THE STANDARD. - turns OUT-GOOD-JOB -WORK A' LIVING PKIOES. dUIVK US A TRIAL A TIKStIoN, 4TI1 KEU1MENT. '!. Armtlcld Orilern mi Km iimp mcuf 1 I'm I)ji.Vf lit fcmteKVllle. Tlio following order will be read with interest to the militia of this section: OKDKHii no. i. HeaihjI'Ahtehs Foukth Keoiment, Mourn Carolina State Clauds, Si'ATEHVILLE, N. 0., July 20, '9G. Uy authority of the conjinnnder in chief, tbe Fourth Keginient will mobilize at Stateevillf, N. 0 . on September Urn, 189G, for a ten days' march at 1 encampment. The iirbt camp at Stnteaville will be designated "Catup Jones'' in honor of that splendid soldier, Cap taiu T W Jonea, of the Tenth Cav alry, U. S. A,, who so patiently and ally instructed the Fourth llegi nient while on duty with us. The different companies, artillery dotuchnicnt und band will leave their respective posts so as to ar rive m btattavi lie by 7 o'clock p m., on the day named. Immediately on arrival, cflicirs will report with their comumuds at "Camp Jones" to the colonel commanding. Tbe companies must attend with at least seventy-five per cent, of their muster rolls. All officers must report for duty promptly. Due notiee will be given of the time when each company will leave its nost. und (f tbe route cf travel Transportation will be furnished free to the troops and to one cook and two sirvunts for each company and baud. Field and stall officers may be transported with the com" pany at rr uaust their place of residence Troops will wear the scryice uniform, with campaign hu leg g'lis cm! webbing belts, and in heavy matcLiiig order. Blankets will be furnished upon arrival in Camp. Troops must furnish their own 8ii litihle'ice ten days rations done up in packages which can be easily handled und transported in wagons To wagons will be furnished free to each company, band and reg. imental headquarters, for tranopor tation of tents, baggage and rations. Officers will bealinwed one cot, one camp stool arid other bugguge not to txeeeu iu weiguip lumj iiuuuun. . Kach soldier will provide himself with one bed sack six feet by two TcutJ and cocking uiensils will In fumibhed frbm the arsenal upon arrival in camp. Mounted officers will" furnish their own horses. Saddles, bridles and blankets will be furuiuhed ut cuinp. The object of t L is practice march being the improvement instruc lion of the regiment, strict dioipline will be enforced in nee ,idnno with tbe regulations. While no schedule of drills will be announced at this time, ev rj ml uii'-u,." will bo tn k t ji of time All 111. II' ' w v' "to instruct the rei t in i!e practical duties ol Hy order Of J. F. A km field, Col. Fourth liegiuieiu, N. C. 8. 0 , II, Commanding. Captmn and Adj itiut Dr. W 0 Houston is having n new house built on Nonh Church Btreet, adj lining Mrs. J $ Uokhtion, on the corner of the Virgiuia Dare property This trnik . if the ninth. bouse buiit on this beautiful property. . t . Napoleon nni-tt'-. one ut the mo;t for fiil mm in nil hi-k.iry, uin entitiminllv wran- (t iu schemes am ' caiiipai);iiM, in pimi .ami i'tinter-rlots. .strrving intently 'anil uir.ljUioii.ny im success find power man wliwc mlei diittegiiM for human Hie ma te his tmttlei the Moo.lirst the world hiifl ever (teen tliis man found bitterness in his tri. unijilis because he had no heir to whom to lie que nth hit frwitliess. Joseph ne divorced largely lor this rcn on. Manv women I'S JyAJ ire iiicnpaMe of fl31 benriiiR children. t3l Many more ot them - m;.,...j ...l.u disorder af the orr;nn.i directly iemtnitiB A that hearing children would tie dur.'rer. oun to them, nud unfair to the children Itvery child deserves the heritage of health. The children cannot receive thii fiom ft aicldy mother. Tlierc is no rea son why they should huve such a tiling 0 "iemale weakness." U in as iinnece. imry as it is distressing. Dr. Tierce'i l:avorite rreseriiition cures all forms of distinctly feminine sickness. It purilie, Strengthens and invigorates. It Is pre pared for just this one purpose anil no other. It' the only medicine now befora the public for woman's peculiar ailments, adapted to her delicate organization l a regularly graduated physician, an ex perienced and skilled specialist ill the mnliulies. It ennnot do harm in any fon liilion of the system. Its sales exceed the combined sales of all other medicinet for women. Kvcrv wtunmi oupltl t" "'l 21 one cent !li.nif.t to ihv hn Hioili'"' " 'r c...y of lr '',' Jhmis'aJ W "MeJI! A.vl,ft " W ;rld' 11 r jUtajllMr wv.-.., , ... m. M inr iHii! iVOL. 1X-NO 27. KILLED FIVE AND HIMSELF A Uroricln I'lirmir fltfirOereil H'lle ChllUretl ami t'tiiimitt itMl NillelUe llrnin IW.I llj U lilk. j . EldIrton, Gr,, July- 22 Yes terday afternoon at twilight Dave Berryman, a white man, killed hs jife, four little children, t ho oldest of whom was four-oars of age, and committed suicide. The awful trag edy waj enacted at licrryinai.'e hum ble home, three milt b from Koyston, in Madisim county. -Lute in the afternoon Mr. Berry man, Lo was a mun noted for his dissipation, thoogli liked in a gen eral way by those who knew him, was at HuiI & Vsston's saw mill, a short distance by the country road from hi3 home. He was intoxicated, though by no means helplessly drunk. Shortly before the hour for closing down he left the mill and went, it appears, directly to his home. WIFE AWAITED HIS COMINtl. When b arrived tbe ftur little children were playing iu the house aud the faithful young wife had prepared supper as tempting a meal as the circumstances would permit. The drunken husband en tered. In a few moments six sue, cessiye gunshotB rang out upon the early evening air and neighbors rushed to the scene to find the lloor of the little cottage bathed iu blood, tho dead bodieB of the wife and chil dri n strewn about the room and the brutal husband lying ucrose the bod, gasping in the agonies of death with his band tightly clasped about the stock of a new breech-loading gun. The supper that had been prepared by Mrs B'lryman was untouched upon the table aud the room showed no signs of disorder, the work of the murderer haying been quickly ac complished and without a struggle Mrs. Derrjman, the wife aud mother, was killed first, and then in quick succession tho children, who were too small to ilee for their lives or to resist the murderous assaults of their father, were shot one by one and their bodies fell to the fioor, one of them ucrcss the breast of its mother. Berryman had coolly and delib erately loaded the gun at e.ich re quired interval aud the Bixth car tridge, the last of the third 1 ailing, he Ured into hiii own parson. It was when his family lay before him murdered that he stepped acrofS the room, tell face forward on the bed and stilled the hand that had al ready sent five lives into eteruity. lierryman was dying when tbe neighbors reached the scene. He was already unconscious, and the deep, strangling breath of th" inhuman murdere. was iinpregt.ati d with ihe fumes of whisky; a broken boUic in his pocket furnishel the surmiwO fur the cause underlying the trigedy a husband had committed, perhaps, the most sensational trag edy in the criminal annuls of Geor gia while his brain was tired oy drink. There was not an eyewitness to the enactment of tbe crime. The words that pajsed between husband and w if't prior to the shoo'ing will never be known, lie was abs n! from his home the laiger part of yesterday; his wife (inspected . hie whereabouts and ;;s he reuchM; home last night, probably upbn.idid him for bis ciui.luct. I!. cotiyilsid him with unL'rv. priori. lie eiiiitohed the gun fnun its n ek and theslauglibr of innocent lives was the sequel. Ii. rry tnim was C8 years old und of good parentuf. Elbert, Franklin and MaJIeon con'nties are tretubling in excitement at the horrible tragedy. '' ilufidrvds of people hive lljeked to the scene today and the cflicerj have, been compelled to hold the cit)wds back In order- that the coroner's j'liy could intelligently hold an inquest over the bodies. Thej'iry have not jet returni d u v rdict but it will be in line wi'h the open f uvs as they exist. There is a distinctive curreni of indignation thit would crystalize into violence, perhajn, in a mo ment's notice if it could be ascer tained that any living person was connected directly with the tragedy, but this is not probable. Is is known that whisluy and a woman in at the bottom of the crime, but it is not probable that tlv woman in question knew that lVirrynian would slay his family. Iliillillnv (lie In nil. Contractor If A Urown h is b'gun the work on building the new tank in reirof the posti (line. Tho foun dation is of brick five feet wide and feet square. I', will be run with a sloping atc -tidi ney to th height of sixty feet. 'Vi r wall is one of the ni'st solid anywhere in tbe city. iittt niifcw 'ii itii- i iw;ir -.faeiMoMft I 1 TTTT" SHOUT LOOALa. are twonty-Eix inmates at the county home, nil of whom are enjoying good health. Tho usual services may be ex pectod in the I'revbyteriau church tomorrow. Everybody wtilcryo. 2 Rev. Albert Gillon, who bus been travelling during Lin vacation, if now at hid father's liuuje taking a much needed rest. Mr. Ii V Allison, who was so ill, is steadily improving. He is spend ing tome time with his daughter, Mrs. J M Odell. Mr. Scott and hi granddaughter, Miss 1'earln Jones, of ltaleigh, art visiting at Dr. J S Lafl'orty's, in No. 1 township. Tho Herald eayB the contract has been lot for the erection of one hun dred dwelling housoH at the now shops near Salisbury. D V Snider, of this city, bus pur- chaded a lot in Salisbury near the railroad shops and will soon ere:t a residence thoreon. Company G's attention is called l the order by Commander J F Armfield, publinhcd elsewhere in this issue. The wheat crop, which is now being threshed, is turning out much better than was expected. The yield is an average one. The Stats Prohibition convention will meet in Salisbury, August 17th. J M Alexander, of this city, will attend. 'The Philadelphia Times pays the gold bug may be a very objection able insect, but he isn't half as bad as tho humbug nor one-tenth a numerous. The young people of the Mill Hill section of this countv had a grand moonlight picnic at the homo or Miss Jmiija Alexander Friday night. Mr. John V Cook, keeper of the county home, recently threshed wheat at tho home, mating u7( bushels this year. His corn is an (ine looking as any in the county. The Observer says : ''It is sab', that more runaways occur in Char lotte than in any city in tho State." It sustains its reputation in hori-w and cashiers nlilio.- M s-irs. Gilliam and Oliver have sold tbe Ueidsville Review to Mr. John T Oliver. The Stasdaud wishes for the youthful editor much fan and pecuniary euccees iu bir new role. Mr. K A Brown was greatly dis appointed in his wheat crop. His expectation was to realize bwh ois, but when threshing day came, only hcvei'.ty-iive buwhels were pro duced. Scott, the photographer, tho bet-t aud cheapest a.-twt m this city, or section, w doing homo excihent work now. lie id making picture? at exceedingly lev rn en. Ilia gal lery is over Marsh's" ilrug et:ire. A free siiver agitatur living in a certain section ol thi.-i county liai hoardt 'l tho amount of $1K. in gold with the expectation of realizing $l,(i)0 in silver for it when a tree silver Congress is eli cti d. Mitis Kmiiv (ribHf.nV i- ,ii.-e t.nrtv has tho charging addition oi Miss Mary Wilson .l.iicPou, o! Kal- neb. wiiiit;;i violin music lui'i so (in tra need Caarlotti . H-r presence among us ih groeted with delight. The freo labor work on the riuntv's public r Kids are doing ex cellent work in ul! eections ol the r.nnntv. The work i.-- miimi';(J dilhirently from former yeais and if proving to he better in every re spec'.. A wreck occurred on the South ern road (our miles beyond Salis bury tb i i (Saturday) morning in which lour fi eight ctr.i weix- ile molished and one luan killed. Par ticulars t.f tho wreck could not be obtained. . Joseph P Myers, one ol Charlotte's defaulters, was 'captured in Mow York Wednesday afternoon. 0the S,2(W'.h'.M, li ' from' tho, Seaboard Air 3;ifift Cninimny, JI,2'iO we. re coverc'tt Ho. -vf m shadowed and caug'-.t by Pmkerton cietectives. Froe (it page Dicdicnl reference book to any person alllicted with any sjioeia!, chronic or delicate dis ease peculiar to taoir ecr. Address-' tho leading ptivtiicians anrt fur treons of the United States, Dr. Hathaway it Co., '22V South Broad Stroct. Atlanta, Ga. Tho Southern will sell reduced rate tickets to the firemen's tourna ment to be held in Salisbury next month. Tickets will bo sold Aug ust 17th, lS.h and lihh with final limit to August '2:lrd, inclusive, Continuous pas.ugo in each direc tion. Mayor L M M.irriaon, who visited his farm four miles south of the city, bays if there is nothing to do stroy it, tbe cum crop will be im- mouse. He sayn that some bottom corn was ruined bv tho recent treshels, but that uplar.d com will more than mako up the shortngo caused by rain. News comes from Ashevillo stat ing thai "a contaguou.-i (iisecse is killing hops in larcn numbers in a section west of tht city. It in cuti- mnte.d that lo.OOO pemnds of pork have bnon iojt by the farmers in the pnft two months." It is sin cerely hoped that tho epidemic will strike th'i mo! qtiitncs in this rcc tion. Standard CONCORD N. C. THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1896. Mr. El. Erwin beats tho r. cord on big waLermelonp. One on i;:s wagon today (.Saturday) we:ghfd fifty live i pounds end another thai, weighed IS pound- acd from d.;wn, but as a lonfl wcni the largest probably ever oil' red on this market. It is, your duty as wll as privi lege to look young as long as you can. Oaft vny to do po in by drens ing your hair with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It caunes tho hair to retain its color and 'ailness to a late perl id cf life, and keepj thg scalp in good, healty condition. A corrmittee has been appointed by the Poplar Tent congregation to establish n good high school at that old historic church for tho next school year. It is greatly to be hoped that their cll'orts will be crowned with success, Oa last Fo-iday Mr. W E Walton, of the State Hospital, caught some boys in his watermelon patch. He told them either to take a threshirg or bo indicted. They agreed to be threshed and Mr, Walton poured it in pretty cleverly. Morgauton Herald. ' Ayer's Hair Vigor has no equal, in merit and tlliciency, as a hair dressing and for the prevention oi baldness. It eradicates dandrvdl. keeps the Bcalp moist, clrnn, and healthy, and gives vitality and color to woab, faded, and gray hair. Tho most popular of toilet articles The competitive examination for the scholarship from liiuguam School for this district will be held in Statosvillo on August i;h. E';v. J L Murphy, Prof. 1) M Thompson and Prof. Allen Jones have been eo bioted to conduct tho examination. All young men who desire to etand the examination are invited to at tend. The garden party given by Miss Fra ruins E and Mr. Frank O Rog ers, Wednesday night, complimen tary toMjwirs. Burwell, of Charlotte, Buxton, of Wirmton, and Gudger, uf Aihevil!, wn a brilliant, ntl.r'r Concord society turned out en dwm in response to invitations. Mi-w lingers was assisted in receiving bv Miss Mary Lewi? Han is and Mrs. E 0 Bench. Dr. Gozo, who tins been connect ed with the Normal and Industrial ?chool for two y'inj, will spei d the next week in Europe, pmd;,-l('g She will bo succeeded a phyi.iciau in that institution by Dr. Caroline Hetrich. a graduate cf the Philadel phia Woman's Mjtiical Coli ;;. The Normal was tho first South-ri Institution to employ a lady phy sician. Mr. E A Morrison, of Kicky Ilivi r church, a committeeman to arrange fur music at the county Sunday echoed co;; volition to be held at Umt church in Aufuet, le (lutKls Tin; SrANUAiil) to announce that all Sunday school choir.1! in the county are invited to take pf.rt i;i furnishing rnuaic for tho c-ccasion. It is h:;'d that a choir v, ill attend froir every school. Tnere are a groat many of the tin fortunate ones in this world, greater in number than those who are blessed with pjod digestion. To om?' people tho greatest mir-f)itu:ie i.' not to be able to eat evrytldng k it before thcln. ''I sufl'-ired for yfiir" with Dyspepsia, end oviry thii'jf I ato disagreed with me. I wan isiduced to try Simmon's Liver ll-.-gulator and wish cured. I now it everything." M Bright, Jfadi ion Parish, La. Iieler fit St. I.oillf. Joe Daniels, who is in St. Lou:.1, wri'ea the following to his paper, the Kileigh News &nd Observer : Ail is not, harmonious in the North Carolina delegation. The leaders and most ot the non-ollice-hulding. delegates want to endorse !liy.tu with a Southerner for Vice President, TLii includes Buller, Guthrie, Kitchin, Henry, ShuforJ, L'ojd, Fountain, Ayer. But tliere is u mighty kick led by Kesler, Uamcty and Pay. And Ceburn Harris, Ljge's IU publican father, who is macfpipradirg v.s a Populist, wears an iuimeftse badge bearing the prinUd words "Kep in tbe middle, of tbe re-ad' lie is as hostile- to endorsing Bryan 'as Mark Uanna is. "My people did not in strtfet pi.'," he paid this nornicg, "but I will vote for nobody except a itraightcut Populmt." Aeiiler talkj iu the same vein "McKinley is giai; to be electeJ anyhow, and I am opposed to fupien with Democrats under any circum stances." A pla'ii Populist ilile- gate from North Crlnin wlie heard Una renin!.', ea.c ; "K-.-sIer 13 0110 of these uiuUiii i f-ll e road ,.1. u.,i,l. I.. m.r. . ih . !''PI1.) lir.-j miu n.iiita vw. .... - i liiits into -the I!rpiib;ii'i:u pafy iu orde-to secure hi a l, lee'e'n us treasurer of Cabariua co' nly. Watch theie middle of-tl-roieJ men and nearly every tine they me KVpulicius at heart or lave promises of Kepublican (tipper'." K sler yoted against Butler tor chuir niaii tf t'ic convention "They bilk about supporting him for State pride," he said, "I elon'l anything about that mid will sup. port no uiau who will betray th.: party." Kav, of VVuke, is rampant for nn inlepeuden' ticket. "I would hot," Le eaie!, "u cq t ncru'ca'.bn f . r aey i tYt?$ in Wake county unless thr P.ipiMmts fuaed wi'.h the Kepub licuns. The Populists can elect uo'liiUif wiihout Jiepublicm help." Young.Kesler ui re-bukod sternly today by a prominent Pepulut lie has been trying tn run the delega tion. This RonUeman eal: "Young fellow, yen may be uble to run a little sheet at Concord, hut you can not iliclate to this delegation. Kes ler claims the credit of deciding the Chicago contest. "As soon," said he, "as .1 found out that our crowd was favorable to Bryan I downed him." A lllrlliiliiy I'llMJ . Master John Young celebrated the sixth auniyersary of his birth day Wednesday evening by giving a pariyTfiom 5 to 8, to quite a num ber cf his little friends at tbe home of bis parent::, Mr. and Mrs. John M Young, on North Main street. The occasion was one of great de light to the "wee tots," and was a source of much pleasure to older ones who witnessed the festivities. Vfter some time had b en spent at id iv, refreshments were seryed, their 'yiiuts being p.tenled to by Misses Annie Young and Vallie Mae Brown, two charming misses of that part of the city. Those present were: Mary Bingham, William Bingham, Julia Alexander, Cable Alexander, Mary Morrisou. Adeline Morrhion, Joe Morrison, Mary S1:db, Nellie Her ring, Sadie ilernuj,, -Wul:o Hall, Frances Goodeon, Catherine Ueiod son, -Mollie' Brown, Flva May Brown, Mary Kimmons, Anna Sherrill, Bill Wudswoith, Jimmie Lee Walthull, Lin wood Fink, Jesse Burkhettd, Dora Bnrkhead, John Lloger, Ileleu Skinner, Faunae Skinner, Ethel Hooks, Brice Cald well, Fred Bos', Henry Smith, Willie Smith, Blanche Boyd, luilph Boyd, Jerry Hall, Banks Corl, Mar garet Leniz, Major FWinau. Before taking their departure, ail theie little folks paid ttiuir respects to their host und wished him many more anniversaries. lie mil I'oneord. Arthur T A'serneiby, a young geutleiiian of llutheiford College, who has probably acquired more notoriety than most young authoie in the State of North Carolina, was ie the city. Mr. Abernethy la the author of the Look "The Hell You which was a bit sensational when first produced, lie tr;'veln for the Wurn-r & Co. men. ia I'auvii.Mi lut- I'iiiium flulie-r Mr. II .MiNatnura Las rigucd his pesition f s nitee:t for ti e Salis bury Marble Yard and left last nigh' f"-. his henin ; ? CVmc'.d. Mr. M- N i... nt i.i r. c.'i'.ui late for cotton weigher of Ctbarrus and will devote his t'tr.o to canvassing and election eering in that county. Salisbury World. ;. is si:r. Investors of Hie Dean Safe System of hperuhitii'ii receive senit-iiiontiily divt , ! c-n I s in L'ul'l. Oyer 1.0 per i cut per minimi made on investments by K S I )e-rtii A; t'o,, liiinkcis, ','' broadwuy, N. V. Investors of this til in (1st rilmled all ever the I nited Slates a:iJ (Janailu. .tin ii iiul riKlto Hli Venr Old. Mr. W F Cai'rigaa.of No. '3 town ship, is i-O year? old, bale and hearty a'id bus p'ouched this summer, making a regular hum!. Mr, Caiii gau has 'a grain cradle and scjOm madt the same year he was born, and has bi'tu in use SO years. It has never been broken or in need of re pair?, but ii! almost wcrn out. It was made by a t.'r. Hamilton who became master if his ' tradj in PeiihcVlvnnia. After.... Taking a course of Ayer's Tills the system i set in good workinp; order and a man Bcgius to feel that life ii vvoith living. lie who liar. Become the gradual prey of constipation, does not realize the friction.iiiidcr which he I.tBcrs, until tha burden is lifted from Lin. Then his mountains sink into mole hills, hid r.ioroscncss gives place to jeillity, he is a happy man ngnin. If life does not seem worth living to you, you may take a vciy different view of it after taking Ayer's Gaferlis Fills, ' &W eor(clu'Neiieli I ml (in I ry. " The Southern Sta'fa Magazine is read ny thousands of northern and western people, and to many of them the. last number will give new ideas ajut the south and its at tractions, in a finely itJiistrnt.ed article, Mr. James 11 Peandjll brings out, forcibly the scenio and health attractions ,of the great Piedmont and mountain sections us contrasted with the general idea that so many people who have never visited the south have, that this whole section is a fle.t, uninteresting region, d'vold cf natural beauty. Mr. F U Richardson tells cf "The Peach and Cther Fruitj of Geor gia," showing how rapidly this ineiattry is expanding. While Maryland leads tbe country in tbe number of peach trees, Georgia, iu the census year IS'JO, had the ltfrs gist yield of any State, tbe Georgia crop that yar having been 5,525, 000 bushels, against 80:1,000 bush els in Maryland. Colonel M B ili'lyard writes of "Apple aud Ap ple Kai3ing in the South," giving much valuable information upon this suBj ct. 'Ihe departments, "Editorial,'' "Immigration," "Gen oral Notes," will as usual be found of interest to all who are watching the upbuilding of the South. feiiiiiuuNlilp mtil Mornlliy. "Before beginning my lecture,' remarked the professor, "I will, in order to more 'fully establish the influence of handwriting upon character, usk some geutleruau in the audit cce to ccme forward and give a sample of bis penmausl ip." A pale young man with shct hair arose and step) ed to the plr.' form. Seizing ihe pen he hastily uashd down a sentence or two and then returned to his seat. "Excellent," remarked the pro feasor, as he surveyed the man's work. "This writing shows the advantage of acquiring a fixed style. 1 don't suppoBo the man who wrote this cou'd vary bis pen manship if he practiced a month ol Sundays. It snows an adlierecce to established principles, unswerving directness cf purpose, u'lixcd moral code, an acpirution for 2 orderly methods. I should cliiJSify it as a combination cf conscieiic; and commerce, so to tpcak. It's the style of wriiiiie Oliver Cicniwell digit b;.e iiffi-cUd. And no? young man, may I inquire your bujiuese 1'" "Hain't h:id no business lately,' replied thi jorsnj man, hoarsely "I've ju:t finished a term in the pen for forging checks," Cleveland Lender, to lullltle (lie Output. Washington, July 10. Owing to the fact that tho amount of silver do'lara in the Trcitury uyail. able for ttie redemption of Treas ury notes, has become reelucv-d to 5UM'.5!l,58! and will be further reduced by redemption tiuriug tb current montn. the coinage of silver Jo!''ir8 ly tbe mints will be in. creased from one anil otic-half mil Ban dollars to tune million dollars per mouth from tho 1st of August, and will probably he continued at that rate in order that the Treueun may have a sullioient stock to re deem Treasury notes presented in exchange for dollars. On the 1st of March, 1893, tie Treasury held "3,.'5!M),iiL standard oilfir dolliws for the redemption of Treasury notes' under the act of July, 1 3P0. Today the number cf silver dollars held by the Treasury for the redemption of Treasury notes is ?10,t;j!,5H.' -'Since' the 1st of March, ls:i;i,'the coinage of sil ver dollurs has aggregated $I1,!)83, Ojij. Of this sum, however, ,311, 077 was prolits or si-lgnorage, which leaves $H,C71,37'J for the redeiao tion of Treasury notes. The k mount of Treasury notes redeemed in silver d.iliars and cati celled from November 1st, 18'.';!, to July 14th, 1 -'.'(I, was .5i!S,-10i.S58. Some of our administration hat ers would have it thit this is the ifl.-ct cf the p-'p-..! favor oi free c.jIli.,.,. verdict in ie Inn .((!' .; liliiul I i I i' u ' . -y -ma fines ocnenK, UacuJ :.'i :U ..:vlum for the blind ut lbveig'.i, are in the city for vaca tion, and form i.n iiein of much in-terei-t to 'I'll Stasuauii. In eons Vera'.wi wi'.li Mi.-:i fcchcnk we we.".' so ealcrtsined a 3 to wish for more t.iuie und opportuni'y to U'-arn of t.'ie wuikcf Liuching tho unfortunates v. !io arc l io'eil with proii-di'y as-nn-rh a.' o' hers, but r ot in tb it pri , !.:!-,.' ;,iu of M iiat. Miss Schonk ijweil cud afi'.tbie. and we nn- e!.ul of n icaintance. M,h Breuiley is well known m ConTrd in i! is the gucut of her sister, Mrs. J II Bradley. WHOLE NO. 384 Highest of all in, Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report f 'A :w?i r 1 TW2Z?S? xrri-a AOSOL)1T2S.V PURE A I linnet) ( Xillie mmiey. i l I have hurries, grapes and poacher, a ytux uld, fresh as when picked. I usi) the. California Cold process, dolnot heat oracalthe fruit. just put it lip cold,, fcoepa perfectly iresh, and costs almost noUiing ;can put tip a buFbr! in tpn minutes. List week I solo directions to over 120 faniilioe ; anyone will pay a dollar for diteoUouH, when they see tho beuutiiul b&iaplos of fruit. As there are many people poor like1 my self, I consider it my duty to give my expm ieric" to such, and feel confident any onu can make one or tw-j hundred dollars round houie in u faw Jays. I vvi.l c:ail sample ot fitiit and complete dire:Ct:ons, to anv cf voor reader, for eighteen two-eient Htarnpff. vhich is only too actual cost of.siiniplct-, postage, etc., tome. Fcani'is Ca?jov, . St. Louis, Mo, Mtij. leitil.erlou n t niiilliliil.-. We are authorized by Maj. S J Bernberton, of Albemarle, who is in the' city today, to annwinoe that 'he will Btand before th Uemocratic CoDgressional conveutiiiu which mettts here next month as a caudi daic fortheoininatijii, for Con gress. Mj. Perubertou claims that ritanly has always "abided in the ship," giving the Uemocratic ticket a majority always, yet hns never iiik'A for a representative in Con- !rr''S-l. We weri told by a priminont lawyer of Troy, this morning, that tha Montgomery delegation would probably be solid for Pemberton. Salh-bury World. ncliollirslili Iu tb. A. A 211. 4'olleuo The Agricultural and Mechanical College at balcigh has served notice to the commissioners of tho county that on the first Monday in licit month they may appoint to a schol arship in said college some one of the young men of CabarruB county, AU young men desiring such op portunity will do well to make opi plication as early as possible that the commissioners may uiiika the very beet award of that scholarship. lllCollrt foe i'nIUil-X ti) Frovlile III-. Wlie VVlin sunn mill Xvliaceu. Ouo IKvj Jlorrij wis up before CVVuils, i. I'., on litdt Tuesday fur abandonicg nis wife. From what the court could gather from the State's witnesrc" '.hero was no abandonment, neither had Morris failed to provide for her wants, save as to the luxuries of. tobacco and snufl. On examinatjpn ..jof Mrs. Morris, she stated that, her husband hud, on several occaions''gone. on and staved two or tBree rlsvs, ajid not a chew of tobacco or-a dip of snuil in the house. Alooresville Uecord. A iinni t;nitile. Everybody is more or less inter ested in cleaning up the town just now, and if all the merchants will just take a peep at the neat appear ance of tbe lot in rear of Dr. 1' D Johnson's drug store, they can get an idea of how tho work should be done. He has had his lot c'oaned up and sprinkled with limo. lr. Johusou sets the example let others follow. lie - OKI KikiukIi. Some one has said that dandid'at" for cotton-weigher iiarnhafdk": was too you.Dg. . Ifwe wern.ugt afraid- tht Mewoulij hurt, his muiriuxinial prospects The imak uauii would tilhistt'e. Anvwa his age in all rijiht, aud iu 1000 he will bo old enough for president at least he will be as old as Fr'yan is at present. WIi y lie IIKIn't l nlie II In Wile to III le. A professor of uiV.beuutios iu an eastern college is so completely abi sorbed in h'.3 profescion that he is b. coming more and more absent miud.'d eyery day. Nit long ago he said to cue of the students, "Von s e, I wante l to tnke my wife out for a driye uud giye her some fresh air, but when I canw to make, prepa rations I suddenly remembered that I never had a w.fe. " (lolden Days. A tVoiiilerrnl M Ik II . General Wade Hampton, of South Carolina, is a most .wonderful man. He is now seventy-eight years old and like tho great Israelitisti leader at eighty yeers of aae, his eye is uu- dimmed aud his natural tone not abated. Gen. Hampton toldtne of our cili.ein at the Biehinoi .1 reunion that be could still ride horseback and ta-ie u hat off of the ground without hf.-pping J.i-i horse. That IS wjRderful when we take r..:o considcrn'ion 'hat he ha but one leg, He Is as great in mind and in heart as he i.1 in physical strength. Monroe Kniiuirer. THE : STANDARD HUNTS T1IK THAT IS .YEWS ! For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. u :n.r nmjpi If&fttLZtjrA&Mm IliliiKK Hint Nlioiil.l not lie forgotten. Extract from Temporary Chairman Klullz'i speech at the Dtm-)cratlc Btnte Convention. . While the national Democratic adminiBtratioo has been disappoint ing to a majority of the Democrats of North Carolina, in its financial policy, a fiolfcy ttpou wbich an overwhelming muj inty of the Dem jocratic party of th's country has set tbe seal of its disapprobation a I i-w.linw ln ( 'i a hi.l r f ll.-il J.l.ll.j U1I.II K1J 1..1. ULiI VI L UUU, we intend to reverse for the next four years we' should not allow the country to forget, that the diffi culties of the financial situation date b ick of Dcuncr,atic adminis 'ruiioii, back ol Democratic law ualiing oer, and are but 'direful hi'rituges from J vicious Eepublicans arid their administration." When "we reprobate the iaanSnce 6f bonds ih'lluie of peace, we Bhonld recol lect that their issue was only pre vented by the most miserable, cow ardly makeshift ' and subterfuge during the last days of the last Republican administration. We should not forget that during the last four years the Democratic party has r.cuiiomically rd ministered the affairs of this great goycrnmeat that it haa given tbe only obtainable revision of the tariff, lessening the taxes cn the necessities of life ti the toiling millions, and compensate ing tor it by a just income tax on the favored few, which, but for the veto of a Kepublican court, would have supplied all the deficiencies i:i tho revenues of tho government ' that it had maintained the dignity of our ilig on the high seas, enforce 1 with no uncertain Bound the Mon roe doctrine, insisted upon the sa credness of American soil, front foreign monarchical encroachment, and reached out ita strong hand for the protection cf American citiei ) iu every laud and eyery sea. It b a saved millions in the prm ing of the penjion list. It has opened uu vast domains t actiial settlement. It has been fair and just to tl. 6outb- fid in its recognition ni Southern men. It bas. made force bills impossib and as its crownihg glory it hi erased from the statute books of tl Cation all ignominious discrimini tion against the heroes and patriots of the South. For all these thino let us thank God aud take con raj Kuou to lie KiHrrleil. There is to be a wedding . Goorgevillo on Wednesday, Augc; 5, whon Miss Lillie Furr, daught r of Mr. Mose Furr, will be united in matrimony to Mr. A Pink Widen house, a brother of Mr. Will Wide; house, of this city. The event will be celebrated by a big dinner, after which the couple will make a to t uf the,. mountains. J1. d.M. Itoart TronWaQaickly Cure, " A 0cvnlt TmUnifinlBl. 0 m Kh C: B mm 4, Misd Klla Kuhtz. "For 19 yi-ars I suffrrwl frimi hoart I bin. Duriug th;it tirim 1 was troutot flvM ditTnr'tnt physlcltuiH. AH uf t clfitrnoi! that I otuUl nt br eitrwi. I Krt-itly trouMi'tl with shortuchrt of hn pulpit. itlun and pitiii tti tlif siilt. If carnc ' x. rt tl wy- If In tliu I t);c p-t;n ir ii y t-i.l- htr;iuif very 3i'VT! tliiit's II M't'irir) u tin'iiith ntr-ius ucret am thn-uoh my hi . ? imtjt i tm tu tlu1 n uf Ni ivi'iiilK'i .i--t, 1 coiiiiULiii'tici t:iklhtf DR. MILES' HEART CI anil since lli.'fi 1 liavy imijntvra itv 1 r.i.-i now sin u on my l"f( -el.- iiiiicalilni! I leul le v. r Ih.-(t. nl.lo i.i 'In tii-r.if I mi wiilk wlthnut n. ln fiitl'uiil. .ui'l am In miuTl htllrr i.alh ffiun rvrr ..-nr, I wnul'l rrcue.n.i'N'l il sut'TiTi from li.-urf IfiuMfi tn t --y 1 ir .M :.t" lnviluiCai' rflnfil y wit lnut del i v " M ISS l'I.I,. Mill 17., 6'i Wright St , Mllwfiuk") . WK ' Pr. Mllos in irt Ciiro 1 1 niilil on i p.villtn (TU ii u,. . ,nl ' I I I" "HI ' " All -liu-'t-iNi- -i II iii H i (-: 1 '"f . Ii will I ie i.r : .i.l. i.i ' pf tiy ii.0 lit. ilUi ilirtiicui , l.ihii.ii t. Inil. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure "VVES toll SAI.h in ML VII I'd 'l JUT 1

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