ftJBSKlBE .FOR THE STANr ! ARD. T AND ARD. I Only - $1.00 . I EEE CLUBBING RATES On PAGE 2 Only $1 Per Year. CONCORD, N. C, TlIUItSDAY. JAN. 1G, 1902. Single Copy5Cts. I DOT BISCUIT sailing Perfect,' Delidons, Appetizing. r SPRAINED JOINT8. ftow to Trm tk 1 a Iwtlllai, l An Injury resulting from any rlolcat Wrenching or twisting of a joint with out a fracture of bone la tensed a sprain, aaya Youtn'a Companion. Immediate attention la an Imperative neceaalty in apr&lna, elnce In no Injury Oe welling and pain more promptly Supervene. Tbe marked and rapid (welling following a sprain Is usually occasioned by tbe exudation of fluids taking place not only around tbe Injur ed joint, but also within the joint, the latter frequently to bo great an extent as to force tbe two articulating sur face apart Any motion or weight upon the joint when In this condition la Intolerable, and In every case effort should be made te check exudation promptly, re lieve tbe swelling and pain and relax tbe tension of tbe muscles adjacent. Nothing meets the emergency better than bot water as hot as can be borne "and this fortunately is usually quick ly at band even In the most primitive camp. The joint and adjacent limb Should be plunged Into tbe water, which may be kept hot by the addition of small quantities from another ves sel kept over the Ore. This trontment must be continued for hours If neces sary. It should continue at least until tbe swelling and pain have been reduc ed. An all night treatment not Infre Quently results In the possibility of using the limb tbe next day, altboagh uch a procedure la not to be recom mended. Old water Is nearly as effectual as bot tn checking the symptoms. In Some eases It seems equally efficacious knd even more comforting. In either ease the treatment most be prolonged and the temperature of the water faith fully kept at tbe point of greatest fi rieney. Other remedies are also valuable If tbe physician bas them at band, sir! tn are used with tbe same end tn view of relaxing muscular tenttea. combating the swelling aad relieving P- Hew te Cmre For flte Teet. If the teeth are to get but one tioe ugh cleaning during tbe day, just be fore retiring Is tbe best time to give tt to them, as there are six or elgbt hours daring sleep that the salivary glands are Inactive, and fatty and starchy foods that may be lodged between and around tbe teeth are bathed In saliva, t partial digestive fluid, undergo de composition, forming aclda which act nor or less readily on the tooth struc ture at tbe time of tbelr formation. Tbe salivary glands not being active during sleep, adds are not diluted, as daring the day a free flow of saliva preveats to a great degree tbe deleterious ef fects of aclda tbua formed. Tbe teeth and gums should be carefully brushed after each meal with a medium soft brush, using as a wash on damp brush alcohol, rosewater and liaterlne, equal parts.-Pr. 8. D. Potter In Ohio DonUl Journal I Hew te Malta Calf Feet Jellr. To make this jelly cut and crack one foot Into small pieces and cover with three plnla of cold water. Put on the back of tbe stove and let It remain there three hours after It bas begun to simmer. Skim at short Intervals, and at tbe expiration of three hours take the soup from the Are and strain. When It has become bard, remove tbe sediment and fat. neat again, and when about to boll stir In rapidly the beaten wblte of one egg. Let the mix ture boll for one minute, then remove from the fire, and after It baa cooled fer ten minutes strain Into small molds. Tbe Jelly will harden tn two hours. ! now to Make Beetateak Pie. Cut the steak Into pieces an Inch Ion & and stew with a cracked bone In Jiit enough water to cover until tbe meat la tender. Line a deep dlsb with good paste. Put In a layer of beef, dut with salt and pepper, then one of sliced boiled potntoes. with a little but ter wintered upon them, and so on un til the dish In full. Thicken the gravy In u I, kli liic tiiciil wax ImIIihI Willi s little dour, t in ii Into the dish and cov er with a crtiHt thicker tbnn the lower one and having n silt In tbe middle, u Him. le (Inn Silver. Rub badly discolored r o on sliver With salt lefiire t!ie umnl cleansing wltb flannel uud rhnmoia. A thick past of prepared chalk and water with a few dropa of ammonia or alco boi added is an excellent silver paste i Bavr ta Maka Folate) Mlaa ". Chop ham very fine, add It to mashed potatoes and the yolk of en beataa gg, form hits balls and fry. Bev. W. H Uliler Will Come. Mr. Jno. K Patterson, Secre tary of ths Council, has received a letter from Rev. W H Hiller accepting tho call to become pas tor of S' Jamas congregation lie will t") h re by Feb. 1st to filter upon his duties'. SECKLEMIIUKH MAM IIC11)1:.S. Mr. John M llrnry Hangs HIiiKeif Tound While Pulxe Was Deating but too Late. Mr. J M Henry took his own life at his home, on the Lawyers' road, three miles from Charlotte yesterday afternoon, by hang ing himself to one of the rafters of his wagon-shed at the barn. Mr. Henry left the house at 1:60 o'clock aud went to tho barn. His wife, who was in the house when ho went out, fearing that something might befall him, as he was sink and crippled, fol lowed alLvr him within about 20 minutes. But she was too late, for when she passed the maiu part of the burn and looked under the wagonshed she beheld the lifeless body of her husband, dangling in the air. He had picked up a piece of old plow line that lay in the back yard, gone to the shed, pulled up by the aid of his crutches to the hounds of the wagon that was there, tied the cord around the ratter, then around his neck and umped off. The toes of his shoes touched the ground. The ground " about where they touched was marked as n mere had been the least bit of a strug le for life after the fatal leap was taken, vvnen iounu me body was dressed as usual and everything intact. Death had come from strangulation. Mrs. Henry called to George Wilkes, and o.d negro man, who was passing, and he hurriedly cut the rope and laid the corpse out on the ground1. Though the body wasstill warm, the pulse still beatiu.g death claimed his victim. Mr. Henry was 58 years old He had married Miss Isonhour of Cabarrus. Charlotte Obser ver of 9 th. RAILROAD DISASTER 15 SEW TURK Elfiaen Killed and Jinny Injured by Rear End Collision in Tunnel Under l'ark Avenue A Khnp.kins' wreck occurred on the 8tl. in the New York Central Railroad tunnel that burrow- under Park Avenue in which fif teen people were killed and thirty or more were injure I. The South JNorwat it locn wbs halted for sotiio purpose aud the flaeman nlaced a torpedo and his signal but the incoming en gineer of White Plains local filod to observe them and went crashing into the rear of the motionless tram. Tne engine ploughed through more than half th mar coach carrying death and injury to the unfortu nate passengers. Tho scene was made the more distressing by the fact that it was in the tunnel wnere rescue nraa tho mnm difficult and the hissing steam from broken pipes stilled 6ome oi tne iruiuess cries for help. The engineer of thi incoming train, J M Wischo, is believed to be resposible for the calamity. Paar Abused Old Friday. Friday is, so far as we have been able to see, as good and as respectable a day as any other of the week, but, give a day or a dog a bad name and it is done for forever. Friday has been so long discriminated against as hangsman's day that it is no trnniior that, ih women folks (and some men) have come to regard it as me uniucny aay. When a man is so unlucky as to ha sentenced to be hanged, straightway his execution is set for a Friday ana nis ignominay attaches itself to that day. Poor Friday, it needs the rout that Governor Aycock has given it in putting the six execution that are to occur on one day on Wednesday. Monroe Journal. imi a m -- Stops the Cough and Works oil the Cold Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets cure a cold in one day. No cure, no pay. Price 23 cents. State Farm Terribly Damaged. The State penitentiary board has made an estimate that tho recent floods have involved a loss to the State of $70,000 in cluding damage to crops and dikes on tne uoanoke river, tup low lands would be immensely profiitable if the floods could be contracted but as it is the board has concluded not to rebuild the like aud to cultivate only the upland. Indeed it is said the State would be glad to sell the State farm tbero at "",000 fo which it paid (50,f 0 and added 50,000 to for improvements The faim has proven veryun-j satisfactory. j TO Cl'RE A COI.U IN ONE I) IV. j Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E' W Grove's signature oo each box. 25 cents. ' Wasted Heveral persons of cbarc-1 tor and gnod roentntion in e ioh t-Uitoi (on in thin county required to reprf -Mbt and ail ver use old ef-tslil slic l weolthy hn-inew licno of olid fintt Htanrliiu?. Kula-ny 00 weekly' with eiiei)Kei aduiimi h1, all i av&ll" in oa-li tch WeduewUy iiirect I urn heBl 1 ofHeea. Hurue aud enriinirn funiiMird, ' wben neotswry. Reference?, liiicleg,-kelf-cdilrcpai-d Btamperi euT ! i". Man-' agar, 816 Caxton BnUdiiig,Cbiou;o. WISSTOX SALES KEWS. Mother and Tne Small Children II irned - Want The l'rrHiilfnt at Centennial. A Winston Salem special of the 8th to the News and obser ver soys: Near Viands, Wilkes county, yestor.iay, Mrs Koxie Johuscn and two small children were burned to death. The mother accidentally fell in the fire-place. Her clothing Ignited and the flames fipead- destroying the house with the mother and her two liUeonos. Two warrants have been issued for the arrest of Dr. Ham Sullivan, cf this county. He is charged with advising people i wno have smallpox in the north--rn part of the county that the disease is itch and not smallpox. Four necroes attempted to saw out of jail last night. They were detected by the jailor, who with the sheriff gave the pris oner's a whipping. A committee, beaded by Mrs. Lindsay Patterson, goes to Washington next week to extend an ivitalion to President Roose velt to deliver an address at the laying of the coruer stone of Salr ir Fjmale College centennial iu May. temferanTfTitejis. Culled by M K. McCartney. Whou Mr. Roosevelt was pres ident of the Police Board of New York Civ and was trvinir to keep a milliou people from drink ing oer on Jsaouath, because the law said so, one morning he fond his desk loaded with letters and telegrams from political irienas eacn Having the refrain "You have ruined our nrtv" At the bottom of the pile there was a letter trom a clergyman saying, "Though the whole country desert vou. I will stand by you." Just as he finished reading the letter the same cler gyman walked in. Mr. Roose velt rose and enfolded the preacher in his arms, saying iou are uie only mend l have left." See whore Providence leads the man that dares to do tho right. The best temperance jiews of 19 tl c-n-.M with the t -losing dh vs of tho year and that is the se curing of Scientific Temperance Instruction law for Georgia. Utah came in three years ago, now Georgia comes in and t he last black patch from the scien tific instruction map is removed. Eternal vigilance is now to be practiced to see that teachers do their duty. Mr. Carnegie has lately given $2,000 to the National temper ance Society. Reform forces won victories at the last election iu New York City, bat it was not a victory for it inperance. Mayor Elect Low 6ays he will favor "Sunday Opening," A few clergyman and almost all tho "Lailies" of the city favor it. Twenty eight thousand sa loons of New "York Slate, or thirteen thou.s'aud for Greater Ntfw York means more wife beating on Sabbath night; more cases in criminal courts on Monday; more starvation all Ihrougu tho reek. Theodore Roosevelt when Pol'cemau there proved that saloons could be closud on Sabbath. It is to be hoped the Christian people will awaken aud save tho city and country from such a disgrace. Hickory Wet Again. Hickory has passed from adry to a wet town. The saloon peo ple curried the town by 20 votes and the contest before Superior Court resulted iu sustaining the count. Tho city council are all opposed to tho saloons and they have ma ! restrictions that arc close and uncomfortable to the silooneis. Ncro It ii t ' (1 at EnerhTllle. On last Friday morning a tcu j ear old negro girl while muk ing lire, caught her clothing and. was burned to death. The tragedy occuitod near Mr. W. 11. Parks.' The girl ran but no uuo could get to her until 6'ie fell aud did in a few minutes. Eiiochviile Correspondent to the Salisbury Sun. Taunerj and (tin House Rumed. Mr. W B Bradford le.-rrn-1.thip morning of the burning of the tannery and gin house of Brad ford ft Scr.s, at. Nov; Sterling, six in i :..-. -f rum State-v' I , The i )s,s w.i.-i e.'i.ip.cie as there was no iut-ur; to eiih r on the bitiMinp er c 'ill nts. The firm' less i csi iinttt d at i,000. Cuarlotto N- .,(.!' H'li. The new LY master Hn'oral began as di ; t-.M is clerk i.t a country kIoiv M'.d the. 1 c- Moc retary of tins Treasury fted as a peddler of fruit lives. This 01I3' shows that the m-.- me t- adya' cement is silil i-p n to intelligent, h !'..! voiii'g poor buys Ji-i'c. !.'!; ' ime.-j 1 Whiskey my -' n; but a I liirgequititili will conl.uuo logo' down." 1 M1EK1FFF TO HOLD OUT, Payment f llio Warrant for 100, 000 Special School Appropriation. Tho $10(1,000 special public school appropriation will be paid by tho sheriffs of the various couutios withholding the amounts of the warrants in favor of their county. The State fi nancies are not overflowiug the treasury coffers just now and the State Treas urer decided to take this method of paying the appropriations. The following letter on this subject 'was sent to 'sheriffs yesterday by the Treasurer: , You cand send in school war rant for your county, in your final settlement. Seudall moneys collected as fast as possible only holding enough back, on your books, to pay school warrant. News and Observer. W ould Not Allow the Marriage. At Washington, New Jersey, a negro war veteran 71 years old wanted to celebrate the wind up of the year by marrying a white girl 20 years old. The white girl was willing, but the Jersey magistrate who was asked to perform the ceremony indignant ly refused, and a hundred citi zens thereujion maltreated tlie negro and pulled down his house. This goes to show that there are some prejudices and predilec tions so ingrained among ti e mass of the white people in the United States as to overturn all reasoning restraint. The condi tions in one part Of the country are not different from those iu other parts. Philadelphia Rec ord. The exasperating part of it is a disposition on the part of too many inorthern people to force sonal equality on the south, which they will not endure them-' selves. J j ne rfiiK uuaineiw. The A. C. L. train which comes in from the north every afternoon, is now known as the, "jug ,rain." Spoakiug of jugs, r find the -following in tho Lumbertou , Robesonian: i Fitty-sveu jugs were put off at Luuluiji'ion tu (ji;a d.iy many at Maston, .Red Springs and; other places but little drunk- i eness is reported. Fifteen bun- dred jugs left Hamlet iu one shipment, much of which came to this county. It is a sad sight to see such a sinful waste of money. Fayettevillo Observer. , A Virginia Reel by Old Confederate. Mecklenburg Camp Confed erate Veterans is to give an en tertainment some time in Marcn to raise funds to help defray the expenses of the veterans to the i.unual reunion in Dallas. Oh.a of the features will be the Viri.ini v reel, to ho danced by twelve old velerans, with twelve of tne women of the Confeder acy a 4 their partners. Col. Tom Kitch who is manager of this particular feature, says that he has already sold 100 tickets at 3 each. Charlotte Observer. Corneirie Iuittitutioti Tnkliiff Shnpn. Tho board of trustees has been announced for the Cornegie In stitution to whom Mr. Cornegie will convey $10,000,000 in 5 per 6ont. oonds and the institution has been incorporated. The name of Grover Cleveland stands first on the list afler the ex-ofticios, The President of the United States, tho President of the United States Senate; the Speaker of tho House of Rep resentatives; the secretary of the Smithsonian Institution; the president, of the National Acade my ofSciencies, Ivy Institute for Mew London. The New .London correspon dent lo the; Aloenmiio Enter prise says 1,000 has been made up 10 build a school house at that place lo be called Ivy Institute, in honor of the hito Mr. john Ivy. Mr. O C Uamillou will lake charge of the school. Fire In Scotland Neck. At 3 o'clock on the mor .iiigof the 8ih a tire broke out iu the Carolina Ihugy Cu's. building at Scotland Neck and it was quickly consumed, together with the town market, Tho loss was about 3,000 and about fifteen workmen were out of employment. Write lliis Down in the book or memory: tiikke IK t O SUCH THINCJ AS A HARM i,i;;-.S co;;i;u. J 2 very cough is a w-irning of a confidence that giic.ifroiii bad to worse unless it is remedied r ght away. Opium la. 1 in medicine is a delusion. Alien's Lung Bilsam cures the wurst of colds. It clears the h'-ciichial passages, so that, the lu"Tsget plenty of air. w hy no! get a bottle today? "Man always wants what he i.;.s t't, and fails to appreciate what he has." '; 'hat is what I ceis tho marriage bureaus and the divorce courts going." Chicago Post. MR. RUSTY (0M PROMISES. Hie South rn 1'uis Dim $1,1)00 for Death of Children. D Mr.- Jolm" E Rufty"""com prbrnised with the Southern Railway Co., instead of bring ing a suit, as ho had anticipated, yesterday. The Southern paid Mr. Rufty if 1,900 on account of the death of his children on Christmas eVo. both of whom were killed on the track. Mr. Rufty had employed counsel to institute a suit but this compromise ends the matter. Salisbury Sun. tlizalicth Clly People Score Mayor and ( liief of Police. Tho Citizens' Committee of Elizabeth City severely criticize the mayor and chief of police for lack of co-operation, even for hindering them in the matter of tho Nellie Cropsey mystery. Af ter setting forth their grievances and making a financial statement the committee closes with the following impressive paragraph : "When we contemplate the -happiness and the joy that we have brought into the stricken home by this great uncertainty being cleared, aud by a daugh ter's name being held in rever ence because of her purity, we feel amply compensated for our efforts, and rejoice with you that her body no longer rests in the cold waters of the Pasquotank river, but covored with flowers of love, and guarded with tears of remembrances, it reposes near the scenes of her childhood, among those that knew and oved her best." . A Desperate Kegro Shot. Spartanburg, S. C, Jan. 9. A negro, giving the name ofliiJl Hughes, hailing from Greenville, made throe unsuccessful at tempts to criminally assault wo men at Reidville, 12 miles from here, today. Two girls on their way to school were accosted by the negro, who was frightened away by their cries. Later, at 3 o'clock this afternoon, the same man entered the home of C J Fowler, aud finding Mrs. Fowler alone, seized her. She jerked awav and ran to the Sold where her son, C O Fowler, was work ing. The negro, iu the mean time, escapod, but was followed by young Fowler, who grappled with him. Tho negro pulled an iron rod concealed under bis coat and struck the young man on the head and tried to use a pistol. Luckily Fowler was armed aud shot the negro in the neck 'and he was taken easily, and carried to the local jail. Lvnchiugwas narrowly averted. The negro will be brought here tomorrow. Killed His l.iti'e Itrother. Frank Stowe a four-year-old boy, was shot and instantly killed, at Ilouser's brickyard yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock by his brothor, Emmet Stowe, who is 14 years of age. The shooting was accidental, and was the rosult of the care less handling of a gun. The older brother merely varied an old tragedy by knowing that the guuwis loaded. He had for gotten that he had cocked it and had the muzzle pointed directly at the breast of the child. Charlotte Observer of 10th. Mr. Proctor at Home. Mr. Irving Proctor, the new agent of the Southern here, is perfectly at home in his new work. He has familiarized him self with the details of his new work and is much liked by his subordinates. Mr. i'roctor will shortly begin housekeeping here. Salisbury Sun of 9th. Tne Way of the Trunscrcssor g Hard. J F Austin seems to have left Salisbury. Nothing has been seen of Uiin here since his alter ...iii, m e. ,-...,( Tf .lUll VllLll 11 J . ULII I ClbUi IU 19 said that he has left Salisbury and will notreturu until bis trial at the February term of "court. Salisbury Sun. If troubled with a weak digestion, belching, sour stoin or if you feel dull after eating try Chamberlain's Stomach aud Liver Tablets Price 25 cents Samples free at M L Marsh's drug store. Yesterday afternoon a little 4 year-old boy, and a younger sister, children of Mrs Dry, vho live near the old cotton mill, were playing at the wood pile, the little fallow with an axe. The eirl got her hand in the little fellow's way as a re sult ouo of ihii girl's fingers was chopped off. Mooresville En terprisj of 10th. He "I don't think I would like to mai ry any girl unless I knew she was self saiticing." She VUut wouldn't that prove it?': Tit-Hits. Says a Georgia Philosopher: 'It is a pity wo are all more successful at digging bait than we are at catching fish!" At lanta Constitution. Big Bargains Ladies' Coat Suits! $10 Suits $5.00 " Ladies' heavy Pants worth 50 for - - - Splendid Vests to match for, each CANNON & FETZER COiP'Y. Mr. Lonf Prwate Secretary U Mr. KlotU. Mr. T C Linn having sickness in his family and being detained, Mr. Zeb V Long, of Statesville, is acting as private secretary to Congressman Kluttz. 1 Profitable InTestmeut. "I was troubled for about seven years with my stomach and in bod half my time," says E. Demick, Somerville, Ind I spent about $1,000 and never could get anything to help me until I tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I have taken a few bot tles and am entirely well.' You don't live by what you eat. but by what you digest and assim ilate. If your stomach doesn't digest your food you are really starving. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does the stomach's work by digesting the food. You don't have to diet. Eat all you want. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures all stomach troubles. Gibson Drug Store. An old Showman. Dead. Detroit, Jan. 10. J M French, the oldest showman, and at on time one of the wealthiest horse owners in the United States, died at his home in this city Thursday night. He was 71 years old and was known as the original "Forty-Camel Band Wagon Man." mm - Ml.n , iU US tang Ltlnlment fAtoad under ' suffers no mors than the faithful horse that is tortured with Spavins, Swinney, Harness Sores, Sprains, etc. Most horse owners know this and apply the kind of sympathy that heals, kuown for ana wido as m r a. v fetlaTint aven in Cures caked udder in cows tmmfldv. Hardlv a disease I or Joints that cannot be V- t , M.,n b JTieAlbttil Mustang Liniment iriusiang' v. Liniment. for 7.50. " 3.75. ribbed Vests and cents each 017 I - 0 2 and Pants 25c Smallpox Dyln Oat Smallpox is dying out in the neighborhood of Ebeneaer church and it is expected that there will be regular services held there by the pastor on Sunday, the 19th. Correspondence to Salisbury Sun. Child Worth Million. "My child is worth millions to me," says Mrs. Mary Bird of Harrisburg, Pa, "yet I would have lost her by croup had I not purchased a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure." One Minute Cough Cure is sure cure for cough, croup and throat and lung troubles. An absoultely safe cough cure which acta im mediately. The youngest child can take it with entire safety. The little ones like the taste and remember how often it helped them. Every family should have a bottle of One Mimte Cough Cure handy. At this season especially it may be needed suadenly. Gibson Drug Store. "Man was made to mourn and woman was made to furnish the eauss." Cut this out and take it to M L Marsh's drug store and get a free sample of Chamealain's Stomach and Liver Tablsts the best physic. They also cure disorders of the stomach, bili ousness and headache. wfll raadllr overcome of Eahw VimaM IWi nd 8rrtrhw In boni acutuieaaiMleat.tla. Farmaratry It, the most asrirravatsd cases. " quicker than any known peculiar to muscle, sua cured by it. , th b Mnxidy on tha market f W ind OeBpriine and Skin Lump. it ho vAmvimw.MuiiUua. Send us 1.00 and get this paper 1 year. ('nita;f Fm nu it. London, Jan. 7. Tbi? Daily Mail prints iui imlcU it; guardi-d terms suggesting that tho Im perial Tobacco Company with a capital of !5,0i0.0lX; will "pre sently i f-uo slut its to thupublic. The . value of tho company's incorporated business being 10,000,000, it will h:ve 5, OO'i.OOO for fighting purposes, which is considered ample The paper also says that Mr, Duke, of ihe American Tobacco Company, the compe'ition of which the Imperial Company was formed to meet, is renewing his negotiations with the French Government for the entire busi ness of the French tobacco . re gion. Durham Sun, Children Esprdullj Liable. Burns, bruises and cuts are extremely paiuful and if neglected often result in blood poisoning. Children aro espo cialy liable to such mishaps be cause not so careful. As a remedy De-Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is unequalled. Draws out the fire, stops t he pain, soon heals the wound. Beware of counterfeits. Sure cure for piles. "De Witt's Hazel Salve cured my baby of eczema aftc-r two physicians gave her up, writes James Mock, N Webster, Ind, "The sores j-were so bad she soiled two to five dresses a day." Gibson Drug Store. Wanted ftir Uiamr. Governor Aycock on yesterday issued a requisition on the gov ernor of Virginia for John Byrd, a former Raloighite, who is iwanted for bigamy. The offense'is marry Emma Lee, of this city, in June. 1901, when he already had a wife in the person of fiallie Hunt, of Pauiher Branch township, whom he had previously abondonod, He also left the Lee woman who lives at Pilot Mills. The warrant was issued by Justice Marcom at the instace of relatives of his second wife. Ealeigh Post. Byrd has been caught and oaged. Stricken A Rich Find. "I was troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and nervous debility," writes F J Green, of Dancaster. N. H., "No remedy helped me until I began, using' Electric Bitters, which did me more good than all the medicines I ever used. They have also kept uny wife in ex cellent health "for years. She says Eelectric Bitters are just splendid for femarlo troubles; that they are a grand tonic and invigorator for weak, run down women. No other medicine can take its place in our family." Try them. Only 5oc. Satisfac tion guaranteed by tetzer's Drug Store. Boat Mill Items. Bost Mills, Jan. 10, 1902. Miss Fannie McDonald gave a reception to several of her friends on new year's evening in honor of her cousins, Messrs. Martin and Robert Stough, of Georgetown, S. C. Mr. Luther Litaker, of No. 11, has gone to Raleigh whore he will spond the spring and sum mer. Mr. Alfred Tucker and family who have been spending the past two weeks with Mis. Tuck er's parents near Lincoln tan have returned to their home near Bost Mill. Mr. aud Mrs. D B FarMi, of Raleigh, speut the holidays with friends iu and near tho "ehy." Mr S L My res 1 family :-V"d U: ua!, ; .. Mrs. ,-i'i s , The '- 'ami..! d n :u'crs ruinen.uer, h-s' ln-r lioao Mill part uf its con'.'.'-its l y tire last July. K L. i:. llou't Live Tiici'tli r. Constipation a i.d l.i a ' I o tog.'llirv. ! Witi'.-. E.irly Riel i 1 ' i"' ' Of the hnwols v. M i ' I have be lr..u' ' V II , I. CoslivelK'ss Ii:ne i O Greene, Depa,,v. In' tried many rene'.la -. 1 Early liist-rs give . Gibson Drug Stoi . "You can loll an e".i.'' by the luuny ww ! ; her lips when ti ! photogra. u."