GUBCKIBT3 FOR THE STAND ARD. Only - $1.00 Send us 51.C0 'AND A and get this Only $1 Per Year. CONCORD, X. C, THUKSDAY, DEC. 12, 1901, EE CLUBBING RATES Oil PAGE 2 Single Copy5Cts- t l.'B J . S L"l : tj f.)!(tJ ( i 1 I, 3 ,4 -I II A in SELL ERVIN. A Beautiful Wedding of a Topular Cou cord Couple. The homo of Mr. and Mrs, , , Jas. Iv, hrvm was a scene of beauty and interest at 7 o'clock Wednesday overling when Mr. Luther THu-fsoll and Miss janie krvin pledged 1 heir mutual fldel ity and were united in the bonds or matrimony. 'J'lie parlor was hondsomely trimmeu witu tiie season's chois est contributions, white and preen predominating:. In the corner was a pyramidal mound of flowers and ferns reaching almost to the ceiling, in front, of which, stood the officiating min ister, the Kev. G II Cornelson. Mr. Kd Moss entered, leading his sister, Miss Agnes Moss, and separating, they gave place for 1 tho bride una groom. The brido was dressed in white organdy and held a tasty bou quet of bride's roses and maiden hair ferns. Always impressive and handsome, nothing could add to her loveliness on this oc casion. The groom, stately and digni fied, was dressed in conventional suit and was every wbit the ob iect of pride for bride and friends. In the beautiful ceremony he placed a band gold ring ou the bride's hnger with the full mean ing of the symbol. After the ceremony the group of relatives aud a few special friends who comfortably filled the home were escorted to the dining room, which like the par lor, was beautifully decorated and made resplendent in the glow or a profusion of candles. A large table stood in the cen tre filled with a feast for the eye wnue at lour tables around all feasted on the choicest of the cui sine art. riM t i i t me orici;u pair received a bounteous roil of presents, among which were many articles of cut glass aud solid silver ware. The happy couple left ou the early train this (Thursday) morn ing for Charleston where they will take in the Exposition as well as many of the scenes of at traction in that historic city by tho sea. SiicccKHful at Taking on ?iew llaliils. ' We are told that our good old friend, Mr. EC Iilackwelder, of No. 9 township who is now 72 years old, but "oung in heart as a gallant beau, bought him a double barreled shotgun recently and and concluded to try his hand at hunting "Molly Cotton tail." It had been a generation since he had attempted a rabbit hunt, and he had a bench legged tii'o that never know the art at all. They ventured out however aud the hunt was a success. The lice jumped the rabbit which got .r" yards tho start be fore ;iie gun could be brought down to line, but the aim was true, the lire sure, aud dressed bare formed a savory dish from the h,;nd of Mrs. Iilackwelder the next day. TO CCKE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Brouio Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E W. Grove's signature is ou each box. 25 cents. A I'adrt Almost Killed by Mazers. Knoxville. Tenn., Dec. 4. A special to The Journal and Tri bune from Harrimann, Tenn., says four members of the senior c.liisnf tho American Temper mice U!i . versity entered the room oi .'. orrl the bou i 'in Lester last eight and ed him to dress and go with Upon bis refusal he was d Mi I gagged aud carried to seiuded spot in the woods near by. tied -o a tree and whip- ped. This done, they returned with him to the dormitory, placed liiiT) mder a hydrant, turned on th9 water and left him. Ace rdiri to Lester's story he must ,avo been there two hours when a student, who came to get wn'er. found him half frozen and in ;i semiconscious condition. LcbU-r will proceed against his assailants in the courts. Stop the Cough and Hoiks offllic Cold Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets cure a co'd in one day. No cure, no pay. Price 20 cents Waited Si'vordl persons of charno- tor Binl i; M)J repniHtMU in eucli Btatil (uuc in ihi.1 iMinnty required to riprt- 1 -J . T.l " 1 1 1 I reiv mi'.i p u -i ( it.(i uiu f-HiH nilNIK'a Weill! Iir lm.,jiiti linupe ' hoHJ tiuiin cinl tiiiiiini'. SnliiTfiiy $18 00 weekly villi ei HHi r.l litiiiiml, all imvubk' In pnsli ) Wi (II'i'mIhv direct Torn head ofti'i--. II'r8 "till C'iriiiiife furniHhril, u-l-mi no i.unrr. llnffrAnnpft TviclnnA fc U n til ri Bwd wmipcd euvnl Mu- ngi-r. Jin i axton iimimng, uuiouko -CHESTER'S EflSLfSH r Krt-. Ahvn-V'lRl.h . I.nflln. Mk nminriM I .1(4 .lul l 4 t.M.I isll id Red xiu d:i.. iiii l.ilhi: ux.. n..ui.( with Mih rtbhtin. i.onifif,.. I:,.!-,,,. ilnnrrrouii ittl. f m (..,- itnj ifilljilloiiM. Jdivnl your DiiiifrM1, (ir Nt'tn( tv. ii. '..mpu rrllmlRr, T-ll. i.iW an,1 "H-:l-r in hffrr, V-. r.-lMrii lt!n'.uuo(illi. Bold by tu! 1 . ii - s CtiiCK.-.HTER CHBMICAI. OO. ariiMin NquBr. IHIU4 PA. '7V The Finest Cake Is made with Royal Bak ing Powder. Always light, sweet, pure wholesome. SENSATIONiL FKJ11T IS V1KGIMA. One Man Killed and Two Uatllj Injured In a Shooting Oyer an Allotted Insult to a Younif Lady All Parties Promi nent Socially. Richmond, Va., Dec. 4. A special from Fredericksburg says that a terrible tragedy was en acted in Westmoreland county last night. One man was killed and two others seriously, if not fatally, wounded. The dead man is William P Taylor, Jr., and the wounded are J Q Stiff and Willie Heflin. Prom information now at hand it appears that Taylor, beiug in formed of an alleged gross insult offered by Herbert Marks to his cousin, Miss Rose Taylor, en deavored to have the matter amicably settled. Failing to do so, he, in company with Stiff, Heflin, George W Thompson and a Mr. Douglass visited tho Marks house. On arriving there they found the house barricaded and when they tried to open a door Marks suddenly began shooting from a window. Taylor was shot through the heart and died in stantly. Stiff was shot through the ueck and Heflin in tho stom ach. Marks surrendered to the authorities. All the uarties to the unfortunate affair are prom inent socially. The party sought Marks to tar and feather him. lie is from New York, and left for his home touight, after being exonerated by the coroners jury. The wounded men were taken to Washington. Taylor was from Westmoreland. Death for Attempting to Kill the Pren- Id. nt. Washington, Dec. 4. Senator Hoar today introduced a bill for the Drotection of the President of the United States. It pro vides that any who shall kill the President or who shall make an attempt upon the life of the President shall be punished by death. Any person who Bhall counsel or advise the killing of the President shall be imprison ed 20 years. Any person who shall aid the escape of any per son concerned in the killing or counselling of the killing of the President shall be equally as guilty as au accomplice. Conditions In (he Eant Dqilornhlc Mr. JC Goodman left on the 10:30 train yesterday for the east ern part of the State. He was there last week aod reports that conditions in the east just now are deplorable. The cottou crop was a r. llure and as a result tho farmers and the merchants who aided them are badly involved financially. Many of the latter are unable to meet their fertilizer and other bills. If they fo-ce collections it would result in driving the creditors into bank ruptcy. Winston Sentinel. Direw Stone Into Crowd. Ed Taylor, a young negro of about 15, is taking his meals and his dreams behind the jail bars for throwing a rock into a play tent about Mr. J T Pounds' yard some few days ago which struck Paul, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. G Means, inflicting an u;ly scalp wound. .The trial Tuesday night before Enquire Pitts justified the binding over to court aud of course a youna reckless buck that would ihrow a stone into a crowd would hard y be ablo to give bail. J. F. Shannon Arijnlfed. In the Recorder's court" in Charlotte Wednesday morning Mr. Joe F Sham on was acquit ted of assaulting Beverly Iluen, colored with a pistol. Mr. Shan non was represented by E L C nsler. The evidence for the State was given by four of the employees, who worked where Huen did. They stated that lluen was drinking and was not attend ing to his business. Tho evidence was that Mr. Shannon did what he did iu self defense and was released. Committee Say Klcra)ciiHii Route. The Canal Commilte has re ported to Congress in favor of the Nicaraguan route for the Isthmian Canal. One member of the committee, Mr. George S Marison, submitted a minority report, however, which seems strong in its claims for the Pan ama Route. Two bills have been introduced in Congress already relative to it. "No good housewife is ever satisfied with her cook till she basdischaiged her seven or eight times." I FATAL ACCIDENT NEAR UAST0MA. Mr. EdCnrry Jumps a lito1a and Re coives a Fatal Shot. Mr. J Ed Curry, while out hunting Thursday, says a Gas ton ia special to the Charlolto Observer, went to jump a ditch and accidentally discharged his gun. The load from ono barrel went into his leg above the knee and severed the artery. His ,'riend, Mr. Jenking, who was with him, hastened to a tel ephone and secured a doctor but he was too much exhaused. Bio died a few hours later. It Snowed. We had snow here on tho 5th and the Gth, heavy enough to call a snow, but not enough to wash the face of our best girl or pelt some fellow we don't like under theguiso of fun, nor to track the hare to his Inr, It will just do to call a snow, if snow should be as scarce this season as last. It snowed about, however, as will bo seen from the following: UKA.VY SNOW AT CHATTANOOGA. Chattanooga, Tenn , Dec. 5. The first heavy snow of the sea son fell today. Mora snow has fallen than at any time liv.t winter. SNOW AT MEMPHIS. Memphis, Teun., Dec. 5. The first snow of the season fell here this morning, . covering the ground to the depth of one inch. Rain followed, SNOW IN SOUTH CAROLINA. Columbia, S. C , Dec.' 5. -Snow is falling throughout middle and npper South Carolina tonight. SNOW AT HOLLY SPRINGS.- , Holly Springs. Miss., Dec. 5 About two inc'ies of snow foil nere today. It is the first of the season and unusually oarly'. In From the West. "" It was the writer's poculiar pleasure today (Friday) to moet Messrs. M A and George Yost, residents now of Oklahoma, who drank from some of the same springs, munched fruit from the same trees, waded somo of the s-une brooks and made papaw cracker whips from the same patches of shrubbery that the writer did in the days when, if the horn did not blow 'when we were hungry, we wpuld ' lean with back to the sun and put ono foot on the shadow of our hpads and declare by every ball, mar ble and string in our "britches" pockets that it was dinnertime. Mrs. JVl A Yost, wlio is tho youngest sister of Mrs. W Reece Johnson, came with her husband leaving their two sons of 13 and 15 in their south. western home. These gentlemen are sons of tho late Mr. Alexander Yost, of No. 6 township. Mr. and Mrs. M A Yost left, here 10 years ago and lived in .southern Kansas till 1893 when they entered the race f r a home at tho opening of the Cherokee strip of Oklahoma and made a catch of a good farm. Mr. Cieoige Yost followed them 15 years ago and was pleas ed. He came back a yoar later and took with him a life com panion, Miss Myers, to-be the better half of his homo! He stopped in Oklahoma and when the opening occurred in 1889 se cured a good farm, tie thinks he would perish about his native home. He is greatly pleased willi his situation. These friends catn by round (rip ticket that expires ou the 24th so that their stay here will be limited. They send pleasant greet ii gs to their many friends in their native lands, very many of whom they cannot meet per sonally. Of" Ii iu-llt to Ton. D S Mitchell, Fulford, Md.: "During a long illness I was troubled with bed sires, was ad visod to try DeWitt's Witch Hazrd Salve and did sd with won derful results. I was perferctly cured. It is the best salve on the market." Sure cure for piles, sores, burns. Boware of counterfeits. Gibson Drug store Ileum rrora Sit. Plfatmut For The Standard by in- College Correspondent Mt, Pleasant, Dec. 4. 1901. Mr. Turner Sifford has gone housekepping iu tho Hendrix house. President Lutz is expoctpd to preach at Center Grove, near Glass, on Sunday. Rov. L T 'Cof dell, the popular pastor of the M. IS. church, moved to his new field yestorday and his successor is expected here this week. Tho students aud faculty of North Carolina Gollego will give a reception to the youu,; ladies of tho town on Saturday evening which promises to be a happy timo. The ministers of tho town have organized a Ministerial Assoji ation, which convenes every two weeks. This is a happy way for the different pastors aud preach ers to understand each other. The next mooting will be on Mon day. the 9th inst. at 7 p m. at Prof. Lutz'. Country pastors, within reach, are invited to join the Association. Rev. Prof. King, of Elizabeth, College. Charlotte, is a member of the Board of Trustees. He paid a high compiimeut to our reading room. We nave seven dailies, nine county papers, fif teen of the best magazines and religious papers of all leading denominations. This least ot literature is enjoyed by many students. For some days the rumor has been floating around that .North Carolina College was in danger of being closed for waut of stu dents aud f jnds, based upon the fact that the Board of Trustees wero to moot in called session to day. Tho Board met, transacted its business, aud adjourned, leav ing tho school in lino shape and all the members of tho 13oard standing firmly by and .support ing the. President in all of his work. The resignation of Prof. N. E. Aull, somo weeks ago, was sad news to every one, but the Board has secured Rev. J L Keller, the popular pastor of the Reformed Church, in this place, to take the work laid down by P.' f. Aull. This is a very happy arrange ment, as all of tho students love him. The Agricultural course is drawing student. Uuo came in yesterday and a number of others are expected this week. Lastycarwe nad eighty seven on the roll at Christmas. We now have sixty-two. Several ol the students have gone to teach school, aud will return after their schools close, An Erruing Willi I'liuurer. Mrs. M H Caldwell threw open tiie doors of hor beautiful suburban homo to the Virginia Dare Book Club on Thursday Dec. 5th, and tho' the afternoon was cold and raw, ten of the members, with MihS Wat-..on, of Salisbury, and Mis. Correll, of our city, assembled in the parlor, whi-ie tho pleasant conversa tion aYid merry laughter helped us to forget the wintry outside. Promptly at three o'clock the meeting was opot.ed by Mrs"; Brown, our vice president, aud after the usual business the pro gram was taken up. This after noon had been set npart for the study of Chaucer "the father of English poetry." Mrs. McKenniq's paper telling us "Wherein Chaucer belongs to the Middle Age" was delight fully written and was greatly on joyed. Mrs. Ridonhour in her answer to the query "Wherein Chaucer is French" gavo us some valuable information, while Mrs. Misenheimer in a short but very interesting manner told us "Wherein Chaucer is English." Appropriate quota tions were given by each mem ber of tho club, after which dainty and delicious refresh ments were .-.ervod by our popu lar hostess. With pleasant memories of a delightful afternoon in this pretty homo so fittingly' named "The Oaks" we adjourned until Dec. 19di 1901. Mkmueu. Mr. Bxtfti in South Carolina. Rev. W A Belts, well-known in Cabarrus, was appointed at the recent conference of the Methodist church to Hamilton, South Carolina, tho homo town of Gov. Elerbee. Mr. Bet's, it will bfc remembered, got much of his education at North Carolina College aud married Miss Lillie Wads worth, now deceased, who was a student at Mont Aineana. Miss Cropspf Yet rnfound. A couple culling themselves Mr. and Mrs. MacKay Durham stopped at Viison ?Ionday and the report got out that the lady is tho missing M iss Oropsey, but it is vigorously denied and her whereabouts is yet a mystery tha fills Ihfe public with sympa thetic anxiety. "The rising musician is tho ono who gets up from tho piano occasionally." Secured jC: V for Fr.ultinte urtnit' 'i ' at once for csiUtlotsuc -ci. Wr. cut ..It. vt f i c s nv D" s '- -' J MtlS&iSy Colle. r fi loulsvllii, Kf. Monif .- 3 . ' .'. i Houston, Tex. Columbus. Go. UtC'.tnor.d.VR. Blrminghami Ala. Itksii. vi It, Fit, A HORiiOR AT A I1AS0LM5. Hody Shown Sljjns or I.ifo In tlic Coffin Ib tukcu Out aud Carried Hack to the Scaffold. Little Rock, Ark., Dec. 6. Bud Wilson, tho convict who killed R II Naylor, a guard of the Yell county convict camp, last December, was today hang ed at Danville. Twenty minutes after the trap was sprung the body was lowered into a coffin. Before tho lid was placed upon the coffin the body bet,an mov ing about. Wilson open his eyes and his whole frame shiy ered. Ho was taken from the coffin by ihe deputies and carried up tho steps to the scaffold for the purpose of hanging him again. When theplatform was reached the body became rigid, remained so for a moment aud then be came limp. Wilson was examin ed carefully by the physicians, who finally pronounced him dead death having beeu caused by strangulation. Illk' Fire In Danvlllo Tobaico District. Danville, Va., Dec. 6. Fire broke out here this morning about 2 o'clock and totally de stioyed the leaf plant of John E Hugh & Co., and Brown's stor age warehouse, with contents. Hughes & Company occupied two factories belonging to Adams Brothers, of Lynchburg. Both were lined with leaf tobacco in hogsheads and loose. The stor e warehouse contained D00 hogsheads of leaf, belonging to tho American Tobacco Company. Dibbrell Brothers' leaf plant aud Banner warehouse and a dwel- ng wero slightly dannged. The to oil loss will exceed idU.UUU, exclusive of the advance iu the price of tobacco since purchased, which is considerable. The in surance is sufficient to cover the oss, except tho advance in price. Throat Sore? There's no telling what a sore throat will do if you give it 'right of way." Uncertain rem edies often cause daugerous de lay. Make a cure sure with Painkiller, known for half a cen tury as a specific for sore throat, croup, coujrhs, anu all kindred troubles. Keep it by you for an emergency. it never fails. void substitutes, there is but one Painkiller, Perry Davis. 25o. and 50c. (iot to IhiYo Our Half. Supt. Boger tells us that the now uniou school house for Mecklenburg and Cabarrus near the More-head place has a com plication. Lie and Supt. Coch ran met and staked the silo so that the house should be equally in both counties. Supt. Coch ran was made a committee to let the contract aud build the house. From somo neglect the house is built in Mecklenburg by 50 feet and the Cabarrus board of courso will not recoive the houso until our county has half the house on its side of the line. No one can reasonably hope for good h jallh unless his bow els move one each day. When this is not attended to, disorders of tho stomach nriso, biliousness, headache, dyspepsia and piles soon follow. If you wish to avoid these ailments keep your bowels regular by tukiiiir Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets when required. Thoy are so easy to take and mild and gentle in effect. For sale by M L Marsh, druggist. "You don't have to fall out of love as swiftly as out of a bal loon to be further when you land." Tut Cauti-H ' i(lM Alunii "One night my brother's baby was taken wiMi Croup," writes Mrs. J Snider, of Crittenden, Ky , "It seemed it would stran gle before v.e could get adoelor, so we gave it Dr. King's New Discovery, which gave quick re lief and permanently cured it. Wo always keep it in the house to protect our children fro.r Croup and Whooping Cough. It cui 'd me of a chronic bronchial trouble that no other remedy would relieve." Infallible for Coughs. Colds, Throat and Lung troubles. 50c and Trial bottles free at Fotzjr's Drug Store. Santa is Yoa Childen's Fur Sets. Ladies' Fur Sets At -i Reduced -i- Prices. Ladies' Fine Sun Umbrellas, Gun Metal and Gold Handles. Ladies' Jackets, best fitting and latest cut, from $2.00 up. How about a Cape. We are going to move them and are going to save you money. SEE OUR CAPES. Cannon & Fetzer Company. BInir Ilros.' In Danger Fire. Blair Bros'., druggists in Char lotte, came near being burned out Thursday. Dr. P O Haw ley's office over thorn was dis covered to bo on fire. It bad caught a rug and had burned out a square of the floor when dis covered. The fire department soon arrested tho flames. Mr. Eagle Very Low. Mr. John V Eagle, the well known shoemaker who has been living at Spencer for the past four years, is very low with pueumonia. He is not expected to recover, Salisbury Sun. Dcuica the Reported Hazing. Knoxville, Tenn., Dec. $. Chancellor J F Spence, of the American University, at Harri man, was here to day and da llied the reported hazing inci dent at that institution. Dr. Spence says the story that a student was tied to a tree and beaten and otherwise mistreated "is absolutely false." He says last Saturday night several, stu dents threw a cup of water on a student, and that was the ex tent of the incident. He says the faculty declined to proceed against tho students after in vestigating the reports. "Some children can respect their fathers if they don't see too much of them." UN A WHFCI the rider frequently meet with disaster. Avery Ull H If I1LLL handy and efficient doctor to have with you when an ttocideut happen if a bottle of Mexican Muetang Liniment. Ulcers or RMHniinig Sores ' u ; need not become a fixture upon your !; , body. If they do it ia your fault, for . MEXICAN " MUSTANG LINIMENT . '' ' will thoroughly, quickly and perma-' .! nently cure these afflictions. There ' i is no guess work about it ; if this lin- j iment is used a cure will follow. .. r Vnil nnurf lUnUf how quickly a burn or ld oan h rurM TUU UUil I IVMUlW until you hare treated It with Mexican Mustang Liniment. A t Own healer it ttanUs at toe very top. Comi DID KNOW. SEE OUR CAPES. Died Thursday Night. The 7-year-old child, of Mr. and Mrs. J W Walter, died at the Gibson Mill Thursday night. The remains will be taken to Enochville tomorrow for burial. An Eranrohgt's Story. "I suffered for years with a bronchial or lung trouble and tried various remedies but did not obtain permanent rolitf un til I commenced usiug Ono Min ute Cough Cure," writes Kev. James Kirkman, evangelist of Belle River, 111. "I have no hes- nation in recommenamg it to ail sufferers from maladies of this kind." One Minute Cough Cure affords immediate relief for coughs, colds and all kinds of throat and lung troubles. For croup it is unequalled. Abso lutely safe. Very pleasant to take, never fails and is really a favorite with the children. They like it. Uibson Urug btore. Fire Deaths In a Collision. Malvern, Ark., Dec. 6. Five more deaths have occurred in consequence of the head-end collision between two passenger irains on the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Kail road near here last night. Old Soldier's Fxpvrienee. M M Austin, a civil war vet eran, of Winchester, Ind., writes "My wife was sick a long time in spite of good doctor s treat ment, but was wholly cured by Dr. King's New Life Fills, which worked wonders for her health." They always do. Try them. Only 25c at Fetzer's Drug store. paper 1 year. WIFE TtNI) DAUGHTER I! Lit MI). rU.-'.iinil t lie Children 20 Fett and Sve Them. At Carnegie, Pa., on the morn ing of the Oth there was a fire in the home o! Mr. Kleo in which the husband and wife found themselves cut off by the flames. The father dropped the children one by oue to the ground below, a distance of 20 feet. All were hurt but none fatally. Mrs. Klee and one daughter whom she was trying to rescue perished in the flames. The Baptist State Convention. For the first time it has been my pleasure to attend tho Bap tist State Convention, which met this week with the First church of Winston. Tho delegates, about six hundred, represent 175,0(0 Baptist people living in all parts of tho State. This year will bo especially memorable for tho great things undertaknn and tha greater things accomplished, ia the face of many and serious difficulties. The delegates, hav ing previously heard of the great success of our corresponding secretary, Rev. Livingston John son, who not on:y equaled whut was considered r. brilliant recoi d of tho previous secretary b'lt surpassed it by a'cut $8,000 t:s year, camo to too Couventh l full of enthusiasm and faith. Many of the speeches wexe full of pathos and power and prepared the Convention to meet bravely and unhesitatingly every issue. The report showed the State Board $500 in debt to our missionaries. $642.00 largely in cash and the balance in 30 days, wr.s raised at once. Over $600 was contributed to the Southern Brptist Theological Seminary at j Louisville Fifty dollars was contributed toward tho painting of a por trait of Wm. B Moody, Speaker of the Senate, who cast the de ciding vote favoring the grant ing of a charter to Wake Forost College. Reports wero received and dis cussed on many important sub jects with an interest and pa tience Jcharacteristic of North Carolinians. Religious zeal, yes faith, was easily discernable in hundreds of faces and after the report on education and a plain statement of the financial condition of the Baptist Female University by the president, Dr. Vann. There was a forward movement to meet and forever wipe out a debt of $42,000, which seriously threat ens its existence. On Friday the work was attempted with some success but last night, by con certed action led by Gov. Aycock In a powerful speech, the great est collection ever taken by this body, except one, was gloriously consummated, aud 13,000 was raisod in cash and pledges. President Mclver, of the State Normal, was Iherj and leut his nlluence by woii and subrsc'.p- tion to this groat undertaking. People of different denomina tions took a hand the Sunday school class oi mo mrsi iuetuo- dist church gavo and all who could contributed and seemed happy in the privilege. It was a victory not alone for Baptists out for all, and why shoulr1 not ail i, :.'.. i- wr it. Jjst :; ird for tho people ot Winston, who so generously eu lei a ued us. I never saw the i;u il of it, every one thought ii ms -If especi iy humored, If they should ever pay us a visit tin) best we h ive will be nt thoir coiiim.r.) i. Respect fully. J K Smith. She Didn't a Musk, But her beauty was completely hidden by sores, blotches ai d pimples till she used Bit. Id. it's Arnica Salve. Then they an ishod as will all Erupt ions; F, cr Sore-i, Boiles, I'lcers, C.uoi. ti des and Felons from its use. I.i fallible for Cuts. Corns, liun.s, Scalds and Piles. Cure gu iiaii. teed. 5c at Fotzor's Di uc bioro, i 41 T" r