'(....- The - Standard The Sfsricfard t' : N . ill AMI ' ' 1- us rV 1 V..i; - Send us 1 Dollar. STAND A RD. GO )D - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PRIOKS. G-ive us a Trial. Only $1 Per Year. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 81, 1899- s Single Copy 5 Cts. LANGDiiN SMITH DEAD. Quietly He Parsed Away to Sloep the Sleep of Denth An Exemplary Young Man He Never Regained Conscious' ness from the Time Ho Was Taken Sick to His Deatli. On Wednesday afternoon, at 5 :20 o'clock, the doath angel vis ited the home of Rev. T. W Smith and robbed them of their son and brother, Langdon Smith, who on Sunday had a slight chill, but was at the service at his church that day. On Monday . morning about 8 o'clock he had a congestive chill and from that timo he never regained con sciousnoss. lie was born on the 13th day of September, 1879, and died on his twentieth birthday. He was a young man of most excellent character, kind disposition and exemplary habits. One year he had attendod school at Trinity college, and was fully intending to return to school again later, He was a faithful and deyotod member of Central M. E. church. For the first time has death visited this home, filling their hearts with deepest grief and robbing the broken-hearted father and mother of their seo-ond-born. Sadness reigns within the hearts of scores of friends and relatives for the departure, of a young man of promising qualities such as this one possessed, and the sympathy of the community is extended to the grief -stricken family. The Remains Laid to Rest. A large crowd assembled at Forest Hill Methodist church Thursday afternoon to hear the funeral rites over the body of Langdon Smith. Assisted by Rev. Nelson and Rev. J D Ar nold, the funeral was conducted by Rev. J E Thompson, who was the pastor of the young man Sweet and pathetic solos were rendered by Miss Rose Harris, "Some Sweot Day, Bye and Bye," and Mr. H A Wolfsohn His two selections were "Look ing Thus Way" and "Lead Kindly Xiisrht." The pallbearers were Messrs. D J Bostian, R A Brower, "W C Houston. Lester Coltrane, Jno. B Shorrill and J L Hartsell. Words of highest praise as to this young man's character were suoken bv his pastor who, with all others acquainted, is cogni zant of his good name. His was a character worthy of emulation by all. There was an unusually large procession and many beauti f ul floral tributes were bestowed Death Takes Little Margaret. The icv hand of Doath quenched the spark of life in lit tle Margaret, the 16-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S F Harmon on Wednesday night about one o'clock. The end was not unexpected, as symptoms had for several days caused the worst anticipations of loving ones about her. ' What the (JuarreU Is About. Prom the Baltimore Sun light ncomes streaming down on that formerly mysterious quarrel be tween the Brittish and the Boers or the nation of Great Britain and the Dutch African republic -f Transvaal. The territories join and many of tha English have long been settled citizens of the republic and are said to out number the Boers and pay three fourths of the taxes. Yet they have no voice in the government and suffer for lack of it. The contention then Is that they should be allowed a voice in the government which seems con sistent with a republican form of government. The contention has gone about to its limit and each side is pre paring for war as a lint arbitri- ment. The lioers as worriers are equal to the English but there poems to be but one ulti mate result if war to the utmost is to come. The resources are quite unequal as well as the num ber of soldiers on whom to draw. In this, too, the reading pub lic is looking with solicitude and hope that a way of settlement may yt be found, through peace ful channels. HOTBED THE GRAVE. A gwtliiiK incident, of whioh Mr. Jolin-Orver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by him as fullows! I -wns in a most dreod'ul condition. My kin w almost yellow, eyes sunken, toneue coatod. pain continually in back ud sides, no ppt,tito irra-diiaUy grow ing weaker day by day. Tliree pbysi omus b-ul fovon nie nn. Fortunately, a sriend advised trying Eleotrifl Bitters: and to my great joy and surprise, the first botlla made a decided improve, jnent. I continued their nasi for three Tvoeks, and am now a wi 11 man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the erave of another viorfm." No oue ahuulJ fail to try them. Only DOots,, (?uHftled, at A CONSOLIDATION. Under the Name of the York & Wads- worth Co., the Concord Lumber Co. and Torke, Wadsworth & Co. Combine Their Business. Incorporation papers have been received whereby two large business enterprises of our town are now joinod together under another name. The hardware store, known for some time as Yorke,, Wadsworth & Co. and the Concord Lumber Co., have here tofore been two separate enter prises and the books of the two firms have been kept separate, i though several were interested in both enterprises. All the business of the Con cord Lumber Co. and all the business of the Yorke, Wads worth & Co. has now been incorporated under the name of the Yorke & Wadsworth Co. The names of the incorporators are Jno. C Wadsworth, N F Yorke, Chas. J Harris, R 0 S Miller and Horace W Miller. Mr. Isenhour Sow a Resident. Mr. G W Isenhour, of No, township, has opened a lunch room next door to Warren Cole man's store. The business will later be conducted by his sons. Lon and Ed. Isenhour. Mr. Isenhour has purchased from Mr. Jas. W Cannon the house and lot on East Depot street now occupied by Police man Cruse, but will not move for several weeks until his crops are gathered. Mr. Cruse intends moving to the house now occu pied by Sheriff Peck when the latter moves into his residence on East Corbin street. The ltifrgest Boat of All. The long boat, the jolly boat. the pinnace and the yall, but this, my boys, is the biggest boat of all. A special from Now York, of the 13th, says: "The new White Star steam ship Oceanic, the largest votftsel afloat, from.Queenstown, arrived at her pier in North River at 1:45 o'clock this afternoon and de barked her passengers. A big crowd of those who had socured passes to the dock, and a bigger crowd which was kept back of tne lonce, cheered the new steamer as she crept up the river and swung slowly into her berth 'Coming up from Liberty Island, the boat appeared un wieldy and her funnels too high for symmetry, but as she came closer the impression of great length grew clearer. It took six tugs 40 minutes to shove her bow around and force the huge vessel into place. Docked, she filled almost the whole length of the long pier. The Oceamc's time was six days and two hours. The Oceanic is the largest vessel ever built. She was launched at Bel fast, January 14, at the ship building yards of Harland & Wolff. Her dimensions are 704 feet long, 72 feet beam and 68 depth, with draught, light of 22 feet and loaded 82i feet. She registers 17,000 tons. Her en gines were dosigiiod to develop 5,000 horse power. Her co capacity is about 6,000 tons, and she consumes about 500 tons of coal, daily. She is rigged with three masts and is equipped with two funnels, eacu of 20 leot m diametor and 80 feet above the fire grates. The Tartar Can't Sail. A peculiar complication has arisen over the transport Tartar at Hong Kong. She flips the British flag and had gone into dock at Hong Kong on hor way to San Francisco with 1,145 sol diers and 55 passengers, The Brittish authorities refused oaranco papors, whoa the Tar tar wanted to leave, on the ground that the ship was over loaded. Gen. Otis claims that it is not overloaded. If the Brit tish do not relont, another trans port will have to be socured and the load divided. lirinklcj Is Dead and Three are In Jail. M D Brinkley, the farmer from Yadkin county who was found in Winston with a bullet hole in is head Tuesday mprning is dead. Thomas Rood, Bob Coo ler and Thos. Hudson have boon arrested and committed to jail. ho evidence against Rood is said to b yery damaging. Don't say "crazy as a bud bug y' but say, its Ike town clock. Who Will His Lawyer BeJ In the term of court next month here when the trial comes up for the killing of Policeman Kerns, it is very probable Judge Robinson will, for Edwards, pro tection, appoint two attorneys to defend him. It is the duty of the attorneys appointed to serve and to exert their best efforts for the defence of thoir client. It is now probable that Tom Carr and Tom Richardson, the two ne groos here in our jail, will em ploy counsel for their defence. Several attorneys have been en gaged and it is a subject of won derment who will be appointed by the State. In Honor of Mother. Mb. Editor: Friday, the 15th, was an enjoyable day at itho home of Mrs. M C Moore in No. 2 townshipr It was hor sixtieth birthday and all the children gathered in to celebrate it with a reunion of the family. Dinner time came and whon the table was spread with good things it fell to the lotrof the oldest son R T Moore, to address the circle It was real happiness to us to see mother enjoy the occasion so much. We hope to repeat the happy occasion many tunes. Son ma m To Stop the Sale of II. borne time ago several of our merchants were advisod to stop soiling a grade of malt, which seemed to be nothing more than beer, and also some grades of cider which were found to havo an intoxicating effect. A grocery morchant of our town was tried before a magistrate Thursday night for selling intoxicating drinks, to wit, apricot cider and his case will be tried in the coming, term of court. They Were NortH. Two nicely dressed young mon were on the southbound vesti bule Wednesday night beating thoir way. Policeman Mabery arrested one bi them and the othor one, rathor than forsake his friend, stayed hero and accompanied the officer and his man to tho mayor's office. The arrjstod one paid his costs and the associates bade us farewell, Mrs. Kimball Takes Charge. The Morris hotel, which for some months has boen under the management of Mr. Frank Pharr, has now changed hands and Mrs. H A Kimball, of Salis bury, now has it in charge. Mrs Kimball has had quite au amount of experienco in boa: -.ling, having been in this work in Salisbury and in Asheville. Slml-Aiinual Dividend Declared. The stockholders of the J M Odell Manufacturing Co. mot Friday. This was their semi annual meeting. A somi-aimual dividend of four per cont was doclarod. This is the cotton mill at Bynum superintended by Mr. Chas. F Hislop, formerly of this place. An Industrial Issue. Mr. Goo. Martin, who for over twenty years has boon in tho newspaper work, has boon hero several days. Mr. Martin is now on tho staff of the Chattanooga Times and is getting out an in dustrial issue devoted to SaliS bury. It will contain eight pagos and ho will print 15,000 copies. He'll Tell Us oflhoSirht. Since Mr. R Will Johnson has boon selected as a carrier of a billy" and pistol, Mr. Luthor Biles has taken the work as night watchman. He went his rounds for tho first timo Thursday night and now knows how it goes to walk while others are asleep. The Bakery Cbuiifiea Hi)d, Mr. Will Johnson, who for some mouths has boon conduct ing a fruit stand and bakery, has sold out his business to Mr, Joe Fishor. Mr. Johnson closod out the bi'siness on account pi re turning to school. A Real Estate Deal. Mr. W A Wilkinson has sold to Mr. W K Harris tlx) proporty almost opposite Mr. D C Furr's store at Forest Hill on Church street. oyoral small store rooms are on tho lot. For Ow rm Venn Mrs. Winslow'a Boothisg Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothors for their ohildren hile teething, with porfect success. It sootbos the child, softens the (rums, alloys all pain, cures wind oolio, and is the best remedy tor Diarrhoea. It will relieve 11,6 Poor little sufferer immedi ately. Hold by druppistn in every part of the woild. Twenty.fi ve cents a bot tle. Bt sure and ask for ''Mia. Win. slows Soothing Byrnp," end take a other knot Too Much of a Double Cut Off. Jim Brown is a negro who came into Charlotte Wednosday on an excursion. He poked his head through a window with, a broken glass. 'On taking it in he cut the temporal artery and blod profusely. His holpmoto (they're always on hand amid our woos) conceived the idea of stopping the flow of blood by tying a handkerchief vory tight around Jim's neck hoping to cut off the flow of blood, not just thinking she would necessarily cut off Jim's wind at the same time. She soon had her man in bad shape. Dr. 77 Strong Dead. Almost every one who is to be seen on our streets during court occasions remembers the mild and genial face of Dr. Strong, who always came over 'from Charlotte on these occasions in the interests ot his newspaper work until within the last few years, when age and declining health forced him from active life. This respected citizen diod at the home of his sister in Brat tleboro, Vt., on the 15th. Tho doctor bore a good name and commanded tho rospoct and es teem of all about him. A FRIGHTFUL BLNDEUR Will often canse a horriblo Burn, Scld, Cut or Bruise. Bueklen's Arnica Salve, the beat in the worn!, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old bores, Fever bores, Ulcers, Boils, Fel ons, Uorns, all Skin Eruptions. Best I'il o cure on earty. Only 25 cts a box. f'nre guaranteed. Sold at Folzer's Store- Atlanta (iels the Prison. It soems that Atlanta has boon the successful candidate for the Southern Federal prison. It moans something over $2,000,000 expenditure of Undo Sam's money down there. It will take probably till 1902 to got all things ready to hold the Southern con victs. These will include those from the District of Columbia, Maryland and Delaware. tiie ij EST riu:ciiirTioN fob CHILLS and fwer is a bottle : Grove's Tasto- less Chill Tome. Never fnils to cure; Then wny experiment with worthiest iuiitationn? trice 50 cents, money back if it fails to cure. Your Killed By Her Parrot. Miss Alice Knatt, says the Washington Post, was asphyx ia led recently at her home in that city by hor pot parrot. She was sleeping and the bird turned on the gas got. The parrot had placed its bill near the bottom of tho d, or and was about half dead when discovered but tho unfor tunate lady could not be resus citi-ted. - . Terrible Result of Violent Passion. A Shelby special to the Char lotto Observer of the 15th says. This morning about six miles northeast of Shelby a fuss started over some trivotous matter be twoen Burt Beam and Dan tinges. JJoam struck (Jriggs with an axe, killing him', tho blow almost severing his head. Beam came in and surrendered to Slier riff Suttlo. The preliminary trial will be hold Monday before Judge Tiddy. AnnoNuceuient. To necomraoda'e those who art pari ".i to the ute ot atom ztrs in appiyi.-g liquids into 'the rai-al pu8 (.;-3 fur c;arrhal troubles, the proptd-tom prepare Cream Balm in qui-: form, which will be known .s Ji y liq-jiu t.r;-am ifciitn. Pric niciiininp, lti spraying tube ib 7o Ofr.te. Urucri'ifitH or by man. The liquid form embodies the medicinal iperties ot tho toliu preparation. Cream Bulin is quickly absorbed by he.ni(!innrane and does net dry up ihe (wrelionH, but charicss them to a natural an healthy character hly Brother, 6G Warren Sf, N, Y, Death Hits a Shining Mark. We loarn that Mrs, Rev. Sam uel Boatty diod suddenly return ing from church near Philadol phia lately. This was one of the most notable church workers the writer ever saw. At Now London sho was so active in every work of the church ns to place herself at tho head of every good move ment and inspired a most hoarty following. Wo (louiit not slip was a blessing to every commu nity in which she moved as she was in that, iter memory will bo fondly cherrished. You assume no risk when you buy Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nd Diarrhoea E"niedy. M. L. Marsh & Co. will refund your money if you are not satisfied after using it. It in tvery whore admitted to bo the most success ful remedy in nso for bowel com plaints and the only one that ntver fails. It is pleasant, safe and reliable, 1 The Cause of the Trouble. On Friday afternoon the town clock was giving us all kinds of time and one knew not the hour. Mr. Jas. Willoford, who keeps up with the times in that capa city, wont to see about the trouble. It was found that a piece of wood about a foot long had dropped from tho dome above and was wedgod betwoon the brick wall and the heavy box which contains several hundred pounds of old iron which acts as the weight. Whon Mr. Willoford reached tho clock there was a considerable amount of siack on the rcpo, making it very danger ous had tho wedge came out, which would no doubt have jorkod tho clock from its station and havo torn things to pieces badly. The matter was adjusted though and we now move on. Letter From Hollo. The following letter from Mr. Henry Sater to Capt. W. B. Wright of Raleigh is well worth tho reading. "Iloilo, P. I., July 24, 1899. "I guess ybu will be surprised to got a letter from me. I have boon hore two or three weeks. I went from Raloigh to Columbia. I was thore about a month and was sent to San Francisco. I was there a month and left there the 22nd of May for Manila on tho transport Sherman. We wont by the way of Honolulu and wei'o thore three days. Wo had a pleasant trip across and no bad weather, and reached Manila Bay the 20th of Juno. We could see what Dewey did to the Span ish fleet as we wont in the Bay I could just see the tops of the sunken Spanish boats , at a dis tance. I was in Manila one wook and then wont to my Regiment, tho 18th United State Infantry Band. They are on Pamy Is land, 300 miles from Manila in tb" town of Iloilo. They havo three towns in possession hero Iloilo, Jara and Molo. Wo aro quartered in tho finest build ings in the town. Wa never had such fine quarters before, Whon the Filipinos loft their places they wont running and they did not have time to carry thoir household furniture, so we are getting the benefit of it now. All Lho large buildings wore furn ished well with some very fine furniture-; pianos in every one. All tho companies have pianos and lots of other instrumonts, so we have plenty of music. Our quarters are very nico. Wo have a fruit srrovo around us and all kinds of fruits, cocoanuts, pine apples, bananas, oranges, lem ons, chickooros, mangoes and several othor kinds I don't know tho name of yet. Our quarters arc something like a music school and we have every kind of instruments from a mouth harp to a piano in it. We have a sot of Spanish band instrun ments that they captured in Manila, so we are well fixed for music. "We havn't done any scraping lately, but will pretty soon, I think. Thoy will take Santa barbor next, a town about 12 milos from hore. The boys aro doing provost guard here now around the town. Thoy have a little shooting every evening. Tho natives will slip up and fire at our post and then chaso off, but some time the follows get one. 't here is a nigh tower hore. We can go upon it and see the Filipinos working on thoir trenches. They aro about two or three milos from the town. Tho soldiers are building bridge now across the Jara river, so thoy can get the guns and teams across. The Filip inos destroyed tho old bridge that was thore. So I think by doing this wo will go to Santa barbor soon, "It is not so warm here now. I don't think it is as warm as it is in .North Carolina. We are having tho rainy season and it rains every day. We don't have to play very many concerts it rains so much. Duiing the ciyil war, as well as in our late war with Spain, diar rhoea was ono of the most troublesome diseases the army had to contend with. la many instances it became ohronic and the old soldiers still suffer from it. Mr. Davul Taylor, of Wind Ridge, Greene county, Pa., is one of these. He uses Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Ueuiedy and says he never found anything that would give him such quick relief. It is for sale by M. L. iMarsh & Co., Druggist rin Di. Mtlet' Ket9rtiv Mrviuc brings reeU A Wild Heast Farm. Rinfflinc Brothers, th men, have purchased throo of the smaller Florida Keys, which they will put to a novel use. They will stock uioin witn wild boast from all parts of tne world. Ejich di- vision of this wild beast farm contains about 0,000 acres. Parts of thorn aro wooded, and there are thick undorgrowths like jungles. Tho beasts will be di - vided into three classes, accord - ing to their ability to get along "Mr. Mercier smiled whon ho ! starvation. Thoy have no faith together, each class having an. j cama hero to got his fifth mar ( in tho Tagalos, and they earnest island to itsolf, Thoy will bo ' riage license. He today married . ly desire American protection. brought from Asia, Africa- and South America, and will bo in charge of exporioncod keepers. The reasons 'for this novel en terprise are that wild beasts are beeoming scarcer every" year, and that thoir capture is very difficult and oxponsivo. An animal hospital will bo es tablished, where animals sick and worn out from travel, con finement and a season's exhibi tion will bo cared for. Daily Re porter, A MOTHER TELLS HOW SHE SAVED DAUGHTERS LIFE I aai the uu thor ot eif:ht child ron ana have had a treat dual ot experience with medicines. Lust summer my little daughter had the dysentery in its worst form We thought she would dio. I tried everything I conld think of. 1 saw Dy an advertisement in onr paper that Ch.smborlaiu's Colic, Cholera r.nd Diarrhoea IiemeJv was highlv rocommandad and. sent and got a bottle at once. I proved to be oue of the vory best medicines we ever had ui tho house. It saved my little daught er's life. I am auxious for every rothor to know what an excellent medicine it is. Had i known it at first it would have saved ma a great dual of auxiotv aod my little daughter much mffdring. Yours truly, Mra. Goo. F. Bur dick, Liberty, K. 1. For Sale by JV1. Li. Marsh di Co.. Drmrcist. No l'arty llenpousihle. We belivo that everybody ad mits that tho management of tho penitentiary under tho 1897 fu sion arrangement was a stupou duous failure worse than a fail ure. The Legislature this year attempted to put its management in the hands of Democrats, but the Supreme Court decided that the fusion officers were entitled to hold on, Mr. Justice Clark writing an able dissenting opin ion. Since Jno Supremo Court decision wo havo had a Demo cratic Republican Populist fu sion management, neither party having full control, the responsi bility being much divided. . This fusion arrangement is not work ing well; it is not giving satis faction. It has seemed to us that if the Democratic members of tho board of control cannot direct the management of affairs and cor rect abuses they should resign. Patron-Gloanor. NO CUKE, NO PAY. That i. the way all druKgisteJjsell Grove' Taetoless Chill Tonio for chills and Malaria. It is Bimply Iron and uumine m a tasteless form. Children sove it. Adults refer it to bitter, nau leatinjt Tones I'rioe. 50a. "I can't holp thinking about the emplinoss of the world," sighed the misanthrope. "You should have boen with me in Hawaii," answored the traveller. You wouldn't think it was so empty if you had soon that erup tion of Mauna Loa. Washing ton Star. THAT THROrimtm HEADACHE. Would quickly loave von. if von used Dr. King's New Lite Fills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Hick and Nervous Headaches. They made pure blood strong nerves and build up yourhoalth. Easy to tako. Try them. Only i"i oents, Money back ij not oared, at Fotsser's Jjin Store. "Have you ever thought of marriage?" he asked, hesita tingly. "Am I not a woman?" sho in quired by way of reply. Ex. HOW'S THIS ? Wo offer one hundred dollars reward for any caee of enlarrh that can not by cured by HallV Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney fe Co., Props., Toledo, Ohio. Wf. the undorsicned. have known F J Cheney for the last 15 years, and beluve him peifoctly reliable in all business transac tions and financially able to earn out any obligations made by their firm. West & Trnax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnnu & Marvin, Wholesale Dnitrgists, Toledo, O Hall's Cutarrh Cure is taken in ternally, aots directly upon the blood and uncotts ui face of the system. Price 75 :. per boMl-. Sold by all dtuggiwts. Testimo tol. nials tree. Kent Uini In the Family. Huntinaton. W. Va. din patch says: ! "William Mercior, of Raccoon j j Crook, 15 milos from hero nas . maa-ned tvo swioi-s. JSpt all at j once, of course, but when one j wife died Mr. Mercior married hor sistor. In a word, Mr. Mer- ! oior foil in love v?ith the clan of i Moffatt. and tho Moffatts a, froeu 3 'ihey must keep him in 1 i'amilv. Mi.-,s Anna Moffatt, who is lib' years old. Ia pursuance of tlio plan to keep Mercior in tho fam ily Miss Annie rejected a young man of Raccoon Creek. " 'Each one of the Moffatt ;,'irls has made mo a bettor wife than her itor,' said Mr. Mercior to day. T can't say more for any of thom than that I really think I am fonder of hor than I was of Jonnio, Ada, Catherine or Mis souri. Anyhow, we're going to have tho finest wedding of the lot.' " What Cirls Have Accomplished "Three Louisville girls came out of school a dozen years ago," said O. C. Crawford, of that place, "and resolved, as young mon sometimes do, to achieve fame and fortune or at least to make something more than usual of thoir lives. They formed a sort of club for mutual encouragement. One of them, a daughter of Dr. Yandall, one of the most famous Kentucky phy sicians, is now regarded as a master sculptor. Her design for a fountain has boen successful over those of tho leading Ameri can sculptors. Another, a daugh ter of General Basil Duke, is a violin virtuoso, who has boon hoard as a soloist in many grand concerts. Tho third, a daughter of Muldoon, who has tho order for tho mausoleum for youn Mackay, to bo placed in Green wood cemetery, is a singer of great power. Those girls have shown that, beautiful as 'the Louisvillo women aro, they have brains also." Chicago Times Herald. Burned by Lamp Explosion. Mr. HA Tuckor was most se riously, if not fatally, burned Thursday night in tho Charlotte hotel, in Charlotte. He was in bed asleep with a lamp burning on the mantel This lamp did not havo a chim ney on it and soon after 12 o'clock it exploded, sotting the bod on fire. Mr. Tucker's clothes caught fire and he fought bravely. but till roscusod was awfully burnt. Mr. Tuckor is a resident of Wilmington, to whoro ho in tended to start on tho 5 o'clock train. Hudson a State's Witness.' A Winston dispatch says Tom Hudson has turned State's wit ness in the caso for the murdor of Brinkley. Ho says thoy wore all drinking and that Brinkloy and Eeod got into a fight. Brinkley put his hand to his hip pockot whon Rood drew his pis tol and fired. It seems that Brinkloy was robbed also. Miss jflusely Found. Miss Virginia Mosely, whose sudden and inexpicablo disap pearance from Monroe last week caused so much solicitude has boon found at Wadesboro, and is again at homo with hor parents. No explanation is offered for the singular conduct. Lamp Falls, Thirty-Tno Perish In Panic. A Berlin dispatch of the 14th says that at Kalisch in Russian Poland a lamp was turnod over m tlio synagogue and a panic followed, in which thirty-two women and children were crushed to doath. Died In Her Sleep. Mrs. R L DoArmond, of Mah lard Creek, Mecklenburg county, was found dead in bod Thursday morning. She was 80 years old. It was a going out of life's lamp in tho enjoyment of sloop. Seven Fever Cases at Xew Orlenim. Tho official report of yellow fovor cases in Now Orleans is suveii i-u uuiA) wiuii one uoain. Isolation is complete and tho dis- ;iso is regarded as under xu- 6PBNAUKtfaS?s; v I'-.l . ... Thoy Wish Our Protection. A Washington dispatch of the 14th says: "Mail advices re ceived at the War Department ' from Manila sfatethatthenatives ;Kia,i nfSnmar av re praying , for the speedy arrival of the i American flag. It is said that as I a result of tho forcible collection , ' of taxes bv emissaries of the in- ! . . , . Al . . J ., 1 ...... 11 4 1 t ' tho natives are in a stale of semi- ; An insurgent loader, Con. Luc- ban, .has bolted to Japan, taking with him -2,000 coilectud by him for the insurgents. Tho agents of tho insurgents endeavor to compel the natives to join their forces, which thoy will not do. The condition of the Island is rapidly approaching riot and anarchy as the heavy and con tinued drag upon them in the form of tribute exasperates the natives and they threaten des perate resistance if it continues." But this may be Gen. Otis' storeolyping again as it is favor able to the powers that bo. , OCN'tV 11.' a B:is NsaraiVia. Go. Dr. MIMsJ - in. ful Sr. Southern Railway. THE Standard Railway of the SOUTH . . . THE DIRECT LIKE TO A LI POINTS. TBXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strictly FIRST CLASS Equipment on all Through ai'd Local Trains; Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains; Fas; and Sate Schedules .... Travel by the Southern and you are assured a Safe, Com fortable and Expeditious Jour, ney Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Tables. Kates and GeaerI Information, or Address R. L. VERNON, F. R. DARBY, T- P. A., C. P. & T. A., Uarlotte, N. C. Asheville, to. C. No Trouble to Answer Questions. Frank S. Gannon, J. M. CULP, W. A. Turk, 3rd V.P.&Gen M'pr, Traf. Man., G.P.A. WASHINGTON. D. C. L. T. HABTSELL. A TTORNEY-AT-L A.W, CONCORD - - N C. Prompt attention given to all iualnejp. Office iu Morris building nposite conn rouse. D. G Caldwell, M. u. M.X. Stevens, M.D Urs, CALDWELL & STEVENS. Concord, N. O, iffica in old oat office bnilding ppoiito St, Oleud Hotel. Phone No 3? MORU1SUN H. OALD WELL ATT0BN1Y AT IAW, CONCORD, N. 0' Office in Morris building,' Ippoait Court hou-je. M. B. S TICKLE Y Attorney at Law, Concord N. C. SIEUAL ATI EM ION QlVhi 20 COLLkCIIONS. Office upstairs in Kincr bnildiru a m near Postollioa. &ft2 aLT For three years I sofferei ho.n heart disease. CLulJ not lie on my left sldz, haJ di::y spells, and at t;me.i my heai t would skip a teat, rivi crans ana prcprkt.'.r m-. oi dont tail. 4 to do r.,t jr.? foci bt: three .a:--. of Dr. Mile-,' Kea.-t Owe -J, mc a he: Ik-' hy -n.i.i j u f ,.'.. is sold by nil dn"";!, un i:n" 'Lk Lie t boM."' .M'tila V fi v rk liookoo beart uutl uorwt) ut ln-s Or. Milo Medical Company. Likluf t, InJ, fiB ft. , av jr 0 : I Try

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