THE STANDARD. TUIlNi OUT GOOD - JOB - WORM AT LIVING rKIOES. THE : STANDARD PRINTS THE AEWb TVI&T IS IXhWS l rim 0 1 Aii i For 1 Year GIVE US A TRIAL VOL. IX--NO 48. CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 189.6 WHOLE NO. 495. Send us 1 Dollar. A Eli PUABR YATES. . A I'opuliir Horlety Couple Mnrrlvd In hnrlotte. The Charlotte OHeryer gives the follorlng account of the marriage Thursday of Mr. ITeury JNeal Tharr, to Miss Bertie Yalei : "The cercm my wis solcmniz ;d at 9 o'cfbck in the Second rieabyter. lan chnrch, by the pasto-, T? y. John W. Slagg, 10 tbe pn tctir" f en aBeoLiblde of friends tn.. t a plctely filled the largo building. Ths only diooraliona "in the church were the masses of fume and. palme nioet tastefully arranged about the chauoel. The doors had been opened half an hour previous to the time Bet for the ceremony, and when 9 o'clock ur rived tbe church was filled to euch an extent that the nahere had difficulty in keeping a passage way cleared for '.he bridal party. Then the libi flashed np, flooding the BOeDe with brilliancy, and at Miss Nan Dowd, who presided at at the .frF"a, b an tbe wedding r irch, tho l.bbon "irla, '' ;' 'e Cirkon r-.nd Limio laison, 'jifiitcd in whitj oruiutidie, walked d'jv'u the alalia t.iid look their place:' ul tl i ali.a'. 'i hty vi;;e followed by 'ho bri tiaiaid, "Aim- liorta Oates, who were gwe c: hita sil'i and carried la Frn.ce roses. The bridt was ur in wliv, brocaded noire, and her veil was caught b-e- i'h a pi'.y of pearls and diarnendfl Sb? ct.rri-d bricUl ro-esm Ler hamis 88 the the church with her brother, Mr. Will J YUs. Tie groom enlohd with his brother, Mr. John rhrr, j'ii.iupr ti;e bride at tue alt .r. Around thera were ar rnrgedf the tiRhere, Messrs. Will K Yates, Vv II Twitty, James H.ll and Dvid Ye.'ea, nf. I'bvioi lc ; Dr. II M Btufikey, of Sinter, S ()., end Ilr. George L L'.iitersoti, of C'.ucord. The groom is a prominent a.;d p-.pnlar member cf the Chnrloit-: bar. Tty bride ia a daughter of iht late William J Y'tts, wis nan edi tor of the Democrat, and is a fayorito in 'Iharlotte aocial tiroleB. Among the many handtome wed' ding gifts was a trunk Oiled with silverware, from tbe members of the Charlotte bar. The county com missioners gave testimony to their good wishes in a silver tea set. i n Don til lu No. a. Mr. John Taylor, of No. 2 ton c ship, died Thursday at 1.30oVock, aged 73 years. Mr. Taylor tnd Ir-ju a long and patient sofftier from some chronic trcublo, hayiu ; bi n confined for two months, when d -. I; came to rrdv.-aj him f'CT his suit', r iiign. Too funeral took place Fridiy at ll-cky Ili.Ije church. Mr. Dunlcl A. Mlllrr Wfcldffl. The many friends of Mr, Daniel A Miller, on the Eastern fide of Oibrrns, will be pleased to learn that be waa married on Wednesday night the 16th Mr. Miller, won for a bride Miea Carrie, the daneh ter of Eev. W A Wood. The wed diDg w.ts a brilliant aQir and (he happy couple took a bridal tour to New Orleans and probajjly Texas. ' i I. .! in I. Unburn. J .,msTtU!sar r.v, D.-u. 17 The Canio in tic'ienly P;;rk res l'-iir"y-fd by fire early this morning, Tiie fjiunei originated from i nr.' an .ionia ta"k in an ice ia:whire in the skating rink. Thj loia ie $500, 000. (?i pT OTHERS .', 1 A recovering from - the i'luca at. A'iA4''-XV lending child- ':'ff'f'f:"fu-r from the ef- its v ; . : 9 l drr.iiirrr:iii.t w ill iiiiii ii iili end a permanent cure in Dr. rierc'i Javorile TreM rliition. Tnkmi during prei;nancv, t1:, '' I'rcfsriptlnn " HAKES CHM-liJIriTU XH& by U' 'P''11"''1 h: fur p:nliti itloi-, llins tf.ssiiti'.itf Katnre and shortening "labor." The linful onie:.t of cliihl Mrth'U rolihcd of ils terniM, and ti.e fliini't-rs there trendy lesincd, to lol'r mother n.. i eiiild. T!"- period of ei nfine Inent is niso (rrent! shortened, il.a niothi r.tre!ith.;nl iind Imilt ti'. Hld e.n huiidnnt secretion of nourishment for the child promoted. If THE MARRICD WOMAN be delicate, rnn-dovvll, or overworked, It worries her husband as well as her It Thir. is the proper time to build up hef t:cn;:th and rnre those weakness ' ailnienu, which are lls cause of hei trouble. Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescrip tion dispel mid pains, melancholy and nervousness, hriiiRS refreshing sleep and ni.Jses a new woman of her. Mis. A P am T.vow, of lm im",.l'frncn 0,l. 'r:itcs; 'l-J Im'l been j. '""Vs. ; ' t'llt-'t illy flof u! elflti tn T. -. 5 ' ' nil falllniol 111 oTim, j";,; .VI.; :. H fnrr.rvrrl "n'. nrsince . - i.l . IheWrtliohiiyyoMiiif.-.l .. -f rMM. IroiiH il'e-lnllttie iilivif'sni urciiiKl berc 9 re it i KM l!i was no iieiii j r jfu-j u., .... - ...... , Atlt. slmosl amcour- Sj U'-'l. 1 li'f.n l.-i'Mii' nr. Men-e's Knvnriie 1're ,crMilion nud !''lc H'e Mile. It in three ymf-'.-Vf-, t nv relutii ol uic Lioiible. s ' ..r 1 feel very Krlerul, "fl . ,. r.voB. In (od. owe Jim my Hie, 1,1 &.r r do not if ink I honM 1n beta sl! torn 1 hi U UkXO IUUC HKliklVb" BIIOET LOCAL8. It ia to bo hoped that when Cor- bott and Fitzsimmons meet in tlio ring thoy will bit each other in the mouth. " It ia rntnored that a popular yonn? dnifgist will roon IeaH to the hymeneal altar one of Mary laud's fairest daughters. The Gonrpctown, S. C, people art anxious to honor tbe President by ibowing their appreciation of him IIh has consented to their plan and eujuyed the occariiou this (seeni f nt 4 p. in. Jfok B')ger, colored, war arraign ) before 'Squire II ill Thtirgr?ay for HteRling enrn from Mr. D Henry White's crib mar Itucky Jviver, and in default of $100 bond Jack wi'J board with Mr. John Hill till the January term of court. Everybody knows that tho con litiona (cr health are not favorable hun tbe etomacb, livor, and bow- nla are disordered. In auoh caees, oeadacbe, indigestion, and conetipn- tion are the result; lor all of which tiimentq tbe proper remedy is yer's Uatuai ..o 1 i.-S. r.Torrc2 ii It. rive r. r ii:'ary o'rja,J7. bout f t'tv 'i.tip,- 1 r.Ti; ben crrellod and a wo!! at! end' d rr3rg s fccM in 'io ct n.t booso he. Tii".)e,- :'ver:.r,'. .n iMiei' i3'!'Oti.-g '?i;i bo bi'ld to';iHit. I'l e ccMTimiU-MV etipointeil to rsisi fund for tbe csupay hav rft ith ilstltirirs; r'ucc"S3 i lor r'je KnqK:fe-. Mary t.V.iol, a iw,t,:y C?f .r-oid jir', bus four fu!!y deu'ojcc ' l?n Dibs. Pbe in a reuMtijt ii Hru'e'nn, N. J,, and attends kc'jocI 'fcer-. . The are of fu!l eiaa, 'qitppjd ii'i nnil andre 'u'ar in all n jpijc'a the, r location and ext.'a number. They xterui nlrnri!; ;'rom tho other base of each of the rfular tbumbe, )yin alot'rr 1h others as fie fiogrs do by th i side of one another, end pre t! e r.-me lencth as the regular thumbs. Kx. Tt. ia i ri o'ri irnTtf u ri 1 ur-l I ujiismutJy retur.-in tiiat Simrnon Iiver R"Knhttrir ia tho beet faiuily motlioinr. "V'e have ti;:ed i'.ia our r.nily for eight yt.,:s uad iu.l ii t;e naeiciue we ever u.-,d. , hu-.k .here is no such medic'ne bf biuirriOu3 Livf.r U-gaiaior." Mre. M E S A Jingtoa, Franklin, N. C. 'E:ch naerBber of our family ui' ae occasion rfquiro.i." W B Smith, Mt. Vernon, Ky. IIows 3 his for IFosrrinbnMii? J D Eiser, of Finger, Stanly coun ty, butchered two hogs recently that were 6 mouths and 33 days old that weighed respectively 219 and 230 pounds. M S Sides comes np vitb tvro 10 months weighing reepec and 315. Ws did not le;.rn what stock tl.c-j were, of but we art Kure they were not cf thebroed that on driok elop from a jng. Jlon IhHiU Oiler ? Oa receipt of ten certs, ea;h or ilauips, a giuerc jH eainine Mil Ik ni.iiioJ of the mi'ft popular Catarrh ir.d Hay Fever Cure (Eiy'a Cienni Birn) sufficient to demfr.s.rats ity rcut merits. Full b ze 50 eta. ELY BKOTI1KRS, A friend odyiGed roe to try Ely's 0 renin Eaiui and after nsiug it sii weeks I leiieve myself cured of catarrh. It is a most velunlle remt df. Joseph 8lew-rt., C24 Grand Aysnae, B oiklyn, N. Y. Anniinl Klitlcitifiut. Annual statement of the amount hi d nature of all comprn-sti n au ' ted by the b"rd ( i the men.bere i.rec' r . "r..'.iy : K,1 lh'. ye.r ftid'ji!!- 1800 J-i.W i-fteivtd y.')b,G5 C'j.- :p.;;iiiti j.i to ai r i. is s-4 i, Mt-t:iler c th Ik mu, a.i .eul etc , it'i t Ic'ik'uji ti'tor on .iii E.!'i(. Wut. T.oist re nti'iu vOl 80 coj.pi-asa-ijn to ucr ai a me in o r cf ill'.' bou. ii, allien e, et". J P Tuntr rec-ived J76.CC c 'L-.pinsatioj Uj si-.'vic s ..s a member oi tie bond, mileage, etc. Jor, W roil rer ived rr'c iifns'. ion to esryi'.'c i as a nimbrr of the hoard, mileajf, etc. Tbe boird v.t.. in e.sJo:i t-veoy one dayc dnvinv tho year. Xniiib-r cf r iler trr.v led P' r dny by LSi'inbers of boaid: J L, 3 n.ii-.a; J S Te.ner, Z-Q 'niles; W'm. IJrapaf 11 c.ilcd; Joj W Foil, 10 u.iles. No uuver'&Vd acconu's were iu dited. V."M. Wf-DDINuIOX, Clerk in Ibat J d Id it a. riie runeonl Jl IkIi Nelol. The fa' 1 term of this ivheol closed for the holidaya Krifay afiernoon.' Durir-i; the term n: p'ip.l ; have vppl:t! for admh&ioc than could t.e rec.'iveii. Tho li'.llov.irft papils lio detorv- irg of ef peeial notice: NEITHER ABSENT NOR TAIiDY DUB INO TI1K TEltM. Room I, Morrison King, Hal. Jarratt. Riioui II. Ilnnry Craen, Cor nelius Alexander, Tborjus Smith. A1WBKT OSI.V K ACCOUNT OF SICK lvi"tm I Richard Gibvon Room 11. Irtua Kimuiunf, Jim u;ie Cannon. BEST IN' It'll'il. Uh lilC, SHi.ICA TION, KTC. Rnoii I Hal. .larrult, MorrLon Kn.(?, li-esie H!rirker. Romn II Mary Wallis King. jrv F.iU Crxnou, Mary Iiufortl Loni. S.u-eral efthera deserved boaor.ible mention.. SHORT LOCALS. A new photograph gallery fa j ist being opened at Forest Hill by Mr. J L Stonr, Ilandeome tiling ia being placed ia tho entrance to the fttw South Club rooms. Chief Boger is bolk thing of a hop r .ieor too. Ilia two inuoalcrs, 10 months o'd, ve'thed CI pounds. Liil'.e Mary Daniel, a student at fiiinderknd Hall, ia renor'ed quite picL i;ith pneuriionla, An eiohaii(.3 rlBbn to remark that Maceo is not the first man whose death was caused by bis physician. If we only had ducks on the winy ponds in the vicinity of tbe depot President Cleveland might honor us with a visit. Mr. J W Marshall, a Slatesville merchant, ase:?ued Thursday. Lia bilities about il,5C0; ilock valued it 52 500. Poor Msceo, the newppaper cor respondents have resurrected him again, and have him well and ir;-, rith 5,X:0 r.t r. at h-. X 't't'Q o'Jit. 'nee p.'i.i'iPt shooting i!r--cr'.' l'ern his no 'errorn for '.be Till l oy, and h c.'C'.'nuep to et I .ode his poppors undie'urhri. Salisbj-T las an Faun tour t..ratri ot.,l co;iipuny. Concord should oiie ulno. Tr.tre is plenty ui Ulent hsro wit i wL'iuh to o:anize a first Cam cor pnr-. The Mty Darerport Company, vstioa ehowed hoie a woeli a o, v. :nt to 'iece3 in H-n..:Son, N. 0. T ie fen..u.!8 luembi ra of t ie troupe h .ve lucated there. Tho r egro who t'oia ( '.; le of cet Icn frou. Mr. Shri..'-r -ara ,'Ianis eirno t!m ago y&f ti p:urd 1 hoi doy in I.loores.llo a:id fie o.'ttcn rt-3overed. Raleigb corcp'-rdeni of 'tie C lariotir C Lie:-, 't syr : -'nej ubli r i w ara uf.:ii ft t':u tit (ui 1 I..iiUiieta int. i take er.t:ro oha.'r i ot thy Stale in it,tutioup that I t.H t:kc the viaw and to fc.V'inenti '. sax rlderetion ;o,uat ' ;-ud in ii'a wn.' '' Coiicd iti on i built in; X ;m A pi" n' ooi;.i; ctor eia(i tb y rairmngtnat no van a' worfe o.i pi ins for no lees Cm-, ten ne-v hi uses tobe erec j d as soon is pcssible. Lynn, Ifus , the frenl shoe fan-to.-y city, that gave McKinley 3,300 rjQijorit), was carrUd by .he D. m' -oritts on Tuesday. Mr. Bryan n!-t tbia appropriate telegram : ''Ao oeot congratulations. Lynn baa et a .t put toe shoe on the rip;bt foot " Morriaj? licenses have beci !jr inted to tbe following coiipIof: tJiJeO A Fitiher and Mary A Keen-'e-, boih of Ao. 3; Caleb V lio; t u d J.lia I-I 'iVhlle, cf No. 1 town di p-. Wu AiHrows and Alice K-dloob, of No. 2 WilliarviNI'.rry O.t, sdia i "Mu; a -. l.i.l," A jt i.iat bo u:-eJ Ay r'e IT. ir Vi'T V pr-nr'y fi year:), tnd owes to it bin splendid biiir, of x hich he is j il tly proud. Mr. Oit iiaa riddeu thfcidaiJi!rJl five years, and i" well known in Wyoming end the Northe.-t. Free Gl pngo medical u-tcrecce bo.ik to any person efllicted with any fpeuiai, o .ronic or delictte did oaa peculiar to their sex. Address the luadiiig pnvsioians and sur zeons of the Unitwl States, Dr. Hathaway & Co , 22J South Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. Garah Caldwell is now express will rc:i from Cberlotte to Rich ;aoi. '. lio l-ll Vu',,; for the it.!;jr picio, oa his iuiiial ti',' C iooi ! v.ii! rr-pr.'t to lcro hir.i, but I is many a'c f;);.d to if his g fi rttvie and prd;ef. for rpid a! i.t -'v-nv '.it, for ho po oe-r-fl al! tb-'qaalitiefi rtceroary O u?!i hir i to f-.c fnr-t. iucn!C CLil Cherry Pectoral would luoludo the euro of overy form of disen.Be which tffc(n tJte throat andlucgs. Aslbma, Croup, Bronchitio, Whooplnij Cough and othor r4:rilar coinplahit3 hn,vo (when other mod iciuea f uilotl) yielded to Aycr's Cn:ry PectorrJ. ; & i mi - ho 1 vjt w I) HER WONDERFUL PLOGRKti TUE PAST YEAR. I'm nlureor llnr Clljr iui She Im Totl.r-irer Nil,nllil S'linrehM, '.fieliuulH, IlaukN, llntlN, NowipnlrN --Her Iiciiirune Slnuufucturl uir llnlifs rtrnt I'rONitrronn MeretiBl. Xfer Lftvyfis, lelorH. !DlUtH. r'.lr Nletly AilvMHceinvul ofi Tlirt vliiif t'oiiimufilty Oiie tucdred a:id four jearJ jr Cabarrus became a cuuu'y foriiied of territory embraced iu Mfccklcp ourg county. A county seat formed no etnuli pai t of the vexing queaticcs on which men differ. "Ibe locatiiin aa a compromise and Concord vie ibe name that it waa hoped would oarry reconciliation, peace aud good will. Slowly but steadily she has forged her way to the front rank cf prosperous towns in the State and with all her varied interest probably tiie name Coiicoid vns never more bMing thau at t'uia thee, lier p ip ulaiion stems to be in the enjoy meut of pcaoe and good will. Without, eolieg what the town has or hj8 Lot been we propose to revie- her aa t,Le ia today i.uJ what she hi3 aecoLiip'.ieiied in 'OC. c; -uai lunce i' ows th ? to;vu tj Lv in tLe Fiedmoni. Section on the rea'. Jiouiucru Rai.'Asy which haj learned her iinpcrUuce l'cr cur- i-jfiL? t;sie. CITY GOV.'HKMEKT The town ha a gool and safe government wi'h L Mc'iee Morrisor us mayor, with L D Duval, A & Browu, R V Coble, J C F.ok, J IS I'atterson and G T Crowell us alder rpt'U. B uveeu (be two fx'., .u. a ci bur d. "otiie taxation ou the one hand and a neglect o impr'yernr-pts to m et the uicreuai' g demr.nda of g owing to'vn on the other theee st'iriiy fathers look v eil to every in teresl of the town. Coi.cord has no bar rooms and therefore Mr. J L Boger and Mr. S O Fisher are able to hold dowu all tbe tongha in its 6,300 inhabitants, beeides the immense nimbcr who trather here for purposes of buainees or pleasure, though additional police force might be good. OUt ClITJHriHES Tho great conservator in any com trunity 18 the cb'ircb, and Concord ia not wnutirg. On eti'ted ocwiiona the bci.'n ri.ig out the call to worshippers to tssem hie nn;'er tbi nimistry of Rev. O B Miller at St. Jauiea', Rev. W C Al exander at the First Presbyterian bnrr-h, Dr. J A Davis at A 1! fl-.dnts. itev. J J Paysenr at the Baptist elitirch, Rev. H A McCullotigh at St. . Andrews, Rev. McGcbee 1 1 Buye1 Chapel, Rev. J D Arnold at FortVt Hill, Rev. A K IVol at Ctibpil Forest Hill, Rev. J E Thomp son at Central M E Church, Rev. J F Davis at Trinity Reform, Rev. N I Bskke at Grace E L Church, Rev. J 8 Settle at Zion Hill church, Rev. J F Lojan nt Westminster church, Rev. W O Veal at Allison Grove ci uroh, 1t. A J Gorhmi rt Prioe Memorial Terrple, lie c. W 'I Miils i' Mt. ilc-riah. Rev. Oliver Standi at Holy Ccmfcrttr church. schools. Ed.ici'io'ial advantages ere rarely f-nrpa'sed in e tovn of hfr i?.e and mbras Sootia Seminary, a Col leg !' Cilored fei.--.les und -r the presidency cf R.v. D J fn'orfieid, D. D , with If. usm' nd 2"6 otndtntr-; Concord V'h Schrol for white ma'.ca aud femalea under tbe k rli cipalahip of Prof. Holland Thompson, assisted by bis brother, 1'r.if. Walter R Thompson, with 5'! pupile, which is the fuil ci-paciij ef oe building and ni:irkn a rno;t Eat lefaotory teaeon of prosperity in the h'story of thir. academy; The t on .0.--1 Cnidi d S.-hio', under the prin :.l.-hip of Prof. J F Kbinn, r:ti. tleveu raCiit eiiio eiit n:id BCCUip linucd lady teacher:.; (for tho cyn 'emetco of tt.i.ll wb.'d.'tn ore h.tuich of thia i-.Loul in lc,u.vVt a' forest Hill and one r.t Canuonville) the total enrollmeot is 51 1, wh'eh ia grpater than any f.r. vious enroih meut; The Colortd Graded School, JFK Simpson, principal, with three . aaeiiitbiita, 143 pupil; Grace E. L. parochial ecaool, for colored pupils, Rev. N I Bakkr, principal, aud Prof. E F Rolf and Mina Mamie lVaraon, assistanta with 110 pupils. Mra. S V Eivin, with 3i pupils Misa Kate Gibaor, i'li 1 nj.ila. Misa Birret, wiih pupiU, The Holy Kef am School, iiev, O.iv.-r Siaiicil, will; r,3 pnpil-; Al Leon Grove tobool, Kef. Y C Ve c teacher, with pupils. FACT lilE.i Ojr textile mtuufuctoriei aie prcb"b y our b adiug interest and CONCORD II BIT euibruca 8 milla and 1 bleachcry The O-ell Manafactuung Co, con trola Dve milla. Mr. J M Odell, President, and W R Odell.Secretary and Treasurer. Th iy mannfucture ohe'jtir.g, giiiphama, domestics. plaidp, Jeam end team'.ess b.-gn. They i".n.ber 28,000 spindles, 1330 looms for pl.dda etc , nnd 12 loon s for amices baci. Cupital $500,000, hinds esiploj-fcd 000, with an output of about 21,000,000 yards per ye-.i Vt! n monthly psyrall offl3,000. tThe Cannon Kannfaet'irlng Co., comprisas 2 mil!?, J M Odell, Presi dent, J W Cannon, Secretary and Treiaurer. This company has a capital of $?00,OC0, 17,000 rpindVr, 500 looms, employs 400 lnnda and has a monthly payroll of f 5.000. The Csbarrop Mi!!, with D F Can non President and J vV Cannon Sec retary, ii ocr yoongent co'ton mill bnt litre all tbe otbera ia pros perous, rnrning day and night. It has 4,500 spindles 278 loema, capi !al $100,000, n amber of hand em ployed 150 v-iH a monthly patrol! ef f?,000, TheRo factories ccmblrjpt'. consucie 14.000 b-jles of co'toi yer.rly. The $?0,000 paid monthly ir caeh or its equivalent and ia rot ia ferip or ticket;;, limited tc enc plac: of rc -lemplioii : A N K ",. The Cnar.oi",l pulse of er.t'-pr:."-: throbs frcm a centr? that i? f,er.i-T-u'ly the tank. Corned has tns tained, or haa b.en fiM-ci"-."! by, The Concord l,rAticrsl Pick, sirrp MRS It hi3 of 5 "iO.OC with a riirphi; of if.H.rOO. Mr. J M Odell ia Preeideaf, Dr. W H TJV.j, Vicc.rresid-nt, D B Cohtrave, Ojir-hier and L D CV-time, assis tant cashier. Tt". h-nV nrv ''" no evasions of the law and lends money at legal rates. It h.u the proud record of never losing- a loan and when ic lim mony to hod, ul ways lends wiibout iiioeri'!'i!-ulioK to whoever will make it a safe nolo It has beeu in touch with tho crovth of onr factoij stock Irom $20l),00u to 21,000. The volume of business in the tjwn and community haa given birth to the Cabirrus Savings Bank with a capital of $30,000 that marka the enterprise of '00. Thia bank will 'iiro'-c'ily Eicnre ita charter ia time to pieteut ita eigu and open :!t door; for batii.necsby the 15lh of Jiinuary, '97. Beside tbe usual b-i.iUiug lusi neu it caibtucec, aj i!u rar..e Ci'.ej, a savings fealuie for the bene. fif.L of oniali depejiti;. Its ccrs ar. : Prjsident, D F Car.r.on, Vice President, Martin Coer ; Cuihw, J O Gibicn ; Tidier, II I Wiud'ioe. our mercha:;io. CAXNOSS i FEIZER. Tbe oldest inhabitant can searely recall the time when this Crm did not control the leadiDg dry goodo an I clothing of thia section, having b en in buainees contiLuooely for about 25 years. Mr. V F Canno the si nior member of tho Crm began buaineea in '0C. The other members of thia atauuch old firm are Messrs. P B Fetzpr and J W Cannon. Iv.eiy year had uiurb.-d en increase iii thia iumiense bi.i;iieJ3, until tow it extends over all the adjoining cour.'uea uad moiuiii hiu up in the hundreds of of dol lara 3 early. It requires 1C to 18 alcsuau to 8Ci:orimcitik'e the tradi, 1 iid they are kept bu.y turiy and ;ute. It 10 umii cesary to Mention tne lines of go Is Ca.ried stock by this Crm, a i t ry uia.i, woman i.u.i ohiid in live counties knowi t!:i.t ihey hauuie everyUung. Their double stores aud warehouses .( uUays packed to their uiu-Ost Ca pacity. Thia firm cemmauda the and retpect of all, and juaily. Ii tai.ii u.dajf a uiojuiiulI t ;be bimiuii.; m'cgrii.y i;i.d eta liu.' wonh of ire membe-s. j. v Ah! of Conoorif's w.uil subsian tial busitera men. Mr. Allison snc eeeded hia father, and havdl; a faruier in the co.mty but vbit r.t ,:oriie time bus bitn cirriej by this Iberal firm, A full line of general merchandise nod farmer's suppliu 8 curried, and 25 years of continu ous business haa built up B Uade of v.-ry large proportions. Mr. A1H sm einploja three salesmen, all of vhom are most polite and obliging. OUU) SIEIICANTII.E CO Tht down-town dry gooda and -hoc house. Thia firm moved to Couooid n'lout tio years ftj;o and h doue a very attcctSeful bneirfsa. They have the reput-itio'i cf keeping in etcck a Crst-clnsa line of dy e,ooJa, Eboe3 and notions. Tho firm employs five talesmen, nil of whom me t th ir customera iu a pleasant and inviting maimer, which goea to make at y btitincas a aucce?e. Ould Nfercantile Company aleo have ea 'ablishmenfi in several other North Carolina towns and in Virginia. The store is located in the very centre of boBinera, end their dull dnyfl ore few and far between. Their biiainrsa ia in a healthy, grow-, mg condition, and we cheerfully commend them to the pnldic gener ally. GIlliON & MOhKlSO.N. Succenaors to Morrison, Lent?, A Co. The members of the Crm are it E Gil-son and Baker Morrison. ThiB firm Is but three years old, bnl both of i'8 members hriya for many years been c'opely identified with the business interests of tbe town in ther firms. They carry a full line of dry gooda, notione, shorn and every thing strictly nrtoda'e at prices to suit tho times. They hive the rep. ntation of never having lost a cus tomer from any cause end more polite" genial accommodating gintle niep would b? initred herd to find, LOvr & tic ix. T!:;3 5ra has not jet beer; in bi's'ne-E a year, but they have es- tabl'ahtd in thia time a solid footing in the cot. Cden'-e cf the public, rizey cirry iu clock, dry gcois, e!.oe:, 1 ate, cctiout, millinery, e'. -., uii-1 a ful! and lisU line ;n each iUpar; ac , ;rt:. scienti tell jou that tLeii'c ia "ti.e cuenpe-t store ca tbe globe'' und they gaut cnl -e p 'iftci sati:f;.3tion with every sale. The motto of tLi3 house iB: "Q :'f s sslea and Einull irofii c " !!'!! n".t. albuy a t il'. t; hil ,-e 00 the riilf'-rencn cf a few e.-nt?, id it ia nnreceaiary to rtetr that they gpt their full rhare of 'be trn.df1, not only of this but of a-jven! oewnfir0. By ruitmcf b priVnP dotvu Lowe they never nave to Dick-(-r) oer a sale. The Crm m ploys live salesmen and they are ak ways busy. U. I'. LA1VAJI.X. By a..peroiit.oua people thii'een is c.maidcred an unlucky nuiiibcr, but here ia or.e cise, at K-aat, i;i whiob it will cot hold good. "Pat" Day hue been in buainoss here 1.3 years, and tho volume of hia patron. gs haa increased with each succeed ing yeir. He occupies n double s'orerooui riht in the bii.iinera ester of tbe town, end ter eilen .Ton tre 'kept b'liry behind hi? counters frora epriy mr-rn till duw; eve. There ia pronbly r.o', a better kr.-iwn or more gererally likr-d businesa man in Cabarrus county D P Dayvault. Quiet and un lesuuming ia his manner, he is one of the Eolid merchants of Concord, md men of hia caiibre cannot fail it biicces3 in thia community. THE RACKET. The almost unparalleled aucccaf of "ilr. D J Boatian, aa proprietor of the Racket S ore, ahowa what may be done in Concord by piuck and energy. He began buaiuess a fe years ago ou a very limited capital, aud bis entire stock could have been carted off at one load. By close at tention to business and a careful study of the wants aud needa of hia L'i putroti;-! Mr. Lloati;.n no ranks v.iih the h.idin-j merchants of thin sectio.-i, and bis lare store is filled f oul cellar to gairet with goods of ail kinds. Proprietor anl cuUfinKii are the pi r?oiiiCcation of politcniw acl trcut the per-j customer with .0 in ie'.i joiii? iile-.'icn i.j tl a i-c J ppchlii $10. ii.. liae'.jt tl'.'.S '.car hac an ut:u ;till" cboic- line cf 'Jliriiili.-iie liovelties .cd i.';-ola Ci.i...; wt'.i l:. doubt ti'a'.ehifl hculiu'.rtvre '.hi ,e a;ain this fWIKK iS. UIIE. This ia a comparatively fii-n. navii.g i-iu-n iu buafnesa on'j u'uoui lour months but the paonal popu ianly of the uieuibers has bnill P.p lor til "in a nubtaatial p,itronaf.e. I'tmy carry an .$$-000 to !; 10, cod i,ei. id ,.;io;.;ral ucioh ::.d;se, 1 jd employ aix talesmen m mailing (M 1 heir 1 alrons, H. V A WAIla VOHTII. Diy it Wr.d-f -vorth, the leadiog :'ur:.i.'t;rf men of thia iectioa of the S'ate, ii'-;' eucct-ns'ir to the firm cf Ciiiinonf, Fotzor & Bel!, and have, for tiie pnst fourteen u-iontha, ao oommodatod an immeni-o tradj in this city, county and neighboring counties. They have received orders from the uio.-it remote redona of the State for furniture, bo well ia their bwdnpHj kr.oviu cud e.lvorti.-od. 1'hey carry a l,0t) Hiock, and do be riu ens to the tune of c-'io U pel annum. They also handle under takers' eupp'ies in large quantities, from tho cheapest plain coffin to the mo t elaborate Fteel and metal lic cnelceta. Mesers. A K Lentz and W L Bell are up-to dalo in tho em ba'ming department and areknowu Highest of all in Lesvening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report -a.OT.'jrccsf PCJEE to an appreciative public for their promptnePH and cflnieticy wbo colled upon. The firm ia enjoying a tpeeially favored custom, which ia due to the manner in which the bctineee of the concern is ennductod. They are obliging to their inst ul meit patrons a'.ro, who would be deprived of many eervicable piec of furniture were it not for the e y terms which tbia flr-n allorr then. Their busiresa N of greet proper nnd is one of the rooet necer. ary eptablishmente Concord hns BALTIMOHE CLOUlINO UoUl-R. J Shepperio opened np a yea ago, aud has done a gocd loi. n'sa all olonn. He carriea in atccir a fr! line of clothing, aboeR, beta, 7e!:tg fumiahins, sporting goods, and mneical lnetrumecta to the amount of $5,000. The Ciiu eu-.picyes three salravien. Mr. Shappcr'o t? closint or l:ia ato;k ct a very low figure in orrler to go eicliuivtly into the wholesale butineas. Ho reports iu created receipts every mocth, hav ing built up a good and reliable '.ul-. h litriclly. ci ih basis. I'AlXEKi.'i'd. '1 his ia the large whoioeale ai'd retail grocery and comrn'saion hotve -jf C-.rjr.ord, with GJW Ptttenon a? rcpr...-, O10. L Pa" ;.-o j a? niinf'r aud 0 corp? of eHic:'ent s.rcnrr.en. This it-or.e cf cur city a ol':at eclablithed hocica, and its patronage hia grown tc immense proportions, having kept pace with the growing demands of our city. P0VE A HOST. J Dove and D Luther Boat are the members of thia firm. They haudle dry gooda, ahoea, hstp, glasawaro, crockery aud p;roceriea. Their apecialty howover, is fancy i-ronr'iea, fruits, etc. Everything hrrj ia kept neat as a pe.rlor. Ti.ey have a large and constantly incieaan ing jaironuge, in hotn town and county, employing t.iree valesm-.-n aud running a free delivery to aii parts of the city, aud the jingle of the belie of their delivery wagon can be heard Bt any tim dining ti.e day. A. L. SAPPENFIELD. If there i8 anybody iu town who don't kuow and like "Doc" S.uppin-S.-!d he mutt have come in on thi laat train, for he haa been doic business at the "sane old stand" .' -r fourteen years, and .-, thriv'. 2 b;'iv eeiB, too. You neva hsar "Doc"' croaking about trade being dull, fc he keep8 hia three a ilenua bnatling night nnd day filli-g oj-Ioic, He haa in etoek some gi ;u-ti l rnercbau di."e, but hia strong point i - r-orrrk-a, staple and fancy. SappenCeld hf a propobly shipped more ' molly col on tails'' thia season than ell the other dealers combined. ! ITT.'.C a C0!1'KLU-S. T'..o :a aiiotha of the r.iaaj Left tin. a cji'oiiahed here during the iiaj'i year, end oae of the most auc oidjful of tLe whole lot. They oave only bet u with ua half a year, but they haven't let any llif-8 light 0 . them 'e tint time, and they have cccied-."l r: b.nlding np a firatT'ite 011-.11111 in e'aple acd.fancy groceries. Mr Corcoliua came from koons vi ile, Mr. Little from Biltmoie. ivi ;li 1.1c young na-n, steady, euer ;ei:c uad proreaaive, and by close i-.ter. ion to their patrons' waiitr, .hey continue to make noiv friende and cuatomera every day. srmc'Kiiii & son. T C Strieker and eon, Louis R, do a strictly cash buaineja In plain and fancy groceries. They are very modest and don't attempt to put on any frills. They have a Batfafactory irade, uud by paying cash for their goods, they can and do sell at rock hottom ligurea. Mr. Strioker is aD 01 l-timiT hero and hia friends are 'egioil Oeri'eaa ;'1,200 block of staple1 and fancy croceriea, and ban no re I ou to complain of I-vk cf ens- -tn Ilia aalea will aggregate ? 5 0i 0 a ear, nnd are Increasing daily. Mr. Wftgrner ia up to date in c v ythint', aiei 13 one of Concord's moa. poj -i-1 ir yo'icg buajnesa men and conrto his friends by the nnmba of hil irqnaintances. H. a. KITZ. "Henry," as eyery one calls him, ia one of the boya. He has a neat 'it tie etore and a large stock in fact he has goods to burn, and enough of them to supply the town, is long as the good city fathers will allow tbe boya to shoot fireworks. But this ia not all he's got, for he larries a full line of groceries, ?nred goods and confections. He ilea rnns a first claas bakery, and has alwaya on band the best of bread, cakes, pies, etc. JOHN 0. SMITH. John haa been here juat oat year, and has done a good bus;neea from the opening day. He started with a mall etcck, but hns been steadily idding to it until be row haa hia -'helves full to veiflowing and in r;reae:d custom has necessitated the employment recently cf a delivery clerk. John has all '.he qualities of i encceseful merchant in hia niake np. ED BILL Mr. Hill carries a nice line of plain arid fancy groceries, which has been supplemented during t'ie holi days with a large stock o fireworks aud Christinas noveltua He is a pc, .alar young mau with all classes, tnd haj a thri-in,; patronage. LIPPAUD i DAI.KIEa. These gentlemen are well known to tho trade and aeod no encomiums from ns. They c;rry a full line cf dry goodB, siioej, hate, and heavy groceries. Both are popular and commend the confidence of til who know them. Thia firm has been ia businoba a number of yeaia and baa a well established and reliable trade. wauuek c. coleman, Warren has been in business here for uiuny yeara, and has aooutauv. lated an independent fortune by his cbiM attention to businoaa, and is classed among the wealthiest col ored rcoD of th.9 South. Ha carries a complete, stock of groceries, and haa a custom which can alwaya be depended on. ("Continued on 2nd page. Mclle Nells Out. McBee haa sold out his contract for the Bryan lectures to an Atlanta compuny for 875,000, making; a bonus of ?25,O00. The first day's aale of tickets in Atlanta were 1,000. Bryan is to speak at Naehfille aud Memphis, Tenn. He will speak at soyeu places in Texas whioh have all been sold for ?19,000. He is not to come to North Carolina, from the fact that no auditorium in in the State is large enough to jus tify. Mrs. Drnylon Harrtta Again. London, Deo. 17. Mrs. J Cole man Drayton, nee Aator, was mar ried at one o'clock this afternoon to Mr. George Haig, a wealthy whiakf y merchant of thia city. Suffered Eighteen Years. rains Departed and Sleep Cauio Mrs. Julia A. Brown, df Uorinfrton, Tenn., ivhose husband baa charge of tho electric IlRht plant at that place, has boon a great Ruffercr. tier uilmcnts aud spoedy cure arc best described by herself, as follows: "For 1 yenrp I nuiiVrpd frcm tit vous nos r.n.i tiiiliL.-.'s-.itin. 1 t r!ed rvcry rtMiiedy rx oiiti'iuautd liy fr.niiiy itutl frit-min, but I Cfrid t..t no niirf ut ix'-L Two yearn airo. uuiut., ur:t uui'iui, aiuicy una euuruu. MlW. JtTIJA A. IIJUJWN. lnformrd mo that I hnd bo- nme dmfuricaX, and that tliro wad ilttJo hupi for um. i thuii dot'ldud to try Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine, I was then urjthlo to tftit to slrrp tint tl Tvoll tm tort-,?l dfiy'tu'ht, and il'irltivr ull t!its tii.i-j 1 i-; ! :i 'f-.t-n iin.vy y hi rny '..ft 'jM' m t Mm-M-, iw!,4 t, t.ul Bft.T 'e pf.o-hrvtf!, tif till' ATWisJ I Chi.' ni s:."' riVl'.t J.: t r.- v. 1 I! 11 ' I f r M i. Tin.. ;..ti n-- U th 1 n J v i ; -iy Hi;i6 tiiv.) n.u i" ii;Ji!-f " ii it'-v-T, 1 i, ''Oil atjd fir 1 l', iiii'l I ( ifh, . d t tftv 'U14 vf mu lfc jufAT Mi'. ' Ainifto." MH: "':.! A. I'J.'OWN. Dr. Mil-V N.-rvii... t t jii n fF, it v.'H V. 11. KIlHl itPlll'i! f Ii.'lt liH: liis lull I It V. 'H ?t II J iu t;crl.-tH st 11 a L i.t il.O hut'!, h l.r tt V.' til lt : ":t, I .'i, Tv !,!. cf i.t t'-o byth'ji'r. Miku .ii-di..-d i. )., i.jni.irl, luL Dr. Miles' IVonir.o l ORlALtH)ALL DUftKJh

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