Send us $1.00 . and get this paper 1 year. TANBARD. Only - $1.00 Only $1 Per Year. SKU CLUBBING RATES Oil PAGE 2 CONCORD, X. C, THURSDAY, MARCH, 27, 1902. Single Copy5Cts. UBSRIBE FOR THE S7ANI AP.D. " PPFR J.L J Baking Powder f Most healthful j leavener in the world. i Goes farther j HOYAl BAKINQ O0EI CO . MSW rOK THE ATPAHCHIAS PARK. Cunuuit'ee Favors It and Will Probdb'y Report for ? 10,000,000 apr.ruprailn. A STHcial of the 19th from Washington to the Charlotte observer cives much encourage nieut to the advocates of the Appalachian park. It says: "There is a feeling to-night that the hearing on the Appa lachian Park bill to day will be productive of results-that the friends of the measure nave hitherto hardly dared to hope for. In an entertaining, lucid, yet scientific manner the purposes of the proposed reserve were explained to the committee by Dr. McGee, of the Bureau of i American Ethnology: Prof. " Piiiehot, of the forestry division of the Agricultural De partment; Dr. Ambler, secretary or the I'arlt Association; fror, Holmes, representative Brown lee, and Mr. Chas. Seymour, of Knoxville, Atter the hearing Representative Moody asserted his belief that the committee would make an appropriation of 10,000,OOD instead of $8,000,000, savintr that Chairman Wads- worth favored such an appro priation, and that the proposi tiou for an increase also met the approval of Representatives Henry and Connell, ,- the first named gentlemen being chair man of the sub-committee to which tlio matter has for the time being been referred. Not only thin, but. it was stated after the executive session of the committee which followed the public hearing, that Representa tivo Williams would make no further objections to the passage of the bill. The hearing devel opod but a single disappoint ment. The North State delega tion was not we!l represented at fie homing, Representatives Moody and K'iihz being the only members of the delegation from the Slate who were pre ent. Even the sister State of Sotuh Oa-alina was better rei resented. It is fair to state, however, that Mr. Bellamy 'was out of the ciiy, Mr. Pou was ill during the forenoon and could not leave his hotel, while Mr. Small was busy preparing a speech against the river ana harbor bill. Others may also have had good excuse for the absence. By careful and tactful ques tioning on tho part of Messrs. Kluttz and Moody many im porlaut and ualuable points were brought to tho attention of the committee. Once the former hi ten upted to ask if it were not a fact, that many mountain land owners were at this time hearing for forests in a way that would ha'e the approval of the govern ment, to which Prof. Piuchot gave an affirmative answer, cal ing especial attention to the Vanderbilt estate. The sub com mittee is expected to report to the full committee very soon." 10 Cl'ltE A COI.H IS OSE IUY. T;ike Laxative BromoQuinind Ta lets. All druggists refune the money if it fails to cure. The New York Musical Cour ior calls attention to a southern corrtelist named Burst, who has three children Alice May Burst, James Wood Burst and Henry Will Burst. Morning Post. ''Long tonurues in men are a sign of what long ears are to q i id ru K?il s don key s. " Dy Cure spepsia Digests what you cat. Li id vy Li Thl9 preparation contains all of the dijrostant.s and digests all kinds of food. Ktllvesinstant reliefand never fails tocuro. It allows you to eat all tlio food you want. The moat sensitive mtomaclis can take It. Ily its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents format ion of (jason the atom-ai-h, relieving all distress after eating. IHcting ii n necessary, ricasant to take. It can't he'p but d yon fjood Prepared only ,v J7 o lFWiTT.Co.,eiilcRjo, J'bo 1. botile coutalDt 2i Hmc the dOC tin. .Gibson's Druy Store. Kt'RlL FRBE DELIVEKV HAIL. Four Rontea in tbe County-How They Kun Vul nice That Will He Aban doned, ('ausingihe Mails to Remain la Concurtl 1'ot.t Ufflea if Boxes are Not I'ut Up. Now lhat we are to have four rural tree delivery routes in the county there is mucu tnatsnouiu be borne in mind. Route No. 1 goes southwest from Conoord aloug the Char lotte road to the Pitt school house, thence northwest along tbe Poplar Tent road to the Hen derson place, thence west along the Springsville road to Cox's mil , thence east along me inipringsville road to f!oncord This route embraces 17 square miles and will supply 130 homes and 590 people. Mr. J Mc. Uald well is the carrier. No. 2 goes northwest from Concord along the Salisbury road to A M Cook's store, thence northwest and north along the Statesville road to Erskine post office, thence south along the Charlotte road to Tulin. post office, thence southeast along the uew. road to the U C Furr place, thence southeast along theSalis bury road to Concord. Area is 18 square miles with 150 houses and 680 people to receive man Mr. Oliver T Umberger is the carrier. No. 3 runs northeast along the new Salisbury road to Mt. Mitch ell church, thence southwest (re turnineV to the Shive place, thence southwest along Cline's jtore road to the Fink place, thence northwest along tho Mt, Gilaed road to Rufus Cline's olace. thence southwest, west and northwest along the Center Grove road to the Murph place, thence southeast along the bans bury road to Concord. The area is 17 square miles, number of houses 135 and population 010. Mr. Joseph A Walter is the carrier. No. 4 proceeds along the Mt, Pleasant road to St. John's church, thence-along the Kirk's Ferry road to the crossing of the Mt. Pleasant and Salisbury road, thence northeast along the bans bury road past Foil's mill to the cross roads at f'urrs store, theuce along the Gold HilT and Concord road to Concord. The area embraced is 16 square miles, number of houses 115 and popu lation 520. Mr. John H Ritchie is the carrier. On these routes there will be 15 genera collection boxes simi lar to those placed in town. SpringsviJle, Tulin and ir SKine post otncea win oe auan doned at the request of the post masters. Carriers will leave Concord about 10 o'clock, when the prin cipal morning mails will be in and will return in time for the outgoing mails by tho evening trains. Now the matter to which we wish to call especial interest is that subscribers to The standard must direct us about sending their papers, that is, on what route thev live. If they have boxes their papers will reach them promptly. If thoy have no boxes aud there is no post office n their community their papers will remain in the post office at Concord. We hope, however, that all will avail themselves of the generous act of the govern ment to send their mail to them every day. The system will be a great convenience. -The mail carrier will deliver registered packages and take packages to be regis tered and receipt for same. He will supply those who want stamps and may be a general convenience by which to send and receive merchandise, etc., (the terms being ?ucl. as may be agreed upon) so far as it may not interfere with his duties to government. Let it be remembered mat drop letters received on these routes bear the same postage as when passing throu rh two or more offices, that is a letter costs 2 cents postage. top the Cough and Hoiks ofl the Cold. Laxative Bromo Quiuine Tab ets cure a cold in one day. No cure, no pi) . i'rice zo cents. Ed Morgan's Life Spared. Mr. M H Caldwell, the i.ttor- ney for Ed Morgan, succeeded n getting the sentence of Ed- Moigan commuted from hanging to life imprisorment. The Governor tooK this action Tuesday. It sav(d Ed Morgan from the gallows on the 31st It seems to be a case ag iin in which the solicitor accomplished more than he wanted to for after the conviction Mr. Webb joined those who petitioned for the commutation. The. action of the Governor is probably entirely satisfactory with the general public. n it g niante to Lose f you are we and feel chilled to the bone, after a tramp through a storm. Get into dry clothes at once and warm your msides with ft teaspoonful of Perry Davit Painkiller, in hot water, with a little sugar. Thin you will avoid, a cold, and possibly, long sickness. There is but one Painkiller, Perry Davis.' (JEN. MILES NOT H.EASEI). Will nexlicu Ills Office If the Hart ley Hill Hi'coiiies a Law. Senator Ilowley, it is sid, at tho instigation oi' the War De partment, has iuroduced a bill that, in effect, takes away the functions of tho General-in-Chief of the army and places them with a general stall till the re tirement of the incumb ant when the oftice is to be abol ished. This stirred the blood of Gen. Miles who appeared belore the committee Thursday and gave his views in no mistakable terms. He says it is subversive of the interests of :ho inihury establishment and gave i to be understood that hi: would resign his office if the bill becomas a law. THE WILCOX CASE. Lawyers I'leading Lawyer flukes Pow erful Speech 1'rvliuUilities or Cou vlcticn Increased. The Wilcox murder case is be ing argued and will probably go to the jury. Friday. DThe suspicion is so strong and the circumstancial evidence so impressive that tho prosecution can plead with much force. Mr. J Hey wood Sawyer asserted with such vehemence that the prisoner is guilty and wove around it such a net work ol convincing pleas that there may even be a convic tion. Daily of 20th. HALF MILLIOSIOLLARS INVESTED Cabarrus County Copper and Gold Mine Have New Capital l'nt in Them. Salisbury, N. C. March 18. With a paid up capital of ifSnO,- 000 the Chicago. Consolidated Copper and Go'd Mining Com pany has been- organized. It wiil operate gold aud copper mines in uaoarrus county, ue..i the Union p.'nes, within four miles of Gold Hill. ' Captain R D Curd, mai.iger of the Oddie Mine. is the manager of the new company, and four shafts already slightly sunk show spleudid outlook for copper and gold. Charlotte to Loose Mr. Andrews. A Greensboro special to the Charlotte Obser ver sa s : "Greensboro people learn with pleasure that Mr. E M Andrews, one of Charlottes best known business men, will become a citi zen of this city. . lie has rented a residence hero and will move his family in the near" future. Mr. Andrews will engage in the furniture and music business, in which he has been so successful in Charlotte." KlueppclkerK-Ueurne Wedding. Mr. H A Klueppelberg, of Chariot te, and M iss Mam ie Lou isr Hearhe, of Albemarle, were mar ried in the Lutheran church at Albemarle on Wednesday even ng, the 19th, by the brides pas tor. Rev. C B Miller: -The groom is well known and very estimable and success ful merchant of Charlotte and the bride is the oldest daughter of Mr and Mrs. S H Uearne. ot Albemarle'. - She is possessed of the peculiar charms of accoinp Ushedycung womanhood. the wedding was an imposing function ana the bride was the recipient of a profusion of cost ly and valuable presents. . The bridal pair took tho South bound train for Palm Beach. Florida, Havana, Cuba, the Char loston Exposition and other points of interest. They will return to Charlotte by April 10th. Five Children linrne lij one Mother I 13 Months. We are informed of a vetiy singular oecurranee in Mont gomery county. Thirteen months ago the wife of Mr.. Richard Bonton, whoso residonte is al Mt. Gilead, gave birth , to twins. The two little ones are living and in excellent condition. One day last week this same mother ncreased the population of Montgomery v the birth ol triplets two . iris and oi" boy all Of whk-h ;vre well developed aud heal I by c hildren. Wades boro Caurier, Vming Lady Dead. Miss Mary A Slory, of Forest Hill, died Thursday night at 10 o'clock of typhoid fever. Miss Story was about lb years old and was a bright fill. , The funeral services were conducted at 5 o'clock this even ns by the Rev. Mr. Hug ins a nd I he remains will bo lui J to rest in tho -ity cemetery. We extend our deepest sym pathy to tho parents in treir sore bereavement. Ititdit .Mun .V,MYnul.d. The pension grabbers have at last won 'their point. II. Clay Evans, the Commissioner of Pensions, one of tie first appointees of Mi. Mi Kinlt y's first administration, has for five years stood with a club between them and the Trrt'sury, hut they have finally succorded in rrh: ug him out, and the iov among tho "comrades'' is great. His mcceaor will probably bo an easy mark. Charlotte Observer. THE SHOTGUN W A3 LOADED. She Did Not Want l'ai kg Stone to o SliDutiiiic and When She Jerkd at the Gun In His Hands It Was DischarKed -Che Will Recover. It Is Said. The accidental discharge of a shot gun yesterday morning so badly lacerated the leg of Minna Allen, a white woman, living at 421 West. Hill street, that amputation, above the knee, was necessary. She is at St. Peter's Hospital and her physieiaus stale that she will probably recover. Her own carelessness, said Minnie Allen, was responsible for the accident. At 10:30 o'clock i'arks Stoue, a young white man, who lives on South Church street came' to her house for his guu, a breech le ader. He picked up tho gun and told the woman that he was going out to shoot robins. She told him, play fully, that he should cot go. As he started to leave tho house the woman grabbed the gun at the muzzle and sharply pulled it toward her and downward. The gun was discharged, the couteuts bird shot entering the calf of her right leg, tearing away the flesh and splintering the bone. Chief of Police Irwin happened to be in the vicinity of the woman's house and hurried to 'he scone. He arrested Stone and held him till the woman had made a statement, . declaring that Stone was not responsible for her injury. Then Stone was released. Minnie Allen was taken to the hospital, where an operation was performed. A 'phone mes sage from the hospital 'astDight stated that her condition is satisfactory. Charlotte ver of 21st. Obsor ALHEMAItLE M.IIS, Airs. Rolls Has Attack ot Heart I'uilurc Biles & Ileeves Store Ilurncd at New London. Ah Albemarle special of the IDth to the Charlotte Observer says : "Mrs. Lizzie Belts suffered an attack of heart failure this morn ing, but soon revived and is now considerably better. For a while hei ' lifo was despaired of. ".The store of Reeves & Biles, of iNew London, six miles from here, was burned last night at about 11 o'clock.' The origin of tho fire is unknown. The firm carried stock valued at $2,500. 1 hoy had if 1,500 insurance. "Rev. H Morris, of this place, who has been ill foi tho past lour months, was carried to Hal Limore yesterday for treatment. An operation will bo performed He was accompanied by his physician, Dr. W J Hill. "Mad clogs nre again on the ratnpigo in (his part of the phi elation. A rabid dog was shot on the. streets here yesterday and four other dogs which ho had bitten were also dispatched" S. C. DAY AT CHARLESTON. 20,000 People on the (j round-County Prizes. Thursday was South Carolina Day at the Charleston Exposition and was the biggest day yet. It is estimated that there were 20,- 000 people on tho grounds. The county prizes for the best ex hibits wee awarded. They were announced by Gov. McSweeny as follows : Spartanburg first prize, $1,000; Chester second prize, $5C0, and Darlington and Georgetown tied on third prizo. A Simple but Effective Remedy. Mr. RSPhippstold the Patriot the other day of a simple but effective home remedy for colic iu horses that should be known to everyone. One evening last week one of his plow horser came tn from the field suuering with a very sovrre case of colic. When unhitched tho horse lay down and would have died in a few minutes had not Mr. Phipps acted ou tho suggestion of a neighbor woman who happened to beat his house at the time. She told him to burn some cotton rags in a bucket aud let the t he horse iuhale the smoke and it would recover. Tho thing appeared so simple that he was incredulous, but he tried it, anyway, and in ten minutes the horse was up eatins1 its feed, lie is convinced that the remedy is superior to any. other and is willing that others may know of it. Greensboro Patriot. (Jirl Stolen by I'idlier. A very singular occurrence happened in Grove township last Friday. Mr. W ilhe Turnage of that section, had won the affections of a Miss Fowler, and it seems that the father was williii'JT to the match but the rest of the family was not. Tbe futher beii S d)terminod to let ove take us course, stole the r i i-l from his own homo and took her to the home of Mr. Mc- Kinsey, where she was joined in narriago to Mr. Turnage. He s 11) years of age aed tho bride is aiso.oi x) summers, u-mer Turnor performed the ceremony in the presence of a few friends. Dunn Banner. Hit. KUTTZ'S VIEW. What He Think of the Proposed Crunipacker Rill. The Washington correspon dent of the Raleigh Post says of Hon. Theo. F Kluttz's views on the Crumpacker bill. "Tho i rn r packer resolution r- far-reaching, more so than is indicated on the surface. It is boldy proposed that a partisan committee shall be chosen to ascertain how many negroes are disfranchised in tho southern states. This information is to be gathered in Washington for Republican campaign purposes and used in the North to in- tluenefi t.ho netrpn vntft in the states that are close. Theif there is another purpose in view, which hasnot.yetappeared. The Republicans expect to lose the House. By revolutionary methods they can convert the expected minority into a majority. For this purpose it will only be necessary to bring out the figures of this investigat ing committee and show the r figures as to the number of voters claimed to be dis franchised. Enough southern representatives can be denied their seats to overthrow a Democratic majority." Charlotte Day. Everybody who comes from Charleston these days declares that the exposition is kind of holding its breath and stirrin' about in preparation for the ad vent of the Charlotte people on Charlotte day, April 9th. The many people around here who are going to Charleston on the auspicious occasion are antici pating much pleasure and profit in and out of the midway, but the first thing that most of the visitors will do will be to go out and search for those ancient buzzard-birds that potter around the streets of the old time town and pass the time of day with the natives. Charlotte Observer When Will tbe Knight and Ladles of Honor Die?. When the lion eats grass like an ox and the fish-worm swallows the whale: when the robbins knit woolen socks and the hare is outrun by the snail. When serpents walk upright like men and doodle bugs travel like frogs; when grass hoppers feed on the hen and feathers are found on the hog W hen ihomas cats swim in the air and elephants roost on trees; when insects in summer are rare and 6nuff never makes people sneeze. When fish creep over dry land and mules on velocipedes ride: when foxes lay efegs in the sand and women in dress take no prh'e. When Dutchmen no longer drink beer and the girls get to preaching on time; when billy sroats butt from the rear and treason is no longer a crime. When humming birds bray lik an ass and limberger smells like cologne; when plow shares are made out of grass and the hearts of true Knights and Ladies of stone. When ideas grow in idiot's heads and wool on the hydraulic ,i i rr..' .i.i. .1 ram; men me ivnignis anu Ladies of Honor will be dead and the country won't be worth cent. Selected. Practically Starving. "After using a few bottles of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure my wife received perfect and permanent elief from a severe and chronic case of stomach trouble," says .1 11 Holly, real estate, insurance and loan agent, of Macomb, III. "Before using Kodol Dyspepsia Cure she could not eat an c rJi nary meal without intense suffer ing. She is now eutirely cured. Several physicians and many remedies had failed to give re lief." You don't have to diet. Fat any good food you want, but Jon't overload the stomach. Kn dol Dyspepsia Cure will always ligest what you eat. Gibson Drug Store. Homicide in Wake. Quincy S Adams shot and al most instantly killed John Nip per in Barton Creek township, Wako county, on Friday. The coronor s jury says it was si it defense and released the young man, who gave himself up at onco when the deed was done. Nipper was drinking and was overbearing, striking Adams and his mother with a rock, wheu the young man gave liim the contents of his shot gun. "Talk is cheaD, but silence is a bettor bargain." Big Line of Wall Paper. Just the thing to interest you give home a spring look. Nothing expensive lb ZXJ3.CL 2o cents : for double rolls, and looks as well as 25 and 30c paper can't tell the difference. And while you are thinking of Papering don't forget that we have the floor cover ing. Biggest and best line of jyn jil or x & in town. No trash. The celebrated That's all. Chain Instead of Beds. A New York institution gets its name "chair house," from the fact that human beings so poor they can not buy a lodging at the cheapest Bowery resorts, puts up five cents for a chance to occupy a chair for tha uighu By 11 o'clock the night's con tingent is fast asleep in the chairs, the usual number being 25 or 30 men, of all kinda and degrees of decrepit provery. Anderson Intelligencer. What's Your Face Worth! Sometimes a fortune, but never, if you have a sallow com plexion, a jaundiced look, moth patches and blotches on the skin, all signs of Liver Trouble. But Dr. King's New Life Pills give Clear Skin, Rosy Checks. Rich Complexion. Only 25 cents at Fetzers Drug Store. "The fellow who 6its around expecting to gets something for nothing is still sitting but he never hatches." Headache often results from a disordered condition of the stomach and constipation of the bowels. A dose or two of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct these disorders and cure the headache. Sold by M. L. Marsh, druggist. A Blondes Freckles show more plainly than a brunettes, but these discolored spots greatly mar the beauty of either. HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM will effectually remove Freckles, Sunburn, Tan, undue Redness, Sallowness and all other blem ishes to beauty. IT IS A LIQUID for the face, neck, arms and hands. Can be easily and quickly applied. Others cannot detect its use. It leaves no sticky feeling. Harmless as water. At all druggists. Price 75 cts. Two farmers in Kansas traded children recently, one man giving a ten-year-old son and a load of corn for a thirteen-year old daughter, and the transaction was made a matter of record ia the county clerk's office. Both families are well-to do and the reason for the trade was that on had no sons and the other no daughters. Anderson Intelli- goncer. m a b Cou'.J Sot Breatbe. Coughs, colds, croup, grippe, bronchitis and other throat and 'lung troubles are quickly cured by Une Minute Gough Cure. One Minute Cough Cure is not a mere expectorant, which gives only temporary relief. It softens and liquifies the mucous, draws out the inflamation and removes the cause of the disease. Absolutely safe. Acts at once. "One Minute Cough Cure will do all that is claimed for it," says Justice of the Peace J O Hood, Crosby, Miss. "My wife could not get her breath and was relieved by the first dose. It has been a benefit to all my family." Gibson Drug Store. "Men may pretend that they like to have their wives dress for sense and comfort, but the times when they give them an extra allowance aro when they come home and see them in something mighty foolish but mighty pretty." 1K. SMITH'S l.fcCmtE. M. .Sublime Tracing; ml Natur s l.uw Fruin the Visible to the JnW-ihl' iu the Life and Uealh of a World. Dr. Henry Louis Smith's grei t lectui'o Friday night was no dis- appointment to those who ex pected height, depth, breadth and grandeur. He rovied some of nature's laws a every intelli gent mind sees them, then delved deep into the invisible, armed with .scientific facts u clear a theoretic pathway; then mount ing on the wings of lofty concep tion, he soared into infinite space and saw the nebula gather thex selves together and form a world. He followed this new world from infancy to youth, then to ma turity, to age, to decline or de cay and to death. He seemed to take Mars and the moon in his hand and point out the conditions a dying world in the former and a dead world in the latter with all the ease and familiarity that one may handle an orange, dissecting it with microscopic views from sur face to center. The doctor , has studied the laws governing the visible uni verse and from these well-known premises he advances into the reals of the unknown with the confidence of one who boen there, has seen and handled. Iu the lstrguage of one, all has has "It was boldly set forth and plausi bly maintained." Mrs. C E VanDeusen,' of Kilbourn, Wis., was afflicted with stomach trouble and con stipation for a long time, She says, "I have tried many pre parations but none have done me tho good that Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets have." These Tablets are for salo at M. L. Marsh's drug store. Price, 25 cents. Samples free. "Nerer lose your head; it's bad. But when an entire board of aldermen lose theirs, it is" still worse." " White Man Turned Yellow. Great consternation was felt by the friends of M. A. Hogarty of Lexington. Ky., when they saw, he was turning yellew. His skin slowly changed color, also his eyes, and he suffered terribly. His malady was Yellow Jaundice, He was treated by the best doctors, but without benefit. Then he was advised to try Electric Bitters, the wonderful Stomach and Liver remedy, and he writes: "After taking two bottles I was . wholly cured." A trial proves its matchless merit for all Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles, Only 50c. -Sold by Fetzer's Drug Store Druggist. Floor OI?es Way. The Salisbury Sun says the floor of the old Lanier ware house gave way Thursday night and the contents consisting of mowers, reapers and binders, grain and lumber all went dowi in a heap. Tho building was oc cupied by the Rowan Hardware company. The floors were over loaded. The damage to machin ery was probably considerable. Surgery is no longer necessary to cure piles". DeW tt's Witch Hazel Salve cuies such cases at once, removicg the necessity for dangerous, painful and expen sive operations. For scalds, cuts burns, wounds, bruises,sores ana skin diseases it is unequalled. Beware of counterfeits. Gib son Drug Store. 'It is strange how much we how to lay a all know about street car track.' I!. mark ib'e Cures of iCheiiiiiatisni. Frini; t'.:e V'M, l:ntljerforuton, i. (J. The editor of the Vindicator has had occasion to test the eflleacy of Chamberlain's Pain B;ilm twice with the most re markable results in each case. First, with rheumatism in tlio shoulder from whirh he suifered excruciating pain for ten days, which whs relieved with two applications of 1'ain B.ilm, rubbing the parts a!;!.rle; and realizing inMa:,; I i t and entire relief in a very short t inn'. Second, iu rheumatism in th:; joint, almost prcsti.itiaL' li;m with severe pain, u.i.-, relieved by two upplica' ion-., rubbing wilh the liniment on re tiring at night, and gett'.nx up free from pii 'n. For .sale by M, L Marsh, druggist.