urK foi;tijeh"ani, at.d. (I 1 I HI 1 y - '$1.00 Ortl-r $1 Pcv Vrn I't.UBBlNU KATES Oil 1 AGE 2 COX'.'Oi'.!), X. I!. Snigle Copy 5 Cts. apcr 1 M IC flili I1K OF A CASCItii. mnoim .hi '! ATII s'unaiRik'afEasaB Hi- SchU.s 1U Sum O.it i.f tlie Ifoi ;u an. lilt II Ki'l llittlht' f. f-'priulie.ld, 111,, Murch S-Aiioiho:- hcuiic iu the drama o 11." -closing of the Stati B i. !i of Llkhurt was enact e this afternoon, whon i'ruul, W Cottle, cashier, whose aiiogoe tdiortagi of $32,000 cause! th. closing of the bank, blow ou liis trains at his residence. Mr. Cottle, who had beer Buffering with aji attack o! pleurisy since last Saturday, was lying in his bod room whon he complained of a burning in tin stomach end aslced his, sou Jordan B. Cottle, to go and got him a i rii0 itr of water. Jordan did so nu while he was out oi tho room he heard liio report o! a revolver. Instantly surmising hit; father had shot himself, he quickly returned, e'osely followed by the family. They found Mr. Cottle lying in bed with a gaping wound, from a revolver, in his left temple. He had died instantly. Mr. Cottle was 5G years old and leaves a wife and live sons, all residing in Elkhart. lie had been cashier of tho bank for a number of years. II is father was a wealthy Louisiana sugar planter. Greensboro ConipuiiU'i) lie fuse to Raise It II It'S. The managers of the Greens boro lire insurance companies have issued a circular to all their agents in which it is stated that: "They are enjoined to maintain with tho utmost care the fub tariff rates iu? they stood before the 25 per cent, advance was or dered."' It is stated that th ad vance in rates, causod by the Southeastern TaritT Association, is unwarranted, unwise tin J un necessary " and all age: is are authorized to disregard 'he per rent, ndvance made tiy .the 'i 'a rill Association. -Ct iflotte Observer. I'l'liE A 0I, IN OMJ 1)4Y. Take Laxative Bromo Q.iiniud Tablets. All druggists refur tho money if it fails to cure. A JO'Vuir-Olil (iirl WmIhb Mi v df '" Perhaps the', youngest bri,!. in the country is at Centrevill.'. Iik.-kmuu county, to-night b(!ii.,'; M rs. .h'nies Irwin aged 10 years. Sii" uinrried yesterday. Her hii .li'itid is betw(en 43 and l( years old a romance is connected with the nn t riage. J P Cook was n-s!ge-d 1o the gild and went to Co.iterviilc to procuie a license, but, when he returned to take the little ono uuto himself, bh had murried another, Jim Irwin, who has been married before. Cot k had left his first wife and wi. diVorced. Having lost the gill he went- back to bis di vorced wii11, in a iK up and pio- po-ed niarriage, which w;s tireud to. Nashville Tenu. D:slat(:b. L Kpv. Mr. Ilillor to Preiii'h Aniiiuil Ser itiim. The Lutheran Visitor, of the Gih says, lie v. VV II Uiller, ias torotSi. .lames ljuliierau cnurcu. Concord, N. C , has accepted the invi' ition to preach the annual sermon bcfo-elhu Woman s Mi sionary Society of Mont Amoena Seminary, Mt. I'ieasant, . at tho commencement in Juiu next. top tlie ComrIi nil Vu ks tit! (he Colli Laxv.ive Droiro Quinine Tab lets cure a oold in one day. N' cure, no pa . Price 5 ceuts. D.itli Miois I'iiiuli 'I linni;:li II is Ann. Mr. Waller Rwarr, near luist flo d, sutlered a .eriabh' acctdeut Saturday eveiioig. He lei his double barreled shot gun' dro and both b.urtds wete dW-. (bargel, the loads passire ll ioi'cli his ar,m i;t two places li is hoped that his arm may b. rived but the wound is terrib' sir ere. VV a-ted " T.'inl prsoiis of rlmr. 0 t?i uml (ri'oil rci nin'i.'U i" en. li feint I hi" 111 ihU c.nuiiy rHiiubfil tn r. p i -f 'i t null iilvrtia eld pstnhhi.li! w.M'l tiv hn iiif heti-e o' i-otiil Hn-c (ni tinilin.r. Siilnrjey wis 00 wm-kIi wil, t- ji iich mla ji l.inii,!, .a '''I- h C'f--t -ii-'li Vcluridnv .tirot f em li' tl o!ti c-. II irne 11 nil can iiiw fm nishr, .ai nofiFHiry. H-renoca. Knct h-self-. ni In s .1 -imii'O I eavl p'. .Man ii'j.-r aft 'xt ! Knittlinx.Ciiioxtfo. Oyspepsia Guro' Digests what you cat. Thin pr.T.md i"ti contains ail of the cl ig.-st ant s ninl diecsls nil KimH of feoil. It trlvcsiiiPt'int relief ninl never fails to cure. It uilews you to eat all tin! food j 011 want. 1'lie most sensit ive stomachs can t 1 be ii. i'.y its us.; ninny thousand of dyspeptics hive been cured after eMT.M.hinji else failed. It prevent s form it ion ef nason the tom H.'h, red' :' -ill (li.-!' ressaftpr al inir. ' I . 1 t i 1 ' lt 1 . c-siu j . i'.aasant tctaku. ; 1 A ?o yen root. Prptiiiir-ilei.t vl C.I.i'.' 1 it A Co. iiii'i.'Ok 'iliutl. bulla-coiiLainsa tiuiubtuu5yc.Blzu. Gibson's Drug Store. 1 A Makes the food mere deliciou s ond whoJcsomo ANOT.'ILIt (iliEAT SMMV. in Much an 21 IiiH.o I'. II In 21 limn:-. New York, IVimsj Ivtuiin, West Ya., Te niiofwc ami North Cimiliiia. Another snow storm rave1, on WeduesJnv i' New Yo' k, l'onn HfljiSOft rpi.i'hin" Tutu A .hn-:.!!e N. 0. Twenty out of thirty wire were lost to the Western Union between New York and Phiia adelphia. A Philadelphia dispatch re ports "2 to " t inches of snow at various places. At Huntington. West Virginia, 18 inehos-of snow fell in "4 hours. Terriide Cist nf I!i-r W.ir. Seldom has a nation miscal culated worse than has Gre;i Hritaai in estimaUng the Boer war. When the British government undertook to con quer tho Boers its expectation was th tt less than fj'OXl men and less than $jO,o0.),0J0 would be sufficient! to end the struggle in less than six mouths. The war has been going on about throe yePrs and has cost more than i'0,0;llV'0a Tlie British lorce in E'.outh Africa at tlie h:t account was ';!" I II III n.i.ii :i ml 1 ! in , t !ri' :, i. lr .!. ! ,,,,1 ..,..:, ; ' , ' ; . iitgi Hi 1111:3 1 111 ill e u v-i n.jii 1 , , ,, .. . . 1 ,.( j,(io(. .;ie to.al miuoer oi. ; ... ... ,. .1.. . 1 . ,0... .1 j , eaiUiiiiies ineiuuin;; .uu ouiia. u who have 11. covered, al the last report, was 100,701 men and 5,210 officers. S'!de'm in modern times has such a bloody v.-rr be, n w;:'."-! anywhere and the p-oportion-iie loss of " officers Ic,.-, ben 1 groatcrt in f.H li-i!.r,, Unq'.ies tioeably a -reat p u t of th ! loss of both nieii an-1 nn.n : 1 as been (' 'e ; i:e ' "e' 'Ii' v 1 '.a' nolhillg m'.. 'ujlio i...k,' the conii dence of t begre-.t nir:!y of t: Urit sii "-p in ihe aient Tin.:.1 e:0 '.: war is qaiic :.rri at the soirt. . I; is oppoiieats of I !'e 1 more aggre.-sivi a :hail ever, but evidence that tfic.y rue 1...' ar p.-dcy :d ! ) - there is are ero 1 . i 1 1 in numbers. lritish pro-noer orators have frequently be'.-ai mobbed iu Kusr ana uml iwi of them have barely escaped with their lives. There i but one possible, end of ibo Kt.aierrin Tt, is bin ,:,,). com-1 1 plete annihilation of th J en r republics and the enforce. m-nl of such terms as the ledish govemeut may chocso t udiclate. Atlanta Journal. Fitj Jlfii llr..r. c(l. Sacramento. Cab, March 5. Five men weie drowned in the Sacramento river 011 Sunday. The parly, consisting of Dr. J. 11. Morion, Ucorg. Nruisz. Clar ence Gasierson, Knner Jvery inc.i Ivuight Lillinelon, he'' Oorfand. ikiwii the river, in a small boa'. f . 1 early Suud 'V morning. Their . boat was found iu Tidies, foiirj miles below Coilhind. Neari the boat the bodies of t he 1 lu ce first named wire found, searching party is draught.; l-.-r the other bodies. S INbiiry to l!,:va l ift! Mail Drliv r. Free mail delivery for Sad-, nur.v this year is a ccrlaii ty Pustn aer Vauisay was ns!. . last uigli'. if ho felt sure that li ( 1'iCaipts a! the Salisbury old a f.r ihe Ii,c:il r.;Vl ead cg Vrr-I 1st WOld ! 1, N.s e I tic1 l'eil'lii'ei 1 - (Sld.OO'l !0 il; fn il 1 In ; r . : Old he slat d As soi :u as id cessarv sic be V . r eeu;s fbo fn. bury Sun. ilr. Sit. ml lirs n ilih' .ly Hi SpeliC r Mr. .) J Stroud, of v'iiapcl lii: ail em phe e of 1 he fa. ,u I he) a can 1 very Kinliic:.!y th" heart di-oaso tt his hoaiding bouse at Spereei on 1 u.'sday ev'uiinir. lie wis heard to in. i!ie a piculi.ir noise and when the room was en'ered he was found .'a-oci-g his la. -t. 1! tiir oil to lie o !. .v.i't;'., let al mi' . t.w h " ' oi-i S .v.l ' t., ! he poo p sea I Lillt ..' c a l.' yea i - o a ad j.i n- 1 tl.e ( :i gree a - a i;i !i,ss, i,a- r- ' ai' ' I : o ihe Lull": i ..il f !.;..: i:o- serves a h 1 ;g:h fa ; v ,. ' Devon, a suburb ui. I'ii.- .u t phia. , llml Never Written er .Kaile.l u i. -ta r A man f raai t tie ra s i i ' i y a p pliel at 'lie no.-tnlii.-o Manday. asking t h 1 Coi Of raa h ii!'.r r. I t. ter. A bti.e questioning dre-v forth the f , cts: licit La va hi , ear i of a, :, w c n : r i -i ; - ! bad a otliaU " a -I' .!,' ihi:. ? 1- i be lir-t h '. ' i-r la- ii.. a t v. a ,- Ian. 1 e. '-e. iio'dli.lg l.h.ai ; i . - to mail his letter or what, it cost T. i ..-. iff'?.' ikJ i v 4 s us. j. t. chaj.mk::s jji:ai. In l;;w list V itr tV I :c iei.1 ilrcn Sutybrt. jinn. Hoy. .To! in T Cisnlinors p-.sior uf l.-'if.-t A :;.ii- D. I r(, K normed V: de U-."iaa arch i .!cf Churl., lb died Tloirsd'v had been in ,!. ! a ft tj I' UOt.!H, IS cli'ini'' lieail'i f'o rears an. I tic end wo.s clearly indicated. - Dr." OhaillierH Was corcpara tivcly young, bei'g in his -list year. A wile ard f'.x criklicL survive him. 'He was l.ur!.l today (Friday) at 4 o'clock' from the First A. 1.1. L cimrch. Dr. Chalmers was held inliigb esteem in Charioi le and made;' brilliant record from his college days ftp. lionij Niiuw Prift. A Morgan toil special of lie 5tb to the Charlott? Observer nc (;ount.s for this breeze that seems to be coming from the open back door: , "There was a heavy fall of snotv in the mountains north and south of Morganion bu t ncd.t and today tlie winds from :u snow tide, are b'.tlf i'y col.J. Letters fiici SlHclifll count v ju.t in t-y that in some oi' ,) iiioisutuiu roaiis ibei'o are s'iii Idee!) Miow onl'ts v 'uen li JmnnT'd Hirx lite h.avy si 1, , . on I'el.-ruarv i , , -. duces t:"vrl t ir reason 1 ; :a- c jsi rue f i'.e The ' j -.11 roads by the av..I V .0 county coma ssioncr.-. 1 heve just re' i.'aicd fc a vi'.le valley, v. acre li. y ilif;-e-t i! Ion;; suCide 'u'il'hl' i.oii'lldl'll ro.-e j was eonipl.-lcly oi,ii:,;ia:eJ I'ur j ing the Hoods oi'J.ist week.'' ?'! I'i, I: V.'cs siais, lill.- I II .0 C H I : were rei . v I s inav.o.eial a us ,, I'V IrOH-..,e,. K.i.l'i-Vi !' .- c-;,' 1 ! :ry lia. oa Ihe : .. T- ! -i) ;dc '-.I that in;!' ;aivi run: m: jS. si.oaid 1 ;-t ,i,U.v.- !l... C C'iis'; to! , pv'i-ure iioi'.-cs and iCocr obi s from the Ui.'b'd S! Ti-' V were f h,:c",,. ! cr, 1 ,; 011 1- governinent i-. neutral : i,d i 11a 1 our k ni!;.! s caiinit ho i 1 1 1 . -; " "-" -o,,i.. no.. K',,s- l,!,'!lt ivoosvelL gave) ue-m m.' u.-cis.o answer mat no.0f tho fa "'ouM not mierlere. lie ex pressed : desire, however, t. ! 1 r 'uler uy service be 'i-jra'ion of t! .an for Cl'ldi IMC, 1 1 ions :i Hont': Africa.. T I!ii I'l . ;.,:r:il :'. j'iie Carolina JCico Miiis, sboro, ..hlcli recently g lice laiU plant ht the bd lies) nut s; 1 on el, this city, for i-.ir..i.:.'H tab. inr an 1: 'lie plain 'or li II lUeil ri e a new -;! uci fact 'an d n.as cluiaa ,-j lo I- a ciati'oacture o n.i.nlsboi-o. Tl" wiii 1 o ;mw:u r a si er?C, ju'occs entirely novel a:-' l' 1 "l'1V! "'l ": '''')' ,1,r'v !:l u;i' !l)V mU.r 'iire.ocs. Hie pre . 1 ss is 10 procu.o : d I'rc: ti:oroi.iL'i,;v coo::cu i,..iie icm.iv 1 for the : aide in a icoM -:,'datab and easily dges:ed loiin. The-in l:fw I'li ce s i a .em and vid'e.; give itddhiaiial Hew va'ue loinu ri"e. W i! Miiiivioti !i .natch. I m I (Yn..ix. I C.vpox has appear, tlie mi K" s, Vi e Ic.ir j ease j, ..aieui' is pres. ! i he cow 5 v.rt" :...;' ., 1 Ithit ti j lollOtlg ! KOX ep I-' i'i' i i n', of ":c . Hill lier; Id. 10 ng ai nas t li. ,ii' i .'.-' 1 - 'e 1 -.. ' ' ban in-.-.; v, 1 1 : a We'i I n lid .,..1 ; r. i I that woid ' cm r a , ,t, t . bi. i a crv Ijd iM be Airal f : I ai il. bic .a 1 1 b-i'- -phi- .. i ss ,n ta,' lae-sl ,t i'a-iy a i !lia: ,. h ii: v.' of Mil i),:siili;pi I'ou: !ii.;:i s a se el A i ail's ,11 I' a bom". I la tile ly, s n.) o . 1 1 1 . 1 1 : :.ti .. ' '-' .t 1 1. - 's .i a) I ll!lnia ; I to 1 1. c urubic ;u : I : lU.al tin- V ci-li .. .: ., 1. .n. : i . i To a ivi -i .'or!il is i . j L in ((!.- -U-'X the tr.-,' roll ! -lup "in "or" i ! ' .v Oi lOVi; ;,n, fiit.fti tbe ! eighty o:)e i .!( ntt : i. -. i ci i iiirun.s: i l.e 1( 0 men vowed .(i rto-i :! ;:til ii'e any longer w adored ones; -"von', -1 he hoi'.. ,s im .1 t :giit loi'i o' I o !. I'.l:. ' I.-.V.- I. j .... en .: 1 ; lt he t; no- 1 1 . ' o co-.; tea nee th I ha' i: ev W1'.-! hanrv."' le- studvia U O nieii v. hose j r:led the s'.a.l '. he follow' i".' ' ing li: "u res: l''oi 1:11! Sill I'll a .-.'.ic'an o!.c. quio'," iii'i ; v of ' iieiH iai in a frenry out 1 I v, omy oiu s i'.d 1 1 forth hail no v.; - ne and that th v woiii. iciue; fouro.a-n hi. c: ! ! ; at 1 1 1 . la t . .. r 1 ( ciiia- i iae slid- line defied and irralu.u d; s .: ; j. eairiiy resigned lec-soj . to!;, the inoviliibie, live avow ci their);: intent ion of iin ireciia o 'y : u i - i , gl'.U Mig to A'l'i' i'ica; t'cl'ce t'.r-it. ou! -u'cn ot ' ! ior ha il'; two ;' i Ihch- I '..-( 'id it !do,, ' 1 ; ; 1,., ; ' he I.oi if ' yen'y j a " (. ' ; 'If,:., fell. ! or - of. 1. ; c'a arc 1 1 ( it 1:1 v;.,vs ;,, i:nv, .;,., i . , 'li ;n! I'I:-1 I , I prady in-.li u to I pre:- ! Ti.e .- 1,:: 1 a:. . 1 . :r . 1 .mm 11 its i. v. a an paiai I'i V re f 1. .ft am to ' a !: ' c Li d scows a n ' ' a' a-.) of li. ..M.ai-, r h: id i it' i'.i ! I. I'v, i now I .0" 1 , ,l;.:C:;f --ha- sippi !.- Id., th. .accasehs hehl aa 1 a acs the iar: e-,t y a'shel ll 11 iae !';!i i'.. ' ca ,..' of 'I' 1 , 1: , da r is 1 : d I'i i .e 1 Fa ci ei I hit v. .Vic, '-- ',V; a !,a, '.: I. i! li r ' p 1 V. I t. a and 1he 1 Th s"i-vic. . a t m o'clec ,'a :" ! .-r ' urchin "1 1 nose." i wn I .i in- 1 is a. (lag t. Iron, ar t!,. , bo'v : . c.i ,, , (,1,1 i.j yar.i a 11. i a ii;d"d. 1 1 is bead was -rn I'a, l,'..yiti!r nothing ' M of hi:: face showing .in! -coi'iib. lie was a .-sed trriinnian, weigliiii" ' ocui.ds, a.'.d iqipar : . " 1 v : a i's old. On hi, fotiiut a v. atcb, knife aire : c cv a i n ing about ..a i a rd s! a 0 ag there : a, insurcii Vy the I iMO-aa-'e (.'0:11 Many, i'iacaa-;. AHaida, .'I f 'oni liidi-igli and . di.'Uii e. No inn; here 'he dead man and tin d Air Lino rg-nt at this dr. U. J'. liraer, ha' ' body Ovi r to Mr. II. -cj 1, iirde'takcr, tu be r, and '. soon as In - 1 . 11 Va' ar-ed o .iai or' iioi: l.-i lie vdt ship the bod.y lo his poop' . I' is tluniah! : e was walking running i-trs and f 1 1 belweeu li ci,). '. .1 '!ii!-oit lianiuvi incuts. Ir. I' J) Jolni.-a.n's front, when e 1 .Hint. eg is completed, will i )'.'.'!. t, airy and biacht a'most ; aii.e one for,ret to have his t : .'riptio'i tided. I'hosik plate as a: e aciong our prettiest in They are four i ell feel, ion icui ' '"ii"ii' 1 co""r;.U; et two inches. 1. The a ted on : b d aial UcaulidiMl busi- -a a it: ' t'lo.'.io'l !' ,0 M. n. :r Motion- 'I Oil v en lith v. y deck Trr. r w i . a :' fare on was lawsuit o'iaaai of the a ! (,'ot'ipar: y ' hi" week and tlie lirst thing was concerning idio'i of things th-. bus fr-m 1 vide. aie hi in that ten s.j if.-red in- ec! Joss on account lo get raifc, and a moved after- th d thai everything where Shore was at ali. The : 11 o aat c; del' now mot ect 'u when Tin' car It war, rc ac.y. 1 short. lhal other ,s i.ad con- a ,c -0ID1 ac.-s en Ine i'i IV.hiy ; have not t i'i over a ny !'-. a ; ton 'ho 1 1 : in a'oiii six ys. i.V 1 of hlll'S the ) i aad for ad sis, a -C:li i.l.m' on l I ' I V ha vo savi d ' "... n 11 o leh ir ice -,! Air . hillllll. ! f). .aa- Sold : Li, Il llllt. .ir's Di ug i mm & fetzer mm. y ine sheer Lawns, Anything- else. A. V. C, don't you ki'ow l()c. One lot (if Pereal that is Best Ribbed fiose for hoys or r s for 10e U C M ... rail:-. I!ui..:iiis Ti' rm ad. i?;i:n A Vi'a bin ion ispatch o,' 7lh says: the Southern has 1, re- airs about compter u,d that all , I 'he schedules have be'i re i sinned. Even the Western read ' ! ' r a, . s are running thror:'1!. I.ucil CtiiiK'H "h iliciiic for Cliiliio a. "I have no hesitancy in re in rn en d i 1 1 g Chat 11 be rl a i n 's ..ugh Kcracdy," says F. V. .01.111, a v' M V. own and p.'ipu r baker, of Felersburg, Va. We have giyr.u it lo our eliiid- ren when troubled with bad toughs, also whooping coutdi, a:ul it has alwaVs given liei-KCt satisfaction. It was recom mended to me by a druggist as the be.-' " 'ig!i 'cedicine for children- as it contained no c iiinm or other harmful drug.'' dd by M L Marsh, druggist. "People who are always hind time should be fed on nv.it o ketch ip." ii.'-to Suiarei'ii's iinii'e Not Needed. Surgery is no longer uecessary fo cure piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cuies such cases at once, removicg tho necessity for daiverous, painful and expen sive operations. For scalds, cuts, barns, wouuds, bruiscs.sores and sain diseases it is unequalled lh ware of counterfeits. (Jib son Drivr Store. fiht TUU III IOC nn.-e. Tliev iW't know that for nil tnllam maliua Uioru is no reiuoJy V equal "Mexican fllustung Ijluliueuu am easy way find a sure way lo treat a case of Sore Throat in order to kill disease germs' nnd insure healthy throat action is to take half a glassfiill of water put into it a teaspoonful of Mexican Mustang Imminent . y' an with tl.is pnrSU the Hiront r fniK-i.t iiitoryak. L Tho'i l.nthn tlii'.'iii'-ia.' f la" 1 In. nn, tliur. uglily with the Hi I f rnr-iit, uml after ilmni; tliis l'""i' "' n vlt cloth aud wrup ruuu.1 t!i8 Otck. lti J u.sITiVK CliUii. 25. ., rtOc ""'I 1.00 ii buttle. TT "TilV 13"" VT'I h.ivu Inn .: h en 'roiilital with n ni'iiilii'J li l-iirtl llJ Euro nr uli-er. Trci titnlouco with Sloxlo can Blustaog LUimicut ud you cau d. cciiii upou u spuo.ly euro. , finc Ginghams, ine Madras, ff" ine Silk Ginghams, worth i() for 7k. E'!iiii shiides in Albatross for 25c V Uj;in Siilcni Day ( haim'i il. Wiaslon-Saiem Day at ths Charli'ston Exposition has been chaaa-eil from Tuesday, April Stii, to Fi id ay, the 11th. h iiaii kiililo (11 res of f M 1 (' 11 til lit is ill . Frcai d.e Vindiratoi, Itutbeifordton, n. a id " editor of lh(i VincicaUai has had occasion to test the o bleary of Chamberlain's Pain .Malm twice wi'h the most rc mark-able results in each cas. First, with rheumatism in the shoulder from which he suffered excruciating pain for ten days, which was relieved with two finnlications of Fain IJalm. rubbing (he parts atthcted and realizing instant benefit and '"" 1,-'"-1 ln a very snoruime, il ire n Second, in rheumatism in thigh joint, almost prostrating him i with severe pain, which was 'relieved by two applications, .rubbing wilh the liniment on le- j tiring at night, and getting up free from pain . For sale by M. i L Marsh, druggist. "Nothing is better thanagood woman and nothing is worse thau a bad ono." -OU OVEli SIXTY EAFS Mm. Wiahlow's Hoirthinif Svrnp hnr liena nui'il for over sixty yetirn by mii liors of mothers fur their oliililr. n ftlii.e tf-i'thiiii.', with perfect success. ' i Hiiethee the child, soflstin the irnr . . itliiivs nil pain, eurcN wind coiie, e u-i : the nest remedy fur Diarrhoea. It wei relieve tho poor little mitlorcr iinaied,. ntcly. Kohl by driiKijists iu every pirt of the woibl. Tw;'ity-ti'8 ooutN 0 hoc. dn. l'o sure and nsk for ''Sin. Win--lows Soothiui: l-iyrnp." p"f to' e i . ,.oi..rk:in slieet, between lJ.i idson and Al exander si rots. Three houses were o:i tile ;.u..l two more caught, but owing to ; i,e quick work of the liremon in handling Ihe chemical engii aa.d the largo hose all the tiics were soon extinguished. Three of V.i- l'.cu-es suffered very little liotn the liatiies, while tho other two were almost ruined, the roofs being burnt off. It is understood that all th houses were insured. Four of ihe houses belonged to Mr. W. J.' llr.nnon and the other one William Robertson, a colored man. All were occupied. The fire origin ated in thekitcheu of the house occupied by Alexander McLean which was almost wholly destroyed. The value of the chemical engine was r.gain shown last evening. It extinguished the fire of tbe houses which caught last night before they got started good in their woi lc of ('est ruction. Charlotte Oi ..server of fin. Per the ("ir!cxion. The eemidexior- v.! ways ilTers from biiiou.nc.s.-, or con slip: tiou. Unless th'i bowel.-, are kept open the impurities from the bod ap pear in the form of unsi 'htly eruption,. Do Wilt's Little '.arly Kifci's keep th" liv.-r and 1 ,v,cls in healthy condition and p-novo the cause of such trouble',. (J E Hooper, Albany, La , sav.,: "I took DeWitt's Lill'e " I'lyVtsers for biliousu'.vs. Th , w i just what I needed. I an. .oeou : bet ter now lean hi aar-." l'ever L' t'lpe or .''hs'.l s. Sa l iva. a-rch and gentle. The very best pills. Gibson Drug Store. Itmlnily Ilahls Mr. la u k, in'i -iihle. From the Durham lleraM we see that Mr. Leo, the ticket agent, who was sandbagged and the keys taken from him, by which the antiquated safe was robbed of 119.08, is held re sponsible by the railroad com pany. It seems that agent Dusenbery had ordered Mr. Lee to place all moneys with the cashier to be locked in the large comoiiuition safe except as much i's jjcJO in change. This is tho railroad's hold on him while Mr. Lee claims he did all ho could to hold on to and defend the key, but that his responsioility ceased when he was knocked senseless and that he will not pay the loss. The railroad company will prob ably sue the surety company that gave bond. This Cliaiuto ;a Goad enough for anybody with weak lungs. The pati ai'. need not travel. lie cau get well hero with the help of Allen's Lung, Ilalsatn, taken frequently when coughing and. short uess of breath after exercise serve notice upon him that serious pulmonary, trouble is not faraway. Allen's Lung Ikusaui is free from any form of opium . rniicnlatii.il ti) I'l'ui my i'uts. Lisbon from a pi. the g. 'a. trap-, a aboi'i'.ve bacilli a i m'.i n.ici . in Ksio:.' '. wi' n a a sui'd ', wa-. ha:, d suf 'eritig 'or which ol cats, 1 ! i'Vid !' ',' a,, . i P.O A in, iied ,"d. r .p pr. i t , ai': i-ii'd- I .a i i ! r u i - - r to send it. Davidson Dbpatcb. j t K in. 'iloro. by Fez i '