fc-dM V ; : IrHE" 7 STANDARD THE STANDARD. TURNS OUT- PRINTS THE AEW'k t n AT 18 JfEV. GOOD - JOB - WORK The STANDARD. r AT LIVING PRICES. GIVE US A TRIAL A Ttirniitulu Junt.il nl llim. Mister E.r'.o Patterson, who clerks at Mr. John K Patternou'is grocery and tOiif.ctionarv Btore. This morning when he opened the store ready for the day's trade, be was puttir h' eouu fruits out In front of the fitor ai.J an he reached for a bunch of b.inanaa, a large tarantula jumped at him and fell upon the floor at bis f et. Earle made sev eral atuuup'H to kill it, but was un successful, the spider having crept between the floor and wall, making its escape. The bananas were . shipped be'e from Richmond and the tarantula 1ms no doubt traveled a great di&tance. Daily Standard of Tnursday, Jjuly 2. Detected by llie C'niucra. A Manchester photogr .phir re lates that ho recently tools a thoto gruph of a child who waa appar ently in jjojd h-ullh and h;ii a clear skin. Th'1 negative showed the face to be thickly rovt-red wi h .iu erup tion. Three tlajS afterward the child was otore l with tpots due to prickly beit. The cam ra hud tk-cu and photographed the eruption three days before it was visible to tbt naked eye. It is did that another case of a siuiihir kind is recorded, where a child bhowed spots on bis portrait which ere invisible on his face a forloiejht previous to an at tack of pniillpos. llnrriel II. Nlowe Dcnl. Mrs Harriet Beecher Stowe, the author of "Uncle Tern's Cabin" died at Hartford, Conn., Thursday noon. She ws boru in a year of strife aid t'oodnhed 1812, and probab y did as much to enkindle Btctional imiuiosity an 1 precipitate the late war as iwy one character in our history. llore-than 500,000 copies of her work have been sold in the United S.atei alone and it has been translated into 23 lan guages. Mrs. Stows's health has leen failing f"r some time likewise ber k, mental f.i(.:u!'.iw h.-ve been weaken- TU'llI Nab Mr, AllNMURll. Mr. Jackson Sefrit, who came so neir dying last August from the tffe.ctsof being blown up at his saw mill by the explosion of a boiler, when bis sjn was instantly killed and Mr. John Boat injured so badly that be afterwards died, was in the city last Thursday. Mr. Sufrit carries marks of the terrible explo sion upon his forehead his right eye is entirely eat, his nose wae broken and his tkin is besmenred with ateamed-soot. But wiilml, the gentleman enjoys comparatively good health and Buffi rs only v. hen in hot sin. shine. Ilin bn.iuf.8 in the city ti.day, we bam, was to enter proceedings against M r. J L Nufs nian, who will be sm d f ir the re covt-ry of notes held n.ln-t Mr. Safrit for the boiler that ciustd the !: ,'.' disaster. ,"i !in;llnml Kino rol. A l;!' at numb, r of farmers w. re in ; li . y tod::y (Salnnl ij), it be ing loo v.et to do any f irm work, besides crops ar about all laid by. Politics id a drawing c.rd for the borny handed sons of lo.l at this season. From iill sections j:ood r.iii.s are reported mid it u said t : . it corn and cotton aro looking be: ter than have evor been known. The liiij-plness ol mariicd li fu depend on lne wilt's liealtl otltncr than on nnj other one cimsidera tirm. An ailint- wo luim Is a source of discontent to hersell mid n b u I d e n rik dr.-iir upon her htls band. W omen bj taking more interest in their own phys ical condition wonlc lay the best founda tion for married hap p i n e a and ever other happiness Mote than half thf suffiTinir which saiv he encrsrin ntul nttrn the disposition of women if directly traceable to some iiinor derof the organs distinctly feminine. Tiler, U MO real need of NUch troubles ; tliey ait Invariably cured by Iir. Tierce's Favoritt Prescription, which reacbei and trcnirthent h internal fenerative organ an no othci treatment can possibly do. By reatorini health and trenirtta to this moat importaut part of the feminine constitution, the "Fa vorite Prescription " frivea new tone and en ergy to all the rest of the body. One of the most deeply iiitercstintr ant truly educative books ever written in tin "People' ' Common Sense Medical Ad vlaer," by llr. K. V. Pierce, Chief Consult luff Physician of the Invalids' Hotel and Suisrical Institute, Jiutr.ilo. N. V, Thit aplelldid volume of le paje-l, incllldei ninety pafres on the fubiecl c f diseases pe cnii tr to women, with directions for holm treatment, remlorimr unneces.-.ary the em barniaaiuHT "exantinations," and fienerallj useless "local treatment," so dreaded b) modest women. The book contains tin most comprehensive explanation of hnmar physiolojry and the rational principles of hyifienc ever pnbliBhed. Illustrated will over 300 enirraviniiB a complete medical library in one volume. No other medical book In the Knjjllsh lanRtiaire everhad such an enormous sale. 680,010 copies were sold nt ft. 50 each. Dr. Pierce is now distrib ntinir a new free edition of half a million copies. A copy will be sent absolutely fret to anyone wiio will scud to the World' Dispensary Medical Association, lliilhilo N. Y., m one-cent stamps to pay cot of mailing only.- The presint edition is in nil fcapecls the iime as that sold at $1.50 et cept only that it la bound in Uuun uinuJlll yaper coven iuatcad of clutb. St w VOL. IX--NO 23. HK kissed hek. A Yankee MpenhN-H here Will llie Xcxt Iteniilon He? Eichmokd, Va., Joly 1. There are many surmises as to where the next rennion will be held. Atlanta, Nashyille and Hichmond all petition for it. Atlanta see ns to stand little chance. - Nashville may get it, as she is making a sys'eniHtic can- yaes for it. Richmond still c'.uims that Richmond should be made the permanent meeting place. A very interesting feature of the morning session waa the cordial re ception given Corporal Tanner, a Yankee, who had lost both letjs by t!qn federate canton. It is sa'.d of hia speech that it was "one of the Utir8t and most eloquent speecheb yet baud during the reunion, bring ing smiles and tears alike from the. 'encrals on the stuge and the pri- vh'hd on the (1 jor '' But a ftature of the "rcasion that ill T oue; hi reuietnbered by alf who witursa d it, will be. the impressive presentation of Mrs. l)avia by 0..u John B Oirdoil who said that, as a mark of tfLciionate and reverential esteem from the entire body of ve: erans, he would imprint upon her brow a fi rypnt kiss. He then in his most graceful manntr bowed and fondly placed upon her forehead a kiss emblematic if the high esteem of the 'Whole Confederate army, which was followed by tho deafening roar of thousands of veterans' jells, signifying their approval. It is an occasion long to be remembered. lourlNls Mrlkr Town. Two young boys, Ralph and liar old Odborn, 18 and 16 years of age respectfully, struck town last Thursday morning on their return from the South to Like Outarb, from whence they started three week ago, one by rati and the other by steamer, meeting at Columbia, 8. 0. Each one has a substantial wheel and theii intention is to re turn to their home through the country on their bikes." Monday morning the young men left Wins boro, S. C, and expect 'o reach Lke Ontario within the next five weeks fbey aie handsome chaps and do net in uny way resemble the usual roadster. Tnrnel Over. At the depot Wednesday at 12 o'clock, when the southbound train arrived, tho horse to tho express wagon got a notion in hi.-s head to run, and made a lunge forward. At )nejum;i the wagon was turned botton side up. No serious damage was done. Wednecday night while the fire tnon were oat with their real, Mr K i. Murr waH going ou' K ih'. Depot street in a buggy, when hi j Ii im became frightened and in iln enpor- ings, turned the bu.jijy over. One pring to the vehicle wan broken. No one waB hurt. I he Kick mid A Oil. tel, Mr. il W AlliBi n, who is 87 years .if age Hi.d the mocit b-loved ouizen of Cone rd waa mdijeniy tviz d with it sifk i pell this mormrg, but won tt covered. The epell was not. of a s -ri'.'iis nature, and there, id no occasia i for alarm. lt is rtgrtt lli:l we announce thd critical iilncan of Mr. FA. Fisher. Mr. F'sht r hns'i( en u reat fiiiTerir for the pubt jeur or more with a chronic stomach affection and is considered almost hopelessly ill. Mr. J)an Miller is rapidly iin proving and it is no thought thiit he will pull through all right. Mrs. Uraton writes from Bii'tning ham Ihat her sen is slowly improv ing, but is not yet out of danger. Thursday's (July 2) Daily btaudand, Very F.nenii rnirmu;- The Marion Art School was opened Wednesday mtrning at the gratua school building with a very. encouraging " number of Btudents Mirs Bettie Alexar.d-T is principal and ber tfficiency os ttu artiet and teacher is well known to our citizens and we may have tbe assurance that tbe school will be a success in every branch. Miss Addie Alex ander will teach elocution cud as sist with thn kindergarten. To lleMroy llMiaiiu. Havana, July 1 The revolu tionists have formahy served notice on the people of Havana that plant have been conipleti.il and will be cirried into execution this Bummer to wipe out every yeili p of lhe city by means of dynamite, if it be nec. estary to go to tbat titremn to drive Spain off tbe island. Copiii of the circil.r convening this announcement have been lift at tho bouses of alt the wdMo-do peo ple of 'be city, SHORT LOCALS. Cantaloupes aro on tho market. Some of the lots in rear of tbe stores noed attention. The Populists will hold a county convention in the court house on Saturday, July 11. Mr. W A Ridenhour is home from King's Mountain on, vacation of a few weeks. It is said that the Olell n i Is will close down for a ten days' rest on Saturday, July 11. o The surett way for a man to be robbed of a good name is to write it on bis umbrella. , Two negro prisoners escaped from Guilford county jail Thursday even ing by cuttiui; through the walls with large knives. a An oflice seeker is a man who runs for olliae without success. A Btateamnn is one who runs for ollioe and manages to win. Tnere are no bar rooms in Win ston. Tho commissioners would not grant license for the ealo ol whieliey, making the town a dry one. Tho latest is in from tho Greens boro correspondent of the Charlotte Observer naming Dr. Mclver as succosKor to Dr. Winston. The name i f Dr Paul Barringer is also prominent. . Oae of the greatest curiosities ever known to Georgia is a negro boy, I I years of ge, w ho has never eaten watermelon, lie waa discovered oa the streets of Atlauta Tuesday. Durham suiLtred an 88,000 or $10,0J0 lire Thursday nigtit, when its ice factory was. burned down. Tue i.rigin of the tire is supposed to have beeu caused by tipuntaueoub couibusuou. The lion. Carrel A Hobart rides a bicycle, nnJ thero is, accordingly, no turtuer reason why the wheel men of this country should not feel that they are not properly repre sented upon the ticket. Rsv. C L Mil. or, of Rowan county, wh.) h'i chaige of tun raissiou work of tbe E angelical Lut.ieruo. church at Greensboro and high Point, was in the -city. Mr. Miller is very much encouraged in his work. Prof. E B Sstzlcr pessed through tbe city on hid way to Amherst, Mass., where he will take a special course in the studies of French, German, latin and Greek. He will go by Brooklyn, N. Y., where he will attend a meeting of teachers. The contract for the erection of Mecklenburg county's new court house has been awarded to V W McAfee, of Atlanta, Ga., whose bid was $40,8U5. Preparations to build will begin at once and the structure is to be complete by May 1, 181)7. Free (H page medical reference book to any. person alluded with any spx-i.-il, c' ro: io ( r deii lie dis tase jjd.iiiliar $ t teir em. Adiiiios tho JcaJ:uy ion iiJl tns ;il i nor eeons of the U iite.t Stat'.s, Dr. Hathaway it Co., 22i houtb Broud Street, Atlanta, Ga. There vas n good deal nf so'ind humao i aiutu ir, tie unexpe.ted ro,iiy i.l ihe t'yii;f nU! woman to her minister's ie.a.ng question, "Here ao the ond of a long Jild. which ol the Lord's mere tea me you most thankful foi?'' Her eyet brightened as she t:npwereil, "My victuals." No. 10 township Sunday fchoo! convention is ci!li i ) in it at Howell's (B.ip'.is ) church, on Sat urday before tlio third Sunday n. July, to tra.isac. busiiie.-s of the Sundsy h,' I'j'il t of that township. An interomii g pr.)graniuio will bo arra ne d. Mas! i n Richard (Jibou im! Jim nio Cann.m went out lo Rocky lliver Thursday evening on their Dikes, r nd on thfr reit.rii i he onng -ports drilled li .0 n.lloE ilinnigb the dn ncbing rain Uicba-d 1 -tving punctured a tiro, Jiniroie was kind enough to walk a:ul talk with him. Miss Isla Council, who for some time past has been assistant book keeper in thn Odull store, and who bad been biek for several weeks, has resigned her position and retorm-d to her home near Fa vetteviile. Her sihtei, Mrs. Addie IL'.li, who hafi been with her during tier illness, ac enmpanied her. The man who didn't care three shakes of a lamb's tail about tbe newspapers, recently rode thirteen miles through the hot suu to get a weekly tea, sp'dtoof him as a prom inent oil'.; 'ii. Ho wanto I tho paper to Mir.d awnjf. v, h'ch he said would be a great, advertisement for the paper. This individual abounds in every community. & A young Indian girl of the Chip pewa tribe was adopted when three years of age by a Michigan farmer for the sole purpose of satisfying bis hobby that women, if properly trained, can run faster than men. Siie is now' uiai.lion ynra of agi, woighs 117 pounds, end can outrun any man wnh whom she baa evPr racs'il. Rev. II A MeCullotigh, pnstor of St.. Andrews' church, ad dressed the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society of Luther"g chapel nt China Grove Sa'- urday. Rav. Wertz and Ihe ladies of tho society nre to bo congratu lated m cor-urinc Mr. MeCuiloutth to address them upon the subject of missionary work, for he is thor oughly posted and a fine talker. CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, JULY Smallpox is added to poor CubVn misfortunes. A Wilkes county farmer cut 41, 900 pounds of tan l ark from one tree. No. 5 township Sunday school convention will bo held tbe fir t week iu August. The rock trough for watoring pur poses has been received by tbe town and placed at the pub'io well on Main street. Mr. Washington Boyte, wife and children, of Monroe, are visiting at the home of Mr. Titus Moser, in No. 8 township. After sick ness of any kin 1, com plete and speedy recovery is insured by tho use of Ayer'a- Barrapnrills It expels all disease genua which may bo lurking in the system, and restores tone and ifiioiency to even organ of the body. It is the best summer medicine. Rev. W A Gillon, of BlHcksbur"! S. C, is on a visit to his jr. rent : Mr, and Mrs. M M Gillon, who ii .i several miles west of thoci'y. Mrs Gillt-.n and child have b"en here for some time. The residence of Capt. Charles Price, ol h ilisburv, was s'.ruck by lightning Friday afternoon. A ho.'o was torn through tbe roof. Mrs. Price and Miss Wolvertou were slightly shocked. A Greensboro household takes the premium on the marriage ques tion. The Record reports that a widow, two of her daughlors and one son are all to be married at the anie time and by the same minis ter. Sufferers from chills and fever, who have used ouinine as a reme dy, will appreciate Ayer's Aue Cure. Ibis preparation, il tukec according to directions, is warranted a sure cure. Residents in malarial districts should cot be without il. Parks, the nine-year-old Eon of Capt. and Mrs. J M W Alexander, of Rocky Hi ver, died Friday alter noon after a protracted illness. The remains nt the litt l lellovv were buried nt Rocky River l;uiyiiij; grounds this (Satuiua; ) nf.e.rnt;on. G T Crowell's delivery wagon in out in a new dress, and it's a beauty. Mr. Ed Correll is tbe artist tbat painted it so lovely. He is doing some wcrk on vehicles for Brown B.'03.,aad the wjrkrnimhl p will compare with any done elsewhere. Rev. D G Cildwell, who has bet c on a visit to bis brother, iMr. J I' Caldwell, mil his old home in ihb city, haB gone to Huntc.r?villo to spend sometime. Ho will ircnch for the Associate Relnrrned congn gation at that place during the month of Ju'y. . WANTED Promp't and faithful gentleman or lady to travel for re liable established home in North Carolina, Salary 750, jiayable 815 weekly and expenses. Situation permanent. References. Enclose self-nddreesed stamped envelope. II E Hess, Pres., 35G Dearborn St., Chicago. Young women who desire a thor ough, practical education, at re markably cheap rates, would do well to correspond with President Charles D Mclver, of the State Nor mal and Industrial School, at Grcuushoro, N. C. See annoucce Diei t cf the institution in this is sue. Register Weddington reports an unusual thing in tho way of na ture. It is a cornstalk crown by Mr. Damon Dyers on the far m 1 1 Mr. Shakespeare Harris. This ( talk hiai ti d in tho usual way, like a'l i;t r.-ii.hbors, but when about four l'u.i tall, iibout tho freaky period ol hui:::mity, tho thing became poll important enouph for two find forked, making two stalks. Unlike frail humanity under such halluci nations, it is not fruitless, but put forth two good ears in the fork. It is a big thing to say but never theless true, that a great multitude of people have crowned Simmons Liver Regulator, tho-'Kingoi Liver Medicines." There is nothing like it for Malaria, Itheumatism, Cbilla and J'evtr, Constipation, Bilious ness, Sick IJeaditchP, indigestion and all troubles arising from a slug gish or diseased liver. Simmons Liver Regulator is the prevention for and cur.ith.e.-e uilmoi.ts. A tl.aliec lo Itfuke Dkoiiry. I have berries, grapes find peaches, a year old, fresh as when picked. I use the California Cold process, do.'not beat or seal the frni', just put it up cold, Keeps jierfectlj liesh, and costs alnmsl nothing ; c -n put up a bushel in ten mi nines. List week 1 sjld diret Uone to oyer 120 families: anyone will pay a dollar for directions, when thoy Bee the beautiful samples of fruit. As there tire many iieople poor like ray- self, I consider it my duty to give my experience to such, and leel oonfident an v one can make one or two hundred dollar round home in few dnvs. I will mail Rumple of fruit, and oompietH diroctions, ti any ol jour reudi-is, for lii.l.tien two-cent stamps, which U -n'y tho actual cos; of cample", iftfKt-. -to., to me. Fium'h Caskv. St. Louis, M . t'lueniro t'iuveiilMn Iliillf-lm. Manager McConnell, of the West-. ern Union tel-giaph oflice, is ar ranging to give the public a bulle tinrepirtof the Chicago conven tion. A hirg" bond will be placed iu the front of the cHice and extra help will be lecured to make tbe seryice ctmplete and accurate. T.i l'KLL"; Iti-.lH lly tt llHi'lnr. "1 wad reading uti tirtic'f thip morning on ho k feels todh','' a.iiti Dr. W II Epworth. "No livincmaii can tell ho deuth feels, or whether t'ja actual hct of dissolution is ac companied by sensation or not. A man who, through disease or casu ally, bus lost onineinnBur-R? has be come to all appearance dead and is thtn resa?citated,-cti really tell us nothing about It, for be did not die. The machinery did not come to a complete standstill the life force did not letve tbe body. It may be tb'4 the jioet baj (lipped deeper than the physxiun into the awful mys tery of death. It may be that he hm described terrors no yitible to ti e eyes of the medical 'nn, who inter-cii-i himself on 'y iu tho condition of tbe auusial nn chaaitm. "1 l.ive stood by t)he deathbed of n e iwho told me thr-y were'oilig to jiell, and s.iw them puss peacefully to their long slot p. 1 have looked nt their dead faces a few minutes later and eaw thereon u look of f .'ur, of horror, that was not visible when the he:irt guvo its last faint throb and then stood still, I have hue others ti ll uie almost with their last breath that they vvtre going to Ilea van. Theypaestd away with wan, weary laces that were pitiful to con template, but btfoie they became ri'iid a mule as Bweet as an an?e!'e dream oyi rspread the pallid features the deep lines of sntlerine faded out md the aged looked aluiojt youth" fu!; tho weary and worn btxauic la. uiant. What cranes this change. hich every physician ha3 noHceti? When does death occur? We say when the animal machinery stops, when the breath and pulse cease. "That ia what thn doctor calls death, but it may not. really bo death after all, Tho spirit may not leave tbe body, may not take its departure from earth with iti last breath, tbe last faint heart-beat. It may cling for some moments to its shattered tenement before it takes its flight, before it faces these terrors jr enters into thoie transcendent glories ivh:ch the poet haJ painted. The dOa'b cf the body, with which doc toia only deal, may lc bat the p:e ludj to a morn important act, the tie p.iiuu'e of the spirit. ..C'ici'C' 1 is gone, far, but it has not yet Lftid the veil of mystery which, the Al mighty has hung over the couch of ucath." rvor"l ItltrliK- 1 Bind. 0:i Sunday lait a ung son of Mr. John A" R.eiet, of Cannon ville, died 'J'he yonug man's death was a gieit blow to the forrowing parents and family. - Adding to their sorrow, on Thursday night, their l!Ljear-old sou and brother, Everett, paeecd away, after intense suffering fur nine weeks with ty phoid fever. The remains of the young maa were eouviVed to Mt. Moriah, near China Grove last Friday for interment Rev. II A MeCullotigh accompanied tin.-corpa and conducted the f mural cert nin nies. The beit-aved family hav. ;he teiiihrtdl tympriUai s cf the community in tlnir i lll ition. l'uiit-tiil y I'l.'U-l'oi-li.'l. Snch a stato t f hewildormer. t e.s a man being far from home arid with out "coin" was experienced by two old soldiers of the Cabarrus voter inn win wcrt to Richmond. On Wednesihiv, while standirg on o crowded t,ti t car, a thief very tvtutious'y pjae.ed bis arms arounti the waisi. of Mr. (i W Jebnur, o: No. 1 township, and relieved his pockets of hi-i purse, which con tnintd only a low dollar? and his ro turn ticket c(ujoi;. Mr. i-' uioir., when on u.soov eit'ii tutu . i.s jcicitbU had Iven pi.:!:cd, was awful s;oi over the matter, but iu toiling hi. troubles to companions, bo found that he had company Mr. A I. llurris, of this city had been "to ichod" for his purse and ticket in a similar wny, only two victim:! th from Cabarrus. These are the et aiii reported Among the I'rcltlml Ever Hern. Rev. O L T Fiaber, of Mt. Pleas ant, wan in the city and in conversa tion with a Standard reporter, be said, coti.WTiiiti-; 'he lie Lutheran college to he built in Chiulolte, that Architect Detpwtilf, of YorK, Ponli., has visilnl lb.- grctinds t ml ct it., d that the 1'iciiion vn iiineng the beet, jirettict a'.d nuvst coniinatu ie' ho had ever si en. .Mr. Denp. wolf haa a n orid-iv, :le lejmtaiion i. an urchitect, and has been secured to furnish designs for the new col lege, which will be of the latest, most modern and improve! plans. The designs, etc j will bo given to the committee m cuatgc wiiLia Ihe text few wteks. now 9, 1896. DKC!iUlNG IN'DEPESDBN'f'K Tin-I'f.lorcd fiMtple linl-nvoi H'U In linil.t n t illlon Mill In llil in terim! lliM-iMiraK111''111- Tor several years endeavors have ben male to establish a cotton mill a' this p!ao?, to be operated by th colored j eepf, but until quite re cently without any encouraging re sults. Warren Coiemm, the richest colored inau iu the State and a resi dent of this i:j;.y, bus taken Ihe mutter iu baud and has proposed to establish a building and loan asso. ciation and a cotton factory for the colored people. He Bbowed a Standard reporter soaie very en conragicg letters from citizens of wealth and irominenee of both white and colored jmc.ple from all sections of the country. A mtws uiee inn of the ncgroee was held m the court bouse S ii- ur lay for the purpose of petting the sentiment of the jiopulatlon on. the matter, and speechi a were u-ade by tbe beat of the colcied ja , pie in a;i- proval ot the inovi-nit nt, Warrc-n Coleman his given his undivided attention tu the movei tnent and has succeeded in raiaiep f-iO,C35 fur the two proposed enter prises within the coiiliu -a of Cabarrus-county. He has worked very 'puetly, but successfully. The promoters cf thia movement have the option on M J Corl's place jnst beyond the '.pot, and if the stock is raitit.' a f'U ti.ry t) employ colored labor i? for this citv. .ere mjtltution ltio: e who have used jlr. iVUiff'B Now Dn -eover.v know it- value and those wuu have iioi, ii no now the opportunity to try it fine. Call on advertised druggist and uat a trial bottle free. Send your name and address to Ji Hi liucklen v (Jo . Chieago, and get a snmplo box of Dr. King's Now Life Pills free, as well as a copy f llui lo tollealthand Hoi--ohoH In'-'.T!ict..r free. 4li of whicu in fe'Uiu'aotei t to do von good and cost you uo.hiiit;. i zer's Drug (tore. (Jlvea Awny frc. To advertise our goods will give away absolutely free one box of five cent cigars, one gold ring and a sain ile bottle ol Peelers' Pain KiLir t'j ev ry one bending us fifty ceiua ta pay packing and postage. Ad'lrii.1, l'i::.i.- 't an iiehso'v Ml-iut.-i.si; Co i.oel; L is 1, Keri.ti.-ei lie, N, C. Mi-.s M.ianie Lsuin uud Mr. D.iu lo vard a'.te.iJed the pic.iio at JMineiihoiLner a r-pr.np. A 'I'exRN JtlK Hog. Texas lays claim to the biggest hog ever raieed iu the United States. "He weighs L-l'bi pounds and 19 eight feet t!ir.o inchi-j lorg. He Uieataiessix fet t uro-ind ll-- : ck, eight fett around the body and stands four feet and oDe inch high. Hia feet are as large as those of an ox and tbe leg bone larger than that of the largf 8t steer. lis is PolaDd China- and R-d Jersey. He eats corn like an ox, takes the whole ear in hid lucuth at once and cats the cob m well t.o tbe corn, tiitic from fyjty to i'.fty tars at a true Thue fiifuio to be lo burplus ll.;Si Oil h;hl a."d j 1.) cioiaUa wilO liavt i .:;iini:td bun Buy be can eatily be uiiide to rtauh 2,200 pounds. 'J'he prur. t ou-r. T. Katigun, paid ;2fi0 for the hog and bad been offered jl.yOo ' for him, fie has a lire policy en I ho uniina! for ie.'v N) i tlu r li, g, it is sui I. t i reai.heU euc'.i treUiendous proj'. r ti .lis." g f Do VouJJse It? It's the lest thin;; for the hair under all circumstances. Just as no man by taking thought can add an inch to his stature, so no preparation can make hair. The utmost that can be done is to pro mote conditions favorable to giewtb. This is done by AyciV. H.iir Vigor. It re trieve", dandiuff, cleanses the sei!jj, 'l ourisbi.-.; the soil in which the hair grows, and, just as a desert will blossom under rain, so bald head.-, grow hair, when the roots are nour ished. But the roots must be there. If you wish your hair to retain its normal color, or if you wish to restore the lost tint of gray or faded hair use Ayer's Hair Vi4jor. WHOLE NO 381. Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Reporr r - Tsf. A i "f They Knew t-li lllln-r 1 here. About all the old Confederates that went to R'ihmond have re turned and Saturday groups cf the valiant old warriors could be Eeen iu a ay part of the city comparing notes and reminiscences of their trip and of yijid scenes that they had bravely experienced years ago and of meeting brother Confeder ates, their wives, sons and daught ers. One of the many tbat is fresh from the seat of Confederacy at Riohuuad said: "We kuew each jthur there, ubd a -f-.tditig moat divine came to n;e. I cuuld not help hut think of tbe great reunion that ij tu be nhen we shake ell this mortal oil.'' This gentleman re ferred 10 is proud of the treatment received at Uip cordial bunds of the Virginians and ia a etrocu advocate ' of build, r.g a monunu-ut to the meiiioiy of the; patriotic women of the, Confedtrajy, which, he thinks, should he built at Richmond, He '.Vela sure that the Confederate icl diers of Camp 212, of Cabuiras, would give $ 1,000 for this purpose. President Cleveland announced this week that he would never vote for Mc Aiiihy, utu! stiaightway the I-Ulcigb News and Observer wonders whether he will vote for hi to 1, or .to fuhinrr, or bolt. The lUleigh piper nerd tut cor.ctrn i self. Cleveland is abetter Democrat than "the enemies he has made. Lincoln Democrat. Npnoiin Frre lo All. I read in the Christian Standard that Miss A M Fritz, Station A, St. Louis, Mo., would give an elegant plated hook spoon to any ono send ing her ten 2-cent stamps. I sent for one and found it bo useful that I showed it to my friends, and made $13 in two hours, taking or ders for the spoon. Tbe hook spoon in a household necessity. It cannot slip into th dish or cooking vessel, boin,-; .u id .a thn piece by n hook on i'i . ',):v..',.. The ipooi. is tunw thine 1 epeis Liv nc lei: ever e;riv.' rne: s v re iirst invent ed. Any one enn ft a eamplo spoon by B.'-nuiiur ten 2co.it starua lo Miss Kritz. TliU i a splendid way to mate moise tuounil homo. Very truly, Jeanwette S. It is proposed to send 4),0t)0 nn married women from Eastern Can athr to Lriliuh Columbia for the pur po;e of supplying the demand for wives. Tbe same thine was once done by France for fhe benefit of the preponderant bachelors of Eastern Canada, and tbe result was entirely satisfactory. flow to Make l.lt'o Happy. Take time; it Is no use to fume or fret, a the argry housekeeper who lias got hold of the wrong key Mid piidics, shakes and rattles it a'.out the lock until both are broken and the do r is stiii unopened. The chief si'cret cf comfort lies in not sulTe-ring trilled to vex vis, and in ot;!t:va!iig our undergrowth cf ,iijl,.l! p'eaeeres Trv to repaid eeci.t vexations us you iv; -.rd them a month hence. Since w 1 cannot get what we like, Set us like what we can get. I: is not riches, it is not poverty, it is human natuie that is the trou ble. The world is like a looking-glass. Laugh aE it, and it laughs back; frown at it, and it frowns back. Atierv liiolit.hls ran kor f hp mind a .d ihspjet. it to tie woi'ot temper iu Liie rtuiiii 11..V. ui u.veu muiu;u uuu revenue. It is while in this temper ihat uiodo meu become criminals. Ser.ip li.iok. It 14-41 a. llorrll.l,- lli-nlli. Lsurinburg, N. C, July 2. A very distressing death occurred near Caledonia church, a few miles from Lere. Mr. John Smith, sged about 21 years, wai bit'eu four years ago by a dog eil'ppoM.el at the time to be mad. Tbe wouml, to all appearances, healed up very nicely, and Mr. Smith suffered no iuconve nience therefrom until last Wednes. day night, when he wai suddenly seizad with a severe pain in his foot. Tho nest day ttie symptoms if I" ''roplieh i(,.nf art'd, and from th-ei 11 S slur. lay ni.;ht he suil. r. d unto' 1 i!;-tni-i. A hirnb'e 1 . nf.b put an ei.d to hi.) sull. r.iiKS Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills, For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. furiit Iflll Sows, Mr, J L Warner, of SdiBhary, is visiting bis cousin, Mr. W A Wainer, jh Stanly street, Mr. J S Rnsseli and family, after spending several days atbij father's, Mr. vy C Ruseell, on North Third street, returned to Gold Hill, his tiome, today (Saturday). Misses Lillie and Itoxie Iiuffty, m GolJ Hill, who have been visiting friends and relatives here for so ne time, returned home today (Saturn day). Mr. R H Hammill, a tanner Mid aisiatant machinist in the employ or OJtdl Manufacturing Company, has invented a tin dipper and toothpiok combined, which is a cote trick. Mr. W L Misenheimer, who lives about one mile west of tbe city, very quietly took onto himself a helpmate Thursday night a Miss Fuuderburk, Esq. C A Sherwood olliciated. Mioses Laura and Cenlah John son, of Mooresville, are visiting at Mr. Milas Johnson's, on Nortl Main street. Mr, and Mrs. C R Vanstory left for Greensboro last Saturday morning to attend the bedside ot Mr. Vanatory's mother, who is crt. lcvlly ill at that place. We are glad to uo'.e the improve ment iu the condition of Mrs. E':a Oaddy and sou, Lee, who have be' i qur.e dick, At Kvw London. t Dr. B L UriCia retnrned from , trip to New Loudon Friday evenim,'. and brought with him a handful of the diJerent kinds of cordage tliac will be manufactured at that plant. The machinery is being placed ii a large building and it is thought that by the 1st of August the na chinery will be in operation. It will emplov a large force of han 1 1 Dr. Onffin says that crops in that section are unusually fine. A (Jrcrtt Opportunity. - i We give away, absolutely free ot jcest. for a limited lime only, the. 1'eople'j Common Senao Medina! j Adyiser, by li V Pierce, M. D., chief consulting physician to the Invalid and Surgical Institute, a book of 1008 large pages, profusely ill v s trated, Lound in strong paper covers, to any one sending 21 cents in de cent stamps, to cover coat of msHi ingonly. Over 080,000 copies cf this complete family Doctor Bee. already sold in cloth binding t regular price of $1.50. World Dispensary Medical Associatii.e Buffalo, N. Y. BlK Nlorni In YlMlkln, Yadkin county was yisited 8oe day evening by a terrific wind a i l rain Btorm. A correspondent wri. that the cloud came up from ta south and went east, passing np tU Yadkin river. It blew down tre like straw. Lightning struck I'.i. A E Conrad's ferry house, setting i on tire aud burning it np. Mr. Robt. Blackly had hia whole whe -t crop packed in it. A yery eerio: 1 lu;;s to him. The damage to c eh trds is very great. Wheat shoe!, were blown in every direction. Suffered Eighteen Years l'ains Doparlcil and SIocp Came Mrs. Julia A. Brown, of Covington, Ton whose luiRb.'ind haa charpo of tho elect' light pl;tut at that place, has boon a grt suirVrrr. - Uor allmenta and spoedy ci a iv !nst dpscribed by herself, as follows: "For J' years sulTpred from norvosn - u umi iiid Krtiijtiou. 1 tried evt.ry rtmiudy r omnH'iiu.'ti tiy family and frioiulu, imt ? cuuld R't no relief at ali. Twoyoarna, ;, wnilu Ix-iiifi treatud by threo local phy -CUna, Lii'B, liurret, Maley aud Shurod, tt VI- i Mks. Julia A. Bhowm. Informed me that I had become Aroptit and that there w;is little hope tor iu, then d idod to try - Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine, I v then unablo to cpftt to slcfp ur" wf '.ii toward dnyliiiht, and during a (fit, -to 1 had a ilt i'p, h.-nvy jkiiii lit mf left ; ;TT '..' Vi IH VUmt Uttf '! tll'lC, tH-but, but, aft- r I'ikhi oMo-linlf tu.ti.ln uf t ho iVmnnrt 1 'tffc!.i sin h -ill ttipht. jti -t tin well aw I cvit tlni. Ti.o A'-Mif-'1 is tht; only n-nmdy thuti ;lvd i..'s ;uiy r lit f wbutrvcr 1 ant now wtil fid f.iFutiX. ii'id 1 tfmnK Cod cvirytkin of i.iit lt!- ui i)r. MtUs' iV rt iut:." M Krt. JIII.IA A. liilOWN. X r. T-T-'os' N"rvino f si quid on a posit fv piiarariift thai the tir-i, h,,ttlt will 1- im'' Alldrui-jrifsHfll t. uttl.A bntih - tut $. It will bf si rit. in i iit, ,,n ri i - Hit, nf by thu lr. Mika Medical tu., fcikhur Dr. Miles' Nervine y FOR SALE II Y Ali I T ' 1. ' ' ""V FTI v , t. ,Jii