4 , THE STANDARD. - TL'l.N.iOUT GOJD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PRICES. GIVE US A TRIAL Stan r 1 ff Aim I'R'icrc T.;i. '? T.c i TV 1 - VOL. IX--NO 56. CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, FERUARY-18, 189: WHOLE NO. 41': D JEL JLj! tit-id mm BOND ISSUE WILL AsK THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY 10GRANT IT. Th Ronrr Iw Take I'p All Ouimand IngHcrlp.To I'urchone Water Work and Make Ktreet Improvements Aaka for Privilege to Tax rake Doe tern. Bi tlnnrmili nnd Pool Table The u.ost important quoaticn row before the citizens of Concord ia the issue of be nds sufficient to take op all outstanding d bis, and the com mittee appointed to draw up tbe changes in tbe town charter buve baen considerate indeed of tbe needs of our people. Messrs. L D Duval, chairman, R A Bron and Dr. W C Hons'on compose that coiumitiee, and tbe report they submitted to tbe city council Tuesday night was in the shape of two bills to be intro duced into the General Assembly with au eurnest n epieeit to be wade laws. The bill in regard to tbe issuing of bonds for the redemption of fl Jilting scrips H, iu substance, as follows: . To giye tbe city the privilege of issuing Londs o (be amount of $40,000; that all outstanding scrip cf tbe town shall le taken up, the law to actually forbid the council from issuing auj more tcr'p and .in event they violate said law, ny crip that they might ieine will be utterlyoit The idea in issuing the $40,000 bonds is to p ly off the in cebtedness it the tewn, wnicn is $11,000, and to usj tbi balance in purchasing the waterworks and giving protection !o the property owners tint cam ot now le reached by the li f 'tior tysteui cf ater facilities Tbe city council bas long Since seen the need of this step, but has been tied and could not muy In caee tbe bond issue bill is granted, there its uo need for any one opposing it to become alarmed, for tbe matter of bonds or no bouds will be submitted to tbe ratification of the people. Tbe Legislature will be asked to cbange tbe charter in reference to tbe payment of fees of tax collector, which allows him 5 per cent on all taxes collected. This change is wanted in order to decrease the ex penses of the city. This 5 percent, law was enacted many years ago, wben the town's taxes amounted to only about ?G00; now collec'or's salary amounts to nearly as much, betides be gets a permanent salary as policeman. To elect councilman and mayor every two years instead of each sue ceeding year as the law now re quires. To add to the list of taxable? such as junk shops, ice dealeis, butchers, restaurants, fake doctors, pool tables, hotels, etc. To allow tbe city council to in. crease police force. Tbe law as it now stands provides for only two, while it is essentially necessary at times tbat we have more than two. Tbe bill provides for no limit of the force. In lieu of the failure to secure the passage of the bill for the issue of bonds, the council aeka to be al lowed to increase the rate of taxa tion for the purpose of takiDg up tbe outstanding scrip. t . ." 1 reildent Polk in the White name thill, While in Lowell Doctor Aytr J tloth were busy for human weal One to govern and one to Ileal, and, aa a pretldent'e power of will ftometlmea dependa on a llver-plll, Mr. Polk took Ayer'a PI1H I trow For hie IWer, SO reara eg. V J Ayer's Cathartic Pill3 were designed to supply a model purgative to people who bad so long injured themselves with griping medicines. Being carefully prepared and their in ' gredienta adjusted to the exact necessities of the bowels and liver, their popularity was In stantaneous. That this popu larity has been maintained is Well markod in the medal awarded these pills at the World's Pair 1003. SO Years of Cures. Honor Boll. Following are tbe nanirs of all tbe children that have been puno tual at school and made good re i or to for the month past, ending February lO.h: FOU EST HILL, GRADE NO. 1. Grace Brown, George Lee, El inund Kobin-on. GRADES 2 AND 3. i'am e Flowers, Mallie Upjhurcb, bock Penuinger, Johnnie I!o-, Law -on Upcburch. OANNONVILLB GBADE3 2 AND 3 Clem Cadell, Eia Blackwelder, Ernest Morion, N'urtha Boat. CBNTKAL SCHOOL. NO 1. Frances Goo Jtson, Jennie Tucker, Anna D Sberrlll, Arthur Morrison, Adeline Morrison, Aubrey Henry Vivian Foy, Robert Tucker. NO 2. Sallie Sue Alexander, Joe Hart i-ell, Jennie Coltrane, George Lip pard, Charlie Barrier, Clyde Day- vault, Charlie Davis. no. 3. Puul TitH Ray 1'attereou. no. 4. Joe Morrison, Annie Euue, Char lie I'a'.leron, Lenna Tucker, Theo (iore liluck welder, Ix)1 A'exsnder, Kobe Fe zer, Irma Koit. NO. 6. Myrtie Dajvault, Andrew Wil Hams, Alice Cadell, George Corl, Shirley Montgomery, George Lore, Giace Patterson, Frank Morrison. NO 6. Mamie Len'z, Martin LutberCan non, Zula Patterson, Robert Muen- heiuier, Campbell Oline, Howard Pitts, Pinkney Monieon, John Cope. N08. 7 AND 8. Daisy Barrier, Fletcher Fink, Lid dy Bakke, John Weddingion, Nica Dajvault, Cephus Litaktr, John Kime. A Preabjrlerlan Sllnitxer Brparted aa Turned C'atbollc. Ihe Charlotte Observer of this morning contains the following special : Conoobd, Feb. 10 A report bordering on sensationalism cropped out this morning. It was flying over town that Rev. A K Pool, a Presbyterian minister, doing mis sionary work in this community, would on Sunday next be baptized md taken into the fellowship of tbe CathoLc Church under Rev. Father Francis, of Charlotte. Rev. Pool is very popular here and many of bis personal friends have expressed sur p; ire at tbe departure so suddenly made. IteNlicnaUou and Klertlon- At a meeting of the stockholders of tbe Cannon Manufacturing Com panj held Tuesday afternoon, Capt J M Odell banded in his resignation 44 president of tbe Cannoa Manu facturing Company, which position he bas held continuously since tbe organization of the company. His successor was elected in the person of Mr. D F Cannon. Boundary Line llNate At tbe meeting of the city fathers Tuesday night the matter in Oi-pute between the city and U H B VVineonff, concerning the boundnry line at tbe city cenie'ery, wis re-re ferred to the ceuie'ery committie, who were authorize ! to make a sur- ey and wer empowered to biin suit aguinit Winecoff if deemed necessary. Dr. VV C Houston was elected a mouiber of the city's fininie com mittee at the regular meeting Tuesday night. Honda or no HoudaT Tbe rental of the water woiks, amounting to about $,000 annnally would more than py tutercst on $ 40,000 bonds. Make up your mind a to whether we netd a good water woiks svsteni or uolY Tbe city should own the water works plank and enl -re it. Nhonld I'nderataud. Don't raise a howl at once against the movtmect on foot to ask the legislature to rive the commission ers power to order an election on tbe $10,000 boud issue until the propositions thoroughly understood. It is believed tbat tbe city could operate tbe water works at a signi ficant profit and aside from the con veniences it tff -rdj, save money to people who carry insurance on tbtir property, the ra'e of which is almost noub e wh-re thtre is no, protection -g .inst fire. mm ei , Tin N ws aud Courier says Ad miral Biince is btfore the cuy ith his uVet Mid unlike tbe ('barlesio nians In tbe 'G0', are reBdy to sur render at on;e with or without deuiMii I. HORT LOCALS. Tbere is considerable sickness in the county, principally grip. The Yrboro Hotel, at Raleigh, bas been reopened and starts off in high glee. Soap beans and other vegetables are passing up tbe Southern from Florida every day, $ S t's f tr bustlera, either sex. Write W SSlurrilf, box 4G, Salis bury, N. C. Since it devolves upon Pennsyl vania to build a new cnpi'ol it is proposed to build in Philadelphia instead of Harrisburg. Postmaster J B Sherrill says tbat tbe mails are loaded with large quantities of seed being distributed tbrongbout tbe county by Congress man Shuford. Capt. A D Cowles, of Statesville bas been appointed Adjutant Gen, eral of tbe North Carolina State Guard. Capt. Cowlea bears tbe reputation of being an efficient military officer. James L Graham, who was ar rested in Raleigh Saturday, charged with arson, wa tried at Newton and was discharged for the lack of evidnnce. Graham will bring suit ngainst the insurance company for luiae arrest. A mad dog made its appearance in Salibbury last Sunday, and bit Lizzie, tbe 13 year old daughter of Jesse Evans, and Farris, tbe 0 year-old son of C A Gobble. The mad stone was applied and adhered after the third application for four teen hours, Mr. John R Means, who had been living at Cannonville fur sev eral months, died at bis home there Thursday night, of pneumonia His remains will be conveyed to Mt. Olivet, where tbe interment will take place. Many women find great difficulty in arranging tbeir bair becomingly, because of its harsh and coarse tex ture. By the use of Ayer s Hair Vigor, the hair becomes soft, pliant, and glossy. Tbe Vigor is the most oleanly of all hair preparations. All tbe elements tbat nature do mands to make tbe hair abundant and beautiful, are supplied by Ayer'a Hair Vigor. It keens the scalp free from dandruff, prevents tbe bair from becoming dry and barsb, and causes it to be rich flexi ble, and glossy. There are quite a number of pro tests by Democrats against wbat they declare to be tbe incorrect and sometimes arbitrary rulings of the Speaker of tbe House. Ibis mat ter came up again today. Kaleigb correspondent of the Charlotte Ob server. Mr. Frank Cochrane and Miss Eita Cochrane were married at the home of the bride near Back Creek church Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the presence of a large number of invited friends, after which tbe bridal party 1 fi for the home of the groom, whero a recep tion was given at night. Nearly every farmer and all tbe citizens are discussing tbe John Kutus Aberdeen Railroad, tbe most direct line leading to Raleigh and other points connecting with the Seaboard Air Line. Jfublic opinion generally in tavor ol the road, which will be a boon to Concord and old Cabarrus. Let 'er come. At Enper-ou Springs, Tenn., Mr. Robert W Sloan and wife Reetha were born in thirteen days of each other, were 78 years old. died on the 12th January within eight hours of each other. They died in the same room, were buried in the same grave, an I had been married fifty-eveu years. Tbey wers Methodists. Wilmington Meeser.ger. The North Atlantic fq'iadron consisting of some of our finest ves jels experienced the dangers of the terrific storm just off Hatteraa on the 5 h and G .h. Thev were in im oniuont danger and tbey lost lour men dashed to death or drowned while eight were seriously hurt The fquadron is now lying off Charleston harbor where It will play blockade) of the Larbor for training purposes. Dr. John R McCorkle died at his home in Mooresville on Wednes day, February l0,h. He was taken with a severe case of pneumonia nbout two weeks ago, which was too mucn lor bis shattered constitution and old s&e. He as prominent and highly esteemed and had in time held places of public trust with honor to himself and pooplo. Dr. McCorkle left a large family to mourn bis death. The firemen of the State are re volting more seriously against the substitute of Dr. Person, takiug their appropriation out of their bands and placing it in the Audi tsr's hands than they did at tbe proposition to take the money from them altogether, It reflects on the finance committee of the State Firemen's Association and the men make a just kick. There are some people who never wear dark glasses and et they never see anything bright ; it's the people who are dyspjptio and sour ed." E very thing is out of joint with such people. "1 suffered many years with Dyppepsia and liver troubles but have been relieved since taking Simmons Liver Regu lator. I ki.nw others who have been griBlly benefitted by its use." Jawep Nowlaod, Carolltor, Mo. Several fumilies are moving from this city to Albemarle. News vii K iy West on the lltb is to the effect tfiat the Cubans un der Gen Garcia received a stunning defeat, but the news comes through Uayatia, Senator Bailer says tbe Demo cratic party can join with th Popu list party if it wants to. We move tbat the distinguished gentleman be voted a resolution ot thauks. It was Martin Luther who said "He who is not band-tome at 20, strong at 60, educated at 40, and rich at 50, will never ba l.andeome, strong, educated or rich." Ander son Intelligencer. Shad of the new crop ara report' ed by a few of our exchanges in shad catching regions. We only have the shad frog here to remind us that that savory dish is soon to tickle the epicurean palate. Thirty members of the General Assembly are the guests of the city of Charlotte, the committee haying gone tbere to see Mecklenburg a ex cellont roads and study the system on which they are worked.' I'ut Fotnou In the OTilk BeeaiiHe He liMtlau AlKrcullop Willi It Is J.m loyer. John B C.unoy, apod 35, employ ed at the Bloornsiiaia Dairy, bad an altercation with Lid employer, J B Ferritt, and Clancy declared thut be would "get even." Ferritt supplies 257 faruiiiis ia Noifolk with milk. lie bad tei'ved about a dozen cus tomers last Sunday when be dis covered n peculiar coloring in the fluid. Claccy'd threat came to him like a il nh. lie roturned to the places servci-. aud none of tbe miik had been used. Ho reported tbe matter to tbe police and Clancy was arrested. The milk was analyzed aud found to cobtaitt poison, some of which was found under tbe finger nails of tbe prisoner, v bo at firrt made a denial j but litter said be Lad used it in traaiiiij; hitk cattle. He was turned ovt-r to the county authorities for trial. SUiesvillo Landmark. Bid Hoi Nmother. Mr. Gilliam Biaiwsluer, the death of whose infant The Standard noted recently, called and corrected the information tf the death of the infant. &'r. and Mrs. Blackwelder discovered the sickness of tbeir babe and Cured for it au hour before it died. The Standard's informer that the babe was found to be dead, probably from smotbeiing, w&s an error, uud we gladly correct the statement which evidently added to the grief of the afflicted parents. Hra. llolt.rcolt end. The wife cf Mr. Chalmers IIol biooks, died at her home in No, 4 towuship Friday mornicg, after an illness cf several weeks Mrs. Hoi brooks wai a daughter of Mr John Lehour. She leaves a husband and aeyeral children to mourn ber death. The remains were interred at Trini ty Lutheran church today (Satur day). Dir. WIlKon ripcled Prrnlilcm. Lexington, Va , Feb. 11. The board of trustees cf the Washing ton and Lee Uciveisity, at a called meeting, lipid here today, uuani inntisly elected Postmaster General William L Wilson pre3 dent of that institution. I'e will apgnmo the duties of the position at the open iug of the next srs.iion in Septem ber. He bad b.'eu selected at a pre. vious meeting, and the present meeting was to rati fy bis acceptance His selection i.7 bailed with delight by all beie Siofleo to Clnlmnnt. Seized n-ar Locust ou January 30th 1897, the following property belong ng to I W Thomas u for violating Internal Revenue Lv.j of the S-aten, to-wit ; 10 barrels spir iU, c rn whiskey. No'ice is hereby giten to any one claiming the same to uiuke claim to the uiideMigheJ at his oflije in Asheyille, N. C. in form and m in ner prescribed by law, withm 20 dais from date hereof or tie proper ty will be forfeited U tbe G .vein ituut of the United States. Hy Sam' L L Kooeus. Collector )th 1) strict of N. O. RS U ARRIS, D. O. Feb. 1,97. Laundry and Ire Farfory. Concord is ta have a steam laun dry and an id) faciorj ! Parties intereited in this mo e. ui -nt are residents of this citv aud will pujh the enterprise to the front immediately. Thi laundry and ica factory will ba looi'ed souioi where alove the cUy on the Slippery Itoek branch. N to iationa are now nn for the plant; ami th.i crnptny fully organized with a large capital Dr. f.tnrtMy Dead. l'r. 8tepben Lindaey passed away in death atthe boui. of hi! son 1 Tom Lindiey, Nj. 617 South Mam street, Nevada, Vernon county, Mo, on January 31, at the age of 88 yenro. The subject was a citizen of Con cord for some yerg before and during the late war. LU was an accomplished mechanic iu the pro teajieu of dentistry cad at that stage of its development was well up 'n the froit. He wsa spirited, though, genial and kind. His whole intense nature was in sjm - pathy with the Confederate cause, Hp will be readily remembered by tbe older citizens of our town and community. His years of useful ness wore greatly prolonged and will record many virtues of a noble life. Fire at the (onvlct camp. On the morning of tbe lltb. about 1,15, a terrible fire broke out at Mr. W L Parish's private hotel on Gold Hiil avenue. Tbe alarm was turned in aud tbe fire depart, meut responded promptly iu full force with Chief Rufus Krimminger in the lead with a score or more of trusties at bis heels. In bis baste to put out the fire, Mr. Krimminger became excited and instead of put ting out the fire he turned bis boe on a meat box near at band end completely ruined a dozen or more large, Cue hams. About this time tbe proprietor of the hotel was awakened and found it impossible to get out of the botel, as he was surrounded on all sides by Ore, and ha at onoe called for some of hie guardB, but tbey had all fled to save their lives or to direct Chief Krim minger as to the whereabouts of the fire. Shortly the guards came in the burning botel with the brave fire department. Tho fire was soon nnder control. Mr. Parish was res. cued from tbe burning building just aa be was abont to be burned to death. All tho guests escaped uninjured. The fire done considera ble damage to a pile of straw which some of the boarders had very care lessly thrown too near the stove. The above was sent to TnE Standard with request to publish. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. h m ttrf nr. I.tjte at Associate, The Enochville Roller Mill has been sold and was bid in for Mr. J C Deal, a prosperous merchant at China Grove. Mr. J A Lipe, a millwright of considerable experi ence, will associate himself with Mr. Deal In this mill, which they will operate in the future. Thry Want tbe I.cime loaland. The business men of Salisbury regardless of party in a meeting Tuesday night exp-med themselves in prouounced terms against th annulment of the lease of the North Carolina railroad aud appointed a committee to go to II il-igh to em phasize their proteit. They cluim tbat the lease should stand in the interests cf fairness, the highest re gard for prineip'e and for the in tereats of the people. It is a great big question and the Salisburiaus are taking conimeudab'e ineerests. Success to them. AcrcH of Lettuce. The Wilmington Messenger thus describes the truck farm of Mr. John F Garrell, near that city : "He has 6iity beds of lettuoe under cin vas and covering an area of five acres, and the plants are of ail sizes and looking eplei.did. He also l.u: fi tie beds cf youug beets nd a ejnan iity of cabbaees that are thriving ell. Our people have no idea of the extensivenns of Mr. Garrell' trucking business aud wi l be sur prised to learn that be is the mcst txtrutive single individual grower ot lettuce in th S-juth. He has been making shipments of lettuce daily for some time and shipped to New York a whole carload of elegantly headed lettuce. Up to date he has shipped 400 barrels, aud we learu tb..t he expects bis shipments this jetton to reach from 8.000 to 10,000 Hunting wolves is mors prod table iu some p.rta of Minnesota than raising grin. Soma of the farmers nitke as much as $05 a month rais ing wolf scalps. Such encouraging rusults should stimulate tbe indus try of raiding wolvs. Ex, A Loud 11111. The bin now before Congress, and which has pesed the House, we be lieve, to regulate postage and Lnon us the Loud bill, is to be commended in 6ome particulars, but not in all. So far as i's purpose is to txclude from tbe second class privilegj the one.cent.a pound rn'e traeby pa per bck novels, wb'eh besr ':it and numbers, tbaf is, are pu')!:,bed as serial", for the sole purpose t f securing this low rtte of pos :i;-e, when or'ner books, nnd good mtd useful books, bound in permanent form and without the claim cf b int- j serials, are obliged to sy a lii rate of postsge we say that so far as the Loud bill leeks to lay bire this subterfuge and deprive it of the benefits of its deception, the bill is to be commended. But this bill goes further than this and proposes to plucs hardship and injustice opon the newspapers of the country, published outsida tbebig cities, and which do not find it practicable to maint-tin 8'rie.tly paid-in-dvance pubpcrit-'.ion lif. This part of tbe bill is to be con demned end should be atvetid.'d be fore if a final passu e. To make this feature pl.vin to ovr readers, we would sta'e tbrst the !i'l reetrbti the pound rates of e ne cent to copies sent to "levfittnnte sub scribers who volurt-ii'.y order mj p:iy for tbe tame," and f xpv.iscly ts.- j chilling sarrple C'pit s. The effect of this provision is, a:-;i to cat orfj all exchanges a? well a' to exclude j from the rate all pt'pei 3 sr nt to n t -scribers who are not paid up to ori iu advance of the date t f issue Ia other woids, etch cc'7 of a paper sent a subscriber at all in arrears would have to heir a or,e c it slump, thus increasing the postage fr?'a rr.e cent a pound to one cert per copy an iiicret.su of ibout nits hundred per cnt. Such a law would be nnju: m d burdensome and would wori- iuc1! venienoe both to newfp .per pnMh- ers nnd to the people. We hope our Scnatois will f;i ?e tbe bill thorough examination kforr castirg their votes. Western Sen. ticel. Notes from tbe Org-an. Oar farmers say they are going to quit simply planting, and go to farming. In the first place th?y broke their land deep in tbe fall, turniDg under a big erop of grass, weed, &o., which will eti pp! j tbe much needed humus either ia a dry or wet season, then most of tlem are making a coiididetable auouLl of compost which they are going to spread broadcast cu their iaud in stead of dribbling it sparingly in the drill. But a few still spend the time between crop time hunting birds, thus not only not doing any thing to benefit their farm, but actually des'roylng their btst friends. If they were to get OLe dollar apiece for the birds they kill tbey would be loo ing by killing the faithful birds tbat destroy so m icy insects. Mr. M J Burger is clearing a Urge new ground preparatory to raising a large crop of irieh pMatcet Most too fur from in:. : -jt, brottt r Barger, for truck farming. Mr. Ltfityette I' :t r .md t m-1 1 bid arc down wit's ty; .oitl f.-ver. Some of our r.i ghbors but ! po atot 3 during the recent co'ei a-isp. A few ; more sul-seribers to Tun Standard at thin cllbe and luy . expected in tne near laturc. xt.a right, if vou v au t to keep p.i read Tub Stand.ikd, wbxU growing letter and better, ant; if keeps on growing there is t o tc:!:i how much better it will get. I'll o-s3 to The Standard. U. No Hoo. New llllln. Georero Fiemiiii: si.vs t news from INIelgh, via tub.ci town, ia t'i tt a hill wai iiuroJ :. ' i in the legislature t.i make li.;V 'possums climb little trtes, end vie versa, rrquiring ati ixptiiditurc of t much labor to cut down a Li t.'.e and find no'.hing but a iittie 'ptsai.-i when a big one was expected. A'bo that fl Hinders b. coa-p. Ped to swim with their white sielo nji to thut it -ill b easier to eeo nnd nig them at night. Greenviilo 11 fl ctor. Wonder if they couid not make some sort of law to let abodv ileen little later man so. ti o cloeK uuje mornings. 4 levelnnd lo Uo Aronnd the WorU. Toi.Fdj, O., Feb. 10 A pa-sei:- ger agent of tho Canadian Pacific railway now in this city is iuth r- ity for the statement that Pie-ident Cleveland will take n trip urouotl ihe world immediately after the innr.iir oiiio of h.i itW'fi r "ig':?st of all in Loavming hv(k;::yi oj.vr.i u? f;ro. 'JOLLuN' ! Ih'.t Wim 41 Tr.tr ol' Affi and tin- of Hunt-ii toMufy, S. f Jt- Get.-iv'e G ('-. tl'ntr 1 tb: i r.ori;-' ing sbtiri'v nf tr midnight at hie honie near r-uhduir Springs, five j milej w-st of Belleville. He had) been ill with typhoid fe'-tr for j about tiye weeks. j Mr. Collins a a son of Mr. i nd j Vfrs. T C Cullins, of Aehevi!!--, and ; a brother of Putroliuan N A 0'oI I line, cf the city police force. I'e , was born in Warren county, f ;s j State, but rernived to Bunron.bc! with b's parents in his boyhood rnd had lived here ever since with the ! i-v i '.ion i f i- tliurt 'eid' nee in t'i I V i't. l or i -vn-u yi-trv he ta i coui-ty public scl-col v.i I K: : township, but 1-tst! r-: ;:'.' ' obere of the pub'L- " '. 1 A she vi Me. Mr. Collins w.s a good e;. : t-r I-en ' !Pt ironiii.etit worL r in a!l tbe a". ire tb:t went tb the :mpn vetre.it of the romrcuiitty, act! he vej held in J.t'r.h 1 3tc-i !:' 1 y th"53 whe He w.'S 11 v; '-trs old. knew bi.n. li ia wiiow end ftvi-n C'-iLlrer. survive. i!r. tilic3 WJ.1 U We'll ber Cf !hr Sulphur ''priiifP Lo'Vn, I. O. O. and o-f-'uL-rfl cf tbi: on arizatior, have chancre cf tl:e f uii'-r.' arrapfe menta 'J'i.e 3! tvics ever tie re loaii.s ill b- f.jndac.cl ct Jv !m Grove chnrch tomorrow" uffernt-on at 3 o'clock by H-v, A K l'.roivs, p;r!or of the Wen Kr.d Baptist church, this cit. Tbe intt'tn-nt wil! br; iu tV.s !t !i firoe rr-'cry. Ac! v:.!-- C . j Mr. C is .' b I.wi"r b-nnti'-r. ' t t re.T :'v A irt -ll- t ) " ; ;v. ity, vrf.n of 1: e.t la'' inoruMU'. 1 li' ) Din I'y Hie Villi. n. In this country, where population is cotupuia'.ively thin uud cop fail ures over any coLsidei able area very rare, we can hardly conn rpl". r.ii the horror; oi the i.tmiu- a v b" '. o.i cur i.t the t -r jv!y p-c.ueu coun':-'-of the east, it is L -if Ved tbat t.-e pr.-se-nt f.ttuine iu It.t'.:.i, bo.'o.'o it etuis, will rei.ch T'J.t'iKi,!1 10 pet pit. or ali'ict f-s muy i s there are ii: ill the L'n.tdi S'. u- ;-'. It will Oc pr.icttcublj iripos'ible to riitvve a'l of these euff-'.-e.-s, i'r, eve:; any 'eat p.-r c-'nt ..." 'J..u, i.;m itiiti.-. M deaths fi'm tbe f.tnint nine-f l. ex pected. During the last thirty years '.be oust dee'ruetivj fauusiH ever kuo tn have cccurr-.d in Asia. It is tstima'.f-d thut fee crop f '.1 ureo in Northern Asia ia ltT'' ?b caesed the death of uo less ti;H:i 9,000 000 persons from e'arvatii and diseases induced by lack cf f- J. The famine hich begar :a lu aa iu 1875 and continued tbreo ye; re ruBiie i d.-ath roll of 5C00,0l0. id tile p. 'g M t!.,- ':!" e.3 .-nt- f..r did tie contnr t v '.I I fto ut) ' Tbe Ilouce of J:t ' paS3L-d the bill cm! ir mt auor to dict.a'b j oh but in a oi't t. e i.u hii ' "Pea1:- : l.i r, it u .1 '41 Ul ndtii J ' iil.H- n ::jt,M" ,ttl.;t ! cu! nn . aai! ul 1 1 vuii Vt'i ' fill 'K :io i '.ti i ';!'. s , il. t to v.'ho i'..ii-o poi.ti- ir.sr!ts ;l' ." nnd ennr.'b .r pciCiiib-ty, .it ut I rie s on fc'ii.;e pio'ne rit d s; r.i'ers 1 1; 'he in U': V i'f!' to L ;:t vsilt.; b i:oi. : i be fo.li lll 'llt cu t ii.iiiii-. be tU time Vi:-..; tio!) enainot If a Cii'.: . u Ville ti ti 1 8 At. 1.1 3 CT Utt- ."a dccer.t iai.gioie in a ioud vj.lv v-'iil be errisied, as bj bouKt j Vet e 'iiier tbe uis of iiaku j political uddre i". that tmnu Lit loan iiioiiu': u t'oidi-box on -'liiai.', (;ii -her a nmd ,'round h.u., and uttt tub. ,iH:ti. illy the situ.e i.tn titiago without lii-iiej'.t'ion. Tuii. ought iiot to bn. dive us protection against black g cud s pokers as well us afaitict the rjR'.iy vt ho iiiauitij tfn "peali'T er aiO-tnpPi to pr-vnit being heai d -ta1 sviii? L'iudu"trl Senator liutler hai 1. d the if chargers cf f'.'-ir.d ! 1 rial eltciioa anJ in ,b-r. an ii'.ejtigatij-i to tir.jll i tiling rjtten aa.otr.; the uineteen." ICa ul v. ;y nit'- Charge lJoiiid'i'a'n vit!i a'J kie pot tidy but when hurt by tin'ir tiro tbey E'pie.il. I'lti' !) f-1 ftH (t ''ATI"I r K'Vt.l Ui V O X i.L-UUtt, Fever. Latest U.S. Gov't Keport jr p r- Ili J. D CO I.ClU:t.K i jT,o t.4iri.l i.k.Hh ol' i iwmrrti nic f flm i..:.;,n .Hii.i.K-iil i III V h.l !.-( Mil.. "tr,-. Luf'.s .' !.-.' j if r- '.a.-ripti, a Kiddie o. 8 tjwnsbip, was il; a yeru! wt-ubt ago tuken criiic-iily with typh-iid piien::i '". ", Mid the dreadful disease w.re on ber consti cutiou until Ihu.'ociiy tnorninjr, when nb.e died. Shortly after life sue extinct, Mrs. Caleb Allium, n m-wt estimai ble ladj of more than ordinary phy fcicu! strength, nnd a ner neighbor, was summoned to the heme of Mr. B::-r:i'fer .:..! s is !.-:!.;? in dress ing tbe o'.C, dv.,.; ft ria of Mrs. Barnnff-r .i heu t! e t-.-jmc- sudden !v ill cud JuJ wUL.ie I. ti-an three ov. . Tb" r.:-rp' fa t f t' et vodi d "ctni-u Iity in tbe t r.e 1.. a.e And the a-co-ineiuenca and ejuiui.e sorrow cf ti.e beloved i e; .roiuu tr.e honii-s I w;yr, p.!:, u-there i-. the d --ep-et tf t TU wt re :t iit. Ct 'il.r- t-j'.-k p (iilea-l. d Cf ij.uriLger :..-::.o"a at rs. Ailnu-ti M L ' lit rr.'.. . t i ci k.-;,i .-let.v i nt 3 t:-' COtOt' . i 'ic.iid be i0 r..-coj;uii on t:ey resi'li t.t M uiiile'i; I vit It -"t'lVU ; :i "-atio!:. v.. ;. il !. lev Th:y L -ib.o of , ' b.cn a' f roliasing ed 1 tii.' i!i -,e upon hicb ' witl tc':e ' Ti b.uk wi'l t' e c . :i i f . : tiy donate c - : t is pn: p . a the i ' .i ) y fjr g.ftf. : -Afii. C"i Jiethoi. X KptSCOp'il c'.u...i. It is r.ow beii.r printed iu Cincinnati by i be MetL vlis; Book Publishing House. It ifill ba handsomely bound and lined front and back "'it:; inter outs; t:-'.t! silk, with a t-.iUiblo dedicatory ptiou upon the iisid", On the lv thtre will la a biau'.tful i ti e f r.i it eheild on t1 P: leuf, ci' tiui do.iora ...I. Tbe in a hard--j ,)-iio wood i-UU-:." an.', g' ,1 t , 01". .i I.1 L ' lY V .' '' Hii.niu.eteriug non in !.,, tii- ..i. L- f..-cdj h:a bens freely on iron, which digested ra-t'i into tin albumen of the eggs ou which he feeds Lh weak elomacu pat. i r.ts. If oil'e-r c'o.itor.s of an ex- per: tii'.n ::ti turu of uia.J coald per oii.tiie tbeir in ns to f e on tpuinine, and o.n-r d.i'igrecald? diugs that ailing n.ortalay has to vi allow, tbns medicating the eggs to that the sick could tak.' their do'ej hard boiled or Bt-ft boiled according to fancy, it would leudetided improvement on prevent methods and make the hen ar.li:- iie .-;-, t.j.i, inilijeiiEely pop tili.r: Mor..i.ig i'tar. .'. Lti! :.: '.-re i '.-.( - !en. i I -tsi: e l.i' .'-ila'ure to .3 L CltH.'uiau t i rst c1j?.- p' csiei j iuU pa. i.,, : .-. fir It s'l ! t: ". y-! ti--a;'To r.i in. ':'.' I. -i- -It. : I. . --' - u- r i-j !! I'! ' 1 ' ' - tt !' f ' i i l i .lion, Ky. t..''' :;.'-rV!"r V;'-"i ?y.lWZ J . .v. . . t.i . .- -" .1- . i . . - ;.v lUliu i:ii t he i; ' ', ! 1 I' i - i- ' ; 'a j I - 'e j. j i .- ',- '' I tb, i " . t I li , ! A - I. I 1 . .. , .11. l-'t ,. -', , ' -. ' ' r '--p I ' ,p ' ; :. '" ", "' , ' v! ;:' ' i Pr rfi'vV f.er-tora:!v.' -. : ,v'f-." . o I .- I , ', ! '.! i , p; ;.'-'. 5 i -.in - ... It. r .' ' T - fl! .'M I1 I . ..II,.

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