&l nCliU.il: FoliTJIIJ ST.WU ART). Seno. us l.Ci) Onlv - $1.00 and get this paper 1 yer Only $1 Per Year. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, OCT. 3, 1901. EE CLUnniNO HATKS Otl PAIJE 2 Single Copy5Cts- RD. COURT OF IStJl'lRY WKIXENIIY Was SHilcy .lusliflalilo in YVi(h(lrswlni! frmn Suhliatro the Point oftlio liny. Tho Schley court of inquiry hold a full session Wednesday. Admiral Cotton was the princi pal witness whoso testimony im plicates Admiral Schley in with drawing frc.m Santiago bay to recoal at Key West when it would havo been possible to- coal at soa though somowhat, difllcult. It had not yet boon ascertained whether Corvera was within the harbor or not. Tho act of with drawal was in direct disobedience to ordors, as 'Admiral Schley said in his reply, but In his judgement was an absolute ne cessity. The question of justi fication of the act is ' brought squarely before the court for de cision. , When you want a pleasant physic try the new remedy, Cliamberlain'sStomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to tate and pleasant in effect. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at Marsh's drug store. Tho Man AnsmilUd by It J Koss at New London Critically 11!. Albemarle. Sept. 5. R J Koss, Esq , of New London, who assaulted a citizen named Temple-ton. at that village Sunday afternoon, with an axe, was tried before J W Bostian here this afternoon. Iioss waived examination and was bound over to court in a bond of $250. The injuries to Mr. Temploton are moro serious than was at first reported and he is now in a very critical condition. It is reported here that a piece of one of the broken ribs has penerated the lungs and another one has lodg ed in one of the kidueys. His recovery is extremely doubtful. Should he die Koss will be re arrested on the charge man slaughter and a much heavier bond will be required of him, if indeed ho is allowed to give bond at all. Henry Bray don, Harris, N. C, says. "I took medicine 20 years for asthma but one bottl-? of One Minute Cough Cure did me moro good tnan anything else during that time. Bo 1 (. ough Cure." Gibson Drug Store. - s AnOUHhm. Maj. Joe Morohead exhibited in our sanctum this morning a smooth-bore, (lint and steel buck gun, five feet eleven inches in length aud whole stocked that is tho stock runs to tho muzzle. This was the property of Caleb Crews, of Granville county, and used by him at the battle of Guil ford Court House in 1781. There was also shown a powder horn of that period and a buckskin shot bag also used in tho brtUle, all now the property of tho Guil ford JBat tie Gi o I 'd Museum, a presentation of patriotic descend ants. The major is having pictures, of thes9 taken to aid Mr. Mullins, of Ohio, in the manufacture of a statute . true-to-life of a North Carolina militiaman of 1771 the pioneer of American liberty who at that date set tho Revolution ary ball in motion. Greens boro Record. A never failing cure for cuts, burns, scalds, ulcers wounds and sores is DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. A most soothing and healing remedy for nil skin nffeo tions. Accept only 1 1 if? genuine. Gibson Drug Stoic. After McDaniel. Sheriff J II WycotT, of Irodcll county and Mr. J M Deaton, chief of police of Moorcsville, for three days and nights have been in pursuit of Pleasant Mc Daniel, who assaulted a small while gill at his home near Stalosville about a month ago. McDaniel Ins been adroit enough so far to elude the of fleers but it is almost a certainty that the $400 reward offered by the governor will bring him to justice very soon. " raptured With Si vrn (Jalloim. Lindsay Gordy and another man were captured in tho lieids ville portion of Mt. Pleasant Wednesday night with about seven gallows of "sow paw. The second man was released on pre liminary hearing but the former was bound over subject to the action of the graud jury. "A bird in the hand is all right if you have no knife and fork. Dyspepsia Cure ninp.cts what vou eat. This preparation contains all of tho dlBMtanU and dip-sU all kind of food ltirlvcsinstant relief and never falls toeure. It allows you to cat all the food yon want. Tlx- most sensitive' itomachH can take it. J it 8 use many thousands of dyspctilics have Kxjn cured after everylhitiK lsu tailed. It iirevenis formation of Kan on tho stom ach relieving all distressaftert atintf. Dieting uiinece.iiry. pleasant to tuKu. It can't help dui nu yu IK.i.nrHionlvh E e. pnWiTT a Co . I'lilei SIZO, CZOMiOSZ MEETS RELATIVES. Eutlier, Brother mid Sl-ter Interview Him In I'rixim. Czolgosz was allowed nn inter view with his father, brother and sister on the t'5th. Ho talked rather more freely than at any time since he has been confined. in prison. He avers that he did the deed himself alone .without aid or plan involving others. He manifest no regret or remorse. He was allowed 35 uuuutos to converse with them and on part ing was kissed by Ins sister, who wept all the while' of the inter view. . . , , : 1 . m . - i Developing Yadkin Falls. Capt. E B C Hainbley has re turned from New York, where he has been spending the past ten days on a business trip. Capt. Hamoley tells "us that it will require two years for the company that has purchased the water power from the "company at the Narrows to complete its work there for the transmission of power. WJien the entire work of construction is completed the power can be conveyed for a dis tance of ino (?) miles. Mr. Hambley tolls us that a toree of ten hands have been busy day and night for three months working on the plans. They will bo completed by No vember 1st. Salisbury Sua. The President's Estate. In view of the exaggerated re ports of the amount of insurance carried by President McKinley ou bis life the New York Sun, of Sunday,, states thit one of the President's closest friends gave out the statement in Now York city Saturday that cannot be dis puted Mr. ' McKinley carried $50,000 in the New York Life In surance Company, and 17,000 in smaller companies, making a total of. f 67, 000. Mrs. McKinley's income from the insurance policies, tho pen sion of 5,00 a year which Con gress will grant, and the money saved by tho President will be about fl 3,000" -a yonrr Tliankfiil lteurfleiuries. Concord, N. C, Sept. 24, 1901. Mr. D. T. Maijaulk, Dist. Man ager Sun Life Assurance Co., Concord, N. C. Let us thank you for chock of your Company, payment in full of Policy No. 00,579, on the life of our daughter, Mollio E Dry. The courtesies you have shown us, and tho prompt payment of tho policy, will ever make us be lievers in life assurance, and we will always be pleased to speak in the highest terms of the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. . Again thanking you, we are Very truly yours, c. , . 1). M. Dry, (Signed.) lyd-a K Dry. Sept, 2o.-d3t w4t. IVl'ece Student Act-Mentally Killed by Vcfini; Vt (Hioin. Clarence Oo.-li.-on, oi Green wood. 17 years oh!, was killed at the homo of Eugene Bower-, in Greenwood county, today, by Miss Florence Counaly. Colli son was a student at I'unnan University and was attending a viarty at the Bowers boue, Miss Connaliy being one of the gu -'s. They were having target practice with rii!"-.. The gun in Miss Connally's hand was dis charged accideutiy, the bullet striking tho young man in the forehead and passing through his brain. Columbia, S. C, dis patch, 24th. Xo HaIns at Ouvidsun We arc told that at Davidson College the sentiment is so strong against the brutal piac t'ce of "hazing" freshmen that the students themselves expel I he hi-zers from the classes without carrying the matter to the facul ty at all. All honor to Davidson! It is not bravo i:or manly to per secute those unable to defend thoinselves, and a gentleman will never doit. Charity & Children. - . We measuro success by accum ulation. The measure is false. The true measuro is apprecia tion. Ho who loves most has most. Dr. Henry Van DyKe." Have you k sense oi' lallie'---in the region of your sloi:i;irh after eating J" If so you will lie benefitted by usingt Chamberlain V Stomach and Liver Tablets. They regulate the bowels too.1 Price, 25 cents. Sold by M L Marsh, druggist. i CZOM.'OSZ SENTENCED. Will he Elretriciiled lliirins Week Ik" IfiniiiiiK October 2stli. Leon I'1 Oznlgosz was brought into Court Thursday to receive his sentence. He showed more Jepre.ssiou than at any timo dur mg the trial but was fairly calm and self) ossessed . He said that he did tho deed alone. No oho told him to do it and no one lured him to do it. No oue else had anything to do with it. Justice White then passed sentence as follows: "In taking the life of our be loved President you committed a crime which shocked and out raged tiie moral senso of tho civ ilized world. You . have con fessed that -guilt, and learning all that at this can be learned from the and circumstauces of tho twelve good jurors have nouneed you guilty and after time facts case found you guilty of murder in llio tirst decree. "Vou have sain, according to the testimony of 'm-ditab'e wit nesses and yourself, that no other person aided or abetted you in tiie commission of this terri ble act. God grant it may bo so. Tho penalty for the crime for which you stand convicted is fixed by this statute and it now becomes my duty to pronounce this judgement against . you. The sentence of this court is that in tae week beginning Oc tober 2, 1DU1, at tho place, in the- maimer and means pre scribed by law, you suffer the punishment of death. lioinove the prisoner." Tho prisoner was cleverly gotten out- of jail and sent on his way to Auburn during tiie night. ' pro Man Dies Suddenly. Wm. D Moore, a steady and f..ithful ni-gro man that worked much with Mr. John Moore for the last 15 years, died very sud denly Thursday evening. It was evidently heart disease. Ho com plained lately of a queer uneasy feeling of the chest. II o was at his tiomo near the negro J'.aptist church aud was in the act of eat ing his supper when called with out, a moi.ieiiis warning. He simply fell over and expired. he was ;,2 years old and leaves a wife aud five children, one just a week' old tonight. He was a leading a member of the Haptist church, so near him in a double sense and bore a jrood name aud much respect among those who knew him. Wheat Tlireshers' Keciud. The wheat threshing period extended almost; to the present this yeat and is the latest we ever know in our community. Tho following is the return as we get it from the eastern side of the county. It is to bo noted that all those companies thresh by steam and save horse flesh. Isaac Shoe company threshed 19,500 bushels of wheat and oats this season. The Moose, Peck and Fisher company threshed 12500 bushels, which was llnoo bushels short of last yenr. Harrier and Hahn threshed 14,000 bushels. A Tranin With 125 Hie at Ureeiiwoud. A Greenwood, S. C, Special of t ho 24th to the Columbia State says: "An unknown tramp wit h ?1"J5 in g"lu sewed up m his 'he I.. - ti !'! Sotnrd-iy and was l.ut 'n-ei in the liei'Thborhood in w'ii'ch he was eared for in his Ui si s.cl'iie.-s. The money is held by the eounty subject to the claims of the rightful heirs " A Street Car Accident, Arthur Adams, a small color ed hoy. was run over by a street car yesterday and lost all or part of ti v! fingers in the acci dent. He was bruised on the head ami other parts of the body, but. his injaries are not thought to.be dangerous. As u result of the Oftui rence motorman Green, who was in charge of tire car, was brought before 'Squire S 11 Hilton yesterday afternoon and the various witnesses to tiie ac cident were examined. The evi dence indicated that motorman Green showed presence of mind and did all that was to be done to stop the accident. Charlotte Ubserver. Tiit-:i;i-: is no fa.mii.y mod' l ire so favorably known as Pain Killer. For over -ixty years it has been usr-d by i;;is..'o:iaries in all parts of t !ie world, no! only to counteract the climatic influ ences on their families, but for the cure of all diseases of the bowels, and for wounds, burns, bruises, etc. Avoid substitutes, ttiero is but one Pain-Killer, Ferry Davis'. lVice 25c and 50c Xnlice t Teicliers. The nejit regular examination of Public School Teachers will be held at the-court house on the lfth of October. 'has. E. Hikikr, C'oidity Mupt. Kt-' I'.oi 1' Howard sr. Foil 1,'un -ii, Mid,., writes; "I have i i : m..ny pills mid laxa-' lives but, De, Wilis Little Early Risers aie far tho best, pills I have ever n.-ed." They never gripe.. Gibson Drug Store. COTTON GKOWEK'J MEETIMU Seed Worth ift Cents' per lliishel -Should Exi-liaiure Seed for Meal. Tho meeting of the cotton raiser's was held in Raleigh ou the 25th as appointed and re- convend Thursday morning completing the wok of the ses sion. The Eaieigh correspou dent (o the Charlotte Observer gives the following summary. The following were elected to compose the executive commit tee: S L Patterson, B H Thomp son, J W B Battle, J W Atwator, Hector McLean, W H Clarke and J A Stevens,. The address to the growers is as follows: To the Cotton Farmers of North Carolina: At a meeting of delegates ap pointed to assemble in lialoigh on the 25th inst., for the purpose of considering and deciding on the best method of securing a just and reasonable price for our cotton seed, it was agreed to organize under the name of "The North Carolina Cotton Farmers' State Association," aud make such recommendations to those engaged in raisiug cot ton as might secure the end in view. After full information pre sented by the Slate Agricultural Department of the intrinsic value of cotton seed for fertilizer, stock feeding, etc., supplement ed by the individual knowledge and experience of the farmers present in relation 10 them, the following recommendations were made, and the undersigned ap pointed a committee to briefly outline the conclusions of tho convention. That wo should not dispose of our sued in case of sale, for less than 25 cents per bushel, or when exchanging the same to tho mills we should not receive less than 1,333 1-3 pounds of meal, aualiz ing 8i per cent, ammonia for a ton of seed. This . price was based ou present price of cottou seed meal and oil. It these pro ducts advance in prico the seed should sell at a higher price than 23 cents per bushel. In tho event we aro not able to sell or exchange ou these terms then it was recommended that we should use the seed on tho farm for fort'lizer, and wherever prac ticable there should be estab lished by the farmers neighbor hood cotton seed oil mills. It was the senso of the convention that it was prcferrable to ex change the seed for meal to be used tin the farm rather than impoverish the farm by the sys tem of robbery so much prac ticed by our farmers in making an outright sale of the seed. In all cases of sale or exchange the purchaser should pay the freight on seed and the farmers freight on meal. It was furthermore agreed to urge our friends tho importance of township and eounty organization to accom plish this desirable end, for we fully realize that mere Slate or ganization and resolutions can accomplish but little unless those whom we seek to aid shall organ ize among themselves and act ively and intelligently co-operate with us. To this end wo insist that every farmer interested in procuring better prices for cot ton seed engage actively in this work of organization and that no time be lost in perfecting tho same in each township and county. Signed W It Cox, J Bryan Grimes, John W Atateu. TiTenty- Five Years Instead of the fallows. It will be remembered that a little negro girl of nine years was assaulted in Charlotte last August. John Bish was arrested and was tried this week before Judge Hoke and found guilty. In passing sentence Judge Hoke said : "In view of the fact that there aro certain doubts regarding the identity of this man and the par ty who com mi lied tho crime, still when every detached circum stance points in the same direc tion, I feel almost positive that this is the man and if he is, he should pay the extreme penalty." "In fact," said the judge, "I am morally certain that Pish is tho guilty man. Nevertheless in the face of certain doubts exist ing, 1 do uot feel warranted in pronouncing tho extreme penal ty. Tho prisoner is sentenced to twenty-five years at hard labor," said Judge Hoke. McKLUEY'S VI ILL I'ltOIlA TE. I rovides for Wife and Mollier for Llfe Entute Etlniated st 2.",),00. The will of President McKin ley was probated at Canton Fri day. Mrs. McKinley declining to execute the will asked the ap pointment of Wm. R Day and Geo. B Cortelyou. The will is as follows: "Executive Mansion Washing ton. "I publish the following as my latest will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills: To my beloved wife, Ida S Mc Kinley, I bequeath all of my real estate, wherever situated, and the income of any personal prop erty of which I may be possessed at death, during her natural life. I make, the following charge upon all of my property, both real aud personal: To pay my mother during her life $1,000 a year, and at death said sum to bo paid to my sister, Helen Mc Kinley. If the income from property bo insufficient to keep my wife in great comfort aud pay the annuity above provided, then I direct that such of my property be sold so as to make a sum adequate for both purposes. Whatever property remains at the death of my wife, I give to my brother and sisters, share and share alike. My chief con cern is that my wife from my es tale shall have all she requires for her comfort and pleasure and that my mother shall be pro vided with whatever money she requires to make her old age comfortable aud happy. Wit ness my hand and seal, this 22nd day of October, 1807, to my last will and testament, made at the city of Washington, District of Columbia. (Seal) ' 'William Mckin lk y. "The foregoing will was wit nessed by us this, 22nd day of October, 1807, at the request of tho testator and his name signed hereto in our presence aud our signature hereto in his prosence. "G B Cortelyou, "Charles Lefflek." ' It is given out on authority that the McKinley estate will total $225,000 or 250,000, includ ing life iusurance of 07,000. Aside from this insurance the estate consists of real estate here aud contiguous to Cauton and of deposits in Washington banks. Monday morning has been nxect by the probato court for a hear ing prior to probating the will. The will is in the President's own handwriting." How Few Persons escape a toothache; how many suffer un necessarily. By the use of Perry Davis Pain-Killer the pain is almost instantly stopped and a complete cure effected. For a swollen jaw or face due to ulcer ated teeth, Paiu-Killer acts like magic. Do not suffer a moment but get a bottle. Avoid substi tutes. There is but oue Pain- Killer, Perry Davis'. Prico 25c and 50c. To KIM Weevils In Wheat. Frank Sherman Jr.. of the entomologist department at Ualeigh says. All weevils m grain are killed by the use of Carbon Bisulphide. This is a bad smelling liquid that can be purchased fromdruggists for about Zo cents per pound. The grain must be in a tiht bin and the liquid is thrown directly ou the grain usiug2 tablespoons- full for each 100 pounds of grain The bin is then covered with a heavy blanket or oil cloth. No fire or cloth (not even a cigar or pipe) can be takin near while the operation is going on, as it is quite explosive like benzine. The bin should be left covered for a-half day. This treatment always gives satisfaction when thoroughly done. Aged Men to go Huiitiuif. Jesse Ashworth, of Greenville county, S. C, agod 94 years, has invited Clinton Moore, Transyl vania county, N. C, aged 63 years to join him at tho Old Field Rock in South Carolina in November to have a big hunt and a rinstaving old time gener ally r How is this for plucky piedmonters.Greonvillo, S C, News. Don't wait until you become chronically constipated but take DoWitt's Little Early Risers now and'then. They will keep your liver and bowels in good order. Easy to take. Safe pills. Gib souDrug Store. COTJKT OF INOL'IRY. Siiiiitioii Denied Representation Schley Didn't Hurry to Santiago. In the court of inquiry trial Friday Admiral Sampson asked that attorneys be admitted to court to defend his interests. This arises from the fact that it is impossible in the trial to avoid reference to him. The court however did not consider him a party in the trial and declined the application. The leading witness was Lieut. John Hood commander of the Hawk. His testimony was some what unfavorable to Schley for not promptly leaving Cienfugcs to take his place at Santiago ac cording to orders. Again coal ing seemed to be a hindrance which the testimony tended to show was possible to overcome. The witnesses are yet all ou the side of the prosecution. The (Jiieru City tiuards Disbanded. The Queen City Guards, Com pany M First Regiment of Char lotto were disbanded Friday for failure to observe the State Gurd regulation. The disband ing of the company was due to its failure to have presont ul the annual inspection on the 3rd of Sept. the required number of men. The officers of the guards are G L Clifton, captain; R F Smith first lieutenant, aud W Kuester, second lieutenant. F Joe Mundv oue of the Injured. We learn from Mr. Hoge that Evangelist Joe Munday was one of tho injured in the train wreck near Columbia Thursday. Mr. Hogo came up on the trian with Mr. Muudy and ho was suffering very much. I'rtze to First Ilahy. Col. John C Wadsworth, the unique, tops off all his clever ad vertising methods by announc ing that ho will rivo25 " to the mother of the first white baby born on one of the lots sold at his auction sale on the 7th of October. The money is deposit ed in the Cabarrus Savings bank aud nothing is left but to get. the lot aud the first baby. Story of a Slave. To be bound Laud and foot for years by the okaine of diamine la the worst form of tlavery. Oeorge D. Williams, of Mauobester, Mioh.tella low suob a slave wag made free. Be eaya: My wife has been so helileaa foi five veara tliat the oould not turn over in bed alone. After uBeintr two bottle of Electric Bitters, she is wonderfully improved and able to do her own work. This supreme remedy foi female dis eases quickly cures nervousness sleep leasneas, melancholy, beadaob. back ache, fumting and dizzy spells Thic miiacle working medicine is a godsend to weak.siokly, run downpeopla. Every bottle guarantee. Only COoents.Sold by P.li Fetzer Druggist. Her Death Ends Trouble. There died in the 'Durham County Home the night of the 25th a character that had gained some notoriety. It was Miss Bowers Teasley. She was pro nounced insane and was in the home awaiting a place in, the hospital for treatment. She died suddenly of heart disease. She had giyen the Norfolk and West ern railroad a great deal of trou ble. SI) had refusod all offers for right of way throuyfh her land: The court gave her $500 damage, which she refused, and it finally went to the University as unclaimed property, She .tried to law the road again and failing she would flag the trains land would even wrap herself in the stars and stripes and place her self on the track, compelling the train to stop. She becafne un bearable to the road, which now used the law against her. 'Pend ing a trial in court she ysm ex amined and pronounced insane. FOR OVER FIFTY EARS Mrs. Wiuslow'g Soothing Syrup hat been used for over fifty years by mil lior.a of mothers for their children whi.e teething, with perfect snooess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy fur Lliarrfioeat. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immedi ately. Bold by druggists in every part of the world. Tweuty-tive oents a bot tle. Be sure and ask fur ''Mrs. Win slows Soothing Syrup, " and take no other kind. r Situations Secured fur xrariuitienpr itmioa refunded. Write ul once (or cfttalogut and tpecwl oiler. Massey?o7.e7 LoulKlMe, K. MonlgMwr Ala. Houston, Tm. Columbia. Sa. Richmond. Va. Birmingham, All, iacktanvllla. sja. Jeff. Davis' Last I'roclauiation. Danville, Va., April 5, 186T. The geueral-iu-Chief found it necessary to make such move ments of his troops as to uncov the Capital. It would be unwise to consel the moral and material injury to our cause resulting from the occupation of our cap ital by the euemy. It is equally unwise and unworthy of us to al low our own energies to falter and our efforts to become relaxed under reverses, however calami tous they may be. For many months the largest and finest army of the confederacy, under command of a leader whose pres ence inspires equal conlldence in the troops and the people, has been greatly trammeled by the necessity of keeping constant watch over the approaches to the capital, and has thus- been forced to forego more than one opportunity for promising enter prise. It is for us, my country men, to show by our bearing under reverses, how wretched has boon the self deception of those who have believed us less able to enduro misfortune than 10 encounter dangers with cour age. Wo have now entered upon a new phase of the struggle. Re lieved from tho necessity of guarding particular points, our army will be free to move from point to point to strike the ene my in detail far from his base Let us but will it and we are free. Animated by that confidence in spirit and fortitude which never yet failed me, I announce to you fellow countrymen, that it is my purpose to maintain your cause with my whole heart and soul; that I will never consent to abandon to tho enemy one foot of the soil of "any one of the States of the confederacy, and that Virginia noble State whose ancient renown has been eclipsed by the still more glo rious recent history, whose bos om has been bared to receive tho main shock of this war; whose sons and daughters have exhib ited heroii-m so sublime -as to render illustrious in all time to come that Virginia, with the help of the poople and by the blessing of Providence, shall be held and defended, and no peace ever be made with the infamous invaders of her territory. If by the stress of numbers we shall ever be compelled to a tem porary withdrawal from her lim its or those of any other border State, again and again will we return, until the baffled and ex hausted enemy shall abandon in aetpair nis enaiess and impossi ble task of making slaves of poo ple resolved to be free. Let us then, not despond, my countrymen, but relying on God, meet the foe with fresh defiance and with unconquered and un conquerable hearts. Jeffekson Davis. His Final lUstlue l'lace. The remains of Abraham Lin coln will soon be put away for all time, never to be disturbed, again in accordance with tho wish of his son, Robert T Lin coln. An excavation 15 feet deep is being made beneath the vault where they now rest aud in this the casket will be placed. It will be surrounded by an iron cage, which is to bo im bedded and made a part of solid con crete block 8 by 8 feet and 12 feet long. The transfer will be made after the return of Gover nor Yates. This will make the twelfth removal of the body. Springfield, 111., Dispatch, 21th. Six Killed br Oil TaukExplusitm. A terrific exolosion occurred at Newark, N. J., on Thursday, killing at least six men. A large tank .had been emptied. Two men went into the man hole to perform some duty without tying ropes to themselves. They wore overcome by the gas and anoth er, in trying to rescue them, met the same fate. In desperate haste it was con cluded to cut a hole in the tank below. While strokes were laid on the cold chisels an explosioti occurred which tore tho tank apart and hurled men in every direction. An Epidemic of Insanity in New Hanover There appears to be a verit- ab'e epidemic of insanity in' the ounty, especially among the colored people, aud the most de plorable feature or condition is that there appears to be no place for a majority of the unfortunate ones in the btate institution. The result is that five are now confined in the county jail and less violent cases, in some in stances, havo been left to the care of relatives and trienus where such agencies exist. Yesterday a violently crazy colored woman, Ellon Carter by name, was recommitted to jail by bondsmen who took tho wo man under their care pending a probable admission into t.ie Ooldsboro asylum. Word came that there was no more room in tho institution and her bonds men had to return her to the cus tody of tho sheriff. Wilmington Star. "A pug dog acts as if he might be vain of his ugliness." LOCALS. "i 's i r in V(jiiit ilili Mr. hd Correll spent a hours China Grove Wednosda Dr. J W Harrington purchased a lot at Wadsworth's Addition T!,iir.-l! ir Mr. and Mrs. L A Moose, of N'o. 8, were in tho city today (Friday, i Mr. Will Montgomery is buy ing cotton seed for tho cotton seed oil mill. The furniture factory company bought two lots at Wadsworth's Addition Thursday. Mr. Jim Taylor, who has been on an extended trip west, return ed home Wednesday night. Mrs. Ada Boykin, who has been visitins; in Salisbury for a week, returned homo Thursday night. Mrs. F S Starretle, of MooroE viile, is spending a few days with her si.Mer, Miss Nannie Alexander. iVoTK K I offer at private sale a pair of good mules and three good mares. B. I. Keal.. Sept. Ill d:it v3t. Parties who have asked us to take wood ou subscription will please bring some in very soon, both heating and cooking wood. For Sam: A lot of good Seed Wheat and also 100 bushels of corn. Apply to ll II Parks, Concord, N. C, tf. The infant child of Mrs. Lily Robinson, of Mt. Pleasant, died Wednesday evening at 0 o'clock. Tim funeral takes place this afternoon. Mrs. O V Foust returned Wed nesday night from Waynesvillo. She has spent some time among the mountains aud returns verv materially improved in health. Mr. and. Mr:-. O G 11-rig, Mt. Pleasant, spent Uxh.y (Thursday) in the city.. Mr. Liei lig on business and IMrs. Ileilig at visiting a number of special friends. We give our loaders today President Davis' last proclama tion as found in tho Now York Herald, in which is found tho ac count of President Lincoln's as sassination. Kentucky Seed Wheat for sale at Fenix Flour Mill at $1.25 per bushel. Also Cabarrus county wheat at $1.00. G. T. Ckowell, Puop. Sept. 19, dlw-w2w. Miss Willie Bernico Cress, of Rockwoll, is the guest of Miss Nellio Trice this week. Miss Cress is a lady of a very winning disposition, and is a great addi tion to the society or our town. Davidson Dispatch. Miss Adole Walker, of Mont gomery, Ala., who has boon vis iting Mrs. John Craven, loft for her homo Thursday night. M iss Walker is a charming and attrac tive young lady and hor many friends aro sorry to see her leave. His congregation has granted Pastor C Luther Miller, of Ilex, six months leave of absence and he will spend tho timo at a Chi cago Univeisity in post graduate study in order to complete his tour year s course for the theo logical degree. Mr. Miller will go to Chicago about the first of October. Davidson Dispatch. . Geo. W Lane, Powamo, Mich., writes: "Your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the best romody for indi gestion and stomach trouble that I ever used. For years I suffer ed from dyspepsia, at times com pelling me to stay in bed and causing me untold agony. I am completely cured by Kodol Dys- pia Cure, lu recommending it to friends who suffor from iudigos- tion I always offer to pay for it if it fails. Thus far I havo never paid." Gibson Drug Storo. . . . i NOTICE, LAND SALE. laVs The undorsigued coramisHionor, hav ing been duly appointi-d, in a special proceeding entitleil J I' Jlont aud wifo and others uxpartv. limling iu tho Hn petior Court uf Ciil'iiiniH County, will sell at public- tiH'-tion at tho t-ourt houso door iu Com-ori), N. (' , n Mm-., lay, thti 4th day of Xovi-nt- -, ;:, li- utmo being the first V -..tt ' i a.d i.m:.'i. the (ollo-viiii,- l:.;..l .to a Calmm!.- C' -::!.'. 1st tm t ; 'h :. ..:; of i: Fisher nn,! oliiura: lk'iiiiuui tit a stake, J 1! I'uri't, corner, uml tuns H. 2ii W. croHsinu ppriiiL' lirtttjoh 71 po. to a stoui ; then Ji. S W, i.iji po. to a stone; then S. 6U W 58 po. to a pine knot ou Jo. WiuecoIVs line; ttuu with his lino b. Sr) E. 100 po. to a stonn, K I, I'mlior'H corner; then nil h his lmo N. l'J K. l.'J po, to a stone; thou N. I a W. as po. to the b"k:iumu.'. continuing 41 acres, mote or less. 2nd. tract adj -iniiiif the l irul; of Noah Blackwelder an i otner. Iieinuinrfal a sat-safrns, Hnbert ii,,ii-k , -1,1, r corn er: and runs S. K. -1 i to a V. O . then H. Ill W 4 po. to i - ,, th' ii S In V. 2ii po. to it utiiio till ii N J W. ;t p.. to a Mom . ti N : W. f. po. to tlo' le.:ii:' . i.'o. n.' n'x.iit 3" acre. ;..;- .i-l fi.i parti tion. 'X nua of k. .-!.- Im i Ii 'i i' Ii i, ir cent. intei'-Ht pi-r uiiui,: i i,;- i ,i.,uni (rom Halo till I'tiui. Haw:.,-,! .In, ii, months. T tli. rttitiin'il l-u--- i paid in full. Any I ul I' r i , uii,t- V, V nil -4i.il .t M . '1 is. pt -' Ol !! I J Ii Cliy'l,"!., CiU.aiiMi.vai.t,

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