THE ""STANDARD. TURNS OUT GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PRICES. GIVE US A TRIAL rn THE : STANDARD ntixTS Tin: JiEWb that IS NEWS For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. T AND A RD. VOL. IX--IMO 33. CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1896. WHOLE NO. 390 HE T, B. SKIULKS D09KS CLOSED IJJ rollectlons una Pressing- t liilms Urlre Jllin to the Wnll-Ht, J o 'I homfM Asaitcuee. Mr. Tbud B Seigle, conducting business under the firm name of T Is-Setgle & Co, made an assignment Thais lay at 3.13 for the benefit of his creditors, Mr J 0 Thomas, bin book-keeper, being named as as signee. . The news spren'l over the city quickly, causing genuine regret, for Mr. Selgle's estaolisbment was one of tbe nioat attractive anil popular in tbe city. Mr, Seigle bas been pressed for money for several months owing to bad collections, but bis friends who were aware of his em barrassment and need, thought he would pull through. A claim of $51 which was presented and pressed Thursday at 3 o'clock, and which eould not be met promptly, brought matters to a crisis, and 12 minutes alter Mr. Seigle made an assignment. News of his embarrassment was kDOwn at tbe law building, and at 3 10 suits were en'ered for and by tbe following parties, but too late the assignment hud been recorded four minutes previous. T L Alexander, Son & Co , for $52; Ganns Bros'., Baltimore, f 133; Hirtwell & Richards Co., $38; Goldertrank, Sampson & Co, Balti more, $109; H M liosenbladt & Co., Philauclnbn, $30; Criflkh Manufacturing Company, Bulti more, $11; Traleicht, Ducker & Co., $14.50; Lamb, Findley & Co., New York, $199; W 0 Uod, $47. The liabilities were not given, Tbe deed of assignment says: "Tbe party of the first part (Seigle) as signs forever all that stock of goods, wares and merchandise, furciture and fiitures, now situate and being at and in the stare rooms No. 11 WeBt Trade street and South Tryon street, in the city of Charlotte, N. C, aid all and singular the goods, chattels, b toe k s, promissory notes debts, claims, demands, property and effects, of every description, real and personal, belonging to tbe party of the first part, wherever tbe same may be, except such property as is exempted by law from sale under execution." Mr. Seigle conveyed his real esta'e the house and lot on West Trade street to his step-.mother Wednes day afternoon, to secure to ber the $3,000 legacy left her by his father. Charlotte Observer. 1 1rks Convey Disease. Mr. McD. Wad kins, a dairyman of Charlotte, suffered gri at loss from a pestilence amoni; bis milch cows re cently, losing twenty in one day. lie called an expert veterinarian from Rtliijjh who pronounced it Texas fever. It seems that the contagion is conveyed from one to tbe other by ticks. The surgeon as sured him tnat no further Byuiptouiu would appear if ticks were kept cff. This looks rather strange and we can give it only as we read tbe re ports. To say the least the tick is a very undesirable p.ppeudnge to a cow and it would be well to have them off. To My I'RlrollM. I regret very much to disappoint twenty odd pupils on account of not being able to secure a suitable school room. Thanking my friends for their patronage I remain Very Respectfully, Esther, G. Marshall. mm Many a nervous woman sits up ill tin iRlit and trie to read herself Bkepy. Nine to one she don't accomplish her purpose. Nine to one, she jreta more and more ner vous. The sliRlrtcut sound strikes terror to her heart. The dark cftrners of the room contain a thuia.-i.nid nights. She doesn't know what she Is afraid of, but she is afraid, ectually, honestly, nervously, abjectly afraid. Healthy women are not cowards. If a wo t man is nervous and sleepless and afraid oi ""ThVe rustle of her own dress, there is some. Mii'tW tlie matter with her. The most deli cate tie fVS body Bre Kl on eire weakness or tfisrieW., Nine-tenths of the nervousness, irritability and bud temper in women ierely a symptom of ill health ill health of the delicate and sensitive or ganism that makes her a woman. If she U overworked, or ovcr-worrii d, the effect will thow itself there first There is no use tak liur harmful and deadly narcotics for tier Vmislirsa an sleeplessness. It will leave the body in a worse condition than It was before. The way to effect a cure is to cure the cnuae. Ir. Pierce'a Favorite Prescrip tion will do it. It has cand tens of thou sands of cases of female weakness and m-r- j vousness. It is a trost Wonderful liiviRora iiilf nervine or nerve food. It brings sound he.ilthy sleep "and festores the glow and bloom of nealth. It is the only medicine now before the public for woman's peculiai ailments, adapted to her delicate organiza tion by a regularly graduated physician an experienced and skilled specialist in these maladies. It cannot do harm in any condition of the system. Its sales exceed the combined sales of all other medicines for women. The story of its discovery and ft. wonderful success is told in one part of Doctor Pierce's great thousand page book, 'Common Sense Medical Adviser," which will be sent free on receipt of ai one-cent tamps te pay for mailing only. World's liispeussry Medical Association. No, 661 jUtiu timet. Kuftalo. N. Y. WAYNE HOARDE IN JAIL. CliiiKbtnt Davidson College Frldny Tried to Ellext n Compromise Hut Failed Will Await Court. It will be remembend that on one Sunday flight aboat tbe last of July that a sensational l.ousebreak. ing occurred at Cannonville, when a drunken white man enterel tbe bed room of two daughters of Mr John A Ritchie with eyil intent in his heart, and who was frightened away by tbe appearance of tbe father of the young lad its. Hoarde eyaded the officers and got away, going to Iluntersvil'e where he se cured employment in a co ton mill under an assumed name. But he was Boon suspicioned and wben a description and papers were sent the officers nabbed the gentleman and held him until Chief of Police Bo ger went over to Davidson College and brought him back Friday night. Hoarde w is given a preliminary bearing before Enquire Llill this (Saturday) morning, when he sub mitted that he bad entered the house, that he was under tbe influ ence of strong drink and was una ware of tbe seriousness of the in famous crime he was abeut to com mit. . Hoarde made an effort to ef fect a compromise, but Mr. Ritchie would not bear to it. Ia default of a 200 bond, he was remit ded to jail. Heallli Dunns; AtiarnNt. Following is the health reports of the different county physicians of adjoining counties, issued by the North Carolina State Board of Health for the mon h of August: Cabarrus Dr. Robert S Young, Concord. Twenty- two cases of ty phoid feyer. Stanly l)rt D P Whitley, Mill, ingport. Fivec-tsesof typhoid fe ver. Considerable malarial fever, diarrLcei and catarrhal troubles. Union Dr. J E Ashcraft, Mon roe. Fifteen case? of whooping cough. Typhoid end malarial fe vers in town and couitry inaveiy malignant form. The town needs water-work". Mecklenburg Dr. H M Wilder, Charlotte. Two cases of scarlatina, one of diphtheria, Ove of typhoid fever and one of pernicious malarul fever (imported). Chills and re mittent fever in Beveral parts, Iredell-Dr. W J Hill, States ville. Mumps, bowel and lung troubles. Fevers. OUI.D is ,;r. Investors of tlio Dean Safe System of speculation receive semi-monthly divi dends in gold. Over iiOO per cent per annum made on investments by E S I)cn & Co., Hankers, 85 liroadway, N. Y. Investors of this firm distributed all over the United States anil Canada. Kicked a 'Possum Now lie la Norrj. William Oj3ton Vicker", who liyes on the ouitkirls of the city, is carrying his toe in a sling these days. List Sunday night wb 'n he was undressing to retire, hit dog began to bark at somnthing In trie b4tk V'irJ. Mr. Vickcrs went out there and sw what he thought was a cat and kicked at it wit1' his ua!ea foot. The supposed eat grabbed his bi toe and held on mtil it whs kicked oft". Then Mr. Vickers found tha' it was au opossum ins cad of a cat The 'possum cmght and put in box and Mr. Viekrrs aisf s be will get his "revenge" later. His toe was bitten quite badly. Durham Herald. Poisoned Another rine Hoar. Ltwyer Win M Smith is certainly playing in nurd luck. He is noted for having the finest bird dotha' can be hJd, He was owner of two, Poco and Prince, of which ha was very proud. It w.ll be remembered thatJ'HE fr'TANDAIU) several days ago noted the f.ict that I'oco bd come to an nutin ely end, Viich was generally pegret'od by all of the local spurts, to say nothing of Mr Smith's disp'easnre. Addtd to tba' case, some one reloaded and lave Prince, his other fine pointer, a dose and about 8 o'clock" Friday morning the do died. Since the above was written, we ore Informed thjt not only the dogs, but tbe cats are dying alone Bill Avenue and in that part of the city. Deseenl of t hrint Into Hell." The Stanimii!) is rtqnested to announce that ou the second Sunday of this m n h the Uev. Prof. C L T Fisher, president of Mo.t Auiu. Semiuary at Mt. Pleasant, will preuoh at Cold Water Evangel;cal Lutheran church at 'A o'clock in the afternoon. His Bflbjeci will be: "The Descent of Christ into Hell." The pa 'ilia is cordially invited to attend this service. " SHORT LOCALa. That wan a refreshing and de lightful rain Thursday night. The change in the appearance of Yorke's jawelry store is quite no ticeable. ' Mr. John Taylor, who runs a two horse farm beyond the Buffalo creek for Mr. A B Young, has picked out his third bale of cotton. White, the Indian doctor, will make Salisbury his home tempor arily. His aqquittal is generally approved, says tne World. Mr. Wa'ter Kirk opened a sing ing school at Cannonyille Tuday night with forty-one pupils. Tuik is the second class be has taught at Bays' cbapel. Mr. Will Widenhouse has moved from his former place of residence in the Li taker bouse into tbe Ritz house, further out on South Main street. Mr. J O Freeman, a brother to our townsman, Mr. M J Freeman was in the oity. He represents tbt Asheboro Mantle Co., of wbicb b is a member. Mr. C J Seawell, of Cannonville. who is recovering from an attack ot typhoid fever; will be taken to hie borne at Carthage, to recruit by ad vice of bis physician. Mr. O P Nifong. a recent graduate of Worth Carolina College, has se cured the prianipambip of -Arnold Academy, in Davidson county. We wish lor him success. Two negro boys have been ap piloted cadets to Annapolis. No negro bas ever graduated at the INaval Academy, though several have graduated from West Point. Wednesday night a froight train parted between Selma and Wilson in Johnson county and when tbe parts come together a wrack of ten cars occurred. Fortunately . no one was hurt. A letter to her father states that Miss Btttie Alexander and the party of Salisbunans that sailed several weeks ago for Paris, are in London, eight-Beting. The party. will reach Paris about tho 15th cf this month Chief of Police Boger has put a quietus to singing on the streets. Now if he will stop the dogs from barking and the mofqtiitos from singing his name will last for many generations to come. A solid foundation of rock and cement, three feet deep', bas been built on which to place the vault ot the new bank:. It was made sub stantial in order to stand the weight of free silver. Mr. John Freeze, of Cnnnonville, has returned from Mill Hill, where he bad been nursing the sick. At the home of Mrs. Susan Wilkinson in that section, five members of the family were down at one time, They are all somewhat better. Mr. Mack Ritchie, of Ritch field, Stanly county, a brother to our for mer townsman, Mr. C F Ritchie hm secured n position with Yorke, jilswortb it Co h hardtfaro store. We welcome him to our town. The new i-chool house at Cannon ville, to be used by the city public school, is rapidly going up. It will be of the sama s z-i and desipo of the one at forest Hill. It i located 00 the street running west by Bays' chapel. A certain young lady that lives near Uolu Hill, over in Iljwan county, while learning to mount her brother's bicycle, tumblod into an old gold mine shaft, receiving several severe bruises and scratches, but not seriously hurt. Mr, J C Sbinn, of Grorgeville, was in town last Friday with tho finest all round load of Irish potatoes that we havo yet seon. It is a pleasure to note the improve ments, as results show them, in scientific agriculture. Free til page medical reference book to any person' adlicted with iny spncinl, chronic or delicate dis ease peculiar to their sex. Addrea; the leading physicians and sur geons of tho United States. Dr Hathaway Co, 22h South Broad Sireet, Atlanta, Ga. In his speech in the Iredell Re publican county convention, Sena tor Sharp charged Congressman Shuford with ingratitade to the It-publicans who bad put him in Cot gross, with dickering with the DjmocrAts to tell them (the Rep'ub Means) out, and paid the" Republi cans f the district demanded a can- didste to vote forwho was in favor of protection and sound money. Fred Ctisliing and Ney Roueche, two little boys of Salisbury, recently employees of the Evening World, ran away "from home last week, being persuaded by a tramo Cush ing was hnld by the (flioers at Chester, S. C.,and sent back, while lioueche moved on. Roueche was seriously but rot fatally hurt at Abbeville, 8. C, while, it is sup posed, he was beating his way on a train. WANTED Solicitor! for cam paign book ''Bryan, Sewall and Free Silver," authorized by Bryan, written by Metculf, Editor Omaha World Herald, Appoint' d author by Bryan. Contains speeches and platform. A bonanza for agents, a free silyer mine for workers. Only $150, The only authoriz-d book. 50 per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Begin now with choice of territory. Permanent, profitable work for '9(i. Address, The National Book Concern, Star Building, Chioago. eepl2 The first campers of the season were in the back lets Friday night. It was a bad night for tbem. More than one half of the cotton in Cabarrus county has been picked out. Mr. V M Ivy, a prominent citi zen of New London, spent Friday night in tbe city. Col. LA Blackwelder.the veteran policeman of Charlotte, came over and is on a visit to bis aged mother in No. 4 township. 'Miss Margaret Brown, who spent the summer with Miss Addie Boger, has returned to her borne at Charleston, West V. Farmers say that the hard rain of r: . 1, . j 1 ' considerable extent, the dust and mud settling in it. Mr. Harvey Cline, who is en gaged in railroading in South Car olina, is spending several weeks with his father, Mr. Fred Cline, at Glasses. Dr. Paul Caldwell, after spending a two weeks vacation in the city with home folks, has returned to Baltimore, where he is employed in a large drug bouse. WANTED A few first-class salesmen, who are able to talk up a first-class new line to best trade. Liberal salary and commission. International Manufacturing Co., Iowa City, Ia. WANTED Salesmen to sell complete line of lubricating oils, greases, varnishes, specialties, etc Good opportunity for the proper party. Garland Refining Co , Cleveland, O. sH The cause which produces sick headache is more promptly removed by Ayer's Pills than by any otberj medicine. They easily and speed ily correct all disorders of the stom ach, liver, and bowels, and restore to these organs regular and healthy action. The only way to cure fever and ague is either to neutralize the poisons which cause the disease or to expel them from the Bystem. Ayer's Ague Cure operates in both ways. It is a warranted specific for all forms of malarial disorders, and never fails to cure. Try it. Self-denial is the one thing most difficult to inculcate and always bard to practice, especially when there are good things to eat within reach. But there is no self denial necessary if you take Simmons Liver Regulator. It promotes di gestion, prevents dyspepsia and a dose after a hearty meal of delica cies will prevent any discomfort. It's tbe best good-night toddy. Governor O'Forrall, of Virginia was painfully injured by a leap Irom bis carriage in Uicbmond Tuesday afternoon. He was driving out to bis country home, when bis borses got beyond the control of hie coachman and dashed away. Tbe Governor took his little daughter Mabtl in his arms and jumped from the carriage, falling upon his knees and severely cutting and bruising them. Monroe correspondent to the Charlotte Observer says : Miss Nel le King, who lives in Jackson township, this county, bas tbe most remarkable record ot which 1 have beard. She was bere Thursday, neirg brought as a witness in court Though 81 years of age, she has never been to any town before, and though living within a balf-mile of the railroad, she bad never seen railroad before going to Waxbaw to lake the tra-n for this place. Willine for a Divorce. Mr. A II Newsom, whose daugh ter whs 80 illy mated, the particulars of which have appeared in the World, will sue for a divorce for ner from Goodman ai the neit term of Oiibarrus court. Mr. Newsom says that he has been attempting to secure a divorce for his daughter ever since she returned home. Salis bury World. After.... , Taking a course of Ayer's Tills the system is set in good working order and a man begins to feel that life is worth living. He who has become the gradual prey of constipation, docs not realize the friction under which he labors, until the burden Is lifted from him. Then his mountains sink lute mole hills, his moroseness gives place to jollity, he is a happy man again. If life docs not 6eem worth living to youyou may take a very different view of It after taking Ayer's Cathartic Pills. COUNIY CONVENTION. Xwmlnntlnna Made by Cabarrna llem orrala That Are 10 be Klerled No vember Keaf A I.arare Attendance llrnrs 11 11 11. 1 lieo. F. Klulls. The Demot ratio Conv.ntion of Cabarrus coutty met in tbe court bouse as per call of tbe Executive Com mi tee at 12 o'clock. The convention was called t order by Dr. R S Yoang, chairman of tbe executive committee. J L HartEell and J D Barrier were asked to act as secretaries. Tbe temporary organization was made permanent. Chairman Young announced tbe object of tbe meeting. Mr. W G Means was accorded the floor and in a neat speech declined the nomination to tbe State Senate. Owing to Mr. Means' declination, no nomination was made on the first and a second ballot was in order, wherenpon Mr. C D Bar ringer, of No. 8 township, received tbe nomination for the Senate by acclamation. Mr. M F Nesbit was nominated on first ballot for the House repre sentative. His vote was made unan imous. The nomination for sheriff fell to the lot of Mr. Tbos. J White, on the third ballot. Mr. John K Patterson, for Regis ter of Deeds, was nominated on first ballot. A dark horse was rnn in for tbe office of cotton weigher and after considerable discussion the name of W II Boat v. as nominated cn tbe fourth ballot. Caleb W Swink, the clever and courteous merchant of this city, re ceived tbe nomination for treasurer on second ballot. Tbe vote was made unanimous. John H Long was renominated for county surveyor on first ballot. Last bnt not least, the nomina tion for coroner took place. The name of John C Wadswortb was pnt before tbe convention and was received with a great demonstra tion of cheers and enthusiasm. The nomination of Mr.j Wadswortb was made unanimous. For County Commissioners, L J Foil and J S Harris were nominated on first ballot, and M L Brown was nominated on second ballot. The representatives from No. 12 township named the following for magistrates, viz: A B Young, Jno, A Cline, W L Robbins, R F Coble, Joseph Young, II M Goodman, Phil ip Correll, J M Mabrey, H McNa mnra. In tbe effort to haye the vote faultlessly correct, much time was necessarily consumed, but the con vention was harmonious and good humored and the entire ticket may expect the unanimous enthusiasm of the Democrats of Cabarrus. lion. lbeo. b Klut'z, in bis us ual splendid address enthused the audience with a speech much too short for the audience, be only being afraid of wearying his attentive hearers. He is the right man at the right place as elector for this, the 7th district, He is a Democrat to the bone and a strong believer in tbe theory of tree silver. He be lieves unreservedly that Bryan and Sewall will be elected, and believes all Democrats will be willing to ac quiesce in tbe results of the experi ment and acknowledge their eriDr if results are against their present convictions. He urged fidelity and the imme diate co-operation of all for the elec tion of our whole ticket. He does not think the grand old Democracy dependent upon any one campaign but that it was of great importance that tbe wbole ticket be carried. He stated emphatically that tbe tariTand tbe centralization issues were too great to admit of one's voting for McKinley though be does not subscribe to tbe theory ol free coinage. He thought no ot e could read the tirade in the Repub lican national platform againet Damccr.icy and tbe Cleveland ad ministration, considerately, without heing too much averse to the party to vote for or encourage tbe election of McKinley. He said the country needed rest from tariff tinkering and that the Wilson tariff should be let alone and that the unfortunate bond af fair would not bave been necessary if the Supreme Court had not de cided against the income tax. His hope was that a new phase of the Supreme Court would yet sustain the income tax when reve nues would be sufficient. rj A f t aohk and ItHscwATtsM relieved kby Dr. tulles' (urvv fiastun. FIREMAN COLLEI'T KILLED a Box Car. Crashed Into a Train Mr rolled' Keek Broken Key K on clip or NallHkiiry Fatally lnjurel-Mr. Asbury One or the Pnaaeuirers, Mr. O F Asbury, of the D A Tompkins Company, thought tbe world had come to an end at Abbe ville, S. C, Wednesday morning at 1 o clock. He was on bis way home and was on the north-bound passen ger Georgia, Carolina & Northern train. Tha train stopped a little way from tbe depot at Abbeville to change crews. '1 be engineer on tbe switch engine, not knowing or re membering that the train was at the bottom ot the grade, ran against four box cars standing on the truck at the station, intending to couple on to thrm. The oars started cff, increasing in speed as they went down the grade. Tbey ran into the passenger, killing one man, Fire-nan rhos. Collett, and fatally injuring Ney Rouche, son of P D Rooche, engineer on the Western North Car olina, whose home is in Salisbury. Mr. Collett was out on the engine ot the passenger fixing a flag signal. Wben the cars came together, the concussion was so great that he was knocked some feet in the air, and fell, breaking his neck. His brother, A W Collett, an engineer on the same line, waj in bis cab on a track to the right of the passenger. He bad a brother kilkd near tbe same place some months ago. Fireman Collett was from Thom ssville. Ney Rouche is a boy in short pints. He ran away from heme, and was riding blind baggage wheiever he could. He and another tramp were in the first box car that struck the passenger. Rouche wau, it is thought, fatally burt. Tbe passengers in the sleeper and day coach were all asleep wben tbe col lision ocenrred. Mr. Asbury says that when be woke tbe passengers were in great excitement. He could not realize for an instant what wns the matter. Charlotte Observer. Nays Poverty Makea PoliliMla. William Waddingtoo, an old Con federate veteran of Caswell county, who was a soldier in tbe Second North Carolina Cavalry, under Gen eral Rufus Bamnger, is in the city. In conversation with a Standard reporter tbe gentleman said: "PeO' pie down in our county don't know what hard times are everybody has plenty of money. An effort was made to organize a Populist party, but our people were so well satisfied with tbe Democrats and such good times prevail that the thing fell throagh. We raise tobacco, bave plenty of money, no poverty and consequently no Populists " Ulory to tlie Drummers. For more than a year past the commercial travelers bave been try ing to get a reduction in the mileage books, and at last tbey tte to get what they want, the Seaboard Air Line coming to their relief. That company will begin selling the 2,000 mile books September i, at $ 40. The price heretofore has Deen $50. Of course anybody can buy the books, but to the "drummers" beiong tbe glory of bringing about the reduc tion. Dnlla Pills Able to Be Ont. Mrs. Pitts arrived home Thursday from Richmond, accompanied by her son, Dallas, whom she went to see. Mr Pitts is able to be one, although he ia very weak, having been down several days with mala ria. It was by some misunder standing that word was sent bis parents that he was so very low. Mr. Pitts will spend some time in the city with home folks. ASK the recovwed dyspeptics, bilious sul 'UuJilti X.t'.v7t!er;rs' v't,'ms f fever anu ague, tne mercurial diseased patient, how thsy recovered health, cheerful spirits and good ippetite: they will tell ynu by taking Simmons Ltvns Kbgulatos. Tlie Clirnppif. rut-cut ami Itant Family Mt'iliciiio in ttie Wurld! For nVSPF.PSIA. I 'ItWriPATIOff. Jaim e, Unions aita. ks. SK K. 1 i KA I At H K. Colic, llenrcs- lion of Spirits. SI UK S I'OMAl H. Heartburn, etc. 1 his unrivaieil rt-nieilv I, w:in.lntfi not to contain single particle ol M liKt i ky, or any mineral substance, ut is PURELY VEGETABLE, containing thow Southern Roots and Herns which as all wise 1'rovidcnre placed in countries where I.iver Diseases most prevail. It will curs all lllseMSPB cnlised by lleirailgetueut erf tlie Liver Hint HmvcU, he SiMPTilMS of I.iver Complaint are a hitter or had taste in the mouth ; Paiu m the Hack, bides or lolnts, often mistaken for khruniatism ; .Sour HUmiach; Iaiss ol Appetite: Itowels alternately costive and lax; Headache; Loss of Memory, with a painful sensation of having failed to d- something which auht to have been done; lletiillty; L.IVV Nplrtts; a thick, yellow appearance of the Skin and iLyes ; a dry Couh, olteu mistaken lor coiisii nipt ion. Sometimes many of these symptoms attend the disease, at others very few ; l ot tlie l .lvltK. the largest orcan in the body, is litnerally tile seat of the disease, and if Hot Kecttliirrtl in time. L-reat sulierilig, wretch edness and lliAT It will ensue. the following Inciilv evteeiin'il persons attest to the virtues of Simmons l.ivi k Hi'i.i i srnn : tien.W. S. Holt, Pres. t'.a. S. W. K K. l o. ; kev. J. K. reldei. Perry, tla.; Col .. k. Sparks. Albany , I ia.: I'. Master son, r.s..,Mientt llihbt.o., .a.; J. A ttutts. isanilni.lge, (la.; kev. J. W. liurke, Macon, ( .I.; Virgil Powers, Sunt. Ua. S. W. k. k. : Hon. Alexander li. Stephens. We have tested its vuliies pei.onally, and know that for llyspepsia. Hiliou.ness and 'I lirobliuig Head ache, it is the best medn me the v, ,,rld saw. We have tried forty other remedies bet.ire Simmons laver Regulator, and none of them gave us more than tern. Dorary relief ; the Regulator not only relieved, hut cured SB," til. TttLKUKArll ANU M bSSUNl.UK, MacOM.OA. mm MANUfACTt KBU ONLY UV J. U. ZKHJ.N tl. i l'hiiadclftus. "t. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest TJ. S. Gov't Report C 41 Vkv M t. ,M M W ' -A arU MAGISTRATES' COURT. vo Interesting- t'asea That Take I'p nn Afternoon. Ambrose Wallace, an old colortd man of Mecklenburg county, Tburs day afternoon brought suit against Mr. Andy Neal, of this courty, to recover wages that were earned by his adopt d son, Sam Dorton, a mi. nor. The amount sued for was $57.50, less amount for clothing and tobacco, as provided for in con tract. The case was argued before Es quire Pitts, who gave the negro judgment for $7 20 Mr. Neal stijs he will appeal to a higher court. At 5 o'clock Enquires W J Hill and C A Pitts sat jointly upon the suit brought by A 11 Newsom, oi Rowan county, against Register of Deeds Weddington for the sum of $ 200 damages, for issuing license to his 16-year-old daughter, Eudora S Newsom, who very romantically wedded one Ed Goodman, of this county, just one year ago. The case was argued by J L Ciowell for the plaintiff and M II II Caldwell for the defendant. The court decided that Register Weddington had the right to issue the license and sus lained him in bis action. Mr. Newsom is net satitfk-d ith the result and has appealed to the Superior Court. l-'orrst lllll Npsi. Mr. John Mclnnis is temporary depot agent at Forest Llill and also reading clerk of No. 2 Ward pri mary convention. Mr. W F Johnson and Miss Lillie Dennis, both of this place, were married at Salisbury Thursday by Rev. A Li Coburn, pastor of Chest nut Hill station church. The young ccuple baye the best wishes of a host of friends and acquaintances. Mr. George Wilson, of Montgom. ery county, is visiting his brothers, Messrs. J E and W A Wilsm, at this place. Mr. Wilson made the trip on his wheel, a distance of -15 miles in 5 hours. Mr. John Tarker came iu from Columbia the other day with one foot entirely wjrn out and the other was quite tender. A Uood Cotton Mnrket. Concord is known far and near as being tbe best cotton matket In tbe State. Farmers from all the ad joining counties come here every year because it is so. Mr. Allen Iloneycutt, of David son, came in with several bales, for which be received 7.70. Other markets are paying only 7.G0 for tbe best grades. KKilrli- Kilters. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more generally needed, when the languid exhausted feeling prevailei. when the liver is torpid and slug gish and tbe need of a touic and alterative ia felt. A prompt usd ol this medicine has often averted long an I perhaps fatal bilious fevers Nu medicine will act more surely in counteracting and freeing the system Irom tne malarial poison, liottducbe indigestion, constipation, dizziness yields to Klectrio Bitters. 6Uc and $1.00 per bottle at Petzor' Urug Store. SSSS To Lose mi Kit'i'llt'iit Mllllll). Mr. C G Montgomery is to leave Concord, which will necessarily take from among us a most excellent family. He;bas just returned from Alabama City, Ala., where he han accepted a prominent position with a large cotton manufacturing corpo ration with whom he has been doing business for a number ol years, and is to receive quite a hand some salary. He has also secured employment for his four boys Messrs. Brevard, Charlie, Harry and Frank, with whom he will leave Monday for tbe home they are about to adopt. This sudden turn of affairs came as suddenly and un expectedly upon Mr. Montgomery as it does upon our citizens. The position came to him unsolicited. Mrs. Montgomery will remain in this city until preparations can be made for removing, when she will go to the father and eons. a lllMtltlllnll4ntlN. "I'm tired to death," declared Mrs. Matronly as she reached home from down town the other eveuitig. "Wdat's the mattet?" asked her husband, "Been having baby's picture taken. Tbey bave a way of taking them instantaneously now, you know." How long were you at it?" "Three hours and a half," WHAT IS IT? rile Nlrnnuo ler!orniruicos otnn Anl llilll 1 1IU-.0 Kallriiilil Jlen lo filir. Railroad men arc naturally super stitidOf), and fur the patt scvetal weeks they have had great cause to be, especially the freight men. At the deep cut half a miie below the depot at this pluce some kind of an aniraal m-emMing a cat jumps from the embankment on to tbe cars and runs up and down tho entire leneth of tlie train. The strangest fart of the mysterious performance i8 that it cannot be teen on any hut ti-.iithbound trains. When the train roaches tlie section houso, two milts down the road, the thing vaiiUhrH away. Cnpt. IvJ. Patter-on and Night Operator John M Voung e;iy that r.iilrond men regard it. i s an omen that bidfl evil and that while the eliango ap pearanco and disappearance is in teresting to natch, it pu's a most dreadful sp: K upon tlo n:en who nave eeen it. lllC I'lisslni; til I Mtlilllll Ttiere seems to he no doubt that Ben Tillman is losing his popular strength in South Carolina. He is still the most ir.ll ii utiiil nn.n in the State, hut he doe. not er joy the al solute sway which waj Lid eo long. Lie fierted himself to ti.e ulmost to secure the r.ousi:.ati.m cl his man, John Gary', in the recent Sen atorial primary. If Ti!l;nan had possessed the ii lliicnce 1 e had two years ego he would ctrf-dnly have Wen able to pull Kvats through. There is to bo another prima! y and it is very probable that Evans will be defeated by Judge E irl.', who ran him such li close race lust mouth. The defeat cf Ey;iii3 would be a severe blow to Tiiiinan, and the lut ter will make a du'psrate iflort to restore his waning predtige. We hardly think he can do so. Many of his former followers are growing weary of his arbitrary and despotic sway and will not hwiuro to knife him. Tilluiau bus proL.iliy acta h'u best days as a political Loaj. Atlanta Journal. Btieklrii's Armenia v n. The Best Saivc- in tLe world for Cuts, Bruises, iir,c,, Ulcers, Salt Rheuui, Fever Sores, 'J'etterd Chappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and poditively cures riles or no pay requi-t-d. It is guaranteed to give etatitfaction or money refunded. Price i!5 cents per box. For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug store. MouietlitiiK' Imiiorlitnt to Merelinnts. Deputy Collector F M Thompson has called our attention to an act iu regird to cheese, which goes into effect today that is of importance to our merc'-iants. This act Provides ihat wholesale and retail dealers iu tilled chec30 shall be required to take out an annual license for the sale of such. The term "tilled chcsc'' is defined by the uct aa fol- ows : All Bubitancc made of milk or ski turned milk, with the adruutEri: of butler, aLiinul oilj cr fati', vege table, or and other uils, or compounds foreign to Buch milk, and made ia imitatiou cr ci-mhluuce of cheese.. Salisbury Wurld. Heart Tio,! Cures..' A t'or.vlrt in . f. "For W yctrs ble. )uriii- n five flinVront pi, v i :;i n cltlimi'il Hint. 1 , !i,,,l ,,t li groitlly Iroubl, il Willi -.iiort'i palpitation ami pain In lh- Cailll! t'Xi'iti'll, or n . -I'to, I 1,; y . , the pain In my siilo h, , :i 1 j, v , times II si tTin'.l as 1 1;. 1, 'i n . in tttroinih riy.i .' . .-, ,. tlc.i Of NoVi'Ini.. r I 1 i. I c. 1 If t - I-.S DR. NJLES' L'.A'.'T rur and sun 1 eitti no n Ihi'ii W sleep 01 have tny . (Kill III VtT lll'IM walk tsilioint 1 much bt'jer .; rt'Ctmiiiu'iKi a. I to try lit-. Mil. delay " S!rt IVrluhiSt., Tr. Wins II irt fii, puai'iwiti o t h.i 1 11, All ilrti" nst-, , .ii 1 It. wil I In -out , pi 1 by 11.0 1)1., .V Dr. Miles' Ikui Cl. . ' Miss 1-xla Kpiit- I t-ul''-;' il fioir, ho.'irt Lim it I W.I ti, :iu il I s All i-f th. in l0RALtli ALL 1UW

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