SUBCRIBE FOUTIIE STAND AMD. Only - $1.00 The Standard. """" CO tbi 1 ' . i I EE CLUBBINO BATES Oil PAGE 2 Only $1 Per Year. CONCORD, N. C, -THURSDAY, OCT. 10, 1901. KIimll'INO OF vtISS 8TONE " vuiiuu mates nay KrDd a Fleet THE ROBINSON SHOW. Imnosioir Parade and i uroua-n u.e Dardanelles U Get t the Feature, ot Sneclal Merit. Robinson's Show always brings a crowd to Concord and this year was do exception. The street parade was impos ing and quite elaborate. ' There Macedonian Committee Constantinonlp. fW. n a I , wv. u. .1U1CI loan repretentativna huva a cured evidence nrovinc tha mm. plicity of members of the Mace donian committee at Sofia in tht kidnapping of the American mis sionary, Miss Helen H Stone, were more than 125 horses and -uu iier companion, Madam ponies. ISHka. and th atsnnnnn ri.rr, I by th Bulgarian covornmnr I showed the want of rest and rec relative to the measures to be reation talf n fliramot t. n. . -1 I 1 I that the gravity of the affair is I 1 he show 'ece'ved all the pat- appreciated at Sofia. The de- ronage that could be expected parture of the United States con-1 for th tQ,.t i , j sul general at flnnstn C M Dickinson, for the flulea-1 in the afternoon, and a fair night i iau caoiiai. is expected tn result. I tinri,. ID inTAASMI n-tivirtr I London. Oct. 4. "THp TTn.bvi I The performances were fairly states government is determined good with some novel features tn Avnnt I - juu lOBUKBuuon everv i oi . m one concerned . savs the Con. mp.eanu me pre stantinople correspondent of The "ntatlon of those historic scenes uauy leiegraph. "and if anv. inmii.. t thinnU !. o. T - lo a IMIUIBUIUB- -"'"ft "fraus iviiss OMJUe 11 1 ., will not hesitato to ask permis- Clded excellence, sion to bring a fleet through the A group of trained hogs is j-ruunenes to get a Uu ga- ,.i : i j m. rian ports on the Black Roa trA novel ,ndeed- They performed to force the Bulgarian eovern- much like dogs and ponies. One ment to act against the Macedo- fnr ind.anM ;o.i tl ln nmn,;n II uuiocu lisnil uu a, barrel ana rolled it. The clown drove a pair to a cart around the COM'.VRIA WISH. Last CduU'st ( ume OIT Friday Lrauhjr me tup in America. mi . ineuiird and final race for the world's champion yachting prize cup came off on Friday the -1th, and the Columbia won again, shutting off the Shamrock in every contest. Just 50 years ago the yacht, America, went over 10 Cowes England and competed for the prize cup offered and wou it. The cup came to America show ing the superiority of the Amer-j ican ouild. Every effoit to get back the cup, that, is to build swifter yacht in England, has failed. Sir Tl.omas Lipton has not spared money to excel the American build. The Shamrock is copper lined and was so clean and bright that it shone like go out, wnen the race was won Fri day he led his English group iu three clivers for t.h PnlumKi. "She is the better boat," said he, "and deserves to be cheered." The yacht is a vessel built With a view to speed at the sacrifice of almost every other consider Single Copy 5 0;; Perhaps Tuu wonder if the tnrmr.r.Hno' rrA tliai mn.4 1 ; 'r- tuf uiouc i ring' last wiuter one Ions miserv will I 6 be as bad this year. Certainly The contortionist is unusually iJ yu la.K8.AIleQs Lung limber and bevond the usual atiou. Balsam when tickling and raw- . . . ness in the throat announce the reats ie went into a common bar-1 I his prize cup and these peri .w.uo uiu ououij. no iwibbii luremosi ana came out'ouicai contests have -rpatlo not exDect th mlH out. bai, the .iv,r j Ieet foremost, then entered head simulated the art of yacht build time. Allen's Luns Balsam f. foremost and came out head fore-1 !" "ud,0.ubAk'ss. pride fl-oo Irnr., nn!m " . '3 SliniUIUS. most, going entirely witnin the barrel and making a complete Strictly In It. The other day while two of turn Mir lamina ntMi . I v note ui J V 1 U S lO iVl r I rni Dan Krimminirer's thev stoDned The rac,n was d to water their horse in a harm- The acrobats displayed some less loosing attie stream, a trib ntary to kittle Cold Water. The A I'cep at tlio Headgn nr. It is the man behind the gun to whom the honor is due but we iook witn admiration at the gun all tho samo. So it is the soul ri f t., ,,!,. i great feats of strength and m us- and almost gaze with rapture on that which horsn finding tho .mi. 1.-1' cular training. low to drink took a sten or two Tn t.h n t 0.,.i5- ,uj u.lakes lier an 0,Jj-vt fascina up the stream and to tUr W . , uo.i to the .j, The ror thev saw hn wa.R A-nnaa,' show has a cage of pelicans We , touch to her charms i -it . .. . 1 r. : i . . . as a mntlor r.r mm ill" hi it KitT-nr nnn ifn i i iitn . vat. trv hfin. n .. .. . . v.. ' ' Annaar cri-an 11 : i I iOy emoraced tile O It'll in rr of n Uu" :n: , ' . ., - crowning i the hut Wedne.s TUB FALL KIVER MILL STRIKE. I( Hill Probuliljf (Jo Into Effect Mondaj and Will be Bit Ooe. Fall River, Mass., Oct. .4. The final preparations for the great est industrial strike that the city of Fall River has ever expert enced were made tonight when the operatives, with the excep tion of the spinners, voted nnan iuiously to go on strike next Monday morning. . Late this af! ternoon a conference with no result was held between the exe cutive committee of the mana- racturers and textile council officers. Afterward the various Roster of Co. F., 57th N.C. Regime' t COMMISSIONED OFFICEKS. &St' t Jaly 4, .severely wounded Dee. 18, '63 aud reeiened ??' V "O"'011. com. June 11, '3, wounded Mv 1ft. 'IU A,, RMj I rQtz- Poa- 'Inly . died Jan. ' "- w u u n ui. i nil imi m m n i tvimiuar oiay Third Limit w, prisoner NON-COMMISSIONRn OFFinnna B; 1 d A rs. n ma .. H ZZT&ZS1?'?yV?i: e?llstud. W i :03. died of wound roo'd Mav 4. . ThTrH 'i "VLT d vm 1 eniistea July 4, 'C2 p .k .. i?60-H FiLer, enlkted July 4, '2. l?Zlth .. Itour. enlisted July 4, '62, wounded AuuhI '.u ivu duo at Darrinvcp an iuaJ t..i j i.. -. . . . moted to lit Seiirt. '84. ' ' U3' wonnUdl eo- 13. '03. pro- iir r"UUBi oom. ouiy 4, 'UU, died Jan. '6J J 08.mandeb' g" Lta-- May. W rnd0o'fm;aJr?ly ' P'M to 8e0ond Lieut- 1 63, May 05 SnttM to U May ,3 PRIVATES. Atit, Jno D, nliiUd July 4, '84, died '62, itearer. Moms, cnluted July 4. '2, died '63. unions met. The principal one Sept ' ' 7' ' ea' P""0116' Ma ,08 Not.7, -64, wounded was of the weavers. The resolu- ,.JB!!ie'''?0.P'?li. lyi, -62, promoted to Corooral -bh. in nWK... tion to strike was adopted by JKE.""' April , wounded tfcpt. 7 and vote of 4ft9 t 90? rn . l "WA W u,or, ";. ". Bujimea yuiy 4, 02, killed I)eo 13, '62 figures were as follow,: Loom SS'l' n . ... . I 11 . Tl -Jl:...j r T . r' i wmu uu. nxers, an to 58 ; carders. 295 to 55, and slashers, 96 to 22. In all cases the vote was made unanimous, and this apparently means a strike on Monday morn ing. The reason for the strike which seems impending is the Cope. K W, uKr, tjonn, eaiiBiea July 4, '02, disolmrited '02 coKr reier, en uteill r' 4, died January '63. " 4, died 4. pruoner July 8, '04. PM, discharged, dempnted. July 4, 'M, killed July 1, tiOLI) HILL SHU'S COn-KK. Car Load of Matte from the Nniultihg Hiirkg. Tho first shipment of matte, consisting of onecarof about 3 ' - 0,0 pounds, from the Union Coo per Mine, will pass ihrousrh Salisbury tomorrow niorr-.iu" nn route to New Jersey. This will b! the first shipment of matte that was ever m.ide frm 1 North Carolina and em .hasizes the importance of the Union among the copper mines ot the world. The matte is the product of U.e smelter which was recently put in nna.Ql!vn nl U TT. mi upwnuuu at LI113 UUIJU. IliO smelter has been giving peifect satisfaction and doiug excellent work It is kept in onoratimi day and night. Salisbury Sun of 4th. I paper year. BoHt. Bnfus Brown, Jolim, ' Brumley, Wm, " Buckhardt, ' Caldwell. Farnk," " Winalow, " Cheek. Jolin, " Clay, ilenry, Cline, Jacob A, t i uuoiiuu ui nm manuiacturers I reos, r a, tn ralno n. K i i- 5re8g' with the action of Mr. Borden, of the Iron Works Mill. do do 4. do, prisoner '68. Fatal FlKkt la a Georgia Town. McDonousrb. Ga.. Oct. 9. Tn . I aesperate tight that occurred here this mornine betwAn J t I Upchurch. his sons. Vintnr Charlev Unrhnich nr. ,-j I 'nrr, Paul M, do and Willis Goodwin Jr .JWW Took oath to U. 8. A, Cress, Creas, Jackson, do Cruse, Mose. do Oroas, faal, do Cruse, Joseph, do Oruse, Caleb, do Dejarnetr, O P, do Dorton, Mar'n, do Krwin, Sam P, do FKKrt. J M. do Fisher. J M. do Foil, Daniel S, do 4, niiKwoK Aug '04. 4, pnsuner ioy. 7, '01 and July 20 '04 4 " died0"6' ' ?' '63 ,nd Jni ' ',i4 4, ' traosferred to 83rd regiment '03 4, 02. prisoner Anril 11 lin . j j . . '03. ' A in A in iiriu..n A H. T 1 raviCl CU U. IW, J' 5'"ur ouiy ay, ul aieil Jan. 65. 4, do, died 03. 4, '02, wounded and prisoner July 1 i 4, do, arm broken July 'iia, cap. A d;ei 4, do, wounded May 4, '03, prisoner Fi 4, do, pnsoper July 20, '01, died Jan. ( 4, do, died 03. 4, do, killed Jun is. 'RA w,ounded J"1? prisoner Nov. 7, 'l 6.1, prisoner Nov. 7. 03. 4, '62. ' do 4, do, prisoner May 4, '03, wounded & pr. Jly 20 '64 do 4. do, wounded Leo. 1, '02 Nov 7 '63 Aii'fU do 4. do. wounded and prisoner JS, 7 III Ml uo 4. do. nrnmrtfAH fn ClI' WILL Sl'AV. I'uliiiubia Wen Second K.u-c ()Ui t!. Shamrock TIihi-mIiij -One More to V. i The Colunibiii won the secoi'd race inursday over tlie Sli rock though the wind was id., for tho latter. The Shamro must win the next throe nuv ur1 l- JI-C lit VlMIIf-KTlllll. A M..,r,-vin . sM.-cinl of the iV.i to tin' i :(,:ir!i,t'c 0h4orv..i says: Since tlie rt;f.-K, of tho water works at this place, a few weeks ago, tin-alarm of fire lias been hi'itrd l..v our eii'swns three times. For r: ore ha a t woyears previous to this nli'i lion t.liei-.' was not a siii,f'-.) alarm Today at 12 'iV'ovk tiie broke out in Mrs. McCork ii.'.-, res'dence. Tho cook room adK.'-ning t:io housi caught n-oin a (iei.-et.vo Cue and the .'iaines had made raoid progress wlum ili-:overed. ' liy heroic work the firo was extinguishod before much damage was done. The volunteer bucket brigade men and women worked val iantly until dinger point had passed. It ifaiiix iicil in H 1'nic Store. "One day last winter a lady came to my drug siore and asked i'or a brand of cough medicine '.hat I did not ! :i v- in stock," -ays .Mr. (' '1 C, -arulin, the nop. ii;r ti.-ugj.---t of f Jntari.., N. Y. ID- , :it(i ou;r ::!ini ' f!V (.. i con . : ' V go back to England without cup which has not left us for years. I. nh,ri ttu..i ,7 7 r. ' t "" yuor may 4. 03 aud '"j upuuurvu was insiantlyl uo reo. a, 4, Kinea, winis Goodwin probably S ?u i ' 2 fatally wounded and f J Up gSafl, t Church and his SOn Victor rifiin. Hartman. HH ,n fully hurt. The only eye-wit- gopkiD.PN, do .sses to the tragedy were the S! i?c'?D d. participants and they refused to D Wh. do Corpal Aug. '03, prisoner Noy. Ji may , ua aud Nov. 7, '63. July 4, '62. died Anir. -03. do 4 'bo' nr!8"n0r SV-1' tawrfer'd to 7th re. ri a7 2,; ,ruKne' Nov, 7, '03. July 4, '62, prisoner Nov. 7, '03. do 4, 02, died '6:1. danger sprang from their buggy J 111 . , , m. OBJ uiiu citiieu jor neip. The man, who came to their aid, told them the horse was mired in quick sand and he might not be able to get him out. He immediately cut the horse from the buggy and with great difficulty got him on firm land. He said that the same accident has happened to others quite often and yet no danger sign is put up. Our good County Commission ers must surely have overlooked 6uch a dangerous place. We beg leave to call their attention to it at once to insure the gopd peo-1 yiv oi aoarrus irom SUCD a death trap. ever saw pelicans in a show bo- fore. The show as a whole was fairly good with some features of special merit. Daily of 5th. COTTON BADLY OFF. Mothers everywhere praise One Minute Cough Cure for the sutTenngs it has relieved and the lives of their little ones it has saved. Strikes at the root of the trouble and draws out the iu flamation. The children's favor ite Cough Cure. Gibson Drug &tore. The Oldest Clown. John Lowlow, the world's famous clown, is with the circus and was in to pay his respects to The News force this morning. Ago is dealing gently with Mr. Lowlow. His eyes sparkle with the old time lustre. His step is steady and he is at all times ripe fcr h joko. His collection of amusing incidents that have been crowded into a life, well nigb spe it in ihe show business, woi Id fill a book and would bo well worth one's time reading Mr. Lowlow is a graduate of the Univeisity of North Caro Una He attended the University with a number of Charlotte prominent men of the past. Mopt of his college friends hav crossed over the river, but he clings to life with a tenacity born of a desire to see all that this world affords. John Lowlow's name has, and will continue to be, a househo d word and North Carolina Coarlotte News of 3rd. Do you suffer from piles? If so do not turn to surgery for re lief. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will act more quickly, surely and 6afely, saving you the expense and danger of an operation, Gibson Drug Store. Drug Stores Kmi bjr Women There are two drug stores iu Monro county rnn by ladies at Southern Pines and Pinebluff The one at Sout hern Pines is owned and run by the Misses Johnson, who were born and reared in this county. Thoy are trnctical business-like women and have made a success of their business. Their drug store is neat, clean and attractive. The one at Pinebluff is run by Miss EliEibeth Packard, a Northern lady. Sau'jrJ Express. f Situations Secured tur graduate! or tuition refunded. Writ at once for catalogue and apecial offcri. . Business Colleges loalitlllt, Kr. MMwim. Houiton, Til. Colwnbui, 0i. ItlHMMl.V, Sirmlnyham, , JiclwnvjNi, Pit Hassey! The Crop Avcraffe Has Veclined Ten Points. Washington, Oct. The fol lowing monthly report on the condition of the cotton crop was issued today the statistician of the Department of Agriculture "The monthly report of tho statistician of the Department of Agriculture shows the average condition of cotton on Septem ber 25ih to have been 61.4 against 71.4 on .the 24th day of the proceeding month, 07 on Oc tober, 1901, C2.4 at the corres ponding date in 1880, and 7u.3 the mean of the October avtr ages of he last ten years. The averages of condition in the different Stales aie reported: Virginia, 73; North Carolina, Gi!; South Carolina, 67; Georgia, 78: Florida, 65; Alabama, 65; Missis : : nn. r n rr. sijjmi, uu; uuuisiauii, iz Texas, 51; Arkansas. 51; Tennessee, 60; Missouri, 61; Oklahoma, 57; In dian Territory, 61. A Fermn'fl for Health. Hero is a Cue foniiula for health and longevity : Leave work before ou are tired. ovj eaung oeiore you are stuffed. Think less of the troubles ol the world and naught of your own. Let nothing come between vou and your God. And last, but not least, in the words of the immortal Irishman, "ii you can t to, be as aisv as you can.- journal and Mes the millinery stocks in thecentre give the cause of the difficulty'. Klutta, Lawreuoe, do Tho coroner's iurv tonie-ht tin. I Kluttz, Jno, do cided that Charles Upchurch had KlutU. Alfred. w . i i ,. ii . . . . i xjee. ueorare. uouu kuioq oy nts Drother. The Linker. Caleb, juu. m-ijiauiB were wen Known in wt. i, o. ttie county Western Lynching. James E Brady, a white man. Miaenbeimer, Oeo. W, enlisted July 4. '03. t,rinm arged with assaulting a five- W i f B i, '02. -old girl was hanged bv a Moody. Geo Tn h" at Helena. Mont" nn i.h MooJw. aT iw ? - 7 ,"u,uuur "ov- 7- Pharr. Junius Pharr, Jno. K 8 of town nn.l ihe m noil ouslu-r took a peep. Miss Dora Ilix presides oyer tho stock at D P Dapvault's and she is justly proud of a splendid display, the anahtical dpserin. tion of which we will not at- ch tempt. I year Jt was decidedlv nlfainr mob seo Miss Nannie Aliivnnilnr'c 2nd. 200 masked men toolr him MoDonald, Bill, original design which wo noted out of Jail. threatening the death MrSpb! Sandv ivhiin it. tnrttr fl.rt . 1 : .. 1 : of ilia Im'tnii da ao lA ... ik I I w 11 i " ' Buffalo. It was donned the vio- Brady told the fob they bad the Osborne, Aaron lin string hat and is over the wrong man but he was well iden- PntJJ'cifB land far aud wido as styla this tlned- He was drawn up by a Pharr oamoel K wo iounct many others in "ie over a nmo ana lell, the i'narr, itowland ner charming parlor to rival it ra0D dispersing in a quiet way. in beauty. At Shelbyville, Ky., Jirabo At the Dei)artmont Store wh f v lelrlsi ed 16, and Clarence found a very creditable display Garnett, aged 19, both negro in lino w ith so many others that ljovs wero lynched on the 2nd our eye could not demand more. for t!ie murder of Willie Hart It made us thick it. no; the worst w"Oin they stoned to death on thing to bo born a girl. oept. 22nd. Miss Mary Brachen is not be hind her usual degree of excel ! A Merlterlous Inorntion, lence this fall in displays so neat Pardon boards AfA A. loon do. that surely ever demand of irood live invention for wAaUonint thai Spainhour, Wm taste can bo met there. We punitive hand of W.ii.Ahv ava. ?Uncl1' Wilson, quite agree in taste with the ing the responsibility for the re purchaser of one at the neatsum mission of penalties. The Gov of fifteen dollars, and there were ernor of North Cum Ann. hi. a. others to put the superlative of vised a means of making surrep sweetness on one's sweetheart, titious mercv diffinul in tht We find the bird much in evi- State bv rt,nuirin thof. &n rr.n. denco this season chiellv as an cations for nardnn nf mhi.;i. M I I vmm vm, vu do do do do do do d do Oct 80, '64. 4, 'oa, died "08. 4, '(, died '03. o 4, 63, prisoner March 0. '5 o 4, '03, killed July 1, ,) o 4. '02, prisoner Nov. 7, '03. July 4. '03, wounded Jul, 2. '03, wonnd'd & prisoner Iiintl- .1 U Tt AtllintJ T 1 4 in.-. W. Jno7; do & l ZZZ Z'y lb "Ud J -r j, uu , -os, aiscnarsred Dn. 'iw do July 4. '2. tii.1 n oii do March 17, '04, pri oner Oot. 19, 'oi. . y, aied t'eb. '03. t 2, detailed teamster. do July do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 4. '02, prisoner Nov. 7, '03 4, '62, promoted to 1st Lieut. Co. H. 4. '62, died 'm! 7' '63' died iD"ri80n Mar-'5 , '02,' died '04 ( 1) , '02, died '04 (?) 4, '02. died '63. A .:o j: i i ... Ridenhmir. Wilov t.Ti.. . 7,', ".u" 1:b '02. Witrhi. w ' j" 1 3 ? "V Psoiier Nov. 7, '6J, Kitchie. Wm Ritchie, Aaron Ridling-, Solomon Hafrit, Juu. A Sell, John Sell, Philip, Shank, Joe A Sharer, Eli, Shoemaker, J P Sloan, Jno 6 Smith, Newton do do do do do do ao do H,i 7 j j- j . ... Oct. 26 "64 ""i uito marcn 'H July 4, '62, prisoner Nov. 7, '63 do, 4, '02, do June '63 Jan. '64. do do. do jZ jaunnde,r604u"ded by accidc"t Jul 'M- ao uct. z, -60, wounded March 6, '65 do do 26, '64, prisoner April 6, '6S. do July 4, '62, died Jan. '63. do Jan. '64. dO Julv 4. nr.'BMaM T..I.. . . Stewart, Adolphua do Jan. '64. -"""'"V, oj. Stowe, James, do July 4. '62, wounded aM Hit n-. do do 4, '62, died '63. ' do do 4, '62, detailed at hospital. ..... . i, . j., 1JT senger. Bobborj In Utxkknliiirit The home of Rev. the R C White, of Sharen, towuship. Mecklenburg County was robbed Thursday of jewelry and what, ever was found of special value. The family were all away. . Bemenilierod Their Cvmraile. A number of years ago John King, an elephant trainer, was killed at the Southern freight depot by "Old Chief." Every time a circus comes this way the grave in JMmwood is covcret with Dowers by tho circus peo pie. Today proved no excep tion. A little band of ciieus ai taches singled out tho grave thii afternoon and covered it with autumn blossoms. Charlotte News of 3rd. iiuueiueain irimmtng which must be duly advertised In places the feathered friend in a advance in tho vertical position. pers of the locality In whUdi bcratoued felt enters laiffelv the offonders limit ni in mY.u into the composition of tho body the crime was committed. This of the hat and this together wilh is an innovation t.har. mmht v. A I u..i . , I , .. ....n..v "ur:u" ui uuuiyea mionowny aavantageously introduced in ii-j. am. Kiiiteiuuy louctied on oilier states. Philadelphia Rec heavy material give the hats a ord. wintor scene appearance and suggests high latitudes. P, rown I "r' Harrey Spears Dead, is me leaning color this season. Mrs. Harvev Rnnara rllt -.f near Uarrisbure consumption at .In V09 ra KKa i i , . , I y v... . .,. .i uj lJtM kzo uuin iuiiKuiKHius iij maifeUP a hushanrl u.nrt Hiru .V.IU.n lil .l, ,l: i .n. . -"nuicu w UMU ,,,v-y 'Li;,u, ul-' ntul aiia suffer this great bereavement. pieiyior the wiuter season, The funeral services were con '.lie iaige majority ttispiaying ducted today (Thursday) at Rocky some weight and warmpth to River church, of which she was .m.i.iui.i.. mui u o neavy goons a good and faithful member, bo pi opei iy worn Suther, L A Teter, Isaac Trezler, Jacob Walter, M V Weaver, Henry, Welsh, Jno W White, Jamea B Lowry Miller. The editor is pleased to ac knowledge the receipt of. tho fol lowing very interesting card from Jefferson, S. C. : Mr. and Mrs. YV. ai. Miller request your preseiiOe at the mnrrmae of their dauU'er Mauds Elizalieth to Mr. John M T,,iir.i-u lhursday eveniuir, October seveutoouth ninuieen nuuclred ami out, at half-punt seveu Jefferson Preshyturiau Church Jell'ersou, Bouth Carolina. To Locate the County Line. Col J II Lor.g will, by order the board of ..ducat ion. sun-.,. the line next Tuesday beiweon the counties of Cabarrus and Mecklenburg to enable the county superintendents to sjtUe tho location of a joint county school house on tho Jno. Parks place in No. 2 township. Mrs. Eddleman lieg Iu Oklahoma. Wo are sorry to learn that, Mrs. M L Eddleman, ot Clifton, Lincoln County, Oklahoma Ter ritority, who was a daughter of Mr. Geo. A Pink, of Navajoo uinanoma and niece of Mr. J E'rank Fink, died last week a'. her home in that distant land, She was about 24 years old and leaves a husband. Mrs. Eddleman was mnrurl near Salisbury, re '.i-ii v. " i j - . , Marsh'. "When a in u: i .)Oirut lii: ;ti : ,? to I i If.'. ' ' loo!,' !l " :. : :' ' l' I ntTer.-.! r ' : lU:V;k (!'. . ... : ' : .-11 1 i :. . . . ..; "i thou-riit I Lju i.:i! 1 1-1 . t h .u-'s U;' Si) lil 101' a in's Col rhoea, Kc! ;e'ed h a. id v. ant : irenara ('. isaid y rt-'.-cin-'gh Rem ' take a uu afier if s':e -lid n.onoy to ni! I -.vou Id : - lady "' A'" . -i i..;!; . 1 3 .iuy a Couyh U..-'. P. very "' for the .- !.y M L . t untin? for .rlr ho is apt i.ngs he isn't r-iv.l i.'. l.'- I a-M fl,:n a'X jv . 'i -i brought r.U;rs," says .' 'be . ;M : -wa. I surel die. i down tliiTeront med to no purpose. I i uo'.ile of Chamber o, Cholera aud Diar--.:.'dy an 1 'hreo doses e entirely." This rein- White, Joe R White, Joe A White, John W White, Thomas White, John K Wiggins, Klam, do July 4, '62, promoted to Sergt. '63, pr. Nov 7 '63 dO March 12. 'fU nria,..,. A :,S. .,r' v ' i,OY- ' do July 4, '02, prisoner Nov. 7, '63 do do 4, '02, wound Dec. 13. '63. oris do do 4, '62, prisoner Nov. 7, '63 do do 4, '02, died Sept. 28, '04. UU UO do do do do do do 4, '02, detailed teamster. 63, prisoner July 20, ,4. t, , uicu oept. j, -((4. 4, '62. prisoner May 4, '03 and died in prison. a .a? C:,,. ". 7 ,c,- l w' BUQ d'ed of wound. u-, n.ucil ACC. 1J, 'OJ. The f-inn -est stylo we noted is her home ni ;;d!ed ; ara.lora! Wednesday of i ho stylos are uot what we the age of C5 ye Hil- Tvro ili iirtc. Through an accident, a man living in Dhieav-o is discovered to have two healthy hearts. About twelve y.;ars ago while working in a stone fiuarry in (Jermany, tU-: man i, iuvestig.i- ring why a charge of powder had failed to explode was in jured and with sr-vi-ral other men, was picked up for dead. A man, on putting an ear to the injured man's breast discovered tho heart beat, though on the wrong side. When oh v.-dcians arrived they found not onlv the abnormal organ but the normal one as well. The right heart is said to perform its functions as propei ly ur, the left, against which it presses and both j re as free from disease ap parently ai any. normal heart. I hy-jiciuns nay i here bus never ii a SHiJibu- case, so far as iiieuieiil recurs, snow. Monroe l'jiKKiil'er, "Some mer are good booause t pays to be ood and others are ood for uotbiry . ' Be Hood Ttae. The lovliest of all the lovelv women in tjnariotte am s mighty goon turn today lor The News Charlotte News of 3rd. A Frightful Plunder. Will often cause a horrible Born, Boald Cut or Bruise. Pncklen's Arnica Salve, the best in tho world, will kill the pain and promptly hi-al it. Cures Old Sores F.yer Seres, Ulnars, Boils Corns, si, Skiu Eruptions. Hest Pilo cure on earth Only Ma a box. Cur guaranteed. Sold by P U Fetzer. Drnaai'-t. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS nry SEHS CILLI.NUS- The Triennial convention of Episcopal bishops opened i ban Francisco on Wednesday A delivery wagon was smashed and the horse probablv fatal lv injured Wednesday in Charlotte by the street car. Both sides are lining up for placing the re sponsiointy and the damage, Mr. J A Johnston a verv wealthy young Englishman has airaci oi 22.000 acres of and in Cumberland and Harnet coun ties which Le will convert into a hunting preserve. He will con struct a tine residence on it at an early. The Cumberland countv fai will be held at Favetteville on the 5th, 6th and 7th of Novem ber. This fair association, it is pam, is nearly ou years old. T jjuss man a year airo some capitalists sot- up a factory at Wilmignton with which to util ize the exhaustless supply of menhaden fish, as thev are bet ter known, "fat backs." The successwasso marked that an other of double the capacity of the first is to be erected at ntipt The oil is extracted for com mer cial purposes and the rest of the ttsli is sold as fish seraps to thej fertilizer plants. ' Alwuj-t rrllshlr. l iidlH. aak rininrlll lb .llllllri;K ENULINIf In Ur4 u4 iih'UiHIc boxM, nh.r1 with blu ribbon. n"k' "o nlh.r. Rraae mnmmm ab.ll- I.H.ll AHd ImllKtlllH Hu ol yOUT Uri.KKt, r wild . in Btampi, fur Parll-ulap, -Tvi. m..i.iu an4 " Hcllar fbr IhIIm." tnMler, 11 llruncisl., ouicBssTaa oreuioal oo. Thankful Beneflt-lurles. Concord, N. C, Sept. 24, 1901. Mk. D. T. Makabi.e, Uist. Man- agerSun Life Assurance Co.. Concord, N. C. Lot us thank, you for check of your Company, payment in full of Policy No. 59,57!), on tho life of our daughter, Mollie E Dry. The courtesies you have shown us, and the prompt payment of tho policy, will ever make us be Hovers iu life assurance, and we will alwav-i 1 msrs were burnoil tliis mnmino in fis v,;',.i,. . '.' . ... .uo iiiin-rji luiuis oi me uj a property loss of $200,000. The 1(3 Assurance Company of fire was discovered in the large Aeaiii thankinc , ...... w -( J j UI C edy is for sale by M L Marsh. "The bachtiorguc-itsata wed- u n- are compellt-il to contem plate matrimony." "I had Jong suffered from in digestion," writes C A LeDois. Cedar Ciiy, Mo. "Like others I tried many nreparatious hut. never found anything that did in good until 1 took Kodol Dys pepsia Cure. One bottle cured in..-. A friend who had buffered similarly I put on the use of Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure. He is gain ing fast aud will soon bo able to work. Before he used Kodol Cyspepsia Cure indigestion had made him a total wreck, Gibson Drug Store. 'No matter how much the rest of the globe nay i:rnore its ap pearance the sea is always tide." Kodol Dyspepsia Curo is not a- more stiuiulai.f. to tired nature. It a fford.-, the stomach complete uid absnlut.j re-,1 bv digesting A BKJ FlilE IS TAMPA. T ,.,.. II .. 1 1 .11 . i. ., . . ..j "nguiruBiruj'eu JUUCD Ex. citeuient In the Town. Tampa, Oct. 5. Twenty bnild- ua '.' g(;-. i 'it. You don't ii' i.iui enjoy all tho v.Mnt. K'o Cnro instantly ro--: re.ssotl feeling1 " -:g you no-v lifo . ;n Drug Store. "-Y EAK3 'K?f cigar factory of O'Hallorau & Co. The water supply in West Tampa was inadequate and the fire practically burned itself out Great excitement exists on ac count of the belief that the fire was of incendiary origin, There have been several threats of in cendiansm as a result of the labor troubles and agitators have been made to leave the city with the last few hours for tne use of the torch. Very truly yours, (Signed.) M- " ' Lvuia E. Dry. Sopt. 25.-d3t w4t. am Siftifli)il that TP.m rtrrv i fTtethina Powder) ohildren than nil the d.ietors nut to ef tber. I have reoomuii ndod TE21H INA when the doctors gave up the ohild sod it oared at oner. Lows F Wiini!., Ph. (i OruKist, Ht, Lonis, Ko. told Steel or Death. There is but one small ohjnoe to snvi your life and tUat Is through an onera- tiou was the awful project set before Mrs. I B Hunt of Lime RiJ?e, Wis. by her dootorafler vaiuly trying ti cure her of a frishtful oane of stoumeli trnnl.U and yellow jaundice. He didn't count on the marvilous power of Electric Bit ters to cure Stomach and Liyer trouMe bu'. she heard of it, took several bottles was wholly enred. avoided mil- . anno, now weit's more and feels b tt. r tnan ever. It'a puaitivoly KuaraLtoed to onto Stomach, Livur uud Ki.iu.iy tro iblesaud never disappoints- Priee 50c at Fetaers drug store. A new remedy for biliousness is now on sale at Marsh's drusr store. It is called Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. It gives quick relief and will pre vent the attack if given as soon as the first indication of the dis ease appears. Price, 25 cents per box. Samples free. "The profundity of some peo ple shows in their mnoraneo." slows n ..tiit-r k "ri.p h.w t. y uui- . .ihirea : -ss. It ! . pTUUM, . .' .ie, '.u I ii .-:.. it .;i u !..-!' r i::: n jui ' '-vry tnut ; vf C Utci a l)(lt- I t W'iu , " i.uJ tuke uo Tin iiu-1. ni. a. XOTti'T Uln'.'l l,-: on ..I ll LAND K,!K. .1 c :n; : - ii.ii' ' . bar. in. a ,k;c'iii1 Wt ll'lU wifo iu tao bu t'.'uuty, will l- n.iut her.o '.IV, i ' Lf "If a baby is a well-spring of pleasure twinsmust be a deluge." Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the dltfestants and digests all kinds of food. ltRivcs Instant relief and never failstocurc. It allows vou tn nil tho food you want. The "most sermit iv,. stomachs can take it. liy its use many thousands of dvsiienties h cured after everytiiiiiK else fifiNul, It prevents foruiatiuii of ason laesiom-l oeu, reneviutf all (llslret,surtereal iiiir. Dieting unnecessary, l'lOUsaut to tako. It can't help but do you good PrepiirMlnnlyhjrK. O IKWtTT,V Co., I l ir.'ik'i). Xuo SI. Ixitllu coutalm a.n tluii'S tl.v UK. auo. '1 ii ; ,)"'.' V. i). S i;."i ;.. oi iruur ; I o, tu 11 tu ll..- I- moii', ui L'ml. tr.i.'i Bluekw '-i.ii ii mk-...! rn. t: hi: 1 r..: 11..". s i'.i V. W ;- ncl. ut .1 .S. . . i. tu a A 11 W'.l . ti. i' ii"..' V . '-'.ll i'o. Iu a wtoiie; le u 1'iiie knot ou tlun m Hi Iiim Ii no 1. I. I i-!icr'a - le N 111 K. N. -,-iS VV. -6 po. !.t liu.'ii.,- -1 L in 'i' s, -..I- of X. 'inii.i-' ll,.' : -1 I 'M lis. p.llll III p..v ill 1 I r. l.i in. 1 1 in i v ' ) l.i r ' 'A

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