Send us $ t.00 TANDARD and get chis 2 1 Only $1 Per Year. CONCOHD, N. C, THURSDAY, FEB. 20, 1902. SEE CLUBBING EATE8 OH PAGE Single Copy5Cts. paper 1 year. SUPSKIBE FOR THESTAND AKD. Only - $100 The DK. PHILLIPS H CONCOBD. A Success and in Inspiration Sunday School Vi ork under Sew Llelit. Dr. A L Phillips, general su perintendent of Sabbath Schools and young peoples, societies of our assembly, conducted a "Con ference on our Church ard her Young People'' in the First Pres byterian Church of Consord. N. C, Feb; uary, 11th and 12th, 190?. To snj im,i the Conference was a success and an inspiration is but mil'Uy lo express our feel ings. The awakening .was phe nomenal. The enthusiasm aroused, prodigious, the helpful nesg, tremens. We, who were privileged to attend, felt that the assembly has done the right thing, and has placed the right man in the right place. On Tuesday morning, Febru ary, 11th, the Conference was organized, with Rev. J no. Wake field, Prt-sby terial Chairman of Sabbath Schools, in tbe chair, and Rev. C Preston, secretary. About eighty five superintend ents, teachers and Sabbath School workers, were enrolled, and numbers more attended the services. Dr. Phillips captivated the en tire audience by bis hrst talk, on "The Young People in Mission ary Societies", and we remained captive as long as he was with us. His differentiation between young peoples' missionary soci eties and youug peoples' societies lor work ai.d worship was unique, but practical and plain. It opened our eyes to many op portunities and advantages, long overlooked or neglected in the past. The exposition of a Model Presbyterian Sabbath School, in which the "Assembly's Four tsen Points oi Excellence" are found, was so simple, and yet so suggestive, that many of is were condemned on the spot, but all were encouraged to make new efforts on determination to attain to, and utilize more of these characteristics. Words cannot express the in spiration in, and derived from Dr. Phillips' address on "The Bible in Modern Education, it was superb, and every one who hears it will receive a comfort ing and lasting benefit. "How to Teach the Lesson" was ably and delightfully illus trated, and the . plea for a "Graded Sabbath School" con verted many of us who had been doubtful or opposed to it pre viously. The Presentation or exhibition of equipment, books, charts, maps, objects, sand-box, etc., was indeed a revelation to those who hae never realized how much assistance can be securec for our Sabbath School work. But the closing address wa supreme, "Missions in the Sab balii School and the Sabbath School in Mission " Though suffering from great hoarseness. Dr. Phillips excelled himself or: this great subjuct as the expe rience meeting following at tested. P. TO CURE A COLD IS OSE IHY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. rr. Mr Preston to Leave j8. Rev. Cochran Preston, desir ing to take a post graduate course in theology and ecclesi ology, resigned his charge be fore the Concord Presbytery on Wednesday and after hearing his reasons the Presbytery ac cepted the resignation, to take effect after the fourth Sunday in mouth. He will go to Union Theological Seminary at Rich mond, Va. He will probably be there ome three months. He has nut decided on a course of action after that time. While not daring to restrici him in broadening his field of lbcr wo are exceedingly loath to see Mr. Preston leave his splendid work here. Mop the Cough and Works nil the Colli. Lixative Bromo Quinine Tab let cure a cold in one day. No cure, no pay. Price 25 cents. Waited Several persona of charac ter aud (end reputation in ei h tat ( n m county required, to reprt aeut aud advertise old eatnhlisbed wdkMiv Lu-iminH nouee of solid finan ced tindiatf. Sularary $18 00 weealy ir,b expenses addilionnl, all payable In cash each Wediie-dav direot f'om bead olli fcB. Horse andoariiatfe furnished, wl.-n neotesary. K(ereucs. Enclose "lf-adilri'ssert stamped envl p. Man at e.-. 310 Caxton Building. Chicago. 'mm Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the ditfestants and digests all kinds of food. ltRivesinstant rellefaud never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all tho food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can takelt.. By Itsusemany thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gason the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can't he!p but da you good Pn-purod only by K. 0. Tr. W itt & Co., ( 'lilcafto. J"hol. twain contains a!i UmtatiioWcaUe. ,QibsoD'a Drug Store, The Finest Cake Is made with Royal Bak ing Powder. Always light, sweet, pure & wholesome. C0TTOH SEED SIM' FACT L'RB. The Sew Process that Promises to Cero lulioD the Business Simplicity of Method. We have noted from exchanges that the process of manufactur ing cotton seed is to undergo a revolution, promising great advantages in favor of the new process, but following from tho Augusta Chronicle give the only clear comparative description of the process that we have seen. The Chronicle says: "By the process now employed it is stated that the cotton seed pass through six mechanical processes; (1) a machine for cleaning seed of sand; (2) ma chine for removing bolls, pieces of wood, etc.; (3) magnetic machine for removing iron, nails, etc.; (4) a delinting ma chine; (5) hulling machine; (6) reel for separating mats from the hulls. "Instead of these six machines the new process simply dumps the seeds, just as they come from the giu, into a vat contaimug chemicals, and in twenty min utes it is claimed the hull will pop opeu and the denuded ker nels fall to the bottom of the vat while the hulls float on the top of the solution. If the kernels are to be shipped a distance to an oil xill they are dried first, but if this first process is at the oil mill then tbe kernels are passed immediately from the vat to the crushing rolls and it is claimed there js a saving of 50 per cent, iu the cost of of producing crude oil. The refining process is no more ex pensive, and it is claimed that finest olive oil on the market can be duplicated from the product. "Another great saving is in the shipment of the denuded seed to cotton oil mills. The weight is reduced one half and the bulk two-thirds. The hulls that rise to the top of the vat are in shape for paper stock and worth from $20 to $40 per ton, showing a gain of from $'J to $18 over present practices of treat ing cotton seed to the point of cooking the meal for extracting the oil. "This process for which application of patent has been made is said to be in successful operation in Washington lty, and can be worked at any gin nery, saving the large amount already mentioned to the owner of the seed. . The saving under this process will permit the pay ment of several dollars a tou more to the farmers for cotton ee d and it is claimed by the owners of the new process that it means a revolvtion in ihe business and millions of dollars to the cotton farmers of the South. It is rropesed to or ganize and work it independent of the trust and Standard Oil Company and give the farmers a chance te enjoy the profits. EENTUCKI SALOON TRAGEDY. At Least Six Killed on tbe 12th, Baking Total of 59 Deaths at This Desperate Hole. Six or more men were killed and as many more probably fatally shot at Lee Turner's sa loon, miles from Middlcboro, Kv., between four and six o'clock on the 12th in a lerrible pitched battle between officers and mountain desperadoes. Tur ner resisted arrest by the ofnVTS nd one of the latter was killed. Turner and several of his men escaped by breaking through While his saloon was burned with son e of his men. It is said that counting but hx de ith-5 on this occasion Turner's saloon was a death trap that has caught 59 victims and twice that number have been wounded. Do a Chicken Have Ho'ne t Mr. Correll, the express man, showed the writer a chicken rooster Wednesday evening that has two ho. ns of about one inch in length. They are on onch side of t'ie comb and extendi nearly as high as the comb They look natural as if an essen t al part of bis fowl physique. Laid Cently to Rent. The final tribute of respect to Mrs. T C Strieker was paid to day (Thursday)' at 10 o'clock with an impressive and consol ing funeral discourse by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Hillor, when gentle hands bore the remains away to rest in the city cenWe-y by those of her late deceased husband. The pall bearers wore: Messrs. A M Brown. D R Hoover. M B Stickly. D L Boat, J M Uendrix ud h A WeddiDgton, ASIIEVILLE'S TRAGEDY. Negro TV niter at Wen Rock Shoots Cod doctor Salisbury Four Times Wounds . Trubably Fatal. Press Dillon, a negro waiter a' Glen Rock Hotel, Asheville, shot and it is believed morutily wounded Mr. J H Salisbury, a conductor on the Western Wednesday morning. The negro had taken an old gentleman's seat awhile before and was slow to give it up and when Mr. Salis bury, in defense of age, slapped the negro. At the breakfast table he drew his pistol and shot Salisbury four times, one ball entering the abdomen and lodg ing in the spina. Much indignation is felt and DJllon's life depends on being well guarded. Important Real Estate Deals. The E D Lentz he!rs today sold the Melchor farm to Mesars. JaiiTBS L aud J Adam' Peck for tho sum of $G,000. Mrs. J O Misenheimer also Eurchased from the heirs the entz interest in the Misenhei mer Springs propertyat $1,200. All papers were signed today. Daily of 13th. Her. Yi A Lutz to Leare. liiv. W A Lutz, president of North Carolina College, iMt. Pleasant, N. C, has notified the pastorate of Grace and Mt. Tabor churches, Prosperity, S. C, of his acceptance of the call extended him several weeks ago. He will take charge of the work about the middle of March undin time to conduct'the Easter services in the pastorate. Luth eran Visitor of 13th. This comes again as a matter of deep regret far the sake of the College and seems to call for wisdom and help for the college above human ken. We note it none other than profound sad ness. Lee Says the South Would Honor Samp son as Much as Schley. A Chicago dispatch of the 10th says; "Gen. Filzhugh Lee de livered an address at the annual demonstration of the . National Union in the Auditorium tonisht. Before his address was made Gen. Leo was asked about the Scliley case. He said: " 'I don't know that the South feels any particular pleasure in the demonstration with which Chicago y eeted Admiral Schiey. When ho visited tho South we received him with our customary cordiality, and if Admiral Samp son were well enough to pay the Southland a visit I expect that we would receive him with equal courtesy. And why not ? Boys Taken lo Pasteur Institute. A Statesville special of the 13'jh to tho Charlotte Observer says: "The two little boys, Rothy Warren and McKay Patterson, who were bitten by the supposed rabid dog Sunday, afternoon were taken to the Pasteur Insti tute iu Baltimore Tuesday even ing for treatment. Mr. T J S Patterson, f tiher of the Patter son boy, accompanied thena. Un fortunately the parents of both children are poor and a fund was raised among the friends to de fray expenses of treatment, which it was hoped would be small because of the financial condition of the parents. A let tor from the Pasteur Institute; tod ;y states that their charges will be f 100 each, exclusive of board and. a further effort will be made to raise more funds. This a charitable cause and it is hoped that the necessary amount can be raised." Clerk's tYlse S'.ipirestlon. "I have lately been much trou bled with dyspepsia, belching and sour stomach, "writes M S Mead, leading pharmacist of Att'eboro, Mat.s. "I could eat hardly any thing without suffering several hours. My clerk suggested I try Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which I did with most happy results. I have had no mere trouble and when one can go to eating mince p'e, cheese, candy and nuts after such a time their digestion must be pretty good. I endose Kodol Dyspepsia Cure heartily. "You don't have lo diet. Eat all the jood food vou want but don't overload the stomach. Kc lol Dyspepsia Cure digests your food. Gibson Drug Store. COSCORD COITLE MARRIED. How tbe Salisbury Sua in a Fit of Re p robacySi.'kss Difficulty with our People. Here is the way our usually ourteous and genial friend, Julian of the Salisbury Sun attempts to throw off on Cou- cordians. It is but a fit of reprobacy for which we pardon him in advance and. withhold the names through our solicitude far his personal safety. "With the marriage appwments redolent with the fragrant aroma of a hash stew, with theeDtranc ing melody of Prof. Martin's two piece string band vibrating and thrilling, in the presence of august magisterial dignity and a dozen witnesses and both Concordians, found the consummation of their day dream of love yesterday after noon at 4 o'clock. The Sun briefly mentioned yes terday that had wooed and won but even the dizziest flights of fancy could not soar to the heights necessary to anticipate the auspicious culmination of this courtship. The ceremony was performed in Prof. James Hodges' hash house. Esquire M F Randle officiated. . Five men, six " urchins, two dogs and one cat witnessed it. Prof. Martin's orchestra drew forth low, sweet strains from a dilapidated guitar and a badly abused harp while the ceremony was in progress and the stereotyped term impressive would fall far short of express ing the manner in which Esquire Randle tied the knot. When the nuptials were con cluded the couple stood under an arching stovepipe and received the congratulations of the as sembled aggregation. They left last night for Con cord. The bride is a handsome young widow and is quite wealthy, The groom is a taffy maker. . OrEMJiO THE BOXES. Meeting of Mlssouary Society of Central M. E. Church. The missouary society of Central M E church held its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. A S Dayvault, Monday afternoon. There were present twenty five members and three visitors. Mrs. D B Col trane, the president, opened the meeting by reading in a most impressive manner, Psalm 143, Mrs. W R Harris led in a short, but earnest prayer. The roll was callediand the monthly dues were paid, which amounted to seven dollars and thirty cents. Mrs JAB Fry read a literary select ion "The Gift of the New Year." Mrs. Fry's readings are always enjoyed. It had been de cided at a previous meeting to tako up the study of Via Christi, a book on Apostolic Missions, Mrs: Bynum, corresponding secretary, reported having ordered a number of copies for the use of the society. Perhaps the most interesting feature of the meeting was the opening of the mite boxes.- This collection was forty dollars and fifty cents, and is always a free will offer ing. Fifty dollars is the amount assessed this society towards tbe support of two missonaries in a foreisrn held. It must be re membered that quite a number who will contribute to this fund were not present. I trust there were many prayers for God's blessing on every dollar. "Paul may plant and Apollos may water, but God sriveth the in crease." We should ever keep the spiritual side ol the work in our minds and hearts. The The ladies were asked for any experience they might have had in making their mite box money. Of course, most of them freely admitted that their generous hus bands had given it; but one good housewife, the mother of a large family, related, in her modest way, that she had made four dollars ajd eleven cents by embroidering the little linen collars so much worn, now, for twenty-fiv9 cents apiece. It m.iy be interesting to noto, that the mite box of one lady, who works for a salary, contained just three dollars and sixty-five cents, a penny for every day in the year. Liast, but not least on tre progran was Mrs. Dayvault's pleasant su prise. She led the way to the dining room, which was prettily decorated in pink and green. Dainty refreshments of cake and frappe and fruits, in quite a variety, were served in a most delightful way, and it is needless to say were heartily enjoyed by all present; judging from ihe way the ladies lingered and chatted loath to leave so charming a hostess. X. While the Short Hand the clock travels of the clock travels twice around the dial Perry Davis' Painkiller will cure a cold; will ease the tightness across the chest and hence will banish the fear of pneumonia. "Just a little cold" does not become a misery that clings until mses bloom if I vou have recouso to this never- failing helo. There is but one i I Painkiller, Perry Davis.' GOLD MIXING IS CABAUItl'S. Renewed Activity, Especially in the VI claity of Fbws-Company Working Under Option. The people in southern Cabar rus are looking forward hope fully to a boom in gold and cop per mining. The centre of ac tivity just now is in tho neigh borhood of Flows, where consid erable work is being done. A company, reputed to have abund ant capitol back of it, has begun work, under an option, on the lands of Mr, L B Linker. This property has long been believed to be very rich in gold, and in case it so proves the company will work on a largo scale and will buy up thousands of acres of farming lands in the neigh borhood, options naving been secured already. This particular section is di rectly on a mineral bolt extend ing from Gold Hill on the north to the Haile mine and the Val- desta mines on the south and embraces such noted properties as the Reid mine, where numy large nuggets have been found, and the Phoenix mine, where extensive operations have boon and are now carried on." THE DALLAS REUNION. Teteraas Will Gut a Rata of 922 and bleeplnj Car for a Home. Mr. Jno. E Satterfield, travel ing passenger agent for the Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railroad, was in the city yesterday trying to make ar rangements to run a solid train fnyn Charlotte to Dallas, Tex., for the reunion there of the Con federate veterans. Although no rate has been offered Mr. Satter field said that it would be about $22 for the round trip, which is about one cent per mile. He proposes to have a sleeper with the train, for the use of which 50 cents per day will be charged. The sleeper will be sidetracked at Dallas and will be used as a lodging place for the men, the car and baggage being attended to by the regular porter while the train is there If the contract is made tho train will leave Charlotte at 8 o'clock on Sunday morning and will ar rive at uaiinw ai o o ciocif on Tuesday morniug. Speak in" of the occasion yes terday a veteran said that about 30,000 veterans usually attended the reunions. The reporter re marked that there was still a larsre armv of Confederate sol diers, to which the "vet" replied, "Yes. and I'm afraid we will have to tight some in tho Philip pines before the insurgents are whipped;" The veteran said, not 1 . , . 1 1 , u . , t i .. ooaswngiy at an, umu iud federate veteran had never learned to run from bullets and that they always held what they got. Charlotte Observer of 13th. Liquor and Trouble. W H Folger, who shot and killed Bob Moore at Spencer on the 27th of January, is on trial for his life at Salisbury. Thus far tho evidence indicates that liquor was the only real cause. He is in trouble enough over the folly. Handsome Profit en Real E-tato. A few years ago Col, Andrews as president of the Southern Land Improvement Company sold two acres of land between the depot and the river at Ashe ville to Mr. J B Bostic. A few days ago the Colonol wanted the land for enlarging and improv ing the railroad equipments there. Afler much dicke; the Colonel planked down $2,700 and 10,000 miles transportation for the two acres. Reoovcrs From Appendicitis. The little daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. S J Lowe, of Charlotte, who was operated on for appen dicitis at ihe Whitehead Stokes Sanitarium has recovered aud has returned homo. She Didn't Wear A Mak. But her beauty was completely hidden by sorea, blotches and pimples till she used Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Then they van ished as wil1 all Emotions, Fever Soros, Boils, Carbunclos and Felons from its uso. lufa'iibie for Cuts, Corns Bums, Scalds and Piles. Cure guaranteed. 25c at Fetaer'a Drug Store. Duut Explosion in a lline. Fifteen meu suffered iujury on the 11th by a dust explosion at Bon Air, Tex., aud much injury to the miue was sustained.. M L Marsh's the druggist. will refund you your money if you are not satisfied after using Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cure disorders of the stomach, biliousness constipation and headache, Price, 25 cents. I Samples free. Baltimore, Md., February Btb, 1902. MEasiM. Cannon Sc Fktzhb Company, Conoord, N. 0. Dear Sirs : We take pleasure in adviiing yon that we have consigned to you our Spring line of aamplos for Ouitom Tailor ing. As in the past, we have spared no effort to make this line an improvement over former seasons, and feel certain it is the best Tailoring line in the market today, We appreciate the business you gave us the past this Department, and intend giving you still better service this Spring. We are determined to give you a class of Tailoring that is absolutely Merchant Tailoring of tbe highest order. Our New Tailoring Shops are the Quest in the world, and with these inoreased facilities we are conn do at yoa will be pleased with the prompt attention to yourjordorg. Any suggestion yoa can otftr that will enable ns to still better serve yon, will be mueh appreciated. Kindly acknowledge receipt of the samples aa soon as received, and thanking yon again for your many favors, we beg to remain, Tours very truly, BCHL083 UEOS. AN D CO. Fire at Hotel HcAdoo. A fire occurred at the McAdoo Hotel, in Greensboro, Friday about 4 o'clock. The fire is thought to have been caused by a defective flue. After hard and skillful work the flames were ex- tinguished. The damage is like ly not over $500, covered by in surance. A CoDTincIng Answer. "I hobbled into Mr. Black- raon's drug store one evening." says Wesley .Nelson, of Hamil ton, Ga., " and he asked me to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism with which I had suffered for a long time. I told him I had no faith in any medicine as they all failed. He said. 'Well if Chamberlain's Pain Balm does not help you, you need not pay for it.' I took a bottle of it home and used it according to the directions and in one week I was cured, and have not since been troubled with rheumatism." Sold by M L Marsh's Drug store. "While ycur boy is still help less help him to help himself Spend less time scolding and more time teaching.". When you want a physic that is mild and gentle, easy to take and pleasant in effete, use Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price, 25 cents. Samples free. Every box guaranteed. For sale by M L Marsh's Drug store. ARE YOU WISE cualion (here Is no remedy W equal o e and a sure way to treat a case of Sore Throat in order to kill disease germs and insure healthy throat action is to take half a glassfull of water put into it a teaspoonful of Mexican Mustang i 1 liniment y"" anrt with this Rnr the throat at frwjaent lntarrala. Thn bathe tho outiTe of the throat thoroughly with ths link I ment and after doing thU pour tome on a soft cloUi and wip around to. neck. It u a POblTIVK CURB. 25c., KOo. and $1.00 a bottle. IT IlltV bC Villi ha" lone been troubled with ronnina II MAI DC IUU tore or ulcer. Treat It at onoe with Meat. aaa Mm taaf Ulaaaeat aad you Good Roads the Thins;. No tax is paid more cheerful ly, if the money is wisely used, than a road tax. The results are felt by every one. Good roads , into a city facilitate business for the merchant and business men and increase the value of farm lands. Good roads at the same time are the best feeders for the railroads and there is no line of eadeavor which does not reap a benefit. We trust that the Good Roads Association so auspicious ly begun will push forward the work and accomplish much good for North Carolina in the near future Raleigh Times. Tot Canses Sight Alarm. "One night my brother's baby was taken with Croup," writes Mrs. J. C. Snider, of Crittended, Ky , "it seemed it would strangle before we could get a doctor, so we gave it Dr. King's New Discovery, which gave quick relief and permanently cured it. We always keep it in the house to protect our children from Croup and Whooping Cough. It cured me of a chronic bronchial trouble that no other remedy would relieve." Infallible for Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung troubles. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Fetzer's Drug Store. Mexican Mustang Unlmenfa on depend upon a speedy oure. '. WRECK ON tiii: SnL i nLRN. T ' njiueer and Fireman are Injured I Su One Else N IHrt-OfflrlaU De !, :'c Train Vin Wrcck d. A - i j : JO o'clock yesterday the Sout tu rn's passenger train No. o0, southbound, came to signal grief at Clifton, eleven miles hist side of Spartanburg, S. C. The The engineer, C S Cauble, of Fi eenville, S. C, received a bad cut on the head and his colored fireman, Al Carter, also of Green ville, wa painfully scalded on the leg; the engine was damaged beyond hope of repair, but be yond these casualties no one was injured nor was the damage material. Statements made by Southern Railway officials last night indi cated that they believed that the wreck was the result of a delib erate attempt to wreck the train. Engineer Cauble sayb that he was running at a pit.ity rapid rate of speed when he .saw just ahead of the engine a pile of rocks and railroad spikes on the tracks. Before he could check the speed, of the engine it had struck the spikes and tho wheels of the front trucks had left the track. The engine ran for 500 foot on the cross-ties before it : ;rned over, and tho engineer ,1 fireman pUickily st;;yed in ir seats until the engine start- ; lo turn, when they jumped, e caping without serious injury. The enpnc nnd tendor, one mbinaticn bi Jgage and pas j'rer car and two passenger c nrat aua second class hlm derailed, out none oi ine tiants of tho curs w . re at all The track was cleared in it t'me and the jri'-sengers Tod their jouruey. Char Observer of 15th. Toddy the Trouble. 'i ,io uccasional toddy is giving postmaster Mullen, of Charlotte, no end nf trouble. Verily, the man who smiles on mint juleps will get an occasional jar. Salisbury Sun. It TTas Only a 'I'ossum. It is going the rounds and we suppose the story will be staled by the Atlantic and Pacific waves that a baby was found in Mecklenburg the other day in closed in a bag and submerged in a creek. Now it turns out that it was only a 'possum, not a baby at all. There is no expla nation how some hunter lost his game but a murder trial is spoiled. Austin Case Fostpoued. The case of State vs J F Austin was postponed yesterday until next Tuesday. A largo number of witnesses have boon sum moned on this case aud they were dismissed until next Tues day morning. Salisbury Sun of 14t. "Iioe'' And the Way lie Went. A woman living in the suburbs ;as aroused by a noise at the indow, and dimly saw a man's .o peering in through the '.ad. She silently crept out ot bed, and, reaching the win dow, popvod up liko a jack-in-lae-box with : siuMen "Boo!" '! . j man dropped as though s'.ot, and fled. Hartford Pout. o claim of otlie-.- cough 1 i nes to '.jo as as Chamberlain's aro li'illy s'.'t in ri-.' in tho trviino.iiiil ,.r Mr. O ,. an mployt; o! llartlott ;,is Co., O ; . u i;cr, Mo. Ho ''1 had K.--t adu ing to a : coutch iu th whiter of trying everv cough mcuicino 1 Heard it without permanent help, until on day I was iu tin drui' of Mr. ilouloluiimr.d u- - Ivisi'd ine to try CU.ii ti.iu r!:.::i' Cough Remedy an i H i I 'u pay hack my nionev if w.i- t cured My lungs an I hi i !;;'-. s were very sore at U.k ' -... t-ut 1 was completely cur. A !y nniiw ; and have siuce always turned id it when I got a cold, and m ma find relief. I also recommend it to my friends and am glad to s iy it is the beat of all cough mrd iciues." For sale hy M It Marsh's Drug store,

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