THE STANDARD THE : STANDARD TURNS OUT L'RIXTS TH K J EW THAT IS NEWS For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PRICES. VOL. IX-NO 3d. CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1896. WHOLE NO. 388 GIVE US' A TRIAL I u , , , , i , - . -.- WATSON AND GUTHRIE. Arrnuifnmenta Mnde for n Joint ran vixhu llitwen Theiu Kiiuxll Ntlll in The Populist and Dernrcratic candidates fur Governor will have a joint canvass. Chairman Manly Thursday ac cepted tba proposition made by Chairman Ayer for a joint discus sion between Mr. Watson and Maj Guthrie, and soon these gentlemen will be speaking fur Bryan and ail ver from the same stump in North Carolina. Judge Russell, who ee cured much support on the claim that "be is able to meet any man on the stump," has been invited by both candidate to a j int discus sion, atd has run from both. He left yesterday afternoon fo'r the mountains, confident that Watson and Guthrie would so manage the debate as to let the pcopls forget he is running on a gold standard plat' form, and that he bought his noml nation. He has an idea that by cowardly running to the mountains he will be the one to profit by the joint discuefim. He will find, on the other band, that the people will be told every day if his malevolent spirit; the position of his parly; and that Guthrie aLd Watson will tell the people that, while the differ ences between the Democrats and Populists are comparatively slight, there is a great gulf fixed between any man who wants free silver and good government and the Republi can party and Daniel L Russell. News and Observer. ArrMcil Tor Menlliilf a KHzxcr." Wm. Reed rum a barber shop on Main street and S. G. Boger one on West Depot b reet. Reed missed a razor fnm his s'.op and found it in Boger'a possesion, whereupon a warrant was sworn out for lioger'e arrest. Uton trial Boger wa8 found guilty and put under a $25 bond, but did not give up tbe razor. Claim and delivery papers were then taken out and served on Boger, but upon 'dv'ce of his attorney be lecreted ib- itz-r and Reed iB jet without hia property. So the case star.ds. Kocnvorod III llloyile. Last week some one entered Tounds' machine shop on West Cor-, bin street and stole a bicycle belong ing to Mr. Thomas Evaus, an era ployee at the shops. The theft was properl advertised throngh the Standard, and now Mr. Evans has hia wheel ugain A negro named Tom Johnston wa tba thief and was caught in Stanly county. He is now in Cabarrus jiil. Johnston was wanted here during the ncent term of court butc.iuldn't be found. l.ltriceMt I'Hve In Ilie World. Mansfield, Mo., Aug. 20. Tnere baa been great excitement hee ovtr the rep'rted discovery of gold and the finding simultaneously of the largest cave in the world near the new town of Hudson. For two or three years tbe earth Las been s'nk mg in these par's to such an extent as to Cause uneasiness among the j.opula'.ion. Liter there has been a recurrence of this STange phenom enon Upon investigation, an open ing to what is s dd to oe the largest cave in the world was found. CjV em after cavern, lined with pur odxj, and traversed by subterranean streams have been explored without finding th - end. Portions of tta lacstites in one of the caverns were found to contain go'd. Knights of old crusaders who went t conquer the world, could not hone U lucceed unless they were in virile, heart v health. A mrfn cannot face difficulties it his stomach isn't in good order. Dis ordered digestion will make a sluggish coward out of any man. It makes hia mind stagnant, and he cannot think . nuickly enough to accomplish anything. It-.nakes his movements slow, and takes all of tbe naP out of him- Kv, rv in business IP America has a fight on hi, hands just r liiUCfc as ever had belted knight. It ft. a matter of flfe .?h' fist life sa-inevVlth him is It was with t lie Crusader. Indigestion and 1 the till fltut go wlUi it, most frequently start in cpustipation. ' That keeps all sorts of .n purities in the bKly, forces them into th flood, and sq deranges the whole system K,ustiWtii( i. pne pf He commonest m, Hild'to i' tiaccah e most pf tin disorders that make people sick, Onct U gets lirm hold on a uinn, It Is mosl difficult to overcome It. Temporary re lief can be obtained In a thousand ways There arc medicines on the market thai will help as long as you take them. There is only one remedy that is a real remedy that you don't have to keep on taking forever. That is Dr. l'ierce'i 1'leasant IMlets. The "Pellets" ore tiny, sugar-coated granules, nuld and efficient in their action. They ellect a permanent cure. You don't become Slav to their use, as with other pills. K s-nn will send u ont ci-til stamps to covet tnlt dtKislltnit to. -f wi" "ndyou fk tin T .'....i:...! K....L wld,it Thin la ttr nIS WSBIIII 1 innvu I"'' This is Vr fcu-ru's Common Hen ll.ln W,I.Flih' hook a book of looR psjfcs, Jiroluxri ieiise siemiAl -.ovincr, ir (llilKtrntcJ. Ih rfl csptnsf of proimriilB Willi fl Las bfn covrrcd tiy the sale of ( C'Mn i t the ree-ular price. l y per copy. Ail'lrc-a. World OlspeiMary Mechcai Association, Ms. kaf Asia Kntt, nuoaii, ro f , SALISBURY GAY. She Puts on llr tinyeat Attire unci Welcomes la Her MlilM North t'nro Hint' llrave Flro Laddie. The I'oimiIIhI sad Prohibition Con veil ttotiM Meet, Nelcct fandidnlea. I1 ens Polities and Adjourn. Salisbury, Aug. 20. The eighth annual meeting of the State Fire' mens'Association conyened in Rowan County court house, this place. Wednesday. The town is gaily do ooi u led and has never experienced a n ore pleasant gatbering of the peo pie of the Old North Sta'e, and Salisbury's hospitality and generous welcome to the gallar.t fireman has never been surpassed. There are twenty-four companies represented, with a total member- chip of 375 in attendance. At the -onenine session of the business meetings, Wednes lay morn icg, Ho. Thto. F. Klutz delivered an address of welcome that would do bonor to any man, bidding tht Association a hearty welcome and virtually turning the town over to thi firemen. President J. D. Mc Neil, uf Newberne, responded in a happy manner in behalf of the As sociation. The Lusiness duties oc cupied all the first day and night sees'ons. At night the annnal elec ion of cflicers took place, which resulted as follows: President, J. D. McNeil, of Fay etteville; First Vice-President, E. Q. Parlemee, of Wilmington; Second Vice President, Dr. J. W. Griffith, of Greensboro; Statistical by tccla mation, Benj. Emmerson, of Wilson; Secretary, J. 0, Michte, of Durham; I'reasurer, by acclamation, T. A Green, of Newberne. Mrs. John W. Fiuk and Major L. M. Morrison, of Concord, were elected honorary members of tbe as. dociation. At 8;30 o'clock this (Thursday) morning tbe entire representation, in a body, assembled at tbe grand stand and were photographed, im nediately alter which tbe grand paraie took place. The Concord company, with their pretty reel, uniforms and handsome men, captured the entire town, took it by storms it weie. OTHER NOTES. The North Carolina State Prohi bition convention convened here Wednesday and put out the follow ing State ticket: ror tiovernor, James It. Jones, of Greensboro; Lieutenunt Governor, II. J. Dow- 11, of Rileigbj Secretary of State, Thomas V. Johnson, of Stlis- burv; Treasurer, J .mes Hoffmuii, of Dallas; Auditor, A. C. Sherrill, ol Urouite FulU; Superintendent ol Public Instruction, G, W. Holmes, jf Yadkin College. A resolution impoivering the dta'e Executive Committee to fill all vacancies that now exist or ma) arise, was offered and adopted. A resolution empowering the ex ecutive committee to make terms fur jtartine a prohibition paper, if leemed advisable, with Mr. Phillips, as passed. Tbe executive committee was or lered to ob ain Sta'e and national tid if possible tor campaign ex ,ie ses. A resolution advocating an ag jressive ctmpsigu ny holding count) od towntib'p mass m e in(js when ver and wherevtr pracic I wai pas. d and several speakers pledged themselves A resolution electing the Stau Executive Committee a) follows wa .assed: Edw'n Shaver, chairman; T P Johnston, secretarj; N Newby, Farm'i; Giles Hinson Goldsboro; Dr. D W C Benbow Roaring Gap; Henry Sheets, Lex ngton; F B Ingold, Hickory; W M .Vhi'e, GaBtonia. L "TEH. 8AU8HURY, 2.30 r M. Tbe Pop ilists in convention in Snlirbnry to lay nominated A 0 Shuford nnani njnely for Congress Morrison Caldwell as also pu in nomii ation. Baliot steed: Ca'd ell 2C, hlmford 83. Campbell Caldwell, Mor'iani Otldwell aud G EJ Kesllr wert lominatid for district electois, bu' leclined. The mailer was placro u charge of tbe txiculite commi'tee SAUsf.UhY, A"C 21. Thursdaj was one of th - bl.gest dtvs Silis nuiy ta is tver hud. Thousands of vieilors are in the ci'y and nre hi ini rojftlly "Uttrlained, and the day b me of great (fleafure and exciting noulents. Tne procrammc of the d y btgau itb a grand prncessiou at about 10 .'cock At 11. 'JO the etiauier :on estfthe first on the programme, be gan. There ere two of tbeje, first, quickness cf time; second, distance. Entered ' first contest: Wilmington, Greensboro, Winston, Newbern. Greensboro won first priz $75, time 3 2; Newbern8econd priz, $10, time 3 33. Distance coutes': Wilmington and Winston entered. Wilmington made 2211 feet; Wins-on 225 1-5. Pro. teat entered bs to measure of dis tance. No decision reported as yet. At 3 p. m. band reel race. Eight teams entered, as follows: Asheviile, Salisbury, Charlotte, Durham, Eagle, of Greensboro; Atlantic, of New bern; Eagle, of Salem; South Side, Greensboro. First prize, $75, won by S-nth Side, Greensboro; second priz, $40, won by Atlantic, New-. be;n. .Snore by teams, distance 150 yard?; Asheviile 36 2.5 seconds, ruled out, having lost nozzle; Salis bury 3G seconds, Charlotte 34, Ea gle, of Greensboro, 35 1-5; Atlantic, of Newbern, 33; Eiglf, of Salem. 35; South sider Greensboro, 31 1.5. Some of the visiting boys gathered on tbe square Ian night and chunked eggs at a medicine m in, running him and bia musician from tbe streets, and with this one exception the very best of order prevailed. Salisbury, Aug. 21. The third and last day of the eighth annual State Fireman's Association closed today and the firemen are taking tbeii departure from the city. The weather and all things else have been propitious for tbe occasion, and the gathering the largest in its history. The contest! for the prizes throughout have been of deep inter est both to the firemen and to the visitors. Todaj's programme began with a grab reel race, 100 yards. At 10 30 entered eight teams : Asheviile, Salisbury, Charlotte, Durham, Ea gle, of Greeuaboro, Atlantic, of Newbern, Eagle, of Salem, South Side, of Greensboro. South Side, Greensboro, won first prize, $45 ; Eagle, of Salem, second prize, $25. Score by teams: Asheviile 26 sec onds, Charlotte . 24 2.5, Durham 25 2-5, Eagle, of Greensboro 23 2 5, Atlantic, of Newbern 23 4 5, Eagle, of Salem 23 1 5, South Side, Greensboro 22 4 5. At 11 30 horse reel race, 300 yards. Entered, Newbern, Wil mington and Greensboro. Wil mington von first prz, $4!); Greensboro, second, ,30, Score by teams: Newbern no time, ruled out on account of losing hjse ; Wil mington 4115, Greeusboro 44 At 4 p. m. hose reel rice for cham pionship belt. Won by Newbern reams aud scores: Sslisbury 1 minute 1 second; Newbern 52 4 5; Aeheville lo time, Ejg'e, of Greens boro, Ob 4 5 ; r-i'e, of Vtlem, no time; Ssulh Side, Greensboro, 53; Charlotte 1 minnte 4-5 seconds. lh!8 was followed by foot nee, tied by th ee ruueers. Sukis di vided. A comction: Ureensooro won Ur8t prize in the steamer contest (quickness of tine) Thursday, in stead of Winston. Tbe next meeting ill le held at Fuyetleville, time to be named by the execntiv' com nitiee. Tbe firemen, nil of whom showed themselves gentle nen, curry the best wishes of Salisbury wi b them to their homes, with the hope that the) may meet here again soon. The meeting has been a very successful one. Fifty Years Ago. President Polk In the White House chir. While in I.owcll was Doctor Ayer J Itoth were busy for human wcai One o govern and one to heal. And, as a president's power of wUJ Sometime depends on a liver-pill, Mr. Polk tout Aycr's Pills Umt For his liver, 0 years apt. Aycr's Cathartic Pills were designed to supply a model purgative to people who had bo long injured themselves with griping medicines. Being carefully prepared and their in gredients adjusted to the exact necessities of the bowels and liver, their popularity was in stantaneous. That this pop! larity has boen maintained H well marked in the medal awarded those pills at the World's Fair 1803. 50 Years of Cures. i. . W Jf SHOUT LOCALa. There is to be a wedding early in September. A little child walked into Mr. Charley Wagoner's grocery store and wanted to weigh herself and see how old she was. Her many friendi will be glad to hear that Mrs. Bascom Cox, of No. 8, is now able to sit up, after a loi.g sickness of typhoid fever. Cyrus B Watson, the Demo cratic nominee for Governor, in to speak in Salisbury, September Jl. YVben will he visit Cabarrus ? Di. and Mrs. J II Dreher, who were visiting in M. Pleasant, passed through tbe city Friday morning on their return to Wil miegton, their borne. Cyrus B Watson, the Democratic nominee fur Governor will speak in Concord on Saturday, September 12. A great crowd is expecte l to be here. The Democratic congreaeional convention for the eighth district, held at Wilkesboro Thursday, on the 133d ballot nominated Leiuten ant Governor It A Doughton. Dr. Griflin, with his great big heartedness eays : "Tell all the nice good boys to come around to Brown Bro.'s stable and have a free ride on my bay pony. Mr. and Mrs. Will F A Propst, of Forest Hill, lost by the hand of death Thursday their little son of about year old. They have our sympathy in this sore bereavement. We aie indeed glad to hear that Mr. Ed. Cline, of this city, who has been confined to his bed at his father's in No. 6 township with ty phoid fever, is gradually improving. The funeral of Mrs Bettie Nich olaon was conducted from the fam ilv residence on Mill street Wednesday evening at 5 o'clock by Ilev. A K Poole. The interment tiok place in the city cemetery. The firemen of the Atlantic City Company of Newberne, struck Salisbury Wednesday morning all dressed in mother-huhbards. It was a unique feature of the tourna ment. We are glad to note that Mrs, II McNamar who has been lingering tor some time on the verge of ceiious illness now seems much better and we hope ia on the way for early recovery. M'ssrsChal White, Maun Stuart Joe Cannon and Frank lingers of this city, attended the moonlight picnic at Miss Flora McCarhern s near Flowe's store, Thursday night. I hey report having had a delight tul time. Free 04 page medioal reierence book to any person alluded with any Bpecial, chronic or delicale dis ease peculiar to their sex. Addrosp the leading physicians and stir eeons of the United States. I)r Hathaway & Co., 221 South Broad iitree', Atlanta, (ia. Tnere is considerable complain among citizenn who drive horses through the city about tbe danger ous holes in the hnuges in the r or est Hill end of tbe city. Our worthy mayor will have to take a force of hands up there and attend to tne matter. Mr. B N Duke has sent his check for 8500 to C B Edwards, secretary and treasury of the Odd fellows Orphan Atylum to aid in com pleting their building3. T.iis is but another instance of Mr. Duke't open hearted and openhanded be neticence. Mr. N B MoCanleps, of Sa'ibury Wednesday last received a cable eram from his daughter. Mips Car rie, who is in company with Miss liottie Alexander, ol this city, an oouocing the safe arrival of the Huropean party at Southampton The j nirney was a quick one, hav ing been made in less than a week A colored woman of Wilming on, aged 25 years, gave birth to four children on the IKh of July tnd was found dead in bed lu mday Three of the children had died, and the fourth, says the Messongor, waf found starved nearly to death by he mothers dead body. The colored people of Ziou Hill Methodist church have received their new bell. Its weight is 433 pounds and cost ?IJU It hss a splendid tone and wus rung Friday evening for the first time. The cmgregation is qtiit proud of the church's new addition. Monroe correspondent to Char lolte Observtr : 'Some days ago the little child of Mr. II Z White, who lives some distance in the country, was out in the yard playing. Iip mother went out ti re) alter it and found it playing with a live udder The child, which is hut two yean 1 1 i, wai bandlirg the tnnkfl quitt roughly, but it made no attempt to bite it. Regis'er Weddington is our an thority for the following: A devoted hushantl in Concord, on starting to Salisbury tournament, armed him elf with envelopts and paper en closed, with which to pour through the mails his messages of undying lovn to the better half left behind lie imagined lie had scorched tvu paper with connubial (fluxion. But sad to say he sealed the blank paper and reserved the loving pages and nestled them clrse to the heart from which they proceeded. No h ing disappointed, though, was she. who simply said, "this iH fully up to tbe kind he used to write me' be fore we wtr-i married." Nights areXlensant. Tbe fireman returned from Salis bury Friday night. Mi'i.E Fon Sale- Call at Cabarrus Roller Mills. a26 Rev. C L T Fisher will move to Charlotte the first of September. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beck are now housekeeping on Church street, occupying the Boyd house. Mayor Morrison spent Thursday in Salisbury with the firemen from this and other cities. The Democratic primaries . lor this, No. 12 township, will be held Friday night next at 8 o'clock. " FOR SALE A fine voune horse for sale. Apply to Du M Holden au 2i Master Frank Brown has secured a position with Cannons it Fetzr, on the clothing side and will be with them the remainder of 1800. The Observer tells of a fight with shovels between two negroes near Charlotte. One struck the other a severe blow in tbe face cutting his nose off. Tuesday afternoon about 1 o'clock while in attendance at a tourna ment at Brevard, Mr. Straub Phil lips was struck by lightning and instantly killed. Dr. P A Barrier of Mt. Pleasant was in the city Friday and Dr. M A Foil Saturday. It is a good in dication of health ia a community 10 see its doctors taking a day on. The glories of tie Georgia wa termelon season have departed. It they only lingered until November, wnat wonderful vote winners they would be ! Atlanta Constitution. The train running between Nor wood and Albemarle on the Yad kin railroad Friday ran into a ouggy, killing a mule and quite seriously, but not fatally, lujunnga man. Have you ever had in the morn ing what is fancifully called a "dark brown taste" in the mouth. If so, it is the effect of a deranged stomach and liver, the beet remedy for which is a dose ol Ayer's Pilln, together with a little discretion as to diet and mode of living. Miss Maggie Castor, the popular and couteous clerk at the post oflice, is off on a vacatior. Mrs. Katfl Wearn, formerly a clerk in the cflice, will substitute for Miss Cas tor curing her absence. Sha and her sister. Mrs. It L McConnell, have gone to Wilmington. Pleane hold your orders for us. We will save you money. Our or der has been placed for a large stock of Bulbs for autumn planting, and will be received as early a? the bulbs are ready for shipment. If you will hold your orders for us, we will rjive you choico stock and save you money, Fetzer's Drug Store. Many bodily ills rrsu't from ha bitual constipation, and a line con -titutiou may be weakened and ruimd by simple neglect. There is no medicine, for regulating the bowels and restoring a natural aC' tion to the digestive nrganB, equal to Ayer's nils. The Huntersville baseball team jpuds the following challenge to Mr. W A Caldwell: "We, the Huntersville baseball team do Hereby challenge the Concord bas ball club to a match game of ball to be played at Charlotte, on Satur day, the 2'.l h day of August." Ii is signed by W A Nesbit. The club has not decided what it will do with the challenge. The chrouic grumbler still lives. hut there are lens cases of chronic Iidigestion and Dyspepsia than formerly. 1 he fact is so many peo pie iu the past have taken Sim mons Liver Regulator that they are- now cured of these ills. And a great multitude are now taking Simmons Liyer Regulator for the amo troubles and they will soon he cured. "It is the best medi cine.'' M s. E Itaine, Baltimore. Md. Reduced rale tickets have been secured from Concord to Salisbury for excursionists to Norfolk. I be rates are one fare fur the round trip. This excursion leaves Salis bury at 0:15 a. m. next Wednesday August 2b. Jt will give you ample lima to visit Ba'timore and Wash- ngton aud one full day in Norfolk. The fare from Salisbury ia only $3 50 round trip. Kxcursionists from Concord must take rpgular rain Wednesday night or freight at 3:10 W'edties lay morning. The fare from Norfolk to Hiltimore has been reduced to $1 Oil straight and round trip SI 50. This makes the lurd trip from Concord to lulu- more and return only f) 70 titti.n it r. Investors of Hie Dean Sufi) System of snorulntion receive sini! luonllilv (livl- dcnilj In gold, Oyer !!" per rent per annum made on Invet-lments by h 8 Hcoii & t'o Hankers. :)" broadwav, N. Y. Investor of this linn distributed all overlho i nited States anJ t'aiiada. ronn lo Eiiormou 4iorlloii(. No bulf the residents of the city kn w to what enormous propo: none the city is growing, especially io the northeastern oorner. Everr week there are new housts crec!ed and uew families come to our town list take a j Hint up Church stree ud look 10 tht right. You will be surprised lo fi id so many neat cot. yageeand subs'antial homes An Ovation nt Ilie Depot. Friday afternoon, as Major W A Guthrip stepped from the train, re laming from the Populist conven Hon, where he was nominated for Governor, a considerable shout went up from the delogate3 on the train and from many upon the depot plat form. The Major very gracefully acknowledged the ovation tendered him in a few well chosen words, As the traio moved oft some shouted, "Good bye, Governor; we'll be with you." "Keep things s raight down here, Governor, and we'll take care of the mountains," and other expres sions of this sort Durham Suj. John H'RilNWortli's Patent. . Mr. John C Wadsworth, of Con cord, is not only a successful mer chant and general all round business man, but at times figures in tbe patent oQice at Washington. The latest production of Mr. Wads worth's brain is a cotton planter, in many respects the best machine for the dropping of tbe seed that the News has seen. Mr. Wadsworth has just returned from the North where he has procured all nectssiry rights and privileges, and bis machine will soon be on the market, Charlotto News. t:illlor J W Uonli-n HllK il. A special to Monday's Charlotte Ne8siiys: "Capt J V Uoslen, editor of The Union Kepublican, the organ of the Itspublican party in this State, met with a fatal acci dent opposite his home in Salem this afternoon. He slapped from a street car before it stopped and was thrown violently ou the macada m'zed street. His bead struck a stone which produc d concussion of the brain. He died at 5 39. Capt. Uoslen was 55 years old and was a gallant eoklier during the war. lie was promoted from a private to a eaptaiu. After the war he taught tchool until 1872, when he aesumed editorial management of Tbe Re publican." Kotos From Klmoriowii. Mr. and Mrs. W D Barrier and Miss Jennie Sapp will go to Salis bury tomorrow to attend the various exercises going on at that place. A very interesting programme has teen arranged for the children s day at Prosperity church Saturday, 22nd int. tsesiues the exercises by the chilJren and young people there will be addresses by two prominent men of the county, Lverybody invited I beg leave to make some correc tions iu the account of the difliculty which occurred at Phanuel's church, as quoted from the Salisbury World in Saturday s standard. It is true that during worship rocks were Ihrowncn the church by a set of rowdies. But tbe people were ei pecting it, and had the church guarded, and it was those who were on guard, and not the rowdies, who did the shooting. And of course none of the bullets 'entered the church. Such conduct is a disgrace to any community, and it is to be hoped the guilty parties will be caught and have meted out to them the justice which they deserve. B. 1(1.1 Ton Ktrr 1 lilnk, Mr llrar. 1. Tht a kind word pnt out ac interest brings back an enormous percentage of love and apprecia tion. 2. That though a loing thought may not seem to be appreciated, it l.aajet made you better and braver because of it? 3. That little a:ts of kindness and thoughtfulness day by day are really greater than one immense ct of goodness shown once a year. 4, That to be always polite to the people at home is not ouly more lady-like, but more refined than liaii)g "company manneri?'' 5. That to team to talk pleas- intly abjut nothing in particular is a great art, anil preveuts your saying hings that you may regret ti. That to judge anybody by his personal appearance s'amps you ae not ouly ignoiant, tut vulgai? Attui limeiit- Autitii-l Ilie Atlanta .lotirntil l'oiii)ntiy . Nkw Voiik, AU2. SO. The thtr- (I iodav received ..u attachment for fG,8'J7 against the Atlanta Journal I'ompiny, of AU n'a. tla., in furor of Chus. II Nicoll. I'ii latter cob c!ed thut. HttiMuut of advertise ments here f r the noted sp-a1 (di lion and say he piid t he c"inpan) 1,200 in full for the tnace, accord ng to a contract wbii'h h tl been ransferred to him. The Journal Company refused to publish the ail vertisementa in the sp-cial edition, rhe attachment was served on i he afbt (if tbe paper hi re. n A IACHKati'l RnErMATlflM relieved Unwix kby Lir. Mlli-a' Nerve Pliuieni. Highest of all in Leavening 4C50LUTE3.V PURE AN IDEAL AMERICAN. - The PoiiiiIInI Convention Meld In Concord Klilly a TrnveNty I pon I'ollllrnl Honor John New ell's "JdenN." It his been a long, long time tines I imposed through the me dium of the prees, ny of my "ideas" upon tbe good people' of Concord and Cabarrus cnunty, and I now hope that these few lines may not be allowed to crowd some thing useful out of the valuable columns of The Standaud, and 1 trust further that my silence may be a sufliciffut excuse for my iinpo-. sition upon tbe editor's good nature, at this time. Some of my friends have written tne to know why 1 do not write something on politics, th&t my friends in the South may know how the storm-clouds appear at this side of the national horizon. Well, to tell the honest truth, I am some, what disgusted with the whole po litical layout. For the benefit of those who have paid me the compli ment of asking me wLat of tbe sit. uition here, I will, however, say that in my opiuion, the Southern people had better remain loyally by the Chicago platforn and ticket. Tbey can elect Bryan and Sewall, if they try. There is no doubt about this being a fact. The Republican party here realizes tbe gravity of the situation, and, in hopes of quieting the troubled waters, have directed Marcus Aurelius to empty the "barrels." And he is doing it They count confidently upon Ken tucky and North Carolina placing their electoral votes in the Republi cm column. Thus, they have al lowed Bradly and Pritchard to "work them" for apart of a "bard" at leajt. The KoCky Mountain States are truer to the South than the South is true to itself. Viewed in this light, which is certainly the true one, the Populist Convention held in Concord a few.days ago is a travesty si ty upon political honor. William J Bryan is more than America's brightest statesman ; he is an ideal American. And Sewall is certainly no more objectionable than Tom Watson. No one has anything to gain by the operations of tbe gold standard, except the man who loans money ; and I can't see that the terrible contraction can possibly help him, unless it be in enabling him to become absolute owner of whatever property is mortgaged to him, or of that which he holds ae collateral security. lie is enabled to do this because it is next to impos sible for the debtor to pay the prin cipal of a very lare note. After the moneyed-class get all the prop erty, I expect to see most of them tuin to very rabid free silverites, to the eud that they may sell in a flush market tbe goods they have captured with this golden cork. screw. Those who remain gold bugs tifter tbe dawn of that evil day, will be the men who would establish a wealthy aristociacj whose government shall be by tht aheer power ofmoney. The "sound money" Democratic (?) convention, soon to meet and put out a ticket, is admittedly a side show following up tbe McKinley cir cus. It is hardly necessary to add that it bin the usual following of pickpockets. Now, I have given my personal es'imate of Bryai ; except that, I have giyen tie facte as they appear to me here in this gold-bug coun try. If my friends of the Populist Party in Cabarrus county, and North Carolina, and ev?ry other Southern State, who make Sewall an excuse to their consciences for delivering themselves, body and soul, to tiie Republican party, c uld be here aud watch the whols thing jnat as it is, and bo allowed to see what a pain fully small figure they are cutting, they would (most of th.ea are hm- est) return to their political home. 1 wish to aay that there is cm thing to be e:ul to the everlastin: credit of the late Populist Stute cou yention: It howled u. El off tht etaxe. I; should 0:ue howled h:,n back into "the Republican i where his voice might bo U-tter ap- precia'ed. JA.f; F Nicu ku . Miss Lola Fink, of Mt. Olivet, ia visiting Miss Lillie Lonj. Simp son street. Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report X ('ureal II i II Spun Thwe killed in the Troy boiler explosion were Samuel Wing, John Ellis, Edward Dickson, Charles Morris and James Carpet; three o hers, names not giyen, fatally wounded. The Standard's appeal Tuesday for mowing the town was timely. At the last meeting of the honora ble board of town commissioners the commissioners of ward No. 2 made in effort to have this done. They have cleaned Loan street and a patt f Church street at their own ex pense. The citizens in this part of. own demand that the weeds be mowed or a snakerkiller be ap pointed at once. Quite a number of our boys went up to Salisbury Wednesday. Did you notice the man in the tnoon holding his nose last evening while old-Lima pisad over a cer tain hog pen? The people on Cabarrus strei t in this part of the city had the pleas ure of witnessing a b;ar dance a few evenings ago. Policeman Fisher hiv; moved from what is known as New Town to one of Mr. Furr's new cottages on St. Charles street. The interment of the remains of the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Will F A Propst took place at the city cemetery Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. T L Johnson left for Danville, Va., Thursday, where they have eecured employment, in a cotton mill. Tne remains of the eleven months old daughter of Mr. and I Mrs. Shoni Poteat, of Charlotte, were brought to this city Thursday and interred at Mt. Gilead church, east of the city, Thursday evening. Mr. Rjbf. Overcash and Miss Frances Gurley were married at the residence of liev. J Simpson, on Simpson street, Thursday after noon at 4 o'clock. Mr. II M Barrow arrived from Cleveland Springs Thursday where he baa been for quite awhile. The many friends of Mr, J M Mabrey were glad to see him on tbe streets Thursday for the first time since about June 2o!.b, where ho had a partial atroico of paralyeis. Hy the ne of crutchen he is ablo to walk. I.IUhllltllg- lloiliK-. This seems a year of fatal light" ning s rokes. We Cad in the Morganton Herald 'hat the editor, Mr. C F McKesson, on Sunday, August 10, bad driven out G miles to a Sunday school in which be was interested. After ad- j lurnment thry were about to start home, but by the counsel of a Mr. Smith, they waited for the then threatened rain to pass. A stua- ning clap of thunder occurred when it was seen that the two horses lo Mr. McKesaon's carriage were killed instantly and two boya who had goti ten iu the carriage were thrown out on the ground, one insensible, but both rallied soon. There waa no further results save one yonng lady waa thrown to the ground at some distance. It is believed that but for the timely suggestion of Mr. Sjnth all would have been in the a:t ol preparing to start and the tragedy would have been appalling. HER LIFE TRULY SAVED. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Docs It. Mrs. ('has. I.a Pnlnt, a wrll-knnwn roslrlrnfc of lh-nvi-r, praises this wondci-fiii ri'iniMly. Her testimony should convlnco all hs to the worth of the. New Heart (Juro anil KesUini tlvo Nervine. Her loiter anted Soiit. lltli. 1hU4, roudsa follows: . .'. i ." m3 Mrs. La Point, 31.17 HuniboMt St, "Typhoid ft'vpr left rm with, tr-mbiv of the rK'.st serious nntur Nothing tin lit MM ire truvo h;il iiljy t'tf'Tt.. I h:nl srrrrr pftiushithe ht'iirt, ;tn.i wan uJiiihh U ir on Iny l f t slik- for more truui thrcr tior.utf.s :it a tiuit). My rt s.,t im-il to hp,-. ,it v( m,,) I hiul srnot in, itiK -jw;lis, hi uhii b ;t ..rinr.l rvrry hrvuili wnnli 1) n.y Wl. Wo tux dt'iitly i.nv nil ad v-; li-cjt.' 1:6 Dr. Miles' Ti;w Heart Cure find Koa' ' ivy V rvwi, pur. h , . .f ti holt So . ; A't. r i .ikitt r b.- roil .tirs u W" '-. U- u!d ho lifl.-il in it . ;iud Ml utv .t:t h ;.r, ai.J In ;i short t inn- I wt.-t ft Mr d-, do 11 hi lifiijM'Wori, 1 "frill !. f vrr tit f u T. tnyo!i for your soinl rlul itHUcim)ff. Trul thiiy s;ivLd u.y l.ff. Ml- ( if I A ri. I, A POINT Dr. Mllos llcrTl vnrf js i hl on :i ixwltfrrt ptjitrnntfo 1 . th ti i I hot 1 1." will V- i, rlf All dr-.. -i 4-, II if at l. ii hot! i--i for to fi 1 VIH hi' M lit lintttil un lt.- -f of IrHl't, l y the Dr. ALlia M- tu.. L.Un.ufc, itid. Dr. Miles' heart Cure iZm foil SAf.a H ALL DUL UiJsr' iH V , VSY-', U.

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