Standard. Tsie - Standard. P HINTS THE m:u,s that is xetjx For 1 i'eur Send us 1 Dollar. -.1 URNS OUT GOOD - JOB - WORK at living PRICES. Give ms a Trial. VOLX NO 339. CONCORD; N. C, THURSDAY, AUG- 25 1898. WHOLEN0 491 The - Standard. THE V .3?.T 5 hft rt monstrfitfd teo trioanftnd timet timt it ii Unoit IntttliibM lrrriiarittM tad 4eritngea.otf. It h4 beer m tl)a ledlDf romedf lor tLie oit-i qi iroi.tlM. At enorti A wondflrf:ilf bialfnfr, itreri th erm (unlii xjthlL inUUUif uiwn lh mfciiNtrtiftl organ. l cart ' ' w hiteti ' ' ai d falling Of tho womb. II tUp fioudiug nd rellevM sup mmm nreSMed and painful menitmatlfm. For Change or Lift. It 1 the but Juliulut uifttlo. It U bbn(Mlcil uriog pruqimncy, and help to bring otuidreu iulo hotn bari-Rd (or years. It InTijorat, tlmn latea, strengthen tha whole eye tom. This groat remofly ii offered to all afflicted women. Why will any woman uBvt another mtnuta with certain relief wiihlo reacbt Wine ot Cardul only oosta $1.M i per bottle at your drug tore. direction. addrei ffivinp tymplom. M the "Loa' tdvtftoftf iJfparimtmi,' ' M rwr aavtce. ivi cmei nnwinno mniM be Tv Ca(iaooi,o Afedtctoe Co., Gaol lanoopa, Tenn. RfT. J. W. SMITH, Camdnn, 8 0., Myfji 'M lfd uied Wins of Cardul at noma for tailing of the womb ana H entirety eured her' Hal ORGAN1ZUTOX PLAN 41 Ibe livmurrnllo frininrle lo Be fl.ll lu Our Couutj Uu Nnfurdfty, Ni'ti.mbcr Sril Xuniber of VoteN fo Whlrli Kuril TowiiHblp In Entitled. Following m ilia plan if holding the pr'rruri.'g in onr county 88 is sued bj the State Executn-i Com mittee of the IVmoeratic p.rty ; At every ;i eo.ino', meeting then; rhnll (before d..-'cg-ie8 (o the County Convention nr e'eeted) be a vo'e tuken for the ilill.:rent oandiJatea for office whuae nHui s may ba presente d, ii:iJ the deli-jrat;a uhsll vol? in i:e Couutj Couvention their respio'.iv precinctD iu uccorddnoe with this vutt; that is to say, ech candidate ihall reoeivo iu tae Comity Convens tioa that proportion of the vote to whiob the precinct may be entitled which be received in the precinct Uirttii. The cbairuan and imrt tury of the precinct meetinjt. ehall certify to the Oonnty Convention tbe vote received by eaoh candidate at the preoiuct meeting. Eicb prociiict shall be untitled to cast, in tbe County Convention, ouo vote for eftry twenty Qve Demo crat'O votes, aDd one vote for fraj tiona of thirt. eu Dtimocratie vott-s cast by !u towcahip at t!ig laat pn ceding -jbernitori:l ti c ior; Provided, Ti at eytry votii g pre. c:not eh ail bo entitled fo caat at leant one ote, t.nd caoh prcoiiiot umy tetjU ai many c'tiegatos a.1! it may aif Ot. Tbe c rinon (if ill p.cciuot committeti shall ;tc: c;nct nitctiiig'. In any other of Ii. at nil pie their itbsenoe u:.i '.'.' m in iN tees may proeid Aocordiiig to this ni'.', thtn, our precincts ni'l oust total of CO votca, whiitb. wili be cast re-'pi-fiiivelj: Tuwnnbip No. 1 2 " 8 It 1 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 . 1 2 3 4 Ward N, Itrv. IKnkki' Nuvri'WNOr A, As previously announoid, liev. N I Biikke, of this place, will move to Charlotte, where bo takts charge el ' a mission there. As his successor here, Utv. J P Schmidt, of Cleve land., has been appointed and has arrived Lore, lie is a joung minister. He will room in the house foimerly occupied by Hev. liakke and will board at tbe borne of Mr. Jno. Cline. Secret of Beauty is lic.tlth. The secret of health is the power to digest and assitr. il.itc a proper quanity of looil Thb can never be done when the liver does not act it's part. Doyou know this ? Ttilt's Liver Tills are an abso lut' '.cure fur sick headache, dy jK psia, sour stomach, malai i.i constipation, torpid liver, piles jaundice, bilious fever, bilious ihs3 and kindred diseases. Vutt'i Liver Plllc, - th'ntlnvha f,pf In 20 Bilimt ly lr llll.' I'aiw l'li.i "On" cent ll iliwo. ww in iiiri 5 m MUSTERING OUT OUDEIi. bnnt 100.000 Voluutrrr vu I r Home TbOMfl H'bo Wmtt to Come Co be Ulveu lr.freMce. Washington, Aug. 17 At mid night to-night the Pieaident aus aonnced his decision to muuter oat of the service from 75,000 to 100,000 of the volunteers. Those to be dier ohargid will include three branohet of the lervica infantry, artillerj nd cavalry. From a prominent i fiioial of the administration it ia undratood to be the desire of the President to ascer tain the wiehts of the volunteer troops themaelvs aa to rcnuining in the service. One or two organi zations have already in lighted a des sire to leave the servioe assocn m the government oan reasonably do without them. They are oomposed largely of business and working men whose private interests are aiffering by reason of their absence fiom home, tio far as the interests of tbe government will permit, it is believed that th President iu the mustering out of tbe volnn leers will acoomtnodate himself to the desires of the men . It may be some time before the organizations to be mustered out will be designated, bat the reduction in the volunteer foroe will be made as soon as practicable . COL. COVtLEi BITTEN BY A MAD DOU. lie u4 II In l.uile Dimliler Uo Monti to Kucetve ItiePaMieur Trciitmeut A special to the Charlotte Ob server from Winston, dated Aug. 17, s.ib. ExiGongresduian W 11 II Cowles and li'tle daughter went to Kew York tonight to receive treat n.:?r t for a mad dog bite. Tbe snis luai isduppjsed to bj rabid. It bit OJ. Cowles on the lack of the ngbt hand, in bis tfforts to prevent his wife and children from b -ing bitten. His daughter h.ts several incurs oa her face. Ittr. Wni. WallHre Irnl. The s-d news of the death r f Mrs. W m, Wallace comes It m this (Thursday) morning. Mrs. Wallace was the daughter of Mr. Francis Fisher, who formerly lived in onr county and who died some time ago in South Carolina. Mrs. Wallace leaves a husband and Jthree small children behind. She was about 3" years of age and was a devoted wife and mother. Her rtmains were In terred this afternoon ia the cemetery at Trinity cbnrch, after the preach ing of the funeral by R.'v, V II Stickler . .nuked tile Cow nod Jol Pro)otitlH. A nnat little story in told iu tbe Chicago Record of one of the young lalies of the "Wild end Wooly WtsO' who undertook ha jd of mi'kifig a cov that oisistciitly re fused to have anybody t. 'it a ni.m to milk her. All h r c II i a in f int uitu' giib proved a failure au I abe donned ft uiaculinri cou.ilu'a outfit, auuoiupiidhuig tbe Teat. The conse quence wa that a number of jounj! farmers proposed marrugn to h. r . Kv-ry U1 Found. Avery Kale, a young man who shot a man naiitd Oeo. Travis at Catawba oa Saturday the l.'l .h, aud wlio eueoeeded in making his uscapt bifoie leing arrested, bus been caught in camp at J ksnville. It will be r uimbered that tlete two iin u had a dispute at a distillery at Catawba, and that Kale tired on Travis with a gun, blowing the top of Travis' head off. A reward was offered by the sheriff of the oonnty, Kale bad at once gone to Marion oft -r the affair bappenvd aud lmrne diately enliBted under Lieutenant Erwin aud his corps of recruiting ufliccrs. When arriving nt Jack noriville he was sss gncd with the Hornets' Nest R lleni' n, but before long an ollioer had identilled bim When arrest d be oonfissed every thing and claims that be did it in stlfsdcfi-noe. A tnlr Mbow Uealred. It appeals after all that the p'obs leiu of negro labor Id the csttou mills falls uppn the shoulders of Warren Coleman, of Concord, for solution, the South Carolina venture having failed bfore the nero had s oban"e to demonstrate his talents in that direotion. We m-iy be sure of oue thing: there will be an entire absence in the Oonoord prrjct of the ausinauagemeDt whiob ohuraote rizd the Columbia mill. The fail ure of tbe latter mill fiords no ground for prejudioe against the Concord mill, for which everybody desires a fair showing. Charlotte Obs-rver. An exchange says Admiral Dew 'v fit J 10,0(0 for destroy inr the .-, :iuii.l. fl -i t. Good pay fcr a j .b that In' almost did boforo breakfast. RUSSELL'S SOLDIERS. ulve tforfheud nnf Bennford n Hot lime Nnlurdoy Sltfbt, Mnrehead City and Beaufort were invaded by Rufi.-eli't) soldiere from Fort Macon ou last Saturday night. Tbe invasion was all the word implies, two or three hundred of the colortd soldiers going to tbe towns, where they at ence proceeded to ?et drunk and make theoifelvoB obnoxious. This was especially true of More head, where the- party of colored soldiers took a young white bey and made him show tl:ein to a ne gro house of ill repute. Cue of the colored men broke iotc tbe residence of a white man, get ting in through the window. The white man drew hia gun and at tempted to fire it, but as the balls had been withdrawn, the gun did not fire but only snapped. At this attempt to shoot the ne gro swore, and said he wished he had a gun to show the man how to Ufle it, etc., the negro finally leaving by the window he entered and escaping. White people were threatened in other parts of the town, but no' vio lence was offered. It was a night of anxiety to tha citizens of both plaoes. Newberii Journal. Ibe atonlla Nurreudvr Ihe official report from the great Admiral has arrived and is aa fuN lows : Manila, August 13, lb98. To tbe Secretary of the Navy, Wash ington : Maniia surrendered today to our land and naval forced, after a c.mi uiucd attack. A divitiou ot the squadron shelled tie ioriB uuu in- trecohinentg at Alalaie, on the south side of tbe city, driving bacu tbe enemy, our army advancing on that side at the eame time. The city surrendered abuut b p, m., the American flag being hoisted by Lieutenant Brumby. About 7,000 prisoners of war were taken. The iquadron had no casualties; no vessels iujared. Ou August 7th General Merritt and I formally demanded the sur-. render of Manila, which the Spanish Governor-General refused, DfttVKY. Dispatched via liong Kong euy: Perfect order was maintained ad the American, troops marched into the city this afternoon. After the serren Jar, guarda wi re placed about tbe houses of foreigners to prevent looting. Rebelri were not allov. ed to takppartin the attack, ami after the tiurrendor only unarmed rebels were allowed to enter the ci'y. "It is reported that Admiral Dewey was not aware of the de parture of Augiirtti on tbe Kaiaerin Augusta." The American loss in iihtiny was from six to eight killed and 40 wouuded. The Spaniuh losses are tiiiknoAD, but are conniderab e. Tbe city is under martial law and Merritt is military governor. Mnrrli'd nt tlio Ml. Cloud. On Wednesday evening a few friends gatheied at tbe par o: of tbe St. Cloud hotel to witners th? mars tinge of Mr, Davis Bruuilry, of No. 3 township, to Miss Mary Andrews, daughter of sq S li Andrews. This marriage was somswhat of a surprise to the bride's parents. Tho oeiemony was performed at 7 o'clock by Rev. C F Rankin, of this plaoe. The Leuli-llnrwsod AupllftlN. Quite a number of invited friends and relatives assembled at the home of Mr. U P Lend on Kast Depot street Thursday night to witness tbe lovely home wedding of Miss Minnie Lent a and Mr. Daniel liar wood. At the bonr of 8.30 o'clock the totbe bride and groom marched by the luve. ly strains of the wedding march played by Mr. Rbt, lien son into the nicely furnished parlor, preceded by the flower girls, little Misdes Muttie Lents aid Daisy Smith. There were no attendants. Tbe ceremony was performed by their pastor, Rev. J J l'ayseur Miss Lenlz is a beautiful young lady of our town and has many friends here. Mr. liar wood ia an exemplary gentleman of our town and carries a good name with him . Tbe newly married couple will make Concord their home. The greatest watermelon of which the world has record was produced at Rockyford, Col., by State Senator C R Savink. The watermelon was 5 fiet long, 31 inches thick and we'gbed SS ponndc. Notwithstand ing its etiormou.-' fi.i it s i Iremely lunoiiiUd. D.iily Rt (Tutor. ! future el NpHtu. Opinions eiiflor widely a to the propplcts of Spain. It is argued that the war will eventually benefit her The colonies she will lose have lonj: been more of a burden than a hslp to her. It has cost more tn kefp them in subjection tban Spain bun received from them Tfco !o"s of thie colonie may cause Spain to ooucer. trite L-.t attnnti in uj ou t':e r;oc rut undeveloped retoiuceB o the peninsulu. Properly attended to, these will proye a far greater source of wealth and strength than Spain could ever bave found in her colonies. As a colon ''i r she is a failure, and would never bave made Cuba or Porto Rico aa profitable ae thrift ard enterprise can make her home posstbiiioLS. This is the hopeful view. The opposite opinion is set forth in the laut number of The Fortnightly Rc view by a writer who signs himself ''Spaniard." He draws a very idoomy picture of what will be the condition of Spain after peace. He says the burden of taxation will be frightful. The public debt, swollen by the expenses of the war, will foot up more than .$2,000,000,- 000, the annual interest oharge on whioh will amount to 1140,000,000 Yet the entire)cational revenue in prosperous years has not been much more than $150,000,000. Radia tion or bankruptcy lies cbarlyln thope figures. Ther there will fol- the destruction of thope industries which the colonies have been made to support, turning tbou.-ands of operativea out of employment. More than 100,000 soldiers will like wise be set adrift, and 30,000 officers be put on tLe retiicd list, where the puy f i r a captain (if Le is lucky enough to g6t it all) is ubout sixty cents a day. When all theea holp b nj. multitudes begin to feci the pinth of hunger, then, eays ibis tfpunieh writer, tbe "tocsin of ibe revolution" will sound, aud it will depend upon the army whether Spain shall be Carliet or Republi can. In any ctse, he thinks it out of the power of any party "to ex trioate my unfortunate, ranch be loved Spain fioni the abyss on the edge of which sbe is now totter idg." This writer concludes with these mournful words : "Spain makes fcer melancholy bow to the vast continent which her enterprise ence opened up to the world, and exclaim: Moritura te saluto." The future of Spain depends upon her ability to cope with hard condi tior.8. Germany, at tbe end of the thirty years' war, was in a far worse condition than Spain, and yet in a rorrairkably short time she recovered and became more powerful than sne was before. But Spain is not Germany. Atlanta Journal. A Hot Time ThiirNdH? Alght. Quite a number of colored people went Thursday night to witness tbe piny of the Plantation Specia'ty Co. in Galon's hall. Q iite a good crowd of white people, young men mostly, were ulso "Down Town After Dark" and dropped np to hear the coons. This is the most "duncin'est" and "oingin'est" crowd of colored people we have had in town lately. Billy Pride was the star of the play, "Sunny South," and carried his part through. Of all limber people this company has them, and every one of them is able to ' jine" iu tbe chorus. Billy Pride is quite an artist with his bones and Charlie Wortham will danoe even when ho lies down on his two chairs. Almost half of tbe hou6e contained white people, who cheered the pianist as he changed bis tunes. two mnsiciaus were among our number on the left side and were much interested in his medleys. Oil to Albemnrle. At an early hour this (Friilay) morning one of our base ball teams went to Aloemarle where they play that team a game. Our boya antiois pated a good amount of fun, and as to the victory they would not say. The teum was under tbe manage ment of Mr. Aubrey Uboyer. Tbe others wbo went were Geo. Rich inond, Frank Means, Walter Fink, Olin Hoover, Marvin GriOin, Jno. Weddiugton, Oscar Shealy, Llotd Dayvault, Will Fetzer, Sam Wed diugton aud Will Johnson. A Nerlei or MeetlUKt. Beginning on Sunday, the 28tb( a series of meetings will be held for oue week at St. Johns church, near Mt. Plea. ant. The pastor, Riy. S D Steffey, will be assisted by Rev. M G G Scherer, of Mt. Pleasant, Rev. Geo. A Riser, of St Stephens pastor ale i.nd HrV. W it O ey, of Rowun county. ANNUAL REUNION Ot fompiiujr A, of llif. F.ltj- M-couft Aonh l Hrollna Hfk'iiuf.iit -F!'oH.n of OttltTM Jolly ). I Ilinf-A Ornnri Keniilou Winner. 0.i the 11th day of April, 18fW. Company A, of the p'Jnd Nrtb 0iro!in Kegiment, trerobed to our depot bere snd bou'de'' fbo tr;r for Catap Mangum, Efsr RiMb. When !by murche'l avy, Mr. (h o A Propst wai" their captain, wi'l Capt. J M Alexander at tirst lieu tenant and Mr. J, if. Cook second lieutenant. Ihe latter wis a brother of our tousman, Mr. Pill; Cook For th-.i laat th:e y "ire tho sur viv:c members of tins compiuv, oi ptrt cf then, rather. I;a been hold ing annual reunions of tb';ir com pany, the first one having t ern gots len up by Mr. M C Walter, when he entertained tbeui at b's residence Oo Tnur-day. Aug 1 8th, which is their day net apart, they again met at the of Mr. M O Walter by request. About li!;30 tbe meets ing was called lo ordr by the pres ident. Capt, J M Alexander, tth Mr. M O Walter as tiere'ury. Th other mem bors present wer: as fol lows : Joseph B.ume, Daniel Stiller, Co lnmbus Black welder, Chas. F Walter, Thoa. Flemming, Dun L'pe Jno. PSuther, Hansom Biackwelder, Rafns Suther, Wm. U Biume, Ilutcb K zziah, Alfred Smith ami J i. N' Brown. Mrs. Wm. II Biume and Mrs. Ransm B ackweider were also present . Tbe minutes, r.s p-ititel in lie' ear's 8ta;idard, were n Md to the members and approved. Messrs laniel Stiller, Ja. N Erowr, Thoe r lemming anil l'an lpe ere also appointed ou the coaimiit of ar rangements for the eomirg yeiir. Resolntiotis of ree'ect of their brother member, Mr. B ntor, Barc bardt, who died obou1: one month ago, wtre oilVre 1 by Mr M O W;K ter. Tbey we e ordered to be pub lished. A comjjit'ee co'-sf'inc of Messrs. Ran.-cm B aekwider, Cba.. I" Walter aud M U Walter was ap. pointed to draft resolutions of re-. spect to their comrade, Esq Wm. A DeMaroua, who died only a week or two ago. Next came tbe ebction of oT.cerf, The cHicrrs for the year having given such excellent seryioe, Cant Alexander w is eleotiid pr sident and Mr M C Walter secretary. Next came the. plao in the ordtr cf business for tie jok.-s from tb different members, or speeches if they preferred. When tbey died on Mr. Hutuh K zz:ah f r au ora tion, he made t.tietn one of th i pleasing speeches of the day, having invited thtni to take dinner witb him on the 18th diy of Augus', 1899. The invitation was accepted and thanks extended bim for tbe invitation. Captain J M Alexander then made a short speech to his uieu who had been under hUoowumnd during the war, expressing his thanks for the bonor bestowed on bim by eleoting bim as their president, and also tpoke of tue pleasure it afforded him (o be witb them ugain ou their grand reunion day. Next came o speeoh by Mr. M O Walter, which brought down the bouse Mr. Wal ter pid an appropriate tribute to Lieutenant liobaou, but showed a jealous spirit, lie thinks that be (Mr. Walter) deserves praise alto for a deed be committed at Golds boro in '65, when he lay behind a fodder stack until the entire stack was shot over on top of bim. And the bullets, he said, were singing all around him. He fays he stuck to it until it was 6hot down and then he left (there being no more hiding plaoe there). But Mr. Dan Lipe tried to get some of the honor and esteem from his comrades after Mr Walter had finished, ho having glyn Mr. Walter strong support from a large stump behind tbe This was when the shells were coming like "hot cukes, ' hestid. Tbe joker of the crowd, Mr. Jno. Suther, also told oho on bis comrade, Mr. II u ten K zziah, despite the fuot that Mr. Kizziah threatened to tell one buck on him. Mr. Sinker and Mr. K zs ziah when near Goldsboroand when the Bhells were falling all around them, crept into an old trough and were eipecting death a' meat any minute from a bursting shell, in r. Suther, always "check full" of fun, thought be would have some fuu off of his ootnrade. He reached an oyster shell lying near aud threw it violently into tbe trough, breaking it Into pieces. Tbe mourns and waitings of Mr. Kzziah could have been heard fur quite a long diss tance as be lay there wi h bis hand upon the badly lacerated wounds (?). Mr. Kizz ,.ii siv he luii.l.s thi.t't about rii lit. Bui to get tvtn wita Mr. Suther, and to show us ;hut Mr iiuther bad no experience in u tigliung, Mr. Kizziah said Xhat un less be and his ot tier comrades iliei .uine killing Air. S;uher was aivt ty out el a j b, he nayiug be'-n one of Dr. Lilly's attendant on the li.UU lield. This wna cuo of the j 1 .-.- r and most enjoyed times of tbe dm when ttei.eold men wbi h id foctfut side by tide would relate the brigh side of their war life. Next came an address by R-v. J D Arnold, their selected speaker wbioh wis a most excellent one. and whiob at one time brought tears into rf". eyp or some of the members, payiaj; a b:gh trit utf to them for their bravery from the time th-:y brok? h'lmee ties un til they returned. Mo t appropriately he referred to Captain Philiipj ou the Battleship Texas, who called hie nu n on deck ard thanked God foi bis splendid v ctory. He then ex presjd hia hope that a true bliev ansii in onr Supreme Otli v r would be Htrmp'd upon tbe mind of (a.i!i tntiuber and that hen th? but taps are rounded ad thnr likM jn tfiij earth er? r.o more, tie every one will be prepund t,n! flill unite in a still more, bappy reunion. The addrecs was of n high degrej and was listened to with much isterest. At the suggfotion of Rev. Arnold eni'h member was requested to have it store at the next reu.iion souie in teresting j:kes to tell, which w I tend to make ibe occasion g'ill m;ir erjjjyaoie. a vo'e or inauks e u'eo extended tn K;?. Arnold for bis address. A me(S:ij'er then came hurriedly to Csntain Al under, informing him that he, together with his de tail, are needed in another p it of be house sod that, they t-hond he supplied wiih an nppnti'.e rornpe-ten1 to make a heavj charge. After in vestigating tbe ma'tcr himself, the sobli ta weie ooiiniiamied to m.irch 9oon they found themselves facing uo! their enem. a lurge tahle filled with the best of things to eat and in abuudanoe A charge wac maeie and great were the ruins left but never did they sucoeed in con quering, and they ere completely overpowered. It vtii a day to be remembered b these old gray haired veterans until theirdeath when Mr. and Mrs. M 0 Walter gcye them that big day on the 18ih day of August. Tbe writer, whoever it be, who was representing Ihe t iandahd, will loug remember it and will ulwavsfeel thankful to these goo-J people for llie day spent with "older hsada." NEWS ITEMS Am riikm from editor ( ImrliH 1 m tfn'li hltttily Fuiorprtn... Messre. Crowell it Crowell have sold their stock cf furniture to Messrs. Kirk iV Swaringen, who will in the future conduct their businese where Crowell oi Crowell now are. Instead of having ail of the bouses that have been erected for the Wisciieeott and Efird mills, alike, it was decided to break tbe uionotcny, ho much notictd in mill towns, and have the houses painted different colors. A trip to factory hill will convince any one that the change is a very agreeable one. Mr. J E Mooeeand funnily visited his father's parents in Cabarrus county, recently. He reports that Cabarrus will return to tbe Demo cratic fold. In one neighborhood he found oix Populists who bave been strong in that faith but who will vote with tbe Democrats th's year. They all eay that their reason for deaerting the party was because they needed reforms in the govern ment of county and State, Tby now poo how profit a failure has been made by the so-called leform ers, that they are willing lo return. A S(c ofTlinlik . I take this opportunity of ex pressing to my many friends of Concord my appreciation of theur intorcet in mo during my stay here. I desire specially to thank the base ball management, tho players, the club, tho K. of 1'., and by no means last Dr. and Mrs. Youug, who bavo spared no pains to make my stay pleasant. To Bay that 1 have enjoyed tLe few wee'ks I have been hero puts it mildly. 1 leave Concord with only ouo regret, viz., that I miht stay longer. She bus my best wishes und I shall always remem ber my summer hero with pleas ure and shall look upon her every advancement with every interest. Yury truly, J M Ol.MU.M. 10tvN OK'JINAVCE In U-fiiru to the MHnltnry toiidlllou of. Ibi- Lolfc About Mom I!.- it oru-jnt J by tbe coiumlss ..o us for .be to ivn 1 1 Cone-'- 'i, that ti ihe duty of ev.iy perton, cotnp.ii. j or corporation doing bust-a.-Jt in a,.y Loope, building or tfli je m tLe s'r;-irts of the lowa o! ij.'u, M ufcip , lioal nun r-jar j! :l.u e tl',:. -6 U t)i:j .Jo n- i (.', i---1'- git i':i' iiiiu place ul wa-te paptr, iriibb cr illixi of auj kind 10 ! fjuuil 0.1 tha rt-apocthe pre t lisej cf the sail pe-.-nns, c-fllJ pir.ii e or coi p rati each morn- itrcr, j,i y:t. bireia or boxes, unc at) p-rn-i compn f.r corp-f'-i'irij fuiiing to c-imply w:tb thia Dr!iTu:oe sfa-ill ba jaiity of a mif"l.m'.tnm und fned ten dol'ars for tach of- fmw. or imprisoned twenty dny. pro-ided the tovr-i k ill orc.iiie cart or eouv-yanc.-, to tarry sent trafu, tilth, e'e, otr Tne town bag employed J ii Ca'd well to carry ' T t";'y and return me Uaireh) or boxes required iu the above o.uiLaLC aud be wili r-wpij tb-iixt on Muudy and Friday ovtii ingi nf euch . ek, Loj-JunLj' Mo;.s lay, August Ti-.'A und ail persons who fail to comply with tbe ordinance o.i and afu r b-.iO date will be liaiile to the riue or penalty named iu said ordinti.oe. This ordinance is in the interest of te health aud chanliness of out town aud will be enfoioed. R-ep. c f ally, J L. Cho '.n K LL, Mayor . Ilio IH Meet Our crowd of email boys who went to AlLemuile Filduy und plavoit a .rji' of l aae ball villi that nine, mot a liorri! !j defeat but chum th'it A Ibemm le rrshd the first nine on tbcm instoiul of about the third nine, as our crowd But then the boys stand their de feat vory tood naturedly anJ tLey go down with one consolation they did tbe best they could George Richmond and Will Fetzer did the battery work for our boys Tho score stood 20 to against our boys. A Wrfk fr tiH-ionlrt. Some time after midnight Fri day night. No. 7 1, a norrhbonnd freight train, was wrecked near Gastonia. The cause was a wash out. Sixteen cars were derailed and somewhat badly wrecked. It was reported tnat three trampt- were inj artel two Laving received scaip VOUU-.I.1 una llo o'hr l.av in; got Lid iu brko. None of the trainmen were reported hurt. No 3i, the fast mail train due hero at 10 o'clock a. m,, did not arrive until nearly 1 o'clock. From Ibo l.lktu )'Hit.r. From the Llkiu Times, a weekly paper publish thoro, wo Like the following from the write-up of the Elkiu-Longtown baseball game : "The pitching and catching by Woddington and KeeJ wciclrghly complimented ami wo hope to huye the Concord boys with us again. Tbe l fii4'Kriitilu liih.liiy. Wo aro sorry to linyo to say in truth and fairness that tie Ciueo kruphic display in the court house- Friday night was veiy unsatisfac tory. The audience had seen displays before so far superior that it was disappointed and many didn't hesitate to manifest it. Whatever explanation may be due the Messrs. Collin and Jones by way of a broken lens which was order ed but failed to arrive until Satur day uioruiug, the manipulation of the machinery in presenting the scenes did not seem to be the work ot an expert iind the pictures were very indistinct. We are author ized to say lor tho Indies of the management that tbey regret ex ceedingly that the disdlay was not volno compared with others of the kind. All the cotton mills iu South Carolina are iloing well, earning good dividends tor tlioir stock holders aud keeping right ut tho head of the cotton manufacturing industry in tho South. Tho proud distinction which this State occu pies iu leading all other Southern States in the cotton mill business has been won by hard and intelli gent work, together with tho many natural advantages otlered l South Carolina iu this special field ot industrial development. Anderson Intelligencer. UoyAl make the food pure, f . wh(jieoae mad vicfcMM. Bill, mm iuiuuiy j'uro A. b. GOODMAN, M. D. I respectfully solicit the profession 2.: 3;.yioea cf the community. All caii w'll bt promptly attended. My U'hcd is at the residence of iJavni, at Rinuor, X. C. A-ii. 25. Southern Railway. THE . . . Standard Railway of the SOUTH . . . TUt C.'i i.r LINE TO ALL POINTS. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strict! : rKM CLASS LjulpoKnt on all Uf,i.ii ana Local Trains; Pullman l'at ic. Mceplnir tars on nil Nltrtat T'.nii.-,; f ast auil Sale Schedules . . . . Travel by tlie Southern and yuu art assured a Safe, Com turtableand Lxpedttious Jour ney A?. I t.i Ticket Agents for Time Tables, Pan-sand neiieril Information, or Address R. I.. VKHN0N, F. K. DARBY, T. .". A., C. P.fcT. A.,V Charlotte, M. C. Asherllle, . C. Fu Tr'.ub'.c to Answer Questions. Frank S. Gannon, J. M. Cl'LP, W. A. Turk, 3rd V.p.toen M'gr, Traf. Man., G. P.A. WASHINGTON, D.C. TAKE ALL OF YOUR WATCH WORK TO CORRELL, THE JEWELER. Boarders Wanted. I am prepared now to keep boarders, and can furnish rooms. Reasonable Rates. Boarding house on Church Street near. East Depot Street. An. 1 r. V. C. J. CATON. Followed br Heart debase. Cured by CR. MILL3' HtAH f CUIIt a- t'-'S. if .--! pi. 7 19 : t J ff Pi K f' ?y K C C. cHri.TS, W'.nt.'it, Iowa, !ihr in. a'it ctnr r f nit r-n:' t y V- tji'!i-i;v ' upline. urohUll'UieCl UMij ti. - L it- with a Wfuk )H'tnU 1 L-u run 1 ;.. :.i lUb to nu-rt- uMii !rul a.- I t '.!; 1 '.ct fJH p liii duwu (ur miu.Uifi l'i;; t n jucrit r-hai p tilil-Ul'.- I: t.'- 1 rttiuit tfur nt mi. I. it f it : i n -t ; :i Cf.. t y Iriin h. u:e t-vor t i ; i'rtlxl 'r. i ti .y-s I w.u .1 Ui.l'.f vl..t.l. H ! I :.I i i.O ,11 ' t- :.A wif t !:.. t nU.t. .Vy I. Mll' Hr.irr (.-.!. able to tub . v. c II : li-sjioiml, iiml (luit! i the dik-.i a, tw vln i : hiii iiuw f'i-niu' ; lilt vc fur y iut " Pr. Mil. K- t.i. t- l.y l f R ,tV 1 .iiriiiK-'. !.:t t It: "l 2 J uiI'V(j frt'- . UK. MILK.- : TuU's Pills Cure All l.ivor Ills V rlS

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