surscrJBE for the stand ard. Only - $1.00 The and get this Only $1 Per Year. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, NOV. 28, 1901. Single Copy5Cts. paper yen. EE CLUBBING RATES Oil PAGE 2 AM IMAGINARY REALM. The Swim "(jombrooui" and How l)e Uuiurj Originated It . A gentleman at the Supreme court building yesterday fished out. an old paper that gives the history of the name of "Gotn broom," Senator Vance's home on Black Mountain. It was written by some one acquainted with the writings of DeQuincey. This history of the now fa miliar name' of Gombroom, is told as follows : .. . "Thomas De Quincey created an imaginary realm called 'Gom broom,' which for years was the subject of his most earnest thoughts. Probably nothing was ever more real to him, the great essayist, than that exist ing realm of imagination, all compact, the far off Island of Goombroom his dream realm the joy of such escape from the confines of space and of time airy structure. Rousseau fled to his Cload-land whenever the world seemed cruel or neglected. His dream real was peopled with perfect creatures well defined, carefully mapped out kingdoms of the imagination are much less frequent, much more in teresting and valuable." News and Observer of 21st. Modern Suigerj Surpassed. , "While suffering from a bad case of piles 1 consulted a physi cian who advised me to try a box of DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salve," says G P Carter, Atlanta, Ga. "I procured a box and was en tirely cured. Dewitt's Witch Ha zel Salve is a splendid cure for piles, giving relief instantly, and I heartily recommend it to all sufferers." Surgery is unneces sary to cure piles. DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure any case. Cuts, burns, bruises and all other wounds are also quickly cured by it. Beware of counter feits. Gibsou Drug Store. Homicide in Salisbury. Hintou Alexander shot and killed John Miller at Rabbetville a southern suburb of Salisbury, Thursday evening. Both are negroes and it is1 thought Alex ander's wife was at the bottom of the difficulty. Alexander is in jail aud says he fired because he was abused by Miller and at tacked with an axe. Mitlit Vim Her Terror, would cough nearly all night," writes Mrs. Chas. Apple gate, of Alexandria, Ind., "and could hardly get any sleep. I had consumption so bad that if I walked a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood, but when all other medicines failed, three $1.0 bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery v holly cured me and I gained 58 pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Bron chitis and all ThroaS and Lung Troubles. Price 50c. and 1.0u. Trial bot tles free at Fe'.zer's drug store. Hiss Margaret Shankle to Marry. Cards are out for the marriage of Miss Margaret Shankle, daughter of Mr. C A Shankle, of Aloeinarle, to Mr. Frank Boyett, of Monroe. The mar riage will be -in the Methodist church at Albemarle on Decem ber, 10th. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cure biliousness constipation and headache. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. For sale by M L Marsh druggist. Jordan is a hard rnad for some peopl" because they have never learned to stop dragging their feet when they walk. 'I have used Chamberlaiu'6 Colic, flhnlfira and Diarrhoea Kemedy and find it to be a great medicine, says mr. n o r-uipps, of Poteau, Ark. "It cured me of bloody flux. I cannot speak too highly of it." This remedy always wins the good opinion, if not praise of those who use it. The quick cures which it effects even in the most severe cases mal;e it a favorite everywhere. For sale by M L Marsh, drug ElSt. It is ofien the case t.iat th? man who is loudest in declaring woman's place is in the. home makes the declaration while fronting up to a saloon bar spending his week's wage for red liquor. Ex Ei;UH3TER'3 ENGLISH FEIIIiYilOYAL FILLS rV. Avrv Mtrthlr. Mt1lr, Vk Unimpn IW MM IIKSrl GNI.INIff in rm-uiihn Imitk, wuhft with bins ribbon. 1 Mho no Iir. Kcftie dRiitTOU nlll- lt-.ii.und ImllKltoM. HiiyofyoiiritmMWt, fr kc ii.I Ic. in M'i'iip for lrttf"nlir. !? iiinlnU ftni "Hllir lor l.wdlen,' in irttrr, t r- turn tlnll, Id.OOO TeUinouili. Bold by OHIOHBSTEB CHBMIOAt OO, $i;09 JPsdiftoB ftquar, 1HUA if At I am biscuit mm Perfect, Delicious, Appetixin. . DESTRUCTIVE MINE FIRE. Colorado Mine SeU Aflame, 80 to 100 Men are Smothered. A mine fire occurred at Tel- luride, Colorado, on the 20th that was fearful in its destruction of life although by good fortune 175 men escaped. beventeen bodies were recovered after the fire had burned itself out and the estimates vary from 80 to 100 fatalities. Club Life, The Julia Magrauder Club will long remember with pleasure the meeting of Tuesday evening. It was one of the most charming in the annals of their club. Machiavelli, Vittoria Colonna and Galileo were the subjects of this meeting and interesting pa pers were read on all three. The Club hopes soon to have Professor Mims to lecture to them. He will be enthusiasti cally received for his visit to them years ago is remembered with such pleasure. Mrs. Da senbery's plate cards were beau tiful pictures of famous writers and each found awaiting them at their places at the beau tifully appointed round table "A Knight of the Table Round." An "Up-to-Date" course was served and created much merri ment. Questions, "Fits and Mis fits," were found stuffed in each Date. The one whose lines fin ished the hostess' won the prize. "The tiDg is round rod has no end, (Mrs. Itaseubery'.) "So is my love for you, my friend." (Mrs. Gibson's.) Mrs. Gibson was presented the prize, a silver star-pin, in mem ory of Galileo, the study of the evening. The stars were shining bright when the club regretfully parted loath to end so charming a meet ing. G. HIsi Eiliol Caldwell Dead. Miss Ethel, daughter of Mr, Samuel Caldwell, Dear Rocky River chuich, died at 9 o'clock today (Thursday). She had been sick for some weeks and probably had pulmonary disease. She was a young lady barely of mature age and passed off the stage of life just when en tering upon its graver realities The funeral will be held at Rocky River church tomorrow at 11 o'clock. Their Uaby Sleeps. Little Young Misenheimer, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ru f us Philips on East Corbin street, died at 5 p. rn. Wednesday, The funeral services were conducted at the home at 1 p. m. today (Thursday) by their pastor Dr. G H Cox and the interment was made at Mt. Gilead Reformed church. Mr. and Mrs. Philips have the sincere condolence of all sympathetic hearts in the loss of their infant. j A Victory to be Proud Of is the final and absolute cuie of a sore throat, in which the raw ness and tenderness have been spreading dangerously near those guardians of life, the lungs The luxury of a sound throat and robust lungs is most keenly en joyed by people who, having suf fered all the consequences of "a little cold, you know," have been rescued from misery and. danger by Allen's Lung Balsam. We know a woman whose idea of heaven Is that it is a place where there are nodishes to wash. or grumbling nusoana?. to en dure-Ex, .t "t ?- .v; Wanted Several persons of charac ter and Rood reputation iu each state (one in this connty teqmred. to repre sent and advertise old established wealthy busiuens house of solid finan cial standing. Salurary (18.00 weekly with ei pannes sddiiional, all payable In cash each Wednesday direct f mm head otHrbS. Horse and carriage furnished, ben necensary References. Knolose self-addressed stamped envelope. Man tger, 310 Caiton Building, Chicago, Situations Secured tuition refuti'lcri. Writ loj(U fttiri special offers) r- I non'gomtrf, am. Columbus. 9. UlChmtntf, Vfc Birmingham, All. Jcfccwll!, Fl I dL. fortTduatiar I I at once for cat ( R2 If LOKIivMH, HJ J l Huutton, Tm, COL. JNO. L. MOItEHEAU DEAU. Heart Ceaites to Beat While Talking to Friends at Buford Hotel Charlotte Wednesday Might. Col. John .Li Moorehead died very suddenly at the Buford hotel in Charlotte tho night of the 20th. He was sitting on the lounge between two friends and was talking and laughiug when, without warning, his heart ceased to perform its functions and he breathed heavily but a few sec onds and was dead. ' Mrs. Morebead was at their home in Washington when the sudden summons came Col. Morehead was 67 years old and was the son of Governor J M Morehead. He was a well known financer. . RAILROAD WRECK IS THE WEST. Keren Trainmen Killed Three Euirines Come Tofcether and One Boiler Explodes A terrific colli son occured on the Sante Fe railway one mile west of Franconia, Arizona, on 20th in which seven trainmen were killed. There were two locomotives to one train and the three engines met in full speed. One of the boilers exploded scalding some who might have been rescued. Fourteen trainmen and three passengers were injured. Pension Rates Increased. The Confederate pension rates under the new act are materially increased over those of last year. The first class receives $62 in stead of $58; the second class $50 instead of $43.50; the third class $40 instead of $29 and the fourth class $20 instead of $14.50. All widows ara placed in the fourth class. ' Cabarrus has none of tho firsf class, who were totally disabled in the war. Mysterious Death. Lenoir, N. C.; Nov. 19. No body can yet account for the cause of the death of Mr. Pink ney Deal, who was found dead un der his wagou on the road from Taylorsville. The tongue of the wagon was broken and the horses were standing quietly by Mr, Deal's lifeless body. It is generally believed there was a runaway. News and Observer. Seirro Runs Away With a White Uirl Boston, Nov. 19 The police are searching the city for Chas. B Harding, colored, and Miss Nellie Cobb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cobb, of Pour nedale, who are supposed to have eloped from Cape Cod town Sunday evening. Harding, who is a molatto 21 years old, has been intimate with the Cobb girl for some time, but a9 she was only 16 years old her parents paid no attention to the attach ment. Sunday evening the cou ple went to church together, but the girl did not return to her home. The parents supposed that she was spending the night with friends but yesterday learn ed that she had disappeared and that Harding was also missing. Accidentally Shot. At half past two this afternoon while out hunting near Garner Mr. Joe Broughton, of that place, was seriously and it is feared fatally 'shot. A telephone message from Garner says that he was out with a party of gent lemen from Raleigh and one of the guns discharged, shooting Mr. Broughton in the body. He has been carried to his home. The shot, it is thought, entered bis kidneys. He is well known throughout the county. Ral eigh Times of 19th. Vicious liny and His (Jnn. Joseph Nading, youngest son pf Mrs. Gertrude Nading, shot the ten-year-old son of Mr. James Johnson, near the termi nus of North Liberty street, at noon today, inflicting painful but not serious injuries. The Ball is of 22 calibre and was fired from an air rifle. It struck the right side of the Johnson boy's bead, coming out a few inches from where it entered. 1 Dr. Fearrington, who attended the wounded boy, says if the ball had struck and inch lower it would have proven fatal. The Nading boy was shooting at Mr. Johnson's hog and when the lat ter s son requested him to stop, the boy turned and, shot him. winston-special of 20th. tq Char lotte Observer. " - To remove a troublesome corn or bunion,: First soak the corn or bunion in warm water to soft en it, then pare it down as close ly as possible without drawing blood -and "apply Chamberlain's Pain Balm twice daily; rubbing vigorously for five minules at each application. A corn plaster should be worn for a few days, to protect it from the shoo. As a general liniment for sprains, bruiseR. lameness and rheuma tism, Pain l;il m is unequaled. For sale by M L Marsh, drug gist. ALVH, EOIt THE SHAME. A Man and Woman Imprisoned on l'n Serious Charges lilind Smniiiir and Ignorance Were from Cubarrux. Again the tale of shame was told at the police station last night. In different cells were a white man and a white woman They had fancied they were man and wif, but, by a token of sin tney were mistaken. The man's name is Pink Kirby and he is a mill operative. The woman thought herself Mrs, Kirby. In reality she is Mrs, lines Blackwelder. But three years ago she was Peggie Frances Honeysucker, a daughter of John Wesley Honey sucker, of Cabarrus county. In October of 1898 she married Giles Blackwelder. In the following June Blackwelder was arrested for having counterfeit money in his possession and was sent to tlie penitentiary lor two years His wife went to'tbehomeof her father and came with her fath er's family to Charlotte. On the 29th of last September she mar tied Kirby without obtaining a divorce from Blackwelder. The ceremony was performed by .squire Bailes, the famous mar riage artist of Mouth Carolina. bo the man and the woman face two serious charges. Both have honest faces, yet each is stamped with ignorance that is hapeless. They thought they had a right to be married; that Blackwelder's confinement in the penitentiary obliterated all mar riage vows. "That's what they told us," said Kirby. "We didn't mean to do any harm. 1 was never before locked up for anything," he said, in a hurt, helpless sort of way. "And I am 42 years old She's 23, and a good woman." The woman stood leaning on the bars of a cell across the corridor; ill dressed, toillineson her face, the picture of weariness and misery 'Her father said we had t right to get married," continued Kirby. "We lived with him un til about two weeks ago." "And he bad us arrested be cause we left him," said the wo man, taking up tho sioiy. ''We worked hard and paid him $2 a week uutil we found we could live cheaper by keeping hous for ourselves. We lived on Twelfth street. And we were getting along all right. And we didn't think we were doing wrong," she added, laying her head f gainst the bars and t igh ing as if tired to the utmost. In part, certainly, their story is true. It was the woman's father who made the double charge against Kirby and his daughter, and he will stand as prosecutor in the recorder's court this morning. Charlotte Observer of 22nd. SMALLPOX PATIEST DIES. The DiHease Lurks I'ndreaded Only ltehifr Found Out IVured. Sally Faggart a negro woman died at the post house Thursday night. There are yet 17 in the pest house. This, however, is not the worst as we are informed by the county physictan. There is no telling how many cases there are in the county. There are parts of the county in which the disease is raging and there seems to be no dread save that of being found out. There seems to be little chance to con trol it and about the only way to bo seen is for persons to vacci nate and ' stay clear of these bests which like a firo will burn themselves out. Riots In Athens Seven Killed. The.Orientals are even a little more than usua'ly zealous it seems. At Athens it has been proposed to translate the Gos pels into modern Greek. The interest ran so high and the op position so violent that at a pop ular meeting on the subject on the 21st riots ensued in which seven people were killed and thirty or more were injured. Would he Tonsil (ilnme. Two Philadelphia girls have started to Bulgaria with the avowed purpose of being cap lured by the bandits. The Wash ington Post says they should be "spanked soundly and put on broad and water for two mouths." Rather let us sympathize with the bandits whocapture thatsort of girls. News and Observer. A Three Legged Cat In Town. Mr. W Ross Cox, of South Union (Street, has a curiosity in the shape of a three legged cat. Not a cripple but a natural de formity. Its name is "Tri pod" and it first saw the light at Or gan church parsonage. It is a present from Mr. Cox's brother, Willie, and is highly prized. Old Flowing Out, There is a considerable flow of gold from America to Europe. Secretary Gage, however, feels no uneasiness and does not think it unnatural in the sphere of commerce. Tho one German vessel Kaiser Wilhelm left New York Tuesdav with $7,000,00 of coin and bars. It is said to be the biggest shipment of gold that ever crossed the ocean, SHIRLY-COOK. Urilliuut Scene at Holy Trinity Church -Showers of Rice as Token of Con grutiilntlonp. Correspondent to The Standard. Mt. Pleasant, N. C, Nov. 27. Cupid brings to Hymeu's ec static shrine another delightful offering, for this evening at 5 oclock in the Lutheran church, tastefully decorated with ferns and chrysanthemums, were united in the holy bonds of mat rimony, -Miss Winona Cook, one of Mt. Pleasant's most popular young ladies, a daughter of Capt. Jonas Cook, and Mr. Luther Shaver Shirey. of Bear Poplar. It was a brilliant church wed ding. The church was tilled to its utmost capacity with hosts of friends to witness the event. And .while the wedding inarch was being played by Mrs. J P Cook, of Concord, Rev. Wm. J Bogor, of Mt. Holly, officiated, with Rev. J A Linn assisting. The bride was gowned in a travoling dress of light gray crepon. Nne entered the church with her brother, Mr. J no. M Cook, and the groom entered with Mr. Sidney Heilig, of Salis bury. Mr. Sidney Heilig was best man and Miss Agnes Cook, a sister of the bride, maid of honor. Messrs. Backman Miller, of Salisbury, Joe Thompson, of Lexington, Prof, ti F McAllister and Carl Cook were ushers. Immediately after the vows were spoken, the newly marriod couple returned, amid showers of rice, to the home of the bride's father, where an elegant supper was served, then left for their future home. We extent our felicitations to tho happy couple and trust that no cloud or sorrow will ever darken their sky, now so radiant with loves resplendant beam ings. Hoo. Mr. and Mrs. Shirey spent the night at the Buford hotel in Charlotte. The grooms com panions returned to Salisbury. They joined the festal party to day at the home near Boar Pop lar. JUMPED LNTO A FURNACE. An Unknown Man Commits Suicide by IMvimr Huadlong into the Fire. Pittsburg, Pa, Nov. 21. A few moments after midnight an unknown man threw himself headlong into one of the fur naces at Schoenberger's mills, Fourteenth and Etna streets. Almost his entire body was roasted ;beyond identification, his left foot being the only part not disfignred. A few moments before midnight the man was seen to enter the mill yards and stand at the foot of the hoisting cage, wnicn carries ore and ohter supplies .or the furnaces. The moment that a warning was sounded for the cage to ascend with its load three workmen saw the suicide jump on the platform and siaud within a few feet of thpm. He was pulled out about three minutes later, every part of his body resembling a piece of half-cook9d meat. No one can remember having seen him before, and it is probable he will never be identified. The body was removed to the morgue The man was about 35 years of age, medium height, sandy mous tache and apparently an Ameri can. He wore black laced shoes. Oil KL m XSTEKI0CSLY DISAPPEARS. A Voung Man Who hag been Paying Her Attention Arretted on Susploion Elizabeth City, Nov. 21. Miss Nellie Cropsey, daughter of W H Cropsey, mysteriously disap peared last night. The police and citizens are searching for her. The river was thoroughly dragged, but no clue as to her whereabouts has been found. A young man who has been pay ing attention to the missing girl was tho last person soen in her presence. He was arrested upon suspicion and given a pre liminary hearing, resulting in taking his own recognizance to appear before the mayor. Chief of Police Dawson telegraphed to buffolk, Va., tonight for blood hounds. A Fireman' Close Call. "I stuck to my engine, al though every joint ached and every nerve was racked witn pain," writes C W Bellamy, a lo comotive fireman, of Burlington, Iowa., "I was weak and pale, without any appetite and all run down. As I was about to give up, I got a bottle of Electric Bit- tors and, after taking it, I felt as well as I ever did in my life." Weak, sickly, run down people always gain new life, strength and vigor from their use. Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed by Fetzer's drug, store. Price 50 cents. The trouble with many men is that they think with their stom achs. Ex. When you feel that life is hardly worth the candle take a ose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will eause your stomach, tone up your liver and regulate ' your boweis maKing you teel like a l.C. l i t new LUiiu. rut saie oy iu Marsh, druggist, 1 Xmas Right On Us Did You Ever Have Any Trouble ? To Decide What Kind of a Most people have had. something handsome and enjoyed not merely for the day but for the entire year. Then why not take advantage of this chance to get a beautiful Umbrella at a Bargain. We want you to see the display of Fine Silk now on exhibition in our show window. Such a beauti ful variety of handles. Prices Range From 3.00 to 7.50. They are the best that money will buy. Few people would pay these prices for Umbrellas for their own use. So such useful presents as these are all the more appro priate and appreciated. Come right along and make your selection before the fine bargains are all sold. Cannon & Fitzer Company. P.ATIIAN AND HIS URIEF. ill Ills Life He Worked for One Thing; He Gained II; He Lost It Hanged HiniKeir. The suicide of Nathan Mc Cleary, an aged negro, at Sandi fer, Paw Creek township, th's county, last Thursday, was a sad climax to an humble, honest life. L Nathan was nearly 0 years old .and had been a rent-farmer ikll his life. From early youth the one ambition of his life was to own a farm and with this end in view he worked unceasingly His oldest son, Aleck, helped him in his work helped him until Aleck married and was raising a family. Some months ago the old man and Aleck bought a farm and stocked it well. It was considered Nathan's farm, and he and his wife and his youngest son, Jim, went to the new home to live. But Aleck had managed to get the title to the property in his name and he allowed his parents only a short time to enjoy the sense of possession. He sent in renters of his own, who took charge of the farm and the stock. And Aleck evicted Nathan, his old father and his mother also. They made no scene, but sur rendered their rights quietly, and went off and rented a small farm. The grief of Nathan was in tense. All his life he had .la bored to accomplish one thing had accomplished it and had lost it through his own flesh and blood. The story is that Nathan was an honest man, a good man, who lived right by the white man's standard. And the old negro -must have suffered as a white man suffers. So he hanged himsolf. He had pliyed the game for nearly 70 years, and had sought a bit of rest, on his own soil, just this side of the grave. It had been denied. So Nathan had summary justice with bitter fail ure and carried the matter into the court of his Maker. And, may bo, the soul was as white as white. Charlotte Observer. Reliable and Gentle. "A pill's a pill," says the saw. But there are pills and pills. You want a pill which is certain, thorough and gentle. Mustn't gripe. DeWitt's Little Early Risers fill tne bill, fureiy veg- et able. Do not force but assist the bowels to act, Strengthen and invigorate. Small and easy to take. Gibson JJrug btore. Subscribe for the Standard. Present to Get For Your Friend ? The correct idea is to got useful to be appreciated and Umbrellas THAT WASHINGTON TRIAL. Mrs. Bonlne Charged With Mnrdorlng the Man That Tired or Her. Washington city has the sen sational trial of the season. Sometime ago Jas. S Ayers, Jr., was found dead in his room in the Kenmore Hotel and it was evident that he had been mur dered. In working up tho case it seemed that in this, as in so very many great tragedies of criminal nature, there was a wo man at the bottom of it. Mrs Lola Ida Bonine was arrested on the charge of murder. , The man seems to have been asleep in nothing but his sleep ing habit. When the murderer entered and departed after the tragedy in a mysterious way. The door was forced open, being bolted probably from the inside, and the man lay on the floor in his blood. There were stains on the window sill and the theory is that his mur derer left by way of the fire escape. it appears that they were formerly criminally intimate and that the woman's love turned to revenge and murderous hate when his devotions to her were in a measure withdrawn. This trial will be on deck now a an item of sensational news of the day. Clerical. Rev. C C Thompson has come out in the Raleigh Christian Ad vocate, in a letter criticising a recent lecture by Sam Jones. Mr. Thompson says the style of preaching done by Sam Jones and his imitators have done much to bring about a state of irreverence for God and the church, Rev. W W Bays has written a -poom containing 16 verses of 8 lines each with a refrain en titled, "I'm seeking a place to die,'" or the Superannuate." The peom has been copyrighted. Charlotte News. The Children's Friend. You'll have a cold this winter. Maybe you have one now. Your children will suffer too. For coughs, croup, bronchitis, grip and other winter complaints One Minute Cough Cure never fails. Acts promptly. It is very ploas ant to the taste and perfectly harmless. C B George, Win chester, Ky., writes "Our little girl was attacked with croup late one night and was so hoarse she could hardly speak. We gave her a few doses of One Minute Cough Cure. It relieved her i'n mediately and she went to sleep. When she awoke next morning she had no signs of hoarseness or croup." Gibson's Drugstore. Ml'KPEIt IN KVI.ii .I Ina (Jiiam'll Out :i i . i Of. " ConiH'il Kill H:is if: A 'phone message iVo;;i Salis bury this morning sta -d that at 12:30 o'clock Oscar Codicil, col ored, slew Gus Davis, also col ored, with a knifo. The killing took place at tho railroad crossing cloo to tho Mt. Vernon Hotel. Conuell. who is an Ohio negro and has been in Salisbury only a short timo, asked Davis to give him a a cigarette. Davis replied that he had cone except the one he had in his mouth. Couaell de manded that this cigarette bo given him and a refusal led to a quarrel. Connell drew a pocket knifo, cut Davis across the baud and then knocked him down. As Davis lay on tho ground Connell reached over and cut his throat slashing so fiercely that tho head was almost several from the body. Davis died iu a few minutes, Connell lli'd but was captured and coiiliii'.'.t in jail. Charlotte Observer of rd. THE WESTEUS CONtXuLNCE. IK'illll Announced iiihi C !;anc in Git'oiis hiro tin Lilian Atlo-aio- livuata Out of Koiiliiio Wurk. The Western N. C. Cor.fere: o of the M. E. Church Suutli '. been in session since WihK-s morning. Tho regular lit ' work has gone smooiiiiy Two events turned the ro ' thought out of its regular cj nel. ".as Tho Rev. J R Scr nouncod on" Thursday Rev. R S Webb lnvl ro appointment fur !.'!' p. ni. of tho day bclu; the first deaUi for u, two years, to Uiiev course cast a do;:vn i over the conference. Tho other was the tlia' 'a.iioa: mailt on Friday by tho ilev. Dr. L W Crawford, of Greensboro, that he had disposed of all his stock in tho Greensboro Chris tian Advocate to Mr. D B Col trane, of Concord, and that he would not stand for election as one of tho editors of the paper. This came as a surprise. Working 21 Hours a Day. There's no rest for those tire less little workers Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions are always busy, curing Torpid Liv er, Jaundice, Biliousness, Fever aud Ague. They banish Sick Headache, drive out Malaria. Never gripe or weaken. Small taste nice, work wonders. Try them. 23c at Fetzer's druj store. (ien. Wlioclor Tor the bcnato. Gen. Wheeler is now spoken ot for United States .senator from Alabama. He scjius de lighted with the idea, but for tho fact that he would no!, be a can didate against r. ;d Pet- tus and be thinks Pel, wilbo I.- tTm ex- IIV'l. :.;-.l i'i'ot). : , '.e ;.!';,' .e(i tWv." a candidate a-ruiu. 1 pires next year. S..r- lii Was 'i,i.-i: ''I suffered .such corns i could iiar writes 11 UobiiiMoii, ougn, jus., "out j,uc. ca Salve couifleiely ci. cts like magic oil bruises, cuts, sores, boils, ulcers. 1'erlV skin diseases p.U'l guaranteed by F store D3c. tVantcil to kill Hi Paul W U'arral, u for a trivni' ;c y.t . his wtif n u.t a i fatal v. o-...i- .:,! crowd of work", passing the m'.-. .. brute dil the ;:!.. him down and came ne i ' U'ui:'! ' less would in ve u, . the timely protect . men . FOli OVER l-'il Mrs. WiiiHlciw's Si" : been used for over l lions of mothers ! whi.e tei't'iinu" wiih I soothed Hi" :i : I.I. , OllaV'8 nil !!!', '! r' tlio t'Ont i -:u'. 'lv ' 1 ridiort) ' '' atoly. Sol II' c i. oi tho VII ', !. tie. !' Bur . Blow1 l i'llllmt . t I. OtW H.C'J.