A V1 . . The 8 I The - Standard. The - 5 tan da -l'lJKNOUr GOOD - JOE - WORK AT LIVING PRICES. G ive 113 a Trial. A TANDARD PRINTS TUB Aims that is .YEWS For 1 Year Send us X Dollar. VOL. X NO S32. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 31 1898. WHOLE NO. 470 i n 4-- It is Easy to Catch a Cold, But not so easy to get over it, unless you fry our SYRUP OF VVniTE PINE, for coughs, colds and bron cliitis It is'invaluable. It is pleasant to take, and coitains nothing but harmless irjgredi ents. It will cnre a cold so quick that it will not give you time to realize that you have caught it. J liil 0 LlIoI- the business public a ro liuble.ferL iLent, eomervtitive and BCPonn.ltit:ii3 b!.ninug iubtitution We toiioit eur business with the BP3uf"oc) if In curable treatment oiid due p;irco:iiiion of your pat ronage. . If .we can sprvp you at any time I f gl id to have you come and tc" n . LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS to easTOMERS Gapital and Sulplus $70 000 ' L . U. I 'OL I KANE, Cathier, J M. 0 PELL. Pre-. 123 and 125 Fayeltevillo Street, L'lii ki-r's Store) ' Raleigh, N. C. OUI I) HEADY MADTa1 - MEN TAII.011ED-SUITS FOR LIT. A mttS TTTV. TiRST MADS Wt h ve on the first floor of our Store a U g- drHrtuient j;iven to the sale of READY-MADS" SUITS for LADIES a dpartmeot aa lurfce 83 many store?. We believe tbis Belling re.uly nude suits is b corning very rapid!? a grejt business in itself. WE ..TV 1) SUITS ONLY Jujt such we c;io cormi.nl t our pa'ron, b Iter thin other st ores Dll and a' Ioer prices. Writ, na hb'o'it RIUOY WADE SUITS W- hiVf a br.gh'f intelll geitwomin m ohtri' who 'ill do all he ci i to p'- e you . L t us I iniir I' 'tr- th' week. DOBBIN t FEU R ALL. OiflU ttoumni Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Fiie Ginghams Outin Cloths Plains Shcetinr and ?al Ba-s Dealers m GENERAL IlFll HZ DICE o- 13tlVF.i3 ot COUNTRY PRODUCE ci all kind and 4-toot i, wood always wanted est "orices for same. Wo invite an inspec tion ol all the oroods we manuiacture. 1DELL MFG-. Co .','nnrjovn TT.f! Eiiily.QuicHv. Permanently Restored WAGHETIC NERVINE lilt Vo l lire liiiomain, Fill, InrinrM. llyl.-ri, Nervous rv-l.ililv, Lost Vilalily, S. iiiin.il l.nsv, paiiinic M nmrv-l'w n'Mill ol iiviT-wirlt . Worry Sirlttvss l-:rrirs ol Youth or Over-iiul''.!gt'ticc. P,lo60c and St; 6 bcxtis $5. For (link, Miiitive anil !istinrn'ult In Sfxtinl Weali'H'ss. Inif ". Vr-rt l. ''il"v nn.l hl -v.r . ' vt:iirii linn eixnui J ....Kin VltHIKy, l'-C ItLU'n i.ui.b " ' v. . .. ItrcliKth- v. ill g'-.-r strwrth ;t1ul toui' I" cvct i.nrl Wilt fli'n n 1' ' - loo PUN J, ny wu- cd:c-A h .ttlc "it the famous apanttte I lvt peYltt wil1 be pin with a ?i box or marc ol Mag Bctic Ncrvinf. lite. Sold only by M I M is-i & '.'o., Aur!nt8i Ou oord. N. 0. LTtTH ARf SE LL. ATTOKN KV-A I - jA vv, CONCORD, - - N C. Pioiii,)! attetiioii given to all busineflB. OTiiJh in Ilorria building Opposite lourt b jnse. fl' UIUO Dubii I m 11 I fW I nmnm Vir. 111 u I I Mil THURSTON'S SPEEOII, He NpenkM for I'utmn Nnircrorn at lli Coimiinml r U i 'lfeH Aileut I.l. Senator Thurston on Thursday delivered a mout powerful speech in the Kena e Chamber iu hurmon; with Senator Proctor and corroborat ing the must graphic pio'ures ia the newspapirs of the sufferings on the iolund of Cuba. OrOinanly a Sena, tor would not appear so toaspiou oasly o eo soou aftei the deib ri his wife '-ut the S.ua or uiu'.W it clear when he s.id he B,o'ie at the couatnand of silent JipB. The last aduionations of his dying wife were that on his return from that region of misery he should nee his influence without delay for the removal of the scenes of horror which bore eo heavily on her and every other wit ness to the in leicribable wretched ness of the reconcentrados. Tne Senator's emotions almost overcome him in the ff irt, but probably lent (Tic to his words. lie said he had counselled moderation all the while but dow feels that the time ha6 come for the United States to de mand of Spain to withdraw her troops from Cub. This he said would not he a declaration of war bat would probably lead toil. But it wc ;ld be a war of Spuic in retiisU e&Ci) of liberty and independence of ptople she has deyaata'cd and out ragei. MR. ERE - GRAHAM DEAD. HIm ftenll OiTiirrrd Kiitlrtonly In Aa ptiftlH, On., Yonterilny. Mr. Fred (irubam formerly of Charlotte, died suddenly of heart fadure, in Augusta, Qa , yesterday morniog at 10 ruinutts before Vi o'clock, lie tfss taken sick Satur day ri?:i:, bat his illness was not (renounced Sfriou?, and his relative in Charlotte knew nothing of it until the telegram came yesterday auuouncing his detth. The imme diate cau?e nf Mr. Ornham's death wss i fitly suts'ance groving over th hniri. The fu'l particulars of his death could net be learned. Mr. Uruliaui'd reiuiius ere brought to Cheater, S. 0, last night, where they will be interred in the family burying ground today. Mr. Uraba 11 was employed a few years ago as chief operator In the Western Uuion Telegraph tfll;e iu thid city. -He is a brother of Mrs Zjb Johnston, of Cwlotte He was' about 30 yeirs of nge, and was kind, considerate and popular wherever he wits knowo. Chariott's Obs rvor tf March 25th. This gpnt'tm m will probably be re;ncmb:rcd 'y q ii'e a number of our perpl,, ha in? itft)ed in oar twn o:r ionn'lv, unJ wis a brother iif M re, Tom E li iH who livi'd out a'. Poplar lent, in No. 2 township. The last tiint Mr Uruham w a here whs in 18D0 nod conducted the tcle grph e.fliae at the. Odell 8'ore dur ng the el ction time HnrriN.Ilot WoiltliiiK'. Tuursday n:ght at theelegiut home of Mr. and Mrs. M (J Walter, of Cinnonviile, Mr. I oley Harris, 3on of Mr an i Mrs. Jus. F Harris, and Misj Majde B)8t, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Tiushy Host, were united iu m .rriae by Rev U A lie Culiougli. Jlua Lust i known by q-aite a niiUi'ier ol psople, bo'h iu Concord and in our ciunty, ai:d bears a good n,;;re bi .'!! Lo kt.ov her. Mr. li li id a i riut r atd our of the n.v.f.-iit tfie fetu is in our city. He b.is bc-u tnijilnvt d on The Ltand akd foralcng whi'e, and is known by o ir pcop'.i.'. Only a few ir yited frieDds, to gether with a Standard reporter witnessed the ceremony, which took place at 8 o'o'eck. An elegant i in ner w:ib served to a few relatives and friends today (Fiiday) at the hums of the groom's father. To this newly married conple The biANDAKD ex'.ends its moit heaity conpratultious. and may their life be nothfng but happiness and blisa. llllS .iv II (J I, (!)(). Mrs. McLees, of New York, has agin contributed a check of $000 to the B.iriutn Springs Orphanftsje. This mukii jl GJO that this lad) baa contributed to erect this institu tion. It2rw. Mllilor liotiin. Nr. at;d Mrf. S iller, of Format Hill, have returned bouiefroru Norwood. Mrs. Stiller is ia a very weak con dition and had to be supported to tbo train. ome days ago, while she was visiting in Norwood a b'cycli t ran over her and for a while it was thought that life was extinct. Phe haH beon slowly ro- Ciivering, hov. ever, from the shuck. and H id now thought that no bad ree-ulU ill remain from the accident. HIS BROTHER DEAD. fr or I vert Telorrm Annunnrliiff llir.ltruih orCKl. T II Arnold. Rey. J D Arnold, pastor of Foii ot Hill Methodist chnrch re ceived ft telegram this (Thursday) morning announcing the sadden death of his brother, Capt. T II Arnold, at Memphis, It mi., y Caterduy. Mr. Arnold was a prominent Confederate veteran and served both in the cavalry and infantry, and had readied the age of about 05 years. Ho leaves only two eu re brothers Rev. J D Arnold, of this placo, and Mr. B W Arn old, of Bedford county, Va. The remains will probably be buried in Virginia, and Rev. Arn old will leave tonight to attend the funeral. TIihI Urent Confederate HlNlory. Mr. Warren Burgett is in onr mulst in the interest of the great work of the United Confederate Veteran Association in setting forth the whole idea of secession from a Confederate standpoint, a narration of all the history of the war by Southern writers, together with an elaborate roll of individual life sketches of creditable Confederate soldiers. This wo k ia yery de sirable to preserve the essential truths in which the Southern cause and Southern valor may be untar nished to go down to posterity. It will apreir in 12 volumes. The work is necessarily very costly and will not be attempted at all without subscription enough to warrant the effort. Lis to be hoped that those uf mean? will give this splendid ens terprise such encouragement aa will secure the Southern boon. Willi l a Again. Mr. J P Morane, of South Caro lina, who put np our telephone line here several months ago is with ue again, and will do some more neces sary work on the line. Mr. Morane came here from Marion, where he hatjuet completed putting in aline. It will be remembered that Mr. Mo rane ia not only an electrician, but also a musician, being a performer on both the violin and mandolin, and some of our people will no doubt take advantage ot his etay here. ftomo War Opinions. Undertakers consider the situa tion grave. Lasers insist that we should up hold the honor of the land of the feo. Banks are willing to accept bills of indamnity. Ti'P landing army thinks Spain ahould be pat on. Citizens of seaboard cities say we sbould strengthen our coast pretenses. Carpenters are anxious to nail the ilai to the mast. Plumbers are content with piping limes of peace. A mejirity r.f the clergy is in fayor of the United States taking up a collection. If the regular army is not suffi cient, farmers stand ready to raise home supplies. Local astronomers say that we will make Spain see stars. The Signal Service. Bureau is .ir.xious to furnish war clouds. F L Stanton. rrcNervinjr Flour by ConiircHtilOD. In Eugland much interest is taken by the army and navy au thorities in a new method of pre serving Dour by means of com pression. With hydraulic pressure apparatus the fliur is squeezed into the form of bricks, and experiments are reported to have shown that the pressure destroys forma of larval life, thus preserving the flour from the ravages of insectp, while it is equally secure from mold. Ex. Id VnilcrKO a t limifre. From its own columns, we note that the Salitbury World will in a few days make a change in the management. The editorial and local columns, we suppose' from the article, will still be conducted by Mr. John M Julian. The business department will be the only part effected by the change. The price of the paper will be reduced to five cents per week, payable at the end of the week, without any exception to the rule. Jacob Tome, who died in Mary land last week was the largest in dividual holder of North Carolina securities, bis holdings aggregating nearly Jl.000,000. He owned $175, 000 of Atlnntic it North Carolina railway bonds. J"" i f If ACIIKHlin ItHETMATIBM nllfVW LiMWIVli Ur MIL bwwil'UmUun CONVERTS EXPELLED. IlantlNt Cbnri-li Conference fnt Them Out l.t Week. The Salisbury Sun says : "The two alleged Mormon converts at Yobt.this county ,have beenexpoll- cd from the Baptist church of which they were members. These are the two men who sent a long article to the Sun recently in de fense of their belief and iu which they defied ruini&teis to discuss questions ot theology with them. Our correspondent at Yost writos as follows of thoir dismissal: Tho Buptitit;; hold a special conference in Phanuel church last week to investigate the late workings of tho Mormons in that church or congregation, and upon investigation the conference found that two of the loading male members of riianuel Bap tist congregation were adhorents to the Mormon doctrine. They were expelled by tho conference." SPARKS CIRCUS J To Be In Concorrt on Friday, April Hie Firm. Sparks new railroad shows will exhibit iu our eity on Friday, April IhL The show claims to be greatly enlarged this year, still the price of admission is ttie same only 25 cents, children under twelve years of ago only 10 ccnt They have fine performing horses, ponies mules, dogs, goats, monkeys and the smallest and bobt trained baby elephant on earth. Also a grand balloon ascen sion with a parachute drop and high tower dive cfl of a ladder 80 feet high, which will i e free, and will take placo at 1 and 7 o'clock. Don't uiisa it. A ICnnawny Conple from NHllhtmry KefiiHCN to dive Tlielr KniiieM. A runaway couple from Salis bury excited the curiosity of the people about the) Charlotte Hotel yeftordny. They arrived in the city by private conveyance yesterday morning at (5 o'clock. They left Salisbury for Concord with the intention, they said, ol getting manioel at tbo latter place, but the old fulks were too hot on their trail and they had to advance further on towards safer quarters. They procured a team from Wadsworth's Sons, and went in tho direclion of 'Squire Bailes,' just over the line, returning later in the evening n'l smiles. No one could obtain their mines. They were strictly silent and woulel give no information con cerning their niyFlcriius romance. They had employed three differ ent conveyances to make the trip from Salisbury to 'Squire Eailes.' They left the team they hired in Salisbury in Concord to rest and the team they got at Concord at Wadsworth's Sons. The returned to Concord at noon Wednosday. Charlotte Observer. This couple was bere that night on their way to Charlotte and also returned to this place Wednesday nigbt. The mother ot the bride pursued them to Char lotte, but when sho found that they had loft Charlotte by private conveyance, she gave up tho chase and returned to Saliabury. The girl who is very young, is a daughter ot Mr. Lock Harris of this place, who just recently married one of the daughters of Mr. Alfred Kluttzof Cannonville. Street Work to 1'rolinbly lleicln. Mayor Crowell informs usthnt be is striving to complete the plans for the macadamizing of our street from Allison's corner to Odull's factory. It now looks very favora ble, too. So soon as the plans are completed he wishes to commence the work, as some think that the tearing up of all the old cross ties that are under the road bed are ladened with moisture which might cauw sickness. I nilecliled aa to I'lare. Mr. Lawson Lentz, of Mt. li oily, passed through our town this (Fri day) morning on his return from Mt. rieasunt. Mr. Len'z is figuring on erecting a cotton mill either at Albemarle or Norwood. Several of the parties interested will meet at Albemarle on next Wednesday and on Thursday at Norwood. Mr. As bury, a brother-iu-law of Mr. Lentz, also of Mt. Holly, is interested in the enterprise, together with some of the most prominent citizens of Norwood. Mr. Hall Taylor, son of Jno. Tay lor, of near Concord, has Bpvered his connection at the Morris Hard- warn Htnrn. nftpr bavin? been em ployed several mouths. IT GETS 'I HERE. The I'reiiiilenf'H OpInU'flN and Course TheNianih Flotilla Not Welerme. The grent document from the committee arrived la Washington Thursday at 9:35 p. in. It was scheduled to be opened in Cabinet meeting this (Friday) morning ot 11 o'clock. It is said that the lesi dent will traLemit it with a br'ef message to Cong-ess on Monday and will also cable it to Spain. The Pres'dent is reported to be. lieve that the Ma ne w,is blown up from ex'ernal forcp, but in the, ab se lice of testimony of dtsgn will treat it as an accident. But from humanitarian reasons he will recom mend intervention for Cuban relief. The most terious aspect in the situation is that the Spanish flotilla is on its way to American waters and grave questions arise as to whether the United States should not look upjn this as an unfriendly act and interpose objectionSj yet our fleet lies at Key West. The government has bought eight n.w steam yach's and in etry way tho work of preparation for the worst gors on. Daily of 25th. Old People Demi. Mr. Jacob Shoe, one of the oldest citizens of Rowan, disd yesterday at the ripe old age of 96 Mr, Shot was born in Cabarrus county and bud lived in Rowan for th riy-two years. He has lived some time on Mr. Bernhardi's plac', near Cpt. Fisher's. Death was caused ma nly by a g.-nernl wearing away of the body by time. Mrs. Shire, widow of Reuben Shive died of heart trouble last Sunday and was buihd at P anuel church on Mouday. Rev. Tau Barringer, of the Reformed church assisted by Ilev. George H. Cox, conducted the funeral services. Mrs. Shive was about Si years old, and was a member of New Gilead Re formed ehurcb Salisbury Sun. VI re. Shive was the mother of Mrs. J C Lippard, of our town J The MeetliiK lOHfioned. As noted in Tnu Standard some time ago, on order was issued by the town commissioners that Mr. Cay Poole, who is conducting a bowling alley in our town make his appearance before the commission ers on Monday night, March 28 h. On account of Mr. Poole's attorney, W G Means, being absent that night, the meeting is postponed until Monday night, April 4'.h. Mr. Poole at that meeting is called upon to show just cause why his licenfe for running this alley should not be revoked. fclkln lint a Flume. A fearful fire occurred in the town of Elkin, Thursday night, involv ing probably $20,000 worth of prop erty. It is believed to have been of incendiary origin. At one time, says the Eikin correspondent to tbo Observer, it seemed that the town was doomed, but by that providen tial aid given through heroic effort, the flames were arrested. A Miiiiiinllied Kat. In the tearing down of the resi dence of Attorney Morrison Cald well near the Fair grounds Thurs day a rat was found in a mummified condition with its eyes even as if it were alive. It was found between the walls of the house. The body was not petri led, aa quite a num ber thought, but was simply in a mummified condition. Mr". ICev. C. A. Mark Uend. We are pained to learn of the tleath, on the loth inst., of Mrs. Rev. C A Marks. Tbis estimable lady together with her greatly es teemed husband, w.'re on the list of our most cherished friends, and we send herewith a feeble token of our deep sympathy for the bereaved husband. Uone to Alhi'iiiitrle. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Crowell have moved to Albemarle, where, as before stated, Messrs. Marshall Crowell and Charley Craven, of this place, will open a store. Mr. and Mrs. Crowell will not go to house keeping as yet, but will board at a private dtvt Ring. 1h FlrM Iti'hearNiil. Tbe Episcopalians are Boon to render a drama for the bene fit of the church. The drama is entitled "Phyllis," and their CrBt rehearsal will be held tomorrow night at Mrs. J F Yorke's. Tbe lightning Thursday evening did some little damage to the Con cord Telephone lines, but nothing serious. Some of the 'phones were out of order the next morning, but were fixed again in a short while. Quite a number of tbe bells would ring during the Btorm, which was caused by the lightning striking the wires. BOLD THIEVES CaUGIIT. Two I'oNtofllee Burglar ArreNted In Roanoke, Vn.t4Hitt-:-raekliiK To"1 on Them. Roar oke, Va., March 2;1 Two of tho postodice thieves, whose bold operations have recently not ted them large sums of money were arrested bore today. The robberies in this State and North Carolina had attracted the attention of the police nuthori ties here, and the tact that the descriptions of the supposed burglars showed that most of tho robberies were pepetrated by tho same partios caused Chief Dyer to circulate such descriptions among the members of tho police force of this city, with instructions that they be on the lookout for the arrival of the thieves. Infor mation was received that parties snswering the description were coming in this direction, and this morning Officer Griffin arrested one of tho men, who gave his name as Will Howard, of Wash ington, D. C. On searching his effects a hammerless pistol, a num ber of bits, drills, fuse and caps, oil can and other burglar tools were fonnd. Howard is torty years old, five feet eight inches in hoigth, weight 175 pounds, with sandy hair and mustache, and blue eyes. His nose turns up slightly and he wore a soft hat, light colored coat and pants. He presented the appearance oLa traveling man. His pal escaped, only to bo arrest ed this evening. He gave his name as J W Moore, while How ard says the man's name is How ard Trestle. Both men admit having been in Salem labt night where an attempt was made to blow open the safo of the post office. Moore is about forty-five years old, five feet six iuches high, and weighs 100 pounds. lie has red hair and red mustache and his face is full and rod. The pos session of the burglar tools insures Howard a long term of imprison ment. The above was first seen in the Washington Tost. It is hoped that these are the ones that were ia our community and that broke into the post offices at Moores- ville, Mocksville and several other places. It will also be remember ed that those persons were once thought to have been at Class's siding only a few miles from here ouo time and officers were in that community looking for them. J UeatK the lilouilike. Mr. A C Thomas, of Marysville, Tex., has found a more valuable discovery than has yet been made in the Klondike. For years he suf fered untold agony from consump tion, accompanied by hemorrhages; and was absolutely cured by Dr iving's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds. He declares that gold is of little value in comparison with this marvelous cure; would have it, even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and all threat and lung aflectione are positively cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Trial bottles free at P B Fetzer's drug store. Regular size 50 cents and 8100. Guaranteed to cure or price refundid. Mummer Home- Folder, lsti. Mr. W A Til' k, General Pastengei Agent tf the Southern Railway, is collating it,forniation for Summer IIomiB Folder for tho ensuing Summer, giving the names of pro prietors, pos office addresses, at or near what s ation, conveyance used, number of guest', t rms per dy, week and month . This information will ba p.inted in an attractive form and a Urp edition published and distributed by various agents of this imuien e syetem throughout all sectio-B if tbe coun ry. Persona contemplating taking boarders frr the ensuing eumnier are requested t) apply to 'he nearest railroad agent for blank to be 0 led out giv ing t h- above information, and for ward at once to W A Turk, Gen eral Passenger Agent, Washington, D. C , so that it may reach him not later than April lit. lor over t lllv Henri Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect suc cess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colio, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world, Twenty-fiye centd a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslows SootL kg Syrup," and take no other kind, HEARING THE t RIIb. Spain M rni In Her Altflnde WantN Her Iteporl to (.o Willi OnrN to Cnllirr-M. Tnere is little newa to report rn the situ ition. Everyday witnesses progress in gettine ready for the worst and the attitude of Spain warrants little incentive to relaxa tion. Spain ftela that the American navy at Dry Tortu; as Islunda jus. tifi?s tha fending of ber flotilla to llivana an 1 is disposed to resent any suggestions of interference Spain wishea Pretidt-nt McKinley to withoid the report of the-com mittee till her committee's report can accompany it to Con gress. Tbe forec iBt is tbat the two re-ports will differ aa to the explos ion's beinj, from without. The Mongrore took all the Ameri can cfllcials on board from Havana Friday, except General Lee. It is said, however, that thia had been in tended before. Spanish journals suap at os but tbe London journals praise America's forbearance and endorse ber posis tion. Free rill. Send your address to IJ. E. Buck len it Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and aie particularly effect ive in. the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For ma'aria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. Thr-y arc guar anteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious Bubstance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giv ing tono to the etomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Reg ular pize 25c. per box. Sold by P B Fetzer's drug store. M t'ol. itlOMliy tipponed to War, Wan en Ion, 'a, Special, 22ad to Baltimore Sun Sajs : Tonight the Sun Corre pindiiDt received the following letter from Colonel John S Motby, loci.l counael at San Fran cisco of tbe Southern PaeiQc Kiil road, under date of March 17th, in which he gives bis views on the Spanish sitnation : 'T am opposed to going to war with Spain. First, because I see no just reason for war, aud, secoud, because if war comes, I shall go to war. I wrote to Senator Perkins a few days ago to say to the President that 1 thoroughly approved cf the moderation be has shown, aud do not believe there will be any devel p meats to j istify wur; if war cornea that the old Coifederu'e soldiers would be the first in the field, and that 1 should be with th.m. "There is no more proof of the Spanish people or government being responsib'e for tbe blowing up of or the explosin on the Maine than there was that the Southern people pro cured the assassination of Abraham Lincoln." The Hound Itale I'rolitnlile. Messrs. Banks it Co, of Her nando, Miss, says the Manufac turers' Record, find the round cotton bale profitable to the cotton raiser. There is a saving of 50 cents in the baling and all expense of com pressing, all of which helps to fix the price to the farmer, beside the fuct that it is sought in preference to the equare bale and therefore much is saved from storeage and commission. Two car loads of uniforms pass ed hero y esterday ou the Sea board Air Line for some poiut South to be used by the soldiers iu the cvout of war between tho United States aud Spain, Stauly Enterprise of 21th. Hello! When did Albemarle get emt ou the Seaboard Air Line; Or didn't those uniforms i find a jumping off place at Noi wood? Mr. R A Rrown, o Con cord, was in town Saturday aud bought a brick ma chine Iruiii Messrs. Steele Sous. This makes the t'tb machine Mr. Drown as bought from the Messrs. tet-le. He is a large contractor nd makes brick at many oints, hence the necessity for many machines; and the fact that he buys all his machines here is proof that Messrs. Steele & Suns manufacture a flist class machine which they do. Landmark. Tha Landmark says that Mr. M L Lentz while in a well at MooreB ville was struck on the head by a piece of falling timber, fracturing the skull and a fragment of which inflicted a fearful wound. Mr. Lentz may norrowly escape tleath. Koyal make the toad pure, r N, wholesome and deMckMMV oy4 FOWGEB Absolutely Puro SCHEDULE lira - Em In Effect Mar. 1, 1898. This condensed tchedule ia pub lished as information, and ia subject to change rwithout'Jnotice to th" public; Trains Leave Concord, N. 0 9:25 p. m. No. 35 daily for Atlan . ta and Charlotte ana all points South anel South west Carries through Pullman drawing room buffet sleepers between New York, Washington, Atlanta, New Orleans, Savannah and Jacksonville, Also Pullman sleeoer' Charlotte to Augusta, Salisbury and Caartanooira. 8:4'.) a. m. iNo. 37, daily, Washing ton and Southwestern vestibuled limit 1 for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile and New Orleans, and all points South and SouthwePt. Through Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. Din ing car, vestibuled coach, between Washington and Atlanta, Pullman tourist car for Sau Francisco, Wednesdays a d Saturelays 8:53 p. m No. 7. daily, from Rich mond, Wnphington, Goldsboro, Selma, Ta'.eigh. Greensboro Kuoxvilte and Auheville to CLari otte, N. 0. 10:2'J a. m. No. 11, daily, for At anta and all poiuts South. Solid Lrair, Kicbinond to Atlanta; Pull man sleeping car, Richmond to Augusta and Norfolk to Greensboro 10:08 a. M. No. 36, daily, for Wbington, Richmond, Raleigh and all points Nrr th. Carries Pull man drawing-rc om buffet sleeper, NewOrloans to New York; Jackson-i viile to New York : Chattanooga & Salisbury to New York. Pullman tourist cars from Sau lrarcisco Thursdays. 8:53 p. m. No. 38, daily, Washing ton and Southwestern vestibuled, limited, for Washington and all points North. Ihrough Pullman car, Memphis to New York; New Orleans to New York : Tampa to New York, Augusta to Richmond. Also en. ries vestibuled concU ani tuning car 7;08 p. m. No. 12, daily, for Kicbi mond, AsheviRe, Chattanooga, ltal igh, Norfolk, and all points North. Carries Pullman sleeping ar from Greensboro to Richmond, aud Oroensboro to Norfolk via Iiai leigh and Selma. 0.27 a. in, No. .8, daily, for Rich- Tiond ; connects at Greensboro for Raleigh aud Goldsboro; at Danville for Washington and poiuts North at Salisbury for Asnvillo, Knoii villn and poiuts est. First sections of rogular through or local freight trains carry passen gers only to points where they stop according to schedule. John M. Culp, . A. Iubk, Traffic M'gr. Gen'l Pass. Ag't. Fhank S. Gannon, Washington, D.C. 1 bird ice President ar.d Gen'l manager, Washington. D. Ci S.II.Habdwick, Ass't Gen'i 1 Ag't Atlanta, Ua W. H. Tayloe, Asa-t Gen'l P. Ag't, .Louisville, Jvy. GOWAN DUPENBEBT, LoCalAg't, Concord. N. O. PUBLIC SALE. As executor of Mathias Rhine- hardt.deceased.I will sell at public auction, at the late residence of said Mr. Ilinehardt, on the 1st day of April, lb'.), the following prop erty: 1 mule, 1 milk cow, 1 wagon, tops, corn, wheat and roughness ; farming utensils, housohold and kitchen furniture. Terms mado known on day of sale. T. S. Riii.NEiiAitpr, Executor. March 10, 18'JS. Mar. 24. Raiiroad Engineer Testifies to Benefits Received From Dr. Miles' Remedies. TliVMF. Is no more re-pi-n -iM rxwllkui on curt I. tt.tin that ot "i railrorul uti-lu-et-r. On lj is sti-aiiy n- I i-;, i'l-:ir tiraln, bright i-yo unci pi-i-fi !'t rfi II i-mnmaiHl, ili-pi-n.l the siifi-tynf tho train uinl tliu livi-t of ltd piissenis- is. Hr. Miles N.-rvine ami oilier riM.ii'U.i-4 are est -i.-ilty niljl t.i kei-illi! the tiervi s MeaOy, the liraiu clear ami the mental f u-eii. o ; .ir -I K-iu-imer I-'. W Til . . j. t-.r ..J i-f I H Dread way, e'mlin-il i' , ':.'- t"iv - -i.I.iil; III ;;lll llutliliuMl St., I'. :. - -. I .lei. that let "sulTereil fur yea I f n .in rnn-i im I fan lnjx siek, lierveu-- an., i , . .. ... .-.anil w;e. fully r. t i'i -i t i i i .u l- t'r. li.U.' Nervuit I.lv r V!s. I I, i !y r. -u eml Ut. MileVUel. U. - ' t f r .. ,, "V,! I'r. Mile.-' 1 i .- . 1 V'- . A. ij am ol,l I y all .11 f - " 'li CiM mi-lei a p.. il-i J ' " 'J (.-11 ualili 1-, lit t J .'1.., J iU.Cjj ben. lit.i or 11 1. V ' f i . iCro - J finekii. I-.4. ..... I , - ; i ea-.i.f 1.. ..it y : V U.1V1.-.I1.1. A i-ii--.. 1 L -- - - ' lilt. 11 1 LI... All. Oil ALIO., tn.iniC.lu'. 4 0 ; rM. -1. t; . 1 U0H7

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