. rs t i- . . . J S ART). STANDARD. ' 4 JLJ.H Duly - $1.00 clubbing hates on page 2 J... and get this Only $1 Per Year. C()XC0RDv X. C, THURSDAY, APRIL, 10, 1902. Single Copy 5Cts. riiSiJIIJTC FOR THE STAND - it-- Baking Powder Ft'akcs the bread mere healthful. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum baking powder are the greatest menace.- to health of the present day. .ovt pikim', pivnf. AO., WW vo.K. t'oiifuilerulo Vrt runs Reunion, Dallas Texas. .tuiil 22-25, 1002. For the above Occasion South ern' Railway will sell tickets to Dallas, Texas and return at rates named below, Goklsboro, $27.55., Raleigh 26.05 Durham 2G.05., preensboro 24.95., Winston-Salem 25.55., Salisbury 24.00, Statesvillo 23.90, Hick ory... 23.25, Charlotte 23.10. Approximately low rates from other points. Tickets sold April 18,19,20, with final limit May 2nd, aud if deposited with Joint Agent at Dallas, Tex, on or before April 30Lh can be extended until May 15th; 1902. A fee of 50 cents is cliarged by Torminal lines at Dallas for validating each ticket whether extended or -not. These rates apply via Atlanta, Birmingham, and Memphis; Atlanta and Shreveport; Atlanta- and New Orleans, Atlanta, Chattanooga, and Memphis; or Aslieville and Memphis, Stop-overs allowed within transit limit of ticket in territory west of and including Atlanta, and Chattanooga.. General J S Carr has selected the Southern Railway, via Atlanta Montgomery, New Orleans, aud Houston as the official route for bis Veteran Special Train" which will con sist of first class coaches, Standard Pullman, and Pu.lman Tourist Sleepers to be handled through to Dallas without change. This train will leave Raleigh at 3:50 p. m. Friday,' April lain, l(Ju2. Berth rate from Raleigh and Greensboro m Miuiuard Pullman 8.50. Tour st $4.00., From Charlotte $7.50 nod $3 50. Two persons can occupy a berth without additional cost Excellent service en regular trains in both directions. Rare chance to .visit your friends in Texas at small cost. Ask your agent rate from your station. For further in formaliou and Sleeoing Car re i-rvations write. R. L. Vereon, T, P. A. Uliurlotte, N. C. TO CUtiS A COLO IS ONE 1MV. Take Laxative Bionio Quinind Tablets. All druggists refune the money it it fails to cure. Kor.b. Carolina Musical Afternoon Charleston. at The News and Couriei of the 2nd says: "April 10 will be in the middle of North Carolina Week and many interesting events are in view for the day anil eveuing. -Mrs. Mary li Price, oi salisouiy, JN. U., will have a 'musical aturrioon' on April 10, ami promises a very charming program, including violin, voice i-.i-i piano numbers. The ladies of Hit; exposition are expected to b- present. Tlje participants wui te young ladies. Mrs. R R Cm ion, who has recently been tirst vice-president of the Mothers' Congress, will speak in itio Exposition Auditorium on the same evening." Mi )H the Cough aud Works oil the Cold Laxative llrorto Quinine Tab lets cure a cold in one day. No cure, uo pa . Price 25 cents, Wi ltiws unil Orphans of the Mine IHs aster. fourteen wives were made widows and 53 children were jiu.de fatherless hy the explosion .in 4 lie Nelson mine in Tennessee. No satisfactory cause has been hiuiid for the disaster though some of-thy roiners claim that it came from neglect to sprinkle properly. Sixteen men in all were kiMed. . Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Tills prcpirat ion contains all of the dipostanw and digests all kinds of food. Jtpivcslnstant reliefand never .fails tncuio. It allows you to eat all "tlie food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take It- Hy Its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been , cured nfler everything else failed. It prevents format ion of guson t he atom nch, relieving all dlstressaftereatlng. l)iet lug unnecessary. 1'leasanttotake. It can'S hela hut do you gocd Prppnmlonl vbrE. nWrrrft "., 'hlcaa luojl. bouio couuius8ii t lull's '.Uu Wc, bUa. Gibson's Drug Store. TEMPF.HANCE ITEMS. Culled by M. fc. McCartney. In the annual convention of the Minnesota Federation of La bor, lately held, delegates from the State Retail Liquor Dealers Association presented their cre dentials but were rejected. A vote was taken eiirhty-hve were against seating the liquor men and eleven in favor. Right there should be nothing compati ble between the working man and the saloon. Thirty million of our popula tion is living uuder prohibitory liws. The editor ol the Presbyterian Journal says that a proposition to open the saloons on Sunday could have emanated from pro fessed moralists !s a significant straw showing the loss of old time reverence for God's day. Six hundred and seventy per sons took the temperance pledge during the past year at The Philadelphia Sunday Associa tion. This is a sort of "institu tional church." President Angell, of the Uni versity of Michigan, has pro hibited the serving of beer at the students "smokers." The Burlington R. R. officials have long prohibited the use of mtoxicaus among their em ployees while on duty. A -new rule lately made reads: "The use of intoxicants by errfployees while on duty is prohibited or the frequenting of places where they are sold is sufficient cause for dismissal." There were 50,000 arrests for drunkenness last year, 10,000 be ing women. NEGRO SHOT IN CVRE OF SHERIFF I'lioiiing Early Shut Four Times After He Was Sentenced to 15 Years in Penitentiary. The negro, Thomas Early, who attempted, a foul deed oh Miss Perry, was shot on the' train Thursday near Kdenton, N. C. Ho had been tried and was convicted and sentenced to 15 years imprisonment iti poni tentiary. The sheriff had a mil itary company to guard him till he got on the train with him, bul some one slipped into the train as it was going out and shot Early. four time's in quick sue cession in the head and neck. The wounds are not fatal. It is not known who did the shooting. Kothlng Burglar Proof. There is no such thing as a burglar pvoof vault or safe, according to a repoit that was submitted today by treasury experts to Assistant Secretary Tiylor. The best. tempered steel of usual thickness is not proof against a new chemical'- com pound which up-to-date pro fessional cracksmen have learned to use. This compound, called thermite, when mixed with magnesium powder, will oestroy the hardness iu tho metal, enabij ing a cracksman with ordinary tools to cut into it as though it were lead. For this reason Mr. Taylor believes the treasury ought not to continue to expend large sums of money in the construction of so called burglar proof vaults aud strong boxes. The investigation was made by J E Powell, chief mechanical and electrical engineer of the treasury, and Johu P Bergin, vault, safe and lock expert. They wen - to Chicago and other cities , and experimented with thermite and also electricity. An application of thermite and magnesium made to a steell tape of the highest temper, and five eights of an inch in thickness reduced the metal to a condition making It possible to cut a hole through it with au ordinary chisel. The expert says that the best means of security against pro fessional cracksmen is to he found in an electrical signal system, which, when disarran ged by burgulars would sound an alarm, Washington Dis patch, March 18. Strange lied f Hows. Tommio had been put. to bed alone. It was upstairs, and ihe thunder rolled and lightning flashed unmercifully, tie. lay quietly until lie could no longer stand it, and then his little night gowned figure appeared at the head of the stairs. "Ma?" he cried "Yes, ruy son,'' came the calm rejoinder. "I m afraid, mn. It thunders so, and I'm all alone." "(Jo buck to bed, Toinmie," came bin mother's voice. Don't you know nothing cun 'urt you?" Tommie went back to bed, but not to stay. "Ma!" lie cried again, and this time the lit tle figure was half way downstairs. "Tommie.'' called his mother, don't your know I have told you nothing can hurt you, trod is always with you? ' "Then, ma," and this time there came au audible sniff from the weeping Tommio, you con.e up aud sleep with God and let me sleep with pa." Louise Smith, in Lippiucott's Ma azinefor April, LIQUID AIU. A ttcmiinstialiuii Jlay he tiiven in Clmr I( tie of This Wooiler'nl Agency- What It Is and What It H ill I n A good deal of interest is be ing shown' by many citizens in tho announcement of a possible appenranee in Charlotte of an expert demonstrator with liquid air and apparatus, the latter part of this month. Tho entertain meat will be engaged only in case a -sufficient number of tick ets are promptly secured to war rant Hne expense of bringing a supply of li irid air from New York with which to perform tin many experiments that have at traced so much attention. Sub scribers will bo entitled to first selection of seats, and orders may bo telephoned to the Y. M. C. A. office until tonight, when tho list will be closed. . Liquid air is ordinary air in a very extraordinary condition, looking and flowing like water, 312 degrees below zero. It boils fiercely when placed on ice, but freezes the flame ol an oil stove when placed thereover. It melts stool, but freezes alcohoT; it will burn an eleelric light carbon at a temperature of about 3,500 de grees above zero in the same tumbler in which strawberries are being frozen as hard as bul lets. Rubber, tin and iron are made as brittle as glass, while mercury is made so hard that nails are driven with a mercury hammer. 'Mr. H M Hanaford, represent ing the Liquid Air Lectures and Exoerimonts Company, of Chi cago, is here working up tho show. Charlotte Observer. SEVERE FIRE AT ATLAM'IC CITY. Twelve Hottls anil a Score of Other Houses Horned-Loss Ahoutf 750,01)0. Twelve hotels aud twenty or more smaller buildings were de stroyed by fi.ro at, Atlantic, City, N. J., on tho 3rd i list. Tho ori- fciii ul lilt; nit: is iiwu n iiu ii. No lives wore lost but proper ty 'was consumed estimated at f750,00O with very little insur ance as-'.ho rate-was 5 per cent. Mr anil J!rs. P. ivl. Misenln liner Enter tain.' Mr. and Airs. P M Misenhei tner gave a very enjoyable tea Thursday evening at their home on Spring street. The gues's were: ' ' Mesdamos R A Brown and J D llatchett; Mr. and Mrs. R E liiderihour. Mr. nnd rf.lrs. W R Harris, Misses Maggie Jlrown and Sadie Benceui, Miss Lettio Kerns, of Salisbury, and Messrs. John Foil, Wade Barrier and Walter Moser. Precious SoiiTenir ofJRattlo of Seven Pines. Miss Mary Louis Harris is the proud recipient of a button found by Rev. Cochran Preston on the battle field of Seven Pines. It is a. Virginia button worn and doubtless lost by a Virginia sol dier in that great bailie .nearly 40 years ago. Mr, Preston had a- pin put to it aud Miss Harris now wears it as a hat pin and prizes it more than if it were a gem of sparkling hue. . Mrs. I. S. Pharr Deaii. Mrs. I N Pharr, of No. 2 town ship, died this (Friday) morning after a lingering illness with tumor. The funeral services will take place Saturday at 2:3u p. m. at Poplar Tent church. Mrs. Pharr was about 50 years old. She leaves a husband and three children to mourn her death. Our sympathies are extended to the bereaved, especially to the husband, whoso locks arc now ripening iuto whiteness. Lockout Threatened. Columbia. S. C, April 3. All cotton mills in Augusta, Ga., and live factory towns on tho South Carolina side of the Savannah River, pos'od this notice, signed by all pi esidetits l his o eniiiir : i "Owing to a, demand made this day on the John P King Manu facturing Company for an ad vance of ten per cent in wages, accompanied by a- notice that if not gra tiled its operators would refuse to go to work a ft or Satur day, Aplil Stl). said demands having teen refused, notice is hereby given to employes of this company that should su:h a strike lie inaugurated this mill will close indefinitely on the evening of Tuesday, April 8 " 0nratiVes in many of the mills have no ;rievaiices. The ihrea'.of a lockout is disturbing them. .It fl'Pavi's hiii lliiiir PiMul. One of Ihe duelling pistols of Jefl'i't'son D ivis has been put on exhibition Thursday in the State- Ihiildi.ig at. the Exposil,isii by I) T McNeill of ConwaA-, The relic is genuine and is attracting much attention. Anderson In lelligeiieer. T'lln sifmnlnro In oo every bos of the gonuine Laxative bron-o'uiriinc Tablet. jtba remedy thai enrea a ooM In one M" J A fciire Csire For Ley. The following was handed us by a young gentlemantof Rocky Mount, who was cured Qf the malady by this formula. Die ad vises all who are similarly effected to try it. Take 12 ozs. of Dislike, 1 lo of Resolution. 2 grs. of Experience, a large sprig of Time, a pt. of the cooling water of Considera tion. Set this over tho gentle tiro of Love, sweeten with the sugar of forgetfulness, skim with the spoon of melancholy. Put it iu the bottom of your heart; cork it with tho cork of clear consci ence, let it remain and yoj will quickly find ease and bo restored to your seuse again. These things can be found at the apothecary at the house of understanding, on Prudent street in' the village of Contentment. Take when the spell comes on. Rocky Mount Motor. How the Willow Francis Married Patrick A New York dispatch of the 31st ult. says that Mrs. Francis, who is tho affiance of Lawyer Patrick, has actually beat the guards, warden and matron and has got horsed married to hfm. The law admits signed contracts and before witnesses a3 legal. So the loving widow, 'With her attorney aud Patrick's father, applied for admission to the tombs aud met Pi.'ricir in the parlor. . At a moment when tne guard and matron were out for but a few minutes tlie signatures to the contract were made and they became husband and wifo. Cupt. Oilell to Build Another Mill. We learn that Capt. J M Odell is contemplating the building of another cotton mill. It will be located somewhere near the sid ing below tha oil mill. Mr. Odell is tho rccognizod father of Con cord's great milling industry and building has become a kind of habit with him that we are all glad that ho can't break off from, This mill will be his indivjdual property. May he livelong and build CDtlon mills all tho while. A Hole in His Head. Washington, N. Cj, April 4. Mr. Thomas Hill, a liveryman here, was kicked on the top of th 5. skull today by a horse and had a hole broken through his head. Tho horse was being shod. Mr. Hill was holding the bridle. It became unruly and ho pulled on the bridle. Tho animal "rose on its hind feet aud struck Hill on the skull. Dr. Tayloo at tended him and trephined the skull four times besides remov- ing threo p'eces of depressed bone, well. The patient is now doing The Thrust of a Lance is carcely more agonizing than tho recurrent pains in the abdo men which follow the eating of improper food or too free in dulgence in ice-water. The im mediate cause of cramps aud colic is often the distention of the bowels by gas. -Quick re lief follows the use of Perry Davis' Painkiller. Careful housekeepers give it the place of honor in the family medicine chest. . Mrs Siiii tin Better. Mrs J M Davenport, of Palm ersville, was In Salisbury last, ! 1 night, on her way to Concord? to j visit her mother, Mrs. Sapp, , , . . , , I who- has been so sick and who.se condition is unimproved Mrs F v Barrier will go to Concord tomorrow to bo at Mrs. Sapp's bedside. Salisbury Sun of 4 ill. Growing peaches in Delaware must be a longevity promoting business. At a recent banquet given by tho Governor to the perch glowers, there were present one in his 87 year, still halo and hearty; six over 80, and a dozen or more over 70. The press reporter didn't, con- sider if worth whilo to notice the i boys. Morning Star. Caldwell-Wise. The following card is received aud conveys a pleasing message, referring to the future happiness of one of our Concord boys:i Mr. and Mr Franklin Fisher Wise joqnest the pleasure of your company at tho ruariiaso of their daughter, Estolle. to Mr. Edgar Bueliee Caldwell, on the afternoon of Tufsdav, the twenty econd of April, at half after two o'clock, at borne, Pelma, Alabama, At home after the first of May, eight hundred and thirteen Church street, Lynchburg, Vir ginia. Isaac Cruse in Jail. - Isaac Cruse was captured Fri day evening within about half a mile of where he killed bis wife U is now in jail. Poor Ike, if we are correctly informed, has a grievance and had he killed a man along with his wife and had done the deed at the most pro voking time there's hardly a jury iu Cabarrus that would willingly render a verdict that would di rect punishment. Kissing. Kissing is a noun; it's a name proper nour, because it is the proper thing "to do when two are ready and the heart is willing; plural numbor because it takes t'vo to perform it; common gen der becauso it is generally .per formed by one of each sex; pos sessive case because it possesses a delirious infatuation for the humoii race and agrees with the parties performing tho act. Kissing is closely ootiuccted with "buss," which is a good old backwoods expression, meaning a kiss that is highly enjoyed by two greenhorn's who have powerful lungs and wond erful suction to perform the act with. Iu this sense buss means one kiss robuss means two, pluribus means a number of kisses, horribus means to be caught kissing by the old folks, merribus means to steal a kiss, syllabus means to kiss the hand instead of the lips, blunderbuss means to kiss the old maid by mistake, and omnibuss means to kiss your mother-in-law. Mooresville Cotton Mills to Enlarge. At a meeting of the stock holders of the Mooresville Cotton Mills, held Tuesday of this week, a resolution, was adopted authorizing tho secre tary to submit the books for the increase of new stock to the amount of 39 per cent of the present total, stock, making about $50,000 additional shares. The proposition is now open to tho stockholders and if the .stocks is taken an additional room will be built to Mill, No. 2, and equipped with now machin ery Mooresville Enterprise. Wants to Help Others. "I had stomach trouble all my life," says Edw. Mehler, pro preitor of tho Union Bottling Works, Erie, Pa, "apd tried alt kinds of remedies, went to several doctors and spent coii-j siderable money trying to get a moment's peace. Finally I read of Kodnl Dyspepsia Cure and havobeen taking it to my great satisfaction. I nvver fouud jts equal for stomach- trouble and f '"llyrem -mmend it in hope th a 1 may help other suffers." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures all stomach troubles. You don't have to diet. Dodol Dyspepsia Cure ()i.;ests what you Wt.- Gibso'i's Drug Ktore. The receipts from chickens and eggs last year was 281 million dollars. An average of four dollars a head for the citizens of the Uuited States. Rocky Mount Motor. FOR OVER SIXTY EARS SIra. W&ilow'a Pontine Hvmp hiw been nied tor over sixtv yenrs by mil. lior.s i f mothers lor their children nhi.e ti ct hmz with perfect snocoss. Jt soothes the child, softens the frnms, allays ell rain, onroe wind colic, anrt is the nest rouieily for J)mrrliooa. It will relieve I he poor little gnlltrer immedi ately. Hold by ilrmrtriHt in overy part of the orM. Tweat '.ne cent a hot. tie. Be sure and hk for "Mrs. Win eiuwa BoomiUK oyrup, anv ue no 'other k.cd Home 2E5si3fcoi No Men's Fine Shoes better than the lines Canuon & Fetzer Company. They always have tho BEST. In Men's High Class FootwearJ Edwin Clapp's Shoes stand at tho head. The stylo is always right. Correct last, correct leathers and sizes to fit the feet. Everything right. If vou want something for a liulo loss money you can be accommodated. The America at $3.50 cant be beat. You will be astonished at tho low prices we will quote you on all kiuds of Shoes. For 2.00, 2,50 and $3.00 you get just what you want. We can pleas you exactly. I I Heavy arrivals of Spring Goods daily. WHOLE FAMIV BLUNED. The Father and Fire Children ePerisb in the Flames. Johnstown Weduesday, 2. The residence of Phillip Mitchell was burned early this morning atProsser Hollow on the out skirts of this city. The father and five children were burned to death. The flames cut off their escape, Tho mother desisted in an attempt to rescue them only when she was on .fire heiself. Easter at Grace Church, Lexington. The Davidson Dispatch writ ing of the easier services in Lexington says: At Grace Episcopal cnurcn Dr. JC Davis, of Concord, filled the pulpit in the beautiful new structure which his congregation has just completed. The build ing is located on oouin main street and the pattern is the old Grecian art. The building was filled to overflowing Sunday morning. The interior of the church was beautifully decorated with Eastor lilies, carnatiou, etc., and the woras "nrisi is Risen" appeared in ferns over the nu mil. ine cnoir, assisted by Mesbames Allen and Gibson and Mr. R P Benson, of Concord, reudered excellent music. Dr. Davis preached at 11 o'clock, a. m. and 4 o'clock, p. m. His sermons wer logical and forcible and were attentively listened to by the large congre gations present. ARE YOU WISE t&Xl feU-JU ttiere is no remedy in equal Moxicau Mustuug fclnlnienu end a sure way to treat a case of Sore Throat in order to kill disease germs and insure healthy throat action is to take half a glassfull of water put into it a teaspoonf ul of Mexican Mustang Iiniment ' and with this rarK!o the throat nt frequent intervnls. ; Then bathe the outai le of the throat thoroughly with the llnl. ntand after doing this rf"r aomt ion a soft cloth ami wrap ' around the nwk. It ia a I'OSI 1 IV E CL Kk 2oc, COc. and $1.00 a bottle mV tjr Villi have long been troubled with a running IT 111 A I DC TUU goreorulcer. Treat it at onco with Mexi. M Mustang Liniment aud you cau depend upon a speedy cm . made in Hie United Stale are of Shoos always carried by Mrs. Nei9!er'arrowlj Escapes Burning. Mr. A A Neisler was in town Wednesday evening with a se verely burned hand that came about as follows : Ho was clean ing off a little patch of ground and was burning tho brush and lUter. Mrs. Neisler and the children were about and helping. Ho suddenly found Mrs. NeisWs clothes on fire and burning fear fully. He sprang to the rescue and threw her to the ground and called to the children to throw dirt on the fire. Mrs. Neisler's dress was of cotton but her inner clothing was chieflV woolen goods and the fire was quckly subdued without a blistor on her, Mr. Neisler though, will have to nurse several blisters larger than a silver dollar. The escape for Mrs. Neisler was very narrow. Cut by a Grasa Scythe. Master Gowan Dusenberry re ceiyed a painful, though we hope, not a serious cut on the arm Wednesday. There was a grass scythe hanging on the fence about the lot and. not notic ing it, he struck his arm "frito it while crossiug the fence. Dr. Archey dressed the wound, sew ing three stitches. The little fellow is doing very well. 'What goes up must come down, espocially swelled heads." "Love's young dream oflen bumps up against a rude awak ening." 1 'Don't think that sensible girls admire men becauso of their physicial beauty." paper 1 year. Lutheran Conference in Philadelphia,. Philadelphia, April 3. Tho session of tho General Con ference of Lutherans was de voted to tho reading nnd dis cussion of papers, including; "The Place of the Hold Spirit in Lutheran Theology," by Rev. Dr. Jausan C. Moser, of Hick ory, N. C, and. "The Lutheran Doctrine of tbeSacraments," by Rev. Dr. LD Busby, Salisbury, N. C, "Our Home Mission Field" was tho subject of dis cussion and Rev. W L Seabrook, of Newberry, S. C, was among those who spoke. Blown to Btoins Tho old idea that the body some times needs a powerful, drastic, purgative pill has been exploded; for Dr.King'sNcw Life Pills, which are perfectly harm less, gently stimulate liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter, cleanse the system and absolutely cure Constipation and Sick Headach. Only 25c at Fetzer "s Drugstore. Postmaster Bailey, who pays all the rural free delivery carriers iu the state, was asked the number of routes in oppora tion today in North Carolina. He replied: "There were 5(5, up to March 1st. There are 25 new ones. By June 1st there will be 150 in operation." Col. Qid'S Raleigh correspondence. Hiijd w i'iy a Time. Don't neglecl coughs aud golds even if it is spring. Such cases often result seriously at Ihis ssason just becauso people are careless. A do-io oi One Minute Cough Cure will re move , all danger. Absolutely safe. Acts at once. Sun; cure for coughs, colds, croup, gtip, bronchitis, and other throat and lung troubles "I have used Ono Minute Cough Cure several years," says Postmaster C O Dawson, IJ.irrr, III. "It is the very best cough medicine ou the market. It has saved, me many a severe spell of sickness and I warmly recommend it" The children's favoiito. Gibson Drug Store. "All kinds of useful employ ment are equally honor.ablo." Shot In II is Left Lfff. For all kinds of sores, burns, bruises, or other wounds De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is a sure cure. Skin deseases yield to it at once. Never fails in cases of piles. Cooling and healing. Nono genuine but Do Witt's. Jiowaro of counter feits "I suffered for many years from a sore caused by a gun sho wound in my left log," says A. S. Fuller, English, Iud. "It would not heal and gave me much trouble. I used all kiuds of remedies to no purpose until I tried DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. A few boxes completely cured me." Gibson Drti" Store. "A man's best servants are his ten fingers." These Are The Favorites. Colgate's Mountain Violet, Sweet Pink, La Franca Rose, Cashmere Boquet and Vioris are exqisiteiy perfumed Toilet Soaps. Colgate's Colossal, Turkish Bath. Whito Clematis and Olive Palm are leaders everywhere, peerless for purity. Go to Fetzer's, Drug Store for Colgate s boap. ' m All the new ships for tho navy will ba fitted with masts for wireless telegrahy. Tho ships will have the benefit of tho latest apiplkiiices in tho syr-tem, and men will be enlisted, wi.o aro trained as electricians. Ashe viile Gazette. It llnzles the ttorM. No Discovery in implies i- has tho sed ever created one qu ,v!iv 01 exci lemon t that has a i.iu by li r. Kit -c's New Diacov for C msu.u; i :on. It's sever t lesl.-. have been on hoiin! e ss victim-; of Consumption. Pn moiiia. and I wh e lie ,'orrhage, 1 leur roi" 'lis, bun san lis In'.-, .vslore.i '.o pcrf Cojgh.-., Co! isy of . a as. he 1 ii. :-'o . ,i.:... . C: Hoarseivss oup, Hay 1 'cv ' and Vtt!KH: Cough it is il.o quickest, sur cui Fe in tir 1 world, ft is ,r's Drug SI ore ,,i u -.. 1 1 ' anleo satisfaction money. La ego hot y-l.uO. Triii! L-oi : IV M. L. i) 0v- . ,:1 LIVKIIV. 1 i:1 i- I " 'A Just in n r .i. - t. " Omnibuses -..vl a' i trains. Ou' its of i nished proa pt 'y - able prices. 1 h i ; always on I. nd tor - : ers of tl.orou"!. ' China Uos. 10 v r i IVatk-'J IT

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