THE WnLURD PBfNTTIlE JVJSJPA TlliT IS NEWS if Year Send Wl Dollar. THE STANDARD. - 1 UUNS OUT G03D- JOB -WORK at living rmcjjs. GIVE US A TRIAL JAKE NEWELL WRITES. HE TANDARD. 1 VOL. X-MO 6. CONCORD N. C.. THURSDAY. MARCH 4, 1897 WHOLE NO. 415 1 1 1 1 1 1 r .- I Nlioni Tp (he llrncllejr-Mnrila Bnll and Toll oflhe Inevitable Future. If jou er .0 take the news papers as an index yon would prob ably think the only tiling talked o1 In the North nowsdays is the Brad lcytMariin ball. But jon do nc make that niistukp, I am eure. Tut common penplc the sinew of tht North are j"8t like the commot people every wh'rs elac; they have occnpttloni which, through neces sitj, keep them closely confined They huve not time to think of every passing folly. Bat the Bradley-Martin ball illus trate, to a very great extent, the exact fcimutioo here. During tbi preparations for the ball, the police bad the Brad ley-Martin home undri a close eye; tbey feared a gang of ruffians and robbers would break in and steal valuables from the botct while the attention of the inmates waa riveted on the coming event. When the day arrived the day of all days for the Four Hundred the Hotel Waldorf was the rcet-e tf t gorgeous display. But the polict guarded that side of the street for u block, and he residents along thst way were forced to And an tuttanct to thtir Sfomcs other than through the front door. The hotel w-t "slabbed up" like a convict cutnp, so that by no possible means could thegusU be burnled from witbon'. '1 he winking Bars did not minelt their tremb'iug raya with the elec trical glory inside; nor waa Luna allowed to smile up n the scene. All within was a creation, a creation of money a display which has cot been surpassed since the days of B.lshi.zzur. Within five houra per haps that many hundred thousand dollars were fqu -ndeied in a sense less shov. Now, why all this police prolec tion and reeort to "slabs ?" Have people tot a right to spend their motiey as thiy please '( Wtre ajl the precautions taken merely brewse some one might, just for the fan of i, throw a dynamite bomb into the hotel or the residence f No! No! All the qaestions should be answered in the nrgative. The very earnest ness which the great D. D.'s Dixon, Farkhnrst, Raiosford and others gave the affair prove it was not a common thin?, even in New York Then, why all this splutter ? It is easily answered. Oroncbcd in any kind of holes not two squares away were waifa trying to combat the death -dealing winds of winfe ; walking within the shaJow of tbp Waldorf and within the sounds of the music in the ball-room were mothers with blej iu their arms, homeless, cheerless, helpless; tramp ing the street because they had not where to lay their heads and able bodied men who had not ten a tquare meal for more than a week; and over in another quarter of the city the New York Journal was keeping soul and body together In several thousand human frames by establishing ' a free soup house. Was it well to allow this hungry "mob" to look in, but forbidden to eat? That's the answer! Thai's the reason fo - the extra prtrau toii 6 Bradiey-itartin I all furr.f he-:-.gvidecco elgniOr.ant erongh; but thofe whom it would e pecially b n , ell', are too blind to ste, too deaf to bear. The man who I hiukn this country ifl on a s tfe basis bas riot studied the new conditions; be ha not vis ited one of the twarming centres oi population; he' has not seen ques tions rise in a day to menacing problems; he has not seen the gulf, which are continuously widening and deepening in our population. Lurking in every city of this land is an influence stronger than Vesuvius, and more destructive, if it ever breaks forth. Without a speedy change iu our system, the fate cf Tompeii ia mild whin compared with that which awaits os; and the da k days of France are the pictures of children at play if set tip Bginet tbe work the future nrti-t In bisHry will be asked to ptunt. I am not a pessimist, but an op tinrst, in ibe highest n:e of the word. I believe that right tnd jus ti(e will fiaally triumph. I believe, too, th'it a crash h'is been averted on'y through the goodn ss and hope of the American people, for it is tbe history of all republics that tbe je pie ( id not realize that their rights were.bcing taken until they werreudy lost. The Bradley 'Rfrtln ball teacl ej a truth which to dnr gird is tbe reost fatal of tolies Jake F. Newem,. I'hiladelphi i, Feb 83. '-.-.-.!.r.- :.;--) Wri. ' .10.) M V.T.UfctCH- KM 'VI., Ilit ot A t- u I lu oi two lim-uUuu wwituO. A SOUTUERN TRAIN KILLS 9. lrenlliil Aeelllcul Near ('hntlnnooira Of 10 l'oole In m Wnicou, Only (Iu Chattanooga, Tenu., Feb. 24 About 4 o'clock tbia afternoon, on the Southern Railway, four mile from thia city, Inc3tning jtasaenger train No. 7, traveling at a hgh peed, struck a covered wagon which as trying to clear the tracks ahead of the train at Avondale crosaing. The waon waa hit rqnarely in the oentre and with its ten occupants hurled high into tha nir. The oc cupants were Mr. W J Woodward, her eight chiVr-.o and one grand. child, all of nbcm, with one excep tion, were kill.d. The ground for some distanca presented a gory dght. The bodies were gathered up after much starching, and taken to the morgue, where the nine mem bers of the same family made gruesome spectacle. The infant, which was undoubtedly shockod to death, there lay like a wax figure in its mother's arms. Every window iu the pa.eet ger coacthes was broken and ti e engine's pilot demolisice'i Tin engineer ia absolved from blame for the accident. The father and Je child remain of a family of tvu-lva Fuunlaiion Cave Way. This fall of nian ia an old story -ind a very deplorable on bat when t'je foui daiion built of other th&n solid rock gives way, something else tumbles with men, as was the with a chimney and two mechanics at Mt. Pleasant Wednesday after noon. Last week Mr. R L McAllis ter laid the foundation for a chim ney to one of the factory tenement house8, when the rainy spell came on which compelled him to snBpend work. Woik waa resumed this weik, however, ana just as Mr. Mc Allister and Bob Linn were laying the last biick, the foundation give way, the chimney falling in a heap and the men going down with it,bo'h of whom were terribly shaken up but not seiiouely hurt. . Ail AcldrM at tlie Court flouiie. Prof. R A Caldwell, a prominent colored man of Greensboro, ad dressed the colored people of the city at the court house Wednesday night on tbe proposed cotton mill for that race to be built at this place His pleadings for them to take bold of the enterprise were bandied with considerable force. His audience aggregated about 800 people whe were attentive throughout the couiceof bis talk. Caldwell rep resents some as? ociation, and is a stockholder in the Co)en,an mill. Onr L.iciMlatoril. The Senate trnd House did not ngree to adjourn and go to Newbern Wednesday but most of them went anyway. The business that re ccived any attention was chiefly of a private nature. In the Senate Mr. Moye (fLred a b ll to require a license to carry a pis'ol. In the Ilonpe Mr. Ward offered a bill to retfutte the pjy of Legislators to $3 per day. A bill paseed to un lid the ch irter of tbe company svh.ii h propotes to develop the water power nt the N trrows of tbe Y dkin, A li'l alio pa-Fed tbe House to create a board 'o control the convicts u.d roads cf Mecklenburg county. Mr. Cook rff;red a bill rtquimg he Ccnatiiutio!! of the United jtaus nnd the Const! u ion cf North Caro'ina to be read in the common schools, A bill waa offered to repeal the Cabarrus road law so fw as it ap plies to township 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11,12. This act etems fe mewhat mysteri ous. Wt cm offer no clear con struction of ie. Two ( hlhlrcil Humeri. The Durbi.m Sun ays that on Wedn-eday evening ecteatns were bend in the honce of Luke Spark m n, colors I, when it was found .hat the clothing of three children left in '.he hon e was burning Thir a-es wete 7, 4 and un it:fui:t. Tie two older cii'S died during the niiiht but the infai.t waa saved. Mnch sympathy is for the dis tressed parents who were away at i he t me. Nnlcsmcit Wnntvil. Tose'lnur high grade Nursery Stock. Msny new specialties fibred thia vear for the first time, aa well as tbe standard varieties cf fruit? and ornnmenU'B. The business easi'y b'irni'd. Write for terms either on salary or commission lUDPi:s, I'ko. ec Ihomas, Maple Aveuue Nurseries, West Cheater, Pa. ' wm?6. SHORT LOCALS. Aaf(Bttda baa been prescribed for la grippe-. Klnctric light wires are .being placed in the Savings Bank. See notice of land ea'e by R W Misenhci trier, trustee. Barnum's circus will appear in Charlotte on the 12th of next May. Mr. Utley introduced a bill in tbe Senate Friday to allow women to vote on local option elections. For silks and other dress goods, we respectfully invite your atten tion to tbe advertisement ot (Jan nons & Fetzer. The Standard Oil Company have their property at the depot nicely fenced in and the house and large tank painted. Oil they want now. and tbe bulk of tbe trade is theirs, A Western paper says the people out there bave about as much fattb in the Republican administration restoring prosperity as they have in the building of an electric railway to tbe iNew Jerusalem. Rev. Stubblebine, of Salisbury, will preach at Bear Creek church on the second Sunday in March On the following Monday night e lecture on Greenland, with stereop tican views, will take place. Tbe telephone line will soon be run from here to Mt. Pleasant. It will be conducted on the independ ent system, but will probably con. nect with all the lines now existing in tbe city. Tbe ticket office at the depot has been remodelled and the windows have been made burglar proof. The freight and telegraph offices have been overhauled and now present a better appearance and gives a great deal more room. The newspaper war in Atlanta is getting warm. The row started about the respective circulations of tbe Journal and tbe Evening Con stitution. The former offers to give $100 to charity if the latter isn't tbe biegeet iiar between Baltimore and New Orleans. Messrs. Cook & Foil, the leading merchants of Mt. Pleasant, are mak ing arrangements for the construc tion of a large store-room in wbicb to conduct their immense business, tbeir present quarters being crowd ed, which necessitates the move ment. . A peculiar old man named Solo mon Seltzer died a faw days ago near Stroudsburg, Pa. One clause of bis will when opened directed that bis grave be dug in his heg pen and his body be buried therein. The old man's instructions wore carried out. At a recent meeting of the board of directors for the Presbyterian College for Women, in Charlotte, a most encouraging report was made, showing that the institution bad "xpsrienced remarkabl- success The board will raise 817,000 for the better equipment of the college. One day last week, a farmer went to Opelika, Ala, to get a coffin for his dead baby. He sot tbe coffin and while en his way out of town stopped in a saloon to get a qnart of whiskey. He carried the coffin into the saloon with him. He git to drinking and was ooon in a state of intoxication. He left tbe saloon and went home, leaving the ct.fliu in the bar room. He was totally oblivions of tbe fact that bis child was dead. Tbe Burlington News tells of a runaway team of Mr. Caffey. He wasdriyinga pair of horses to a buggy and bad a negro with him. The horses became unmanagable and ran. Ooe wheel came off and irecipilated both to the ground, Mr. Caffsy only being hurt. The team ran into a wagon, and one horse got his leg broken and had to be killed. The other ran into a barbed wire fence knocking down a whole Rtiing without receiving a scratch. It was a Texas pony. Before Retiring.... take Ayer's Pills, and you will sleep better and wake in bettet condition for th. day's work, Ayer's Cathartic Pills have no equal as a pleasant and effect ual remedy for constipation, biliousness, sick headache, and all liver troubles. They are sugar-coated, and so perfectly prepared, that they cure with out the annoyances experienced Iu the use of so many of the pills on tbe market. Ask your druggist for Ayer's Cathartic Pills. When other pills won't help you, Ayer's is THE PiLL THAT WILL win ip Dry & Wadsworth haye a change in their advertisement today. Raad what they bave to say. Mr. Baxter Gilllon has tone to Charlotte, where he will euler the Commercial College. Master Caldwell Query, of Can nonville, is very low with typhoid fever. He ia a son of Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell Query. His many friends will be sorry to learn that Mr. Will AlmoDd is critically ill with pneumonia at his home near tbe Cabarrus mill. Mr. V W Ksesler has left on his return trip to Texas. He went by way of New Orleans and will take ia the Mardi Gras celebration. The Charlotte News is evidently prospering. It has done away with its pot metal news and gone to gtv ing. us the stuff i'self. J M Loman is making a repnta tion as a gold hunter. He has un earthed tome very hue specimens of gold ore on the baoks of tbe Ibree Mile branch east of the oity. Tbe calender, a new piece of ma chinery for finishing work, is being placed in tbe I bleacberv. When complete, extrajnight work at tbe bleacbery will ceabe. Mrs. Paul baa moved from tbe house opposite tbe Odell store, in order that workmen can begin at once to tear it down and clear tbe site for the new store that is to be built. President Cleveland bas nomi nated Mr. W W Clark, of Newbern, to be Judge in the place of Judge Seymour. It ia not believed that the Senate wlil confirm him. Torpidity of the liver, and die orders of the stomach and bowels, cause headache and the failure of all desire for food. Ayer's Catbar tic Pillc stimulate the action of tbe tbe stomach, liver, and bowels, cure headache, and restore the appetite. Miss Margaret Fisher, who waB with tbe millinery establishment of Miss Nannie Alexander last fall, will open a millinery Btore at Mt, Pleasant. Miss Fisher has superb taste as a milliner, which is an as surance of success. Dr. Kinyoun has returned from Cuba, whither he went duly author ized to investigate tbe prison con ditions said to bave killed Dr. Ruiz, He was unrestricted in his prog ress and will doubtless make a true report to the administration. People who suffer from loss of appetite, indigestion, sour stomach, and flatulence, nnd prompt reliet in tbe use of Ayer's Pills. As an after dinner pill, they are nneqnal ed, causing the digestive and excre tory organs to perform their func tions as nature requires. Memory is a little treacherous now and then, and causes one to forget some things worth remem bering, unless one has an experience like that which came to Mr. D East, Moffatt's Creek, Va., who says "1 had been suffering for years with a torpid liver and found no relief until I took Simmons Liver Iiegu atrir when I was entirely relieved of my troubles. I never intend being without Simmons Liver Regulator." Tbe Leas. Htantlit, Yesterday (Friday) was the day aet for the great lease contest in the State Senate. When the hour ar rived for its consideration Mr. Grant, the chairman of tbe investU gating; committee, produced tbe tax jority report of the committee which stated that after a satisfactory ex amination of witnesses tbe commit-, tee found there waa no suspicion of fraud or intimation of corruption on the part of any one in the matter of the lease. Tbe minority offered a substitute to the effect that they were not satisfied because Ex. Gov ernor Carr, Col. A B Andrews and R C Hoffman were not summoned befo e the committee. They off- ere ' aa a substitute for the majority report that the leise staid for 36 years including the 6 ;6irs preylona to the expiration of the old leaa and that if the Southern thould not assent to this by April 1st, it shall be the duty of the Governor to de clare the lease foifji'ed. The sub stitute and all amendments met with defeat and the mi j irity report was adopted and the lease stands. Will Kne the Noutlirrn. . Mr. S E Holloway, the Rich-nondl drummer so well known here, bas entered suit against the Southern railroad because a conductor re. fuped to take up bia ticket and put him off Mr. Il-dloway was very indignant over the matter while here last Thursday and judging from bis tone he will fight the com pany fur all there is In it. 4 Train Wrecn. , An express train on tht Chesa peake and Ohio on last Tuesday go ing at the rate of 40 miles bu hour plung d into a washout and all the cars piled upon the engine exoept the two sleepers that were only de railed. Eleven persons were more or leas injured. Oae man c aw'ed out of the wieck ml acramb'ed up the bank hut died bef ire any at sis t- anee could reach hi'ii, BE- GINS WORK. Ellmabelb I'ollese Faculty delected Catalogue, to Be Iiwued Wlttiln Ixly Day.. Work on the Elizabeth College will now be prosecuted vigorously. Contractor Ittner arrived yisterday morning and all necessary paperr were promptly signed, sealed and delivered. In the afternoon he, in connection with his foreman, Mr. W B Talley. of Atlanta, Architect Dempwoif, and Messrs. King an) Fisher, of the building committee, went to tbe college ground?, mads all preliminary arrangements, and this morning will witness tbe begin ning of active operations. Tbe building is to be complet.d on or before September 20th. Its archi tectural style is cf tbe most modern, meeting all the requirements for a fi -at class college, and it will be an oi j -ct of pride and beauty to the city .nd to the Sooth. Tbe building, when completed, witheut furnishings, will cost not less than fifty-two thousand dollars. The college authorities have al most completed ihe eelection of the faculty, and they say that tbs pros pective catalogue for season 1897 98 will be issued within sixty days. Charlotte Observer. China Grove Hem. Our Literary Society met at Mue Bettie Patterson's last Tuesday even- ing, but owing to sickness only one of tbe fair maidens turneJ out, but I must say to tbe honor of the bachelor of the club that she was handsomely eutei tained. The regu lar programme was dispensed with and Mr. W V White, of Cincinnati, wbo is not only a disigner and draftsman but also a talented musi. ciac, delighted the few assembled with some very choice vocal solos. Miss Ethel Patterson and Muster Bernard left Thursday morning for Thomasville where they go to vieit Rev and Mrs. Olapp. Mr. A L Patterfon ave a very amusing entertainment at the Aca demy last night with his Gramophone- Half the proceeds to go to St. Marks church. Dr. A J Crowell performed a yerj difficult operation on Jno. Ltflti abont two weeks ago for appendi citis caused by parched peanut get ting into the appendix. I think this Is tbe fourth operation ever performed in the county and it it the tirat to haye recovered. The Dr. Tells me tbac if tbe patient should finally let well that it will be very unusual as the man had a general peritonetis at time of opera tion caused by rupture of appendix into peritoneal cavity. j The marriage bellB are still to be heard in the distance. On next Wednesday evening Mr. Preston Linn and Miss Grace Shullenberger will be married at Zion German Re formed church. Everything is moving 0. K. in China". Would be glad to see Uncle Sam lend Cuba a helpinc hand. Provost. China Grove, N. C, Feb. 26. A Flng-er broken. Master Arthur Bonds, a seven year om uoy at forest uni, wts assisting his brother, Mr. John Bonds, clean up looms at the Odell Mills, and wh'le working about the machinery tht boy stemmed and fell, when his band was caught in a cog wheel, mashing and breaking one tin per 11 is wound is not ee rious. -WARNING. We wish to caution all users of Simmons Liver Reeulator on a anbisct of th deepest interest and importance to their health perhaps their lives. The sole proprietors and makers of Simmona Liver Reeulator learn that customers are often deceived by buying and taking some medicine of a similar appearance or taste, believing it to be Simmona Liver Regulator. We warn you that unless the word Regulator is on the package or bottle, that it is not Simmons Liver Regulator. No one else makes, or ever has made Simmons Liver Regulator, or anything called Simmons Liver Regulator, but J. ILZeilin A Co., and no medicine made by anyone else is the same. 9 We alone can put it up, and we cannot be responsible, d other medicines represented aa the same do not help you as you are led to expect they Will.t- Bear this fact well in mind, ifyou have been in the habit of uaing a medicine which you supposed to be Simmona Liver Regula tor, because the name waa somewhat like it, and the package did not have the word Regulator on it, you fcave been imposed upon and have not been taking Simmons Liver Regulator at all. The Regulator has been favorably known for many years, and all who use it know how necessary it is fear Fever and Ague, Bilioua Fever, Constipa tion, Headache, Dyspepsia, and all disorder, wising from a Diseased Liver. We ask you to look for yourselves, and See that Simmons Liver Regulator, which you can readily distinguish by the Red Z on wrapper, and by our name, ia the only medicine called Simmona Liver Regulator. J. H. ZKILIN CO. Simmon JLittr Regulator, CONTRACTOR ITINER G RE ATESTJPRODIGY KNOWN l.o ula. Permin.on'. Child Talk. From the Firm. The Raleigh Tribune (ells of wonderful prodigy in that city, which, if true, ranka it as being oni of the gratest curiosities'of modern times. The Trlbnne eaya :J3 r. "Generally the prodigies which are reported in newspapers, such ss triplets, talking babies, fiyeoy earmold Solomons, &o., live far from where tbeir rams exists. In fact the ad miration and wonder at these protli gies generally varies inversely with the distance. But Raleigh now han a genuine sensation of its own a one this line. A colored woman, Louisa Perkinaoc, wbo lives back of Shaw University, on SmitLfi -Id Alley, has a most reaaarkable child abaut four months old. She says that her baby was born on the first day of tbs paat Noyem ber and on the very day of its birth thia wonderful infatt called tbe name of i s mother, graadtbei and grandfather diatine'ly ; in f-tct it waa so plainly that every one present readily nnderatood the baby. Tbe child did not confine its speech making to tbe first day of its exist ence, which by the way was an un deniable proof of Cicero's theory of our pre-existence, but the baby has continued to talk (ff and on ever since. A few daya since the bub) became ill, and when asked if it was sick, replied "Yes." This is no hoax. The child can be seen at any time at tbe house of its mother, No. 821 Smithfield Al ley. Louisa, the mother of tbe child, was teen thia svening by some gentlemen and Baid that she too heard tbe child speak on the day of its birth and testified to the above statement. Where else can such a child be found except in Raleigh ?" m Bill Have to Walt, Senator Pritchard arrived in Washington Sunday from Canton, where he had an interview with President-elect McKinley, in the Interest of Col. James E Boyd on Saturday last. He failed to tecure a Cabinet appointment, but received assurances that Col. Boyd's services to the Republican party would be recognized in a way that would be aatifcfictory to him. Whether tht appointment will be as one of the assistant secretaries or as istant postmasters-general, Senator Pritch ard cacnot say. He talked to Mr. McKinley about the policy of hit administration, and got the disticnt impression, be says, that everything will be subordinated to tbe speedy enactment of a new tariff law. Major McKinley also gave Senator Pritch ard distinctly to understand that only the more important appoint- men's, which are indispensible to the successful operation of his ad. ministration, will be considered un til af ;er the passage of a tariff bill and the ai'jinrnment of the extra sessfTO of Congress. There are more men out of work, he said, wbo need work than there are men oat of office who need effice, and they will receive the first consideration. This will be a greit disappointment to hundreds of Virginia and North Carolina Republicans, who will go to Washington neA.t month expect ing to remain In anticipation cf im mediate relief. Thia is personal, direct information from the President-elect, and is a confirmation of the policy already indicated. Greenaboro Record of Feb. 24. If it were not for the fact that the job is abont over these fallows might all be assUneJ tbe enrolling clerk's c fli-te in Raleigh nt $5.00 per day while tbe preaient. will be too busy to g'ye them relief. "Greenland's Icy Monnlnln. Rev. W n StnbM-ibin, cf the German Reform Mission at Kalis bury, will deliver a lectuie it Betbet Re'orm church on Saturday night before the secoad Sunday i i March The lecture is entitled "Grti nland'e Icy Mounta;n"and will be illus trated with stereoptiron views. The admission fee will b.' 15 c nta and the proceeds will bd d. voted to building a church of th ic denomi nation in Salisbury. Oi Sunday following Rev, S ubb'ebii e wiil preach in that church. On 'the fourth Sunday R- y. J 0 Leonard. of Lexington, will p'ech at th -aame place. a. in Ctlltnite In Kxprcsa IMtlce. Mr. J B Caldvteli, wbo haa con ducted the business of the Southern Expreaa office in this city for some time, retired frmn ti e i flice Friday, Mr. Garah B Caidw li ij lu suc cessor. W r. v aid eli ii ki not acute what he intcuUcu duiuy in the future. X Highest of all in Leavening Powers Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE DIED THIS MORNING, Mr.. Catherine Jfnrr Pause. Away, Which End. a Itae'al Life. Mrs. Catherine Murr, wifo of the late Stephen Murr and mother of Messrs. Davs, Gaerge aid Ed. Mnrr, jnd Mrs. J F Hariis, of this city, and the late Mrs, M L Hitch, of Salisbury, died this morning at 10 o'clock at her home on East Depot street. Mrs. Murr bad been in de oliaing health for son e time, but not nntil seyeral say a ago was she taken with tbe fatal spell ef pneu monia. She waa 6a year of age and was ai earnest Christian 1 dy, much loved hy her children, grandchild ren and a large circle of friends. She was a consistent member of St, James Evangelical Lutheran church Besides the foir children who are left to mourn ber death, are Mrs, W A Patterson, her sister, and Mr. Jno. Suther, a brother. The funeral aervice over the re mains of the deceased will take place from tbe residence tomorrow at 1 o'clock by her pastor, Rev. 0 B Miller. The interment will occur at the Lutheran cemetery, Satur day 'i Daily Standard. A Yohok florae Thief. Friday morning Mr. D B Cox, a young farmer of near Mt Pleasant, came to town horseback and put his beast in a stall in rear of Paroell's blacksmith shop, and went about bis business with the merchants. At 3 o'clock Mr. Cox started home, but on reaching the stall found that his horae was gone. In quiry was made abont his horse, when it became known that Paul Pruett, a 14-year-old white boy living on East Depot street, had taken it out for a ride. Pruett rode the horse to Forest Hill, where he threw tbe saddle upon the ground and left it- He then took the horse to the wood beyond the cemetery and tied it to a small sappliog, re turning to town a-foot. About 6 o'clock Chief Boger and Mr. Cox went to the heme of the boy and made bim tell where he had taken the horse. The animal was found just where the boy had left it. Mr. Cox was given the privilege of thraahing the boy, and didn't do a mean job of it, either. Thia is the third or fourth time tbe little fellow has stolen horses out of tbeir stalls, and after riding a while, hiding them. GOOD R01DS MOVEMENT. The Coat onload-Making- In the State or North Carolina. The State of North Carolina has been very piogreasive in the move, ment for good roads. Prof. J A Holmes, State geologist, has pre pared a report on the subject wbicb sbowB the money raised in Nortb Carolina for road purposes to be $109,900. The largeit amount ($36,000) is raised by Mecklenburg county; the next largest ($18,000) in Buncombe, and third ($9,300) in Forsythe. The total Lumber of counties tl at have adopted a road tax is about thirty. Tbey are working tbeir roads now by this system either wholly or in part. Reports from a b umber of coun ties working comicts on tbeir roads show that it costs less to work them on the public roads tbau it does to feed them in tbe county jails. In Wake, for instance, it costs twenty and oce.half cents; in Mecklen burg, Forsyth, Durham and Ala mance it costs twenty cents per day per convict to work them on the public roada. This cost includes board, .clothes, medical attention and aalaiies of the guards. Whereas in thefe same counties, when these prisoners are kept in jail, it costs on an average of 28 cents per day per prisoner to support them. The report shows, furthermore, that the cenviota erj .y better health when working on tbe pub;io roads than when in jul. The report will be a valuable addition to the literature on the employment of conyicts and the good roads movement. Manu facturer's Record. ? Consumptive Tnfccu Oir at Hickory. A young man Trom Mew York a consumptive who left A hville yesterday afternoon for New York, was thrown into convulsions when the train arrived at Hickry and wai taken from the car. It was not thought, Capt. Tucker tella ue, that he could live until the train arrived at Saliahury.- Salisbury World. The (.eaislatlye Oolnits. Among the matters tf general interest on February 25, were: A bill in the Senate to aid in the con structiou of the fcalem-Winston southbound railroad. This requires the Governor to employ surveyors to locate theroud and to employ con victs to grade it, the Stute to take stock to the amount cf the labor done. ;fceM.i. .Z;A rSi A bill also to pay pages five dol lars extra for the session iu addition to their wages. Mr. AU-a'.er op posed the bill, saying that tbe boys were very well compenaated and moved a reconsideration of the vote but hij motion was lost. JZ The special order cf the day was taken up, which was to rsvise and' improve the public school system, It provides that the Sta e Board of Education shall appoint biennially a State board cf examiners who shall consist of three profesa'onal schaol teachers and the Superinten dent of Public Instruction. The latter shall be exofficio chairman, who shall prepare am recommend to the public school teachers a course tf reaJicg and study for the better equipment of tbe work. It provides for first grade life certifi-. eates to be renewed every five years. Third grade certificates are not to be granted, The bill paseed its third reading. In the House a bill paaaed to amend the charter of the State Dairyman's Association, the State giving $500 annually to tbe associa tion, A bill to allow operatives to en dorse check and trade at any store caused some discussion and was laid over for Friday. The additional appropriation of $5,000 to the University caused considerable discussion but the vote was 76 to 26 in favor of the appro priation. This is to equip the University against fire. A bill to appropriate $12,500 addition to the State Normal and Industrial school passed by aa overwhelming vote. Boy. From a Reform Nehool. Fifteen boys from the reformatory Westchester, N. Y., passed through Charlotte Wedesday night. They were in charge of Mr. Trott and were en route to Florida where they will be bound out to parties wishing help. The crowd was made up of all nationalities and was rather a hard looking set. This reformatory takes these boys and slums of New York city, and other cities in New York State. Mr. Trott makes two visits to Florida each year for this purpose. Charlotte News. Wis. and Otherwise. Bent on pleasure the fish hook. The leaves that turned last fall will soon be returning. Early strawberries are blushing at the prices asked for them. Things never sound right to tbe man who can only bear with his left ear. Seven Months With Fever.' Wonderful Recovery of Health. Mr. Baird's rnpirl and mnrvelnus rorovory from a nitTO wk It'ton to liis rinrmul Wfilit, 270 pounds, surely tlio fulltttt trt i)t Mui grandest fitrenrrth-KiviiiM: and building-up Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. Z. II- Baiud. Genllemon I wish tn rxnn'n to von mv gratitude for tbe gnsit acmd that lr. Milen' Xrrvine lias dune for me, T wu taken sick with typhoid fever and I laid In hed f i r f- v"u niouiii;, After ir mttir over the fever I was 1 Inn, tt-'rvi i - an d t irvd, and did imt n-i-alri my -M i -rpctli. I tried w'vcMil proprietary medir:" -, and tlirilly, after havintr Uu'ii' reiiun n n wei(-!it trim pounds, 1 Ptm-'an t ry i n nn r A' i in--, andat. oneo hi'tran to improve. ;t in cured, mid today I t an - ny I w t-er In all my life, md weih This Is my normal ,.i:.''l ar, i r f- i T :ro po, 8 feet 5' inched in heel-i. ' South llend, Ind. .T. II HA I K I Pr. MMes Nervine U mid on n po itun guarantee t hat t he c,r -1 ' ..,( i ; 1 1 1 - -it All oriim:iM m'I I it ;.; ,1 h, .t;n . t- - - It Will he nt , prep;ti I, on in . i ' - ' by tuo lr. Aliku Aiemcul Co.. i.iku. rt, :.d. Dr. Miles' Nervine "V'iuMu P.MHWIIP wj; Jin f