XT I D THE STANDARD. -TURNS OUT GOOD - 'JOB - WORK AT LIV1NO PRICES. GIVE US A TRIAL .- ' ii 'i :i " ' l : H tt J .;v:ifA i'!-' 'i' ;s .wi.r a A,r I V t f Send us 1 -Dollar. t' i. ' J V A FABLE Tttilcli Contain a Mral -ken ul Apply. Three roosters lived in the same barnyard. Ooo was a fine garni cock, admired bj all for his graceful aad upright carriage, his indepen dmt conduct, and above all for. the manner in which he scratched up for the little chicks under his pro tection, and the woude.ful bravtry Lo exhibited io keeping the hawks out of the barnyard of the family to whom he belonged. The second of these 'cocks was a Shanghai, the third a coinintn Dunghill, a kind of Domineck, wiih black and white spots. The game cock was naturally the favorite of the- farmer's household, and consequently be got the choicest lits when feeding time came, which was at stated periods. This gave rift) to feeling ef jealousy' on the part of the other two roosters, end they began to conspire together to accomplish the downfall end humil iation of this favored fowl, knowing fu 1 well their own weakne3e sepa rately. The Shanghai promised the DuDghill if be would apsist in making him cock of the walk, he should have half cf the hen in the whole barnjard as his very own, and of the i b .ice bits that Cf.tue (hut way he should eat his fill. The Dunghill's breast was filled with joj and he actually dared to crow. He bad never hoped to be anything but a figurehead in this barnjard. The preposition was accepted with alacrity, and they set about to the means to this end. It If. find The end is accomplished. - We will not take time to reyiew the di vers wajs and means. Suffice it to say the Dunghill gave his hearty support to' every schema of the Shmghai, and between them they succeeded in crippling this beautiful game cock, and he has been forced to retire to a s-ifefdistance to ricu perate, but he is in no wise bnmiN iated. When the Shanghai found him self master of the yard, he took on all the airs of a full blood game cock, and sprang npon the highest place in the fence and crowed lust ily, and the Dunghill was allowed lo join in the chorus. Bat when the good farmer's children came out to feed the fowls, the Shanghai, which had become very much swollen with pride, did not recog nize his old friend the Dunghul, gad he was unceremoniously driven from the yard with tbe remark "Get out of hire ; I know je no' The Dunghill departed sorrowing, but be is a much wiser clrcken today. In the meantime the wounded game cock watches tbe fun frcm i safe distancs, and gives utterance t a wise piece of advice to the disap pointed rooster as hu comes by "Stick to your own dnnghill if jou expect to gut any worms !" Read Thin, Bof . There is a city ordinance which forbids the shooting of fireworks within the city limits. This ordi nance will be strictly enforced by the autho'lties, The Standard Is informed, up to 'Xunaa day. Io ' consideration of the fact that dealeis have laid in large supplies of rue- worke, the commissioners don't want to cause them any low, and the ordinance will probably be sus pended on Christmas day, but fur that day only. So the boys had butter hold their fire if they don't want to appear before His Honor. frry Some men are alre-i ol flenui, some am cot. Most of r.i would rather not lnn.t the grim destroyer to day. We would rather j.ut it off until to-morrow, or until next E fs'&a year- were wuues c tl?- not co,mt 'or much In 5-y3B3 the matter. A tnan 'k&t t$?" may not want to die. l'H.i ItPli He may not want to ft H&'$beilck. Me may wish ope and pray &l2 that he will not ht sick nor meet death, but wishing and hoping won't help him. It Is what he does, and not what lit wishes that serve his purpose. If a man Is losing flesh, and is nervous, inital.e, Sleepless and debilitated, he mnv wish he would pet well, but one bottle of Dr l'icrce'a Golden Medical DisLc.vcry will do more than an ocean of- wishes. If s man is on the way to consrnption, lie should make a stop as quiAly as pos sible. He should put on brakes. Hi needn't be afraid he has consumption n he will do the right tliing-if he wi b just take the rijrht medicine. The "Gold in Medical Discovery" curts incipient and well developed consumption. Ccn sumption is t germ disease and a blood disease. The "Golden Medical Dis covery " kills the Rf.nns and purifies the blood. It increases the appetite, helps digestion, makes assimilation perfect, nd so builds up solid, wholesome flesh. J I mid reds of grateful people afflicted With consumption, bronchial, throat and kindled diseases, have testified that it has actually saved their lives. For the sake of the information they contain, tome of these letters have been Included In Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, a thousand page, illustrated tmok. which will be sent free on receipt of twenty -one (at) one-cent stamps to pay for mailing only. livery familv Should have a copy for ready retereni s n esse of sudden sickness or accidents. Vorld's Dispensary Medical Association, No. 66 Main Street, Buffalo, N. V. VOL. 1X--NO 47 SENATOR CULLOM Rlaslna fpeeeh flpaulsll Mliiriile. Aislnal Washniotoit, Deo. 10. Senator Onllom held the flwr of the Senate for an honr to-day la a speeoh de nunciatory of Spanish methods in Cuba. Anions; other things, Mr. Cullom said : "There may be no warrant in in ternational law for any interference between a govern ment an! its snb jectp, provided that government be longs to the family of nations, or ie recognized as one of tbe powers of the earth, fstili, do. a not the great heart of humanity beat in eympath) j with the poor souls apparently for gotten by their Master and left to bear the burden of cruel and relent less oppression ? Is there no way, no light, no hope f Must the bru tality of might alone judge the of fence and me'.e out pnnishment, with no human power to whom in tercession may be made ? Oh, Speiu ! Oh, bp-tiul When e halt thy day b fulGlled? Were tera lo loval Spaniurdd who wjuld and couUI, amid all these centuries, stay the hand of Ueti' h or raise tbe sword of jii.-tice while there was time to savt?'1 Ilol o's Rest." The old dt'nmy ptssorger coach, which bus stood on tbe sidetrack a th depot octil it has fallen into dec.y, is being nsed just now as a lodging house by the many tramps who are seeking a congeni 1 clime in the Sunnv South. In it are Hn improvised stove and beds of straw, and Weary Waggles makes himself comfortable here, without fear cf interruption by the police, and lajs himself down to rest snd dream of a land where work is do more and be may foreyer bask in eternal sunshine. I'ediin II I'. "Papa, don't fishes have legs ?" "They do not,' answered papa- "Why don't they, papa?" "Because fishes swim and don't require legs." Tbe small boy was silent for a few minutes and papa forgot about bis question. Then he said : "Papa, ducks have lees don't they ?" "Yes." "Then why don't fishes hays legt if ducks do? Or, why don't duc not bnve legs if fishes don't ?" Papa gave it up. Pearson's Week iy- Aniiuiil Mjitement. Annual statement of tho union ut tnd aature of all compen stion au Jittd by the board to the members thereof severally : For the year ending 1696 J Dove received $58.05 compenfaUon to ser vices as a member of the botrd, mileage, etc, and $25 to lookiiip after chain Kng. Win. Propst re ceived $61 85 compensation to ser- ic8 as a member of the board, mileaep, etc J S Turner received $76 30 compensation to ter vices us a member of the board, mileage, ec Jos. W toil received SC7 compensa tion to services as a member of tbi board, mileac"", etc The boird was in 6i-e:-ion" twriit v t'tif days dnrin: the year. Kuu.b-r of iniVs trav led per day by members of boa:d J Djvp, i) miles; J S Turner, ;il miles; Win, Props', 11 milif; Jo W Foil, 10 miles. No unvrnVd aeconii's were an dited. W. M. Vi EiiiiiN&TON. t'l:ik tj Board d 10 it 4 Orenl ft'orh. Air. S M Sajfford, Callte Evo iielis', has rtcentlv visited tbe fol lowing inftitutiens in North Curo liDa: Trinity College, Uuiversity cf North Carolina, Davidson College, Agricultural and Mechanic tl Cut cge and Wake Forest College, A! thuugb his stay at each institution was very short, the Christian mei were yry greatly helped and mailt students entered into a convenant to move forward in their Chiistian tire. Mr. "aytora is in a unique position ; represeuliLg no organiz tion or movement. lie baa for tbe past nine years devoted all his time and strength io Christian work among theColttges, tlnrirg wbicb time be has yuited moro than 300 institutions. Huprrnifl I'oiirt Cases heard on eterday : Withrow vs. I). Piiest, argued bj M II Juctioe fur defendant appel laut, ' Little vs. R iilroal, argued by Os borne for pUiti! St ; L U Watts and MaclUo and Day fur delendmt. O.mpbell vs. Putts, argued by I B Westmore for plaintiff. Mauney vs. Kedwine, argued by W J Montgomerv for plaintiff; Mac Ilea and Day for the defendant. News and Observer. SITOPiT LOCALS. All the trains are coming in on time now. Mr. It J Moody, who lives at the BuJlalo Mill, is laid up wiMi ee. vtre attach of the rheumatism. The Lutheran con)!rcation will hold taoir entertainnient ou C'hiitt runs niRbt. Dj. Tu'rnrte denies the news paper report that he is giinc to marry his unugnU;i's sioUir-it -i.iw. Ti n ineide work on the new bank buil-iing is abont touip'.otiJ, utal a hnndsooae place it if. The public schools will nlo.-o on Wednesday before Chridtmis end will not resume till tile Mom'ay week following. Tho barnintr of Brown P.rop. to bacco factory in Winston threw 400 men, women and children out nt work. Cant. Wm Prnnut la alno in the ring if not fur the prize at least for honorable mention. Ilia porker weighed 505. K -ma lo ! j; ncilc ( irr.pt.-ivr-ne-.le are being mane eti t,.o 3i.j.-.-ji: in front of Fu'z-rV drug f"r Lt the good wo:k g on. A whiet cl.io 1ms b&.tn o"?.in'zd by the youn Indies of (!ncc.r.i. 1 he club willi.iw t rfik!v to wl.-it away the locr winter everin's. Mr. M C Waiter i crec'.in;' a Lii.-k tore room nest uis ridtnii.o i-n t'etil Ivpu. t.ivj;, v.ica p;u ably be used ;t dr'" store. Masers. J L Boger sv 1 K- Will Johnston bavepurchv:- the tvs taurant of Mr. (.-liPrlcs i peohaid, and will coutiuue bo'.--.) at the same old place, with the mae splen did cook. A telegram from Wirnton save the tobacco manuf ic'.uii: g plant of Brown Bri e, ut tl at phi'--, was de stroyed by fire We.l i.e"';' '. Logs $150,XX) ; insurance ':') Tie O loll P)i!l have B'lipped : within l! e Is f.-w el iys many thousands of b.''Z to baltville, Vn The order was a rush oi.e at.-t tlie goods bat e boeu Bout by xjin.-a. Macco, tbe Cmisn iearl r. Ler.; killed spain. This moke' the sev enth time, but he bis always proven himself a very live corpso, uad will no doubt c--rniiiiu to -n ur.'i. Cuba is free. The bi,"et hmr w have yet heard of is the one killed by Mr. George W B wt, of r.o. 1. i lu one was two years old and weighed 701 pounds, and Lad to be cut in thine pieces to get it on the scales. Free (14 paao medical reference book to any person fcl!intei wi'h any special, chronic or delicate dis ease peculiar to their sex. Addre-p tho leadinjr phyn.cions and sur geons of the United fUalefl, Dr. Hathaway cV Co , faotith Lrod Streef, Atiar.ia, (Ja. Tbn ttve-.'y-flrtit nrt;i; S.: 'e convention t.f ti'e lotu s Met. c Christian A'oeiition wi'! nw I nt Winclon-f- .ii.-r!). Iv! ri.', !'."o 22 Messrs. " C Uowd, (-'hariei- W Til lett, J M Rogers and (M rgB P. Hanna' were appointed a enmrmtu to arrange a prograaime fthic'i wi i be one of. the strongest ever i r. sented. Delegates from all tbe Young M-n'sChrietinn AcoHniin:.t- in North Carolina, and all Christian workers will be welcome. All per sons interested should correspond with Mr. F P Turner, State Seer; tary, Charlotte, N. C. Mr. Harrison Nathaniel John son, of Mcoresville, find Miss An nie Lou Harbin, of Htatesvtlie, were unite-1 in the hoi- bonds of n ut!. mony in the Method! t ct.rroli Stat-vville yesterdey evi:-:ii,r ly Rev. !r. Rewe. tho PiTsidiri? ICliler of thoHtnt syille J i"' riot, Mr. .1 L Harris, of Mooreeviile, w I-.:,-oiai. Trie ushers for tbe brilliant ooo ih ion wire: K V MtPheli-on, I) Witt Mlis. Maonevilif-; S .? Mj N-t-ly, C;i:i l'lt'e, end Mr. Poeton , of S'atesvi' e Mo"rc8vi!!o lUcori' Fifty Years Ago. trt nt.lent I'olk lu the Whiten kii chitt, While iu Lowell war, I'otor Aycr; Belli v.-t-re tiuny lr liiiiiijin weal One lo 3vcrn ar.A oat to ht-jl. And, ns a pr( nMcdt'11 pntver cf will fcom M lines depends on n llv r-pill. Mr. l'ulk luok Aycr'B I'llls I trow For bit liver, 50 ywt ago. Aycr's Cathartic Pills were designed to supply a model purgative to pooplo who had bo long? injured therasplves With pripinjf modioiuoa. Boing carefully prepared nnd their iu grodionts adjusted to tho exact cecesaitios of tha bowo'a and liver, thoir popularity wm in etnotaneou. That thi3 popu larity hus boon meintainod is Well marked In tha mednl "nwtirdod thopo I'llla at tho World's Fair 10 J3. fO Wars Cirrc?. ifii:) ( yii W CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, DSCEM BER Cabarrus Lieht Infantry will n cupy the old New b.iuih Club rooms who a tie club movon inn lieir new quarters. Tliernnelott Vt'iin'SDls, u:iioautng to flOl.TJ, have tiedd suit out by the !--tatn Auditor to the rsni.'tere of deeds of the vurioui' coa'.tie.s. An A ii'-'rilinn jifr pfT tl'f followin;', end rs hI)Ih to survive tie ordeal : "If a citf-ir nakta n nmi Wi. v:' a f. :iiiTit uiBi'e . r.J3 ' I Gov. Carr hae nppii.lf-i O.ivei fl Allen, ,-f Kinsto., e v. peril t ctr; judge of t'.. 1 bird di-".ii.H io sut o ed Ju'.'t;!' i'. iy:-..-i, Fee app-'ii-.'-m' r,t is to tako tl.ct Jj'-tirry l-'. Mr. F S C::irrui'c, editor of ii.-Moo-X"?vilie lt'Or.l, vi'l p-.d.'::'; foon be c inr.ected with "'o "'Ser ial dejiartment of tho . Cbarlotis Democrat. Anoli gray nulla driven I v a countryman, w.is overrx.tnB with that tired feeling thia (S.iiu.duv) morning and lai 1 bia.jelr" o'n on the streets to res, withoul undress ing. nf.'c- f ;' t''3 'i -': 'IT""!' I end New Y.ufc Worl-1 i hr.' t l.f r tin l.j.h. iiH.-e pun h v 11. in H".nl at two ceiiti', 'ou..-. ! .'r.'ll'T Bi.-! 0, Y"i!', .1 t" ; ";-. train-," Mr. II Wetl.fin. of Mi f .n-d th ArrrV P"l", ' -1 . ttie firrt Hyn'ii'oms of 'i r-ijipe n; lic.r, prevent fori-b''- progress o! tl.e diitia-e, iind be b-i- y.t to find the first caee where tic pills did uot cure ttie malady.. Kv(ry doff wtrf ti Active. No olber remedy is e: r.-ijitibie, in oa-'e-i vi biiildou co '.di-, or c.ugh, nt friiny am! i'i! iK tat'ei"-. 'i s ' f tl-f tlTor.t nt d l'.u'j ?. ,yv C-r'.y Pectoral. Thi-' windrfu! m"dk:i:ie allords grent relief in oorpurniition. even in the buvututu t.'.i:ir.i t-i Hint di.-case. A dorO that is uivwsys ee..sor.aii!e u 11 Wi'' 0 S.tU.n-jii.. t-i. t i iv.,u- H.'ir. It rcgul.-i' " f'.e liver ni"l '.'ie live" regu'C i the person. If tii": liver i'i rei'i!'- r tl.c .i !U U 10.J, lltlt if t-!l!V;.'i : Vt d..-. J'vd i .uii there :.- f-i ..:.-:h u:.. 1 '' c-'-'-ti'"!, II ' -l o ;.! r ' e (i.-nrders of the M..m.i-h thi-t om rif:trs of. i ry iJiimnocB Livei K.'ulalor r.:. J p..ive J.is. 'I'll A L' liyi.N r At l lln IJrove I lniti!.r ' " IK-currel. Our ep,'c;S coirospoau.nt ;U us the folioving purtie-ul irj) rf the leoidii't which ecf'iirred near I'hi'i 'Grove lat 'I'tPTe bi" wbicti res"lt''. in the lo S of at. .-r;i. jj U:t nrfor tunale joui e mar., and iner.tlot. of which Tita f iui i . 'J'h -: r'TASt'APi': "A e'"fi"' r. v.'li"ie n" U .u (;.--rrj ft'l 'r' ! ' tO i'.' CL H Jl0'-'- moviri" fi .'i'bt fii'i in ii C- s srd a half above Chi: - (i; v,;- . i : i'. rsi; jy n. .re :', ' w. ' iJ c .'-. ,,: ! f..,i iii'"' v."?.: t;-r-" ,i ' ' i c n'.v"-l rnn ov.t f.n lefc ;riv- a. -J .i i ii,.;!'i.;lf d it that. aiupiil.;t:-u v i nec-Fsary. ls. l.'jnusr" end H -p'mr.s f-.rf..ru: 'I t': ' o . i.'-tii v. ' : iiti"-i;t.itit.-a :' I.-.-0VC t.ie t-.l He is much rcdr.c- d from kt'J (f blood, Laving walked about bnif a miie to Mr. Jc-bn Ketchie's be!uv. he could rec.ivear.y curj. llistcyl the operation fairly veil u'til v conditioa is hopeful. ''The jourg v.vn was f.tirly veil Ire!' ( d :r ) ,;S' .-. ' ft' ' s r-C ' i'.';.:.. in-' r. .. :'. : i. sht-rt of I"! ? ir-! V i ' ! "- rt - .- t'i rtt 1 v,--. r- ' ! " ' 1'.'- 'r.:e - cf i V-. .; ;.!. ' . :k::. 1 " u :.' complieh th? end." T"ie Jt'ue, if ! !(: rnr fr ;(.". r.'.d-tit h.J t'.:."'- 1 ! 1J. VI ".' ll.-j fKil.tS tin!, i-. b-i Mill. .!.:! Vi-c-pt ia C:.e ci H ' tenth Iti'wiy!' ml.. e Judc H'jslm, of CI..0'.!-, Wedccs.hy lecdend ?-!' rcntri. .it j-idce cf t!-e S'.ptrior O'irt of the 4th dietri!:t. vV.b !?;Hi i:i jte tins hi I I for Cu'vlu jta;s v. ith , .t credit to biu.ielf v.a-i th-". S a'P. I! bus been krowii to J td ;e ltry!Liii'H fri.-:rJs Imvvi".:U tu'ie this r ,it an i er!y ! 'y, u-d ' rut ew-! ii'o r-.'! h.:1 '! 1 "i 1 -:y.' . lie '' '' re'.iias tl... ac ! p-;-ct: oZ lav. a b ;i iioui j iij GUl'k .;. Ii:;d !. IttTl.-.r:i:!'? ' ; Tl.f r b. t'u e':-.-d ':. V V -. r."i ' lM : :d-. Vr L-i: :: : . .. : i- si f-- r-, but US It if, h'.i :'-. .::':. '1 'V.v"i ..:- de.-rd et 1'vt ':' O.it t'i;;:1-' '"e ': !iia suce.-. sor. ti 1 v 1 1 r r n,! ": t t '' r"or inlt' A r.ii;.i farm of 1 'V r.i- tr :i nii'."--' east of Piividson on t.'.it'C -m ro:-d. gocd water, lino t-rel, .r l, ain.t e;:len (iid locality. Terms t H'.ii'- put cher. (' ill "n r : !-! . - m .1 I ' i y; v. .1); , (''(i l.f i.i "ii. N. C. la or !.," " ii". '-i'.ctc.ij . 1 ken pad l.-i::i .' '!''H clU'ib'...' fi iii.-i'.riiit.wv' , 1 fi. tbef r (ut tic t ut ii. ki.iu!:i.'. i-k h- d qiitniiitr. Cdt. tic it' s i.-i protii-ixuiy in;",e tt. b- rirne.!. --id v:" ' ".ii. tiy j -110 girl imy m-trr ; . O'Ji; MKROilA in 'f S. ! Tl.em r.ue r nil on u; f-n - -"'t ! II ollilaj i. Kvery patriotic cif'ueti, -.. !- s;r3t'.i e - our 'm r.-if:,' 1,'t.f i ; i i-ro.v a.u tiriper, oi ' si; :. j i spread t.ut and incrcv. c n : M '::.-! f'loniJ rei-.u.:..! -r tl.:i i' b.-"'. w :y to ; i") lit-Ii i ': i. it '- ' 2 i:!3 v : r I.- ...j m-r ' ' ' ?' i .iv,' t':c h. i:.!.;f 'rut; : l - i' V .;.-) i. -i- c. hf.-i n1 '- " 1 ' :;: fo ... ' ." Cb'ir'iiii'.s r "f.' j.'.'-'lJ -u t i r :. ,.i t cf s-mio fri lid o loved or.e. rinrirr" t L - a r ji.i-ri .i.. .'i liowever si"(li ih.a ti'in i r" ( ?' it j(. riint ritl: our o'i n e who fiyi (''. '.''n'eiit tn " t -'. our yourip" p':.op'f., avd whu ; v onr p-ttror.ae by reon of the f..(.t tb'it they hive endeavored to sy h: stiK'N of Xmas goods to pie"; ' all clawn and suit all rer:'3 Yon can (.' just as nice a pres'tit f?r your w t, yeur child or your li.i- :r! bM it' (.'i-"! t ' i e. n ci.yv' e.--', ii-;1 i v. ' ' ! tt"t vi t--' .1 a d r f '' -it ; Xti"" t'i'o-' 1 1 j ; ' t " ! '.:e v." I' ' t, i ' " r. (. 1 r ''''-'-, hive !ttj.l iri m:-;, '' ' ' V ho! i.f v pi. -eh" und i-. - . ' i vr b it l:p" Ti-r t t- - '" i ' ! rr.n b i f'td '" -' v '.'''' i er h t -" ? I'-",!-"-.' i, v r - ' - : tIo.c, V ten wl-ni- inAiv t y ' 1 '.' j c. honie.'and it vill 'ti. 1. : . - j bfck to 0'J. 1 6 - I I Mrrct I mill o 1 em; it I t Work is slia-'ily pv:. m '1 neiehbt'rbo'r! of tii" P 't o : .! old plank rti e', or iV t I .n-.i.i . I street, nnd it v,i:l t-"'.r ! (.' u j bst stree.-i in the ei'v. Tr i.i ( beyond lb- roVr-r mills l-i !.". f;' j r.nvn f v- r ;! el r.i ! '1 - I iiirre is beitt" dh.trib pr!a ef tt(' "'ly, ' . in v-.t . ji . ' i.i! 1 icy,- iiiet. sai; i.. - , : '.. I r - ' ' - 1 !; : -r i. , i. ou" :-' ' it -' c v. ' "'.- ir I 1 i ! --. '; l. e Ai-i. fci, . . t : . l ...... t . Tf-o i;: y : ." cf : ; ; . these pr'-trry.-lre d y, 1"M U.U et as uiuch a busine'9 hi ine .a ;.(: -turing ot a ia 1 ei' pi.f.i., ii."-'v ntce !; anly Bubi.'u' to me fc.in.t: i -": rical rui;si.r."l U."Uvt "!.u". '. cot.tro! a::v o".:--,r ; : 1 i - . L.iyi"'. i i e tur f. i.ftv- .-. !; i.i v u'.td, uurt-i io'i!!i' " p-i." ' .. ...it mi el.l i.y v i -. , !" .: , - ', ,' itl' t n .,!;!.;, t.nr v .;:.,.;: . , .... no f ( ret W'. i-or-e'v, i .! rt,;,.i.i , c." : 1 0 .: I'.. -.! j ' " 1 "' ! t ' - ;. ". J .! v .;.. i...'i ,.':...:. '- iv :: t. . io. :w,.j"(! ih'.';,i'.,.iJf.. ii.it i j." .iv.r t:e ptioii? i::ii.c; -.1 ; :-;-.' ket-5.3 i's coiums-s c!-' tu d f.c ffoai anjthii",j tb.it w ,.1. . '' i daiigh'.i-rs shc-'jld u-'f '( ' ir.d tbe i!ii;'st ( f all tt rap..'. 0" j aUi'jJic u to cro lr tie Lii-f,'.: tf lt;e ,. . - s y : 0: r. : or tl, ta t u re - U 1. t' il...f. lb ; l-e- --' r ? : ' ..! .. . i.C ('.. i 0! u'. i ' I . I : . Ii 1. ; t.. y 1 xj ..'.- . , . .'. ; O'.t '. f ii 11 I'll!!. 1 1. - .. . ' : - 1. 1 -i 1.- r y : r.. to u-;...- . i u e li-.-ii. t s 1 ': i"' t- re, J .. i't ' .nl tie i,".-i' ( .: h i to... ir...! : all; ctvd by tl.-:- e!;.. r. In .y y 1 ;: !':.- t 1 " pOOjda ef a pl-iCd i'vT I1- .r 5 .1 :; liens rtiid ii'ty-.-ry.iir J -y. tvwsp.i;"tr ia tint eoiii'i.i ..; ' ' fi vote, but it p.-er y . J i--.t; r. ' r 1 yl .l,e -t'r. j:, -.. e i: r.o- - .y j Ittt ii v. ei i li.leil, j'. t d .. , . . .' : :yi tt'. J rm i; 1 tyT 0 . e i". i - -. y . - y . I 11 tl tl 's II f'f.'t it ' . v. 1 - . j : ., , J ,...,.' .- - ; '- u..hy ; '.- ,- -'; . ' itvii.- f'y r.r . - ' ' r '' I .-,'.:,.'. i im i- . . - .! ;l-'tt i'.f v'i...'.-tl t i '..ii r J ' ! :c . name!) : ' ' -' v Ktch - ,; y r-:iro:i r" i- t ! n-. ; t 1 -.t a- t' f c nun iv. r-i- ':"'!. er. 'i ty.- fiiv,-1-a!ch droppe.l ;,rtn ' 'y poe';jt of one of th'in. The ot'r.. r pck ! y tii. v:i'i.'h iitui I '' - !-;- -ii tt.e !ie:i.l ivi.h j:. -4 iteii -- ,--.i;'-. d f.-r til! ' '-"it , .: .'.'!.... .t . " i f ;! it k '-'l . . ' . - :r, 'I'hi' elTlo.-i" 1. : '' M!..- -I 1 .v : - f :.rl of tb.' fi .'' p'.u :! :u -. but the ' I- r.el ' i;:i-'. j H!a;V"!.-at,- li 1 "Cr !'-iVC tl I :.":! e fe C0.. I ler I1- w.'i p'e f-n' iif U;:,..-;.'!' oi, M--. ' 1 lilt YAM' ' : !'' - '. . VUi fty ?"'v Tr. (' . i , p., : l-i J '.,'. "''f : si- i'. mi;-' II' ' "i " 1 -.r f . ,: V . I .- t . i t ,1 1 ..f i ... di. e! if m r- A.' in.t:i ' . .' :o r !t . e :.' 1 -r .1 f-,', e . . , J-'. 'id l;:t- j 1 ' ' . I'" i '.' ' - j . , I ; . ! j ... .. , . I, -i. , I - ' ; l'.'ii-i 1. J : . t-f s..,;. f- VHOLE NO I! hest of all in I.-J-ei i V fcv.fr I,pte'-t L'.S. Gov't Report V oil , 1 i ''" -! I" ' i , 1 ..HI, I I I. . I "(' n r- f m p t .1 !..t t-'i 7 " V C -It.!' a:tl :, .'.I1 -t , ! r'-. ol.', ilt; ul."j has It . j l , y y em: . 1 In f. and is . i;r '".v.-ry 'inccs 41 r. i I, li.i.r.iii, ij 1, .a i.i.nr.Hlit(ir ml place ii K'e;l supplied with Ii very bccoiutkHiuion. , I ne China Gioye Flouring Mill !"t )Ti an fnv.jt.L- reputation and a valuable complement to the to v . J LjI.u has few tquals as a b' '.cl sinitn and looks natural at the old sUud. ir. 'I'rex'er, a.sieted by Miss r-.-r.-i I- i ', is fconductiug tbe . '. 1'. Ct-ma l-o Acsdetnj and j,,, . t yonr minds are expanding st if-eir touch, into be nien and ji, oiecu, "wuritiy of an ancestry that e-, . 1 i j :,-i- ity e.!'i.mt.imy. . e io-. 11 ! .is tl r-.-f ppltnd'nTf hy i -ii-; tin 1 0 tl.'.t ti tirjjiy grtc.g ." ('I' ("::? i-. h - ' it Chira 't Uoti 1 nnd co?"mands a Rood t-'roii-.-r-eed tie ejtem end good -,, .1! ot ml let p,;!rnt i . i',.itc:coa cdtule.is bticg . :. . .. ; ri..i.trtl doubly Valua I '. I.- I ik- t iinri; up of streets I -1 -? itv in.'. r.'.tr;ctive I' U-:.M..,: I j': - t -., y-f.it ht'e Wark'a j... h i er.u.i'i? t'.OsU.all for those w. 1 . ': .( i 'o; i a-.d is son to j ; .- : n ; ''t; i-iijlr f be r;gbt and , t' icH e . .lie pulpit, luinv"''. a ! . . Lapj t!" t f i'l j v'ce tho tv.1: f.co . iic.r f s ; Cci.bie u te pre. "her 3 'Ibe t, ,vii ij note.': foi chicken, ii.Viits!. '-iiitl and the 1,.; hole, all 'i-; v Li; ne- " : ' - ' ;"ood b---' i ivi -.r t .'' ' :m-""- t ment in - nvv'.. the d-iy t' is s:ribe citi'.'o'- ly ;.j 1. ' i-.p ! hospitable i. ,. -.icr. ' " il ., li!-.e to live ;e ii o-e i1-.!' ..-re bmy p, t : ykitt iiro", ? it is prod -n tun, ilr. W J ( . -. , Sir.;-. ;Te i-i:l 1 with l is might and when ,iej .s niM.viio about ' ' t. lie tr.- ited us royally and we ' hope to to B;raiii. .V'ltlc. ol s.-.,wrt-. tt r-"ae Concord on tbe 1 i - cf Novynler 13, 1390, the t J V.: ii n.-,.H-4y for vic'ition of j oter- '. lu've-yte lawe of the United ' .-. 1 e-;.y Lotae, 1 h?f mi , '- - . y '",-"'. ; 1' . - jk.s.; -:ve:i to all per S .-sit pi cperty to give I .-. t: .'- rti! i ml m inner pre--. 1.,' it,', 1 ike rt,d.!r- gned at : 1 "I .n As! evi'iie, '. C. within : ' 1 t-.i .1 tb d-,t- hereof or said ! ..-li I- i'ecUf-1 forfeited I ' y : ''. ". cf tl.i United f November, ! " 1 . F)A.Ml'Et. 1. ItCGERS, x-i.tU-ctor i".h ilia't 01 N. C. I'. IJ iii--, I. C. dH. c.xconi) t i t 'tit.- Pulnt Hlt! fommvrrlnl r i'M. :g u.en nerer give Con ; 'I e y-l,y. ThitMS a favorite ' v.: . ) w ith all the knights rip, rr ' or.'y becau?e of the ' yy,. .l hotel ijcillties our ' town iu x.m, but Le.':u.-e they never fail .j c i-.-r, acil from six to a '- 1 cf V. r--..--! giiial follows are r i vy y d.iy. They like 1 ; ' y of Cell cord, and . y i-.. -' . to feel at homo u-1, a, aain they all . ; 1 1 1 v i t. t our little city y : r ; '.e'.'v tyrli to tbe equare 1 ..1 .".-..y ty.' ii iu the Plate. cr.rr. j atT3 years. . : :.? -.''.' -.V t'-.-c Vict riotis. 1 ,' ..ii-- . -..t. ii a tt.i'i.rtl. '. , , '. -' 11 ; t j. ttr- t.f , - . . ,., t- : - - u- t.,u, 'Villi ' .' T ' -If.- '"'it !...' .VJW 1 - ."-., .!.-' l-I.-l il 111 ll'i;. 1 vv !'(. A' ',',rV It : i.i tl s ; u.'.i:. 11.. o Mlrh . I '-- 5. 1KM. 1 . I tt . : '1 1,. :i r I .it .. .-l-..' 1.1 ' , , ' I-,-- .! - 1 it.,, St. , i , .' - , -,"il .il..'i'-. t I i , Ml,,.,.-. I l.:i.l i I t' It'l Itl .1 I - l."lil' - Ml ', I'-. :il fi!iV,