Thi The Standard. PE1NT8 THE MEW iS THAT IS NEWS For 1 Year - Send us 1 Dollar. rn -Tuiiss our GOOD - JOB WORK AT LIVING PRICES. Give us a Trial. DTA JUL. ' V a WriOLE NO. 471 VOL. X--NO 333. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 7 1898. TCT "KB MONTHLY SUFFERING. 'TTiousande of women are troubled at monthly inter vals with pains in the head, b ac k, breasts, iuoulilern.siilea hips and limbs, liut they need not suiter. These pains are symptoms of dangerous derangements that can be corrected. The men Btrual function should operate painlessly. i makes menstruation painless, and regular. It puts the deli cate menstrual organs in condi tion to do their work properly. And that stops all this pain. Why will any woman suffer month after month when Wine of Cardui will relieve her? It coats $i.oa at the drug store. Why don't you get a bottle to-day? For advice, in cases requiring special directions, address, giv ing symptoms, "The Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. ft Mrs. tDZac. LEWIS. of OenavlNs. Texas, eayat "I was troubled at monthly Interval with terrible pains In my head and back, but nave bean eiitlraly relisted b Wins 0i4 iiul." -COYR,OHr"io8-. VyunRMViiMC It is Easy to Catch a Cold, 13ut not so easy to get over it, unless you try our SYRUP OF WHITE PINE, for coughs, colds and bron cliitis It is invaluable. It is pleasant to take, and contains nothing but harmless ingredi ents. It will cure a cold so quick that it will not give you tune to realize that you have caught it. r n ..... 01 t'.C IkMmii b. MANUFACTURERS OF File Gino-liams. Outing Cloths, Plaids Sheetm and Sal Bas Dealers m GENERAL MER HADISE o Buvers ot COUNTRY PRODUCE . ot all l:ind and 4-ioot wood always wanted est wipes for same. Wo invite an inspec tion ol all the o-oods w raanuiacture. ') f;ELL MFG. Co t Concord N.O it hWH Of.'or the liiifliDOBS publio a re linl);p,pern.'Liit, conservative Mid ao-om.Klalii.g LauKire institution We .--olicit your bviinesB with tn BSTii'iuco of honorable treatment fcnd due amirooifttion of your pata roa ,. If wo ran Borve you at any time r e k'"! t0 Ultve ru co'a' LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS Capital and Suip!us$70 000 1) li COLTKANK. CahiHr .1 M OPKLL. Pr. u: a man .t r -.(,) in : P(iHiTiViU,Y tun:" iiii; or othw flrww. ftno Indl. . ... i. ..ioOi.lll.ilOh. bUJ OHUMMi I.J ' t-.. '."'i -.! turrit . . ir ji aiuily. hiinln. mi or in.rriAiir v- i. .m.t'ii .ir Bi'l C onoum; lion I . Tli-'n; ! ii::ii.'!Milo (mocOTB r, -i . ) .,, ohi or ni'iiw. n i V".. '..''... ...... mn A',. lKl''"K. Tli"V ' I m on iilriin'na. fl,Jaiii ,7,,'tlk. ' , Vn,., "'Si t of rriro. I'lrpnlnl For uOe by J P Gibson, Druggist cum si mm. PT b M THE NEW B. AND L. Organized Willi Searly 1,000 Share Talten-W K Udell l-reiildenr, I. II Coltrrne Keerelnry and treaHarer- Hamt, The Cabwrrua County lliilld. Ins;, Lonn and ftttviuica Ansueiallun. The subscribers for stock in tin new Building and Loin Association met as ptr call in the Barrage, hull Wednesday night for orgauiz .t en. Dr. W d Lilly wm culled to the chair and Mr. L D ( was re quested" to act a J secretary Mr. J L Crowell exp'ained tbe clj ot. of the meeting to be to form an associa tion limited only by the couutj lines, opening tbe way for members throughout the county for purposes of investment or for bailding and repairing etc He read a constitution and by laws modeled after tbe Mechanic's 13. & L Association, of Charlotte, ail of which was adopted after a few minor changes. The name of "The Charms County Building, Loan and Savings Association," was adopted and tbe body proceeded to elect an extc tive committee of twelve members, pnr saunt to constitutional rtq ureni -n s which were as follows : For one year, W L Robins, C T Troy, M L Buchanan and Dr W II Lilly ; for two years, R F Coble, 0 F Ilialop, D P D.iyvault and F L Robbins ; for three years, V R 0 Jell, J A Kennett, Thomas Kirkmun and L D Coltrane, the plan bemg to elect one third of tbe executive committee at each animal meeting on the first Monday in Martb, to jerve for three years. The meeting, having completed the business before it, at'j3urned and tbe executive commtttee im mediately organized with W L Rob ins in the chair. W R Olell was elected president of the aaeooia'ioa ; F L Rubins, vice-president ; L D Ooltrane, secretary and treasurer and Messrs Montgomery and Crowell Attorneys. The bond of the secretary and treasurer was fixed at $1,000. The Association begins uniier most satisfactory auspices, there be ing 966 shares represented, while a list containing a number of names was not brought in in time. It is confidently expected that there will oe fully 1.000 shtires taken till the obarter is secured. Got Onr Tbiimb on Him. We do not pretend to kc;p np with Mr. R A Bron, for when we think he's a; a place ht-'s gone to bout two places since, but we got our thumb on him Friday and got hiua ti sjy, "Yes, I eiijoyed my trip t3Noifolk very much- Norfolk it a very rretty place and Oceau View is more so. Boat riding is as cheap s you care for it to be. It cist me nothing. I tot good lodging at Jl 25 per day. I hsd 27 hiad cf cattle that weighed 21,000 pounds. They were the finest lot there and sold like hot cak. s. You ought to nave seen my car load of rattle. It oould hurdly b beat. Yes, 1 saw the Kearearge aLd the Kentucky I'bey are itnruet se vessels. I coulu uly e;e me end of t' e bugs things at a time. When asked about his I5isa:met work he aid bo hud jmt c osed contrict to, baid a buck livers iti.ble there for Mr J T Smith. I will be 50 by 100 feet. He's off for Sslibury this (Stur day) morning, but till you read thi' we don t know where he ll be eur- vejiug a brick yard. SUNDAY SCHOOL INSTITUTE Hnlto n Mamlmr ol rromlneii Jlln. iNlrrs I'rrKcnt auil An InlcrtNlluit Meellnv The Sunday School Institute ol ihe Baptist churches of Cabarrus and Mecklenburg counties has been in session for several dtya. Quite a number of prominent ministers from Charlotte and otbei places are present, and the pastor, Rev. J J Payseur, reports an iuler- Heting meeting. The Institute Has tpen in Bfssion t Cold Water on Friday and today (Saturday). Tbe institute will in eeBBion tonieht and tomorrowin this place at tbe Baptist church. Tomorrow evening from z to 4 o ciock mere will be a di-cueeion of the queetinri "How to Teach a Sunday 8choo," Tnmnrrnw rnnrning there will be m address by Rev. Spillman, of Ral.,ijh Tnmnrrnw lllgni unv. p S Conrad, ol Charlotte, will con duct BrvioR. n c . ruMwell. M. 1). M. L. Stavena, M. D glrii.CA.Ll)WErJL& PTEVliNS, Concord, N. O. Office in old rost offi; boildini; jpposite St. (-loud Hotel. Fbone No 37 . AEOUP CUBA. Five llOfllCM rilUml CiOlllV UlMt'O Aunln ShiMit lliu WHllornnd Uo Inr tho Htonmrb I'niup. Five uire tojiej have tcca re covered fro.n the wreck of tbe M.t'n , one vas recognised as Jobi; Ai.deison a')d one Prank Andrews. Ciipt. Grp. Blsnco has relnxec the WeyUr res'ric'ioua in tbe pf- eri. provinces and has permnt A fct people 1 1 return to their homn with provisions fur p; ottctiug them and for furuiabirg them means to bpyiu I fe gain. Rnmors tt&th G?a. L?s th'jt &f uiai -y aa flvj pljts for ,hin us: ''illa tion have b-:en formed. Tiie Ian as thut his chief attending eervaut hid be?n bribed 'o poieou hi in lit coolly directed the news rcpirttr bv him at ihe ti.blj tiiat at hid fir I symptoms of p&isou he('h. rejoiter) should Bhoot the wniter and go quickly fur a Blomach pump. A Kevenmnry liiiprivciiitnt' The Tourist Sleeping Line operated by tho Southern Il.ulwuy between Washington and San Francieco without change, via New Orleans, baa proven bo euccettful thut it has bccomi luc. e.-.iry to wake a'kly strvica, the Westbound departure bein on Wednesday and Saturday of each week. This sleeper effers sleeping cur facilities to persons huldinc or second claps tickets, tho b,.r'.h mte being only $7.(X) from U nahiijton to ban Francieco, Los Angeie.-, or Portland, berth being large enough for occupauey by two people, it de sired, without extra cliargn, I he Sleepers run through lex'if, Arizona and New Mexico, and con nect with similar curs lor Oregon. Information in retard tiiercto may be had from any Southern Railway licket Agent, trom Mr. A J Boston, Gen'l Agent, gum.-; Tourist Lxcursions, 511 I'eun. Ave. N. W., Washington, D. C, or fru:,-i Mr. W. A. Tuik, G. P. A, 1300 Penn. Ave. N. W., 'Washington, D. C. Hen Klf.N Iik'Ii Ullier. An nncommon eiijht men kiss ' ing each other was witr.ees?d at tbe Union depot yesterda;. They were Mormon elders, of whom there is far too plentiful a supply here. Three of them, though, left yesterday for the wesst, and the kissing was part of tbe r farewell to tbe elders and members ol thtir flock left behind. Those who went away have bee.i here as missiona ries for three yearr. They arc re turning to Utah to be a.igr.ed !o better positions in church WLrk. Nevs and Observer. He In linonu Jlere. Mr. Harry Fulenwider, (Carlton R byn), will recite in comedy and trtgedy to-night at Dr. Blue Moun- -in Joe's camp. Charlotte Ob- sever. This is the young man that held a recital over at MC Pieasantone night, a".d also reei.ed in Cou- eord one night after the Merry Milkmaids bad been played From here be went to Salisbury, taking with bim a dret-a suit bor rowed from a friend here. Ho was also arreoted and locked up at Sal isbury. J Ciililwrll rliniiu'N Front mill ICcnIkiin. f ir L0 Caldwell b;w sure cough tiii nej tie: and couc'tide that thi e Paction of'p'Wfi n,er f ires to 2 ai:d ;'J cents p. r milo is wr-jnp, there o. b.j j 'iutd couiuiiadioner Abboi n rctciij.'ii' the acion. Fueling th it be would not b there to do Ihe taiiig'Le wai wanted to do, fiht the railroads lighter wrorg, he tendi red his resignation to the j overnor. Tnld toak tbe governor off hie fec as it were, llo.uvir, it 13 u i r. pirted that he "cu sed." The Gjvi rnor, however, euid that he had ceased the 0oht on the Efl year leas; on condition th 't th Southern pay the expe. . s ( f -th fight and he intendi d to u'j tin money saved thereby to light tbem in this way. Tbo governor senni to be starting on the nay of Ham in. Will Nol lliuitf '1'otlay. Mrs. Nobles, senti lined to bu batued ol. y. (Friday) will not yet be execu'ed, and her sentence, wil' likelf be cotumati d. She is Gd yers old, in failing health, and there 'S some doubt of a condition of re sponeibility for tbe terrible deed. Enrt iHiimkr In t'nlllornlii. Ca'ifrrnia had an ea-tliquake Thursday uight, said to be tho moat "evere iince 1 SOS. Mure Inland navy jard was damngf-d to tbe ex lent ot about $150000. Work Is supended and 1.700 hands are tern porarily out of employment. Several Cres resulted from the shake. POU 1 EC-.J.-I'' V.iAT.'A ' ION. V.'Ziy li !i'.tr.I bo IJlliililiNllill 1:i IUi Slulo-Pniirr ?;o. I from Ihe H'lii: t lull. Tii'i WVaogi Ciob of IU'. jj , (nh'ch is coi:;o td cf t:iz'us cf North (.'.irc'iii; ) t'-.'s V-? tbo p.ret imfairmce aa! n -'; ef I ayu g ou;ll of t lit .'i.'i.e t.-.i'gli: ''.he Li st mod' of d ii j; w ji!; b .t the ttq'rns io betloaa a:;il wliicb the world' s wil i,:g lo py liberulP f ir, provided it le done ia toe bes uian er p es ble," the c oil h i ar r.rojl Lo prepoie aij i I, .vo pob liv'i U a t.f short aiiicle?, on tlw 're :e;:t iin;'Or'ar.ce cf textile in T ruction, and tb'? nic. ssify ci edn Mthg i nr 0' n' imu o H I po i- to a if r sprmasbility, as eu;erin 'eiidu.!, maij-'K and uwner of ii stile li ! la. L ii mi 1 i?;oricd f iet i hat thi foaii'la ion of Eng atid'a siijiri line., io mttu'an'uriUt; w laid wi'.t u tin Puitish ordered that "every French lloeaot w!io ao c p.a i" f a-, a! .1 iv 'vo irictj a 'oom or o'htr li.dtitj'ry in the Km;, Join, i ,;ll if',:' e.n;)'o meiit l 1 triiu io t l(-t ol lith youth :" tola v i e aaioii h.3 niOtd m m Jau U;.: )h -srp a-.m,; i e'.p'o ta-j ii.iiiL,' ui uri ri of tlij woi 'd. Al.atit a rpsrter of a ceniury no' U'u'b o.;e cai-L( i.l E.i'aiui ih at uuj k'B l'.ioro utUU'ioa v:m j, i f e ti t: te. 'hr.icai idafa'ion a-i I Ir.oii a ol. xi i; I'i .r.o ii'il.t ijV.- a.v-.y tln .r sut..r( n ..c y. Hi lias live.t to Fe par.i a fu li li. . u: f lie pH-Jiciof especially in r.jjaid to Cermany. '1 ha i.p routic.' f j u't in s n thing of t'e p en 1 v.iil r.i-vi r here viv.J. 'J in tr-a: revelu'.ou wrjufchi by s eam and e.'icuifi ry in ail biannhts tf nill oj era-ion-', Las. uadi hih-g-ado i. ci nical tr . uing i aa t.'ofloiute litce. ji'v ; it d, in .rd.jr to ( ; veli-.p c ill ji, .it ; ion ; erd o. . n aid ciHCPitiiery, the gr.iundwork for this I :.d c,'-"si it u.iu: ; be-taf i r . : oo r c.l ::i it: : i or ('- ! :ai .ch j ,;i f,i- ,,. ' .;-. d by ap cial 'rui .ii; to eventually ccupj high positioi'S in law end a:ul;c:..e. Tbe t on hi of u boy r ui...i c-n a sf..c;al ni..chiae will teideoi tle velop a 1 a kr cr ut i ager, withcu' some previous in troetioa on gen eral fill j cts. It i-i u v. ell knov -. fact that -l.e tioya and f.irls of n un'ry a''e iU tnost yiluttblo pose s - oup, and thai time ar.d money ( trplofi d in 'hen proper t;-i.iniv. and dt-v'onuH-nt will rive the l.i g j" .. . ii,o t a iti. fiic'cry r t rr.a io tl..- ."-'at", If i. . err &. 4 thiir fi-r ii".' cipieity, nnd, tL.-rel re, their valua to the K a'c. Ir. I.i CR'iaiatid b) ca efal men that three. fourths (f th new co ton 'nillfa of the fatiue hill bulocatid in the Southern S'a'eo ; ar.d Xortti Caio'.wa must -le rep trid to eicci aiiil to manage her full share of then. Nor h C.aolu-.a producis thi Gotten ; oen'aiiid an ubai.da ce oi c al ar.d other fuel ; valuable and (cc-i tibie water powra ; un unburn ra s d clin.ate, an 1 a largo number ...f bright, actite, b.ns. woo an ei.ger for indus'ril ed-ic-ion. Sh.ill t!: !S:a' i;ie them ijnch aavauti,;e ? We ate full.- :Ue to five t-xtilecduo" ief 'oa'.l who wan' il ; un I no time i.lomM be hut lu organ izi" a U s i:e dcn. r:iK lit a he ALricuiiu a', aid Mi.i?hunical Uol'e.'e. Such aa i-.d-;i:i, n woulu 0)u ioi.luce ore i.v r.drtd t.ew a'.u dents to a't.n.l tl..- c,lo: Many tf th - OMii 'iu i s of tliij col lege are v-oikio;,'. their wny to poji tiouj c!" jirolit nn I ii.ll.iPiuje ; an -graduate of the textiie d arton-n: vyho hay;' fomo t atura! hb.iily and c!iar niter w;u il toon le able to work th'ir voy. 'o rooi puiiious, uul a!i-o b .1') a ti '0 uiol oiv Lari of the Stive. ma. p. m. 'pa (i i:r :)i:ad. laHNCN lulo llrsl Alter I. In;, .-riii Willi l':ioiiiii(ni lur ;iil3' iiMiutfr 1 1nn-. Mrs. Tre j M. .rr, of this county, del Well-.- id iy ev-.i March 30 h, e.f er linwin,- for culy a blurt Vi'.iile, wi'.ii 1 -ii o a. .'a. Mrs I'.ij.rt nil aJ.uj'aerof ihe la'e 1). G I'o il'ir. ki Si. wt a iatt of Mr. i e oia;"il II .'d brooks, of N). il t.nviiiiliip, and a half Bister of Mr-i. Dr. Lafferty She was also tbo etcp-tnn'her of our oivnsmnn, Mr. Ar.hnr Fa,;oart. S'le leave? a hn.jb'tid ar.d five children, together vri.h a hojt o1 friend-", to mourn hoc. Alio! tho ctii'dr.n kft. tingle t-xcet i ne, who mirrii'.l Mr.'p'i iuecoff, of N i. 4 toivr.jl' i. After tho pnaehiii:: of the funeral this ( l'hurtday) evening at 3 o'clock, tbe remains wire iu erred in Beth page cemetery. IP LOOIvS MOir ' Ui OO '4Y. NomrllilFijf Di'liiiUf Trom rit:n..i t'rl luy Mlil 1 lie rrcsld.-iil U ill I'tirn ttio .Sif uHlNill t-r ti t'nnn'rf'S, 1 1' likS tOIIIHI)lls a TO ?.t .S ft-iil..M lu n Ntrnlt. A3 S nVor-LP.d;; y, of K. ; '. i-.:v baa fi.i.t, on.; da) it loo'ra like p- c an 1 the v.ix'. d ; ar. The eiu'. o.oa i,-, p.ti.'u: lo k. k'tiy niucli . i r e i . ij o be iiidepirid etoe of Cuba and the utttr nuuiilia tion of Sj ain, or w,u v ih ihe result! tba a'.m: wi'h rei'd to loth. f'')tio h ic p ob.'il (vii .i'Vl t!n rio-'.-e e f ol fiade no ground fjr hnpt '.I-a, eh--' cau iccti-e ar.y more that: too 01 cfTI os to in e,-po:e for p -aci'. lier'veti! ati e B.iley, if Texas, (he rej '.jn z (I leudt r of ' he Demo- or.i s in the Iloiue, attempted to ptid'a ibr ugh a nsolotiou Wtdned. day d.-s'a-iDR the indept-nden.-e cf i aba . Sp s'; r K-e 1 ruled it . ut of, and the II :m; j us!a:uel h'::u vi en IVjily ap;- v,'.-M to the 'Io 3( o ov. ri u'e Hoe roiii . fra'.crj and R-preii; n'a'.ive; vait td ou (Oo Pf siikot dm in .; llu day nOll i C'iv'.l thj a : 'iriiO e to it all froia c pain ni:g-.t b.-csp-JCt- e i Fridaj ni,rb''. The I're idi lit ing d that Le b: ;;vi n r. ch .noe to f 11. his pr -giaio, whiuli, if rev..'!i!.!d, v.ou'd be le facie i from, b-.t, in tho ev.ot that Ins j-ropa-:! ion Wi.a nj, he ouia t'-iu o'.'-r thi wb-jic oia'ter tc Co (ru.i by early i.txr. .'.k uuj would oil-! e th;: re pontoliiity of ac ii ii with ('oi (s'ress iu snob ucion hi may fo! o.v. Ii , in 1 1 be cropp'n; our everywhere that not lit g so; ft of ih aberlire frc-i Jum rf l'i;!,a is con-tm-)!atel bv the Pri'uident, the Am 'licau pet p'e or t.: o Crbans. bhuold tbe 1'.. sidc.-t'ii p .cifi.' bat wt bop.', wise mid jo it, propowtiouE o..-1'ij .c- ii Coij;rr.a be 'ei't to deal i'n tin s'toalioi', ihe e 13 lit iIouj i L tl ihe r.. ic a i!l le w ,t at no Ui. taut i! . rijiaii; is very i.ux.orsfjr peice, tiut vrry j ' ,'oiis of . ha1, e'ie terms her ! orrnr. 'I he Q le.-n K-'jrer.t an no . Is to ion;-'for F. ano.a Jo-eph, of Austria, b d o'ly-rs as followa : "I am i.i ft d !'i,:ii!t pojition, hav inir to ac' .'.3 the guard uti cf the dy- a .ty, wl.iih I niuof not cxpoee tc a y dang r, nrd at the e me fine "... d: f inh r of ihe ri,;'i'e, honoi oiul in'eriS'a'f Sp-.'.in. To airren- l.r ("t.hii in any form would tiLquis-tin'-, i'o'y the tlynas'-y uoiiir i bio Li it o co. red w.,i to ,s, to 0,bt frit ' u!d k op lime iulcrtotJ iu 'ao', with my country's h-ji.o.'. Bu; tut disadvantage S, am would havi to light under are obviovi0, and a peaceful eolution would best uvi) every purptse." D..ily of 31it. A SMALL POO II Ih Very rrolwll tor irilitsH'H MiIIiik Noon. The outlook now ia that Glaaa'c SiUiug, only a few miles abovo Co..- o'd ou tho rmir ad, will beawl tiitif , or rather a c.b irban to-a. By the 11 rat ot M ir, Mr. F W. B one of China G , mc'a moat uio-i-e.-eful btiiii :CJ3 men, mid Mr. J. T. M. llig tj, a jouug man of thie o'ai'e, but who baafor borne tiiao in he bun employed in the Pat. terton etore at China Orrve, hope to 'pen up a oli ra'uy lare s'ore, hand iug a lino of dry gooda a".d grocerie?. A p'tiliou bus aVio bten B.'t t tc ihe Poi'miat-jr G' neral, ackins t La t a p.i.jtiffice bo at this jilfj, aod tliiit Mr. li).er.J take ch.rrje of toe tflic. The oa'y rL.i.o", it loi.ii'.e, th..t this has rjev.r haii a postuflijo before wa.i became no ono cared io he bolueivd with it in . i re-iidero 9. -.. . Pioti r iiol! . a'fh-iity we art i ,-a j. fjtto d that tha -'o.i hen .y Ccnipoiiy h: u pro mi c 1 to rci, a di'i'Ot a', that p'ac?, if nuioh u ( it. i; dono there. Tic Can Fllriitsti lliciii. A Fpceial f.on Washington to .he X 'iv Yolk Her.l 1 Kivt that ir evfi' of i! e nececoiiiy of detailing lloite l ta ca troops for the iiivo. hio-.i tt.ol occupation of Cuba iltiriop the rainy si iiinn, it ia probable that tho main bcily of the army will be cit:i o-ed of coh red troops. Such a plan, ad Is tbe ept cial, is btir.g eriovia'y c-Tii-id.'rjd by the wor dr partiii'tut and ehould tho r.umbet of rulared soblir now in the n-BU-Inr Hi rvico bo iosnlliciont, tho dfl pirttiiorit ba t assurances that an aditjuate number of colored volur. toeiafrom the Southern Stateacan l e counted ou. t; e au cl ud lowers. S;t:ifn U'oiitil Einilo or Ieliy Tho Ktlnnttou Too rnye Koine Ylews on the NMiinllon. A.-in p'l-o.d in thia excitable iii'i'io I 1 .ia war been to imminent. ru !ei d a declaration of war is en tirly probab'e by Monday or Tues d .y. iSpain sent a long ciphr tele on.m Thu sdiy night, tie contents A w hich were not revelled to the press bat are understood to be e uvasive or temporizing. It ia most probable tha' this will set be hr.olied by tha president iio, it is prooable, tlemanas all tnil cong e. dem3ud8, but in 4 wiser ud more reaponaible and conserva tive way. Sjtain her haughtiness and j alousy of ber honor (?) (afti r treat it g Cubans as she hat) about to Bin away her day. Something more de lini e is txpected tonight and if the prrsidtnt is nnable to bring Spain to terms le will hardly counsel con gre?s ncauiBt immediate action. If lie ehould he would hardly be heeded. Capt, Gen. B'enso ha-t extended his In u. licence to wejtern provinces if Cuba, it uny be said even to'i Wejlei'a cruel dejree that e.uUri.d thi people in cities to starve, but thia, too, can hardly be cjueidered as otbi.r than tbe force of etneriteiiey at:d 19 too late as a relief iiea -are to stop the American do ur .11 J. Iu the meantime ths wardhifs t Key West are B'ripped of woodwork iu wliicb ia nent aahore.also tbe a'tjihha of the crura have bc:jn de- p-ait-'d on phore and all is in fiht lufj trim wil T is SAID. liUiion, April 1 the iimjs says editorially this morning: "It is evid tit that poite and war hang in the ! ah 1. co, and tlat tbe world has uoi i no to for deGnite infor mal 0. Iicicuot be supposed that Am nca'a terms hav. yet been pub- iiahel iu their cotcpleteneis, but they may be gueaaed to include the 'rii ioai of Cuba, "ihe Spanish government will juhe a fatal m stake if it fails to r.ndefshirid the terms nov offered, which are the beet it is ever likely 0 obtain, and if they are not proti.piy accepted, it is to be feared 'hat the n'xt presentation of Ameri can demau !b will be in a harsher shape. With every sympathy for Spain, her government and dynasty, it uiuj; be said that tbe government of Cuba bus been a scandal which vould hav? been resented even by other l.a ions if ttey hid been in as close proximity aa tbe United Btatea. 'Tc btbcovea Spun to consider whe'hi r Cuba ia worth lighting for in such an utuq ial conflict that it is even doubtful if Spain would gain a temporary success, while her ultimate defeat would be certain. A molcra'e naval lorce could reduce the Hl uid by starvation, and priva teeriug could tot be carriei on to any extent worth mentioning by Spain, calling for the inter yin'ion cf neutral na'iom-." Lincoln, Neb., March 31. lion. V J Brayau tonight made the fol lowing statement for the Associated Preau, ia acsver lo tbe question whether in his judgment the time had a. rived for the United States to iti'ervene in behalf of Cuba and on. g the war to an end : "Yes, tho lime for niteryeut ou baa arrived Humanity demands that we shall act. Cuba lies almost within siht of our shores and tbe Buffering of her peo ple cannot he ignored unless we, as a nation, have become so engrossed .n money making us to be iudiller. ut to dUtress. "Iaterven iou may be accompanied y datig.raod expense, but exia .euiv cannot be separated from re Hpeuaibilitj and responsibility eotm io ea le di a nation aa well aa au in .ividual into danger. A neighbor muU com .iur-s incur danger for u neighbor, and a friend for a friend. '' ar i- a terrible thing and can not br d f i:ded except as a means 10 an tod, and Jut it ia sometime ihoouij ine.ti a by which a necea a ir tin I con be ti-cired. The State p.iiiii hi i ltd own citizcins by impris ntlt. nt or evcu death wnen counsel iii.l peivii s on War is the iio U a'b-tr to or betwietl natiote when u a id dip omacy do not avatl 'oi'uin milr- not resist iuteryeD' 'ion; it ia to tie hoped that she will rcoi;r.r. ' tbe r'gbt of the United States 10 net at d lmmedia'ely with Ir w from Cti'ii, but whether she resents 111, tr eu'lou or not, thr United StattB muat p rform a pla'n duty, " pain baa only herself to b'ame for the state of tff drs in Cuba. Ii be denies to ber fortut-r bu' j c e the rigota of war and calla the Cuban a'my a mnb, let her remember the no dt of Vio'or Huge "The mob m tbe human rac iu mis ry." JSo nation can afford to nuke its people miserable. "If the Cubans prefer death to Spanish rule, it must be because Spanish role has robbed life of joy and hope. If a nation eows tbe wind It must reap the whirlwind." Daily of 1st. WAR ALMOST A CERTAINTY The PreHi'lent's Oaod FirorU Fall Bud Tbire In l.Htle Left Bat to Open KoKtlllllrn. There is hardly a possibility now of avoiding a war with Spain President McKinley seems to be fully aware that bis demand for Spain to quit Cuba will not be acceded to but will probably send an ultimatum yet before approT ing a straight out declaration of war. It is a fact that it was thought by the cabinet best to be uudivulgcd that the government fools unprepared to jump right into war. There is an insufficient supply of ammunition and there cannot be such supply obtained to complete a readiness as rapidly as the more hasty would demand. The president w hastily pre paring his message to congress and will get it in early next week Thia will probably justify the course that Las been criticised rather harshly by those who seena to to be unable to conceive that he has been actuated by motives of patriotism that will bear the scrutiny of future years. The Spanish flotilla of torpedo boats have arrived at Porto Eico, Spain has suddenly got quite humane toward the reconcentra does in Cuba, beside returning them to their homes she has placed the sum of $GOO,000 at the disposal of Capt. Gen. Blanco for aid to them. This is understood to remove the'necessity for inter vention on the part of the United States on humanitarian grounds. This is looked upon as it most probably is, a subterfuge. The diplomats are all at their posts yet but do not know how soon they may bid adieu, which is the last step. Daily of 2nd. Was It Nulclcle T Cashier Louis Flemming, of the Brunswick Savings fend Trnst Com panv. had his attention called to an error of $ 100 in addition Thursday He went out of the bank, saying he would be back soon. In two hours his body was found in the river. The books and acconnta were found in good shape, except this little er ror, yet it is surmised that from ar duous application and overwrought nerves be may have augmented the affair and became temporarily un balanced, thereby committing the raah deed. Tho Balloon Ancenslou. Almost every shov that comes advertises a balloon ascension, and hough we haye quite a number of shos here every year; thers has not bien one mode here for several years until Friday eveuing. A finer as cension could not have been made. 1'he balloon went almost straight np nid sfter goinfc to a considerable height his parachute was cut loose, landing tbe rerouaut on tbe awning at the Cannon & Fetzer store. The balloon fell just behind the same store. l.lllll IO Hl'Kt. The litttlo 13-months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Frank llornbuckle, who baa been at the point of death (or the last several days, suffering from pneumonia, died Friday at noon. Its remains were laid to rest this (Saturday) evening. The funeral was conducted at the house at 2 o'clock by Rev. VV P McGhee. Or. WllNon Comliiir. We are glad to inform our read ers that Dr. B T Wilson, President of Converee College, Spartanburg, S. C, has consented to deliver the address at the closing exercise of the Concord High School. Dr. Wilson has a great reputation as a speaker and we congratulate the ichool upon securing him and hope that tbe exercises this year will be aa successful as last. Jt Waft a Boy. Somotimeago the Asheboro en gine was detailed by spikes which some one bad placed on the track a fjw miles this side of Aaheboro. There canoe very near being a gen eral stna.b up. Tbe railroad au thorities at once put detectives to work to find out who was doing thin dangerous work. Detective? Greer went down iu that neighbor hood last week and after lying out in the woods for two days succeed ed in catching a boy in the act of placing spikes nn the rail again. His name is Phillips. High Point Citizen. . Royal buUcm the food para, mi POWDER Absolutely Pur mwi mktwi wwffttt on., wfwvfwwt. SCHEDULE In Effect Mar. 1, 1898.S3 ThiBlcondensed.icheduls', iepa b- llshed aa information, and ii subject to ; change without notice to th public : Trains Leave concord, jn. u ; 9:25 p. m. No. 86 daily for Atlan. ta and Charlotte ana all points South and South west Jarries through Pullman drawing room buffet sleepers between Mew York, Wasbington, Atlanta, .New Orleans, S a via n n a b and Jacksonville, Also Pullman sleeper. Ubarlotte to Augusta, balisbury ana Cnaitanooga. 8:4'J a. m. No. 87, daily, WaBninK" ton and Southwestern .vestibuled limited for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile and New Orleans, and all points South and Southwest. Through Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. Din ing oar, vestibuled coach, between Washington and Atlanta, rullman tourist ear for San Francisco, Wednesdays a id Saturdays. jatMF 8;S3 p. m. No. 7, daily, from Itich mond, Washington, Qoldsboro, Selma, Italeign, Greensboro kiioxvilie and Aaneviile to unar otte, N. O. 10:29 a- h. No. 11. dadv. for Atl anta and all points South. Solid train, ltichmond to Atlanta; Pull man sleeping car. Kichmond to Augusta and Norfolk to Greensboro 10:08 a. m. No. 30, daily, lor Washington, Kiohmond, Kaleigh and all points No-th. Carries Pull man drawingrcom bufi'et sleeper, NewOrleans to NewYork; Jacksoni ville to New York; Chattanooga & Salisbury to New York. Pullman tourist cars from San Frar Cisco ihursdays 8:53 p. m. No. 88. daily, Washing ton ' and Southwestern vestibuled. limited, for Washington and all points North. Through Pullman oar, Memphis to New York; New Orleans to New York : Tampa to New York, Augusta to Richmond. Also earn riea vestibuled coach and dining car 7:08 p. m. No. 12, daily, for Kichi mond, Ashevilie, Chattanooga, al jigh, Norfolk, and all point, .North. Carries Pullman sleeping ar from Greensboro to Cicbmonda and Greensboro to Norfolk via Bat leigh and Selma. lZZ 6.27 a. m. No. 8, daily, for liioh aiond ; connects at Greensboro for BaleigUiand GoldBboro; at Danville tor Washington and points North at Salisbury for Asnville, Knon rule and points est. First sections of regular through or local freight trains carry passen gers only to points where they stop according to schedule. John JU.. Oulp, W-A. Tubk, MtJ Traffic M'gr. Gen'l Pass. Ag't. Frank S. Gannon, Washington, D. 0. ibird Vice President iIf rtfi and Gen'l manager, Washmeton. D. C.i S.n.HABDWios, Ass't Gen'l P. Ag't Atlanta, Ga W..H. Tavlob, Ass't Gen'l P. Ag't, .Louisville, Hy. GbWAN Dcsenbebt, Local Ag't, Concord. N, C. L. T. HARTSELL. AXXOltiN H 1 -AX-LAW,, CONCORD, - - N C. Prompt attention given to all business. Office in Morris building opposite oourt bouse. HOOiJhi ,..uv!rana over i."'iitn i iui u I by its cures, when ail ctlu i- ;in ;i:ini!iiins railed, tlu4 U U the One True BLOOD Puriliefi Heart Trouble Quickly Cured. A Convincing Testimonial. For 10 years I sufferoU from heart t roo tle. Durtng that time I waa treatoU by five different physicians. All of them claimed that I am'd n t be cur&i. I will greatly troubled Tilth short nesa of breath. palpltatiou aud p'Un In the aide. If 1 bw came excited, or extrU d mylf In tl uleueV the pain in my sldi Uvan.e vi ry wvi re. AJ times itsecnitHi as though iier le vrrtifuxM, ing thrtrngh my suit. Sumo time lit tho uiontA of November la-st, T commcnciHl tuning DR. MILES' HEART CURE and Blnop (ben I havo Improved ntadtly I can now shp on my left sldu. sornoihlnn t had never been able to tUi tx'fore. I ca walk without belt , f-i I and a.m Uk much better hettith than e t Imfnrt, I wouJ recommend all sti Trrer-. 'rotn heart tmul-i to try Ir. Miles' In . ai'ia! ! r-i dy wlihot delay " MISfi Kf.I.A M.'KTZ, 5U Wrlyht St., :llw.iu Ww. Dr. Miles nenrt ('-in' 1: wild o: a twlMT puarantt t li:u. t 'i ui- .1 'oiiit v. ill t.."itifii. All druKtciats hfll it at i, r, h.-ui. h ..r Ift. It will lie seta, pre,-.1 ; n rei t int at prl by the In. allied Mcdui Vu.t iikharl, lud. Dr. Miles' Heart Curs TtZZ Jj , ? a A ' " lr. MIIot" B"V8 HaV('l