7 ..AJJ iI'E STANDARD. THE : STANDARD PRINTS THE TANDA RD. -'1 UKNS OUT- GOOD -JOB -WORK ftEWb THAT IS JVEWS AT LIVING PRICES. For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. VOL.IX--NO 22. CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1896. WHOLE NO. 381 GIVE US A TRIAL The I FULL STATE TICKET NOMINATED, AND IS UlNE- W-ilVOCALLg FOR SILVER. I'yrui II. WniHon flioaon o I.eml dip ei nrrnlie Tli'ket, Willi Tliomaa V. CfiNon Tor l.lentrniMil Governor fill Mulo llrUot MrnlKlit lor Mil t r n All llnanrl-llolicnl(i to NniionBl foil veil I Ion. Prfillfullfil ;ie. tors Ibe Plnll'oriii. -.pti lai to The Siiuiilurtl, Raleigh, Jur.e 20. The Demo emtio State Convention adjourned thin morning at 5 o'clock. Toe complete ticket is: For Governor, Cyrus B Watson, of Foray I; Lieu- tPi,KLt Governor, Thomas V Mason, i f Northampton; Secretary of State; (ha:-'e M Cooke, of Franklin; State Tte-'urer, B F Aicock, of Waynef Anditor, 11 M Fu.man, of Runi.ouibe; Supmntendi-ot of Pub. hp Ii 8truclion, J'hn C Scarborough, ot John-ton; Atlorny tieneral, Flunk I Odborne, of Mecklenburg Associate Jue ice of the Supreme Court, A 0 Avery, of liurke, and Gec-nro II Broun, of Beaufort. De' egati a at large to the National Coo -vcu'inn at Chidgo wtre chcaen aa follows; Hon. John It Webster, 599 rote,; Thoiiad J Jitrvis, 4703; E J Iia!e. 404, and A M Waddell, 383 The. (Jterna'ea tlfcted are It B Pee b!", with 303 voice; W T Craw foi',312; Lee S Owm.n, 2275; B II Ii-'y, 231. Presidential eleclors at large ate Locke Craig, of Ashe ville, and W Q Douglias, of Moore THE PLATFOHM. "Whereas, The I) inocratic party hud iis birth in Jiff rnou's gicat cou'p. t against ths ceutralizition of the powers of tue Fideral govern rent and in behalf of the strict construction of the Federal consti tution, embodied iu the u-ntb mcL Inifnt thereto, in which al j ; .ra aot delegated to it were ex !i('tH'y reserved to the Stttee res ,i rely, or io thepeo;h', and, ' V bereas, The Republic n party fc n ! .er been a party of cvntraliza- t'1'1, "t, 'solved, That we appeil to the pf-pli to observe this fundamental diiiT 'iice between the Democratic party and its traditional enemy in rcep 't t to the powers of the centra1 povei 'inient; ihat the constitution recof; iizes gold oni silver as the j-riui try or redemption money o) t lubo States and in the words of the Dt nireratio platform 'we believe in honest money, the fold and silvei coinage of the constitution omt t circulating medium convertible iotr uuch money without loss.' "A'e fayor, independently ot other nations, tho free and nnlim ited coinage of silver and gold without discrirriina'inn sgainst l iltMT, at the present lcgil ratio of 10 o 1, and we con h tun the tystem wh;. b i i time of peace with mil lion of silver bullion lyiig idle in the Treasury h is forced the goyern mei t within t-vn jears to Issue i.eurly $312,000,000 in bonds We cui.drmn the uctiOB of the Secretary of ilia Treasury in following the ltPM.ibIic.in precedent of paying the obligations of the government in (r)lii, which were sp-cificaliy uiadt pn -i' le iu coin. We hereby instruct ' flcgutea lo the national con- , n both as to pla form atid t ; : .ndates, to advneat" and vole as ni l-, unflinchingly, at all huzardt for UiB restoration of silver and i.tVirwiae in obedience to the letter ai.i the Bpirit of the priucplei h r.-a enunciated. We further insimct our delegates, S a'e and dismct to UBe all their efforts tn abt e.ate the two thirds rule if neo uwr? to secure the nomination of 8 cairi'date io complete, in hearty and in ki.own accord with the princi ples herein enunoiated by us. 'We warn the people against the iif?."'S7K'rTL'-n-'X'.'':f' Dunne Is like I lis i Z lallroatl train. It i.v j ni'.'J'i.rtv 5 . i i - ..v.. ....... .f ,. , W&i'zriirt cojiiinji: and ifoitiR -V fX -nd keeps on stead- ! " 8C iW V3 most alwavs tell hovr a disease stfiTts, and where it will prob ably end. It won' l ffo out of its wa to oblige you tin more than a locomo tive will. Dist-asi: usually brjritis-wheit :tnd nutritive onyan.- VtaaA. Tlt cireuln t tioill?riW6p r"r, tlili ! tainted. Instead of crirviiinuin : liMiri:! V i dilL-rent parts of the buiiy it vatrii : noii. n, which settles .-it some point i n'! eat: the tissues. Accurdiiiirtowliciv it at ' i i: i railed liver r kidm y or xkitl -lis -scrofula, eiv-inel is, tcieitu, or cull ,,.. lion if it s ttles on the luuirs. 11 is al, t i rouble : tainted blood ; clear out thi , and build up the tissues with nel til Ii i .,. and llu- dm-ase is topien ; sine k -d ; it can t ro any fultlli r. No tnattci the nam.- of a disease is if il's n lilom e, Dr. I'icrce's tiolilen I.Ie.oeai ins vwill cure it by driving the poison on circulation and creating new i't ' healthy, red, l'le .'ivin Wood to re vi -e itxl nourish the wasted tissues. 1 r i's he diirestion ill order, invnrorates lh. I. In '.making ornrana and builds n"" lit lily flesh. Consumption is a ni; ill t;i. uon'l neuevt it emit , ii --rured every day by Dr. Pierce'i Goldee ' ,-tll al Discovery. t-.i .Vie I rsiim siyenmich for your " f'.tl ,-1 v filic.il liiseovtev " For two venrs mylllll. iK't suHcred with luiiir trniihle first lakjnjt la i. scennri iiiti-rtnnii'iii it-vri , i, '. For two years lie coukI'iO. lliepny .. a.. ni. I t tliutielit he must d, I whs tnld to Irv Or t'lrree's t.nlilen Mint ieai 1 Iscvery. I ,tiu. sml be''i,ic lie hs'l ULeo i.tile lie beynn lo men-1 ami t-ml.t eit I 1, When he had l iken four bolt t ha win I! ltd now Is as slntit HS helttie. Kes;.MVjil'ully yours, (Mil) JfrttcSl JZLusl-J r . ... Co., Mo. threatened combined evils of the gold standard and tbe McKin ev tariff, lbese twin monsters go band in band in their mission li des struction, drawing the very su te- nanci from tbe body ot the people and concentrating all wealth uud power in the hands of the few. "We denounce the KcKinley tar .ff and all other forms of a pro ec tive tariff legislation and fayor s c institutional tariff fer revennr only. We are ftr the repeil of tin unconstitutional tu of 10 per cent, on State banks of issoe. We declan mr conflJence in a graduated in come tax, in order that wealth ma) bear its due proportion of the bur den of supporting tile government, and we fayor an immediate amend ment of the constitution of tlx United States author z'ng i'g Kv) and colltction in exp'ess terms, leaving nothing for judicial con atruction, "We are unalterably opposed tt all legislation by which monopoliet nd trusts are create t and fostered. We ins st upon the faithful execu tion of existing 1 tw-i against thi same a id upon such ftirib r legis lation as mav b? necessary for theli juppri ssion." The part of the pla'fortii relativt to State cfiices ii us follows : "We point with (iridfto the fco nomic and siniiiles u tl rn u i .t 1 1 hi i ot of tfta'a eoveritment wberevr Dem ocracy has-breu in po-aer We favoi the enactment of tnh an 1 1. ctiui, la? as will secure tlv? puri y i.f the ballot. "We fuyor tlie continua'.ce of thi system of education established bj he Democratio party and pledgi ourselyes to its iucrea cd tflioitncv as tbe conditions of thi people and public revenues may j'latity. "We fayor the promo', j ibt and tmparti'l administratiou if thi .nuiiuitl law of the State, and we point with pride to tbe f ,ct that i Ut-mocrauo Legislature first enacted i law Hgainst lynching and that the aithful execution of the same ha- virtually tuj'inetted ti.at crime. "We cordially tnviie all men, re- gardh-BJ of former political associa- lou8 to onite with us in a fight te he fiaifh for fre silver, for lowei axes, for higher prices for agricul tural prodLc's and labor, for the cououncal administration of gov ernment and for the freedom ant individual sovereignty of the Ameri can citizen. We declare our belief that the peace, prosperity and hap- piness of tho people of North Caro lina dcrent's on the defiat cf the Republican State ticket in tbe coming election." MEANS SUBSTITUTE CLEVELAND HISSED. Taken from Charlotto Observer: Paul B Means c.fl'ercd a tubsti utt or ti,e fjiiancial plank and spoke in lupportof it. In the course of hie remarks he used thi words: "Senti ments uttered br mv ideal man of r.hij world, the President of the United State?." As the words were uttereJ there was a s'orm of hisses, prolonged and loud, lasting a min ute. Then Col. Means said he de plored the f ic. that any convention would hiss the t ame of a I resident of the United States, be he Demo cratic or Republican, but tbe b ita ke;t up, lees loud and general than before However, it was a dramatic -cene. Meaua' aubeii'tite was read. I- was as follows: "Resolved, That t favor tin gold dollar as the Btand nd br which a I tlolli.rs of our govern ment should I e n easured and such a safe system of Livnetallism aa i;l maintain a' all tin es the equal p iei if every dollar crined or issue 1 t) ihe Usited States in the marke'a in he payment of debts and in pur nt-asing capacity." The roll was culle I on the su'm'i- ute The oial votn cast was ('07 Ayta 3H. noes 875 Mtcklenhuif; as lo'ullv ctuered when 'the oti viis called 'ii) no " Wake's 25 to t ver- a'so applauded. Means then sai l heg'adlv took np t! e party cry md he nmyed to muke t' e adoption of thi platform in am mous. Thia was greeted by lond cheera and then by a rising vote and amid great chetrirg the platform was adopted. SYMPATHY FOR CUHA. John D Bellamy t ffered the fol lowing, which was adopted by a rising vcte and which was almost tin an in ns. "The Democrct c party being alw ys ;n favor of a people Btrug gling to fecure liberty gainst des potism, hereby extend r sympathy to tbo p .triots who ar r.ow brayely endeayorirg to fr.'e ihet" e've from the exac itns of a monarohy itLd to rstablis'i a sister repiib'i,! in the Western hi miephcre." The vite for the Mev.s sul p'i'n'e wat: Cabai ma OS, Iran't'in 1. Ire loll 7, Li coin 21, Polk 3, Ruther ford 0. ninrkn.le Whisker helel. llepniy collector R 8 Harris came to town Friday evening, bringing with him a 16 gallon keg of the pure "np untain dew" North Caro lina crn whiskey, seized at tbe home of Mar in Dry, in No. 9 township, near B Uriel's mill. The whifkiy wtls concealed in Dry's ho s, kit the filiier had little rouble in netting; possesion cf it. The kes; whs partially emptied when captured. The 'ilocka'liug bnai uca in ih it section of th- county has been loin on foi gome ine oc quite a Jarye FCa'e, but the t llioers are fust hrehktng it up. ne Mllns'IWii laiirniiunrantor(dtori ciadcl In minute "Ouu tout u done,11 SHORT LOCALS. Miss Julia ArtP, of Charlotte, patced through the city on her way to tho home of Mr. John H Moo e, io No. ? township, where bIio will jpeud some tiuae Contractor D A Caldwell went down to Newell'a Wednesday, where ne has in course of erection the ichool buildings for the Wright II il5 h School at that p'ace. Mr. James N Hell, of No. 3 town ship, wns ia the city, and when ifkt.J if he had any rewa ho re marked that "it is hot." lie eaid it was no joke. It was announced at the meeting ot the Knights of 1 ythias Friday night that on next Friday niht, July 4.h, the regular installation of newly elected cIlicerB will take place. Mr. C P Nif ing, who recently graduated from North Carolina Col lege, Mt; Pleasant, with tho degree of A. Ii , will have charge of Arnold Academy, in Davidson county, next Esioti. The colored Presbyterians had quite a fuccce'ful lawn parly at their church on West Depot street Thursday night. A nice little sum of money was raisrd for church ex j. enditures. Mr. M F Furr, of No. 2 town abip, was in the cry with a loud of melon. Mr. Krimrninger beat him a few hour?, and the l.nter's melons were much mrer than Mr. Purr's Eleven it. e!oi8 nere ii Mr. Fun't wpg n and 1 0 lit ie negroes on the wheels and sides, , T.-:n Stan'Dahii irt rtq iested to ask a I those who have fcubecribed soni Uliirg for the firemen, on theii suiis, to pleass hand the amounts ii J L Roger, chit f of lire depait ain.t. The eui'.H I av e f rrivtd nr.d the boys want to pay fir them at onoo. See tt it, please. Mr. John VanLandinghsm, a prominent citizen r;f Char lotte, was in the city. lie is favor ably impiesRed with the rapid progress cf this city and waj some what mrprifid to i-ee so miry new ouiMirts poii s up and general nueiness so briek at this season o! -he year. The G months-old child of Mr. ar.d Mrs. John S Hill, died this (Saturday) morning at tho jail, after a kw nays' illnts-t. The tuneraland burial ceremonies will take place tomorrow at 11 o'clock at Oilwood Presbyterian chuch, in No. i township. Not many business houses in theso Uniud States can beatt ol fifty years' stncdii g. Tho business of Dr. J C Ayertt Co., Lowell, Mass., whose incomparable Sarsnpaiilla is known and used everywhere, has lapsed its half centennial and Via never so vigorous as at present. Mr. Ilarvry Gneber had quite a chase Friday evening when te endeavored to lead a cow through Main stieet, on his way to the slaughlt r per. Theanunn! hernme onnianag able and started -o rui . Mr. Cia ber went with lei l o Lad to give that calf all the rope. Ayer'B Pills pnmr.te. tho natural motion of the bowels, without which there can Lr ro regular, healthy operations. For t) e cure of billiousness, it.d igehiitm, mck lieadaehe, ctmstipi.tiun, jannnite, and liver currp'aint, tr.ese pil e have noiqual. r.vtry ilose illecuve. WANTED Prompt and faithfut U'CMitlemen or hitly tu travel f.r re liable, tstahlished henso in North Carolit-a. Salary $750, payable $15 wei kly and expenwe. Situation purmnnenf. References. Ki.tlise --lf.itel(ii-(-fSMl f-lsmpi-d envelope 11 K Ilea-, Pres., ii.jfj D.aibi-rQ tSt., C Itch go. Two wrmen bi';gais, will, four chiltln n, two in'niUH in w small car riaoe hi tl two just, a lutle luri r. -trtitk tnwn ami mini- a pantile, ikn.p for Bid Irtiin nch nno tUny met.. Tre'V wne ij'tin-siiTes:f:il in ejKtiini! (liitiatioiiK. t' r tit.e could hardly lui.k upon iim unusual sight wiihotit piiyitig tliem. Mepsrs Marshal and Dick Mabrey, of Forest Jlill, submittid to an afT.-ay at the Mayor's tflice, having "frailed" a fellow nam'-d Tom Head at tho line' ball ground Thursday evening. Head, it seems, prnvoked tho young tr.en hy etifsinp and car ing ihem nil kiwi i of ngly names Head also submitted and paid a fine. Mr. K 1. II n-Cfimp, editor of tin flalfiiey, S C, Ltdgi-r, sends us the following : 1 Vnu aro cordially in vi td to hi pripent nt Oiifi'ney, S. (J., on the Die Hundred and Twentieth An i .trfary of the Djc 'aralion of Iedependepca tf tho United StaUB of Ann ri'-'p, July 4th, ISO!!." A bin dinner will be given it i be Lime-tone hotel, whor guest itp nre ri'iestd to he. Unrklrn-a Arttit-n sialvi". The Best Salve in t -e world for Cuts, Hriiifl-8, Sons, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Kever Sores, Tetterd Chappe !IamK Chilblains, Cc-t.B and ail Skin Eruptious, and posiiin ly cures Piles or no pay reqoi ed. It guaranteed to give sta'ii-fnction or nionev refunded. Pric 25 cenis per box. For sale at P 11 Fetor's Drne store. lie If e were no' in n cmoe, I would ki?n vou. She TakH me aidiore instiintly, sir. i , r K f V AOiimuiii Hhki-matism rellovwj iJHv Ihy lr. SlIUw Wervc I'litaWra. "ASLEKP IN JESUS." Al'lrr n l.tnirorms: lllneaN Mrs. M. I,' llllrli 1'nasra Any. The Salisbury World sayai MrsJ M L Ritch died thia morning a'l h ilf past two o'clock. This annonccament brought sor row to the hearts of tuany when they htard it. After mouths of liu, gering she fui-scd away this morn, ing.eurroundid by the immediate family. She tiied as peacefully ant! easy as if she had f.tilen aslerp. Sht was conscious and taUed wiih anc recogn'.ed tboe around her until I lie very last. Mrs. Ritch'a maiden name waf Laura Susan Murr, and the ws hon. in Concord on February 12th, 1854 and was therefore in hr 43r.l year. On December 15th, 1874, she wat married to Mr. Mark L. Ritch, of Concord. She moved to Salisbury some five or six years ago, and hat livsd here eyer since. Unto her wat bo n Bix children, five girls and oli boy, all of whom are living and wen present, together with the husband and mother, when the end came. Iu early giriho d she connected herself with i ho Evangelical Lutheran chinch and leunined faithful to the tioctrims of the church until death she was a coaly woman and took pride in always being in her nccus tnmtd pew whenever she could. The way in which she bore her . fll ctiou was remark ible. She never murmurt.'d, but always looked on the b;i:ht tide, and, although she was cmfident of tbe eeriotisnecs of hi rente, the never lout hope and only jesterday taid that she f el better. She greeted each yisitoi with a sweet smile and u welcomt nod. Jutt beform she died shi wanted some stimulants and just a they were preparid and ready to ad minister to her she closed her eye? and passed into Il-aveu'y rest. Mrs. Ritch wa; a mono alF-.'Otionate woman and was one or i,ii-isa moibcrr that took a pride in her household She was gentle and kir.d to ui!, and was ever re'.ily to lend a helping ta:,d to ttojor.i'. With her death her alllictions have endeu and she is now at rest ana well can it be said of her that she has fallen "Asleep in Jcsu', Messed sleep, From which none ever wake to weep." Her iemaiu8, accompanied by sor rowing relatiyis, friends antl pastoi arrived on the vestibule train from Salisbury Saturday, whence the; were conveyed to the Lutheran church. Rey. King read the im prisfcive Lutheran burial ceremony and made some touching rtntaika on life mid death of the eleceascd, show ing ; he power of the Christian re ligion over the life and tho death of tbosu who embrace it. The fc-nef of the bereaved was touching und the general manifes tations of Borrow indicated the depths of attachment to the departed and the sympathy of pitying hesrts for those bo near to her, The remains were then interred in the city cemetery. We extend to the ufilicfed relatives oar heartfelt sympathy. I'nr Nil!,.. 'i'vo thoroughly renovated top bng, ieg almost new, very cheap, '..'all at i his ollice. OVERWORK - INDUCED - Nervous Prostration Complete Eocovory by tbe Use. of Ayer's Sarsaparilla " Somo years bro, m a result of too cosn attention to bnsincH, my lira III fi.ili'il. I bvruTuo wenk, nervous, wan nnablrt to Uk.il Rftnr my intt rcats, on t i:i..iiircHtel all tho symptoms of a do lino. I tink threo bottles of Ayrr'i. S:irs;inurilln, bean to improve at ow:a, tuM gradually liirroaseil my weight rrom ono lutTidiml ami twenty-five to two Siunlr"il pound. Since tlien, I and my family have used tills medicine when needed, and wo arn nil in tho best ol health, a fact which wo attribute to Ayer's Rnrsnpftrilla. I believe my rliil dren would have lnen fatherlrsH to-day had it not bern fur AyerV Sarsaparilla, of which preparation I cannot say too mnrh." U. O. ITinhon, rostmnatcr and J'lanter, Kitmrd'n, S. ( Ayer's S Sarsaparilla ; RECEIVING MEDAL AT WORLD'S FAIR. YER'S Pills Save Doctor's Bills, S. ,, . ; .- - K .e 7; t NEGROES UGLY. Tlic y llr-relltl n hrgra Weneh nt Roek. liiKtinni Who IE ml 4lulrnuroiiHly an Nnnlieil n While I.Bily, Rockingham was thrown into r turmoil of excitement last Saturday by the dastardly and unprovoket aweault of a colored wench upoi Mrs. E B Nuttall, of thi.t towr, ant the substej'ient action of the ne groes of the towu in preventing thi arrest of the wench by armed force Tbe facts in the case, os we havi been able to gather them, are as fol lows ! Oa last Saturday Mr9. Nuttal charged the woman, who was em ployed by her as nurse, with treat in the baby cruelly. The woman fldw into a towc-ting passion and told Mrs. Nuttall that she was a liar Mrs. Nutlali told her that she would discharge her and would inform Mr Nuttall of her conduct as soon as be returned home. Then the infuriated wench threw the baby, which she had in her nrms, on the floor and attacked Mrs. Nuttall viciously. She struck her on the head and fac time and again and, her hair com' ing down, caught her by that and beat her head against the wall un til she was forced to desist from aheer exhaustion, and, right here, comes in a most pathetic incident of this diabolical outrage. The lit tie child, just beginning to talk, begged the black w retch to pleasi not whip her mama, but even the piteous pleading of the little one hail noefTiciupon the woman. Mrs. Nuttall, as soon as it war over with, and the woman had left iho hourfe, sent for her husband, Mr E B Nuttall, a merchant of thi place, and her brother, Mr. Cameron M irrison, a popular youug attorney. These gentlemeu, when they learned the fiicls in the ca-c, went to the bouse of a negro in the neighbor lood, where the g r'. was, to see hei bout tbe affair. They found the house surrounded by a number of negroes, armed with cudb and pis tois, who defied them to enter. Neither of them being armed, they lid not at thn time bring the affair to an issue, and, on returning later, found that the woman had beeD spirited away. The negroes of the town gave it o':t '.lat the woman would be sent to Richmond, Va , and the trains a' both Rockingham and Hamlet were watched Saturday night, but a' neither place did she attempt te board the cars. SHE ia DRIVEN THROUGH THE STREETS SURROUNDED IIY A MOD. Oa Sunday morning the second chapter of thi-i, the most disgrace ful affair that ever stained thenn nals of this section of the S'nte, was enacted. On fhis, the Lord's day, when the good citizens of tho town were making ready to attend upon tho services of the sanctuary, this she devil was put in a buggy and, surrounded by a mob of at least 1CK armed nigroes, was driven through the principal streets of the town into the country and thence into South Carolina. All this, too, in defiant of the law, as a warrant, charging the woman with assault and bat tery, was in the hands of the offi cers of tho law. As showing tho uglv and dan gerous spirit evinced by the negroet ol Rockingham on this occasion, it is said that as soon as the affair bj camo known to them and they learned of it before it became gen erally known to the whites they went all over town and bought all the firearms they could fiud. MR. NUTTALL A NATIVE OF WADES ISOIIO. Mr. E 1! Nuttall, the husband ol the ladv who was assaulted, is a na tive of Wadesboro. and be hai many friends here who deeply resent the imult eff-red his wife. Mrs Nut tall is tho daughter of Mr. Da l Moir son, who was pist master at Rockingham dnrii'g President Har risrn's administration. Wadeoboro Mersanger Intelligencer. Amillirr Uolil Mine llonl. For some time past Mr. W A Smith has bei u Iryir-g lo iflict a t ixle in t he Fe'zer Cor! gold mine, which adjoins th.it of the Moi.tgom- Ciy mine just above the city. The r.nt sold in j itt oi.e :i.-.rc i:; 9-z and HTiiHie the f n:eity of Mer. P R '.in r ai d M .1 Cori feveral years a to ro.'tn1 vert r.ch g-itil veins run tl rough the Iruct Mr. AIL a Kuierv, a miner is tho purchns. r. The consideration win rot giviu for publication. The Xew .Mi l in. A prel'y dark lilt D -green is the cilor td the u n i f .r ins urchasid and recf iv d by the Hose at. d I.el Com pany. They arrived Wedneeday, This is thp firnt uniform the com pany has owred t-iiico i'.s e-rao ''zil lion eleven years rgo. The laddies are a fine and handsomo set of young men any way, and in their new suits, wh-ch nre coven d with brass buttons and golden stripes, wi;h cips to n r.t.'it, they loi.k t.tito' sigh'. A SERIOU3 CHARGE. An (till Mnn Cnnvlit in Ihe Art ! As nuliliiK un Clvven-Yrnr-Old ( hllil r Tnta Oljr MiitlB II Ik Earnpe Thurailny Klirhl. For the past Feveral years the families of "Robbie'' Littleton apd I F IMaylock, have been livirg peaceably side by side on the best of neighborly terms at Forest Hill. But things have changed. Oj las-Friday, June 19.h, Bob Littleton, a man Co years of age, gathered his vessels and etarted out to pick blackberries, in company with little Emma Blaylock, tbe 11 year old child of Mr. and Mrs. J F Blaylock, and when the two were some distance from town and thought to ba concealed in tbe briars and bushes, the old, hoary beaded man attempted to commit a nameless crime upon the little ohild. Her screams reached the ears of two women who were near and not until their appearance was observed did the old villian release his helpless victim. The old man and child resumed their hunt for berries and matters amicably smoothed over until Thursday evening, when news of the horrible affair found lodgement in tbe ears of the child's parents. Mr. Blaylock, when apprised of the matter, began lo investigate, tbe result of which is as stated above. Mr. Blaylock at first made throats of violence, but upon second thought, he retorted to law and had a warrant taken oat late Thursday evening for Littleton's arrest. But alas I too late. The old man bad fled, lie was last seen going in the direction of tbe depot and it is be lieved that be has gone to Salisbury, where he has a eon living. Littleton has been conspicuous about town for four or five years, churning to make wonderful cures among the sick and afflicted. He came here from Stanly county and has a family. He was pretty well thought of and his "cranky" ideas were always humored and he was regarded as a good citizen. Mr. Blaylock is also from Stanly and is well thought of. Officers are making a diligent search for the old man and they are confident that h will be appre hended. laken from Daily btand ard of Friday, June 2G. About Eitra CotltN. We propose to give every one of our subscribers value received for his money which be pays as a sub scription price of this paper, and we believe we do. Frequently there is some article in the paper, an obituary, news item, personal men tion, or something else, that makes it especially interesting to some subscriber, and he desires a few extra copies to send away. Well, friends, we do not print the paper simply for the fun of it. So if you want extra copies you need lot be surprised if we tell you we pect you to pay for them. tie 1 line Kxteuilvtl. In order to give the Confederate veterans visiting Richmond during the sixth annual reunion of the United Confederate Veterans sufli cient time to visit the Virginia bat tlefields before returning to their homep, the commissioner of tbe Southern Passenger Association has authorized its members, composed of tbe various roads in tbe south and southeast, to extend until the 15:h of July the limit of such tick els as expire on to 10. h of July, upon the surrender of the same not later than the 5th of July to the ticket azent of the line over which the holders arrive at Richmond, such tickets to be returned to the holders'properly extended for return passage until the 15th of July, after their return from the battle fields. c'apt. II A Judd, who has for the mst Bcveral years been manager of he Parker mine at New London, will leave soon to take charge of a mine in Australia. There is gen uine regret in Salisbury at the de parture of Capt. Judd. A mor.' conr'eous gentleman has never bern her-1, and all who know him are his friend.), die will, we undirs and, leave next Wedneeday. The besl wishes of all our rtiople will go with him -Salisbury Herald. Niooiih Tree to All. I rfnd in the Christian Standard that Mi-s A M Fritz, Station A, St. Louis, Mo., would give an elegant plattd hook ppoon to any one send ing her ten 2-cemt stamps. 1 sent for ono and found it so useful that I showed it to my friends, and made $13 in two hours, taking or ihrs for the spoon. Tbe hook spoon is a house bold necessity, licannot iit) into the dieb or cooking vessel. being held in the place by a hook on the beck. The spoon is some thing housekeepers have needed ver since spoons were first invent ed. Any one can get a sample Kponn hy sending ten 2 cent et&nm ' an. ii'i i. ; n n..l. 11,1 IU illleH rriifc. mo in a DpiDuuiii woy to make monev around home. Very truly, Jeannettk S. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE Ritaoliitiona or HcNoct. Resolutions ot respect to tbe mem ory of Air.zi N McNinch pastel by tbe session of the First Presbyterian Church, Concord, N. O., of which be was a member. W her, as, Iu ihe all wise provi dence of Uod, our beloyed brother in the eldership of thia church, Amzi N McNinch wag removed from our midst by death on the 8th daycf June, l&'JG Resolved, That in tbe death of Mr. McNinch, we feel deeply tbe loss of a faithful and efficient brother officer one eter z 'wlous aud active in the Master's work, especially among the poor, the sick and af flicted. It-solved, That we believe that our loss is bis eternal gain, and in this bereavement we bow in humble i ib i ission to tbe will of Him who doeth all things well. Resolved, That to the sorely stricken family we extend our heart felt sympathy, and pray the God of all comfort to be with them and comfort them in this gad affliction. Resolved, That a copy ot these resolutions be gent to tbe family and also famished to the Concord papers and to the North Carolina Presbyterian and Christian Observer for publication. D F Cannon, C K White, H I Woodholse. Committee. Atirnntl Entertainer. Mr. Charles J Harris is a splendid entertainer, so his friends say. The dining hall at the St. Cloud hotel was artistically decorated and bril liantly illuminated Thursday night, when Mr. Harris entertainedanum ber of invited friends at supper, complimentary to Miss Margaret Hoyt, of Washington, N. C, the guest of Miss Lai Hill. The party was composed of Miss Hill, Mr. Harris; Miss Hoyt, Mr. Frank L Smith ; Miss Sallio Belle Erwin, Mr. B E Harris; Miss Agnes Moss, Mr. E P Hill ; Miss Mary Louis Harris, Mr. J F Yorke ; Miss Rose Harris, Prof. R L Keesler. Mr. John C Wadsworth was toast master. The menu was elaborate and varied. After supper was fin ished the party repaired tJ the pri vate parlor, where some excellent music was rendered. Tbe ladies wore brilliant costumes appropriate, while the gentlemen were clad in their usual evening dress regulation. Baltimore and Norfolk Ltoe. The Southern Railway Company, haying changed its eastern terminus from West Point, Va., to Norfolk, Va, for its through traffic from Philadelphia, New York and New England points on and after July 1st. Baltimore traffic in connection with tbe Southern Railway will also be handled through Norfolk. The new and magnificent steamers At. lanta & Charlotte, of the Baltimore, Chesipeake & Richmond Steamboat Co's- Line have been assigned to this service, and will leaye Baltimore daily, eicept Sunday, at 6 p. m. from Per 19, Light street (foot Lee street) and will leave Norfolk daily, except Sunday, at 5 30 p. in. from the company's wharf, foot Fayette street. Attention is called in this con nection to trainj Nog. 15 and 16 "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited" operated as a solid train with first and second class coaches and Pull mau sleeping cars between Norfolk and Chattanooga via Seloia, Raleigh Durham, Greensboro, Salisbury, Asheville, Hot Springs and Knox- ville, connecting with Baltimore and Norfolk line steamers. Traiu 15 leaves Norfolk 10:05 a. m, Greens. 'ioro 7:30 p. m., Siliabsry 8:20 p ui., (central time); arrives Chatta nooga 8:20 a. m. No. 10 leaves Chattanooga 5:20 p. m., S disbury 6:40 a. m, Greensboro 8:25 a. m, and arrives Norfolk 5:20 p. ni. A complete aupply of tickets to Balti more and pcinta reached through Bal timore yia the Baltimore & Nor folk L'ne will be furnished and on sale at this station on and after July Is, 180C For furthir information call on or aildress GOWAN DUSENBEKV, Local Agent. Concord, N. C, June 22, '90. Runllflrtr in.enia n ll.,i?er ii going theiounds of the city. Prem- l . , .I l,t!n V.n lsee oi several paruus wimm tt.c fire-limits have been fonnd very unwholesome, and unless they s.re cleaned op immediately gome in dicting will be done. He has no tified the owners. See that yours is cleaned up bjfore bo comis around, Powder Reduced Rniironil Kitten. Fifteenth Annual Convention of young people's society of Christian Endeayor, Washington, D. C. Tickits on gale July 5, (i, and 7th. Linrted for return to July 21st 189(3. Fare for round trip $11.05 Iron L'ud tickets with continuous passage in both directions will be nicd. For the occasion of the Sixth Annual Reunion of the United C onfederate- Veterans' Association at Richmond, Va., on the 30th of June and the 1st and 2nd of July, the Southern Railway has reduced the rates to an unusually low price. For the round trip a ticket will cost you only $5 20, continuous passage in both directions. Tickets will be on sale June 29:h and 30:h, final limit July Gth. These rates are very low and every old soldier who can should take advantage of these cheap rates and attend this grand reunion. Fifteenth International Conven tion of the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor, Washing ton, D. C, tickets on Bale July 5th to 7th, final limit July 15th, 180(5. Continuous passage in boih direc tions. Tickets may be extended and made good for return until and including July 31st upon their de posit with a joint agent at Wash ington, D. C, on or before fi o'clock p. m., July 14tb, 189G. Fare for rouDd trip $11 05. Kind Reinftaibrancea. The Standard is happy, and has occasion to be. Oa Friday afternoon it receivod a box of large, elegant plums, and it thanks the fair one who sent them from Ue "bottom of its Lean" for Ibis kii d remembrance. This kindly act was added to last Saturday morning, when Mr. Geo. F BarnharJt, of No. 9 township, re cently an attache of this office, brought to our sanctum a half bushel basket of delicious peaches. We will Bhow our just appreciation of same when the proper time comes. "Kind Words and Deeds Never Die," and such charity as han bewin our lot to experience since the fruit season began, will always be ic membered. Who'll bring the first water melon ? To t'ontrnt'lorN. Chairman of board of county com missioners and R W Riggers have been authorized to make certain re pairs on the cotton platform and are ready to receive sealed bids at once for the work. For full particu lars call on the commute in charge. Jacob Dove, jyl Chairman. tilven Away free. To adyertise our goods will giye away absolutely free one box of five cent cigars, one gold ring and r. sample bottle of Peelers' Pain Killer to every one sending na fifty cents to pay packing and postage Address, Peeler anderson Medicine Co. Lock Box 1, Kernersville, N, C. The I'nlverMlly. This institution is steadily grow ¬ ing in popularity and dlicientv, The enrollment this year is th largest in its history. We won!: like to aid some needy boy to get it. advantages of scholurdhipa un ' Iouds. See ad. elsewhere in th puper. CURED AT tt YEARS. Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure Vlctnriou No utlie r medicf neeun show hupIi a recur Hero is a verit;it)le patriarch, 7.1 years age, with atrnnjf prejudice to overcome, wl j tmd Heart Dintiue, 15 years. He took the iNc Heart l ure and ia now ttniiml and Wuil. Samcrl O. Ptonk. Grass Lake. Mieh., I'e. 2m, tw I hare been irntihin! with heart iliwrnv " years or mure. Mt f tint time 1 wa bad it was not h;4, for me to no out ah as dizzy hik-IIs wuirM r;iuo falling. 1 ' saivere palpitation, ltori nes of tirettth : it'hicn put ii t hat rendered me hH ilr-.s. physicians iil for me was to mlvis keei quiet- in AuUt la.-.t I comine need tu L Dr. Miles' New Heart Cu v., :md heforo I had finhh-d the lir-t hott found the rued if i tie was a (i nd. 1 h . ' now used four hoitit-s in all und. ant fi . entirely WidL I a to 7:i y n rs of a iff find n held a !rihh:e asani1-! pali-nt iiifdi, hi my life, 1 ui t I will nut. ahow this to jn- v ' pivirtL' rev ti-tim'fiy to toe lt. ;it mre y valuable remedy has wmn.'lit, in n e. j this to snow my uuprei-utt mn -f I i' M V.'W Heart Cute. AMU- I, , S'P'N !r. Miles Heart Cure Ik w.M on a --ii ptllirantee. that tin- In -t hwtl will " All'iruk'k'lstss.ll it at fl. fi Ih.mL f- r It Will he Hvt.t ;-eti:ud, on receipt, of p by thuUr. Mile Mudical iu , Li.i.wL, J Dr. Miles' Heart Cure k."!;:'. ' ' tOli SAL1-: HY All 1110'. f w. t i L t ii

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