THE : STANDARD prints Tin; TURNS OUT- GOOD - JOB - WORK T rI AT IS NEWS THE STANDARD Stand a rd a HE AT LIVING PRICES. GIVE US A TRIAL JNtOM ENGLAND TO ITALY rrof. Ili-nry l.onln Niiillri nt lliol uiirl Hiium HuirNilny ffljfltt. The s'creopticon display at the court house Thursday n;ght by Prof Smith, ol Davidson College, was ex ceedingly intf resting', enjoyable and profitable to all, but in a special sense to tho-e Who have read much of European travels and who possess cultured (ante for architectural grandeur and natural sublimity. The lecturer, in easy, graceful and instructive style, led tbe audience to see objects of beauty and interest hidden in the elaborateness of arti ficial splendor. Tbe immensity of London, with her bridges as firm and indestructi ble as the massive locks on the mountain side-; the superbness of the streets and monumental build ices of Paris, with the wonderful tower built by that prodigy of versa tile deeds the great NapoleoiT; the view of Venico as a lady gorgeously dressed but standing bedraggled on her watery base, bubbling with re. pulsiye indications of unhealthinees; the charming Naples with its placid bay; Rome, historic Rome, with her spires piercing the sky and her awe inspiring courts, and stately obelisks, her Tiber, more i oted in song than real grandeur, being less grand than our Yadkin or Cutuwb Milan, wai icourged and ravaged Milan, with her regaiued sp'endor, her facade of Carara marble with more than 100 pinnaclci ami oy-r 4,000 statues; grand ediiis that arc bright, new and wo:.drous though erected five, six and seven centuries ago, with nothing lo fear from as many more; deep aud nigntd mountain gorges with wild and dancing cataracts; the Alpine tunnel of Mount Cenis nearly 8 miles long that stands uiii'ue among the crowning achieve ments of mathematical science, that tnab'ed workmen from opposite sides to pierce that wall of mountain and meet precisely as desired, euch V- .... - 1 ..1 t,; and tugging for about thirteen years; Vesuvius, burning, seething, rum bling, treacherous old Vesuviue, weird, bright, calm and boisterous by turns, whoeu grandeur invites the curious till within her power, when by a sudden caprice she pours down u poo all around a deluge of con' turning lavs; Pompeii, the "liuricd City Recovered," with her broken colonades and ruined edifcs, sug gestive of he.' once peaceful and progressive splendor, suddenly hid den trom the e.e of hummityand her plce in the world obliterated by Vesuvius' greatest convulsion, to lie ankuown for more than 1,600 years; thesa are but some of the things that that betuitif il display, together witli the lecturer's nappy elucidations, caused to flit through tbe mind and please the ey i. But a small proportion wns suflicient to fill the mind of the thoughtful and the whole display will prove an in ra'culalile smirmt of benefit to read ers or tourirtts that may be fortunate enough to trace the paths over which wo fmoied ourselves Hit iug not so poetically but more charm mgly than (Jhildn Harold. This Bplondid literary treat should have been enjoyed by many morn, though the audience was creditably large. Our town would do well to etcour age more of the kind. ' It is cot all of life to live." A fcrflllnnt complexion 1 n ft(. It nleawn the eye of tlmuRlitl..w lt.,,j.ic uu nt iiuiniMni uilnkliur Dionlii 'k fciiow that a rc-allv irnml ,...i..Ji s a illftl CV i-u ircauo liy Nature There are dnTf way of IniitiitiiiK a f,nt complexion : crisA'."c, which di-ci-ivc no horly, but ruin the nkin rJ make the use? look Billy ami prematurely old ; stinulanta whieh only prive a temporary flush rfmirer. tm drug which drive pimply diKotd.ri from the face baek into the blood. All these "counterfeit" complexions are un safe and easily detected. Hnl the frcnuiti-. vmnistakeahle, much - admired color clearneHS of health can only lie obtained by clearing all bilious matters and kunuir out of the blood. The first step towards creating a good complexion ny Nature s own rnetliod u to g-et the blood clear, and the circulation free Mid active, lhere is no complexion so sab low mtiddvor ttimtilvbiil it will h ..I...,.-... and brightened by Dr. Pierce's (rtibli n Mi-mcni Discovery. It is the best natural complexion 'nikcr on earth. It sends the fresh (tlow of real health to the checks by (horouiflily cleariuK all bilious and eruptive Illinois out of the blood. It strengthens lie digestion and regulates the bowels In a mild, natural way. It gives brighter color to the blood, aim not only beautifies the complexion but makei the cyc biinhtct fttld the breath sweeter. If the bowels be very much constipated. It will be advisable to tnke small doses of Dr. I'leiflfc'n Plensaut I'ellets, conjointly wllh the use of the "Golden Medical His. covery." One or two each day - just ant ficient to get their laxative and ultcrntlve, ft bluud clvausltijf, effect will be miUU-icut VOL. IX--NO 26. ANOTIIEIl SURVEY. , ft;ilrl lo si-cure Another Nlfle Trui-k. on theNoutli hiiluof' ilt i-of. Following the advico "of Grover Cleveland that "a thing that is worth working lor, is worth work ing for to a finish," and basing their convic.icns on this splendid utterance, citizens have renewed their ifforts to induce the Southern railway to place a side track on the south side of town, and their per sistence in the matter has been greatly encouraged, A survey has been made from the depot east to South Buffilo street, which runs through the Chapman property and cresses Buffalo creek 500 yards be low the railroad bridge. If the railroad will build the side track, that entire vacant part of the city will be bunt op at once with various enterprises, calculated to cause .the investment of several hun dred thousand dollars. The pro jectors are the moneyed men of the city, and when the railrcad authori ties are heird from Tin Standard will inform its readers as to what will be done. Pretty C'liiftlcrN. W D Anthony gave us a call Thursday, lie is just in from Ebe nezer church which he has painted preparatory to conference meeting on the. last Sunday In this month, Mr. Anthony is in a habit of doing them up in the painting line in the Ebenczsr community and can boast of many a gocd time among Uesc excellent people, lie bas a kind of mania for -arborescent freaks and today he showed us a stem fiom the top of a pine that had two large and one small cluster of burs very compact and pretty. It contaks 150 burs on the three clusters. "tjeiw I here All llie Shiiio." Oue of the most novel things in the way of carrying mail and mark ing its destination ever known, is practiced here in Cabarrus. Joe Greer, an industrious, old-tioie, aood na'ured darkey carries a star route, and on almost every trip he has some wavsidu mail, Joe can not read at all, but be gets there all tho same. Before leaving to make his rounds, he has the clerks at the postoflice to tie colored strings around hia fingers and a similar one aroundlhe package or letter, and in this way he manages a correct de livery. Joa is certainly up.-to date. . on'' Well Kciiiemliercil. Joe Marshall, once manager of he telegraph and express cflioes in this city, came in from Iuchmond Wednesday and sp?nt tbe remainder of the day with his many friends here. Joe Marshall at this age doesn't resemble Joe Mai shall of former years, but even though yearB have e'apsed and ch mges of faces and scenes have come about fiuce he was one among ns, his hert is still here and wh n passing he always stops. He is o.nv manager of the Western Union cilice in Savannah, Qa., and left for that place Wednes day niht. Tin Nliogi In Hell. While cleaning' out the well be hind Uncle Biily Cook's store this (Tnu'sda) morning, a tin shop was found at the bottom. Tuirteen dipper?, one cup, several oyster cans and other articles of tin ware were brought to the top. 'Slue lit n '1 line.-' A ticket seller iy a theater once owned a parrot that was quick at kartiing to repeat the phrases he heard. Thus, among other things, he was eoon able to exclaim ; ' Oue at a time, gontUmen ! one at a time, please ! ' for this sentence was con stancy in the mouth of his master. To? ticket man went to the country for a summer vacation and took the educated parrot along with him. One day the bird got out of his cage and disappeared. His owner seaiched all about for him, and fi rally towards evening found him de poiledof half his feathtrs sitting far out on the limb of a tree, while a dozen ciows were peeking at him whenever they could got a chance. And all this time the poor parrot, with his back humped up, was edging away and constantly exclaim ing : ' One at the time, geuth men ! one at a time, pie tse !" Ex. It Mny llo ns Much for Yon. Mi. Fred Millur, of living, H'-, writes Ihr.t ho had a severe Kidney trgublo for many years, with severe Cains in bis baek and bIbo that hie ladder Was affected. IJo tried many so tailed LWy euros but without any cood rosult. About a year ago lie tutsan use of lUoetric ltitteis and foutid reiiof at once. Electric jtittors is epecial,y adapt ed to cure nil Kidney and Liver Iroublos and oftcu civon almont in ant relief. One will will liroye our Btati-l'ipnt. Trice OOo and 1,00 at r'etzer'e Drug Bto e.. SHOUT LOCALS. St. Louis had Monday morning. a $500,000 fire The parochial Lutheran church on Corbin street, is being repainted. Some one has said, that an 15 ug lishinan liatens to music, a Frond. man hears it, a German analyzes it, but an Italian feels it. Mr. Charlen Littles, of Biltmore, will be associated in business with Mr. C E Cornelius. The firm name will be Littles ife Cornelius. That combination, china closet and sideboard at Dry it Wads worth'sis tbe handsomest thing ol the kind ever brought to this city There will be preaching at S'. James' Catholic church on Sunday the 2i. hat 11 o'clock, a. m., and also a lecture at 6 p. m. All are invited. Oa Friday next a picnic and baseball game will take place at boBsanion s springs, the Koctty Ridge team will cross bats with the Sosaamon boys. Tbe crossties that have been going through town for the past Keveral days will be uned on the Southern annex that is being put in to the Udell mills Mr. James Allen, a young man ol f orest lull, has secueed a posi tion at the Morganton hospital and has gone there to enter upon his duties in this new field of labor. The Sunday school" convecftioD for.o. 11 township will meet at Rocky Ridge church on Wednesday the 5th of August, at 11 o'clock. The schools of the township will please attend. A mountain party has been or ganized and on or about the 11th of August fifteen young folks will jo by private conveyance to the Brushies. Mr, Ed. Freeze, who was taken to his home in No. 3 township Bick with fover some time ago, is so much improved that hs in able to be out. James K Jones, who is chairmaD of tho Democratic National Execu tive Committee, is Senator from Ar kansas and wan in the Southern array in the late war. A very suceemtui religions meet ing hasjust eloped at Old Betbpaee (Methodist) church. Rev. J R Mooso, pastor of Bay's Chapel, this city, assisted Rev. Bobbins in the meeting. The Propat tttore room that has been torn away lakes from us one of the oldest landmarks. The build ing was once used asa dwelling house And was built there over a century ago. Mr, Hood 11 Cochrane, a native CabarruBite and once a resident ol this city, but now of Columbia, S C, was in the county last week on a vitsit to his old home and relatives. lie is in the railroad business. The members of the Platonic and Erosophian literary societies ol Bain Academy, at Mint .Hill, will hold their fifth annual reunion on Saturday, August 1, whon an in tending programme will te ren dered. Mr. Gip Furr, of Sunnyside, Rowan county, once clerk at the St Cloud hotel in this city and who has been very sick with typhoid tever, is able to be out again, in eluding himself, four members ol the family were dowu witu fever at one tune. Free (il page medical reference book to any person a 111 toted with any special, chronic or delicate dis ease peculiar to their sex. Address the leading physicians and sur gnors ot the united btfltos. Dr. Hathaway it Co., 22i South Broad sireet, Atlanta, Ga. Ju-t after going to tress Thurs day evening the roof aud side walls of the old Propst Btore room, which was being torn down, collapsed, makirg a terrible crash. Mr, Tru man Chapman came near being caught uiiderneulh some heavy tim bers, but fortunately escaped. Mariun Messenger: J S Elliott, our townsman, accidentally shot himself Inst week. He had, un known to himself, a cartridge in hit pants' pocket. In carrying a plow through his yard it struck the car tridge, discharging it in his pocket. The powder burned and lacerated the surface of the ilesh painfully, but ho will soon recover. A Vermont ignoramus was talk ing with a city boarder the other diiy and said, in reply to a query : "Wall, 1 always ben a dem'crnt, but I hain't goin' to vote for rfb silver nnptil.eiBt. I'm goin' to vote fui McKinley. Duno much 'bout bim, but his wife Hannei'z a damn smart wommern." Exchange. A renortr-r fiom No. 'J township tolls us of a hunting party that came near losing their dog. II was rather diminative of size and had the pluck to fasten his teeth in a 'possum that he found on the ground. Fortunately for the dog the hunters arrived just in timo, for the 'poshum wai cn his journey ky ward irtlh the dog hanging to him. ' Mrs. C L Shonf died suddenly on tho streets of Salisbury Tuesday night undo? very peculiar circum stances. She had been to see a flick relative nnd was on her way to in form others of her relative's critical condition, when a sudden- sickness came upon her and falling to the ground t-he expired before assistance could reach her. CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, JULY When, by re won of a cold or from other cause, the stomach, liver, and kidueys become disordered, no time should bo lost ia stimulating tbcm to action. Ajer's Pills act quickly, safely, and surely. Sold by drug gists and dealers in medicines. Rav. W II L McLaurin closed a grand religious meeting at Uocky Ridge Friday night. There were about twenty who professed Chrisl as-their Saviour, with ten acces sions to tbe church. Rev. A A Crater, of Asheboro, who assisted him, has returned borne. To improve the appetite, restore healthy action to tbe bowels, pro mote digestion, and regulate all the bodily functions, Ayer's Pills are the best. As a mild but effective aperient, no pill is in greater de mand or more highly recommended by the medical profession. Last week a mole belonging to drayman "Billie Corzine crippled itself while going into its stable. it tas been ' laid up ever since. Friday evening bis bay horse gol loose and ran into a barbed wire fence near the colored graded school building and was badly irjured. Mr. Corzine is playing in tough luck. WANTED Prompt and faithful gontleman or lady to travel for re liable established house in North Carolina, Salary 8750, payablo 15 weekly and expenses. Situation permanent. References. Enclose self-addreesed stamped envelope. II E Hess, Pres., 35G Dearborn St., Chicago, There are some people who never wear dark glasses and yet they never see anything bright; it's the people wbo are dyspeptic and soured. Everything it. out of joint with such people. "I suffered many yeurf with Dyspepsia and liver troubles but have been relieved Bince taking Simmons Liver Regulator. I know others who have been greatly bene fitted by its use.'' James Rowland. Carrolton, Mo. Mr. John K Patterson, secretary of St. James Lutheran congregation has called and shown us a letter from Rev. C B Miller, pastor-elect oi St, James, in which Row. Miller ac cepts the call. His services are to begin the 1st Sunday in September. This is very gratifying to the St James people and we congratulate them upon the good fortune of se curing a successor to their beloved but departing pastor. A Clinuce to .Muke Money. I have berries, grapes and peaches", a year old, freBh as when picked. I use the Calitornia Cold process, do'not heat or s';althe fruit. just put it up cold, keeps - perfectly fresh, and costs almost nothing ; can put up a bushel m ten minutes Last woes 1 sold directions to over 120 families ; anyone will pay dollar for directions, whon they see the beautiful samples of fruit. At there are many people poor like my self, i consider it my duty to giv my experience to such, and feel confident any one can make one ot two hundred dollars round horn in a few days. I will mail eampl of fruit and complete directions, to any ot your readers, lor eighteen two-cent Btamps, which is only the actual cost ol samples, postage, etc tome. Francis Casey, St. Louis, Mo. Wtole Nome Money. Kmest Goodman, a sixteen year old negro of this city, who has been in the employ of Mr. W J Hill for 40ine time, appropriated $15 of Mr Hill's money from the safe several mornings ago while sweeping in tin '.dice. The safe was standing open and in the money drawer lay one f 10 and one $5 bill. It was too t-mpting for the lad not to molest. When the theft had been discovered suspicion pointed toward Goodmin. He was made to confess that he had taken the money and all but about f 1 50 was recovered. Not No. Aluemaiile, July 1G The town seems to be ou ouite a boom at present, judging from what the special to the Observer said on the Uth. .We know that all email towns occasionally get on boouis( but not so great. I don't know why the piece was written, bnt there is no foundation for any part of it, except the cotton factory and brass band. The party wbo wrote the piece must have dipped his pen in fabulous ink. Charlotte Observer. This is the way our joys are spoiled. We are glad that our neighbor Albemarle is to have a cotton mill and a brass band, but we were it joici'ig at her ndirtter day when eight of her citizens were to be mid happy in the consumma tion of conjugal affection?, one of whom we are proud to number among our special friends. Well, it may come true yet. i.oi yvwu All On UMI. London, July 15. The British ship Uurfaw, from Din dee, has been lojt in the Red Sea with all ou board. The news received ' is very meagre, and it is not dt fi nitely known jet how many passengers were aboard the ill fated vessel. KILLING OF MISS TILLMAN. How the. m, Aee.lilcnt Occurred PllfcN 'fllliiiiin unt 'J'.weii!y YenrN Old. toi.i'MuiA, S, C, July 10. Miss Aildie Tillman, the eldest child of Senator Tillman, and her eBcort, tbe Rev. Robert A Lee, pastor of the Episcopal church at Yorkville, thit State, were killed by the same bolt ol lightning at Brevard, N. C, ytster day afternoon. They were in horseback party which had started off to ascend Rich mountain, six miles from Brevard. When nearly at the turnout a thunder storm overv took tbe party. All txcept Mica 'Tillman, Mr. Lee and Mr. McNeely rode on to a bouse some distance ahead. These three stopped for Mr, McNeely to exchange horses with Miss Tillman on account of her bcraebeing afraid of thunder. Th rait, came up and they sought shelter under some bushes near which was a large oak tree. The tree was struck by lightning which instantly killed Miss Tillman, Mr, Lee and their horses. Mr. McNeely, though a short distance away, was unhurt. Miss Tillman was twenty years old and would have made hei debut in Washington society next winter. Tbe news only reached here this morning, and no particulars could be obtained until tonight, when her body was brought from the moun tain resort where the casualty oc curred. A ftmiglify f-Hrrot. A man whoue niece lud coaxed bim to buy ber a parrot succeeded in gottiLg a bird that was war ranted a good Ulker. He brought it home and after putting it in a cage, stood before it and said, "Sij Uacle, Poly." The bird did not rtspond, und after repeating tbe sentence a dozen or more times. with no better success, the uncle put his hand into the Mge and grabbing tbe bird by the neck, shook him until his head wobbled around, all the time yelling to him, 'Say Uncle, goll darn you, say Uncle." The bird look d limp and lifeless, and disgusted with bis pur chase, the old fellow took the parrot out into tbe yard where he had a coop of thirty chickens. Thrust ing the balf dead bird with the ehieVens, he exclaimed, "There, by gosh ; you'll say Uncle before you get out." Next morning the uncle went out to see how the parrot wsb getting on. Looking into the coop he counted tweuty-nino dead chick ens, and in the centre of the coop stood the parrot on one foot, hold ing the thirtieth chicken by the neck and shaking it till its head wabbled, and scrtaming, "Say, Cncle, goll darn you, say Unole." A Nail Home-foiiilng-. Mr. George Tucker, a native Ca barrus man, and a son of Timothy Tucker, of No. 8 townehip, who, for some time, has been living at Panther, West Virginia, arrived in the city Wednesday nig'sit on his way home. A letter was written to him Iat Saturday announcing the serious illness of his aged mother, who passed into a brighter and bet. ter world Sunday morning, July 12. lie did not receive the letter until Tuesday when he started un h homeward journey and did nut know that his fond mother was dead until he reached this city. I.OVO ItlMlllltl'll. Mr. W II Barclay, of this city and Mies Lula Brock, of Cheraw, S. C, were married Wednesday after noon at 5 o'clock at the home of the bride, Rev. Mr. Stafford offioiating. Mr. and Mrs. Barclay ars now visit- ng relatives in this county. They will leave in a lew days for a trip North. Charlotte Observer, Mr. Barclay is traveling agent for the Singer Sewing Machine Com pany and is well known in this city. Mrs. Barclay has many friends here, she having spent some time with Mrs. John W Fink two sum mers ago. Itlim-rliir. Damaging repoits come in from all directions, caused by the recent heavy rains. The loss falls very heuvy on some farmers. Monday was a very busy day in 'jsq J II i) Walker s court. The negroes bad a general- melee Sunday night The result is that Frank Hoover an&nattio Forist are bound ou a $50.00 bond each for their ppearance at curt. 8 Mr. Calvin Funderbutk and fam ly, of Fort Mills, S. C, are visiting his father, Mr. J M Funderburk. it fcll.VER. otii-e-. Two thousand second-hand Bur laps Sacks wanted ut tbe Fenix Flour Mills. i9 lOd 23, 1896. WILL MEET JULY 27. ItnllroiKl M-ll to Meet lloro to Tnkr In llio Nlliinilon On tlio Npiitionnl Air l.lno C'ounccllon Project. Nothing much has been said of lide concerning the proposed exten sion of the Seaboard Air Line rail road to this place, but the interest is none the less manifest, however, A prominent and influential citi zen of this city is in direct com nu. nication with the railroad authori ties and showed a Standard re porter quite an encouraging letter this morning, from which we learned that on Monday, July 27th, tffo of the Seaboard Air Line men will yisit this city to get the sentiment of the people in regard lo the extepgion aud to take in the situation in gen eral. The Standard feels assured that if the people of Cabarrus and the city of Concord bestir themselves, we can get the road to this point. The J ml lien Aro to Illume In oue of the courts of a Western city a judge recently censured tho lawyers in a case before him for wasting time and imposing upon the patience of the court and jury by their dilatory tactics. The same censure might be justly Applied in nearly every criminal court in the United States. It is a notorious and undeniable fact that criminal trials are auoweu to consume weeks, where days should suffice, This is unquestionably duo to inter minable examination and cross-ex animations; to protracted argument over some trivial point, or upon the admission or exclusion of some im- matt rial evidence. Hours have been consumed by some famous criminal ryers in bulldozing witnesses, or trying to confuse them, und not infrequently the same tactics have been tried upon the court. Un doubtedly the lawyers are to blame n a very large measure for seeking to unduly delay the progress of a trial, but it strikes us that the udges are even mors at fault. Perhaps nothing is more natural than that a judge presiding over a trial is careful to avoid eyery ap. pearauce of partiality, but there must be a limit to this anxiety. He owes a duty to the public and to the yery cause of justice evtn higher than that which ha owes himself. Ho should not allow the perception of the jury cf the sah ient, material, crucial poiuts of case to become befuddled and couo fused by trivalities and technicali ties piled on by tbe lawyers. The judge must be something more than .the president of a debaliug society, He must hold the scales of justice with a firm and steady hand so that the rights of tbe public no less than those of the prisoner at the bar may be conserved. In permitting themselves to be overriden by the lawyers the judges beccme responsible in a large meas ure for the many miscarriages of justice, of which record baa to be made, and no leBS for that disrespect of the law which Duds vent in lyucnings. audi outbreaks are utterly unjustifiable, of course, but their number would probably be very much less if justice were ad ministered with more promptness and courts did not permit lawyers to drag a case along for weeks jirst in order to wear out the jury. The judges themselves appreciate the correctness of these strictures, but only now and theu one has the cour age to apply the remedy which he holds in bis hand. Washington Times. Beautiful eyes grow dull and dim As the swift years steal away. Beautiful, willowy forms so sllia Lone fairness with every day. Cut she still Is quccu aud bath charms V) pure Who wears youth's coranul beautiful buir. Preserve Your Hair and you preserve your youth. "A woman ia as old as she looks," says tho world. No woman looks as old as she is If hor hair has preserved its normal beauty. You can keep hair from falling out, restoring its normal color, or restore the normal color to gray or fadod chuir, by tho Use of Ayer'S Hair Vigor. WHOLE NO. 383 Highest of all in Leavening ARGUED WITH BLOWS A Hold Mnumul n Silver Mmi Em lihnalze Their Views of Politics. "I'm a Democrat, I'm no Popu listic Mugwump." "I say I'm as good Democrat as you are, and I say free silver at sixteen to one is Democratic doc trine, you long-eared baboon, you." Ihiswas the way it started. It was in the corridor of the Pa'mer House, of course, aud it was j'uat before the crowd started for the convention this morning. The first speaker was a short, fat man, who wore a high hat, and the second was a tall, thin man, with whiskers that came down almost to his waist. It was about a n.inute after this that the push begun. Of course the moment the first man announced his Democracy the crowd gathered. In fact, it was already there when the announcement was made. It simply twisted around to see what was going oa. There came the push. "You call me a long-eared bab oon, you whiskered idiot 1" screamed the short man. The whiskered man hauled off and brought a No. 19 fist down on tne high hat of tbe short man. Down, down, down went the hat. There were shrieks from the inte rior, wild shouts by the crowd, and a swinging of hats and hands. Then the whiskered man's head came down with a jerk, and he bawled : "Leggo, leggo, you're killing me ! Oh, oh, oh, help !" Every word he screamed, his head bobbed up and down and the whiskers snapped. The little man had two hands full of them. Smash, bang, 6musb, came the whiskered man s lists down on the top of the hat, the brim, of which iust erazjd the shoulders cf the little man, who was yelling lustly, though the yells were necessarily muffled. Every blow brought a harJer tug on the whiskers aud tho bawling of the big man was louder. The push had landed the pair over near the wall und they were bumping against it. The police, thinking that mur-. der was being done, dived into th crowd and thumped and punched their way to within sight of the pair. When they saw what was going on tbey grinned in a satis lied sort of way, and punched and pushed their way out again. "Separate 'em," screamed a man. "Separate nothing," retorted the police. "They are only arguing the financial question, and our orders are not to interfere with arguments." "Kidpl Murder!" howled the whiskered man. "He's killing me." Slap, snap, went the beard, and down came the head. Thump went the fist on the hat, and it sounded like a drumstick beating the head of a drum. "Murder!" was again the ninllltd eiy from under tho hat, and again snap, snap went the whiskers. The big man tried to kick, but the crowd was pushing so close that he couldn't do it. The little man had the advantage. He drove bis head into the big man's abdomen, pulling the whiBkeis all the while. The crowd was pushing and howling with delight at tbe fun. "Give it to him, sixteen to one," howled those on the outskirts. "Soak him, goldy," biwled others. Snap, snap went the whiskers and smash again the list. The cries of murder were renewed. They police came back, ihev untangled tbe bands of tbe little man from tbe whiskers and lifted the tall man out of the push by the back of the neck. "Youse people," said one big po liceman, pushing the little man iuto the crowd, "makes too much noise with your arguing. Youse ought 'o hire a hall." "He's a d d 1'opuliaf," snorted the little mac, but he was swallowed up in the crowd in a momut. This was the first affair of the day. Chicago letter to New York Snn nrs. Noi'lli'i-t ICnrt- Mrs. James P Cook receired a message Thursday from SufTdk, Va., to the effect that her mother, Mrs. M E Noilleer, while descending a (light of stairs, fell and had the misfortune to break her hip. Mrs Norlleet is an elderly lady and had ben an invalid for several years, being afflicted with rheumatism. ra fn Si, fca AT rvtu r..f.J5?NP For 1 Year , " Send us 1 Dollar. PowerT - Latest U. S. Gov't Report mMm M. wi ANnectlj Noli-uia hmm Besides an able and impressive sermon Itev. Dr. Parker, of the Cen tral M. E. church, and the usttal 'appropriate services preparatory 10 the celebration of the Lord's Sup per as a time honored practice .in the Reformed church; there were added last (Friday) night the scene of a deaf mute, Miss Carrie ' Bell Lippard, assuming her baptis mal vows and becoming a member in full participation of all theprivi. leges and enjoyments of the Chris tian church. Pastor Davis read audibly the vows while Miss Lip pard, with a copy in her hand, read also, then louking up meekly she bowed her glad assent to the same. Our God, who is not unequal in any of his ways, doubtless baa be stowed upon her and others who lack some of the ordinary gifts, wme double measure of joy that we do not see and know. It is enough ior the joys of this little span of mortal life that the children of pious parents are also won into the paths of righteousness. No earthly bliss ia equal to it. No surroundings of nature's most pro fuse, bestowals can compensate for it. May the benediction of her confirmation service rest richly upon her consecrated fcead ! Julimiy Willi Ills (in ii, An excitir.g scene little less than; sensational took place ou Coleman's row at Forest Hill Triday evening about (i o'tlock, whin "Johnny got hie gun," and was "loaded for bear." John Dent, a middle ageU man and an operative in Miil No. i at the OJell Mills took oa too t.iuch bug juice aud in a delirium, stationed himself un.lernoatii a bush, flaying his ride with him, when hs cursed everybody in the neighborhood and swore that ha would shoot the first person that put his head around the corner, Johuny did not hurt any body, however. He was arrested and tried before Enquire W J Hill, and in default of a 100 bond, Johnny peeps ficn behind the bars. Whin l in- UK! ol l in- lroniil.. Wax. An earnest dissertation on the destiny of catioua in ,ouoral and on that of this country in particular was interrupted by the advent of the ors tor's w.;'o. Dt-ii-iu, an- suia, "wnuut you mind my Ukin' a hand in the ar gyment ?'' '"Taint no argyment," he an swered. "All of 'em agree with what I say." "Well, mebbe I could he'p ex plain." "I dunno's I see how ye kin." "J ust aa I got here I heard ye say what we suffer from is havin' too many men lookin' for work an' not findin' it ter do," "That there's the condition oi things." "Well, that ain't what causes the hull trouble. It's bad enough but it ain't all." "What's the rest of it ?" "The rest of the trouble ia thot men a haz work to do'll look the other way an' set around talkin' politics an' finance, leavin' their wives ter run the farm an' ten tor the live stock, Dot countin' tho chil dren, tiie best way they kin. Thet's the rest o' tbe trouble, Boriah." Detroit Free Press. "GREATEST ON EARTH Ir. IU.1m Iltvitoratire IWrUno, Mr. U. T. C:tMw;Il, Is bnok-kcepor In tho First Natluriiil IJ;wik of Fulton. Ky. "I WlLS mmttlrMt'l V rim ilnwn Vv nnrvna biH;iuin so unstruiiK through ins ot aU-oi and w.irry tlutt I frit Min- 1 wtnilJ Im rtiui pWh'd to pi vi up my poMf.iun. I would Un uwako iJl Niht loiir, Jiuii it took but Jittlo lt.X Call.? to shako mo up so that IrnttMni.f rxiwilhly attend to my tjui.trn.-..r. as I lmuM. In countictlon with this I h.ul furr tniuMr, hcavlm-HS iiht-iit tli-- tti-i.iai h, anil ialn lu dnti-runt pari-, uf iny t iv I w;.s uKu iinnii ruduc-oil In II-n I ,, oeiaa uU-'l Ui tiy Dr. Miles' Restorative .Murvine. I first nr rn! a l.rhi.1 bull In I a trhil botl fn.rn a l(ir il drinntk-t ami i'iiimI rmullHiiMli-klv l-illim iirii. iii'i-1 ailnllur I t 1 1 1 -11,1 '. v Hi. I hail u.- 'l t h!., u n I w-n ,-t .Jill. .. .it n- 1. I .'1111 linw (in iny llillit hut! it- nil sh i-p Miun-ily anil r- i! n J ;i r ) y , I ,-OUlil lint liniMy ifn h, f . . r-- I ruin-. I :wn nuw fnli rn ..r, icti. ti jr i mi in nri- ! Ir .M 11 v.- 1 Nervinn tin- un mc tuM-mt- ,,.i Fulton. Ky. U. T ''A 1 al-lii til lhlni 4 i In in it. I .i tlvu vr.i.L. T)T. MHrp' Nnrvlnr (fiiaratitt n thnt tin- ti All li- BlOl - il II :i It. Will he si nt, n-(.-by the III. IVn il tn sold ... I....H, t)r. Miles' Nervine " .','.i',rl(r, f o rr4s.-t 1. 1- ii 1 1: a u. im -a a is r til x -Vy'

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