t Ttt--' ". mm wna mm THE STANDARD, -TUJIN.S OUT- GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING TRICES. GIVE US ATRIAL HE : STANDARD HUNTS TI1K JSEUS THAT is MEW For 1 Ytar Send us 1 Dollar. JLJLJild KJ. JL jCSUL VJLSJP. VOL. IX--NO 34. CONCORD N. C, -THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1896. WHOLE NO. 391 iKD. M JL 7l UK. H WATER MARK. Flv llnmiroil ami t our Nlmlenla In All IlrparimeuiH nl Uie I'nivorftlly. ClIATEL "HlLL, N. C, Sept, 11. The high water mark of attendant; has been ranched tbia week at tbt University, Thi' first week closet with a total attendance of 04 in al) departments. Th se are distributed ua folio r: Collegiate department 280, luw 45, medicine 20, sum met school 133. This means, if the ex perience of thii paat is carried out, total enrol. mint of GOO. The Freeh man class numbers thus far one hundred men. The week has been an interesting one at ( bupel Hill. Dr. Alderman made bis formal opening address to the students on Tuesday in the pres ence of a large gathering, outlining the policy of the University and bit own policy to the voung men. The Bpeccb was received with great en tbueiaBm by the young men and portly as a result of it all the old classes of the University have volun tarily adopted resolutions prohibit ing hczing, thus co-opera' in g with the faculty in the Urst principles of self government. The new adminis tration starts iff with all the de partments in thorough harmony. All the student organizations are forming and the great school is thoroughly started on its year'e work. (Jjwu'ons Hall with arrange, ments for boarding one hundred or more opens wi h tea next Monday night, 1l ia one of the beat equip ped dining rooms in the State. Both this and the kitchen are due to the beael'.cieuce of Mrs. Frederick Ba ker, of New York. It is a great boon to all students. Five new men of talent in their departments have bien addid to the teaching force, an instructor each in Latin, modern languages, English, history and scientific physical culture. While the last does not count on a course yet Mr. Mechling conies to the State thoroughly equipped to make intelligent physical culture practical, pi a ant and profitable. The Young Meu'u Christian" Asso ciation gives its annual reception to she new students with refreshments and Bbort talks, music, etc, on Friday night in Commous Hall. Joe My or' Noiifeiire. Jofipph P Myers, the former cash ier of the Seaboard Air Line in this city, who embezzled about S3,500 of the company's money and fled with a woman to New York, where he was shorty afterwards captured and returned to Charlotte, was ar raigned before Judge Meares in the Criminal court this afternoon. Tbe cov.rt h n e was packed with peo ple cuiious to see the outcome. Myers was neatly dressed and looked wll. He was represented by Col. II C Jones, who made an eloquent plea in his behalf prop, g ing ihat his client would make fnl reparation to the company paying back all the money misappropriated. Col. Jones spoke briefly, but ef feclively. After bearing bim through Judge Meares fixed Myers penalty as follows : Hois to make immediate restitution of tbe balance of the money to the Company, amounting to 81,900; and he iH to serve a sentence of six months in the county j iil and to pay a fine of roo. Myers was at once taken back to j iil. It ia understood that his uncle sent him the funds to make good his default. Charlotte Nhws. There are a jrrcat tunny wrone; ways of treating disease. J4 It is easy to imike "!M' sX n-.'siakes. Doctors it i' make mistakes just f I Uule same us uiiv ') A body else. The 1 doctors who make tlie fewest mistakes ore specialists. They do one thins nvcr n?id over and over, so that thej know ail tnat Inert is to know about it. In thc.yi yrnrs that T)r. l'ieree'a l'leasant l'ellets have, been sold, hundreds of thou sands of people have taken tlieni, and havi been cured by them. There is no loni;ei any possit)!e qiuslionof their eflieaey Thev are the prod net of experience, tried bv time. They are intended to cure con stipation. They are Rood for men, wo men and children. Tiny are tiny, suejir coated granules, very easy to take, very quick in their at lion. One " Pellet " is i ue-Noe Jaxative, two "Pellets" a mild cathartic" "A-yreat im::) people make the mistake of " sandba'inK their di gestive organs. Thev take some stronj! and violent medicine, which creates worse troubles than it cures. Stiony purgatives shock the system unnecessar Aw. and thev do not cure constipation Constipation i a thing that makes peo le listless ana lancnm; niKes im-i. reath bad: wakes them up with foul taste in their mouths; puis Mack spoti before their eyes; r.: iUvs tlum (7.7y causes headache; aiai.i.i them bilious produces pimples and blotches runs inti all sorts of aerie. cor,-ieiuences. All tin: Is cured by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellt's cured absolutely, perlectly, permanently rVtitt 21 dne-ernt stamps to cover cost 01 tiiuilinn anlv, ami reeeivc uh.-.,latelv,ri-iTi'i Jir. l'l.-rce's Coiiinum Sense Metiicul Ail visit, and find out how tn Utt p ycmstlf am ffo-ti'.v lic.-illliv ; ceiitain:- KioH papa-a, over Phi! rations a?irl over ejM.nro copies havt lain sold at J 1.511 eaeli. Tlie nev cilitii.il el ii .. e.-n.ii s i lo he uivi n an-av absoiuleh (nr. Wtnlrl'n Dispensary medical tto CmMmo, llufjlo. N. Y, "Si 0 WW THE SOUrUJiRN SHAKES UP The (lln"Ken Fnlr tn I xleiul lvir More Territory Hi nil Tluil Alreutly Iuvntle4t, As noted in Tuesday's World, Capt. C W Lee, who bas been master mechanic here for several years, is juceeded by Mr. W U Hudson, o: Atlanta, Ua., and Mr. Addacer, also of Atlanta, is made general yard, master at this place. A notice was posted at the shops yesterday that Mr. Hudson would take charge of tbe new shops at Spencer and the local shops toinor row morning. Said a railroad man Ust niuht, who generally knows what he is talking about : "This means that tbe shops here will, be done away with, and I haven't any idea that they will be running two months from now." And it looks very much this way to ns. The master mechanic at Aeheville has also been succeeded by a new man, a Mexican, we understand, who went on duty this week, and if what we hear is true there will be some mare shaking done btfore the gime is ended. It is stated that Superintendent Wells is at the bottom of the buei nees. It would be a severe blow to Salislnry to lose the Bhops now lo cated here as a number of the em ployees would probubly remore to Spencer should their work call them there Salisbury World. rolton tin) look WorxeTlian Ever. The outlook for the cotton crcp is no more encouraging than It has been for the past sevsral weeks, Beporti from various sections of tbe cotton belt show that there has been little saving rain, and th il even if the rain had come it would have done little good, for the sun had already done its fourful work. The crop of 18'JG is fearfully shor, and it is reported that the coMon will be but little more than tbe average crop. The bears nnd future dealers are becoming alarmed, and it is pre dicted that the staple will briDg 10 cents by November. A slight advance is reported to day, the price paid being 7.85. One While, Two Mlnrk. Populists and republicans are manipulating the political strings in a quiet but effective way. Cau cuses are held at some place within the city limits nightly. Cne white man; a Populist, and two negro Re publicans held a secret midnight session during the fira; p ,rt of the week in a dilapidated hontc tn West Depot Blreet, half way between the fquare and the depot, I ut the success of the Populist in arranging matters for his own glory is no' definitely known. It is be I eved. however, that the PopulBi's plans were treated with contempt, us indi cations ate that fusion betwetn the two parties is not prob.bie. It is said that the Populist ia hiartsick and sore, but will be in the race. 2 he Zouave. The Anthony Drum Corpsof the Fouith North Carolina Kegiment, left Wednesday evening for S ntes ville, from where the cti pat.ies of the Kegiinent will march to Chiir !o!te. The boys were dreteid in th. Z ti;ive costume anil g ive a fat C) drill on the rquare- btfore leaving As the boys were forming in line to march to the de.pot, the clever druggist, Dr. M L Marsh treated tbeni to iced drinks and K.r. K ( Montgomery paid his r-spec a wilh round of cigars. The following young men com pose the corps : II L jleesler, Q iL Smith, Q R Caldwell, Ed Moss, Vi VV Morris, Jay Sims, Hope Barrier, Georga Murr, Ed Mnrr, Kiab Murr, Joe Hill, Richmond Reed, and Y C Caldwell. Three servants accompanied the boys. Tarties coining in from Salisbury say tbe Zouaves gave a fancy drill on the square in that placa Wednesday night. A rnril. We wish to express to me inciu hers and frien's of r-r. J.nint church, our sircere uppri ri ninti of fhe w;,rm and hearty recp'ion g van us in the lecture room Thurs day evening, anil also for the many snbs'an'ial cvidmoeg of their good vill fent to the pufponnef. V prz" 'hrc ihinu fiir then viue, hut. hhove aM for the kindly sen' icrf's th?y e pri-ts. Mav find b en rur union a" piBlor 8tn people make na mutually helpful and fruitful in faithful laWs. Veiy truly, UllAS li. M1I.LF.K AND FAMILY. " sft'OUT LOCALS. Mr. Andy Goodman, of Ni, 4 t iwnship, has entered rchojl at Davidson college. Surveyor J H Long Thurrdav laid off a dowery for the widow of the late Martin Lipe. Business at tlifl soda fuuntainh if gradually falling till since the cool mornings and nights havo set in. .. Mrs Mamie Divia has returned to the city and will resume v.ork at Lowe it Dick's next week. The evening train, due here at 7:23 Friday did nnt reach this point until about '2 o'clock this morning. Capt. V S Bingham is improv ing the appearance of hix lot on West Depot street by enclosing it with new palings. Rev, 13 F Davis is able to be up and walk about. We are glad to note hia rapidly improving condi tion. Worth Barnbardt, who has beer, very low with typhoid fever, is im proving. Thera is hope for h s re covers. Mies Mamie Geeger, of St. Mat thews, S. C, in visiting her Ris'er, Mrs. Rev. P H K Djrrick, of Mt. Pleasant. Claudius R Black welder, who hap been vinitingrelatives in the county, returned to his adopted home at Hinton, West Virginia, Wednesday night. Dr. W II Wakefield, of Charlotte, will be in Concord at the St.. Cititul on Thursday, September 21. li is practice is limited to eye, car, ni He and throat. tf Mr. George Krimminper, a resident of No. 5 township, suffered a spoil of nervous prostration Friday, lie wa at first considered critically ill. but ho is somewhat better. WANTED Sa'esmen to eell complete line of lubricating oils, greases, varnishes, specialties, etc. Uood opportunity for the proper party. Oakland Kefixiso Co, Cleveland, O, ell Mr. Frank B-.-st, a good farmer o; No. 11 township, says he wi:l not make uooro than a one-third crop of cotton. Upland com is sickly and did not make much, maturing prematurely. Bottom corn looks good and is well filled. Mr. C C Boyd, son of Mr. W C Boyd, of thi- city, who is telegraph ing in Columbia, S. C , has declined the offer of a position in a cable gram office in New York. The po sition offered him pays quite b handsome ealary. People who live in new countries are liaMe to be pro tnte.i by malar ial fever?. Inhabitants of cities, by reason of bad drainage and tin wholesome odors, suffer from simi lar diseases. Ayer's Agon Cure is warranted a specific for all malaria! poison h. Mr. W E Whitlock, of Kurest Hill, has liin.'iu'h the advir-irinp columns, of The 'tamiAHD. s-currd the agency fr lie camimign book, 'Bryan. Srwa.il and Free Silver.'' He will ennvsss the county fit once. The book givers a complete litrt of Bryan and Sewall frun the time of their infancy, anil is fn'l o( information regarding free silver. Governor Curr has received an application .'or a r quisi-ion em the Governor of Louisiana f'.r R hert L McAiister, wanted in Rockingham county for fernery. Ha forged a check on the bank of R idsville for $295 Tne (H'.iir created quite 8 tensation. McAiister is now in j ii tl Stirevenort, La. The Governor if Louisiana has been reques-ti'd to iold him until a requisition can be forwarded. Bsv. J'ii-se Pag-i was a fanilia' looking figure in the pulp't at (Yn tril M -thodis' ehuu'h Widn si1 y light, when lie priflc'i'-d a mrt powifu! s-rnion to n l::': e eorj.r0 jatinn nf nil denomiioi' i tins. Hi impressed his delight at being witb .is once nerain and at knnwine that -,e wa welocmifd, as was evidenced y tli' 1 irge- al tendance lie was j;a tor of Centra! chuicusix years ago. The Popnlists insist that Daniel L Ru'isell shall bo taken off the Re iiublican ticket as an accessory to 'usion, but Daniel refuses to come to time. Marshall Mott even goes so far aa to say that if ho does coraf down he will take his place. And in the midst of all Senator Butler with a full terra in the Senate in his pnrket smiles sorcnoly. Salis bjry World. O'iver Fletcher, an employe in he Vance cotton mills at Salisbury died pnddnnlv Thursday after-oon illC " Uil'l owjn. - iv -. in house of a neighbor and iMre'. ed aquart ef milk Wr.nn ho n lur-.i .1 home he saw n ninuso run ninnr-vind theflori') his roeiin. II i picked ip a s'ick and killed the. mouse voipi'ig over to pick up the mouse n order to pitch it out of the win low, he staggered anil fell. When DP.rtie.M approached the pros' rate form they saw Ihat he was dead. The Charlotte News bad this: At the meeting of the board nf nl dermm, a pronont'on was sub mitted to retire Col. L A R'ackivel dor, thn dep it policemen on a sa'ary if S-'Jo p-r ino-ith. Hi' sirr'oor ffill nn. t-c appoiniei! until nf'er a cnnT rP'-'Cp wi h the South' rn Riii road e.li.iials hh they pav lia'f the sslary nfthn depot policemen. i' . nieckwtlder's henlllu. has been in such a stato lately tbnt his retire ment on a pension had been gener ally looked upon as the proper thing to do. New shelving has Ivan put up and other improvements mado in the grocery si la of the ef'ablieh ment or i) P. Dayvativt. Hotels and citizens nf Chai-lotte are making extensive preparations f r tbs erite-rtain-m-oit ' ( Bryr.n and the crowd that his corning will at tract ihat ci'y next Thursday. A letter to a fr'end in Sali.-bury from Mr. Tneo. Pool, ktate that hit father, il.fv. f ilum-jo Pool, is lying at the point of death, in El'zibeth City and that it is hardly expected that be wiii survive the .ttai k. The confederate veterans of Ujw an county held their annual re union in S.ilisbufy Thursday. Col. J G Hull, of Hickory, addressed the old vets. A grand dinner Tfat ' served and a general good time was had. An old rusty looking farmer 4j No. 10 township. Ibis county, ysftt bad heard and read a great deal about the new savings bank, canie to towa-IUursday with one thous and dollars that be wanted to de porit. Five hundred dollars were in gold eoin, while the remaining half was of other currency. It was disappointing to the genti'-man that the bank was not ready to do busi ness. It will be, however, in a Bl.ort while. AN AUDIENCE UF MILL MEN. heimlor I'rilelinrtl In I "tmeoril Tlie Mill l-eoplr Will ue llir itcinlli. rim Tlt-kel. l!y Tl.-.ne to Uit-t llert er. COM'OUIi, Sept, 10, Senator Prilchard Bi.oke lo a crowded house here tonight. His atu : nee was composed largely of mill ne : , who have fo; inerly act. (1 with tbe Dem ocratic party, mid i.ifvy of whom peiBonally assur el : .io.tor P.M'.cb ard afo r the Epeaknr; that their in. Hue tic;- in the ccuiii contest would bethro ' U to the Republican party, on BCCfiunt of that party's o&ition on ti e tariff nnd th? money ip.ua tioi.a. No such ricep'iou was ever be fore given any llep'iblican. SjH.skcr in this city. Senator l'ritcb-rd eale.iz d Pres ident Cleveland far his faithful ad. nere; ct to th platform upon which he was ehcted. This brought out an enthusiastic round of applause from a gteat number of "the audii ence. Senator I'ritchard goes from here to Cbar'e tie, where be will speak to morrow. J Wn.r.v Chook. We clip the above as i' bas been called for i Ti;r. Standard. Mr. l'ritobard, aa we have said, made a speech that 31 could lieteii to with out beiu angered, which is more limn nioet Republican eakers do. Ti.e audience did him the honor of an i.iren'.ive lijlening and wero to ph'ufed that, at least one Republican ueulel speak in pleasant, if not in moat logical term?, that many con gia'ula'.ed him, though they differed most radically on some of the poin's in his speech. We think Mr. Shoe-k allowed his own leanings to lead h in to a false conclusion about our null men. We think the 3rd of November will prove his error more "ie-qoenily than we can word it. We tn-k a careful weighing of the -p.- e'i of Jiir. l'rt'chard, and we think tint it will be found that, hie i!e t.tiit way is far more weighty wi'li die pi-opli; tliau bis logic de-e'rv.-B to he. Mr. Crawford Johnston, of Mooi-i-nville, is, visiting bis father, Mr. M W Johnston, ou North Main street. 4t.. 1 P( r.'!i:fu! c;ts prow dull nit. I dim A t !ic sv, 1 1 years steal bw.iv. Di' ,':tifnl, willowy (onus bo slim I,')i-e f.iiriifss wilh every dny. Cut .slic still Is qiiecu ami hath charms to spare Who wears youth's coronal beautiful hair. Preserve Your Hair nnd you prof.crvo your youth. "A woman i3 aj c!.l n3 ehe Icoks," eayn t'jo vorld, Ko worupn loolcn ns old 03 ssho ia ir hor hair ha3 preserved ita Dormr.l boclUy. You can keep h;ur from faliina out, restoring its normal color, or rentoro the rjortrinl color to crny or fadod hair, by tho u:'o of n Ayei'i5 Hair Vigor, MK. PRITCUAKD'S SPEECH. In IKin-l Vuler nml .11 1 10, Tliouirli HI Klonilfiltr. Itoiln nil Old t:xiloileil Kuliliy. The i3ena!er wan hapnv in his preliminary remarks anef took an iiarly occtsion to disavow any pur pose to array any class or race against another. The coloied man is free in every sense in North Carolina and can vote as he phases and should do bo He eaid the Dtmocra a wanted him to diecuea only the financial is sue. In 'y J they bald ' 4 years wore of Orover and we will be iu clover." Nj more 5 cent cotton, but we will have 20 ce.it cotton. The Demo.- crats always have tbe cry of ''free" something. In '70 tbey Baid not free eilyer but f:ee whiekiy and sound money. Said we will give you cheap clothing. They won a great victory on it. Tbey had every branch of the government and had every chance to fulfill ail their promises, but elid not do it lie said they bud bankrupted tho gov ernment and made a deficit of f 13,000,000 per month. He said that the Kepublicina had turned over to the Democrats $US,000,000 in 'Oi, that 32 per cent, of the la boring men were out of employ, ment, that the great consideration was to get work for the laboring man. He claimed that Republican role employed n.eu and capital, that under the Ilairison administration the public debt was reduced $152, 000,100 and that every obligation was met, that the Wilson bill in creased the public debt 202, 000, 000. He Buid that the Democrats had depended on the income tax nut that a Democratic Supreme Conrt had declared it unconstitutional, that it took two years ta change the constitution. Iiow should we avoid the 13,000,000 per month ? By taxing the foieiguer wilh a tariff, or hy laying a tax on our laud and other property ? He strongly urgeJ 8 tariff tax ae it would come oil of the foreigner, lie would haye Americans to make whatever she needed, lie claimed hat Americana could not compel with Europeans unless they went without clothing. He Baid the Democrats thought we ought not to tax importciB, that Senator Coruian waa willing to tax the coffee that was a poor man's necessary supply, but would not tax the wool that was brought into competition with the farmer. lie said tbe people did not like Mr. Cleveland bo v. e'l now. lie would only eay he was entirely hon e t ami w- a fearless in the convic tion of duty and that he was abused fc-r things the constitution and laws compelled him to do upon his oath, that he appealed to congress to come to tlie rescue tnd avail the issue of bonds and that the Repub lican house promptly passed the Dingley bill that would have met tho want, but that a Democratic Senate sat ml'enly and would not do anything and the President bad to issue botids nnd now tbey were find ing fault with him for it. He said that the Republicans wanted to tax foreigners, the Democrats wanted to tax our own people and asked the people to yote as they wished, for the Republicans if tbey wanted to tax the importer, but for the Democrats if they wanted to be tuxed them selves. He said business began to decline in '93 w'hen Clevelaud camo into power. Uesaid the Democrats said in '73 that they wanted to capture the markets of tho world for the fanner :md quoted cen-us figures to (-how that our itn porta hid ehcreisei under th? effirt. He delt ou tin oharco competition tint he sail! h id mini el I lie industry. Ho claimed that tha Wibon hill 3 used all the decline in prices. lie laid the Democratic party is a costly luxaiy. He said that under Cleve iand priccB declined, under Harri son hey adysi ced. Tint the Dem ocrats 'ic-ed to jell "nigger," now hey want his Mile and they jell freo silver, that manufr.ctuieri are stopping and many were saving they could not hold out much long r. lie Baid that Republicans put a taiiff on our farm productions, includiug mils', butter, etc., but tbe D.-inoera'? r lined the tariff on liquor. Hep'.e'i.'iid th' town of Cranh i ry, 1 loiiiing and blooming endei- lb imlihe-a-i and ekclining un der Denipcra'ic rule. He eulogVd i cKinh v it ii it promised tile Souih to bloom with prosperity if he were elected. Hew uld hot speak much of Cleveland the peop'e hated bun hut would qoote Mr Bryan who ha I S 'l l :t was immate rial v, hetflei t he Wi!u. in bill raised the pric of wool or no-, He said Mr. Bryan wants free lumber for Ke- braekans to buil I houses. He d d not blame him. We must each look to our inteicsts. He told us what liiled cheese is and Baid Democratt were opposed to taxing lo pro en' the naker and the ea ers of g te) chrt-se. He unin'niii'.d that it was incor rect to Buy that Republicans wanted geld only, thut they wanted gold, silver and paper money, that we now hae 51! iini'-s more silver coined than we had before '73, that the Klpublicms wanted interna tional be-metalisui and that thi only way we would eyer get frte Bilver was by international agree ment, and that reciprocity would force the nations to ndopt if. Hi said that Mr. Bryan admitted that free coiuage wouh' cause a panic bu that it was like giving a sick man medicine that made him sicker H first, then cured bim. The Senator ridiculed the i lea. He touched lightly on Mr. Dork" ei-y's leaving aud thought he would find cut his folly at "bucking time." Tinier I aise rreli nse Ilo lliiili- 1'he Stan iiAHi) noted last week the false pretenee of one calling himself S 1' Fa.k, who be.t J C Uoneycutt out of a piir of thoes for which he f ave an order on the Ca barrus mills when he bad no claim whatever on that firm. Mr R J Cook tells of his villainy in hiring bis (Mr. Cook's) sou to bring him to Concord, all the w hile claim 'ug that he had the ready cash and would cheerfully pay almoji any pri -e to get horn.1 to a yery s.ck wif II..- ami he was working for the O.hll Manufacturing Company. When the young man hud brougb him to town he would not pay him. Mr. Coe.k, lie xt day, tried to find a man ot tlmf name ut all ol the f.ie loriep, hut could not. An eye should be kept open for such beats and it should be made hot f ir them. IOII.ll 1H M I . Investors of tlie Dean Hiite. System of speeulutioii reeeive seint monthly illvi . lends ia pol'l. Hver :too per eent per imnmn nniile on inveslnn-nli by K S Di'rtii A: Co,, Hunker-, :i."i liroii.Uvav, N. V. Investors of lliis linn ilistrilmled all over the L'niteil Suites auJ Camilla. Ilitzliii; nl flic lili ernll.v. ClIAl'EL IIill, N. C Sept. 10. At a meeting of the class of '09, held September 9, lS'.Hi, it was decided to abolish the old time cuitom of ha:-.-l rg the new students who enter the University, and the fallowing reso lution to that effect wai unanimous ly adopted : "We, the Sophomore c'aa?, in meeting assembled, realizing that hazing U3 now practiced is a brutal and vicious ha'iit, und detrimental to the best interests of the Univer sity voluntarily resolve to frown upon this practice wherever it is found and to put forth every en deavor to prevent us continuance in the future." . Hiieklcil'N Ariili-inlvt?, The Best S.uve in the world for Cots, Brr.is-s, Soreei, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever SoreB, Tetterd Cbappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Riles or no pay requi-ed. It is guaranteed to give Btatisfaetion or uionev refunded. Price 25 cents per box, For sale at F li F'etiter's Drug store. Free (11 page medical reference book to any pernou a ill icted with any special, chronic or delicate elis ease peculiar to their sex. Addre. tbe leading physicians and sur ireonfi of tho United State?, Dr. Hathaway ov Co., li'JJ South Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. Oeoruc lliiriitinrill llnrl. u On Thursday la-if, Mr. (icor-- 1' arnhareD, one-' lijjnring as nn utr tacb? of this c-lli.!f-, met with ijui:c serious accident. lie was ridin? h'f line h orso, which b.-cume frigbti-ned ind threw him, bruising am! i.ir itching him up pretty badly. Wi ire g'.id to Kno that tleorge wat lot f.vaily hurt. A. K thf re i.vt-rtfl 51 - J .. .-, .i h, vi.lmis nl 1,:MT ;.. 'i .li, I ;.-.Mit l!-.e eu.cuiial " - ' - - Iio.t:i:1 -i-.i.ls un.l ..-..1 A. .- J .. - , ,y II 1-1. 1 !'.:..! "t' -i I v e,k:ti.: sinii,. I ivi i; II i l.A e K. The l lie .e. . I. 1'-- Ulrt KniiOlj- M it', mi 1 In IV, u ld I l-.-r -I'l I I V N - I I H .. J.M11- . ' ; ' . 1 1-. i - :: .1 '.!- i .1 O II. II, .ttlniin, 1 !n i m-.iIc i-..e Ml I ;. Mil .lalii IlUt la PURELY Vf.CETACLE, rnnivr-K ll- . V i-hrtn K - - " I II-1! . !.'. h u 'I I'l--.. .i- - !. '- ! ' r.l e. i- - " I l-,., . ,i . 1 , 1 11 "ill Hill' HO I iKi-iisex run,' I l. lleraneuieiit ol thr 1,1 er mill 1 1.) v. , !-. lli,. i!l-"M- .1" lirr in L.ir.t nr.- a ' i-li-r or l.ml liii-l- in ir :',. I .mi -i lli.- I :.i, k , ,! -I ,.in. -!' i: l .' ' : .. 11 I-:-. Ill.Jtl-lli . Jw.lir Stoiiuii-li : I... ..I Aii.ie l...,.i ;. i.riini. Iv C.Mi.r ,...1 1. v -,. .--' M "Hi. .1 ..i-tit.il 1 . . Il in. M I.- I. Spi ril- : .. 1 k 1- .-: 1 1 i :. , n,-'illil : Low an. I .1 11 -1 I.'- -.1. m .1. 1. 1.. c,!,..-s ill- i'l O 1 !, I- : -. ! ''. 11. .it, r.- .. 1 1 w e r 1 IV-uv.i.., 1 - ' ! K - ,.. . ,.i.,l ,, te ; '; 1,.,.; i:,v. 1. -.i 1 1- ... .1 ... w-.i-t.i;.. iv : ; 11 " l .. I, . . 1 ..... - tlll.ll'.T IH-,.. ..I ... Iir, 11 .. Ii.ni- li" 'I I----.JT - ' . Kr-.-i ! ' ,.t.ii 1. . , : 1' ,."- I e. I 1 1 1 - I J, II. ZMLIN i l it., "l k "l '-''I, II. 1.1 . I Vtl Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 9 AU&OUWKESTJ PUKE liiNliillntloil Ner leN. On the third Sunday, S-ptemfier Hull, the inei'iiiiatiou of Rev. S D Steffey, pas or of St, John's lilyan gelical L'itbefan church, will take place. Rey. V R Stickley, President of the North Carolina Snod, Rev. M Ci G Seherer, President of North Carolina College, and ol her minis ters will lake p.-irt in the installa tion Berv'ces, Two sermons will be preached, at 11 o'clock in the morning und 3 o'clock in the afters noon. (II liileiesf lo Ihe I'lliil r. i'hid id to certify that Mrs. J Ingram Klut-z nas been a fauhful in d very succesbfttl student in the Aim iicau Art S,:hool, end lo.s won the Crjt l.cnor an 1 gold medal in her clacs. She is a person of nnu. sual ment .1 capability, of attractive uppaarance, und pleabiugand refined in her manner. I can recommend her wi h ccntiJence us teacher and as a good Christian ludy who usee her influence to lead others, hath bj word and good Cnnstiao example. R epictfuliy, iii A M Hi 1. 1., Principal A neiican Art School. 1. ilil Mill Si-ik. Sirs. Catherine Smhtr, of Salis bury, is yisiuug Mr. Luther Cook, her grandson, on St. diaries street. Mr. W J Coo!:, of Salisbury, who has been visiting in the city, has returned to his home. It is thought that arrangements are b-ing made at this place for the purpose of organising a McKinley club, by transient talent. Airs. S J Durham, of B ssemir City, is at Capt. J M 0 h H'j. There ij a per. man in the city from Fall River, Mass., gelling up a writing school. He exhibits eonie line work. One of our boys came near getting anake bit a f.-w evenings ago. Mr. Cleorg; Miller and sister, Miss Nellie, of GhuUtone, .are viiiting at Mrs. S II Stone's, 00 St. Charles street. Mr, A J Whittiuiore has bought out the stock of goodd owned by Mr. Jas. C Walter at this place and will conduct a grocery business. HIB lilven Auny Free To advertise our goods we will give away, absolutely free, one box of Cve-ceut cigars, one gold ring and a namplc bottle of Peeler's Pain Killer to every one sending us fifty cents to pay packing and postage. Address, ? Peei.ek Andtuson" Medicine Co. tLock Box 1, Kernersyillo, N. C Hon nnr Mei Mint In Jull. Charlie Barnhardt, a little 12-year-old negro boy and a step-son of Frank Howard, who ia be to be hung two weeks Irom today (Satur day) was brought to jail from No. 4 township for larcjny. The boy broke into the house of L-.: layette Pharr, a negro rr an that lives on J D II Isonhor.r'ri plantation, and stole So 2'J. Tlie Icy, among other things, parch. i.-eJ a small Harmon c.v and a loivel, which be gave to iii' sivet't'iear'. Itll.sell M ill .ul 4 time lion II. Judge Rus.u-ll wad in iSulisbury e'nday, and wlieu uoked by a World reporter if he would come down ''rem the gubernatorial nice, he suid: 'I wioh you would eay through the Vorld that I will not come down .ml have never h id any inteutiou of .loing so. 1 Mich you would also itute that I would like for ji.ople to 1 u i t I3 ing about this mat-.rr, as I lave no intention of pnKing ell '' r.iiiiii 7li: Ill-nil' lit. Dr. J L Johnson, of this county, ind Mis. M C Al.-op, who re sides near Oati Rule, Cuilford county, -vi i..- unkeu in the holy bonds or inilrimoiiy yesterday at noon at the iv si ie tn-e of the bride's eon-iu-law, Mr. John W S-.tlVird, near O.ik Uidge. Rtv. R US :.!I;r l eilijiateil. The groom is T'i ye ars of age, while t,'j;- hi lilt's ; g is 0 7. ; Mis. Aiiop hi) r.la'.ives m V,in-i-oi , nli. in she visi i il s. vtrul diys 1 ;", 1 1. . .1-1 'ison ij 1 h.- fin -r of il rs. ! I V,' Foil::, of ".is c;1 v, 111 -d is well kncwi here. lilina jia'o Iv i.fli 1 111.- e'i 1. :i) my, the newly niini-d coupk' t. it tin ir I'-par'nre for I e home of I r. Johnson, in this county. Winston Sentinel. Mr. nnd Mr-.. John Welsh have I'turiml f 1 1 -u Oor.rnd's, where th.-y nave been visiting. Too In eli or Ihe Word. A writer on educational work eombatting certain drill meth ods that ignore too much tho clear conceptions that should be of first and paramount consideration says: Too much of the word too much of the book ia taught. Facts are memorized without reference to their value. Thought is inactive, and all is vaguery. This mode of teaching reminds me of the story related of the Irishman who wished to get into the body guard of a cer tain soldier leader of Germany. Now, to get into that body guard it was necessary. that you should talk German. Tbe Irishman inquired of a German soldier what he should say. The soldier told him he would bo asked three questions Firat, 'TIow old are you?'' When be should reply, "Dresig yaara (thirty-years)." "The second ques tion," said the German, "will be, How long have you been in the service '?' Then you must eay "Drei yaara.' " The Irishman repeated "Drei yaara." Then the old Ger man said, "He will ask you 'Have you been in the naval or in the field service?' and you must say 'ileiile (both).' " As the Irishman approached the body guard he kept mi y ing these words over and over, "Dieisig yaara," "Drei yaara," and "Beidi." When the Irishman came up to the guard the veteran German changed the order of the questions and asked him, "How mm; have you been in the service?" "Dreisig yaara," replied the Irish man, lie then asked, "How old are you?' "Drei yaara," was the answer. The soldier looked at him wilh astoniidimont, and, with his. eyes bulging out with rage, asked, "Who is a fool, you or I?" To which the Irishman replied with dignity. "Ueide (both)." CASTORIA For Infants and Children, Ti fss- A ilmilo x5r . . it n Isosture' iwt 0I .. -CUcLiM, FP. JSllllee Ol SelKUri', Sehi-id near Concord, N, C on the night of August 31 1, 1S00, the following property for yiolating the Internal Revenue Laws of the United States, to wit : Two Btnall bay horses one two .horde wagon and harness, about 15 gallons of whiskey and four empty kegs, Biippo3ed to be the property of Jacob Hartsell. Notice ia hereby giyen to any one claiming said property to give notice in the form and manner prescribed by law to the undersigned at his office in Asheville, N. (., within 30 days from the date hereoff, or said property will be declared forfeited to the Government of the United States. By Smi L. Rooeiis, k Collector 5th District N. C, 11. S. Harris, Deputy Collector. Ooorgo Swearingan and two boys, Rush and Pep Coslon, all iie-iiroeR, were caught in the act of r ihbiog the poatollice at New Lon don one night last week and have b.en taken to Charlotte jail -to await trial at Federal Court. Re peated thefts have been committed at that ollice, but not until a trap was set .or them were the perpet rators caught. Seven Months With Fever. Wonderful Iti'f-ovrry of Health. Me. Il'iinl'm ripM ini ni:i rvi lmi nvnvpry fpii.i li iiii It; m-It 1 n 1 1 1 11 i ) iiis !: irrn.i I weight, ix.urul-, Yjs srifviy ihr t till, ft ti t fit tho irraii'lr it sf rent: t li-uivlnj' Mini buiiiiinj-up liit'iiciiK.' ever pM.ilu.HM.i, n:wnrly: Dr. Miles' Rji.torati.ve Nervine. I J. II IlAIIlIl j "fl.-nlleni'Mi-I nili lii express In you m .Un.i' A .- .'i'- leii ilnne f . . r me. I w.m t.ili. li -1,, It.'li IVI.li'.ltl fi ver :iii I I 1 ' I 111 I. 1 m 11 i. '.nlli. A", r tretlinit ...'.'l' I il.' li - .'.'(' I W:i t In il. ii'TT. -il- 111 il t I r.-.l. tlt.l Ol' I il" O"-. on my l,M orrh"li. I lrl.il v.'l.il in . 1 , e 1 . 1 :i i-y n .'ill.'Oie-., mi. I fni.'lly. ifter hat. lie lieen I'.-. I ll.'i" I In w.-lirlil I" i-'l i.'iinil I !'. i-'tri I rvtnir y.iitr Ao' nn un.l 1 "lire I " ".' . i 'i t in t . '. m en i II y ' 'i'ii ' '1 I'lll ''.. il i 1 t . . I i v I . .i : v I ,.. v. ' fit ' t t - in ill I 'V I.' . .il ! '-I. i. " :" l " '"'nil Tie I imv ir i " -i i -ie . .n I I'" i -nr.-:i l.'i t .". ; in 'li.'. Ill le I -he" e. I'll 1;. n I, lii l. .1 II II.MItll. Pr IMil. -' Nervine w.l. "H -l i"-.ltlv'i puai " l h.tl i in- Hi- .11,.'"'- i1 ' i. lie- All Hi "if. -el .-ell i: il l i. I "I'- ' ' Ke "r j. mil i... ... -it ir. ','.:: .' I ' ' 1 "' l.i i- ' 1. in- I'l'. Mil. 11. ... "I .... I..-'- " ' " 13r. iV.ilos' Nervine k':"iu'ain. lOU SM.f. ID ALL Dltrii-JlsT 1 m iw