7 THE STANDARD.1 jripa THE : STANDARD HI m a tt a on TURNOUT r- - - j, r GOOD - JOB - WORK T AT PEICES. J. VE U SA T Rl AL 1 1 A 1 PRINTS. THE AEWb THAT 13 HEWS j. For 1 Year ' Send us 1 Dollar. OL. IX-NO 37. CONCORD N. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1896. WHOLE NO. 394 " WATSUN INDIGNANT. BoporU Tbnt He Will f'ome now rlBlnntftl Bf tplitlle.li."liiiil 1 B Comillt to Bs (nmnnll; Uenylnc Thme nnllrlona Reports" UeAiki. t "Come down?" said lion. Cyrus B Watson, "Democratic candidate for Governor; ' I am lick and tired of denying th it report. .fcJvery Demo crat who liiows me or knows the Democx.tia SiateXommittee knows that there ha never been the slight eat thought of such thing. Tb report eiU4Uted, directly . from fthe amp of the enemy and. the insinua tiom came every time from Repub lican bea'5qWters.' The Republicans are triving j ever; means, fair or fool, to diBcrtdit and break tip the fusion that unites the Democrat and Popn lists on the electoral ticket, for they know that In that "lies the only glimmer of hope for McKln'ej to carry the State; to tlut end the; ' cironlate the report that the Demo- crats are on th trade for everything There are certain newspaper corres pondents who hang around IIoloo and take delight in sending out all the rnmors Repob'ioabs originate to damage the Den.ocratio party and the Democratic ticket. ! in sur. prised ai d indigt.ant that oertain Democratic newspapers continue to give corr Ley to these rumors and make them . prcminent under con spicuous heaJirga when they have been by the h'ghtst Democra jc au thority again and again denkd. 'I have been traveling around the State for weeks making the best canvass Ic.in, and-preaching Demo cratic doctriiib from every stamp t until I am altnoit worn ont with the strain of it all. And after all this ' to be compelled to tell people that I am not coming down it is too much. "Most I lell the Democratic voters every where I go that I am not any party to any such "trade" as theae reports intimate? Do tbey think 1 am going around the State canvass ing for Governor in order to fool Democrat? Must I everywhere tell my friends and supporters that I am sot acting the dog? fit is infamous! infamous !"' i "I am not only not coming down, I am not only not a party to any trade with the Populists on tie State ticket, but I say here and now that the Democratic State committee is as faithful and loyal to me as any let of men can be, and that they have never had a thought of such a trade with the Populists. ' "The reports bave all emanated from Republican sources, and would never have called for denial except for the currency that has been given them by certain newspapers " Mr. WatBon came here last night from Monroe, spent the night in the city and left this morning for bis home in Winston, where he goes to register. Mr. Watson is almost exhausted by his long rides over rough coun try and the continnal speaking. The committee is working him too bard, and is paying no attention whatever to bis personal comfort, lie was compelled to ride forty miles through the country from Albe marle to Monroe, and spoke in the middle of the day at liig Lick. It is only a rugged constitution that enables him to stand such rough usage. "We have pood crowds everywhere I speak,'' he said, "and the Demo crats are enthusiastic, and the out look excellent." ' And the g-nia' and able candidal for Governor stepped on the north bound train. Charlotte News. It Is hard ta tell sometime! whether the shopper or the effect of shop ping the most. Even the pleas ant pHrt of it in. volves BtmiianjT, wait ing, weariness for both of them and more oi less hurry and nt-glcct of regular meals and regular habits. Thit leads to dyspepsia 01 constipation or both, they an two links in the chain of indi gestion; another link is biliousness; head ache ia another; then follows backache, drowsiness, diuincss, an irritable teuipei nd the "blues," all links of o-.e ch iir binding down your energies and making life a burden, 'i he way to throw ou" tlu whole trouble at once is to put the bow ela and stomach into condition again T. 1'ierces neasant reiicia no ni! quicker, nvrre comfortably and uiorc naturally tha;i nriy eAV.fr nnW'y in tin world. ,They actually cure consipatior. M it stays cured; yon don't become a nave to their nse; they strensthen the intws Unes to do their own work, tone the Stomach and rrently stimulate the liver. They are mila but sure, like Nature it self. Don't let any druggist givt you s triplnK pill. .Insist on having JJr. Pierce'i Pleasant Pellets. Th People'" Common M. .ltcnl AdvUn tlTMmore plain , , ld ,t ..i,,..,,!, towhirh II l miiO'Ti i mi olhrr siiiRlr lok in 11 lMii-lih IniiKimcc I' ' renllys ninlical mcyclnpcillt in one volume. Urge heavy bo. k of iS ln-M, with over jno illulrlion. Tin outlay of innney, lime nn.l effort o"Pi for by uie "! of ni nrni 1 .,.! -t to mi rntiifR at ti U each ; the prolit h hern acd In imhliahfim: the prrw.il I K-rn t I 1 Af m re. j 7 1 -NffWAsJt the mm EXPLAINED THIS SYSTEM. H linl Tsana; Km 1oll Ilia Cl.'i About the Electric t'ara MYou see," said be joui g man on the front teat of an eitctric pi.r, explaining to bis best girl how the electrio current was made to send the car flying along the rails, . "the motorman turns that .thing a little to the right, and "tha connru'.s' the car with the electric cum u". car ried along in the wire doa-u in the conduit under the track." "But bow does it n uke iho wbeeli go arennd ?" qae.tiootd the little miss. i "Why, the motorman just give! that tbingnmbub a half turn to the right, and that lets on jiist eo much of tbe.' whatdoyoncallit, wbioh con nects the car with the thingumajig that is hitched to the little plow and runs along tbe din key bob down under ; the centre of tbe - track This is connected with tbe electric wire down under ground by little rigamajaes at intervals, and the wire furnishes the power to the j ngaree that pushes the car along." j "How perfectly lovely,' chirped the little mics.. "But I don't see just how the electrio current gets to the wheels ". ; J 'Well, there's a little jimjiaimer that runs from the grip or plow to the axles, and the current runs through little whatyoucallems and is connected by some kiud of j m cranks to tbe wheeU; when the man turns on the. electric current it shoots through those kadoogins and the tankeytour starts tbe wheels." "Ob, yes; I understand. But how does he stop the car ?" "Just Bnekes that jigamaree around to the Itft, light up against tbe whatisit, gives the brake a twist, and there you are." ; Then tbey got iff at the corner drug store. A FLAG MAN "kILLE L. nia Foot H'u rangbt In a t rOK lie Fell aud Was Npiu Wide Often. bam M vers, a young railroad nmu whose home is at Danville, Va , who runs as fLigman on the through freight conducted by Opt. Clark, met with a horrible death at the Charlotte Junction on the Southern Railroad this (Friday) morning before day-break as his train was pulling out for Danville. Myers preceded the train a little distance at the junction and as he started to cross the track one foot was caught in ths frog, be fell and the engine and sevvral of the cars ran over his body, cutting the man in halves, the entire length of his body up to his head, which was severed from tbe body and rolled to one side. Myers was on bis homeward run, but the young wife that awaited hia coming was overcome with grief and wae prostrate when his mangled form reached her later in the day. It was a horrible death. One of the largest advertiser) io LiOnuou says; "tve once nit upon a novel expedient for ascertaining over what area our advertisements were read. We published a couple half-column 'ads,' m which we pur posely mis stated half a duz n bis torical facts. In lees than a week we received between 300 and 400 letters from all parts of the .coun try, from people, wishing Io know why on earth we kept such a con- 4umate idiot, who knew so little about Knglish hintory. Tie letters kept pourinz in for three or four we ks. It was one of the bes.. pay ing 'ads.' e ever printed, but we did not, repeat our experiment, be. cause the one 1 refer to sirveu its purpose. Our letters caiue from school boys, girls, professors, clergy- meu, eohool teachers, and, in two inetanc-a, from fiiii!:rnt men who have a world wi le reputation. I wae uiore impressed Uh the value ol advertif nients thnn I should have neu bj volumes of theories. Work tit Tlilcym Thursday night tome hungry person, or persons, entmd the din ing ap ir'nieiits at the home of Mr. T II Cook, on Church street, a. d helped thtmeelves to a good morsel of cold victuals. The intruders did not ransack anything hut the dimne oom at Mr. Cook's home -at liast. tier h it; g had l een n.iesrd. iSuiiic oi.e bri J into Ihp milk houee of Mrs. W U Kinic, wh.i lives a few doors below Mr. Conk, nd tmk th - cre.iin and n;i!k there f r m Thieves b t rnp'ed to enter the heme ot Mr. T II Krzx'ah, on Main 'street, but were frightened awa h afrouf tinf niura f . i K tar oil ova. It IB ..... . It is llelievtj t,at the pnrtll'S ' ' t fcllOU t' LOCALa. . ThrBP-foiirtli ( mnftty-s x -ir gone I A iD'Uiu- yr .,is bjiu upoi Thu nowrjX-r and King build ir as i re (irrcnie.its to the city. W uavo m r-t aaf o.ioe sjrae diy Tbe pumpkin crop ol Cibnrrus haa never Wan known io be larger, than tbe one thin year. Her numerous friends will be pleased to learu that M sh Liliie Wilkinson is improving. She id able to Bit up. A new r'g.ater is on the counter at tbe bt. Cluild hotel. IV Contains numerous advertisements of our business men. ' - ' Mr. J B Caldwell is Dot only s free silver Democrat but the happ graocfather of an enormous baby boy., . " A man near Rileigh la advertis. ing for all the bull frogi he can eel from now till Christmas. A e sup pose bo is trying to bull tbe market. Cannons & Fetzr invite your attention to their advertisement on the first page today. You juBl ought to see tbeir haudsoiue line ol new clothing. : t . ' Hon. Samuel . W M ttihews, of Maine, and Hon. T bum as U I'ur nell, Republican speaker, will ad dress the public la the court house Friday night, (Jotober a.b. Mies Leisle ' B jykin, the little daughter of Judge E T Boykin, oi Clinton, is stopping with Mr. B F Rogers. Leesie ha? been enrolled as a pupil at Concord High School. ! " When the tack is ready to receive the water, tbe supply will bo fully sufficient for the demand. The new pump at tbe Reed mine ib in place and tbe piping all laid aud con nected. Mr. Edward Ilislon, who has been employed at the Bjfl'ilo Thread Mills lor some time as night, BUBer- mtendeot, has gone to tiastouia, whtre be has secured a more lucra tive position. Mr. Jim Parker, who rerent'y moved to this city from Salisbury, has moved to tbe O W Patterson cotton mill and will superintend the workout there wbeo the mill resumes work. The Standard notes the fact that Concord pays mora fjr cotton (ban any town or city in this Slate At all points cotton is quoted at 7 50. It brought from 7 65 to 7.75 here yesterday and today. Mr. W A Wilson, of ForeBt Hill, sends us the following note: I am told that I was ia error by saying the ratio would be 1G to 1 in favor of Bryan, as Bryan's mojrity would not be so largo. Hope you will make this correction. Mr. C II Cook, one of the sub stantial parishioners of The Stan dard in No. 4 township, gave us a call that was most pleating and brought forth one of thoge old-time smiles that country editors seldom produce. John Taylor, a vrido-awake farmer living just across Irish Buff alo creek west of town has gotten out his eighth bale of cotton this year. Ha runs a two-horse farm, and from nil indications, runs it on a paying basis. The universal prevalence of scro fula is a fact well known to pbysi- ninr.R. T.in nnlv mnrlipina r.lutf hfl- hithnrln nroveil a Ktiprifin for thi urcuuiui uuuj pimut its njci e orttca parilla, which expels every germ o( poison from the blood. . You can not begiu to use it too soon. Governor Carr makes requisition on the Governor of Pennsylvania or Young Savage (.lot one of Rus sell's eavagefj who is wanted iu Halifax county for robbing tbe itore of M & G HolTmiiD. Savage is ui custody in I ailadelphia. Free 04 pago iKtdi'a' reltrence book to any person alllicted with any special, chronic or delicate dis ease peculiar to their sex. Address the leading physicians nnd sur. eeons of the United Slates, Dr. Hathaway it Co , 22 J South Brood Street, Atlanta, Ga. Hon. Tbco. FKIuMz, Democratic alector on tbfl Bryan ticket will speak at Mt. Pleasant on Saturday. October 17. lie, will speak at the oourt hoiine iu this citv fit night f 111. Binip rlntn. Mr. IvInt.Mz in nr eioque-nt ppiakrr and everybody vvill fi j 'y 1 1 1 ,ii 'j ii lurjr win uijij bear him when he comes. Thn doff-killtr is r-till on ,i ronndc. A fine bird dog of Mr. W 3 Binphnm ha lvcn iioinmed nrd ii (1 'fid. Mr. Bn gham refused PltXl for the d i(T during last seasfin. J wo hound ilnj's b 'lonoingto Mr. Sum Carter at Funst Hill, were killed Thursday eight they wore sliot. O lly ten rnarrinf!' license wen ssned lant month five to white and five to colored penplq. The whites were : Mnmpton Jilackwel- der arid Cura Allmon; Anderson Shoe nnd Electra Btallinps; Train- ham P Thornton and Ida Williams; Wm. J Cline and Lonla B ist ; John II 'Williams and Carrie Drnkn. A felt want ia that cnnwinir at tlisj stomfich sfier you have eaten n full tnoa', and cut.'ti a'. nny n.ore, and yrt thiro is that fi.clirg as though yon hul rntfn nothing. What is wantei then is a do?e of Simmon L'ver R"frulator, the b 'st Dmn nPin rnre, f ir that is wl at the pnnwiiip: mtans. Simrrons T : . - TV ...!.,. ia nil I U a ia -a commended for indigeetion," A,, R Dycbe, London, Ky. Free Silvir iliits only 4S cents. 1 :i v( 8; The Racket. , Mrs S fr'e, . LS:ili bury, mitber ot it 'V i; i; M II. r, and Mrs. J A Lion, Kiv. M"ier's nster, are Visit in?; at tie Ln heran parsonage. M.t3 U l a'.-o of O no, atcom' pLiiico M ... I'i.u. The man' that was killed ir. Char lojte Friday mornirg while coup- iin:?, cars, was namsd am instead )f John Mycra. He 'leaves a wife and several children io Danville, Hh ramains wjre taken toMibane lor interment. Friday at nonn Prof. J F Shine purchased a large measure of apples and poured them out upon tbt iirounds at the Spring street graded chord. Thi scramble for them imong the children was very amus ing, i ... Mr. T. E Wiley, 140 Chamber. it,, K-iW York CityVsays that Ayt. Sarsaparilla cured him of a dry ad scsly humor, from which he incl Biill'urerl intnli rahl v. IImaiIiIh: w ''I have not now a blemish on my nody, and my cure is wnoiiy dae to Ayer's Sarsaparilla." If Mr. Bryan is elected President, he would have no trouble in select ing a Secretary of the Treasury from Concord. We have a few men who havo never been able to manage their own finances successfully, but they could give him a few point on now to manage the finances of this gre.it government. . See Tlim. " ' Twenty fiye horse power engine ind boiler, large circular saw and oelting, all in lirst class order and ready for use. Been bat little nsed, Mat Jl.GrtO. Will spII chean for 4 cash or exchange for real esta'e with lome cash, ('all on or address Uo V Fisher at R A Brown's, Concord, S. C. s26 d4t w2t MILLS STARTING UP AGAIN". Silver' Aicllnllnn Hot Itrlntflno; The I'reilieteil DlHiiNloria, Tkoy, N. Y 0;t. 1-The re. 'uoiption of work at the Burdsn Iron worsts today is the cause of re- jo'cing in a great many families id hid city. While the full force of aicn is not at work, there are in the neighborhood of 1.500 employi-8. L is thought the works will oe put on full force yry soru. Waltham, Mats., S.'pt. 28. About 1,000 operatives returned to work in the mills at .Boston Manu faoturing Company of this place and others willbetak'n in and given employment from time ti tio e, un til the entire force will te at work igain. AiiEsnuiiY, Ma?8., Kept. 28 The Hamilton Woolen Mills, employing 800 operathes, started up this morn ing permanently ti :er an alternate jout-down, Bggrega'ing fife weeks. Manchester, Sept. 28. The Am-ifkeug corporation started up igaiu this morning after on enforced idletiets of several months duration. All departments were Bet in motion, niployingabout 7,000 people, Hollidvysburo, Pa, Sept. 28 I'Ue fires will be lighted to-morrow m the Eleanor Iron Works of Uolli Jaysburg and the Tyrone Iron Works, of Tyrone, this county. Bth plants will be rnn on full tim uay and night. These industries have been idle during the summer five hundred men will be given em ploy netit. Mayor i'orent. JIIcm NuililPUly. On Monday evening, September 28, B F Forest, who conducts a mer chandise business at Albemarle and vas Mayor of the place, died eud len'ly. He was at his place of busi ness about 6 o'clock when he was taken suddenly sick aud immedi ati-ly retired to his homo where he died within less than an hour. Mr. Forbst waB a highly respected citi j'.n and figured prominently in Stanly county affiirs, hiving held, from time to f'rtie, various ofiijes. SILVER OE GOLD. Bettor than cither is a healthy iver. If iho liver is O. K. tho man is O. K. His blood is kept pure, li is digestion perfect, and ho can enjoy li to ami act intelligently and patiently upon tlio questions of tlio (lay. You all know iVliat to take, "i ou liavo known it for years. It is Simmons Liver Regulator TI regulator For years you and your fathers havo found it of sterling worth. It is and always haa been put up only by J. II. Zoilin & Co. Tako none but tlio genuine It has the Tvoil Z on tho front of tlio wrapper, nnd nothing else ia tho samo; and nothing bo good, DEATH AND DISASTER. The Tr; llile Ntorm of Tovulay J.nNt fcwrpp All Over the Sana; Noulti-lirnrl Appallina;. Savanstah, Oi., Sept. 80. The fat tlitin of yesterday's storm so far foot np eleven. .The boiy of Capt. Charles E Murray, of tbe ill-fated tug Rihert Turner, which was blown aehore in the Sayannah river, was found today, wedged in a train ii g wall. It wag brought to the city by a rescue tug. Liter th body of one of the deck band was pioked ap by the United States rev enue 8 tea her Tybee, which has been on relief duty since tbe storm sub tided. Janes McClure, a passenger on tbe Turner, and two deck hands are still missing. Fannie Jackson, colored, who was injured by a falliug roof in Southville, died today. Ri ley Williams, colored, 75 years old, crushed under roof, died tonight. The iojured have all been re. moved to the hospital or to tbeir homes. Five others are fatally in jured and will die. The fatalities are likely to be much greater when reports bave been received from the Sea Islands. The damage to ship ping ii heavy. Tbe steamer Gov ernor Silford, which left Beaufort, S C, for Savannah Tuesday morn ing, went ashore on Daafuskie Idland and is lying 100 yards high and dry island. Tbe steamer Star went to ber assistance this morning, but has not re'nrned. Mnch anxiety is felt for the tug Cynthia, which left here before tbe storm with a barge in tow for Brunswick. The barks Cuba and Rosenias, which drifted from their moorings and went ashore, it is believed may be savtd. The schooners Island City and B D Metcalf, which went aehore on their way to sea, were damaged. The bark Kylemore broke away from her anchorage at quaran tine and is lying against a training wall half a mile away. The loss of small Bailing vesiels is heavy. Up wards of 20 are reported ashore in tbe marshes and creeks aud on tbe beach at the mouth of the river. Most of these were small coasting vessels plying between Savannah and neighboring ports. The full extent of the damage ami tbe loss of life will not be known for. several days. The centra of tbe storm passed east of Savannah and struck inland, north of here. The damage on the South Carolina coast is believed to be heavy, but so far little loss of life is reported. The rice planta. tions oa the Carolina side of tbe Sa vannah river aud along the river west of here suffered heavily. The rice in the fields was little injured, being coyered with water, but tbe storehouses and mills were wrecked, and the rice stored is a total loss. The plantations on the. Oeechee and Altamaha rivers on the Geor gia side also were heavily damaged. The damage in tbe city will prob ably exceed $1,000,000. Hardly a building escaped, and thousands of houses are roofbss. The work of clearing away tbe wreckage from the streets went on all night. The parks are pitiable sights. Tall trees are torn np by the roots or are broken in two, and lie in swaths across shrubbery and flowers. The ruin is comple'e. The historic Bethsada Orphan Home, founded by George Whit Held a century and a half ago, seven miles in the country from Savannah, was heavily damaged, but no loss of life occurred. Lighthouse Keeper Evans reached he city in a boat late this afternoon with the first news from Tybee Island, at the mouth of the Savan vah riyer. The storm, there was sevt-re. All the hotels are damaged and the pavalllons of the Hotel Ty bee and South Eid Hotel, both arge structures, we're carried away. The Chatham Artillery Club house, at the south end of the beach, war unroofed. Th cc.tuges frnntinc he beach for a distance of fiur miles are all dumnged. Bruuswick, Ga, was wrecked by the hurricane. The property loss is estimated at between $.150,000 and $500,000 Tbe loes of life is four, fir as known. v A special to the Morning News from Burroughs Ga, says: The storm started here yes erday at 10 o'clock and laatul until 1 15 o'clock. Tbe trees were blown down iu tbe roads and woods. Aoutten house in different pUces are blown down. All ihj stacks in the rice tulda are down The new Ogeechea Baptist church at Shilob, and the new Epis copalian church ure blown to tbe ground. Three lives were lost aad sever .1 pereons orippled. Tbe oa is estimated at $00,000. Every m n hid to 1 'aye bis bouse and go out, into the open field to saye bis life. There baa never been snch a storm here since 1854. BEAUFORT BUFFERED , GREAT DAMAGE Charleston S. O., Sspt. 30 Spev cials to the News and Courier from Beaufort say: Without premoni tion from the Weather Bnreac, which the people of Baaufort bave had reason to erpeot would apprise them of an approaching or impend ing cyclone or bnrricane, Beaufort was suddenly visited yesterday by so almost as fearful and destructive cyclone as that of August, 1893 It came in all its fury about 12 noon. During its continuance foroue hour and a half, it equalled, if not mailed in intensity, as long as it lasted, its memorable predecessor. RICHMOND ITS THE STORM AREA Richmond. Va , Sept. 30. Tbe most violent wind-storm ever known in this section burst upon the city last night about 9 o'clock and raged for some two boars. The wind was acoompanied by rain and the blow was from tbe south-west. Trees were uprooted, fences blown down, windows blown in and bouses no- roofed in every direetion. On Broad street tbe roof of Jacobs' clothing store was blown in on some sleeping children., and one of them seriously hurt. The Second Btptist church was damaged. Tbe sume story of the storm comes to the Dispatch from all over the State east of the Blue R dge. Birui and small outhouses were swept away, trees uprooted, residences un roofed, wirt-3 prostrated and general wreckage prevails. Tuesday's storm carried terror and forebod.ngs of danger to t many homes last night, says the Raleigh Press-Visitor, but to one humble cottagn it carried death. A sad a id distressing story comes from St. Matthews' township near Garner. When one of the strongest blasts of wind was expending its fury, a grant oak gave way to the force of the ele ments and fell on the house of Mr. 0 N Trice. Tbe weak timbers of the house gave way before the tree, which crashed in on Mr. Trice, his wife and little Bon. Mrs. Trice who bad just retired was caught by fl- ing timbers ana crushed to death. Mr. Trice and little son, who were sitting near the fire place, were knocked to the floor when the house gave in, but their injuries were only slight and tbey managed to find their way oat from under the wreck age. Reports from other points in this State and throughout tbe South tell of death, injuries and terrible disas ter. Hot. Miller Culled. It will be remembered that Revs. H N Miller, of this county, and W A Lutz, of Winston, were in Greens boro several weeks since, looking after the Lutheran mission at that point. They recommended to the Synod that this be made a regular mission point. The members of this charge have since extended a call to Rev. Miller, and it has been circu lated among the members of bis congr gation at Salem Church that be intended accepting the call. We are glad to learn from him that such is not the case and that he Joes not contemplate leaving bis charge. Salisbury World. presen Ayer's Cherry Pectoral costs more tban other medi cines. But then it cures mora than other medicines. Most of the cheap cough medicines merely palliate; they aflord local and tempo- rary relief. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral does not patch up or palliate. It cures. Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, W'hoopiug Cough, and every other cough, will, when other remedies (ail, yield to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral It has a record oi CO years oi cures. Bond for the "Curebook" free. J. O. Aver Co., Lowell, mass. rr.Mlles'fti-n PHI. are guaranteed to itoo ieailietuiitv.''OBeeta4wV'1' Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report Absolutely pure TO FIGHT GUIHRIE. , Terrible lerlHrat: . I Last Friday eight Mr. Eii Miller Blbllcnl Recorder Taken Vp III Aiuced Nintement About BaptiNt. This week the Biblical Recorder aies op its fight against Maj. Guthrie for a statement reflecting upon the Baptist denomination, which the late Dr. . Pritchard charged him witj making, but which Maj. Guthrie denies. Tbe Recorder says : It is far from our aim to inter fore with any party. The readers cf these columns know that we are in depandent. If any man reflects upon the B iptist peple of theie churches, if aiy'm'an reflects npon the principles for which they con tend, whether he is 'a candidate or not, the Recorder cannot be true to tbe people who support it, cannot be true to the Convention of which it is the organ, cannot be true to its calliBg, and be silent, Tbe time comes when the Recorder must not count tbe cost. Dr. Pritchard, who with Maj. Guthrie attended a banquet at tbe University in, June, 1895, wrote of the occasion in an account to Charity and Children, the organ of the or phacage as follows : "Tbe addresses were generally good, and in excellent spirit aad taste; but there was one which to me personally was offensive and certainly not calculated to do any good, ibat was the speech ot W. A Guthrie on the University and the church. He charged that tbe Baptists who opposed State aid to higher schools of learning were enemies to the University and sought to destroy it, and that they wera traitors to their country and their God." Desiring to be fair, we sent a copy of the latter part of this paragraph to Mr. Guthrie before he was nomi nated. He denied it in a private letter and also in the newspapers, in the latter suggested that we had a low motive in bringing the matter ont. Dr. Pritchard cannot speak now. But he would not bave written, if be bad not known. It ill becomes a man who would lead the people to contradict the statement of a minis ter of Goi after he is dead when he had several months in which to con tradict it when he was living and could speak for himself. The state ment had been in print seyeral months while Dr. Pritchard was alive; it was in print more than a year before Mr. Guthrie denied it. If further evidence than tbe word of a man known and respected and loved by the people of this State for oiore than twtnty-Gve years were needed, we would cite the fact that there was no denial until it became a matter of personal interest; and further, tbe fact that the statement has been confirmed by others ; and further, the fact that a beloyed min ister in this State is now ready to afiirm that in a conversation after tbe account was printed in Charity and Children Dr, Pritchard reiter ated the statement in his presence. The denial, the insinuation as to our motive has been made; and may be made again. By Mo Hlily Wentlicr ll irl. In his monthly weather report for September for The Standard, Prof. H T J Ludwig, of Mt. Pleasv ant, submits the following : Highest temperature 98 on 18tb. Lowest temperature 38 on 24th. Average temperature 72.2. Number of clear days 15, partly cloudy 4, cloudy 11, Prevailing direction of the wind Southwest. Number of days on which rain fell, 10. Total rainfall 3.88 inches. Heaviest rain 1.07 inches on 29th. RAINFALL K)R THE YER. January 2 00 inches, February 5.89, March 2 19, April 1 19, May 2 53, June 4 33, July 6 83, August 2 95, September 3.88. Total 31 83. cold in nr. r. Investors of the Dean Pale System of speculation receive seml monthlv divi dends in gold. Over iilW per cent per annum made on Investments by E 8 Dean & Co., Hankers, i!3 Itroadwav. ' .X"?."; " ,i lR1"" "'"J u "'" ojerthel nlted States ai! Canada, XT -T T . . A Jl...n mm. J ,l i;,:i , r l Brinkley's store, about five miles from Lexington. Today be lies sleeping beneath the sod in Sower's church graye yard. After the speaking was over and tbe crowd dispersing Mr. Miller got in a buggy with Mr. P S Hinkle. As they started off the lines either became crossed or they polled the wrong one, causing tbe horse to give a sudden jerk, and overturn the buggy. Both men were thrown out. Mr. Miller fell to the ground, striking on, his neck, which was broken by the fall. A number of people witnessed the accident and hurried to the scene, but when they picked him up he was dead. Mr. Ilinkle fell on top' of Mr. Miller and was uninjured. Both men were drinking.' The deceased was well known throughout the county. The acci dent is both sad and deplorable. Lexington Dispatch. - Help Wanted. Agents wanted to sell Macintoshes and Rubber Clothing, Tires, and a full line of Rubber Goods, (Part or all of). Free samples, and protected ground to workers. Factory P. O. 1371, New York, 'For tbe Ilvnclit of Iliote Who Haven't Aur.f 4 Tna Christian Advocate gets off tbe following : A clergyman was anxious to introduce some bymni books into tbe church, and arranged with bis clerk that the latter was to give out tbe notice immediately after the sermon. The clerk, how ever, had a notice of his own to give out with reference to the baptism of infants. Accordingly, at the close of the sermon, he arose and ani nonnced: "All those who have children whom they wish to hsve baptizad please send their names at once to the clerk." The clergyman, who was stone deaf, assumed tnat the clerk was giving out the hymn-book notice, and immediately arose and said : 'lAnd I should say, for the bene, fit of those who haven't any, that they may be obtained at the vestry any day from three to four o'clock; the ordinary little ones at one shiN ling each, and special ones r.ith red backs at one shilling and four pence." tilt-en A way Free. To advertise our goods we will give away, absolutely free, one box ot nve-cent cigars.one gold ring and a sample bottle of Peeler's Pain Killer to every one sending ns fifty cents to pay packing and postage, Address, Peeler Anderson Medicine Co. Lock Box 1, Kernersyille, N. O A Wayne, W. Va., special ears: burglars last night entered the poornouae and carried off three hundred dollars' worth of clothing md other valuables. Jeffdrson Ful ler, who was staying over night with the superinteudent, lost a gold watch and every stitch of his clothes. HER LIFE TRULY SAVED. Dr, Miles' Heart Cure Does IU Mrs. Clias. La Point, a wolI-knownrositWit of IhTivor, praises this wonderful remedy. Her t(wtlmony should fonviiioe all as to tho worth of the Now Heart (Jure and Restora tive Nervine, lfer luttor dated 6eyu Ulb. Aira, i uoufl tta iui luwui H 1 7 Miia. La Point, 2137 numboldtSfc "Typhoid fever left me with heart trouble of tho most serious nature. Nothing tho doctors pave had any effect, 1 had severo jtaitiPiti the heart, and was unnblo to lie on my i it side fnr more than three inlnnU..y atlnie. My heart soeiuud to rnlsn Iwats, and I had snitit liuriiiK kik'Iis, Iu whleu It i.H'tisl every hreuih would be my lust. Wo aocl deutly vuw uu advertisement of Dr. Wiles' New Heart Cure and ItestnraUvo Nervine, and purehasi-d a iMittlt of eui h. AfiT taking t In rt in'-'liow a week, I could lo lifted In a chair ;uui up an hour, and in a short time 1 it.i utile t. do lU'ht housework. I shall (m evi-r grateful to you for your wonderful medicines. Truly they saved my lift, M KS. I. A, POINT. Dr. Miles TTrart (-'ure Is s-ild on a tvwitlT guarantee that tho first hot ih will U-m-tit.. All ilruulstssoli It at l. ft Uittl. h f, rf or ft Will Ire sent, prepaid, on rerrhit of prI o by the Dr. MUca Mudical Co., l.lMi.irt-, Jitd. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure "X' Mr.

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