcm a trial. The Standard ij in receipt of a hanudoiro in vita.ion io attend the fifty-ninth comawiicetnent at Da vidson Cull'g-f, v. Lid. lakes j-Itce Juno 7th lu iUta Oer lhank-i are duo to Parks M.O u.'.j K:i of this city. Luther Nt'elor was its ti.wa tbip (cUurday) Durni v. d oa boing af-ked for tho rr;-? sail: 'iloid Water Creek went dry ys.-i lay evcidag.'' So-.iv i,r la u laioej r);lpo n; i;-,., . . .i ,(,..; ; ) (SlBt.c-iiEinKiy tiry. R iv. George Davai, w ho is spend ing Homo time with hi:i brother, Mr. L U Duval, of this city, preached at Central Mathodiet church Sunday IC'OSr.iOi;!' II d i-i u uuivorfcl a wo.l H3 eloquent divine and runny com-piiwenti-.ry thtrf.s havo b'-t-n heard rea.irdiug tho excelle-nco of hia par-iii-iu Sunday morninp;. Childrens' Day nt the Firt Picthy leiien eoureh fcunnay m'rn ii: 'sua nn InltrOTtin p; rvice. A progr.tmnio of songs ard pruirto v.-as rend. r'.Kl by the child -i-n an! a good talk ou tho euiyYct of Foroigti Aili sioijiiry i:i:uii:.o by iin j'.'is tr. A haml I'.ii.i : c ii-.r'.iou w : la ken for tho r.r.- -i'ur-a; v .o-:-. SALE.V1 femal: ACADEMY Mr. Ceorgo F .Bnrr;hadt, who to fa'tofu'ly served the public and this piper an attache, nad reiicrter fo The Si'ANaAKo for the sit several month has left us and gone to hie faim at Cold Springs. Gecge wi'l upend tie remainder of the su'iimer "( o vu ontnc lann." in the death cf Col. F E heber, w noil twiTred at l.i.i f.omo in Salisbury Friday list. North Caro lina loten a d stinguished and time' honi.red cmzm. Col. Mior.er was well known throughout ilin entire section of the State and had for many years of his life served as a public servant at the nation s capi till. i he old public well on the side walk in front of Dry A Wadsworth'b furiv" ;.-b sloje and the Propet rroLer:; is bemc cleaned out. A reck trough will be placed there for watering place, and ii r.'ii! num- h.'r c-r.b rf the ma.ny needed public e?nfenier.tes. It io a fortunate day for inao f hen he first discovers the value ot Ayer's 8ar3aparilia as a blood-purifier. With this medicine, be knows he, has found a remedy upon which he. may rely, and that his life long malady is at la.-st conquered. liar cured othord, will cure you. Several of the colored e iiraion- i oj who attentied the Fe iei x grave i -ror.Uior colehn'ion iu S .hebury r. it urday last, a r,o back to town booked up with biZ jacs oa. Joe lUiKinrieil and B' b Morehead were ti'rested for heir,'; drunk and dis ii-iJerly and C.ied So 00 each, Puiiconary tunBumption. in ite f .rly stag' e, may be c'.iti.k.?tl by the p. o oi Aytrcs Cherry I'tctorai. It -Ions tho dii-trt-raiiig cough, soothes irritation cf the throat aud lungs, r.-d ind'ices much needed repose. L'm '--! h.rv" tecl:fi'l to the re t .Hikebio virtues of this prepara tion. A man'') I'ealth in the rop-i by i hio'i ku climbs to tuceent'. If he c n keep l is health, he will go on ; i aueeiss. Yet hie heaith id the v ry thing he ntglects nioro than anything ele-p. It in easier to keej-. ii. aita than it is to u-g iia it. When i mau fe'.le hi.uself rti".nii g down, -lieu Leriiiiiz s a loss of vitality - -d i-nf.rpy, l.e murt call a halt. .Vie ntrauii-i of his rope are parting r'.jddly. Dr. Pit roe's Golden Medi .. i Discovery has helped thousands " men 15 juat this condition. It .ki.- .... :tJ, :' m -.ixrs pt'ie, ritti :-..'d, it foic; 1 oet iinptirii-'ri? and kili gerrcs. Jt dot-sn t malre any liii.in-r.c3 what iiiimti you cad your trouble by dy;p( pr. i.i kidney dis c'-.tie rheumatietui coDBUUiption kin di-'sat-o, tho 'Golden Med'cal rXeOovniy" w ill cure it absolutely. Nono of thee tli-:ta: es can retain hold on the bod y w.hcn it is foil of rich, pure blood. Missel Emma Deaton and Mnge Gartner, of Salisbury, ipend if una day here with Mr. W F Deaton, Miss Deatou'a father. Mr,J M Kiiwell, of A it emnrie, imI te A Ulbnou, of Mo 'gonurj eiury, 1 pint Suuday at Mr, W A Vuiirer's. Mr. Sa:i, in I PerkiuJ, t f (.darlotte was ia the fitly ugain Sunday. At i'1'.iction brings him. Mi-ti'H Clint Ury and Titu Kudj lift fimdny ui:;ht for Dn'ivil'.e, Vu., 'o vioik iu the cotton u ili . t that place. il v. M A Smith and Mr. V li,ccre. Olell ami Mrs. H C Rainier all re- Ojur7lyw71 tiii-i.'d from Stiitesvillo Saturday J returned to).' lit, w in ra they I1...1 '.-a uttend- v.U ni t o unr- icg the Sunday sclmo' ciol ' i-.-.V.!i r ! , . . ,- -, 1 . C h a f 1 o ' 1 1 ' Iii'ajcue tuiiffrenci. 1 hey report i.ltp , having i a ' .ry p. !, uu Hbrot mv) ik-h-h. .M Ljp, lroSStji '.rip. W ailace had purchased i A VVomitii l-'rlKli''ncil 10 leiitt. Mr. William T Id owtll returned this week from Stanly county and tells if a fat tt scare that occured in that, county wei It before lact. On Su'iday, May 17, Mrs. Askew Love, .1 middle-aged lutly, in company with her two ions had been attending siryiet-s at Love's Chnptl church, and were roturuiiig to their home when the mule they were diiving bcc.ime unmanagable and greatly frightening all the occupants of the vehicle aud E0 b ully was the. juotllf r IKTOLD KISERY F1IOM iariUfiiATBSIJ C. II. King, Water Vailoy, Kits., cared by blip's SJsrs.qT'tar.b "For fivo yean, I filicrcd nntnld mlserf from muscular rheumatism. I tried every known lenieily, eolisiillcd tho best physi cians, visited lb it Spring, A tic. , I lit i-u oim fl, spendiiur lihio theie, in sides iluclnrs" lu i-ij fall could obtain ouly tcaiporaiy reiicf. My fie.sli was wasted eway so iiat 1 aeiiilu d only luuety-tlireu pounds; my lett a. r m and lc wi-ru dla-.vii oia of shai, Uio uiuiiia c.t red thwt the died bifo e she ei hid be ' iktn frooi the btigiy. ItuekU ii'H A rutert iut. The Bent iiaive in t.-.e world for Clu, Dtuifica, Sorrr Uioirs, Suit l.'hetim, Fever Soras, Te-t'erd Cliappe llaml", Chilblains, - Corns abd all Skin Ertiptiens. ttud positively cores 1'iiei or no pay nqui ed. lc h gimraiitH'd to give statiefaction or ni.iiuv '.-f .11 h o. Price S5 ceuts per box. For fa n; P li l'V-ner's Unig i i r .1 inn li Lof'g in m Iredell conn'y, i; n .i !: rrfi trayt of ii -t Nil t -i! Ctrili u i t .1 0 is k li '. i li 11- r.i; cy IH...I o -.ttiiii- 4a ' J 5 tV--"' ' - ? -':f .-t . .. f . . ,S.jrd ill otic-ct.it Btanip. to cr,ver ciji:st rf toitiliiicr col-, and nr-'i'ie ;pp c copy of lr. Pierou'tf M,. dical 4dvi.-i r. Addret. 'or!d'ti D'ppen ,,rv Msdieil A i-uciation, Buffalo, N- V. 'Mies i Fannie W Turner, o! Qfeeneboro, is visiting at Mr. jj'jiakespea.-e Harris'. iM.-s Do.-icher and Mips Haar, of W'i'mina'on, ae guests of .itrs. M A Dr her at Mt. Pleasant during CC(uiiiiencement. ;Mi.-tis Carrie aad Jevie Roth rack, of Rowan rounty, are spend -eoinmer.cenif nt week with Mrs. L.J Foil at Mt, Pleasant. ,M;s Clara Gillon has gone to Bjac .sburg, fe. C , where she will gifui'i eomu iiiiie wi.ii iiih ianiiiy odher brother, K'ji-. A dillon I Illiirv.'loiiM i;eftiii4. oia a lettor writien by Lev. J, O-riideriuan, of Diamond!?, JheL., wa arc poiiu.t'e.l to rnf.ko tine ex triiCi; 1 l.-ivo no I ' h: tttitiou in re- (oiniu'-ioiii x Jr. Kiil'' f.'ew Diti CO'erj"i I lie r tut '.- iu ru muioe ,rvii)us m tin. i-i.-i ni luy v:i Wjnle 1 vt.n iniei'i i- oi iuu xjaptirl eh t1 rob at r. ivis Jeeclion Hlui was brdiiiiti; w in pin umonia gueiceouiiirf Jua (.I'iiioe. J errible pftpoxyMiis io r-i. jrui. g woiuj last aoif wi-h -i ' '' ii. i on opt in n and it yp(.Ul'.-ll it" .1 (Hi lU'-.lll uio. B"iv;lt 1,'mjiu. A lt"i'-l: I reofuiai: Ii-lu.l J':. ;, t a i .-eoiii't i ; it, was 'ie til I' " '-' ' in i-,i.-.u!tH. Foiei 'm l '. -,0c .mil t ..i Kind y-1'onrtll Anillinl Conifiieilef- itimt-llnCHniti.iafi! Nermon by lev. W H ronsj , tt V. Forljr-1 hree lrnflue.le9 Alniitni Kmiiilie 1 H Iti IOIIIll4 A ii. iloil 1 t'jMliolk tiilivard llontlitilcr. This time honored institution has just concluded another season of commencement exercise ho widely Uncivil and appreciated.. .. The weather for the opening con cert wa? very pleasant. On tin t occasion the yccal and elocution departments displayed th.ir noik to the public. The eld Moravian church in Ssleni was Jer,:;1' -"icked with an appreciative uti-'i'wi . i i'e concert was a great V U'-'e. On Sunday morning Key. - W S Creasy, D. D., pa-itor of Centers ry Metbodist church, Winston, K, C., delivered the baccalaureate sermon. The service was a very beautiful one, ard .h". musw was yery good. The sermon was well calculated to j make a hutiDg impression upon the audience. Monday and Tuesdiy eyenings were given to thd Seniors. The class numbered 43. Each member read an essay on some topic of the d'iy. The essays, though brief, on cv oouut of the large number iu the' clasj, were well composed and read ani indicated the cire which had been taken in their production. Ou Tuesday aftercoa.i a very beautiful exhibit v. as given by the Art Exhibit Department. In addi tion to a large display of pointings, drawings, ect., there was an interest inj exhibit of bpaiitiful china. The Art work of the institution ' com. mends Pseif to the public. To the ininy old stndei.ts Wednesday wa probably the most interesting day, Tht pupi's of former ciaiB, covering a period of 03, yean were prejeiif. At the Ali.mni banquet, given in the uft -r noon in the Acudemy dining room, between 200 and 300 members Eat dona ao common guta's of the old Jth'.iol hiiiuh all love so well. During the day cias reunions were hold aud also tne general business mietiug of the Alumi ai took place. Ihe eeholurehip was found to ex ceed $3,000. S'ill or.olher interest ing and very appropriate exorcise of the day was the formal presentation if the iiii'ir.oiinl pipe organ printed by the c!j-;s of last year. The grand concert we.s of couise a suceesa aud was largely attended. It took place on Wednesday night. (-o.iicHncenicnt people cam? on today (Thursday; at 9 o'clock. A large and appreciative audio gathered iu tne i'oravian church io ivitros.i ihe cro-.iniiis; pirt. of ihe ooi-ji ne. ni' nt m asoiK-i. 1'ho J.'ev. J Dark, i. l , of Penneylva delivered au eloquent address. i-uiilouiaa were presenud by eiisjop r.mv ira KonUihaler, I). l, ho has endeared himself to the Academy. Thus closed another successful year for Salt m Female Academy. principal, iiey. J 11 tdewt 1!, it Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report PA 1 i r"' WV M fXJA lit Vv' RECK ED MFRCHANDISE. Klxly li't of Mielvlni; 1 ell III led Willi Uila--A Tcrrll.lv r isli. About C o'clock this (Thursd.-ij) morning, when only a few people were stirring on the streets, 'their at tention was attracted towards G W Patterson's ft;. re. Sixty feet of Shelving til Ii a vrii.U Ury goods, ciV, t"'t,iccr, and tin-ware fell, making a tcnible crash. Goods wero scattered along one Bide of the store in missive heaps, but nothing except a Gee show case and some cigars wert ruined. It was a lucky fa!', inasmuch a there wa no one in the store at the time. The cause of the disaster was that the shelv ing was int substantially fastened to the w:i!l and vhen E 1 Keatler, who sleeps in the room above, dronmcd that he had been seated in Coogre.s aud was deliyering biB maiden Epeech, his sonorous, orutoilcal powers shocked the foundation and there was a great fill, and much confueiou. Drnth ihe Ii. aper. James Morrison, of l;o. 3 to vn- i . . . ... snip, a young man about le year of age died ln3t Thurml y. Appen dicitis was the cause ot' bin desuh. The funeral services wt -e conducted Friday at Gilwood ch.ich by I'.ev. W Y Love. John Henley, son t Mr. Will Henley, of No. 3 tow, .si ip, ,:ed last Thuredty of typhrot. fe '' he reiaaina Kttfo interred v 'rhpige Friday. Walter Freeze, ! young man, of N i. 3 to Friday mornicg at i Several years ago he h from which he never i which resulted in eonBt.imrtn, caueing hin death. Mr Fruee about 22 years of age una r. sen o.' Mr. A M Freeze. The funeral ser vices were conducted today 'Satur day) at St. Enochs' chan, by ii.ev, V R Stickley. A Dentil DenlluK Morui. A death dealing and destructive cyclone swept up the valley of the Vlissisaippi Wednesday afternoon. At St. Louis and East St. Louis hundreds of people were killtd and the property loss is immense, Ihe wind reached a velocity of 80 niile-s an hour. There were really two cyclonea-, one otning from the north and the ottier from the east They joined on tne eastern shore of the Mississippi river. At Cincinatti the cyclone was very seyere, and many people were killed and iej'ired. It tvi3 no leae destine- ti) at Deeatur, III., Jud'aiiapoils, Ind, Di-8 Monies, It, and Kausir City, Mo. Tne dinih roll will a uouut to 1,010 or u.nie. The nutubtr of iu j tired is iuimeuee. liurrnh for i linrlutlc! .We congratulate our neighbor iu securing the great Southern Luth- pi OIU'I k I-- ), I :?Q 'c,-."ir '-"ffipi e. ivered but f tarrniiliia Inner ooeAaeil. Wilmington Dispatch: Mr. Jjhn Sanders, of llamsti-ul, Pender county, has a twin terrvia ivbich is a freak of nature somst'i nt iiks the 'he -' ell oiamesc twins. Jto-i ' it ' is seen four feel and t For a leeii' time it was .he: be one terrapin with tvi i careful -xn ruination i.-i Veu'.i d tr,e fact that the ' v the rigb' haad side of . w.iS me. j -I v. I th th . ', . side, and the t'.o !?;. , ,; side uvoyed with tiie ht . i ; aide, This fct l.-d to t hitf. T, . that e i'.'t t-.ot beliaf that thel.; wera in one shell. wo ter - , ie; uOused 1 .lij.i Coiiige. Coiur-liia, The I liriily i: liit f.ii-ilo: y i.-i-.l bottli-s froy ni tf S.ore- Jtigulur; sU-. l-it'liiR R'lsteil up In kniil.s. J was tiiiahln to novel ilyaelf, except Willi a.-estslanet', ai d Toutd ,i lly linhiile admit by u.iinn n catnr. 1 Ii. ;d no appetite, and wns ussiir-.l, ly tii-s netnrs, thai I nniid tint Hiii. The pains, at t'nies, wjre so awful, that I chip I piy'iirj leiiit only by. ipeuirt of hypndei fine litjft'. Tioiis of morphine. 1 Had my Ihr.bs hanitai-.i I In clay. In sulphur, In jMiuItlccs ; hut t!'.'-. t:;ivy only leinikilaiy relief. After tiiti's" ei-eryliui'ir and sufteiinit the inot aw! .1 -urtiir.', 1 h, i;an to lal-.e Ayar's SarsapaoIM. liivi.iu oi tv j months, I mas able lo iva'lc ivllhout a cane. In three months, my Ino 1 trpin to sii'i iiiiien. nnd in tho eourso ot a yeai, 1 was fun d My aeli'hl hn.s Inereas; 4 t.i li .-i ptn.iuhi, and 1 am now tihl- to 'hi my lull Jay's vioik us a raih-oad hlncksiiiltli." xf in im tp-tij tfi -4. ii !ie I i, - ..J n ft h ii y r i-. o a:'v-rtise our (joxla will giye nvtuy at.idolu ely ir t o ns ojx."J .ue ijunt C'a.'A'' cue ,'7J Tiuj; atd a iniiipTu-f.'.t'.tlu of Fee.hr, P.uu ilertoev i, on- t'-niin - i 8 fifty C i'S t' pny p.i i ,:n ; .. p '( Adlr 'f!-:i,Ki! .A K Dltl'SON MllKOIXK t O. I,ct:i; li '; 1, Kereersvil!., N, C. I'o .r i! n 1 c.i'iif mers. I .,fi tv,iiu diliyeiing milk at tht doors if tie citLeiu tf Concord Loo!, for uiy vtagon and leave your ov.ir -. Punst ii iik gtia-t iteed. I he ikii-,? yon f-.r jeur pact fo.vorp, I ao join.! reedy io eerie jl a. C. V.'. Ml-iiNiitii sikh. L'i.ivir6ity: to be coiiL-ratuIaied on his ham-v md u?eful connection with the .-ft boo I. During the past year 500 or ihore persons hive been connected with lb? institution. In a few nore yeiirs the Academy will haye passed its hundredth yar. Ameug the graduates we notice the names of Mosses Atldie Alex tn.'fer and Kithanne (iibeon, of t hia city, and on the liet of the hact 'V is .Miss Margaret Besscni, ilfo of Concord. A number of Co!...--rd pi ojis attended the coni- Uli ... in. lit. rtleilat bier lioino 111 Ueoruln Mr, an 1 Mrj. Noah P Cofreil re-,:-U-i-.i a telegram thij (I'huisuay) ifternoen ancounoing tne death tf their daughter, Mrs Luira Daniels, it h'-r home in IloJiuis.ille, (m, which oce'im-d U'edocsil iy ijig'it at 12 o'clock. Mrs. Dam, is only a f.w weeke a,;o visited her old iiome in tiiid city Jill the auddeuiii-sj of her d.-ath is a great s iot-k to h t relatives hio' oiauy frii'i.i' .',fi t.. which was the only real competitor, offered 10,000 in cash and a site of thirty acres, hut Cnarlot'.e came up fci.b the splendid offir of $12,2.12 and a site cf twoaty acrej of a otagniiiocnt hud picturesque land scape. It is kuowu as Highland park, Tha College will Le ou a line of J-list Trade street beyond the city Jt.mtd itie site will be bounded by streets ou the north end south and by streets on front and rear running parallel with Tryon s'r et, E..st Trade street will stoji abruptly at the border of the Col lego grounds and wil1 be, resumed beyond. Charlotte has bestowed on this enterprise a moot princely gift that reflects great credit on her citizens, conspicuously, Messrs. E M An. drewti. W b Alexander, Walter Brim, ar.d Burwell. Ac 3 o'oleck a. m. Wednesday morning the last of the minute des tails were disposed of aud later the surveys and deeds, together .with -he bonds were passed. Rev. C B King wi.l now apply his splendid business energies to the consuuiuwion of this grand scheme without fear cf ultimate results. Good for Charlotte ! Itip I'reHijlorlllu Cultette A epecul meeting of iue (.'' are i! 1 'tueii .vas h-id Friday mgnt for the purpose of gr.mting a deed to tha Presbyterian college, fc, it a inter-at in the Charlotte Foiane InrMtjte property, u appearing ih h-d d-'i-.V ri' : ,,j . . r, col.iuon was passed, i obstacle there may hny-e .u t.'ie city is concerned, t f .r cf the property to co jiaiitlt.i. Rev. Wui. i and the committee are . and the probabilitif; a. e the Cclloge for women of Die leubnrg and Concord Pr''sV. wih hoon be un tstab mhe Charlotte Ke vs. ihe .. ii v 1-i I- 'h- t s tUJl r-cis-eiii'i fict - "ii" rurc'lmseil VIik lili,. r , Ambrose ilieuian, o this iLiiiit wan in UaWioh Friday Ltdt, e- I return from Whashinrte i. To News and Observer rop i h :- Letaid . "My yiji; to Was ! ington 1 no , C 1 t rt i IC t--ly tiit-iii - i - (. i Co'.o 01. c; 'o VtO as t Jniu- ,'i'h, lrt'.ni. trip So ctnts' F.jiv.oi '.ii Li 'i t. :.: d I 1 1 i '. ' '.1 . 1 . 1. C. Tickets Hl.it, lin.-tl limit K;ie for round aid i i ' 'I ill; til Sitndav :;vi!!o, -A. ! 'IS, I OtiliiiU- K-..-0 I hllll llmlly lilirlleil. '!.-. e-.ii-: rhil.l of Mr. and Mrs t. hiii tei- Si-.horn, wli Ir e about 2 i:i i , !. ii i f t!. i city, was b'.iLj -.urn-1! Wiiln.i.lay afternoon. s .'ii il.c.H was boiling out i re- '.i'lrw io a large pot and tht ;lii. -l c.i i'-' to nO :r the pot and fell ia D fijii I ally burned and .en tied 1'V .lie Inn t.-'.llt'. V. .in liiieiiinpliieiil in Mlultf. Aii i (Ter! is being insile to secure ri i iici.niptiieiit fi r 'he North Caro lion Suite (maids sometime during Ii. s-iioiiier nt Asheyiile or Wriofals viile co'.iuJ, Cuptam Bingham says ill it the eoleiuls of all the com ...i,.-j will club together and where it eeil the private members $3.00 for the trip jn previous cccuaions, it :.( e t ti'. in not execo 'io; " m I r .. .. o.. .- ii i - 1 1 .0 v.'ir eu " i..; ; tuiiui .- i' " ' e '...Vui t ICitin'a ISorn llhiNla, A harsh word to a chilil may tc- d!roy an angel. Lie who c-.ll laugh ut himself, may hinh much. An oath on tiie hp shows that the levii ia in the heart. !; nude come laws to sho ho much he La'ii ldiiUiiSS. Putting a crown ou the hiad put uotaing kindly iu the heart, Ti ju'de does not tone to weaken -e, but to show lis l;.)n' wtuk - n-e. Ud ii always n ar ue, t'lo.vh we uiay be fur from him. If you are piaying for a revival, Jou't K t somebody ele do all the ivork. It would spoil nine men out of teu to let thtm have their owi. v-ay tor a moo' h. As as we in ike Ucd's word a lamp to cur feet, we step traveling in tae dark. The man who is more than filling the pluC ha has now, is ou ins .J to a better gue. If some men's prayers -vere a' ways .nsw'"ttd, the 1ianni w.mld alwiiys bs raiiiin;t tire, nothing to do with poll: os. I w,nt there to see an Ahraudria Vw., orm regarding the ni.i-ti.mery the new Ailiauce si x- facte i Ifilleboro. I have i .uttact- delivery as soon as poseii;i- : fore long it will be in rVe j. building at Uillsboro. is alrjady in successf and we expect to haye fluished shoes ready to the Alliance holdo i:s i mg at H. Habere." ia ' foi f); i . U ill ll'T I Sirs. J, P wifoof th.".:J lrs l.-:,I pan "2 tr-.r? if : fur si., y -. --i uiss of l'.- o t'-eu..: P'Tiniit "it", 'j:::arr Uirof Tr.ollr .- of M.:iml :b!'ti e.-i.'fs , :ev- re pile ri, toi.-ct.ier- i :n l!i.t,t waii. eonsar " 11 - r n ,1 I n- b. o li. iVil'v ol ti n I, .: I wiii . h liit'i y, or a?,. ay. ar.' -.. tii: JI:'.".. . i enrtt l-(H; ' it .It , , ir:y . i -11 H Pi .'. ..1- ,ul ! Wo ri ,,t iii Ti ; r, -.irt, t :0 f'O-i-. 1 b- I. ' s II. e ij 1.; u." y " Dr P.' f'"'-.'' A 1 1 tl-u P 'At'l ! Ly U.u i i-l II- I" rati. -, 1 . r. '...-a -- s ..rti.ir . i -.' ', i uro su.1 ' Iliihtld f ii- Ih -. m r n ii if--, j i '-.'' iui-n Is pnte ; o - - " IT .t tMll! o a U, ii I .i , l i ai l, on . .lt-i aliahi-ad Oc . . ., 'i ,r vp, i Ner .ii-) t i I inc. I Ut i-r ; , .,ilm., a ' ' I anum'i iiieti p.-.. I .e . l .