SUBSRIBE FOR THESTAND ARD. Only - $1.00 SEE CLUBBING KATES 0U PAGE 2 nn Send us $1.00 HE and get tliis Only $1 Per Year. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, FEB. 13, 1902. Single Copy5Cts. paper 1 year. Stand a rd. mm Baking Powder Most healthful leavener in the world. Goes farther PtOYAt BAKING POHOt CO . NPW fOMt THAMCFILSES.S EXPRESSED. II Hill WEDDING. VB. HANSEL THOMAS AM) MISS KETTIE ALIEN UNITED. it, James Church the Scene of the Love ly Event Bride Is Giren Away by Her Lit I l,i Brother-Profusion or Bridal Pnseujs The Happy Csuple Go South. St. James church was the scene of a most charming uup tial event on Wednesday, the 5th inst. At 6:45 o'clock Mr. Han sel Thomas and Miss Nettie Al len pledged mutual fidelity for life .t the Hyuienial altar. The altar railing was moved back to receive the attendants, who formed a picture of beauty with back ground of forns and palms and snow-white fabrl The recess and choir railing were draped in white, . Miss Mary Louis Harris pre sided and sent forth the gentle, deep tones of the splendid pipe organ. Miss Dora Hater sang a most beautiful and appropriate solo, expressive of the bride's joy and confidence in the groom which was followed by the gladly thrill ing tones of the wedding march. The ushers, Messrs. Joe Hill and Wade Barrier came up the i side aisles, the former to the left Fraternal Greetings From Central M. E. to St Jump Church. At the morning session in St. James church on Sunday, the 2ud, the pastor of Central M. E. church, Rev. J A B Fry, read ( and the ,ator to the rij?ht( and the following kindly and appre-, crossing took their stands near ninhla! the altar, . ,, ,' , . I Mr. Robert Gorrell to the left "Whereas, our brethren of the ani Miss Lucy Montgomery to St. James E. L. church, of Con- j the right, Miss Ada Allen to the cord, have, with fraternal cour-1 left and Mr. D E Allen to the tesv. extended to the conaTesra-. r58ht. aud Mr- Geoige Norfleet , n . ... rtu u ' to the left and Miss Bertha Shel- on of Central M. E. Church ton lQ the righti followedt cross. South the great privilege of ing in front of the altar and tak wcrshipping in their church ing their places on the chancel, whilst the Central church was facing the audience. undergoing repairs, and whereas1 Little Miss Helen Archey ap ., ., ,. , . ,, proached from the center, carry- the Methodist have greatly en-. the ring on a hads0Ie joyed this privilege and have cushion. Miss Minnie Allen then realized, 'how good aud how approached from the center aisle pleasant it is for brethren to aud was followed by the bride dwell in unity,' thus exhibiting Jean ing on ,he arm of her broth- to the world .that there can be er, Master Sidney Edward Allen, ' i who srava her to the croom. com unity and good fellowship among 0 from the vestry room lean brethren 'despite variety and ' ing on the arm of his bost man, contrarity of views.'. We, the Mr. Henry hhelton board of stewards of" Ceutral church, both officially aud indi vidually, do unanimously resolve, "1. That we hereby tender our bincere thanks to the congrega tion of St. James E. L. church for their kindness and do assure thera that wo will gratefully re member it ana will ever pray 'that peace be within tl.y walls and prosperity within thy 'pal aces. For our companions and brethren, sakes we can now say peace be within thee.' "2. That Rev. JAB Fry pre sent the above." t top ;the Cough mid Woiks oil tile Cold, Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets cure a cold iu one day. No cure, no pay. Price 25 cents. HASHED IN DAYLIGHT. A Nejro Strung I'p in the Court House Yard in Kentucky Town. Nicho.asv He, Ky., Feb. 6. Tom Brown, a negro under arrest on the charge of having assaulted Miss Emma Powell yesterday, was hanged in the court house yard today by- a mob. Early today a mob surrounded the jail where Brown was confined and demanded the prisoner. The mob was finally placated by the statement from the officers that the prisoner would Le taken before Miss P W'll for identification. The oflii-t rs wore permitted to take the prisoner to the young woman's home, where she at once identified him. On the way back to the jail the mob suddenly closed in and secured the prisoner. Hurrying him to the court house yard, he was soon dangling from a tree limb Miss Powell is 16 years of age and was on her way horn- from school when the negro sprung out from the road side and seized her. She reached home finally in a d: z '1 condition and officers later captured the negro. A mcb made a unsuccessful attempt to storm the jail last night. "Hoax "I tell you a man can't do anything without money," Jcax "Oh yes; he can get into debt." Cure Dy re n r? Digests what you eat. This preparation contains nil of the dipostantu an digests all kinds of food. It (riven inst ant relief and never fallstocure. It allows you to eat all the food you want . The most sensitive stomachs can take It. Hy Its use many thousand of (lyspeptlrs have been cured BfMT every tiling else failed. It prevents formation of irason thestom arn, relieving all distress after eating, liietlng unnecessary. Pleasant to take. t can't h bit do you good Pi-.nrdon!F hv F.. C HeWitt AOo.,OlilrRX f4l)u... bvllio Li;i,...ra via.c: .lit) SOU Mttfc Gibson's Drug Stove. Bishop Edward Ronlhaoler met the bridal pair aud calling the audience to their feet road the very simple but solemn and impressive service of the Mora vian church. At the proper time Miss Helen Archey gave the ring to the groom's best man who passed it FEARFUL EXPLOSION IN CHICAGI lulrle'M People Mown to Death by Mysterious Explosion Probably From Cas Main Two lliilldinirs Blown Atoms and Street Car Thrown Off the Track. Thirteen lives were lost and mauy were injured by a mysteri ous explosion in Chicago on the ottv-. ihe family of Otto Trostle, cousisting of himself and wife and six children and a nephew, Fred Trostle, 23 years old, young lady domestic and three others were blown away crushed beueath the falling ouuaing. Two buildings were demolish ed and a street car was throw off the track, while glass was broken in the coummumlv. There is no certainty as to the cause but the most plausible theory is that there was a gas teaK that became ignited. Only one body, that of little uena Trostle, was found at the writing of the dispatch. It believed that the others are be neath the burnt debris. M. C. DATI3 KILLED. Slayer or Mr. Jno. L Udell Courts Death and Wins-Shot Down by Penitentiary Guard at Bakersville. It will be remembered that about tw 3 years ago M C Davis, a mill operative at Bessemer, in a nt of madness, killed Mr. John L Odell, nephew of our towns man, Mr. J M Ode'.l. Davis was sent to the penitentiary for a term of 30 years. 1 he force is being worked just below Bakersville in Mitch ell county on the Ohio river and Charleston railroad. Davis has been manifesting something of the old elephant insubordination and had threat ened to kill the son of Mai. Mc Iver for threatening to report nim ior punishment tor indolence at work. On the morning of the 5th he relu ed to go to work and Super niTenuenr. juciver sent a negro to bring him to his office where he hoped to wield a reasonable influence over him. When the uegro came to lead him he c-au?ht around him and slipping a KuUe out of his sleeve, ripped ine negro so tnat his lung pro iruuea trom ine wound. Davis then made for the stock ade gate holding everybody al ray by slashing with his knife lie got out of the gate and was to the officiating clergyman. Hejmaking his way when a giards presented it to the groom, who man was ordered to fire. Davis placed it upon the ungloved hand of the bride saying, "With this ring I do thee wed." After the ceremony the bride and groom passed out by the center aisle, followed by Master Sidney Allen and Miss Helen Archey. Mr. Henry Shelton, escorted Miss Minnie Allen, the maid of honor, followed by Miss Ada Allen, first bride's maid, and her escort, Mr. D E Allen. The other attendants followed by couples in the reverse order of entering. The bride was gowned in white Duchess satin and real lace and chiffon and wore a bridal veil caught up with diamond pin. She carried a shower bouquet of bride roses and maiden hair ferns. The bride's maids wore gowns of white tucked organdy and lace and each bore a bouquet of bride roses and asparagus ferns. The glentlemen wore full dress suits. The happy couple repaired to the home of the bride where they received the congratulations of many friends together with their parting greetings as they loft to board train Nc. 7 for a bridal tour in the bouth. The bride was the recipient of profusion of handsome, costly snd valuable presents, such as cut glass; china; wedge wood; silver ware, with gold lining, from friends, and a beautiful hand painted chop dish from her sister, Miss Ada Allen, her own artistic handiwork; a beautiful auite of furniture from the grcoms parents and a desirable huilding lot in Winston Salem from her mother. The bride is the second daugh ter of Mrs. Laura Allen, intelli gent., accomplished and winning and was a most worthy object of woeing by the groom, who is a merchant broker of the Twin City, the son of Col. and Mrs. James Thomas of Winson-Salera. fell with his hart punctured with buckshot and died instantly. thus ends a satanic monster that, to all human appearances, should have been taken off be fore he was allowed to do vio leace to others. MISS MART WATSON DEAD. Falls Ailci p Today at 11:15 a. m.n Loved in Concord. i ne sau intelligence came that Miss Mary Watson died today (Friday) at 11:15 o'clock at her home in Salisbury. Her condition has been critical in the extreme for several days, but her improvement, was hoped and prayed for, that her beauti ful young life might be spared. All wore doomed to sad disap pointment, wuue ner gain was subserved. Miss Watson was the daughter of Clerk of the Court, W G Wat son, and was the sister of Mrs. J E Smoot. She had visited Concord and had won many friends whose hearts will be pained at this stroke. Miss H'atflon was a member of the First Presbyterian church of Salisbury. DODD THE HORSEMAN. Marries on the 11th and Sella ear load of Horses on 20th in Charlotte. Mr. R A Dodd, the veil known horseman, who by the way takes to him a help meet on the 11th, at Wellmore Ky., will sell a car load of horses at auction in Charlotte on the 20th. THESE WIRE'S CROSSED. Postal Telegraph and Western Union In Fight In Pacific Waters. The following has been hand ed us with request to publish. It is the Postal's side of the controversy which, if correctly stated, and we know nothing to the contrary, seems quite magnanimous. "The Postol Telegraph is lay ing a submarine cable from California to the Phillippines, 8,000 miles, at a cost of $12,000, 000, without subsidy or guar antee of any kind. The Western Union is asking Government to lay a cable government expense for the; the Government to prevent the Postal from carrying out the work, and is also asking the benefit of the Western Union. The Postal Telegraph (Com mercial Cable Company) has agreed in writing with the Government to sell its cable to the Government, at any time, at the cabers appraised valuation. li the cable does not work, or is a bad venture, the Govern ment need not take it. The Company takes all the risk, and gives the Government all the c nances of gain. The Company can lay this cable as cheaply and as well and as successfully as any cable company in the world. The Company believes it can make the cable succeed commercially, and is entirely willing that the Government shall bave the right to take it, at its appraised valuation, whenever the Govern ment wants it, for any reasons, political, or governmental or commercial. Is it not best for the United States Government to let the Postal do the work and put in its money and take all the risk of the cable not working, all the risk of the cable not paying, laid by the best expert cable talent in the world, laid economically, laid skillfully, Hid to secure the greatest efficiency, and then the cable succeeds for th Government to take it at its appraised valuation? Kates Reduced from X2.35 $1,00 per word. PRESIDENTS SON SERIOL'SLY ILL Uat Pneumonia at Groton College The Charleston Trip May Be A ban doned. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., is seriously ill of accute pneumonia at Groton College, Mass. The President and Mrs. Roose velt were to have started to Charleston Monday but Mrs. Roosevelt will be at the bedside of her son and unless symptoms are somewhat assuring the Pres ident will cancel the engagement. It is not definitely stated that there is local cause but there are several cases beside that of young Roosevelt and the stu dents have stampeded for home and the school is suspended for two weeks. to When the Chimney. is choked with soot, the fire languishes and goes out. When the bronchial tubes are clogged with phlegm, the flame of life flickers. Intelligen treatment with Allen's Lung Balsam bring up the phlegm, allays inflamma tion stops the cough and pain in he chest and, in a word over comes those terrible colds which if neglected soon become consumption. Wouldn't Have Man Cntlll Tby Conld Getono. Kalamaioo, Mich., Feb. 7. By the marriage of Miss Mabel Clare Mills, of this city, daughter of Mayor and Mrs. A J Mills, to Fdmund W Chase, a young business man, the Tattlers Club, losses its president snd prime mover. The organization was formed three years ago by twenty society girls of the city, who decided to play pedro all alone and do without the attention of men. Kix ol the members, now ever already married, and the others have made merry at their expense. Miss Mills's loss will be a hard blow, and the club may now go to pieces. Miss Mills invited all the members of the club to act as bridesmaids at the ceremony, which was one of the most elaborate events in Kalamazoo for several years. TO (THE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative liromo Quiuine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails tn euro. Will ;, t Well if it Kills Her. Wife (an inva'1'1)-The end is near, John. I'm sinking fast. Be a kind father to the mother- ess children. Husband JJh, don't worry lbont the motherlpss children; I'll soon get another mother for them. Wife (sitting up in bed) Oh, you will, eh? Well, I guess you won't. I'll get well now if it kills me. Ex. ."The individual who gets the rdest knocks in early H'e- ic apt to be fairly well content wi h his lot in aner years.- Mr. John A. Harrier Hurt. Mr. John A Barrier, while op erating some machinery in the Lippard mill Thursday evening vot his right arm caught in the machinery and was painfully hurt, though we hope no per manent injury will result. No bone was fractured and no liga ment an torn. Dr. Young stitched the lacerations in the smii and John will have to rest and nurse it till healed before opor tu:g H','ain. He did not lose ai'y slep on account of it Thurso ay nightand is doing well. Entertained at Tea. Mrs. I' 15 Fetzer entertained a circle of friends Friday evening ;it tea in hoi.or of her visiting i.'uost, M:ss Bessie Wharey, of Mooresvillo. Wavtkd SeTHral persona of chares ter and if'iod reputation in each state (one in this oouuty required, to repre sent and advertise old etblihe1 weiilthi? lu-iuoss hours of solid liniu- oial sUn.liDg. Hidnraiy f 18.00 weekly it,h etpenocs additional, all payablo in oasli i ai-h Wednesday direct he. d .111 bf.. IIotBu and can iau famish' I, . -u iieotHiry. ut'iu e ces. El.o1 A iflf-aildn KH' d biamprd euTl J". Mau- Uctt- SIB Uaton Bunding. Unu'Mo. A Convincing Answer. "I hobbled into Mr. Black- mon's drug store one evening," says Wesley Nelson, of Hamil ton, Ga., " and he asked me to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism with which I had suffered for a long time. t told him I had no faith in any medicine as they all failed. He said. 'Well if Chamberlain's Pain Balm does not help you, you neod not pay for it.' I took a bottle of it home and used it according to the directions and in one week I was cured, and have not since beon troubled with rheumatism." Sold by M L Marsh's Drug store. There are six George Wash ingions in Congress. Since they ar6 in Congrrss not one of them could conscientiously say he never "told a lie." Wilming ton Star. Hhe DlduTwoar A Mask. But her beauty was completely hidden by sores, blotches and pimples till she used Bucklen's Arnica Salv. Then they van ished aswil' all Eruptions, Fever Sores, Boils, Carbuncles and Felons from its use. Infallible for Cuts. Corns Rurn, Scalds and Piles. Cure guaranteed 25o at Fetser'a Drug Store, Hicks says Bad Weather. Rev. Irl R Hicks, the long range weather prophet, predicts unpleasant, wintry weather for February and March. He advises farmers to exercise all reasonable and possible precau tions for the sheltering and feed ing of live slock, and sugests that wise planning for out-door work should be done He believes that the months of April, May and June will be proDitions above the average for agricultural and out door avocations. Anderson Intelligencer. ' Baltimore, Mo., Februaiy 5tb, 1902. Messrs. Cannon & Fetzeb Compani, Concord, N. O. Dear Sirs : We take pleasure in advising yon that we have consigned to yon our Spring line of samples' for Custom Tailor, ing. Aa in the past, we have spared no effort to make this line an improvement over former seasons, and feel certain it ia the best Tailoring line in the market today, We appre oiate the business yon gave ns the past season in this Department, and intend giving you still better aerviee this Spring. We are determined to give yon a class of Tailoring that is absolutely Merchant Tailoring of the highest order. Our New Tailoring Shops are the finest in the world, and with these inereased facilities we are confident you will be pleased with the prompt attention to yourlorders. Any suggestion you oan offsr that will enable us to still better verve yon, will be much appreciated. Kindly acknowledge receipt of the samples aa soon as received, and thanking you again for year many favors, we beg to remain, Tours very truly, SCHLOSS BROS. AND CO. Killed by Train. Mrs. Mary Lee Wilson, aged about 5, operative in Edna Cotton Mills, at Reids ville, was instantly killed by a southbound passenger train Tuesday evening, while cross ing the railroad near the mills, She was a widow aud leaves one child. Durham Sun. In referring . to the flippant expressions indulged in by some papers anentthe reception to be given Prince Henry on his visit to our country the Dan ville Free Press with a wisdom as becoming as brief concludes: "An American who has to insnlta prince in order to prove his Democracy is an ass." Yea, verily. Morning Post. Mr. Durham Candidate for Solicitor. Mr. Robert L Durham, of Gas- tcnia, has entered the race ifor the Democratic nomination for solicitor of this, the 12th judicial district. We have not the honor of a personal acquaintance with Mr. Durham, but we cheerfully place bis name before the public as an honorable aspirant ior public service. Eon. Cy. Watson Fined. The case against Gorham and Brown, charged with embracery, is being tried at Iredell Superior court this week. The solicitor asked for postponement because of the absence of certain wit nesses, but Judge Shaw dcclinod to postpone. Hon. Crus B Wat son, of Forsyth, who had beon summoned as a witness, was fined $80 because he was not present. News and Observer. It it said that the old-time tradition that women must wait for amatrimonial proposal is to be relocated to the attic. A western movement by a St. Louis clergyman favors pro posal by women. Many women support themselves and a hus band, and if a woman is able to support a husband, she should certainly have something to say, in fact everything to say, in the selection of Intelligencer. one. Anderson Joys of Illu"M. There's nothing like a little fit of illness now and then. It puts you back where you belong. Ic rests you. It convincos you afresh that failure to heed laws of sanity ana sanitation means your un doing. It shows you how nece sary it s to "take your medicine like a little man," whether yeu want it or not. It teaches you thai, no matter what comes in the way of work or worry, you must neyer lose ight of the rules of health, It gives you time to thiuk. It suggests renewing your ac quaintance with loved books be tween whose covers you never have time to look. Selected. The Latt Heard or It "My little boy took the croup one night and soon grow so bad you could hear him breathe all over the house," says F D Rey nolds, Mansfield, O. "We feared he. would die, but a few doses of One Minute Cough Cure quickly relieved him and he went to sleep. That's the last we heard of the croup. Now isn't a cough cure like that valuable?" One Minute Cough Cure is absolutely safe and acts immediately. For coughs, colds, croup, grip, bron chitis and all other throat and lung troubles it is a certain euro. Very pleasant to take. The little ones like it. Gibson Drug Store. Life in every department of business is made up of successes and failures, of advances and retreats. The tide never flows long in one direction, aud let us trust that,the year before us has rich stores of blessings for all who honestly strive to better their condition. Anderson Intelligencer. Saved Him From Torture. There is no more agonizing trouble than piles. The constant itching and burning makes life intolerable. No position is com fortable. The torture is unceas ing. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cures piles at once. For skin diseases, cuts, burns, bruises, all kinds of wounds, it is unequalled J S Gerall, St. Paul. Ark., says "From 1805 I suffered with the protruding, bleeding piles and could find nothing to help me until l used Ve Witt's Witch Lia zel Salve. A. few boxes com pletely cirod me." Beware of counterfeits. -Gibson Drug Store, How to Encoimitrc I'er I., is great to know how to ad ..inister encouragement wi-: iy. Perhaps the best you cati do for anyone who is in perplexity and difficulty is to manifest your fou faith in him. The secret of discouragement is self distrust. The man thinks that he has done all he can, or fears that he will fail. The friend who shows that he bo lieves iu him sends him away with a new inspiration and con fidence. It is a mistake to seek to encourage people by under rating their trials. You say to your friend: "Oh, that is nothing at all; you can do that easily enough," and you have riiade his burden heavier. The difficulty is a real one to him. You cannot help him until you take his point of view and see how hard the conditions are in his conception of them. Then you oncourage him, and you will do it ty telling him that you understand the dif ficulty, but that you believe that he can conquer it. Then you have appealed te the man with the man. He knows that some one understands him, and the next time you meet him he will say by his glowing face: "I thank you! It was hard work, but I did it because you believed in me, and that made me believe in myself." Exchange. "It is hard to convince the wife of a widower that first thoughts are always best." M L Marsh's the druggist, will refund you your money if you are not satisfied after using Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cure disorders of the stomach, Pills, which worked wonders for biliousness constipation and her health." They always do. headache. Price, 25 cents. I Try them. Only 25o at Fetzer's Old Soldier's Exnerieoee. M M Austin, a civil war veteran, of Winchester, Ind., writes: "My wife was sick a long time in spite of cood doctor's treatment, but was wholly ured by Dr. King's New Life Samples free. ' Drug Store. ARE YOU WISE ThTonwfW.fc nation there is no wmodr to equal TMexioau Mustang amuiuw". I I A Forty Eight Counties. The North Carolina Baptist, publishod in Fayetteville, has been studying tho temperance .-. i xt .1. ' i:.. . Situation m iNurui v..iiiuinidi turn number of years. It is authority for the statement that th-t e are forty-eight coun'ies in tho State that have no saloons. Douv-Uessitis a surprise state-met:'- to many who thinl; lightly of t.'.o cause of Wii'perance; but it : '.-vs that tho temperance sou, aent is strong in the State, aud there is good ground for hoping that at no distant day North Carolina will be measur ably freed from the curse of the liquor traffic. Tho Common Wealth. "Winter Homes iu Summer Lauds." The above is the title of an at tractive booklet just issued by the Passenger Department of the Southern Railway. It is beautifully illustrated and fullv describes the winter resorts of the South. A cony may be se cured by sending a two oent- stamp to S HHaruwick.U.JP. A. Washiogton, D. C. To The Farmers I am glad to announce to you that I will buy Cotton Seed throughout the season and ask that you see me at the cotton platform scales before selling your seed, d&w tf. Respectfully, Jno. K. Patterson. 4 an easy wayv. and a sure way to treat a case of Sore Throat in order to kill disease germs' and insure healthy throat action is to take half a glassf ull of water put into it a teaspoonful of Mexican Mustang liniment anil with this gargle ths throat at frequent Intervals. ids or t round the uck. It ia a POSITIVE CURS. 1 the throat thoroughly with the lint- I mi and aftr doing this pour some on a sort cloth ana wrap Thn bath tho outald 25c., SOo. and 91-00 a bottle. fT a.BRV tJC VDII bavo long been troubled" -with a running IT MAY DC I UU .oroorulSar. Traat it at onoa with Meal earn Mustang Ulnasent and you oan depend upon, a spetxiy euro. . euhscrlbo for the mdard. i TRUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of authority vested in me ly a ueea in J rust or Mortgage, executed by Lean Dry on the 4th day or March, iwj, which Mortgage or Deed in Trust is duly recorded m Registers office for Cabarrus county, N. C, in Book No. 12, page 194, I will sell at public auction at the Court House door in Concord, N. C, on the 10th day of March, 1U02, to the highest bidder for cash, the folio w'ng tract of laud iu No. 9 town -hip, Cabarrus ,'ouuty, and bouuded as follows: Beginning at a cciar at tho toue fence. John F Fu it's cor ner; then south 02 ea!, e ..ssimr creek, 811 poles to a !i ; , J If Kim 's corner; 1 1 1 n '-on h 0 ; u'asfc 2c oles and 10 thou north :M ea inks to ;t l polt -lake, id links the:: pel's to : po! i ti, lo tho center of the t aring; -oi.! h 1 ea-t 1 j p( anion, then south ane; then south H ' w. o. .; en ! : ' -' !'"' '" ' !' ;im Lj lo a - to a poles st Hi south U,en t i. o. ; i: ulh SI0 v-'t'st .'" va! 1 Smhl.'s eonet a west i':.'t) poles ts at the mouth o? on the east i 'k; then tn ili. it. s to th Cud. ( ! O t' I ! a fi'a. , train a tl.ti ei'e the east, bank t'i a s!:;l,.. tit, t! water ft :;. e; tU t tl.o e: I- near tl 6u we.-t banli; tla-a a bank 2 polos fro .i ! o creek's inoaiidoni,;. - branch; then with r. incs. including roc!; f ginning, contain :i. : i. - Tho pm chaser l. a-s ,.n h I as 1 am auuiorwo u : cy der said tnoriga;' . Tuis Oth diy of ah. i ij. J, L, Cuov.i'1 t, Tru" ,t , to .i . uica nee,