1' THE STANDARD' THE : STANDARD TWINS OUT 1 ;-i'v! Til; GOOD - JOB - WORK AE7;i t'.i.vt is xi-yxs For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. AT LIVINQ PRICES. VOL. IX-NO 54, CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1897 WHOLE NO. 408 GIVE US A TRIAL ST AND A EtD. Si A Thcroncb (lHli. It will bo remembered that The Standard bai time and again con tended tbat the filtbieit plaoe in th county wbi the court room at the coantv'd court bouse, and at the last term of court Judge Greene ordered tbat the room be cleansed Tbe order was read to the new board of commissioners at their recent meeting and as a consequence fifteen or more bushels of dirt, dust, tobac co quids, a miner, peanut bulls and other Gltb that contains microbes and disease germs, have been re moved from tbe floor. Tbe court house will be thoroughly cleansed and arrangements will be made to keep it in appearance as neat as pos sibls with the service! of a jani tor. For this one step tbe new board of Commissioners deserts spoial praise, ana win doubtless receive tbe blessings of a grateful people. Trftla Wreckers taught. A Standard reporter learns from a private source tbat Frank O'Brien, sheriff of Jefferson coun'y, Ala., has captured five of tbe train wreckers that were p it ties to the appalling scene at tbe CuhYj river bridge, on the Louisyille & Nashville ro d several weeks ago. Oae of tbe number is a negro, formerly of Charlotte, N. 0, well known to the public Two of 'he five men have confessed at parties to the crime. The capture of these men means thousands of dollars saved to tbe railroad company. A Rnnnway Trnni. The two horse team of Mr. Jim Loman left the depot Thursday t about 8 30 o'clock with no atten dant and of course took on new fright as it weot. From the de scent at W M Smith's it ran with terriSo spe 'I and attempting to turn into Brdl Avenue the horses parted on each side of the telegraph pole at the correr of West Corbin street and B 11 Avenue. Both horses were thrown into tbe ditch. Tbe miller fell nearest to tbe wagon and the large bay was thrown over and beyond it. The left front wheel of tbe wagon hooked the telegraph pole while tbe hind end of tbe wagon kept merrily on its way up Corbin street till it attained a ver tide position an4 pointed tbe tongue of the wagon up Bell Avenue. An impromptu wrecking crew came to the leacae and tbe large horse was easily persuaded to get np, but several efforts had to be made to get the smaller horse on foot again. a sain incision Fon toe arm of the big horses right leg was all the apparent damage to the team and a broken double-tree, a split coupling pole, a few severed chains and a slight shatte ing of the bed was about all tbe damage to the wagon. A Corraelloa. In tbe annual sta ement of ei penditares of the county commis sioners Jos. W Foil's mileage is 20 instead of 10 miles. W M Weddixqtoh, Clerk of Board. l'olMoneri With Money. Alexander Waitzfelder, of Kew Y'"rk, died on New Years day from blood poison gotten by tipping his finger on bis lip to moisten his finder when counting: bank t ills. Dieine fa lika t , railroad train. It f has a regular way nf i coming and going f and keepa on td i ily along a certain k trark. You can al most alwava tell how ' a diaeaac atarta, and where it will prnb- I ably end. It won') go out of ita way to oblige you anj i more than a locomo ' tive will. Diaeaac usually beglna whea , the appetite gl ont that's the firsl warning whiitle. , Then tbe stomach ) and nutritive organ) .jifPt-L j 't. . r'-s fall to supply tuod blood, The ctrciila. tinn afpowa poor, thin and tainted. lntedofeain'inniourishinfrrt to the diilerem turta of the body it carries poison, Which settles at aome point and eats (way the tissue. According to where it set Uea it is called liver or kidney or skin dis fase-rsetofula, erytpclaa, ecsema, or con autnutin if it settles on the lungs. It is all no trouble : United blood ; clear out this taint and build up the tissues with rich blood and the disease is stopped ; side tracked ; it cau't ro any further. No matter what the name of a disease la If it'a a blond disease, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis. eovery will cure it by driving the poison out af the circulation and creating new sup ply of healthy, red, life-giving blood to re vive and nourish the waatea tissue, II puts the digestion in order, Invigorates the Blood-making organa and builds inn healthy Bean. unaumptlon is Woo disease. Don't beliey tt catVt he cured 1 it it t rcfl every quj j v. pierces uoraen Dear Sir.ir-l onunot My enmifarh for twit "flol. For tvrovftm mvlltlU niy iii'Icrcd witn lung trouble firm inking itv ripnr ; Krond Intermittent fevr: third, lung rouW. For two years he coiiRhen. The phy .clan could do no good and I thought he mini die. ! was told to try Dr. Pierre' Golden Mel Irs. Diitrovery. I did, and before he had one bottle he begun to mend and cnuM ent tittle. When he had tnken taw Lottie he mi Well aud oow In n ntunt as bf-iurc. MtpttWtt? your ffco'.'K-irsv'V''-. few Ws Al4Z ..itudy the situation. W. wait to t.aav. Siorgaa Ca, U, W' Mora's impKMlOD. REPORT OF AUDITOR FUR- MAM. The Population, Wtiiteaaid rolorod the Somber of Tax Pajrera Ibe Amaaatt af Tasea aaal Haw Appro priate tbe amallneeaar Brtaras tbe Pereapita or Tm Wonld la-ere-aae Penaloa FaBiftlie Number of Wblte and Colored Poll Tax Pajrera ibe Respective Amount Payed by Carb for Hcbool Pnrpoaea Keller for Bnlldina- and Lean Aaaoclatlona. and Fnrlher fcecnrlty From Rarely Companlee Would Bell (be Mlj-. The report of tbe State Auditor Is before as and while it is clear as It's comprehensiveness would admit of, it is a matter suggestive of much deliberate thonght. Tbe valuation of personal and real estate property for 9596 was $257,437,227.99 which was a de crease of $2,127,222 from tbe year before. Tbe amount of taxes collected from tbe assesment was $1,414,- 217.77- From privilege taxes was $89,186 21. Total $1,503.403 98, Total from all sources $1,687.209 22 of which $847,578.57 went to the school fund. $191,278 30 weot f ir educational nnd cburitabh lnstitu '.ions supported by tbe S'ate and pep?ion fund, leavius; $328,352.35 for the iifcepsary txpenses cf the legislature, txecutive and judicial departments, and the interest on the State debt. I fie Auditor bnda tbe gross auuo.Lt of State and county tuxes to be $2,570,300 97 and the population of the State to be 1,760,000 which shore a per capita of $146 for all purposes and be save we are tbe lowest taxed people of all the States in the Union. The average assersment of lands in the State is $3.94 per acre, horses $38 97, mules $43.35, cattle $8.39, bogs $1 37, sheep $.96 per head. All stock bavea downward tendencj except cattle which have an upward tendency. The Auditor estimates thit about i of the tax payers pay on less than 500 worth of personal and real estate property and ery few pay on $10,000 worth and over of property. Tbe white population in tbe State 1,053,382. There are 171,915 whites enlisted for poll tax, and G5, 607 colored out of a population of 561,018. A little less than I of the white population pay poll tax and little oyer 1-9 of tbe colored popu lation pay potl tax. For school tax the whites pay $402,839 65 and tbe colored pay $14,748.88. The per cent is 96.34 paid by the whites and 66 by the colored population. The Auditor recommends a small increase in tbe appropriation for pensions so that tbe disabled pen eioners may receive tbe amounts contemplated by tbe law, viz: $100 per year for flrst class, $75 for sec. ond class, $50 for third class and $25 for fourth class. Tbe Auditor dwells on tbe bene fits of building and loan associations as of the greatest value to people of small means in . obtaining botres. The la'e law prohibiting over 6 per cent interest has driveo many out of business and has left tbe people without the benefits There are necessary expenses connected with tbe institution that discourage in- vester whj cau't realizi 6 per cent net. He think this should be rem- iied. The Auditor notes tbat the L atoie of 'l3 r quired of eu et? counpanies aoiposuof bouds witn tbe State treatunror such security as would be niorj tangible than a meieagen!; tbe Legislature of '95 repealed this clause and the surety oui raniea might easily dodge when quired to pay defaults, lie urges action on this line. The Auditor reft re to the veiing problem of the ojster tvds in thf sounds tbat, should be a source of ravenue to tbe State and individuals but they are expensive to the State and probably profitless to the peo pie. lie drops lots a vein of levity bordering on ridicule with nfeience the steamer ''Lily" lying nn Tam lico River to protect tbe ouster In terest, ll-i lecoui mends tbat she be sold, and sold early. The Auditor vets a litl'e epicv in referring tv th tendency jt people to value taxable proprrtv at th minimum. Ho botes tbat cl e aver age valuation of hoa in the State is $1 37, while man; 200 to 500 pound porkers are butchered and tbat tbe meat sells for from 12) to 15 cents pet pound, lu thi we think he is under iIm maximum of weight bat very fur above in price. I'he auditor closes with com pi l- ruarU to tboae associate I with bim and a griiCtful a lieu to the office. Gen. Wejler seem, d tiverjoyed to see Mr. Moncv, ana wisnes more Americans wouH oome to Cnba :Q SHORT LOCALS. Fitzsimmona and JCorbott are billedfor a thumping on the 17ih of March. Tnere la no panic in St Paul, Minnesota, notwithstanding tbe cloning of four banks. The issue of silver dollars from the mints for the week ending January 2nd, was' 428.300. The worst blizzard for many years was raging in Kaneaa laet Sunday and Monday. Snow was four feet deep on a level. A double banging took place at Norfolk, Va, Tuesday, the 5.h. Tbe parties were Downing and Ubarlea Williams, it was eaid to be a moet successful manipulation. Concord can no longer boast that it baa not had a "swell-headed" law yer Mr. J L .Crowell has just re covered from a week's confinement with tbe mumps. The young people of Mooresville recently gave an entertainment to raise funds to furnish their little town with street lights. Their sue cees was almoot phenomenal. Thomas M Holt, the youngest sou of tue late Ex Governor Il'.lt, died ou Wednesday, the fl h, at (Jtiase City, Va., of lirights disuasr of the kidneys. Ilia den'.h vets rather sudden and unexpected. Apples have btin qr.oied al tel. cents a barrel in Maine. As tbe prohibition laws of Mai. .a prevent the apple raiser from converting his fruit into liquid, fan hat- to sell it ir the naluiv.! lorm and take what he can get for it. Branson's is the up to date North Carolina Almanac, calculation cor rect, weather fmt, signs in full. plant your "later crop tiy this Almanac and avoid the bugs and you will be happy. Get one for five cents at, Fftzrr's Drugstore Merchant Jake Harteell, of No. 10 township, brought to town Wed nesday a carp weighing 7 pounds. Tbe fish was caught in a net out of Rocky River near the Bunvan Greene mill. It is the largest fijt ever marketed in this city that come from a Cabarrus stream. Branson's North Carolina Al manac. "Ibe people hang it in the chimney-corner and refer to it all the year long. It gives them more useful knowledge about the State than can be found in any other book for the same small price," five cents at, etzeh's Drugstore. Capt. Ed. M Patterson, of the Southern local freight, Wednesday bauled through this place tbe frag ments of one of the engines thai was torn up in the recent wreck a' Clifton, S. C , taking it to the new shops at Spencer, Salisbury's sub urban town, for overhauling. The Raleigh News and Observer has located Mr. C D Ilarringer ir the chambers of the State Senate, and says : "Senator Barrineer, ot Cabarrus and Stanly, ia a successful and progressive farmer of the rict farming county of I abarrus. lie n- rather bald and bis gold glasses and baldness make bim look like a grave and reverend Senator." In the city of Philadelphia tbe suicides tor 1896 numbered 138, as against 189 for 1895, and hnmicidef 46, as against 39 for 1895, Com mentiug on tbis tbe limes sa 'these figure" may be accepted at an index of hard times and a stead) increase of the criminal population. But an increase of tbe crimina population is also an index of bard times. On Christmas eve near Meeeka- yille, in Wilson county, a party oi young p'-op'.o thought they wo'ilf have some fun ; so Ihcy went sere nading one of tl'eir u'Mghb'ir.j, liu- 'ns K-iiifrnw. 11? w H angry, nnd i ting to the do:ir fired at th in w it! a sh -I'gan, thi l.md t ak i ,-. -i ell -ct ii the thigti of MiHfl Mahal, y Thome. young lady of the party. Ihe young lady is not t: . .gerously wounded. 1 ' r 1. 2 K L.'. I Fifty Years Ago. Who could Imagine tliat this should be The place where, in eighteen ninety-three That white world-wonder of arch and dome Should shadow the nations, polychrome ... Here at the Fair was the prize conferred On Ayer's pills, by the world preferred. Chicago-like, they a record show, tiuce they started 30 years ago. Ayer's Cathartic Pills have, from the time of their preparation, been a continuous success with the public And that means that Ayer's Pills aooomplish what la promised for them; they cure where others fail. It was fitting, therefore, that tbe world-wide popularity of these pilla should be recognized by the World's Fair medal of 1893 a foot which emphasizes the record) 50 Years of Cures, Mary pwple are cow planting garden seed. Messrs. V D Anthony and Cecil Foil are engaged in painting Pop lar Tent church. 8am Hill, a negro cropper on the plantation of Mr. R E Gibson, was arraigned bafore E quire W J Hill today (Siturday) for stealing a pair of shoes from the firm of Dive it Bost, and placed under 8100 bond tor bia appearance at court, That slight cold, of which you think so littlo, may lead to serious trouble with the lunps. Avoid tbw result by taking Ayer's C'icrry Pec tnrnl, the best known remedy for colds, coughs, catarrh, bronchitis, incipient consumption, and ali oluer lQroal ,ul,B a""-". ' -.1 . 1 I j: The Standard is requested to call tbe attention of tbe board oi county commissioners to tbe bad condition of tbe public road at Cold Water crjek tiridge on tbe Mt. Pleasant road. 1 he road bed needs tilling in several places that will cause trouble when the rainy spell sets in. In the treatment of croup or whooping cough, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has a most marvelous ef fect. Thousands of lives are saved annually by U.e u .) i.f this medi uiuo. It frees tLn obt-iructed air passages, all.iy- inflammation, and controls the. Jt-oire to couU. Mr. Vic ,cnuh left Wednesday mc-rv;;,; f r Ua hoL " at Avordale, Ala., aftei pending t -veral week y 'th relatives here. He went by t . way of Fort Valley, CJa., with p vi. w to Iocnting tbere. Mrs SmilL ar.j t. ii ' vj'l ren.Mn ia 'hi city some ti i;-o h-.,r ioti ri.ii. ; to 11 tir home in A,.ib. ma. Master Luther Gillun, son of Mr, M M Gillon, is a captain. Durinj- the past fall he has captured twenty four bawksof diflfrent epecies. He catches them with a steol trap, which he fastens on the tops of large trees end places where it if most likely a hawk would perch it elf. Truly his efforts have not been without reward. Branson's Nohtii Cakoi.ina Al manac. "Great care has been lakei: to secure absolute accuracy of the Court calendar and tbe officers ol public institutions. This, with the two pages givim; the county oQicri all over the State, make it an Al manac ot very great value em phatically, 'no other like it.; " Get one for five cents at, FETZER8 DliL'GSTOKE. An enterprieing schoolmarm ol Westbrook, Me., seeing a fine roos ter choking to dath on her way to school one morning, caught it, cut -ipen its crop, which was cleaned out thoroughly, sewed up the in cision with silk, and put the roos ter in a barrel wbere there was nothing to eat. Three times daily for two days she gave it medicine, and it came around all ritrht. Lawrence Wilson, one of the twelve unfortunate boys bitten by mad-dog in Baltimore and treated at the l'asleur Institute in New York has developed strong synip torus of hydrophobia and is not ex pfCed to survive. John Buhl, an ither of the twelve, is showing symptoms and it is feared that he will make tbe fifth victim of the errible scourae of one worthless dog. A drill which J J Kaminer wa' inking in quest for water on hif olace at Gadsden, S. C, struck, at a leptb of thirty five yards, three eet or a substance which was ofter than tbe sand above it and below it. It was found to be wood 'hat recembled cypress or walnut. There have been other similar find? n the neiphMrhood, and no water vii been struck anywhere around 'here. Tho Wilttrl-ro CLronie'e says: Thorn v.-ni a micida up in Unior Hi-iit-hip ('ii ?.l itiilar of lnt week Ui.. ;;tiiu Paioous, i..o 15-yeur-o' ' en of Curoline Pars ms, haneen ii-nsolf to ii limb and died. L v s that his mother had civer iiu, a ''Hie timv-hinp; wit'i aleathei it .-up (i ,.,v.: Hp .r.'i ti K 1 .: line and v-n-i 1 iiit-- 'Am w.wxi ind hung iiimei ,i ia a limb. When "onrd ho va den 1, or nearly so. It is supposed he did it to spite his mother for whipping him." A verv sad su ry comes from X1I18, Mich. It appears that a vmme woman at that place felt si certain that Bryan would he elected hat she wagered 1,000 kisses with a young man 8gninst a box of glove m the result. During the last six weeks she has been busily engager) nearly every evening in paying the bet. A few days ago, however, a dispute nros'i over the count, and. in order that no mistake shall be nsnde, at the young woman's stijj aestion, the scors has been wiped 'nt and the count will be begun all over again. Ihe Mic hi crease are scrupulously honest in refusing to take advantage of tbe Jlichignntiers. Mr. Mutton. Representative in the leginlutnre from Cumbir'and county. introduced the fnHowini? iPn!iriot) in the House Frid it : " I ha onr Senators !e InBtrno'td and nor Rep resentative be reqnested to n.e all honnrab'e means, and B! early 88 possible, to bring about the p-Sfiije of an uet of Oonpresa rcrnjfn'zint' the independencfl of the patriots of Cuba who for so hr.t a time have hern strnreline for life ar.d liberty, the Ond given heriti-ge of all men." It was nnnnimotisly adopted and sent to the Senate. Representative I.'isk. of Bnronnmbe catinty, intro durfd bill Friday to repeal the coto-i 'us "assignment act" of 1895. The best regulator ti regulate a people is Simmons Liver Regula tor. It regulates tbe liver and tbe liver regulatee the person. If the liver is regular then health is good, but if sluggish or diseased then there is constant Biliousness, Indigestion, Headache, and all the disorders of the stomach that one hears of try Simmons Liver Regulator and prove this. Branson's North Carolina Al manac. No other like it. "1. The calendar is calculated by Branson himself, and guaranteed to be cor rect to the nearest half minute no other like it. 2. It hasthe weather carefully conjectured according to tbe best Bcieutifio knowledge no otber like it. It stands the test of an intelligent public. Tbe Branson maxims are well worth reading," in fact Banson's is the only up to date almanac of tbe State. Price five cents at. Fetzers Drugstore. ('(Inn Urov. Ileitis. Miss J nnie Patterson returned to Concord Sunday night to resume ber work in tbe graded school. Dr. A J Crowell returned from Baltimore List Sunday. He brought with him some cnltured bacilli of typhoid fever, and he is now pre. pired to make eerrm diagnosis of this most dreaded and fatal difease. I),)ctoris a young man and v e pre dict tbat a bright future awaits him. The vouna men held the anni versary of tl. ir p-:ijer meeting lact Suuiiny evening to very large and appreciative audiecce. We take pleasure in congratulating the yonng men npou the success of their speeches and also tbe manner in which they acquitted themselves. We hope they will continue their good work and again in tbe future give us another public exercise. Mr. W J Swink returned Monday night from Richmond, where he bad been to spend the holidays. Mr. Cbarlio R e left Monday for Oak Ridge, wbere be coes to enter school. Miss Grace Shultnl.ergsr gave a very interesting eecia' !e tbe otber evening cn the order of bat ta-ty. It certainly was amuting to te the bojs trimming hats. 'Ihere were two prizes offered, and I declare it was with great difficulty that the committee could decide who should have the "boobj." Mrs. I Frank Patterson and Mas er Bernard spent last evening with Mrs, Steyens, of Enochville. Miss Mollie Fetzer, sccompanied by her sister, Mrs. Williams, have been visiting at Mrs. I F Tatterson's jeveriil d ivs Miss Pauline Thorn left for Salem Fitn.i!e Academy this morning. Miss Mary Graham, of Salisbury, was visiting frends in onr townl this week. We know some of tbe yonng men were delighted with her presence. Miss Lottie Qraber is visiting Misses Florence and Belle Eddies man. Mi-s Hoke, of Lincolnton, who has been visaing her sister, Mrs. Dr. Ramseur, has returnrd home. We bad a mnaway couple from Salisbury to board the train here the other day, L.Ltid for South Carolina. Marriage is a wonder ful institution, but we think the 'letter way is to properly adjust Euch matters with all persons concerned mil tl. eu proc. id. fcuch conduct ioi s not rmet with our appro pation Hut, "sech is life." China Grove's litr;ury club, "The !.Li:," t:: t at M s Ethel Patter on's lust night. Tiie otjct cf this o!ub i the mutual benefit of all its members in liurary, scientific and otber rts.arches. Our program was very interesting, and one of the most brilliant fia'nns of the evening was t recitation on the "School Marm," hj Bro. Swink, who, to the dolight if the club, handled his subject in uch s masterful way that it was the unanimous consent that he should be the champion elocutionist if onr 'own. Another very inter ejting feature of the evening was the icndition of the eolo "Apple Wo Eonia," by MissEbel Patterson, which was certainly beintiful. We will con e agaiu '.' e do not we-iry you. "PiiuVwT." Chiua Grove, Jm. C, 1S97. RofiiKrillu l"ljr Ilia Poll. Bill Bryant, of No. 5 township, was placed in jail this (Friday) morning for refusing to pay his poll t.xes. Bill has served a term in t le State pi ui ejliary and because it debars him from tbe privilege of voting, he contends that he cannot be forced to pay poll taxes. Tho law, however, has difToreDt vieWB from his mid will hold him until the matter is adjusted. Which is right, Bryant or the law t THE GOVERNOR'S MESSAQE, A KynopHlH nl'Oovrrnor Carr'l Me"e nve to Ihe LeiclMlHlure now in New- MlOII. The Governor's message is before us and is another masterful prod no tion that will add lustre to his fame as one of the State's Lest governors. It is 14 columns in the News and Observer and contains about 14,700 words and treats every interest of the State in full. The logic is clear, the arguments forcible and manj passages are well worth storing awaj a mental food. 6UIT8 GAINED. The Governor announces the happy issue of the contest over the suits in the courts over tbe fraudu lent bends issued ia the dark days of the States worst history invok ing $12,297,000. Tbe Supreme Courts sustained the S'ute s contest nd the matter is now forever set tled and the State is relieved. FOB WHAT WE PAY TAXES The various objects for which tbf State needs fundj are as follows : "The General Assembly, Executive Departments, Judicial Departments, Uailroid Commission, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Agricultural So. oietiee, conveying convicts to peni 'entiary, rewards end advertising for fugitives, car? of public building and grounds, interest on 4 pT con' iebt, the various schools, inst'tutions ind asylums supported or aided by tbe .Ktate, printing and general con tingent account. About $821,850 per year is needed. THE RESCl'RCES OF THE STATE. The n sources are substantially a given by the Standard in tbe Auditors report. Some provision should be made for declaring and filling' vacancies m Stale ofiicea in cases of iusanity ir other disability. the p. r commission:. The Governor is delighted with the Railroad Commission. Under itf 'nansgement railroad valuations have increased from $12,424,540 in 1890 to $2G,57G,09G in 189G. Little valuation of Steamboat lines for axation waa madebefo e but now e receive tases on $278,780 worth m this line. Freight and passenger rates have been grea'ly reduced, t-degr&ph ra'es have been reduced 40 per cent, express rates have been implied, the business of railroads is tabulated and can be seen without applying to the corporations. lease of the n. c, railroad. The Governor is very strong in his belief that the lease of the North Carolina railroad was just the right thing. He shoulders his full share of the responsibility and defends the action ably. Here is something that will do tc stick a peg by: "Men some times, for one reaeon or another, criticise public; ofliciale without having fully inforired them selves as to all tbe facts in tbe ease. Under euch circumstances' their ad verse critie'ems are are not always just or their conclusions infallible. An impartial investigation, may show that eotne of the critii:3 of the lease are of this clans'. lie sive, "I heartily jin it J oppo i.etils in inviting full iuveeti ii'iou of these and all other mat trrs connected with, our manage ment of the interests of the Slate in 'his coxpai;y aud I insist th.it such investigation be had by this Legis lature." He maintains tha authorl- V of the Bjard to make suc'j leate dyseptici, bilious - suf- Tjriji "JJJanil tine, t'e mercurial ' LSI 9 " Aferet, victims cf fever C' cheerful tirits and gcKKi 4'SiVM'Peitc; they will tell riMTRVnr7fyou by wkin Simmons LlMtH KliuULATOK. The Clii!r'Hfc, Tui utt nnd !tct l ainlly IMriiic. n.- i i ll.n World! For PYSPEINIA. OVSTli'A'nON, Jaun e, fl.u.ius .turlc, SICK Hl.MiACHK, lli:, lere turn nf Sinls, S tl K STOMACH, Heartljurn, etc. 'lliis um: 'ir.l Ttmey ii wuraii(r-l n-t la contain H single particle of MKt'KT, or any imttfral subsianccv but ti PURELY VECETABLE, ciinuiiti!i ttwi' S .utlicin R.,.,aml Itetbswliirh an nil wise l'rnvi.ii:!K-e lun vlnrel -"tin:r'es where l.iver I'l-c.i..-. iihsl prtn.l. It will enre all ilUpriMen ruliHe.l by U!rau(eluut uf tha Liver ntnl line. . In. 'Ihe SUiriuMS erf rjer Cumplaint are a hitter or hail t.l.te in the m,m;h ; e.iil in the l!m I;, bide it inints, olten mistaken lor kheumatikm ; Sotll t.imnrll I Ias of Apitte; Ih wels alternately cnMive and lax; Heacaeiie; I r il Mennirv, with a painful aen.atum uf hating f.uletl to d,' Miniethmn whieh auht ti have lie.rn di-lie; ll.'llilit.v ; l.ttw Hplrlls; a thick, yellow aiie.iranre of the Skin and i.yea; a dry Conh, often imstakon I. t'onsninciion. Sometime many of thei.e ..Mnptoin, intend the disease, at others very few ; 1 lit tlie I.ivkh. the largest oran 111 the hooy. Is o. net. ill . the s.-:!! - I the d ....is... and if not Keiil.iti'd in tnif . i rent niillellliii, vtieti.il atlness and IIKATIT i I Mie. The following highly e-lo, nu:d j,erv,ns rfest to the virtues of Simmons Livrit a i:.t l.A 1 1 It : lien . V S. Holt. Pres. lia. S. W. It. K. l.o. ; Kev. J. K. I elder. PetTy.lia.; (ol. I', K.Suark. A limn y , ( ia. ; I'. Master, aon, rsli.,SheritTI!ililCo ,t.a.: J A. I'liitn. lla hi rulye, (in.; ktv. J. W. llurke, Ma.ou,(,.i.; V,i,il I1. .wets, fcupt. (ia. S. W. K. U. ; Hon. A1 x .nikr II . Mepliens. Ve have tested id viitiies y. Tsuoall . anil know llint for Dyspejisia, II lions'. esi nod 'I lirol hmif lli.'id at'he. it is' the lie.t nie'ln-i'.e I'm ' orld ever si. e nave tried forty other reni. di. . l.i lole Siniiiioi,. t.iver HeRiilalor, and none ol them imve lis mo,e ilo.n tem porary relief; l!ie KevnUl'T 1101 oniv ri lies e. 1. 1 nil Liir.ci W." to. i Iil.l.L.H.VI-11 AND Ml.-i- IM.I K, l .'.t e , OA. M.VNUPAiTflinU ONLY UY ( J. IL. ZKlIalN 41 i.O., I'lui.l.leli hi., "a. Asms. 11 MM Highest of all in Leavening fewer. Latest U. S. Cov't Report and shows that the private stock holders were unanimons in their ep proval. The Govrcor denies trs any thing was done secretly oi hastily. The North Oaiolina railroad dis connected wilh any Fpeml system, paid scarcely any dividends, as manv know too well. Tbe Governor shown that with the road leased on the present favorable terms the road is a source of great revenue to th' State. For the firat six years the S ite will receive $195,000 per ;;a,' ant! Vter that will realia $210,000 j et year, which is sufficient to pay prin cipal and interest of all the S,:.te't Jebt in lees that 50 vei.ro ..m". .i.e a maiuipg 40 cr mire j -arj wi would begetting tue ;U0.t---0 pes year all )rom this foruiariy : i"- worthless lall.-oad. ard, too, i:t u end of the lease we wvtld Mvc th road not in the cotdit.on in v.h'-ch the liicbrnot.0 ar.d Ujnvilli? rvceived it but with all the ir prov. inei'.tF put upon it in the mean time. In answering tne objection to .l.e length of the term of the leado he shows that better terms could le gotten and that the stock waa tnado the more valuable taereby, cilinf Virginia's leasing for 100 yc..r. which ran stock np from 105 to 150 per share. Tbe Oovernor says it waa the avowed purpose of tu administra tion to phtco all property on the to list and lease the State's interests. He thinks the lease cf the Atlantic and Nor'h Carolina railroid s.t aside by the courts waa the very best bargain (hat could be made ful the State. FARMING INTERESTS DEI'RV-'SSEP. The governor laments the de pressed condition of tho farming interests, but the Sta'e povcrrment ean't remedy it. It uiuat be d.,r. tiy Federal Legislatiun. bt lit" ' the gold Standard is tbe sitt-iv o' all our business evils, in that it transfers the advantages to the Bi Ivor using countries of Mexico, Chiuo, Japan and tbe Argentine, lie iLinkr if the gold price of Silver cjntiojt; to fall it is ouly a question of linn when every mill in this count y ie closed. "The white man with the yellow dollars is no match for the vellow man with the white dollars." STATE INSTITUUIONS. "While our S at.1 Institutions hue been economically managed I be lieve they can yet ba made more so by the application of ordinary busi ness principles to their management, by making them mutually ass. t each other, which would reeuii ij a still greater saviDg to the tax-paye.. The penitentiary should r;tiM a' the yegetabhs and stnole applies , well as make all the olotl.'h ?, c: . ind hats in all tne im v it: v u c Blind Asylum, the b-m -v.', i tnd chair?, and the IK-aC r.t.t. i t-'c .UI the St:t" printing a-.d h. .'..'.. ly expending a euui; a-i o:ai it the purchase of a pUt t tie IX ai mutes could do ali tLtf jitiblic ptiute ingand bit ding for U.e Sato ant: save tbe tux payers at hint j'.Tj, 1 OX 35 per annum and at the Banie tin.i open up a Ce!d cf employment fu' .he unfortuu.iteobj 'Cta of the State'; charity." Tne Governor doea not adviitf ( bo creulion of p. juvenile rofornio. tiryyet. IIo urges that boards of vharitnule and penal institutions receive cua peasation for rjervices. OYSTEU LAWS A KAII.l'Ui:. Thus far tho oyster laws have been failures. lie hopes tho new regime can improve. I'AltliONS. The Governor ban rnr!o.T-d commuted 15 and repri'-vo-.l 2. D.n not publich thn naui':S of thoea re leaned. It won Id be to ther disad vantage in nbtaioi.ig employment. He laments '.hat thero u re g'tat in equalities of punishments und.T the pre.-ent system of courts. TIIltKK iKATII 'i'.' l. It!. AT Ml'V. The Governor ,ay? a hrani-.:i ! tributH to llun. Octuvious Cne, ; Hon. S M Finger, ami Kt-v.o7fr:-"rJ Y M Holt. TIIK I'SIVKRSITY. The Govrrnnr appeals in hir ptrongest terms for the rr.tinu""l liberal aid to the Univen'ty. It! requires 810,000 per year to run i .T Its receipt.! make 820,000 and the Jtute fumisi.es the o'.her $20,000. Thifi ?20,0GO appropriation would lot run the common schools of the state a day and a half. The Uni versity should be further developed ind made to North Carolina what Harvard is to Massachusetts, Yale is to Connecticuttand Princeton to New Jersey. He shows that the State pays less to her college than ilmcst any of the S'ates a;id by far less than many of them. THE STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL 8CHO0I.. ii-i. . This h no less importaut in edu cating our young women than tbe University is in rduc ing our young ro.t r. IIo reoommorjda $'20,. tor it or a s-irn tq'i-il U that given .o the University. Vi.K C-.'MMON .-'"IM'iI.S. The Gov-."". :-"r:; a y i.eavi':t ibi-? r.:.; .: tie educational lita ind ures trie execution of the con I'ttutioc ;l rr.-ndati ftrf ui T.orths ioLi.ois ai.u l'jvori cjuif-ulrory a' .er daace. ; ."171 n'drtii caiic: r.'y-.E of aici cui rtK at. .-'n:.m: i :;.',:ca. a'.ts. T.'iia ir.s i.'ttton is in the be -t of condition. Tif luryo3t r art of the exponses ii-' borae by the Urittd States given tin r-nditlm that the 'tute furr iah building! i-d other appliance, t 0 UKiial 1 Ii-5 I'-cjinmumls that CV vi be continued to th's Coll.-'g.l. C J.VTINUr.b ( N SECON ALT GEL ITS i.K.J)i:;: ii HALT. ilo Iknrtlons Sot., i or ilio n'orNt PrU- oimrH In Hie llliiinfs lentt(..mrr, nml roiiitiiitici fsi'iilt'ii.'ost of sutlers. CmcACtj, Juti. C. Governor Alt .".-Id cnpp'.'d the cllni ;s cf an unu ual pardon record jejterday by ?ranting freedom to nineteen con sicts, one of whom ia John Mc Gratfc, f." a dt-cada tho leader cf the Menry nreet ing, and u'l arch en emy of tho police. Five other Cook county criminals . were ta:.icd Iojej by the retirirg i i l t-.jycr:. l-it n.' :.li of them will city wiili eo much i:s the noted Mc- U- r e ed ia tl: ,'ei' l.orr: Of mnrb i'tt. r.'st to the .c (,' an th? coi'.m itatton of the r-iji-nce cf J'jdi- S'..i?r, a life l'-isofr J )!'; -t, 6c-ni!icc-d from Chicaso in lS'JO for poisoricg her 'rniployer. Th3 settence in her case was commuted to 12 years, and, al lowing for percentage, she will soon lie free. Governor Altgi Id also commuted the sentences of Charles J and Frank II Meadowcroft, convicted of receiving deposits np to the tims their bank i i Chicago was placed in the hands of a teceiyer, from one year in the prison to 00 days in jail. Altgeld is the man who never tires of saying mean things about .l.e ur.n who Hon. Jca'tub Patterson, jf M.-rpt-Lii, Tt.nti., 8173 is the ir?."r. Ani rSi) cf L;j time, Gro-.e-(.',' yc i ..'ad. IVcti-rs Viill diil'.T. Lis tif' c t' adcrt? to those cf "born a' i.i'K'.i evil ca-.nvt be said as hey C e i:, c ' V u:' l .o. r.. I .... . k J ; v-h t. -, If - w W h 1 ; y ,r-t 'Tot t'l yi a- i I : " .i t; , i ;..-.;u t'.-. Durit.K ii...; t.. ... i -.. i t.- uit l.j 8-.- f'OT rent '-..: in Ml ' 1 a rluinpil tlmt I Ceml t- ( Ic turd. 1 i. vi-.-illy Ir u::.i. .! r.i . - i i. .r. It, prtllrls ir; , a .,;,. i , t!,,. .1 !,.. ir I C.ir.ltr ( i i!i .i.cri'ti rli n I: i y . if in 1 i;.- Ii .'I . t, i In- j.-.ln n i V !: I e.n. .. ' ri i r. Al I.. .. II . ,.. I II.. -i ' .. , .- e, ,,.,' I t..f -....'J f.;; f . ; r .. . : t . 1 Ii HpJ .:!.:.; at-wj :i ml si i -1 i i. i on1 1 r i r: . ...I ; , ' f y t 1 .111 I I . . ' i i.. r- y 1. f i ..i i. . - I I l.Kl II- V - I .!) !,': .. ! I I Ml "I ".'. .- : , ; . . . .s : .. . t .. . .ti. i y ... Vi. :,' h.v . . )! ... e 'y " ' I '.: KM V: '!;,,, r'.i ii,.' "" r i'rf'lril r ;,ii , i. i ri i,l .I. i. . f it will ; .- i fr .a, , , by u. i'. ui, ,:. ,.,.,.( , , Ens-. ,. ; i. r. i.e.: .... . ,, th";:

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