uusuinn for toe stand ART). Only - $1.00 The Standard. and get thin Only $1 Per Year. SF.G CLUBBING HATES OH I AGE 2 CONCOKD, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH, 20, 1902. Single Copy 5 Gts. AMI Till ST LAWS I'SCOXSTITU T10XAL. l in t i i n of Agricultural ProiliicUuiid Live MH'k iliuJern Tbcm of Mo UlfVct. V'ashington, D. C, March 10. 'xue United States Supreme Court to lay decided the Illiouis unti-trjai btatu'.e to be nncon stii.Litional because of the provi sion of the law exempting agricultural products and live stock from the operations of the law. The decision was rendered in the cas of Thomas Connelly and others against the Union Sewer Pipe Company, of Ohio, and was delivered by Justice Harlan. Tin- decision of the court in tiled declares 'unconstitutional t.lio uuli trust laws of Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North " Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas Wisconsin. Id each of these States there is an exemption in favor of live stock and agricul tural products in the hands ol the raiser or producer, or of labor organizations. Under the rulings of the court, anti-trust to bo costitutioual muH apply indiscriminately to all com missions with no exemptions or exceptioub whatever. EX GOV. JOHN P. ALTGELll DEAD. Overdid His Strength at Pro-Boer Meet ing avil Wuf Seized With Apoplexy. Ex-Governor John P Altgeld died in his room at Hotel Monroe at Joliet, 111., at 7 o'clock on the moaning of the 12th. lie was the principal speaker at a pro Boer mass meetiug the night before and being a man of great extremes he overdid his delicate strength and was seized with apoplexy just at the close of his speech. He beca ne un conscious about midnight. Stojx tin- Cough and Works oil the Cold. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets cure a cold in one day. No cure, no pa, . Price 25 ceuts. Cliuk Krecliiml Marriage. A quiet homo wedding took place at the home of the brick Wednesday night, when Mis? Annie Freelaud was marric to Mr. Michell Clark. 0.ily a few close friends were present. The ceremou, was performed by the Rev. Mr. Gil Ion. Mr. and Mrs. Clark will oc cupy the house that Mr. Chas Wagoner is having built on West Depot street. Tim Finest Herd or Beef Cattle Yet. Dayvault Bro's. drove anolhei herd of beef cattle through towi; Wednesday evening. It num bp' d 87 and is composed largely of fatyoung steers of two to thret ye..rs oh! (the fioe.-.t of all bee) caiile.)' 'Ihey were all from Mr M;.c Harrison's farm, near Mill Bridge, and wo hazzard nothing in saying it is the best lot oi beef cattio ever brought in for consumption in Concord. Senator Cnriniu k to Dslivcr the Com mencement Address at State Normal. Dr. M elver has secured Sena tor E W Cat-mack, of Tennessee, to deliver the commencemert ad dress at. tne State Normal in May. The Senator is said to be one of the most brilliant young men in the Senate and his com mand of English is unexcelled in that august, body. Bty funis School lleiise and (Jets Flv Years. Ling Swangen, a 17 year-old boy who burned down a school h him in Henderson county six month t a!:o has been sentenced t Hie penitentiary for 5 years. TO ClIiE A COU IS O.NE IHY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinind Tablets. All druggists refune the money if it fai(s to cure. 'Garden seeds will soon te waiting the earth f!et it." -and they'll W anted -StTi'rul persona of cbarnc ter and Kood ri'intiition in each otut (ouo in thii eonnty required, to re' dfiiit unit advertise old estnlilisben wi'nllliv bn-iueHs hnure of solid flnn ciM -t'lndiiitf. tSularary $18.00 weekly wit, 1 CTpenfH'R adililiiinal, all payable in o-"s!i eiuli Widiueilay direct from heed olll bH. Horse and oari inge fnrnlnbed, wt-ca necifHiry. References. EdoIobi-delf-ad lr(jfd aramped eiiVel pp. May aaer. 818 Caxton Building, Chicago. n Dy pepsia Cure si Digests what you cat. Thi9 preparation contains all of the dlRostanta and digests all kinds of food. ltRlveslnstant relief and never fills tornre. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take It. By itsusemany thousands of dyspeptics have been cured rifter everything else failed. It prevents format ion of pason the stoni nch, relieving all (list --ss after eating. liietloK nnncees'iury. Pleasant to take. It cp.a't hcty hut do you good Prf-pnrodorlvhvF. i PfWitt A Co., Chlrairo. 'Alio 1. bouie contains 3 tiuiusllio rMC iua. Gibson's Drug Store, 15 Miivutes sufficient to give you most delicious tea biscuit using Royal Baking Powder as di rected. A pure, true leavener. LOVE P01S0XISG CASE ON. Gathering of (Strong Legal Lights at Albemarle. The Albemarle correspondent to The Charlotte Observer nays : "The trial of John and Ellen Knotts, . colored, the accused poisoners of the late Dr. S J Love, has bee' set for Thursday morning at 9 o'clock. A special venire of 75 men have been sum moned, from whom to select the juiy. More than a hundred wit nesses are to be examined and this case promises to consume the balance of the time. The following visiting lawyers are in attendance : Messrs. Lee S Over man and J S Henderson, of Salis bury; B F Long, of Statesyille; W J Montgomery, of Concord; C D Cennett, of Charlotte; T J Je rome, of Monroe; C A Arm strong, of Troy, and Harlee Mc Call, of Lexington. The latter is here presumably in the inter est of the candidacy of E E Page, Esq,, of Lexington, for the judgeship of this district before che next Democratic convention. Mr. Lonsr, of Iredell, is also a candidate and has quite a strong following- in this county." DEATHS IS A Cf CLOSE. it Least l eu Persons Killed in a Missis sippi Storm. Vicksburg, Miss., March 12. ruTolnno en-ant thrnuirh the . j.t.v r- - southern end of Copiah and the northern section of Lincoln counties early today, kill ng at least hall a dozen people ana lev eling buildings, fences, etc. Mont gomery, a village in Copiah, and the Illinois Central Railroad were the worst sufferers and four bodies are known to be under buildings. Three milos further a railroad camp was wrecnea tnd threo negroes killed. A naasonimr train on the Illinois Central road was struck by the storm and every window in each coach was shattered. At Hazelhurst considerable damage was done but no lives lost. Wires are down in all directions and it is impossible to hear from outlying districts. RIVER BOAT DISASTER. Twentj Drowned on Hie Miss'ssinpl Squall Struck the Beat and Capsized It. Twentv of the passengers and crew of the Providence, plying between Vicksburg and Liake Palmvr&i were drowned on the 12th by the boat's capsizing in a sudden squall mat struct! ine boat at 2 o'clock at night. Only ninA psraiwd. The boat turned bottom upward in water 40 feet deep aud there was uo chance to escape. n here's the Cat? flnneord butcher to shou bov. "Thought I told you to feed that lean, gaunt, lank sided cat a nnnnd of beef a duv till she sets on a respectable appearance." 'well, sir, 1 led ner tne Deer." "Vnii itnn'l. rnnan to sa that, vim have fed that cat a pound of beef today." "I did, sir." "Well, wo 11 see, ana picking up the cat he putheron the scales. "There, jui,l tVio. hnv "tbe ar.ii lea stand at exactly a pound." "Yes, yes." said the butcher, "that's all right lYr thf nnund of beef but whf re in thunder is the cat theu ?" Rev Jnrvia Buxton, if AslieTille, Dead. Uov. Jarvis Buxton, D. D.,died at Asheville at 8:45 o'clock od the 11th. He was in his 83rd year and had been rector bl Trinity Epis copal church at Asheville for 40 years previous to his retirement a few years ago. Slate H. S. C'oureiition Next Week. An elaborate program is issuf d for the annua) Con vet tion of the North Carolina State Sunday School Association at Payetto ville on the 18th, 19th and 2oth, next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The sessions will be held in the Presbyterian church of that city. Home Companies Moil Equitable. Property owners of North Car olina are asked to make good losses which the insurance com panies have sustained in other States. The Greensboro com panies stiy this is unjust and they refuse to add tho extra 25 pel rent., which is demanded. It re mains to be seen what the prop erty owners will do, Davidson Dispatch, KCRAL FREE DELIVERY VAIL. Foor Rtutei la tbe Count; How Tbe; Run Poatcfflcea Tbat Will Be Aban doned, Causing the Malls to Reaiain la Concord Post Office if Boxes are Not Put Up. Now that we are to have four rural free delivery routes in tbe county there is much that should be borne in mind. Route No. 1 goes southwest from Concord along the Char lotte road to the Pitts school house, thence northwest along the Poplar Pent road to the Hen derson place, thence west along the Springsville road to Cox's mil1, jheuce east along the Wpringsville road to Concord. This route embraces 17 square miles and will supply 130 homes and 590 people. Mr. J Mc. Cald well is the carmer. No. 2 goes northwest from Concord along the Salisbury road to A M Cook's store, thence northwest and north aloug the Stateaville road to Erskine post office, thence south along the Charlotte road to Tulin post office, thence southeast along'the new road tp the l C Purr place, thence southeast along the Salis bury road to Concord. Area is 18 square miles with 150 houses and 680 people to receive mail. Mr. Oliver T Utnberger is the carrier. No. 3 runs northeast along the new Salisbury road to Mt. Mitch ell church, thence southwest (re turning) to the Shive place, thence southwest along Cline's store road to the Fink place, thence northwest along tho Mt. Cilaed road to Rufus Cline's place, thence southwest, west and northwest along the Center Grove road to thj Murph place, thence southeast along the Salis bury road to Concord. The area is 17 square miles, number of houses 135 and population G10. Mr. Joseph A Walter is the carrier. No. 4 proceeds along the Mt. Pleasant road to St. John's church, thence along the Kirk's Ferry road to the crossing of the Mt. Pleasant and Salisbury road, thence northeast along the Salis bury road past Foil's mill to the cross roads at Furr's store, thence along the Gold Hill and Concord road to Concord. The area embraced is 16 square miles, number of houses 115 and popu lation 520. Mr. John H Ritchie is the carrier. On these routes there will be 15 general collection boxes simi lar to those placed ii. town. Springsville, Tulin and Er SKine post offices will be aban doned at the request of the post masters. Carriers will leave Concord about 10 o'clock, when the prin cipal morning mails will be in and will return in time for the outgoing mails by tho evening trains. Now the matter to which we wish to call especial interest is that subscribers to The Standard must direct us about sending their papers, that is, on what route they live. If they have boxes their papers will reach them promptly. If thoy have no boxes and there is no post office in their rc mmunity their papers will re-.iain in the post office at Concord. Wo hope, however, tha( all will avail themselves of the generous act of the govern ment to send their mail to them every day. The system will be a great convenience. The mail carrier will deliver registered packages and take packages to bo regis tered and receipt for same. He will supply those who want stamps and may be a general convenience by which to send and receive merchandise, etc., (the terms being such as may be agreed upon) so far as it may i not interfere with his duties to government. Let it be remembered that drop letters received on these routes bear the tame postage as when passing through two or more offices, that is a letter costs 2 cents postage. A 8 JACKS0K SEM ESCE COMMUTED. Later Evidence Raises Herlous Doubts and the (Jorornor the Oulj Power to Do Him Justice. Gov. Aycock has commuted the sentence of Andrew S Jack. son. The following from the Raleigh correspondent to the Charlotte Observer is an ex planation worthy of due con sideration: Andrew Sherman Jackson, of Lincoln county, convicted of burglary in the first degree and sentenced to be hanged but who was respited February 21th until March 20, was placed in the penitentiary at 5 o'clock this morning to serve a life sentence, the Governor cummuting the death sentence. The Governor late this afternoon p tvo out a lengthy statemeut of his reasons for commuting the sentence. He says the crime was most atroc cious and if the prisoner is g uilty he ought to sutler the extreme penalty, but since the trial of the case evidence not submitted to the jury has been laid before him, which renders the guilt of Jackson a matter of grave doubt. Several affidavits are filed that on Juno 3 when the crime was committed Jacksou was at Gaffuey, S. C. The Governor says: "It is entirely possible, not to say probable, that this evidence, if heard by a jury, would have changed their verdict. It is a misfortune that our law is in such shape that the Supreme Court while granting new trials in civil suits -for newly discovered evidence, will not do 60 m criminal cases. The Governor has no means by which he can determine the truthfulness of newly discovered evidence. A new trial of a prisoner by means of which the jury could have the benefit of all the facts as they now appear cannot be had." Five witnesses, two shown to be of good character, swear to a siate of facts which renders it impossible for the prisoner to be guilty. These witnesses can not be mistaken. They have either sworn falsely or the prisoner is not guilty. Tho witnesses for the State may be mistaken. No one in the house entered claims to have recognized the burglar. The evidence is circumstantial. Many people who heard the trial and numbers who have been informed of the facts have recommended commu tation. EDUCATION THE HOPE OF THE SOUTH. Broadness of View and Liberality of Thought Must be its Aim. On education the hope of the South must rest. Education is the only means of elevating and broadening the individual type. Groat fittention must be paid to this in order that the best re sults may he worked out with the unusually favorable mater ials and resources at hand, says Mr. II M Atkinson of A'lanta in the Manufacturers' Record. Tho constant elevating of the individual through the process of education is the only means by which the best can be iiceom plished. The aim of this educa tion must be to create broadness of view and liberality of thought. The South must broaden its base along these lines Men are needed who will see tho public good, and who will stand for it and their convictions, The broad view of such ques tions can only be brought about by education. The broadening of the individual and the teach ing of the principles of political sconomyand municipal governj mentare the'needs of the day. This means also broadening and strengthening jot character that is, tho production of men, the word being used in its best sense. Gun Goes Off A Krother Killed. The young son of Mr. E'S Shoaf, of Tyro Shops, was shot and almost instantly killed on Wednesday by a gun. in the hands of his brother. The brother was in the act of passing the gun to him, muzzle in front, when the accident happened. MAMMOTH FOOD 1NSIBESIA. i'.r. Here Tolls of His Dltcoyery Huge Animal Perfectly Preserved in the lee. Cable dispatches from this city have already told of Dr. Herz's discovery of a mammoth preserved in the ice in eastern Siberia. Dr. Herz now says he dis covered it on September 22 near the river Ebrosowka at the foot of a declivity just over 100 feet above the water. It was lying down with its feet curiously bent under its body. Dr. Herz concluded that it had fallen down from high ground and had been instantly killed, as its neck was broken. There was grass in its mouth and food in its mouth and food a its stomach. The fall must have happened more than 2,000 years ago. When Dr. Herz's party began the work of excavation the cold was so severe that a shed had to be erected. A fortnight was occupied in thawing out the monster. Meanwhile the stench was so bad that tbe stomach had to be cut out and refrozen elsowhere. Evantually the huge animal was found complete savo a small piece of the back and half of the trunk, which had been eaten by wolves. The mammoth was covered with a coat of rather thick red-brown hair. The return journey, 3,000 miles, to Irkutsk began on October 23. The distance wa covered on skates, the mammoth having been dissected for con venience in transportation. London March 10. The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Daily Mail says that he has seen the tongue of the mammoth, which is nineteen inches long, and the tail, which, with the hair on it, is more than fourteen inches long. St. Petersburg Dispatch, 6th. SEWS CULLLNG8. There is a movement on foot to establish a glass manufactory at Fayetteville, N. C. Salisbury, it is confidently said, will have free mail delivery by about the 1st of July. What threatened to be a form idable strike in Boston has been called off by amicable adjustment and 20,000 men go to work again The Methodist Conferance at Chattanooga, Tenn., which closed Thursday night decided to support five more missionaries at Corea. It is reported that the Boers have released Gen. Methuen and have requested the release of their commandant Kritzinger. Gen. Methuen's condition is said to be favorable Rev. T DeWitt Talmage ar rived in New Orleans from Mex ico on the night of the 12th. He was attacked with influenza in Mexico and is hastening from the high land to his home in Washington. The Armour Packing Company will establish a cold storage in Raleigh soon. Confederate Brigadier Gen eral. D H Reynolds, died at Lake Village, Ark., Friday. Tho street car strikers are still stoning cars and even shooting into them at Norfolk, Va. The athletes, of Raleigh, Char lotte, Greensboro, New Beru, Durham and Wilmington have organized for baseball the com ing season. The firm composed of H C Ma- Nair and Capt. T J .Woolen, fer tilizer dealers, of Maxton, have sought the benefits of the bank- ruptcy la w. Their liabilities are $31,449.38 and assets $31,081.08. A freight train on the Knox- ville division of the Southern, ran into a slide Friday morning. All the cars were overturned. It has not been learnea how much damage Was done. . The Mecklenburg Fair Asso ciation has leased the ball ground at Charlotte for a period of ten years for the purpose of a fair ground. The fair is to open Oct. 20th. ' CANNON ft FETZER GQMPANY. ; Fine Ginghams, ine Madras, ine Silk Ginghams, I ine bheer Lawns, Anything else. A. F. C, don't you know 10c. Toil c2huL Wosd. One lot of Percal that is worth 10 for 7ic. Best Ribbed Hose for boys or girls for 10c U C M Child Killed Bj Penell. The little child of Rev. K C Holt, colored, was playing with a common led pencil last Sunday in Raleigh and fell from a chair, when the pencil ' pierced her temple. tShe suffered intense agony till next day, when she died from the injury. Could Sot Breathe. Coughs, colds, croup, grippe, bronchitis and other throat and1 lunc troubles are nnicklv cured by One Minute Cough Cure. One r-. Minute Cough Cure is not a mere expectorant, which gives only temporary relief. It sortens ana liquifies the mucous, draws out the intlamation and removes the cause of the disease. Absolutely safe. Acts at once. "One Minute Cough Cure will do all that is claimed for it," says Justice of the Peace J U Hood, Crosby, Miss. "My wife could not get her breath and was relieved by the first dose. It has been a benefit to all my family." Gibson Drug Store. "It is easier to, criticise the faults of another than it is to correct your own." Mrs. C E VanDeusen. of j Kilbourn, Wis., was afflicted , ot u twsKi stipation for a long time, She says, "I have tried many pre- TT1U1A aVUUiCVU VU HUM WH I parations but none nave done me the good that Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets J have." These Tablets are for sale at M. L. Marsh's drug i store. Price, 25 cents. Samples free. A Blonde's Freckles show more plainly than a brunettes, but these discolored spots greatly mar the beauty of either. HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM will effectually remove Freckles, Sunburn, Tan, undue Redness, Sallowness and all other blem ishes to beauty. IT IS A LIQUID for the face, neck, arms and hands. Can be easily and quickly applied. Others cannot detect its use. It leaves no sticky feeling. Harmless as water. At all druggists. Price 7.5 cts. Evening shades in Albatross for 25c. Scheols nd Wealth. The wealth-producing power j measured by school privileges, i?ays J L M Curry, and as an j illustration points to the wealth of Massachusetts. In Mass i chusetts $12,000,000 invested n education yielded $400,000,CJ, Whatever a nation sows, that must it reap. The South b .s been very poor still suffers but cannot afford to remain so: ' sne is doomed to inferiority unless she does her duty to her children. " A Hurrj-rp Medicine. - Every housekeeper recognizes the need of effective remedies to be used in emergencies when something must be done right away. Such a remedy is Perry Davis Painkiller, for sprains and bruises, for strained muscles and for the aches and pains resulting from blows and falls. Its mission of mercy be gan sixty years ago. It is used in all countries. There is but one Painkiller, Perry Dayis.' The theory has been advanced that in a few hundred years man will be minus a vermiform ap pendix. From the way the do 3 tors are whacking away for ap pendlcitis it might be inferred lus " 4W1" sooner than take place much this. Greensboro - J M i t Headache often results from a disordered condition of the stomach and constipation of the bowels. A dose or two of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct these disorders and cure the headache, Sold bv M. L. Marsh, druggist. paper 1 year. WILCOX ON TRIAL. Coroner Fearinc Ei.;uincil tin Crop! fej a I'nre Woman -Kri-eivrd Fula BIow in Left Teiinili-. One day of the trial of Wilcc x for the murder of Miss Cropsey nas passed. Dr. I Fearing, cor onorof the county, was examine d on Friday. T ie force of his teb timony was that Miss Cropsey as a pure woman, that she did not drown and that she received a blow iu the left templo of suf ficient force to produce uncon sciousness for half an hour. Her clothing was not torn, indicating that there was no struggle. Remarkuble Cures f Rheumatism. From the Viodicatoi, Kuilerforuton, N. O. The editor of the Vindicator has had occasion to test the efficacy of Chamberlain's Pain Balm twice with tho most re markable results in each case. First, with rheumatism in the shoulder from which he suffered excruciating pain for ten days, which was relieved with two applications of Pain Balm, rubbing the parts afflicted and realizing instant benefit and entire relief in a very shorttime, Second, in rheumatism in thigh joint, almost prostrating him with severe pain, which was relieved by two applications, rubbing with the liniment on re tiring at night, and getting up free from pain. For sale by M. L Marsh, druggist. Tbe Winston-Kalem Charleston Railroad Friday, April 11th, will bo WiuSton-Salem day at the Charleston exposition. On that day there will be a conference between the Chambers of Com merce of Winston-Salem and Charlestoc, the principal matter to be discussed being the ad-v'ants-rn ta.tl .toiiM accrne to the two c.;h;s us well ns tho inter vening i--iiintry, by the conslruc 11:11. k,' tlio Winston & Wadcs boro railroad. Messrs. E B Jonus and W A Blair, of Winston, and a citizen of Wadesboro, to be se lected, will speak in the interest of the road. It is hoped that something -definite may result from the conference. Certainly Wadesboro would be greatly benefitted should the road be built, and WinSton-Salem will find our citizens ready to co-operate in any movement having this end in view. Wadesboro Mes senger and Intelligencer. Seven Years in Bed. "Will wonders ever cease?" inquire the friends of Mrs. L. Pease, of Lawrence Kan, They knew she had been unable to leave her bed in seven years on account of kidney and liver trouble, nervous prostration and general debility but, "Three bottles of Electric Bitters enabled me to walk," she writes, and in thr uiouiii.-. T f !l. V.r new perso ." V.'omo, u Bering from Hi-a'1'chf, Bacacln', Nervousness. Siervi'-ru- s, Melancholy, Fain',:!)!,- and D?.zy Spells will find it a priceiooa blessing. Try it. Satisfaction is guaranteed. Fetzer's Drug Store. Editor Whitelaw Reid, who is one of the Representatives of this Government at the coming coronation ot King Edward, will pay 20,000 for tho hire of a house for six weeks. When Whitelaw was a newspaper reporter he couldn't afford to do that. It comes right handy to have a rich father-n-.aw iu the family. Morning Star. Practically Starving. "After using a few bottles of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure my wifo received perfect aud permanent relief from a severe and chronic case of stomach troublo," says J R Llolly, real estate, insurance and loan agont, of Macomb, 111. Beforo using Kodol Dyspepsia Cure she could not eat an ordi nary meal without intenso suffer ing. She is now entirety cureu. Several phvsictRns and- many roim-dies had failed to give re lief." ou don't have to diet. Eat any good food you want, but don't overload the stomach. Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure will alwavs digest what you cat. Gibson. Drug Store. "The frogs are now playing the game of croakay." Surgeon's K n i Nt Set'drd. Surgery is no loiter necessary to cure piles. ii,v;tts Witrii Uazol Salvo cut cs .such ra-s at once, removing the m c rsMty for dangerous, painful and expen sive operations, r or scaul-, cuts, burns, wouuds, bruise..soi e-, and skin diseases it is unequalled. Beware of rounterfi-'.ia. -Gib. son Drug Story.