SUBSRIBE FOR T1IESTAND Send and get ARD. T AND A RD. Only - $1.00 thin Only $1 Per Year. SEE CLUBBING RATES Oil PAGE 2 CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, JAN. 30, 1902. Single Copy5Cts. paper 1 year. -The-'8 NEW SHORT STORIES Apoloiclra Were In Order. Vernon II. Drown, who baa many corporate IntVreHta and 1b agent for the Cr.nnrd Steamship company (limited) of Liverpool, lg not only an American, but a Yankee. Many have, however, assumed bewiUKe of his relations to the Cunard line thiu he was born "aeroe the herring pond." One such believer was promptly corrected. Mr. Brown was before a congressional committee at Washington which had a question of Investigation before It A member of the comuttoe, who spoke with a decided German accent, remarked to him, "I suppose that you foreigners see matters In a different light" "My friend," Interrupted Mr. Brown, "1 don't know how long you have been In this country, but I was born In the shadow of Bunker hill and first saw any part of Europe when I was twenty-eight years old." Apologies were in oifder, and they were tendered and ac cepted. New York Time. Ho More the Ave of fUatM. Mayor Patrick J. Ryan of Elizabeth, N. J., recently elected to that office in that ancient city, sat In bis office on Broad street the day before election. A dark skinned, sleek looking young man was ushered. In. Disposing him self In a comfortable chair, he spread out his hands and In a soft voice, with a decided accent, began: "Mcester Ryan, you be the next mayor of Eleea'. You canna be beet" There was a pause, during which the caller observed the celling contempla tively, and Mr. Ryan olwerved him with an Indulgent smile. The strange young man continued: "The greata poet of England say, There Is a tide In the life of men If "NO HOIIB IT EES THE AO I! OP IlOUANl'B you tnka In the flood lend on to elec tlon.' I controlla that flood. I con trolln the Itallnna vote of this ceoty." striking his cliost violently. "I sella you that vote for feefty dollur." "Young nuin," Interrupted Mr. Ryan, "we do not buy votes In this city, ami even If we did we would know tun I there are only six Italian voters In Elizabeth. I will give you three-iu:'r ters of a minute to get out of my otlk-f l..,..-,. T ....11 ....It,.,...... n " Tim Dti-nnrrA ,'lultoi inan In nfrulr 1 from his chair, bowed low and. back ing out of the office, said Incisively: "No more it ees the age of romance, but the abomination of fact and Bf ure." New York Tillies. The CaKk'a Victories. A Gerninn puper tells the Mory of a German olllcer who, In command of some Boers, ninniifrod to surprise a British train at a small wayside sta tion. There was some whisky on board, and the Boers soon sampled It. with the result that the good British spirit did Its duty by laying them out fast asleep on the platform. Here they were found mid captured by some Eng lish troops, who. In their turn, tool: n little from a half empty cask, with the result that acting on bulf storved men. the whisky sent them to sleep In their turn. When the Boers woke up. they reenptured their capturers. Thus in 0 few hours there was one British vic tory and two Boor victories added to the record. Goodwin's Explanntlon. Nnt Goodwin was lounging In the snickliig room of a London hotel with IV t Kheedy recently when Mr. Andrew Liu.;:, the literary critic, stopped tc tr;- t the comedian. The conversation tin .a J i;pou matters literary, and be fo;e Mr. I.i ng departed he had made some allusion to Theodore Watts-Dun-ton. the ccleliruted pre-ltapbacllte. "What's DuntonJ" queried Sheedy, who wns ruther mystified. "it's a g:ig from Weber and Fields," replied Goodwin, sparring for time. "I never heard It. How does It go." "Why, Weber says to Fields V.'atts DuntonT and Field replies, 'You sny It net right. Por.'r sny Watts-Dunton. Pr.v It so 'i ntis-liitteii!' " riti the Cough and Woiks oil the Cold. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets cure a cold in one day. No cute, no pav. Price 25 cents. Many Celebrities Will be There. According to the plans of those interested he centennial Ht the Salem Academy next Ma.v will indeed be a no'able event Although the committee fion V inston-S ilem who visited ashitigton was unable to secun a promise fr m President Roos evelt to Mt. nd, still t!iey weie successful wit h others and among those who buve accepted in vita tions are Minister Wu, Attorney General Knox, Secretaries Lorn. and Wilson and Capt. Richmond Pearson Hobson. Raleigh T imes. ZWn IlilPx I'ast r Made lilad. The Rev. T B McLain. pastor of Zion Hill A. M. E. Zion church received a very agreeable sur prise from his parishioners, led by his tewart, John Farror, on the night of the 22nd. There were don Uions that ranged from a cake of soap to a sack of flour and made, glad the pastor's heart foi which he expresses .his deep gratitude. jl, fife M,tSWCi fit wi- "TAfL Baking UAid PoWDEtl Makes the food more ioym mtwo IVICIOUS AND DASTARDLY. South Carolina Man Closes to His Wis- jdow and is Shot At A dastardly attempt was made on the CiiJti to kill Mr. R Walter Pattern near Rock Hill, S. C. He was in the act of closing the blinds to his 6tore at night when some one fired two shots at him. Bloodhounds were secured from Charlotte tnat caught up and followed the trail to the Ca tawba river where it was lost. The assassin is not yet dis covered. Tbe hounds passed by the home of the negro suspected without stopping, 'ortunatenaly Mr. Fatton is not hurt. Books etc., in his pockets turned the course of the more dangerous shot. MORE OF THE USUAL CRIME Unknown Negro Aasaalls Mrs. Lumlej Hear Wlnstn-Salem. A Winston-Salem special ef tbe 22nd relates a horrible story of an assault on Mrs. Isaiah Lumley near that city by an un known young negro. Several arrests were made, but Mrs. Lumley did not recognize in any of them her assailant. Search is being made for him. Thompson-Allen. The following handsome card is before us: Mrs Sidney E Allen ' lovilus you to be present at tbe marriage of her daughter, Nettie Miller, to . Mr. HansaU Provost Thomas WedneadttVi February the fifth, nineleen hun dred and two at half after ix o'clock, St. James Lutheran clinrch. Concord, Sorth Carolina T The card inclosed says: home after Feb. 14th 607, "At Sum mit street Winston Salem, N. C. e are requested to say thsj invitation cards have been sent to parlies outside of the city only but that this invitation published is intended for all citizens of Concord who may be pleased to attend. Malay's History Ordered Rcniored. Annapolis. Jan. 22.-Tbe Senate today unanimously adopted an order directing the State Librarian of Maryland to re move from the State Library the third volume of Maclay's History of the United Slates Navy. The Senate also unanimously adopted a resolution urging the adoption of aCongressional reso lutton extending a vote of thauks to Rear Admiral Schley for gal lantry in the battle of Santiago. Rocky Hi?cr Ilridge Contract Let. The County Commissioners let the contract for bui'ding the new bridge across Rocky river on Tuesday to Mr. Rufus Kizur for $1125. This includes the building of the approaches as well as the bridge and abut ments. As for making the new road they did not let the contract, but hire bands and have such work done as is necessary at at actual cost. ' TO CURE A COLD IS OJiE l4Y. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E W Grove's signal a re on each box. 23 cents. The Law ranee Iiij Sa'i to be lu (a burr us Informalfon reached the city yestorday that Joo and Henry Lowrance, who were im plicated in the killing of Alex. Gibson, at Huntersville- had been seen near Concord. Fsquire S H Hilton issued warrants for their arrests and gate their trail. Nothing had been heard as to the whereabout, of Will Whitney, the third mau inrplicated in the kill'iog. The warrants issue 1 charge these men with murdjr. The Char lotte officers so"in to think thai their c ipiure will prove an easy mats, r I'lnu lotte Observer of 23rd Man n n (at the breakfast table) "You always ought to use your nappkir., Goorgie. ' Georgia " am usin' it ma T'i, ov.t the H,.o- 1W1 t ih i ........ . ...... v.. il leg or me laoie. wim u. Motherland WastidSi-Teral persona of ebaraa ter fimt p od reputation in each utMtn lone m this oonuty required to rupie- sert ud advertiHe old eatabliBlmd woallliy nnniueM hoafe of aolid fin in. cl:'l ntuniiiDR- rwinraiy nnnuo wccKiy it.h cxoeriHOB additional, all navablti In oah panh Wedrnwday direct from head ollii-H". Iloise aud narriaee fnrmnhed, when uectMmrv. Koferencea. i.nolow; belf-addretwed stamped euvl pe. Man ager, 816 Caiton Building, Chicago, delicious and wholesome POwoFir eo.. mrw vobk. A DREAM REVEALS A I'OT OF GOLD. The Vision of a Widow Near Carolers Shows the Hidden Treasure and Her (grandson Digs It I' p. Rutherfordtou, Jan. 2. A remarkable find was made yes terday by a young man near Caroleeu. For several gener ations it has been believed that somewhere on the William Morrow plantation was buried a pot of gold and for years people who have lived in that locality have dug for the hidden trea sure. Mrs. Morrow, a, widow j who is a very agd lady, dreamed out the mystery and directed her grandson, Tom Tomes where to dig for the long talked of pot of gold. The young man went immediately and executed an old soap-tone pot, whicu will hold about one gal lon, and found it filled to the top with gold. There is one large nugget in the pot. The bal ance seems to be old cons ham mered out and without date or device. There was also vith the pot an Indian flint tommy hawk. YouDg Tomes was in town to day but refused to talk .about tbe amount of his find except to his cousin, Virgil Tomes, who is a clerk in the Levi store, from whom this information was gathered. WHITE WINGS CHANGES BASE. He Has Gone to Concord to Worked an Efangolist. Rev. W S Montrose, who struck Charlotte about twelve years ago as stake-driver for an Indian root doctor, and who is fa iniliarly known as" White Wings" has become imbued once more with the "sperrit," as be calls it, and is trying to be good again. tne doc ana tne tnaian baa a bout with John Barleycorn tbe week after they came to Char lotte and the Indian lasted . just ten clays. The Doc came out in pretty bad- shape, - but he survived. Since then he and John liareycorn have met re peatedly, but it has always been a draw. White t Wings is beginning to feel -his age and has decided to pull out of the contest and devote all his talents henceforth to preaching the Gospel. He has picked on Con cord as his field. He has one charge at Gibson's Mill one at Rock Hill church, near that town. In additon to this, Dr. Montrose intends to hold teut services in Concord all through the coining summer. In this evangelistic field he announces that he will do work as a Con- geregational Methodist. Char lotte Observer of the 23r.d Is Older Now. General Miles has used an ex pression which is taken by many to mean that the old peacock is ashamed of having put shackles on Jefferson Davis when tho latter was a feeble, sick prisoner at Fortress Monroe. A blunt Southerner, who met Miles tbe other day, is reported to have blurted out, "So you are the man who put handcuffs on Jefferson Davis, are vou?" Yes, replied the general, with great 6auvity, "but you must romembor that I was a very young man at that time, I am older now and know a good deal more than i did then." Monroe Journal. No little allowance is to be made for excesses in those days. t he horrors of the war were terrible and of course each thought the other side respon sible for them. There was much to be forgiven when the war was over even among comrades, but age and discretion has softened much that, seemed hard tben, and re pentance and forgiveness, tho' unexpressed in words, very often have kept apace and out of both have sprung up abiding respect and even strong affoc tion. So let it ever be. Mr. Geo. L Barrier, of No. 8, was in the city today (Thursday,) Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. 4 rrenaniM , cinuunsan or Uie aipstams an,i aiKests all kinds of food. ItR Helves Instant relief and never falls to cure, it allows you to eat all the food you want. The most aenaltlv tomachs can take It. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics bare been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can't help but do you good Froparwlrnilrby F.O. PnWirr A Co., Ohlrajo. 1'boll. bollle coniiu3!4 tluualksW&slM. Gibson's Drug Store. NOTES FltOM THE ORGAN. Dr. Cox Ninth Tear as Pastor-Hum. mar j of Pastoral Acta Mr. Foiflat Severely Hurt. Organ Church, Jan. 14, 1902. Mr. Jacob Fisher wears a broad grin. He has a big boy at his home. Mr. M A J Bost has his house completed, and is painting same. The Woman's Missionary So ciety of Organ church has de cided to have an oyster supper at the parsonage on Saturday, 25th, of this month. Rev. G H Cox, D. D., has en tered upon his ninth year as pas tor of Organ church. In his sermon last Sunday he gave a synopsis of his work from Jan. 1st, 1894 to Jan. 1st 1902: Preached 519 sermons, 95 funeral sermons, baptized 17 infants. Members received into tne church 233. Marriages 38. Present membership 444. Num ber pastoral visits 2408. Num ber visits to tbe sick 537. Num ber miles traveled 19397. Num ber days from home 1131. Number nights from home 465, Amount of money received for all purpo ses (9,341.42 Mrs. L W S Bost went to China Grove today to see her daughter, Miss Dora Bost, who is confined to her room with grippe. Mr. David Beaver has the lum ber on the yard and the founda tion laid for a house for his crop per, Mr. Plyler.. Organ Church, Jan. 20, 1902 Mr. Orlia Cruse is hauling lumber to build an ell to his house. Mr. John N Rimer is going to build a dwelling house in the near future on his part of the J P Kimer land Mr. Alex Powlas was painfully hurt while standing near Mr, Jacob Smith's corn crusher last Saturday. Part of the casting burst and several pieces struck Mr. Powlas, one -piece striking him on the back of the head, knocking him unconscious, cut ting a gash three inches long. While his wounds are quite pain ful they are not thought to be serious. Mr., or should we say Dr. John Hartman, a Magic Healer of Salisbury, is going to locate in our midst to the practice his art. He moves into the Charlie Bosc house. B. Railroads the Lesser Danger. An exchange, the Minneapolis Times, says "When the statistics of murder and crime are placed alongside of those of railroad accidents the picture is a dark and a deplorable one." And this is true. Satistics show that during the year just passed there were 7,865 fatalities resulting from railroad accidents. Of this number only 249 were passen gers, and as the total number of passengers hauled during the year was 077,WJ,Utio, it will Do seen that the fatalities only equaled one to every 2,317,268 passengers hauled. During the samo year there were 7,852 homicides which based upon a population of 76,000,000 gives one homicide t every y,t79 oi population, it is evidently safer to travel by railroad than to tako chances with, the homicidal elements. Morning Post. II Ton Were Soared easily you might suppose that pain ui the lower part of your back meant kidney trouble. But being a person of sense you know it is only muscular stiff ness, from cold, and that prompt treatment with Perry Davis' Painkiller will prevent it from growing into lumbago. Act ac cordingly and you will be glad you saw this. There is but one Painkiller, Perry Davis'. Superintendent Borer Called. County Superintendent Boger is now put to the study about accepting or declining a position in the faculty of Lenoir College The call has come from Presi dent R L Fritz, who says the in stitution is prosperous and addi tional teaching force is needed to begin early in February. Mr. Bogsr says, however, that he is not in position to accept the work so soon at least. Will (let State lid fur These Schooli. Fhe county board of education fine's that all tbe townships in thu county but No's. 1, 3, 8 ud 9 hare enough money to secure a four months free scuool. As soon as a few reports aro secured from some of these a requisition will be made in due form for the necsssary amount appropriated by the State to supplement these funds and secure schools of four months. If troubled with a Treak digestion, belching, sour stoui or if you feel dull after eating try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets lrioe 25 cents Samples free at M L Marsh's drug store. TWERTT-ONE JIHfi RS KILLED. A Disastrous Dust Explosion la a nine of the Lost Creek Fuel Company- Pitiful Scenes When the Dead, All of Whoa Were Harried Men, Were Brought Up. Oskaloosa, Jan. 24. As the result of a terrible mine disaster at Lost Creek this afternoon, SI dead are in an improvised mor gue, and eight are in a tempo rary. Tbe explosion occurred at the noon hour and was what is known as a "dust" explosion , , . , , . , , . The miners had just fired their noon shots, one of which proved to be a fizzle. ' The burning pow der ignited the gas and the ex plosion followed. Smoke and debris were blown out of the shalf 200 feet high. Part of the top works was torn away and the fans and cakes were partially wrecked. This made the work of rescue very slow and it was 3 o'clock before volunteer parties dared to venture into the east, entrance, where the explosion occurred. When they fought their way in, ahorrible sightgreeted them. The dead and injured were ter ribly burned and mutilated, some of them almost beyond recogni tion. Fire, which at hrst was feared would prove destructive to the entire mine, had broken, out, and this added terror to the spectacle. The flames were fin ally controlled, and after several of the roscue party . had sue cumbed to the flames all the dead were found and carried to the top of the shaft. At the time of the explosion more than 100 men were in the mines, but all of these, except those in the east entry, escaped with only slight injury. The total property damage will bo about $10,000. It was nearly dark to-night when the last of the dead wero taken out and the scenes of anguish among the families of the men were most pitiful .Nearly an or the men wero married and leave iamuies in poor circumstances. The mine is owned by the Lost Creek Fuel Compahy, of this city, and has bean in operation about one year. Cyclone Airship. St. Louis. Jan. 23. A W Vanderston of South Bend, Ind., has notified the Louisiana Pur chase Exposition Company that he intends to compete for the $100,000 prize offered in the aereal navigation contest. He writes: "I shall not ask free trans portation, as I propose to make the most successful journey with an air ship that h&s so far been made. I have the advant age over all other areonauts, both in construction and motive force. " He states that he will require 250x25 feet space. In the operation of his vessel. Mr. Vanderston uses what ho terms a "eyejoneforco." What this is and how it is applied, he declares, will not be made public until the time for the ex hibition. Don't Mve Together. Constipation and health nover go together, De "Witt's Little Early Risers promote easy action of the bowels without distress. "I have been troubled with costi veness nine years, " says J . O Greene, Depauw, Ind. "I have tried many remedies but Little Early Risers give best results." Gibson Drug Store. "Half a loaf is better than good many sandwiches." 8aj He Wag Tortured. "I suffered such pain from orns I could hardly walk," writes II ' Robinson; Hillsborough, Ills., "but Uuck- len's Arnica Salve completely cured them." Acts like magic on sprains, bruises, cuts, sores, scalds, burns, boils, ulcers. Per fect healer of skin diseases ana piles. Guaranteed by Fetzer's drug store 25c. RIBBONS! All styles just in ready for spring. Beautiful line of Ribbons in all colors. No. 00 only No760 '" 5ee Them Today! CANNON & FETZER From Our Neighboring Towns. The following neighboring towns and cities were represent ed at tho Pythian meeting and banquet Friday night, Charlotte (with fifteen representatives) King's Mountain, Gaslonia, Mt. Holly, Huntersville, Mooresvillo, Asheville, Graham, Lexington, Salisbury and Lynchburg. A rrolltahle IiiTestment. "I was troubled for about seven years with my stomach and in bed half my time," says E. Demick, Somerville, Ind "I spent about $1,000 and never could get anything to help me until I tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I have taken a few bot tles and am entirely well.'' You dou't live by what you eat. but by what you digest and assim ilate. If your stomach doesn't digest your food you are really starving. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does the stomach's work by digesting the food. You don't have to diet. Eat all you want. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures all stomach troubles. Gibson Drug Store. "A man naturally feels cheap when his salary is reduced." Cut this Out and take it to M L Marsh's drug store and get a free samole of Chamealaio's Stomach and Liver Tablets the best Dhvsic. They also cure disorders of the stomach, bili ousness and headache. Mexican iilUStang Liniment f A toad under a harrow I? gliders no more than the fhithnil horso ' that is tortured with Spavins, Swinney, Ilarnesa Sores, Sprains, etc. Most horse owners know this and apply tho kind of Eympathy that he&la, Jmowu or and wido as Mexican . Mustang Liniment. Never fails not even i:i tlto moft aggravated cases. Cures caked udder ia ow.-j quicker than any known remedy. Hardly a usou.-o peculiiir to muscle, bkin or joints that cannot bo cured ! y it. Mexican Is MllStang UnimCnt 15c. 20c. COAPY. New Loom Reclred. Four new looms were received by the A. M. College Wednesday for the textile .department and placed in tha new building, which is nearing com pletion. This makes eight looms now on hand. Four others, or more, will be in stalled later. When all is com plete the textile department will have as fine equipment as any school in tha country. The textile course will embrace everything from starting with raw cotton to the manufacture of the very finsst cotton fabrics. Morning Post. Working 21 Eoun a Day. There's no rett for those tire less little workers Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions are al ways busy, curing Torpid Liver, Jaundice, Biliousness, Fever and Ague. They banish Sick Head ache, drive out Malaria. Never gripe or weaken. Small, taste nice, work wonders. Try them, 25c. at Fetzers drug store. "Some people will take every thing except a hint." But He Brought Dwn the House. Our beloved Governor Aycock is no doubt the greatest speech making Governor on earth and most powerful in his wonderful oratory, but we did not think he would have the "gall" to tackle a deaf and dumb institu- but he did, and "brought down the house." lll Mllly oTsreome horn of Hahk J IIVBBOU II'KIII RllllO(JSU.UWin mil Ku'ulia"lcaUio rarioantrf 14 riiaaed Hfinfs and Scratchm In hncw the best remedy on the market for ltkuepsborwmaiuulMmwuilitiuik Wiii'lllnl Mpruiiumnahkin niimi THE PYTHIAN J1EKT1XJ. A (jatlifrinir (if Alrtorliing Interest la the Kn;KiiU--A (Jraufl T! Menu-A Ver-ltnlt'e Kiltlmoie Clover t'lulj. v The Knights of Pythias indis trict meeting in Castle Mall Fri day night was a brilliant and rery enjoyable affair. About 50 members of the order outside of Concord attended. The program as printod was executed save in two parts. Mr. F R McNinch made the response to Mr. J C Fink's ad dress of welcome instead of Mr. J D McCall, who did not get here, and Mr. J Robert Jordon, State Lecturer, took the place of Mr. Geo. H Roystor on the sub ject of "The Endowment Rank." The meeting was presided over by Mr. W M Lyles, District Deputy. The interests wore absorbing, and many of tho speeches very fine. Rev. Geo. W Belk, of Char lotte, was particularly happy in his vein. Much of social enjoyment in terspersed the earnest zeal of the speakers and wit of the dia mond cut-dirvmord style flowed, giving the exorcise.-; a thrilling brilliancy. The program v:is t n'y com pleted in the hall n! i:' o'clock when tho body i ' to i!u halls of tho New - Cln , where a superb n.v .,; fg e:. enjoyed. Mr. Georgo Montca-Ue, the embodyment ci gocd look and the soul of wit and humor, was toast master. This was a verit able Baltimore Clover Club for jovial sallies and witty thrusts. The arrows flaw sti'iiht and the targets wero often LiL. The wee small hour of 2 ar rived till all had dou justice to the tuouu end had sha'.cou them selves into digestive moods with innocont social merriment. A FlrcniiMi's Close Cn't. ' "I stuck to my ongitie, al though every joint ached and every narve was racked with pain," writes C. W. Bellamy, a locomotive fireman, of Burling ton, Iowa., "I was weak and pale, without any appotite and. all run down. I was about to give up, I got a bottle of Elec tric Bitters and after taking it, I felt as well as I ever did in m y life." Weak sickly, run down people always gain ' new life, strength and vigor from their use. Try them. Satis fac ion guaranteed by Fetzer's Drug Store. Price 50 cents. Said Jim Howard Killed Uoebel. Frankfort. Ky., Jan 23. In the Jim Howard trial today William Sanderlin, of Owsley swore that Beverly White, one of Howard's friends, sa'd to him early in the present month: "I got Jim Howard to go " to Frankfort to kill Goebcl and he killed him. My brother John and I will spend all we have to get Howard out." Treaty to Purchase the Danixh West In die;. The treaty has been signed by Secretary Iiay aud Constantino Urun, the Dannn r,t:!-s.r, by which, if approved W Sen ate, the Danish V.'- . L-iJ'es be came American t . ,-. The price is not read-- ... but is understood to 1 i 0, If the treaty ' e ', j Islands will be 'it.. .. :o : tion to us tint; j . HUv . , that is, the ciu.: us not ha .: to swear allegiance ;.; t-if United States. It is underi u 1 that tho citizens of tlv Is -,, ids will bo consulted befcio LVmiark con firms the treaty. ' Tit '. " i idol of a "!:': can': I! hat is from a Chiiil .'. 'My child !-t;i ;uii i on M IT U n y ! on s d of to me," says Irs. UaiTUbur;', IV. nave lost her by purchased a be Cough C,i- - OOIU'I) Ctlr -cough, , i ' ; .i ' lung tro:0; -safe cough c . mediately. The y ;. can take it wu h ui The little ones like tl remember how often them. Kvcry fa a., havo a bottle of t Cough Cure hand season especially needed suddenly. Store.