THE STANDARD. -TUUN'bOUT GOOD - JOB - WORK - AT LIVING PRICES. GIVE US A TRIAL THE : STANDARD PRINTS THE AEWii TIIA.T IS XEWS For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. -ap - ';' Wig Nys, bTANDAi U1 VOL.IX--NO 49. CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1896 WHOLE NO. 406 JhUim Knrnbartlt end. Jackson E.roburdt, of No. 4 township, agtd 30 years, died at hit home Tuesday night after a brief illness with typhoid fever. Mr. Earnhardt was a ton of Caleb Karn bardt and was a study, substantial farmer. His rem tins were interred at Mt. Olivet chnrch burying grounds this (Weduesday) afternoon at 3 o'clock. The deceased leaves a wife end four small children to mourn bis death. Our sympathy goes out to the bereaved ones in their time of affliction Annual Htaleiueut. Annual statement of " the amount and nature of all coaipen-aajn au ilited by the board to the members thereof severally : For the year ending 1806 J Dove reeeived $58.05 compensation to ser vices as a member of the bord, mileage, els, aud $25 to look ilk after chain gang. VV'm. Propst re ceivrd $61 85 compensation to ser ioss as a member of the board, mileage, etc J S Turner received $76 30 compeusttiiOii to btrv.ces as a member of the bourJ, mileage, etc. Job. W Foil revived $07 conijieusa.. tion to soryices a member of the board, mileage, etc. Tim boird was in session Ueutv one days duriu. the yer. Numb, r of miles trav eled per day by rnrmbers of boaid: J Dove, 3 mile.-; J 8 Turner, 30 miles; Win. Props', 11 milts; Jos W Foil, 10 miles. Nounverfi-d accounts were au dited. W. M. Weddikgton, Clerk t9 Board. d 10 4t A Good nuii Tnlnnble Hook. New State Directory for North Carolina in Homed edition, price 85 sent postpaid. Ordur at once of Levi Bbansom, diSap!l ltaleigb, SS. O. mm mm To Take 4lvniitnce or Onr 4 II Hclioola niul IIuhIiiphii )cnlnic. One drani. g crd for the town of Concord is ber ixceiltnt tcbools, both public and private. Many of the C'lizens reci utly locatiug here come for the purpose of giving their children tutoring that could not bo obtained a' the district or country school. Mr. L It Tucker, a pros perous .farmer and merchant of Stanly county, has mo ed to this city to educate his children and to go into business. It is very likely that Mr. Tucker will hang out bis ahiogle as one of our foremost gro eery men. A better location for excellent schools and business enterprises of I all kinds is hard to find and we welcome all strangers to this field, knowiug it to be a good ouo l or Over Fllij Years Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup has btea Ofcd for over fifty years by million of mothers for their ctrJtV ren wHIe ttriuing, wrh perfect sue cess. It anothes the cnild, softens the gums, allays an pain, cures wiuu -'colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world, Tw' uty-five centi a bottle, Be sure .....J . U ti A r-j tVinalnv.1 MnrlVl. iLg Syrup." and take no other kind Look Out. Washington, Dec, 29 The set ret service division of the Treasury Deptrtmeni reports 'he discovery of a new ten dollar national btk no r. It is a photnrphio reproduction of note i sued by the Union National Bink of D. tr.ii't, Mian., chi-c' letter "B"eerii8 of 1832 signwl ht W f Kooer.itia, 11-kis or, and O N Jor dan, Treasurer. Chn-f II .zr, of the secret BtTviov, siyu it U the pro t'nc1: of the same haud ai a cunter fei' rote be recently discovered of tne National Bank of Commerce, of Njw York. fTent many peojil, look healthy mid s. nil HUl. 1 llt'lC BIG "l .,... fn.m. nf i N -J ' Xd's..i ltava an outward !- L . f eifS aln-U that tilt Bl..:hli-st prtsnire will crush. Th otitsM.' of the body may look all ritfht long ' after die:ise has bt-aun lis dremlful wort Inside. If a m.ui looks wl-11 and doesn't feel well, lie had bi Iter be Roverncd by the feeline not bv the look-i. A (treat many ap parently slronir a"d Urnroi..i men collapsi luddtuly. Tiiey have w hat is known as tier Tous prustration. They (jo ahmf persist ntly day after dav, working haul and think Inn hard, apparently healthy, and some daj they ao bom and a to bid and don't Ret op airuin. The troi.hle didn't all come at onee. It came on (rruduully. A strong man can live on his neivrs and his health fori Inn time without apparent injury, but it isn't a safe thing to do. Whenever there ii nrrvousnesi, or insomnia, or undue futinut from ordinary work, when irritability takej the place of contentment, when a man "isn't sick hut doesn't feel quite well" then is the time he should Ik gin to tak Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Discovery. It la the best tonic medicine and nerve food, or invigorutor in the world. It assista di-g-estion, inereasea the appetite, promote! thorough assimilation of the food, puriliel the and adds to it the life (riving pun. ciplcs that are needed to feed the atarved nerves. It puts the whole body into perfect tune, and stimulate each organ to do tin wmk for which it was intended. Thou sands of people have been brought l uck -a . , ..... i I Itl. Tlw. . lo nappiutrji ami i,(,m..u ...,. .... ........ ands of people have been cured of mosl serious sickness by this wonderful tiled Icine. Druggists sell It. acnu fl one cem sianiv w pay for mailing only, nd re ceive free a copy of I Pierce's great thousand pays u btiolc, voinuion nense nieu- il''f, !".! ical Advisir," in pnper cv N"' era, or send 40 cents for post. age and extra cost ot nimi:ng aud get It in cioin. orio s Dispensiny Mediv-al Aaaocia tiuu, VuBalu, N. V. Ri.rA. ST'-r healll,. This fictl-fcJP&'l-l't V'v'4 tions health is like ' ViV 'A t-tl- :-f bubble that , V;j.,'' i I at a touch ! V" iv-i It is like an erauti BRYAN'S LECTURE. An Knluuaiaalo Audieuee llenrs 111 in un "1 he Ancient I.nudinarks" -He Crltlclaea ExlHIina; folllleal EvIIm. Atlanta, (Ja., Dec. 23 lion. Win. J Bryan opened his lecturing tour tonight at the Grand Opera House btfore a iurge audience All day long he bad been enter taiced by one organization or an- other, aud he held an almost con tinuous reception. Governor At kinson took him to the Executive Mansion In the morning as his gue-t. At noon the Young Men's Democratic L ague tendered him a luncheon and tonight the Fulton Club entertained him. Among the speakers at the luncheon wad cx Secretary Hoke Smith. Mr. Ik) an was iu'roduced o night by LUI L L wis, the Guorgiau who nominated him at Chicago. the late nominees reception was enthusiastic, the audience cheering londly and long. Ilia subj et was "The Ancient Landmarks." The subject uiuUir was extremely con. servattte. There was uo'-hintr iu ii to oUcnd anyoutt. The adJrew a discuuion of govcruun ntul que3- lioi'.e. Government, he bh&, is what the people uiike it, good or bad, us the uic.ate. ibey can remedy nbusu f tbey B.'nouely underiake to do j. Often they era itditfereiit. It hits been said I tint the man wb n fleets lo tuke part :n controlling guvern u ent is worse thaa the 01.10. who govems b.Uiy. Mr. Brvan quoted lib 'rally Iroui Jtilersoa and .iuckdon. He toucb.t on the leading issues of the cuui-, but in a nun p;irtuau way. The liim, said he, of advocates of different monetary systetn3 id to ee cure that one wbicli is beat icr th-e greatest number of citizens. Men differ as to which system will ac complish that, but all agree that the ajaiem bicb will give a unit of value of the least posnibie tljctua. tiou is the bes'. Iu the end tbe peoi la of this country and even tually the people of tbe world will select that sjsrem under which th- uuit of value ii most etub'e. In reaching that decision slfiihneee must be taken into account. tc-l- Oahnoes is here to stay, but it is not holly JiEadvantageous, for it is the manifestation of the instinct of se!f. preservation. Government ehoolit not only ayoid abuses, but should protect the weaker agaittst the strong A gov ernment substitutes law for force and right for might. Governments must reBtraiu. J 1 Hereon said that one of the mo-t important duties of t government was to restrain oi.e get of ciuz nv from ii jurirg the other. Trusts were denounced as a means of doing aa ii jury to one's fellow citizens- Mr. Brian remarked that he did not think a iy prty openly defended irusts. They sre pe. mitted tn exist because the people are- indifferent. I'hey could be abolished by legisla tion or by public opinion. News papers form public oj,iulou; but they are not upeoted to do it all. Kvery individual cltiz n enould exircise bis influence, take a posi. Public that it abuse, use of iou and 1 t it be known opinion 13 so potent can crujh out any even trusts or the money in politics. The use of is the money by political prties most pernicious lu poirica. And tbe party is young indeed which does riot use money to at' vatic Us tii'.a. riiir n should e reuieu:bere'! that if h ue r.f noney is p-rmi tee the c i'S"t swill lit. vt'J be p!un:ltrid to recoup b s rendituri s. Ui j'ist taistion was trea'ed at i jiie u-ngth. The 8 inker declared Wat nrijudi taxtticu is indued lar ceny. 11 is UKing m oney irom one an? pocket and putting it into the pocket of another uicu. The chief cau.-c of the diHCocteut in this cotin ry is fuv rit em in one form cr Aiioth. r tinder the government This fuvt.rititmi niay be manifested by un jii t xxauon in uiarent loruis. Air. Urao fonn I good reaulia 111 the re ej-nt caDipaion. it set ine pioc'' t ning, a hubit which they will Uei tt i. J. Hereon said that public ofli ii's who are not wate.hel are woly.s, Mr. Hryun thinks that heriafier ublic oflicials will be more closely watched. Gj.d got- ernment coneis's in jealousy and not nfldi nco. Ov-r cm ud nee en- t'ourng '8 abuse of tonfid. re. In concluding the leerur r re marked gn fia in "v tru' the La'it; pott said we plant tr ee, the fruit of which we tlo not expect "o p'uek. We are layir. j the foundations now for ibose who come after us. A part of the foundation was gotten under av during the recent Cim pigr. ' The superstructure will be iiuilt Mr. Bryan will leave here tomor p m"r ing to eo to f-hican, when e he will cn to his home in Lnnn-ilti. Mo has a reries of lic'urefl booked for X ;S. Jt nsi irsy ITT, I can well 6:!i ve the new s'ory that the fruit Adam and Fvo att ws n li.maua." "hjf" B eiiu.'e humanity h.ts coutinued i) slip up ou it ever fiu.e." Cin cmiiiii 1'n on nu SHOUT LOCALS. The handsome furniture for the New South Club rooms has arrived and is being put in place. Officers are on the lookout for "blind tigers," of which the i angles around town seem to be full. If Concord had a city prison it would not be. necessary to hold court ou the Sabbath day. Hudson Bros., who do a large roller covering buBinefS in C'nnr lotte, will cpen up a branch here at the Cabarrus mills soon. Merchants are now receiving a large amount of delayed fruit that was to have arrived before Christ mas. The depot is chocked full Mr. A II Propst received Mon day night and entertained most royally a number of guests at hor elegant borne on Worm Main street Hereafter the Southern's Fast Mail, leaving hern at 10.07 a m., will stop at High Point and lieids ville, upon flag, for passenger. Mr. and Mrs. Q lino Moore, of Wilmington, recently lout their hrRt born 0! s mouths by cemjL overlain by a pot cat that lay across its face and smothered it to death. Mr. Berry RirLer and Mif-s Grace were mturied Sunday at 2 0 clock by Kev. 1! t rank Davie, at the parsot'iin, in the presence of a few friends i f the couple A white man who lives tit Buffalo mills, while ui;derthe influence of iiis Christinas 'nogg, tried to carve hid wife iiicttud ot his tu.kcy, but was pravented by. f.'i"nds. Charlotte's colored military com pany wunts to go to Cuba. Concord might very well tuiaro a few of tho of the colored brethren for thie laudable purpose. The literary meeting of the Ej) worth League of Central Methodist church was held in tho pallors of Mrs. L r Upio Monday iiiput. It was au uuuBuaMy meet. Marriage liceiiso Lave been ie Rued to the following coui.les : John L Robinson and Lucy A Vander berg; James T liranwell und Alice Bunn; Robert Miller and Rosa Mieenheimer. Alex. Canady, better known aa 1 Shorty," eutered the houso of Mr. V A Smith Friday night and Jay down on the floor ta sleep. He was removed by the police aud given a bed in the county jail. The mother of Leo Wheat died in Salisbuiy last Friday. She enjoyed the distinction of being the mother of the first white child born in Washington afar it became incor porated. On Thursday Mr. Ed. Cline will move into his new home on Sortb Main street, and the houe on Cor bin street (hat will have teen va ta'ed by Mr. Cline, will be occupied by the family of Mr. J II Masor. Railroad men ssy tVnt '.' e delay of tbe southbound trains is cu -ed by th hlerVi: r r the jan.N in Sain bury, which c.inn;H be asoided ao heavy is the tro flic, both patsec ger acd freight. Mr. C II Cornelius, of Iredell cr.unty, W3fl martied Sunday t( Mi.-8 Annie Sherriil, a popular voucg lady of Catawla county. Tbe groom is a cousin ot our towns man, Mr. C E Corneliu?, and well known hero. Dr. OJom received a telegram Monday saying : "If you want to speak with father ssain, come at once." His father, W A Odom, of Nashville, N. C, has been stricken with pn"a!ysiH now at tLo good t;UJ age of VSand the worst may bo ex pt-cted. Pink Slierill, who eecapsJ f.'om the) county chain about fjor ears og 1, wan recaptured iu No. 3 t lwnship hi:it Thureday and lotlgrd in jail by I M Nesblt. Ho will be , 1 nt out to the gang at once to berve the remainder of his tf 'tn. YEfi'S Chsrry Pectoral would include the euro of every form of disease which affects the throat and lung;?. Asthma, Croup, Bronchitis, Whooping Couh nnd othor pimilar complainta hnvo Own on other modioiiios failed) yioldod to Ayer's C! crry Fectoral. A &m CP TUB " i'j'jj -or- There are kiut twenty-four con victs on the county chain gang, lal The jewelry store of A B Correll is now no rn:re-T-even the old siu popt hns been romoved, and the store room vacated. The Southern Educational So ciety met in annual eeRnion in Mo ile, Ala, Tuesday ni,!;ht. About UU0 members were preterit. Three moro bodies have been rt covered from the wreck at Cahaba river in Alabama, makirpr a total of ZS dead, with runny ir jur -d who will die. Mr. Dan Kriuiuiinger, who i? buildlnr; the lanka in the high tower, is progressing with the'work, j although he had to suspend for 1 few daye during the cold Hnap. Night Watchman W F Dry, of tho clinic gang, says the convicts' are now working the public road? at tbe Pnifer place, a few milo north of town, wtieio repairs have been needed for a long time. Not every woman, who arrives at middle age, retains the color and beauty of her hair, but every wo man uiav da so by the oecit ional application of Ayer's Hair Vij;or. It prevei u: liaklne e, remove- danu rtill, and euros ali fctlp di nats. Mr. Jim Dove gave a Cbrii tmu. tree to the congregation of Iiopc wrll Baptiot chuich Friday tiij-ht. Mr. ide;, tho pastor uiaile au ad- u: As, after which everyone vat- given n nice present. 4 From the Salisbury World we learn in th-tt the wreck ou theil'iad Luther C.'i'.ik, a brakeman o'l the standing train was thrown olf and sustained injuries the 8'riouMiet of which is not fally known. If you have a troublesome cough, don't keep nibbling pwretu, nutl 90 ruin your appetite. A dose or two of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will do you more good than pounds oi candy, and insist rather than im p-tir your digestion. Always keep tuis nit.ditdne in your home. The Young People's MiBsionary Society of Rocky River church wi l gwe au eatertaiuiitii.t and supper at the parsonage of ibkl churt;i 011 Tnuriday night, IXcaubir ulnt, the pruci-eda of which will hu do nated to foreign missions. Kvery body invited. Mr. Fred P stink hns niovil 1.5, meat matket to Ca:;nonville, iu the room once occupied aa the Cannon Manufacturing Company's busitiect oflicd. We regrot to lose Fred from Main street, but glad lo announce that he bus not left town entirely. M'. J A Rankin, wo loan,, ha,i killed 5 hogs during the Boanou that were 10 mouths old, weighing re--(.ectivelv -135, 43S, 152, 401, snd 1(13. Mr. Rankin nidi Tin: STANnAiin and , a:?; hiniclf in tht ring of noted pork raip' ra. At tbe snnual meeting of (tit board of regents of the Barium Snritigs Orphanage, tho fjllowine nlli !"is v.eie t-leeled : i'. Je'hr" liuuipie, of .Saiirbury, presiihnl ; uev. W R McLeliand, of States villi, secretary; Mr. John M Oattc, o' Charlotte, treasurer. It was announced some time ago that Messrs. G E Fisher and J l) Wallace would begin a grocery business the first of the year, but Irom to me cause or othor, tho plana did not materialize aud thu.s our new businesses will number one less tbau was anticipated. Dr. W II Wakefield, the eye, tar, nose and tbroat Fpeciali-t cf Char otte, is cfl" on his yearly visit to 1 he hospitals and school? cf tuni ri!. i i New York. The d r.u 1 Uil return iibout January It1 ii ! d durirg ')7 can b found in l.ii Cimil'itte 1 flice except ou v'eiiii'S daye. A fcuifu! mino txpl ition occurred it Princeton, Ind., on tl.-t 'JOtl . N'i.i. cen men were in tbe mine Mi'l t.iore than half .of Item wire lilied, and many others fatally in juied. Two wiiu riMtd, wi.oi! ir .Ojiea ni.av t urvive, I iv can e 0 tho expiouiou u i-t' ly. A fow v.te 11. j yuuni,; lji.j ;,h hoi.-.) n.'iiiica cool. I not bo b aroed, r oiiKi d R k's'it W' dd'ng' nt 1 ae hour for the pu'poni- tf's cu'- 11 1 a lnani'i'i lici-iis Oo tn e .tin f 1 heir yniiili thy liopi.c..! wai r--f'.i..-d, iti:d thi-y 'i f', F.ljitig (' r vere rlule-rii.'ir.fcd to we., an i wo .ii1 i to S ej'.h Carolina. Mr. Wniie Q ia:rz ha re. tired n nonition in the n:v rt'l'mi.! s'np' near Salisbury acd will,it thir p'nee as his horn.- for a while -a'islmr? hrifi add d to it li t s, it.doH'i in'..'- .thd so'., r vi.tuu mjn in Mr. ( nri'i, wh 1 (,oc-i Ii tii-t Pf wurlr with the wi-l.-wLhei if all his r.ti'jier itl.-i frientlr. . 1 Fa'ix Pi ro Jih-i fi,-.i. 1'to Wi ile and J h.i rwp'es, ail c 1 nnd, have been arrested f ir fot'Oii -tiulir in Mecklenburg and U.iion Oi. unties. It f erns that tiie f.inr p' tnntinfil a iMnd (hat mhd- t o f s of a bale at a time from tho va-ious gin houses. A good deal 1 f Cabar rus cotton has been lifted in a liks mauner. Branson's Noi.tii Attui ixa Al manac. 'Cireat cure bus tii-en taltfn o si core absolute nee ir.icv of tbe Court calendar ami tho t Hirers ol public institutions. Thi, wiihtin two p i.'S gi lies; the county c.'li -n all over thd Stnl'', make it na Al manac of very grat va'iiii em phatically, 'no oilier like it."' (iil one tor live cunt.' nt, Fi: TV Ell' Dli 1 'GSTOI! E . THE I. U. 0. F'S. Mmnorlul NcrvlreM til I Ite fiend, ..A ItrllllHiit lEoc i'iiIIoii In Armory IlnM A 4iic.ioriiiiii I'euHtUrent hficlulii- llly Swvrt Mic. As a prelude to the gala day that the Odd Fellows so handsomely manipulated, this fraternity in fall regalia at i o'clock Saturday, the iflth, marched to the city cemetery, then to the old l'rmby teiiart arid Lutheran graye yar 's and held ap propriate certmoiuei over the graves of tl.eir Je,.J, ihod givicg their first mirks of honor to the memories of thoBP who hive passed to the re. waids of this trantitory life. At 6 o'clock in Armory Hall on Saturdtty right tlia ppiendid and popular orJer gave 0 grand supper to 3tjD invite.' gue.;ts fcesidesthe members of their families, It was a gencrout and winning display of their frati-r.iul spirit. The regalia marked individuals composing a clans of men ilut any cm uiilit be proud to be connected with. Tne eup 1' cr couei:ttd cf cjsurf, fow', potk bread, truckers, cakee, picklt-e, couee, tV iu abundauce and wa.' enj'iyed L every one cipabio of j relishing ood things to eat. 1 All the time social greetings I , liveiv ch.ittiii"a filled the r')?m with sounds of pleasure and frieadahip while the Cuucord Orchestra dis coursed sweet music to the delicht of a!!. No panacei for iudigeetion wan needtd iht re, for till was of that brightness aud good cheer "th .1 do:th good Ii:.e a mcJitiue." Tii'3 'was a v:ry queen of scciu! er.terti.ii aud deserves wore e.3Ci :i: i t: 1:1 i thi.i. we Lave tho term:, to clo'.l e them with. Vic would tie ply bjw our tiiaukt to tjc$e gt i.rotis hr-stj and l.ostesstt fbjut whom wv s.e nothing "oild" s ive ti.; ir . smith of welcome und we fancied we nude that "even" till we retrealid from that table Lj.'t 'ivo thu OJd Fcll.11.0 ! Itiirklru'R Aruii-n nuivt. The Best Saive in tl.e world for Outs, Bruises, Soies, Ulcer?, fait Rh mu;, Fever Sores, Tettcrd Chappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns ami oil aiu Ki ujiti-.itit;, positively cures Piles or no yy r'-qiii-eu. It is guaranteed to give g'au,?aclii u or uione? reiutrrivu. Pi ice o cox Is p''r uOX store. F.v at P li Fetzcr't D.uii State okOhio.Cit y ok Tut eim, 1 a Lucas Coi'Ni'i". J'' Fni'ik J Ci.i'r.ey ni tki i-a'h l'ta b.9 i- the sor.i.-.r p.trtru-r of tin? f.rn, of F J Chewy A- C-).,d'i;-Rbn.-h.ts in the Cily ot T.ii.-.lo, CVunty us J State afo:cc.'-id, e-'id I'm' s tid firm will nv the sum of ONE HUND RED DOLLARS for each and every cmi of Catatrn that cannot be cured by the use of H ill's Catarrh Cure. FltANK J. ClIKNEV. Sivorn to before me i.t d sub iribe.l in my presence, tL;c Gih day of Decern kr, A. D 188C , r . A. W. Gl.KASON, ska I. Sotary 1'ublir. lall's Catarrh Cere is taken inter cHlly and ae'.i dir xtly on t!;e blood ind muto'is surfacr' t f tbe sv. tern .Send for testimonis'". fre. F C ClIKNKY iV ' , ToKl'i.. 0 i-C'Sold by Dru('f;isii, 7o3 tfiH. 4 tKlir,, no Il'llfr. Mrs II II Cochrane, of Co'unnij. S ('., is 0:1 a vied to her tr.ptlicr '.Irs. E izibeth K:uiuio:iS, in Nc. 4 owLship. Inn. Cochrane was re oarted quite eeiionaly ill, but hti tjitrl'tifn is i cv to much iu prove t h it .ii r. C cli a-.c returned t lli.i v. ork in liir I'.i'me'to S'ii e. 1. i;)mv, r.-a'ioa hh a Stamiako r. pKier, we Icjrne-i Ilia"; Mr. (,'oeb imo con e npUn s re'tit inng ti v'ortii Carolina, and W' vei'j likily IuCie in Charlotte. -K (lie rtcovcica ,-rj:' S,' LliH Ui SUl- '.'wi, v.ct!nu of ft-vw ' - ' jf r;KaSl'J i-.ttittit, how ' i rccovcrt i health. . 'J'pctitv; tliey w:ll teli - "i ivi i; I !! .V! i . k. i.i in 11n ' nrlil I v- iv.-rrr;-' Tirwinv i.u.v.,v. '.h.-i atla-U, M'. K I M-.V-. K. I . I .pro-l- i, ..f Si-iifs, St:t"R Mt'M.U ii. H .-rt ;.ii. iv. i mi uiu u.-.-it r. mciiy is W-u. .mU .1 i t t- n-ui.i.;. a i't.;it. j.ulii.If l M i lt UK v, '.-i t.tiy mux ral aiibhtjiit c, but is rur.ELY vr.crTAr.LE, Cfntahunp those Smtfhffti Knots tid Hi-rSs nliii h an I vcr lisru5fH most fiani, Jt will run: :iH turn Men ciiiiJptl 1 y Jit'i'itiijfmcnt oi tlio I.lvrr nml Itimi'ls, '1 lie YM MS of Ti t (.'iiini'l.iint nrt- a hittor or liatl tasie m the nn uili , T'.nn in the l.n.k, Sides nr 1 1 lints, oficu liiisi.ii.i n lur Kliriitn;ttlsin ; StUiX Stonnu'li; Luna i.t .A ; i i t ( ; l"!s aitrniiiU'ly costive ami l.-ix : llrrni:.- Iir . 1 i nf Mi'iimrv, with a pi-n--nii(in ul litviim i'. ilc'l t.i ti. i s.-tiuiIiihk whith atiuht m h;ivt' i .en litn.c . 1 lily : Low Hlrith; a tlii. L-, .t; -u.irn nt tin' '-uaiid Vyos; n diy Lt.u.-h, !i. -i n " -Vfi L'i t -.n-iimpii"ii. SniK'Unius, "I" tlit-se ivvi'i'-nn Liitciui tlx; ihscaw .it i-'htrs vnv k I.ivi.h. inc int"in m tli'1 tnis', i.. ,i !X"ii iv i 1 1 - L ! it li 't Ut i.;.1 .t, i in I. :..:. ;t-: si'.'l i nns, w 6, iii.t I 1 1 ... i-.-i. . i ii friliv.ij. 1,:. i, v t.t. ..-.,. , , -r.. nt ..t.,r t,. (!lt 11 -It, Pr . S. V. it! fl I n K. K K k nail .i4 s. k ;- lu'.s .1 kll.'W lf: It. ..i U e l -x -- ti." !f-l itv v;nix (rli't t"I I ' -pt i -,1.1, I ! .1 1,1 -, i.t 1 C. it i- the l-tst II..' '" ll. (i nt- irit d Imtv oihn i :-it , i ki.;u);, iuv! n ..t.- .f ili.-i,, , L'l.liy i"!,''l . the rvi-.-lil.iI i ii i . "-1-.U. iLLH.H.M'll AMI M MANUFA. It'HI li J. U. Z'.-iLIN X CO.. ..NI.Y II V t'h;U '-', DOUGLAS-CANNON. irtr. J. rt. rtonivln mill M is Ailrlnlito 4'iiiinmi Jfliirrlril in Wittfctoii. The Charlotte Oba-rver's Winston correspondent writfS he follows in Sunday's paper: "Mies Adelaide Cannon, of Con. cord, and Mr. J Parnette Douglae, cf Richmond, were reamed Saturhiy afternoon at tli r.ibi'JeiiC-3 of Dr. t L Summers, a relative The cere, mopy wa perf irmed in thp pres enc-j of friends by thf l!sv. llabt. I Caldwell, of the Preebyteriei church. We are glad to lc-ara tb i Mr, a:'d Mrs. Doiigla? will maki Winston their future home.'' f We can but ri-pret tint Miss Ad die'i choice for a mate countti to the wishes of her pirenta, wht p seess all the means or.d the dia. tositiou to have nude ler entranci into niantul rela'iot.s more aua piciotia a;.d hiipy to all. Our best wichig are that the a: quel to her step, thut carriiS a measure ol anxiety, may be such ca to rtuiovt ill pair-, fit I reooUfCiloii-i, and tinr lif- may have for li-r a f'lll tnestiri 01 ftl C':!.f. t'l'ASIiAIil) j it si.en:j to wean to woi.ian ;;u' up. 'i :i. t-'io tnu.'t c t aiiiii Muinlr.'t ai.d t-asitii work bee lined an almo. t insur tnountable task. Nervou?neS!. -ileeph sunt uod pain hr.raps bei and hie hct-ms baldly worth thi living. Dr. Pierpe'n Favorite Prf-"rip-tio-i was made for her. Dr. Pioree'i Golden Modieitl Ditcovery wat mmle for iier. The loruier i for iii. distinctly feiniiiine, tho f;r her i;"ti' !ftl i-y-te'ti. Tocther t!:ej supply a :;k'utif:u and fu.c- --tful court'! of tre attnent. The "Favo rite PfHecription" restores healtuy. regular action to the organs dit linctly feminine. It forces out a', impurities, stror.fhrr.s the tiefuep allays ii.llamtiie'ion. Too "Gold iin Medical Discovery" makes appe tit", hr'tifi d'g .ion, h as d nil . ion. fills :ut ll e hoU ?,i ii cheeks and neck with good solid hVab :ind h.nnjj-i liaak the gladsomt ;low of gii'Mioo.l. fvnd 21 cent:; in uiie-e. ut Rt Ullpf -o U ur.,iv i).-;,i-i .Miaicl As i.iciii'ion, Iiufl ilo, N. Y., and receivi Dr. Pierco't IC'-S p.",n Cotnmoi, Medical Adviser, illustrated. A lul l Uf.t.llin. Ou Thursday evening at the honn if the groom's mother, Mrs. M A D.-ebci, uf I.H. l'h jjilit, Mm. M;rllt Craigan and Dr. A II DreL.r, of :;.!;sb.:iy, wen lulled in in jrrine i.i L.T. C L T Fi.'her. Tr.ij Lrc.'j .:up!, 0'i coi;. 'L ai in taste, de parted fiuni udual Custom of pre lijus uatiOuncuvi.l by in:ta'.ior. .: irdi, a'.m:e-I tbe j.ew reta i.--.s o. ;o b;.!: ' ar:l v ithcul clu., dt' U-Vg their h-ippitiCti' CClu i-'L.t in i ii j s o:her'ii!t c; with out the love in) iu:iiu:;i3 of the wore modem s j!j. We cotiiuieiid ti: e: r Uate, us we icott heartii) coiiiatulate them iu ttieir Lew and endearing reia'.iou. After u holiday stay with Li mcther, Dr. Dreher will return tc Salisbury v. i:'i hid lovely bridt-, where he id rico ucfully euaed it the profeEiion of dentistry. All J'ri-r. 1 hose who have uod Dr. Kinsr'f 'icv, J).-: h-v, rv know its va! ".i nird lio.'.e w l.o !.- - not, ) r.iii i,jV li.t o;j;ior. oi i-' to t.y ii free- e on i lv.ii' .-d iiitu' -it .IjJ . t u 1 1 it-1 ij: ilo f.i. . . Si ud vnur nair..'" ana i l ltess to If Ji D.icVen Co , :uie.i' , i:- 1 i:v t u f- i-'ol.' Lex r.f 1.)-. I " .-'o :si w Life I'.!' ; f i , c; V . 1 1 ' R ( u V Of 1 i '.. (..Jl ..iCl 'It ion . holil ii ' ; . uetor Lit... l ol -vhi.tU in uui-uiitceJl to dj you ;Jud i.,.il cu.-it you no'tnuj. Fet- 3 '- I.UI i 111 . Too cow I,. 1 iiijii,t t j .Mr. tio -j.-c Wdliir, n li j.ieo of wi.ic1! iipprurtd in Tut: taxiiaki- '.'t-'. wi-k - not A t fuUi.J. I'riuiJ.- .vl'it !.-.- iiott ho Hct thai tht: C'i .v i.' t i' i. titej ! 'rk ii J Cvl'r. '1'uo tj pt s .;ii. I ut 3iv "h .," c . r. vhieh v. as f.:: ),;, r. Vie duly tj oor f .! n. in '"' ncii ot.o r.ute '.is at il r to rt &ln W. c For Ir r.'.r.t -. '.nd thildreu. ,7 ei-ar? ncaiii in I. Mr. 1) 11 Wiiiicrff, a well known and resptctid citiziii of this cauly died at his In. toe in N 4, Saturday u'bt. Mr. Wiiuc. i! w t 57 jeaie old, and had buJetd to nioie I bun a yta1' ith a cot.ip'it a'.-d kid my trouble. The funeral t-'ul, phice Monday kfieinoor. r.i!AN n'.- is : i ' o Cu.'o'w a : . t : 1..' 1 ) .- e.r A -iin in f'ili,i''ai.t I y til',- Alii'aO iC ir 1! y 11 v be r fivi ti. r. i:i at, red, " t I.t r li v. your "T;ner' cr i .-uid a .i :! th b i tarry, (it t ! Fftzku' Dm -i.tT u. K Highest of all in Leadening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report 1:4 .f Li. la I A&mLZJVEVX PURE AllKILLIANT H'KDDING. llup or 4'oiirorl h JHoNt I'ofvulitr Yiimiijr .Hen In Ilip taruom.' We clip the following from tht -Vr.inton, Pa.., Tribune of Decem ber 17ih : The f. irest of June roses coulu not v:e with the beautiful bride ami lady attendants at the brilliant and nnable wedding which took p'ae yeeterduy in the DuDtnore Presby-tic-rian church. The contrac'ing fa-tits vere Mrs. Bunin'e Savage Me singer and B-evarJ Ervin Har ris. Tne atiuKnriuni was most b-antifully decora"1.', and. as the of lovely iadie?. uleg-intly jCistuia-.'J, beg in lo, the pic inre was ei.c'iantirg. Under the diii-ction ot Florist Clark, of Ecran on, the pulpit und ro3'rum wa i.e.tly and perfectly decorated vrr.b fi-rLS, t)ui; anil Faster ,il!it3. Th doors were opentd at 1"? o'clock and ere fit! d 'o ovti fllir,g a little la'er 1 la nuru her of prominent pcoplf T. . ursh'.rs werj John Fowh, ill. ,,u Stantou, of I' delphia, George faharps aud L 1 Snyder, Proupdy ui. the time ap pointed the ushers i.i twos, inarched fioiu the lobby and up the ceuter vsle p:o?.-idi.d by the bridal party mi were met by Key. W F G.bbons, fhiUt the Meiidhsaohn's wedding march was being p'.aytd by Mis (itiniii, of tcran'on. The 'j.-ide v ore t.u eifpsite walkiup iri.j or bioadcloth and purple s-?rgr, bar daouitly embroid ired, aud trimmed with ftirund wore in elaborate Gainsborocgh hat. fcibe was attended by h'-r sister, Maud Siyage t.nd Miss Grace btanton, of Whitnej'i Point, They wore hand ionic gowns with green velvet bodices, with j-'wl til'r.taings and fur. They woe Caineborougb ha's Misa lieth Savag,1, Li o of ho br '.le, wa0 Uj.ver g.rl, aud wore i pret-y dreei of elloiv tilk, trim ttied v,:th yell ,w and white riiibons ;lie wore u lare white h -t at e cirrie.l. a LaiKe'lul of pink and l.ite carna'ionj with mignonette. L'ho bride carried a be -iHifal bou piet of whife hyacinths und whie vna':: . - Th - hrid :;m..i ': c ;rri:d i o'.: ;u t. cf j ink curr.a'.ioiii. Charles ;y lia.-ris, i f, K. C, i-rctbtr of the eroc-in, was best man After tbe c:tuiocy a sumptuous ledditg fca'it was served by Caterer Han ley at the home of the bride's parents on Gran Kidire street, 'l'he i.orui uicora'ium wre lintc anu hite, the. room being darkened unii lt with cLaodeliurs. Btuvr'd or. cbestra furnished the mtieic. The happy cjuple k-ft for a ten dayV tiur through the New England .' ttes, lettiriiing to spend the holi .aya with the bride'd pariiHU' Thty i ill th -n have for ii tten-:: . tour i iirni:h the fci'ju . .-ru ...u-d and lill'.i'lV t::ke liji tb ... ...,vjde in Con. ejrd, Non.ii Curo ina, where a great " c p'io'i ill be tit. It red tbem uj on "n ir arrival It,' bride ij a much ttie.iiid l.dy si nd has a h3t of ri. nds i.o iih Ler much jiy aad .-u.civ. i j "iif tae neipn Ltr if uiaiiV hand .-nine p esciits. Tut ;rootu s p id i ' ' to t tie. briile. con -oiiie pend.-mt, pro witu p.iirid. The t.tcli ot tlm o.idi-s-;uili j ;nt ruby ring Aith pearl scarf pinj. .iiiiiiy . -'' j-'-in l d j i i .. aa J tli ii ,d.; a t ri'O 1'illM. y -;i i j ;r ii to II E l.uok e i l! i.. , ii'id (,' t. a frei a i -i.'io Liia of Dr. Kind's Now Life Ii Atvial will eonviueo you of Ib.i'r iiiKiit-i. These p IU are fnsy a net o;i are pai tieulat'ly efl'yc tuei.i tlui ooiii if C mtipttiuu ' ' i t.ieUo :''o in t'-iri n: u i liiVi-r troahifcs tboy have been i fuv jd iuv.i.a tldi'. Tiny are iruai iiit.i. ;d to lii n ffiieily vcsf-Mablo Jo y il j ni wt il.pii by th' ir action bo '. t.y t,.vn t ii.o to the Slum leli in I l.jiv h i.-re'Iy iovijia'e th'-K.v-teiii. h'l tru ni-i-i,.i 2"ie pi-r box S ihl ut Fetz.u's Ui iifct ,Soro. t.ilvf-11 Amir I rpo To advertise our got iii w, will give anay, uliso'utely I'r.'e, ou box of live CetU m; ii-.-.oi..' to J ii;i aud i ''ample let If of 1V-!V I'.iiii K li t ry Oiie tn-1.; us hi tj j-ai'ii'i:!' ...:i p i tage i'.e i'd ' ' Add P.iKi.F ' Lu IN" ii KDl' INK CO' I I' verue -fl I N. C 1 . :: a N.- VNAC N .! i ir Cut . 1. Ft." i'"ip! i I ui!' it ir ' . 0 litnney corner ii'i-l refer to i' . 'lie year bo.;;. It. i-ivrs tht .u m ird tii.:"':' l:ni vh-d.i eh .u. t ii is'. 1'. tliiiM can I' (.iu; d in nr ,' oL 11 r b ink fir t m cune small in ice," five cntii nt. f -" Fkiv.khV DiifisToiiE. - ! m rt IlL'ililC ruI ( renri-nt Salon. Wa wish all a happy Ne Year. Mr. L W Brown and fanily of Cannonvillo, were visiting at Mr. Hufus Fisher's, Sunday night. Mr. Kufua IIindron, who isteacht irg the public school at 0-ik Grove, will teach a sieging school at Lower Stone on Saturdays. Mr. Ilendron is an excellent singer. Mies Dora Krituminger, who bai oeeu attending school at Newton, is at home during vacation. Rev. W II Stubblebine, of Salis bury, preached an excellent aermoa t Lower Stone Sunday evening. From Idaiah 13:17, "Thine eyea ihall see tbe Kiug in bis beauty, thiy shall behold the land that is very fur l'X." Tee students of Crescent are -tpe-jding vacation nt home. The ipnng term begins Monday, January 1. It is thought we will have some new' comers. Mr. J D Brown is erecting a dwelling house for Mr. Mack lloli Saturday night while Dr. ilcNiary was chatting with his girl, some one hid parts of his buggy so that he had great trouble getting his buggy in running condition. Morut : Dr. ou must walk the next time. Mrs. Crawford feeler, who has b'ieu cr.tic.tlly ill, we are glad to ;ay, is much better. Miosis Lillie and Jocie Kusamau rpjut Xuias in cur midst. It is feared that liar. Cox, of Or gan charge, will resign his present charge, ills nituy friends. hope he will reinaiu. ("soLOiioN.",, .ive Hal rlwl. On receipt of ten cents, cash cr stamps, a generous sample will be mailed of the most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (.Ely's Cream fialni) Buflieiont to demonstrate its threat merits. Full size 50 ctB.Ie5! ELY imOTIiERS,i 5G Warren St., New Yort City. My son was afliicted with catarrh. 1 induced him to try Ely's Cream t'.alm and the disagreeable catarrh .-mell all left him. He appears as well as any one, J ,C Oimstead, Areola, 111. Ehansjn's North Carolina Al manac. Ko other like it. "1. The calendar id calculated by Branson himself, and guaranteed to be cor rect to the nearest half minute no other like it. 2. It hasthe weather carefully conjectured according to the best scientific knowledge no other like it. It stands the test of an intelligent public. The Branson maxims are well worth reading," in fact Bauson's is the only up to date almanao of the State. Price hve cents at, FETZERS DliUG8TOnE, o(cft f'roiu Itlincr. Mr. and Mrs. F V B.rrier, of SaU 'sbury, spent Siturday and Sunday at Knner. Mr. J A Kice, of Conover High -ScliQjl. spent Sunday night in town. .Mr. Jobn Kimer, better known as "Bully" Kimer, died at big home near Organ church on the 24th inst, Toumiio Fink got his band severe y manghd by holding a cannon ruckir in la id hand and firing it X ji as d ay. E.SJJ HER LIFE TRULY SAVED. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Does It, Mrs. Chun. La Point, a wrll-knnwn ri'slrtont of lmnvi.r, prulsi-a this wouile.-rul ri'mnily. Her tiistlnuiny hliould cnnvlia-e all aH u, tho wnrth lit tho New liuurtCuro and UnsUirn tln: I--rvinu. 1!it lutler datod Bupt. 11th, 55 -i;sf-i'.' .' ..--I ii-jrv frrww 11 Mhs. La Toint, 2137 Humboldt Ht. "Typlinld fovor If 'ft mo with heart trouhla Of tlm r:jn:;( st riuu;t lilitunj. NutlilliK th diMMoi-H (Tiivo hint any t'iT'o't. I h;ul rwvnra imlns in thi' Itftirt, Hinl wilh tinalihi to liuu li i y Iff i hi'iti f' r more i lian thrt intniitoM At il linn;. My fu-ii . t :.' tutui Ut nt !. l-fH-, ami I Iiaii srnoi li- riiiK '-ih.'I is, lu w lit h 11 siTriii-! owry hr-iif!; v.nlil horny I,ll. Wo at-cl-duntly muv 11 u t rl i.x uiont nt hr. n:hs' Hew Heart Cure ii Ri'Mnrit Ivn NiTvinc, ftml imri hr"-i i a h. 1 1 It 1 if r;h ii. A f " r t .1 Iiik' I h" I'-iin .li.w a '..'. U. I c -u Id t.' l:f:-ljt u -Imlr .tn.i up ; 1 fiuuf. and In i r.jifji w Uiim' i w .1 . uiil' li '.t Ih'lit l;uust 'vi rl. I '-riH h rwrr in ful 1 v u f"t- yt,ur wt-'i-ifriul uii.'dicliiu. Truly lut-y biittil iiiy 1 j f - MHS). Ci. I,A POINT. Pr. Miles TT'itrt (-urn is s ;1 on n LHitlTn ;.i;tr!iti( n 1 1 1 1 1 tho 1 11-, I, ti !c will h-n.-li It drii.fni.s -,"11 If ii fl. fi h.-t ')! f.-rlfi. tr ll, w Hi 1 1' sen l . jirrin id on rr i nt "f prli u tiio 1 1. M.k-J fii -UJ. aI Lu., Uih.irt, lutt Dr. Miles' Heart Cure

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