SUBCRIBE FOR THE STAND ARD. Send us $1. CO and get this paper 1 year. T AND ARD. Only - $1.00 Only $1 Per Year. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, DEC. 19, 1901. Single Copy5CU. SEE CLUBBING RATES On PAGE 2 The B . LITTLE Horn FOB MISS CBOPSEY. Her Father (ilren Fubllo Utterance and Charges Harder. Suffolk, Va., Dec. 11. Edward J Kelley, who some time ago visited the Cropsey home in Elizabeth City, aud afterward alleged that he had information proving that ' a girl in whose company he was in in Norfolk November 22 was Nell Cropsoy and that she left by a steamer for a Northern city, today went to Justice Cropsey's home again. He intimated to the family that he kuew where Miss Cropsey was. His presence there, in view of the reports that have gone out reflecting on Nell's charac ter, was not agreeable. After pome warm words Justice Crop sey, among other things said Kelley as a fake. Kelley de nied somo of the reports which had been credited to him. A personal encounter was immi nent when the police interfered. "The citizens' committee this evening refused to disclose -the clue on which they base their re liance that the mystery will soon be solved. Justice W P Cropsey, father of Nellie Cropsey, tonight issued the following signed statement : "To the Citizens of Elizabeth City and Pasquotank County, N. C. : "I take this method and op portunity of thanking the good people of this city, county and State for the many acts of kind ness toward me and my family during the recent sorrow that has befallen us. I assure you that we shall ever cherish these memories and shall never forget to remember your kind words and tender sympathies. "The police officials and citi zens' committee have done all that human agency could do to restore my daughter, but with out success.' I never expect to see her this side of the great eternity. I shall always believe that James Wilcox was instru mental in my daughter's disap pearance and if she is dead I be lieve that his hand or the hand of his hireling is responsible for her death. Sometime when this life shall cease we shall stand before ihe presence of the Great Judge and at that time I believe that we shall learn how and when he murdered my daughter and the justice that he may escape here will be dealt to him there. (Signed) "W H Cropsey. "Elizabeth City, N. C, Dec. 11." A piece of garment has been dragged up from the river that it is feared is a part of Miss Cropsey's attire. In Straits for Coal Can. A Knoxville, Ten., dispatch of the 11th says: "The coal car shortage, together with a notice from the Southern Railway that it will confiscate coal for its use, threatens grave danger to indus tries of four States which depend on Coal Creek aud Jelhco for their supplies. So serious is the coal shortage becoming that tex tile industrias in Tennessee, Georgia and North and South Carolina may be compelled to shut down. Coal operators of this section are said to be losing thousands of dollars through their inability to get cars to move their output. A Daily Task. To be honest, to be kind, to earn a little and spend a little less, to make upon the whole a family happier by his presence, to reuounce where that shall be necessary and not to be imbit tered, to keep a few friends, but thpso without capitu'.ation; above all, on the same given condi tion, to keep friends with him self here is a task for all that a man his of fortitude and deli ct , liobul Louis Stevenson. TO CUItETt'OLlllToKE DAY. Take Laxative Brotno Quinine Tablets. All c!ru?gists refund the mcr.ey if it fails "to cure. E W Grove's signature on each box. 25 cen's. ' ' Short f 40,000 and LfHTfs. Wilson, Dec. 11. E L Powell, manager of the brokerage busi ness of Murphy & Company, of New York, has disappeared from Wil&on $40,000 short in his ac coui 's. He left a note saying he would commit suicide and mail, d it in Rocky Mount' It is supposed he is in New York. Wilcuiiians lose heavily on hi? deal. Us c!a:ms in l is note thai he lost the nuiount on Union Pa citin and cotton deals. Special to The Observer. . H 8tp Ilia Con i?h-and Works off the Coli! Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets cure a co'd in one day. No cure, no pay. Price 20 cents. WinTED ttrveral persona of charac ter an-1 tf"l roenlatiou in each Mat ( one iu thin county required to rcpre ieut md ncUerlise olil established wealii y bnMiiesM bonpa of solid finan cial .t'lnilitUJ. Halarary 1800 weekly with eipviim'S adiliiiiiunl. all livable in CASh i-aoh Wednesday direct f'oro head office". Horse Mid caniaRo furnished, wben neoms'try. References. Enclose self-a- Idri KM. d stamped envoi pe. Man ager, 316 (Vnton UiiildinR, Chicago. . p : ll? ttons Secured V7 ' a-or tuition re'.urtiled. WrH A v' v ' 'r Cflta'pKue ml a.ei:i il -itTcri. fr ft?-o?(Ti Business fc? Pi! HSSCy Colleger f'j lnu: t'!t. Mer.fjomrv. Ala. tL. Hi'tiftlon, Tex. CoUimbui. Gt. Bic;....i.U; Va. birnnnsham. Ala. Fl The U. S. Government Tests Show the Absolute Superiority of Royal Baking Powder. NORTH CAROLINA MILLER'S A8S0- ,- - CIATI0H. Organized at tireensboro oa the 11th Mr. S. T. Crowell, Yice-President, The North Carolina Miller'6 Association was organized in Greensboro on the 11th, with Mr. K E Nooe, of Satesville, as president and our: veteran miller, Mr. G T Crowell, vice-president, C P Gaither, of Salisbury, sec retary and John B Johnson, of Mocksville, treasurer. Some of the leading objects of mutual benefit are the securing of better insurance rates and laws by the Slate against adul terations and short weights. BLOODY TRAGEDY IN HOUSTON. Tongh Kills Two Officers and Is Killed by One of Them His Counsel Jailed. Houston, Texas, had a most tragic scene on the 11th. Sid Preacher, a bunco steerer, went to the police station with shot gun on his shoulder to quarrel with the police about interfering with him. Officers J C James and Herman Youngst attempted to arrest him when he opened tire and mortally wounded James. He then hred on Youngst and downing him was upon him beat ing bim when Youngst succeded in drawing his pistol and giving Preacher three shots. They both died within a few minutes. A warrant was sworn out against J B Brockman, Preach er's attorney, charging him with advising Preacher to use his shot gun iSrockman is in jail on charge of inciting to murder. Ten Rules of Politeness For Bojs. 1. To be polite is to have a kind regard for the feelings and rights pf others. 2 Be as polite to your parents, brothers, sisters aud school mates as you are to strangers. 3. Look people fairly in tue eyes when you speak to them or thoy spealr. to you. 4. Do not bluntly contradict anyone. 5. It is not discourteous to re fuse to do wrong. 6. Whispering.laughing.chew ing gum or eating at lectures, in school or at places of amuse ment, is rude and vulgar. 7. Be doubly careful to avoid any rudeness to strangers, such as calling out to them, laugning or making remarks about them. Do not stare at visitors. 8. In passing a pen, pencil, knife or pointer, hand the blunt end toward the one who re ceives it. 9. When a classmate is recit ing, do not raise your hand until after he has finished. . 10. When you pass directly in front of anyone or accidently annoy him, say: -'Excuse me," and never fail to say "Thank you" for the smallest favor. On no account say 'Thanks." Sacred Heart Heviaw. Itcptasophs Receive Check. The Heptasophs have received a chck for $l,0t0 in full pay ment of the policy carried by the iate Capt. J V Pace. .The check is payable to Capt. Pace's widow. Salisbury Sun. Meet Vexations Calmly When things go wrong with you in the home, when you feel ready to sit down and "have a good cry," because, perhaps, the temperature of the oven has been loo great, and your loaves, that should have come out browr. and crisp and toothsome, look like burnt cinders, resist the temptation to give way to yout feelings. The enemy has come in on you like a flood, it is true; but are you, in the strength of your womanhood, and the con sciousness of your power over circumstances, going to lose your self control, to allow an ac cident that will havo completely pas-sed from your mind tomor row to make you miserable and unhappy today, even for an hour ? It ie by calmly meeting these small vexations that we are strengthened to overcome in thp more serious battles of life. Ex. Incentive to School Attendance. The constitutional amendment is prdving a great incentive to attendance in the public schools. With better arranged districts, better hou. es and bettor teach ers there will be no trouble about the attendance. A com pulsory attendance law would be the greatest blunder that could possibly 'be made in regard to removing illiteracy from the State. It would be as dismal a failure as the silver issue, , the Senatorial primary and the otVier new things introduced ascurers of all ills. -Ii would introduce an inquisitorial system that would ruin the schools and warrant open rebellion. The Democratic party caunot swallow many more Jonahs. Newton Enterprise, AMOS OWES CHERRY TREE FRAUU. Warning by State Entomologist Sher man-Poor Women and Girls the Tie tints. The Raleigh correspondent to tne tjnariotte Ubserver of the 12th gives the findings of State Entomologist Franklin Sherman Jr., on the Amos Owens cheiry tree enterprise. - Tt. has VtaAn eiiat-toMA) tViat . - - vwum WU.JSVV7U VUni there is something fraudulent aoout tne ousmess ana Mr. tner man went on the grounds and investigated till he is thoroughly convinced that it is a fraud not withstanding some agents have received their pay. It is known that many have not. " We clip the following from his report to Commissioner S L Pat terson of the commission con troling crop pests. "The main evidences of fraud brought out by the investigation are as follows. 1. Non-payment of agents. 2. The inferior quality and grading of trees. .8. The false statements of employes regardiug the source of trees. 4. The false claims made by the company in its circulars. 5. The frequency with which the ownership of the concern has changed hands. 6. The direct fraudulent dealings of the company in pur chasing trees from distant sources (Mitchell county), aud having such trees shipped under the label "Amos Owen Chorrv Trees." RECOMMENDATIONS. After carefully weighing the facts, I am moved to make the following recommendations: 1. The absolute withdrawal of the certificate now in use by the company. ' 2. The notification of the Post master General at Washington that the company has been founa fraudulent with request that a fraud order be issued for the following postoffices : Forest City, Elleuboro, Caroleen, Hen rietta and Rutherfordton. 3. ;The notification of station agents at the following points that the company cannot legally ship stuck: Caroleen, Henrietta, Forest City, Bostic, Rutherford ton, Mooresboro, Lattimore and Shelby. 4. The publication of a con densed account of the findings in every daily and weekly paper in North Carolina, aud in the lead, ing papers of Atlanta, Columbia, Charleston, Norfolk and Rich mond, with request that the item be published for four consecutive issues, if same can be done with out charge. 5. The publication of an ac count of this affair as soon as possible in the bulletin of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture. 6.. The submission to the Gov ernor of the facts in the case, in order that he may act according to his best judgement. 7. The posting of notice of the fraud in the postoffices of Forest Uity, Hillenboro, (Jaroleenl , lien rietta and Rutherfordton.- . CONCLUSION. It is my opinion that no -effort should be spared to mak the fraud known to every person. The fraud has been practiced al most exclusively upon women and girls, mostly of the poorer classes, it seems to me tnat the men who have ooen the guilty parties should receive all the odium accumulating from, their fraudulent acts. As it is likely that those who have had this company in charge will be sued, it is my opinion that the crop pest commission should do all that it can to aid the aggrieved parties in bring ing the defrauders to justice. Very respectfully submitted, Fkanklin Sherman, Jr., Entomologist. Raleigh, N. C, Dec. 11, 1901." Smallpox In Mine Conn ties. Dr. RII Battle, Secretary of State Board of Health, through the health bu'letin reports small pox in the following counties with the number of cases in each county given: "Cabarrus, 24 cases; Duplin, 5; Greene, 1; Guil fi rd, 1; Henderson. 7) Mecklen burg, 11; Rockingham, 19; Stokes, 1; Wayne, 15." Vacci nation should contiue. It is doubtful if this noxious disease will cMsappcar from the State in ten years to come The black tramps will scatter it. Salisbury Sun. Don't Lt them SuScr. r Often children are tortured with itching and burning Eczema and .other skin diseases but Bucklen's Arnica. Salve heals the raw sores, expels -incarnation, leaves the skin without a scar. Clean, fragrant cheap, there's no salve on earth as good Try it. Cure guaranteed only 25 cents at Fetzer's Drng Store, 8CHLEY COURT FI5DTSUS. , lake Report to SeereUrr Loaf Twelve Counts Against the Admiral Praised for His Bravery at Santiago Battle Admiral Dewey Exhoneratef Him from Blame. The Schley court of inquiry has made its report. . It finds twelve counts against the Admi ral at to movements etc., but gives him due credit for valor at the great battle. The whole re port is lengthy and appreciable, chiefly to the naval men. The opinions are given below which show clearly that Admi ral Dewey was in the minority. He would gladly have acquitted the Admiral of all the charges. Admirals' Benton and Ramsey adjudged bim guilty on the twelve counts. , The following are the opinions of the ' court as a majority and Admiral Dewey's opin ion as an individual, though, signed officially as the other. "OPIKIOIf. "Commodore Schley, in com mand of the flying squadron, should have proceeded with the utmost dispatch off , Cienfugos and should have maintained a close blockade of that port. "He should have endeavored on May 23, at Cienfugos, to ob tain information, regarding the Spanish squadron by communi cating with the insurgents at ihe place designated in the memo randum delivered to him at 8:15 1 a. m, of that date. "He should have proceeded from Cienfugos to Santiago de Cuba with all dispatch, and shoujd have disposed of his ves sels with a view of intercepting the enemy in ny attempt to pass the flying squadron. "He should not have delayed the squadron for the Eagle. "He should not have made the retrograde turn westward with his squadron. "He should have promptly obeyed the Navy Department's order of May 2fj. , "He should have endeavored to capture or destroy the Span ish vessels' at anchor near the entrance of Santiago harbor on May 9 and 30. "He did not do his utmost with the force under bis com mand, to capture or destroy the Colon and other vessels of the enemy which he attacked on May 81. "By commencing the engage ment on July 8 with the port battery, and turning the Brook lyn around with port helm, Cpm mdore Schley caused hei to lose distance and position with the Spanish vessels, especially with ihe Viscaya and Colon.. "The tnrn of the Brooklyn to starboard was made to avoid gettin r into dangerous proximity to the . Spanish vessels. The turn wa made toward the Texas and caused that yessol to stop and to back her engines to avoid possible collision.- - "Admiral Schley did injustice to Lieutenant Commander A C Hodgson in publishing only a portion of the correspondence which passed between them. "Commodore' Schley's conduct in connection with the events of the Santiago campaign prior to June 1, 1898, was characterized by a'vacillation, dilatoriness and lack of enterprise. "His official reports regarding the coal supply and the coaling facilities of the flying squadron were iuaccurate and misleading. "liis'conduct during the battle of July 3 was self -possessed and he encouraged, in his own per son, his suborbinat officers and men to fight courageously, . - ! Gbokok Dewhy. f Admiral Tj. S. N., President. "Sam O Lemly, "Judge Advocate General- U. S. N., Judge Advocate. "In the opinion of the under signed the passage from Key West to Cienfugos was mide by the flying squadron with all pos sible dispatch, Commodore Sch ley having in view the impor tance of arriving off Cienfugos with as much coal as possible in the ship's bunker's. -' "The blockade of Cienfugos was effective. "Commodore Schley in per mitting the steamer Adula to en ter the port of Cienfugos ex pected to obtain information concerning the Spanish squad ron from her whon she came out. "The passage from Cienfugos to a point about 22 miles south of Santiago was made with as much dispatch as was possible while keeping the squadron a unit. "The blackade of Santiago was effective. ."Commodore Schle' was the senior officer of our squadron off Santiago when the Spanish squadron attempted to escape on the morning of July 3rd, 1898. He was in absolute command and is entitled to the credit due to such commanding officer for the glorious victory which re suited in the total destruction of the Spanish ships. , "George Dewey. "Admiial U. S. N., President. "Sham C Lemly, "Judge Advocate General, U. S. N., Judge Advocate." "recommendations. "In view of the leugth of time which has elapsed since the oc currence of the events of the Santiago campaign, the court reccommends no further pro ceedings be had in the promises. "George Dewey, "Admiral U. S. N. President. "Sam C Lfmly, "Judgo Advocate General, TJ. S. N., Judge Advocate." Alkahest Enlarged Successful South ern Magazine. The Christmas Alkahest, pub lished in Atlanta, Ga., comes this month in an enlarged form, standard magazine size, printed on heavv. supercalendared pa per, and teeming with good stories and boautitul illustrations, The leading article of the cur rent issue is a story by Wu Ting Fang, minister from China to the United States, "The South's Trade with 'Uhiua." There is a Christmas poem by Frank L Stanton, a Unristraas story Dy John H Gutterson. "The Wate- powers of 'Georgia," by State Geologist Yeates, is practical and illustrated with fine cuts of water falls. A sketch is given of Thomas E Watson, who has of late become famous for writ ing the best history of France. The editorials, book reviews and other departments are up to the h eh standard established in other issues of this popular magazine. The Alkahest is the only magazine published in the South, and we are gratified to see the success it has already uchieved. Among the tens of thousands who have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for colds and la grippe during the past few years, to our knowledge, not a single case has resulted in pneumonia. Thos. Vt bitfield & Co., 240 Wa bash avenue, Chicago, one of the most nrominent retail druggists in the city, in speaking of this, says: "We commend Chamber lain's Cough Remedy for la grippe in many cases, as it not only gi''es prompt and complete recovery, but also counteracts any tendency of la grippe to re suit in pneumonia." For sale by M L Marsh, druggist. "The name on an umbrella handle doesn't necessarily be long to the man who has the umbre'la." How to Cure Croup. Mr. R Gray, who lives near Amenia, Duchess county, N. Y., says; "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the bet medicine I have ever used. It is a fine chil dreu's remedy for croup and never fails to cure." V hen giv en as soon as tho child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough has developed, it will pre vent the attack This should be borne in mind and a botlleof the Cough Remedy kept t ham) ready for instant use as soon as these symptoms appeiu. For sale by M L Marsh, druggist. "A theatrical angel is probab ly so-called becaut-e his mocey has wings and flies," CANNON & holiday Fashionable and Seasonable Goods at r Wonderfully Low Prices. All through our immense establishment the work of replenishing our stock in all the departments has been going on and now we are prepared to announce our readiness for the holiday trade. We can supply all your needs and if you want presents for your own family or your friends, the kind that we sell will ' be most ser vicable and most appreciated and longest remembered. This is a practical age and you must get something USEFUL, therefore we invite your attention to our mammouth new stock of Nens' Fine Clothing, Men's Medium and Cheap Clothing, Men's Overcoats, Boy's and Childrens Clothing. Suits of all grades and styles. Boy's and Childrens Overcoats cheapest and test yet Men's Fine Shoes, Women's Fine Shoes, Chil drens Fins Shoes- AU kinds of Shots that you can think about Biggest line of Stylish Hats ever Shown inCon cord and prices the lowest. Furnishing Goods in endlest variety. Underwear of the best kind Shirts, Socks, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Gloves and $1,000 ivorth of New Neckwear jvsb in Finest line of Men's and Ladies Umbrellas ever shown in Concord Ladies' Fine Dress Goods, Black and colored Silks, Stylish Taylor Made Jackets, Fur Scarfs and Collarettes. Marsailles Quilts, Silkoline Comforts. Centemeri Aid Gloves, newest evening Shades Fine Sun Umbrellas, f'n Metal, Silver and Gold Handles Smyrna and Mo'uet Jx'uys, Full linfl of Carpets Elkin Blankents, 104 tor 2.25 worth 3-00 pair Come here for anything you waul- Satisfac tion Guaranteed- Your money bach if you ward it- o Mmim & Fetzer Compafjv. Pastor Receives ft 1011 ii(liiif. A very pleasant surprise was thrust upon the Rev. C Preston this (Saturday) morning in form of a pounding by his devoted congregation of Cannonville Presbyterian church. The pas tor and his winning wife were made glad with manifestations of love in the form of about everything that is wanted to contribute to domestic supplies. It was a delightful occasion and all are bound in new ties "of the endearing relations of pastor and people; The Best Planter. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound to the affected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back or pains in the side or chest, give it a trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it affords. Pain Balm also cures rheuma tism. One application gives re lief. For sale by M L Marsh, druggist. "You never really know a man unless you allow yourself to owe him money." flM A WHFFI tho rider frenunntlrmMta with cUMirkor. Arery Ull r linCt.L hamly and eltlcientdoctortohTewithyonwhei n aucideat happeni U botUo of Mexican Mustang Liniment. Ulcers or : RMomiinig Sores ' f need not become a fixture upon your 1 1 body. If they do it is your fault, iox, 3 MEXICAN V MUSTANG LINIMENT l will thoroughly, quickly and perma- 4 f nently cure these afflictions. There , 1 ' is no guess work about it ; if thislin j y iment i3 used a cure will follow. ,3 YOU DONT KNOW Xt&ttd Mustang Liniment. A a flwh healer it ataiad at tho rery top, FETZER GO'S Offerings. Another Chnrch for Concord. The Rev. D A BraswelJ, iate of Skinnersvillo, has paid The Standard a pleasant visit aud in forms us that the Methodist Protostant church has purchasod a lot on Buffalo street beyond the oil mill and they hope, within the present synodical year to build a good, handsome church on it. There are a goodly num ber of members of that faith with in the bounds and the church Is needed. We h6pe to see a church there in the near future. Honth After Month a cold clings to you. The cough seems to tear holes in the deli cate tisues of the throat and lungs. You lose weight and you wonder if you are threatened with a disease you scarcely dare to name. Are you aware that even a stubborn and long-neglected cold is cured with Allen's Lung Balsam? Do not spend more of .your life in cpughing and worrying. A lucky fellow is going to in herit $8,000,000 from the late Mr. Armour by marrying his widow. Vienna News. ;! A VERDICT TOR $t,0OO. The Suit of Avcrj- Williams Against the Soi'thcrn District Court Adjourns. Inflie of Avery Williams against the Southern Railway, a jury in tho District Court yes terday rendered a verdict .giving the plaintiff 6, 000. Williams had sued for $25,000 damages. On the 28th of De cember, 1900, while he was a fire man on a construction train at Allendale, S. C, be lost his right leg as the result of an accident. He was under the engine, when, through some cause, the engine reversed and brought a heavy wheel across his leg, crushing it so badly that amputation was necessary. Tbere will be no ap peal from the verdict given, and the (0,000 will be paid to tLo young man. Capt. Charles Price, Capt. George F Bason and Mr. Chase Brenizer appear ed for the Southern, while Will iams was represented by Clark son & Duls and Jones & Tillett. Court adjourned last evening, the the various officials returned to their homes last night. Cher lotto Observer. lli'ulth and J'.-uiity. A poor comple on is usaal! the result of a toi iid liver or ir regular action ! the bowels. Unless nature's refuse is carriod off it will surely cause impui-3 blood. Pimples, boils and other eruptions follow. This is na ture's method of throwing off tho poisons which the bowels failtd to remove. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are world famous .or remedying this condition. '' "hey fstiniuiate th liver ami pro j i iote regulur and 'ut :i!'y action i of the bowels but ncr c.'c , riping, cramps or distress. ; afe pills. Gibson Drug Store. Great Weather Calender. The Chattanooga Medicine Co., tho manufactures of McEl reo's Wine of Cardui and and Thedford's Black draught, havo just issued tho 1902 edition of the Cardui Weather Chart and Calendar. This calender has sprung into universal promi nence by accurately foretolling the Galveston flood and predict ing the droughts and floods of the past summer, a year ahead of each occurrence. This office has just received one of these calendars, which consists of twelve sheets of paper, 13x22 inches in size, all fastened to gether with a gilt tin strip and a brass loop hanger. Each sheet contains the calendar for one month in large figures that can be read across the room. Under the figures patent weather sig nals indicating . Prof. DeVoe's Weather forecasts for every day in the year appear. We under stand a few copies of it can bo secured by sending 10 cents apiece in postage stamps to The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat tanooga, Tenn. Food Chan Red to Poison. Putrefying food in the intes tine produces effects like those of arsenic, but Dr. King's New Life Pills expel t(u po'n.o-is from clogffod bowmi, geiitiy, easily but surely ctir'.ng Consti patiou, Biliousnes.-. .-ick Head ache, Fevers, all Liver, Kidney and Bowel troub1 :s. Only cents at Fetzer's Lrurr Store. ;e. Toon lifti it. It is gratifying to know that State Superintendent of Public Instruction Toon, has improved so much that he is now confident ly expected to recover. No oue can reasonably hope ! r good health unless his bow--i movo one each clay. When is is not attended to, dNordeis the stoma.-'; arise, biliousness, ' -in', dyspepsia a.i I piles soon follow. If you wish to avi.i.l t.;es, ailments keep your liowoU regul-r by taking Cliam iV'ilaius Stomach and Liver Tablets '".lieu 11 quired. They ire so uisy to take and in'M and entie in effect. For t-a'o by M L Marsh, dni;-t.;is;. Money is tiiericli m.iii's faiih, the poor man's ho. a 1 : t ' 1 . k good 11. an's charity." Of II in lit to You. 1) S Mitchell, Kuiroid, Vd.: "During a long illness v. as troubled with tied sores, ua-t ad vised to try DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve and didsj with won derful results. I was perfeietly cured. It is tho best salvo on tho market." Sure euro for piles, sores, uurns. Ho ware of counterfeits, Gibson Drug store

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