Sl'IunHE FOU THE STAML Send us SI. 00 1 B l Si J 1 f U . A JL 1PJ - rOiA till Only - $1.00 and net ' this Only $1 Per Year. SEK CLUBHJNd KATKS Oil VAnvA CON COM), X. ()., THURSDAY, AI'UIL, 21, l)(2. Single Copy 5 Cl s. pap er 1 rrrs-,--, J. J C.i.A DA ut c Siwplleif , P.'o see h, pioluro iu its sim plieit v mmI pathr.s. A fruira f ii mi r sil in (lis cheap ijOi chair, in din rue- ifli.i-OO bar si, b -side his i.dor.riOO heifer, anc nl'ows l.isi;: z; to wonder tdonyd h jiii &7.' wirr'ow, acro t'tf 'jru.'.'iJlT n r rod fence, to fi ll im;h. fL' i.) cottage whit-1 will soon be ready to reeivo his family and his small u,50C' store A fu i! ure. "-lulu ruuiinatinp over tho failure of his recent rM.OUOd'OO cumuaun he -heart. ho voice; ol' his tr.ily beloved sod droning a lesson from tbo dor on red pages f.f bis Coiuumn S.7j rrummar, and. turning, sees him vrite the lesson with bis poor ;.'5 cent soapstono pencil ticross his ffirulMiion At. 75 slate, and peering over his shoulder reads: ; Tiun. R;w. Tiuin. Ilarn, Itirned. Barnacle." '''his is the picture, and from the look in the fatlier'seye, there is very probability that a worn E 8.50 slipper will soon impinge i pon a pair of every day trousers ' which were purchased upon barg: in day f r exactly 7.&7 in cold beautiful, tangible. Ameri can silver,) without waiting for mo aid or en sent of am- nation en earth. Nebraska City Conservative. Mop llio Cough anil Works oil th Cold- Laxative Broica Quiuino Tab bits cure a cold in one day. No euro, no pa, . Price 25 cents. lli'Sict and Both. The members of tho editorial professional sympathize deeply with brother John Ii Webster on l is trip to Charleston, Ho was touched by a pick pocket and re lieved of 55 in good greenback money, which he was carrying in his hip pocket. that time, we have all been wondering w hat an. editor was doing at an exposition with that much cash, a id how the pocket picker fourd it out. Durham Sun. Tit CL'KE A COM) IN 0.E IUV. Tak(! Laxative Bromo Quinii d I'lhleis. All druggists refure tin; money if it fails to cure. tVill Ti'iich Klcnii'iitary AKiicultiiiv, The. Summer School of the h-'outh, to he held at Knoxvii! Ir 5 rii Juno 19 to July 31, will lie in offering to teachers oxLVlleut courses in" eloinentarv a rie.ulture and manual training t ! it can he taught at almost no ex era co.-.t in the country schools 1 ; the regular teachers and that will link the school room with tin) work' of the farm. Much of oer education has no connection wi ;h the every day life of the e.iin'nunity, and this step is for tho direct benefit of tho country .. . ys a n J girls and is therefore in the right direitiou. Educa tio .al Notes. IHrrMiiirs lio'iiulng. i ia,-ri.-,biii'i; h .- been f-iation si;. ce the North Carolina Kail -io d was conipleied; and that is ail it has ever been. But the prostiectsi for great improve ments within a very short time an flattering indeed; a furniture laetory is an encouraging prob ability; h spoke and handle fae. ; iry is already in operation; and im. I the citizens now purpose to i.a 'ea first class school. The plan for the school is to build a house to cost about $1,000, and secure a principal 'a tor. About tvx hundred dollars of the n 'ces . ..i y funds have been subscribed, and, it is said, tbo balance will an eiisv matter. Applications rave already been received from college men who wish to take charge of tho school, one coming fro-n Kentucky. Charlotte Ob r . rver. T'-vi- Fi(rnn!irf tn nn rvrry bnx of th ffonuino i.:ixaiive tu:;r;(-Qi:irii::o Tablet. remedy Uiat rre a Ci-ll lu e ln$ AliSi'Ut i A case of more than usual nb t iiiimiednes.s happened in St. I. lis not long ago. Accordinr t. '..'ppincoU's Magazijie, a pale, ii. vous young man came thi gro 'ery with his baby on on i. n and a kerosene can on the 0 - r. He set tiie can on the counter a i I said, gently, "Sit there a moment, clear." Then, holding tho baby out to !- dazed c.leik, ho said, -'A gal- 1 n of kerosene in this, please." "5 1 pj a 1 P f V I, d ' 1 V 'i s yspopsia Curo!; UI0CSTS VVint yoil Cat. 1,1 ri'p.-tr'itioa onnliiiiM nil of tl r (iiK.-tiinis and did, -Ms nil limit of ( i. Il giveninrtiintTrllefaiid never las itoeure. It alleys yau to cut, all, t'.e iiHKlymnvant.. The n.o,t sonsil ivu1 t "innrlis can take it. liv its use many t1 ei.sainlft of vsm p (,' have I icon cur. - nftor vrrvlhiiirf olno failed. It r-vonM for,u.i ion of .raM.n tb Mom- . rel lev i u ir an it'si., Hsnf nit. Mi, j linn,., vim-. 1 1 ;,.-,.int,t,itak,.. il 'tttis't h t- rwl.niltr hr f O. Iinw irr C.., I'lilrtiio. u' u. iwulu cuouoiiKit' um)uiu(ioo.iUti. lied. The young man has since j hen !-;,,d. No woman ever doli'o Gibsou'sDrui Store -died. leralely stepped on a uiouso." Makes tSie food more THE'INE 8IlTA.TI.-ft. Armed IS twist mice Coining' In a ( lose (jen. Mulvcr Conn f tn. Manila. April Id. -Goncial Malver has unconditionally sur reiiclore.l to Brigadier ficiieral J Franklin. Bell at Lipa, Batan gas province, with the entire insurgent force of tho provinces of Laguna and IJataughS. General Bell says Ids (Bell's) inllueuco is sutllcient to quell the insurrectionary movements in in Tayabas and Cavito provinces and capture all those in the field who have not yet surrendered; but, Malvar hiks ordered the complete surrender of every in surgent to the nearest iViuerican force. General Wlior.ton report ii;.; to the division headquarters, says that all in his depait-: ment has ended and that the -'ilipinos in tho detention camps can bo allowed to return to tlieir I homes m tune to plant th- crops. I General Wheaton is especially pleised with General Bell's care ! of the natives contiued in the ! camps. The ofheors in cbar-'u I are helo personally re.-ponsible for the quality and quantity of I i r....l ..,1 r,. ,v,vl mo lyjyjyi u L tiuu KtL Lliu general welfare of tbo occupants of the camp. After scouring th mountain msses General Ceil emuloyi-d oiuuteer oolomen h.n ;-r ee- tioii against ladrouo. moors of Ulipiiios express t.. s i ,'eliest ; tatisfaction al lo. ' I'eatn.ent; accorded to l lionise! Vc-i Uud to; their families who were m tho concentration camps. General wheaton gives Gen eral ledl great cretiit. for his indefalii. ability iu co.iducting tho campaign. lie was in the Bold on horseback, day atidtnght, personally superiniendiug the most ariluons operations. Tl.o i . oi 1 1-.- ot V.I a v da i'.r'i do 1 i i i 1 1 ; a.: !i:-..-'pio: , l i,f io .sumption of trace with tho p:tei f o I provin -i.'s ii-ul ar.) anxiou-, .to show (ie.; re. 's (.'!..: !';( . WhO'ttOH an. I Bell their appre cia'.ica of iiio fact tliat tin; in surrection is really over. About, 3,3(o rilles have been received by tho A merienn i.nieer i in Batangas and L:e.ruua pro vmces during tho past four months. General Malvar poionftlly lequostod an interview with (General Bell in order to make his complete submission. rhe 'ack of no.vs from tne island of Samar is due to a defective eablel It is believed, bowevei, that the Ameriear. com ma nder, fheie received yes terday, the surrender of all tlx insurgents in unless tut plans wore altered. Strawberries '.)" t'i ills l' r (Jaurt. The first strawberries shippid this year were grown by Mr. J J Wells, of leaeheys I hey wem to Philadelphia ai.d sold for be cents a quart. Mr. L S Wells, of Teacheys, la-1 year sold over .ah0 worth of Mrawborries from oneacioand tolls the Miiming ton Messenger ' that he now thinks he will heat that record this season. A crate of berries will be shipped today from Rocky Point by TJ Armstrong and J O Jones, and there the 10 frigeraler trains will carry them by the train load. It is a great industry in Eastern North Cart lina. News aid Observer of 17th. Bill .Vr.'sS,)i iiig I'oity. Hill A'-ps mo;le.-t, opinion lo the contrary notwithstanding, spring poet ry is ii;ie in Di.T'e. iiereil is as v Pliain get it, oft'.. The bull ttg l.,-ll,.r i. tl,e .a;el,eS Ile'H ,'led , iT I.m w,uur I r.l. l'Uebak f,.r iiem.1 ehit' nstt 1h h Ami 'fere you tne.v it ene ,e c tc! ( tb. The. lizzHnl ii eiinniij' ldmatji ou a mil. The lurnb i linhni Iiih tuuv bura tni, Kinpt t ..Uon lius iu.fiele.l ii hutiiier Aud sou .Is tlie itir w Pi swi.i t ciiiiiii r, Tuu cWltiy is iloftiuij bi Hlubtinni 11111I0 Aat j'-rlis t'-o li e v i li ' (teo, .Yen f-o'.'V Adown il e': icel ' -a .l Oi ei.n lH Ar.) Hi utican 11 leei VRUHheu lj An.l 'b' -ir lit: ' iiirty tinnvf Ar 't;; e lj - l.iu' till, I Cilt.-I:'.!! 1:-' Villus' otii) nail Jinnlric " A High Po lit special of t ! to tne ChavioU-! (Jbserv A young ni..u by the name .d Parker in the Fairvii w iiei. il borho'id. liindoliei count v. waylaid and shot day or mj ago ir, .,.. ,, .,,,., ,..,, ., ,...,.1.. 1,0 va ,Uu" 1 . ,L , 1 ' wneii tne mm ue, m,, . made uptn him. Ho was rocKt'd and t'e'ii shot. nj,,,br UnnU it was on- .. , , ,, , , , those rasn ami uacaiiO'i tor a 'hat. s. i i s follow ihe bri iih I Pels, lis ueoj '" " "',, '''" jf tiio crime have I ft fr. V IS dc!:cioas end wholesome fO., KTW Vf'U III MILI VI im; ( HI me iVlille f WiijiK- ('oiiiiIt Assaults u i)-Yar-tlltl Will. ioldsboi'o special of lb 10. .. i') the-News and Ouserv'-K tells the following humilialitg story: "Wil'iani Crooms, white, mar ried, atced 85 years, is in t! e clutches of t ie law, arrested on t he charge of attempt to rape. His victim is Pearl Davis, the 9 year old daughter of Mr. W W Davis, who bwore out tho com plaint. Tho attempt was niado t tho home of Crooms where the child was onticpd while visiting. Crooms was arrested by Sheriff 1! F Scott, of this county, this morning on Conteutnea Creek, within ihren milis nf Wilson, in . Wilson county, and incarcerated ju n,0 calaboose at Fremcdt, frnm which, nnim. thn nriuwer wiii l delivered to the Wilson connn- imlboril.u.s Tho assault was UjiUlo on AprU 0lh and the matter iu:s been nept quiet -'till d-ooms -a aimrotionrioa. 1?.n- mors are rife but it is thought ti1(, i.iw will hn nm-miiio,l to H,.nl w-iuh the prisoner. TO TtlKCENI.ItAL ASSEMBLY- Concnril 1' t rj Klocts tiev. Messrs, Tidliiill anil Mimroc and Elders Murnn mid liuuiiltnn CommisKioncru. Moorosvil'o, April 10. Con cord Presbytery convened hero at. tho Presbyterian church Tuesday cveniug at 7:30. The opening ser."on was tire ache I oy Kov. r. v aU'eftolil, or Spencer. Kev C M Uiehards was elec ed moderator; liev Geo. II Coriielson, of Concord, was elecieu engrossing clerk; Kev. r u i.;i., ..( M,.i,.-;n. ' 1. cted reading c ork. The'1 ... i n , m irrors were nearly all present . at t !( open , ng session, but there ! - - ' , , '' . lire ;e. lie, 1 l)' elde' S. 1 ht! prill- . ci 1 wort C l 1 .1 .ULUI-.IIUI V UH..'VLlllll till. llilVCif..- crt i,,.,,,,. illt: of today was tho. ' , . 11,1 ; lor so many voices, . J .. sn.oner at. t he ( e itral bo el. Mr. ! Uon oi commissi! lOliei'S to tliC , , , . . Geeeval Assembly, which meets t 1 -M- nn- m .Jackson. Miss. Tift nuns- 1-. , T -ir ..rial are Rev. Messrs. J V 1 'I'iilball and C A Monroe; lay, !)r Aioiil-oe of Al 11 1 nn Hiel M Chas. Hamilton, ot Gil wood, There will bo a missionary ad dress tonight by JJr. Uavis, who U,V J . v" , w""' has had much and beneficial ' P;l,n. writcsJ vv Bei'amy, a lo-: troduceu and for 0110 hour ad oxperiem e in mission work ' in ! comotivo fireman, of Burlington, ! dresscj Ule aU(lioll(,0, throwini: China. Tho attendance upon P sbytery is largo. I'ulmerville Sold ItselfOiit. The 1'iMlo town of I'almervi'le ha -, irlually sold itself out. Too Wh'.'.Liey reduction Comp.ny has purchased almost. ov. ; v foot of land in the phtc, besides the Mirroundvng properly to the north and south for some thiae miles o.ich way. v'o like to see too etjo.l work' go on, but. it trailer saddens us to think of our lui :o nei-rhhor being sold out in fiicii a wholesale way, Stanly Enterprise. Well Kiimmli Siiiil. Democratic newspapers are having a good deal to say about, "democrats who are preparing to join the Republicans." This is the sort of, talk that ia doing the democratic party a good deal of barm. A democrat can di verge from the views of a 2x1 editor without joining the repub lican party; he can separate hi ni sei f 11 long way from tho popu hsiic progrt ui palmed oil as democracy without "joining the republican party." . Perhaps il some of the self-constituted critic:'! would have their parti cular brand of diluted democracy chemically analyzed they would ! b'1 rprised by the variety of jingro.lioiilsdeveloped. W ins.ton 'J',l'l'lla1, . J ". . . i Vi'.l cure St;.i.-.;ch Ache iu Fivc Minnies 'I his is j t what P.iinkillei ii;l('o; ny it. IJTave a bottle in lie Iiou.-j for inslanl use, us it will save you hours of suffer ing. Watch out thati the dealer dees nut sell you an iuii.atio.i, as fheg.'eal reiiutatioii of Paiiikiilt r (Perry Buvis'), has ,i:..l e d HK'.t people 'O try to make something to sell, said to b 'j.Ht as isthegenutiie." ; .lu-l a I.iH' ' A.'ttnleil I- rytbing v s ii rcadint - s. j Tie' grooin, bo.- l u... :,. and it'.in i were g ithei cd in lie! ' . . i y. The orgarnisl began to 1 1 lay .lie . mil l ho ininisiei- started for ior. ' Vait one n.omot, doctor,1' en ited ' he nervous groom. "Is ii the right or lef. had that I am to p t lie ring on ':" The left," hurriedly replied the minister. "A ml, doctor, is is il kiver marry to eus t he bribe?" I'm the minister hud fled. .'ouien a re naturally tender- in ji c.i;a!:iiis u i, a; s associa rios. ft Meets IN Auuiiiil Sos''in - Ceiiditiou Very JalUf.irlin-r. Si cietarj mill TreiiMiier's lU peit Very (iravitjiu 0!d Ofllcerx lie-c lMtet! The C'abarrus county, Build ing Loan and Savincs ssociii ion met in Jho court hoice on Thursday night in annual ses sion. On motion of President W U OdeP, Dr. VV U Billy was called to the (diair. The Secre tary .! ml Treasurer, Mr. J M llendrix, road his' report which was : modol of clearness, show ing hi al complete master ofihe intricate system of B it L. It showod a most satisfactory con dition of the institution, too The net earnings were shown to be 7.13 percent, annually. The institution is just now entering upon its fifth year. The term of office, as director, of W 11 Lilly, W C Houston, G TCrowolland John A liitchie having expired these men were re-elected for tho ensuing term. It has in force at this writing 1480 shares which marks a gain. within the last year, of 500 shares. The board of directors hold its session after tho adjournment aud're-elected V K Odell, presi dent, W C Houston, vice presi dent and J M Ilendrix as secre tary and t reasurer. iniiiDi .n(TaYm a n x in7. Mr. E (j l'l'iiiikiiiiui, of (Uil, ami Mis Florruve Miller Married. llride and (iroiim I.cavs for Ohio. This ufternoon at 3 o'clock Miss Florence Miller, of Locic, was man ied to Mr. I", G l-V. .ktnan, of Versalles, Ohio, Kow C B Miller, of Albe marle, brother of tho bride, otileirthigr, Kev. J A Linn assist-1 Miss Pearl Pafrir was maid of honor and Mi. B B Miller best man. Tho attendants were Misses Nenta Umberger and Mattie Miller and Mtssrs A S lleilig and P II liarnhardt. Miss Tda Blume, of Concord, 11 1 (1. v-i'ii I 1 1 1 Wi 1. 1 1 ill o- in M I'.' 1 1 ,, , v " Tho wedding was an unoston- onfl wa8 lMmu1iful iu (ss. , ,,,ipity 1 Im brioal i any wili arrive in : o.,i: i- ,. : i i ! r, , -,, , 1 io;.i iu 1 s. r 1 .t 11 1 uiii 11 win it'Livw' , , ,, ,., , ,. , . . 1 on the est ibule for Ohio. Sal- . , . . isnury bun ot J 1 in ' , T..n 'i Kiucic to my engine ni- inougii every joint acneii ami . ' Iowa., "I was weal, and pale, I wil hout any appetite and all ! run down As I was about to give: up, tro', a bottle of IC'ec.lric s mill afi.-i- loVrni.r tt 7" I felt, as well as I ever id in my I life."' Weak, sieit'v. rut: down. Ipeoi.lo always gain new life, 'e rengtb and vigor from their ; if so. Try them. Satisfaction ! I,,-,,, ,,,,t.,-wi i,v i,v.,eev n,.,,,, ' Store. Price 50 cents. j in-. Ltiih Serion-lj III. We regret to announce Ihe serious sickness of Rov. Dr. W j Leiih, at tho Stokos-Vitohoad Sani'.arium in Salisbury. Ho 's reported to Vie rapidly failing, and there is perhaps little prospect of recovery. Let prayer bo offered for his re covery, if it be the will of God. North Carolina Christian Advocate of April 10. Court b lie ('mirtlj. Next week Federal court will be in session Court will con-! veiiw at 10 o'clock Monday morning. Judge Boyd will wear hi-, new silk gown for the firstiino in Stales villi i. Col. Ct.wles clerk of tlto court tolls us that under the, new regula tions every body in ihe court loom will ba-.-e ;o stand when the .judgs o, iters and remain standing until ho is soiled. Statusvilio yn.-cot. WariM t.) I!e!) 01 j ot s. "I had s'o. - v'i Iron'de all my life," .says El, v. M :'.i 1 T, pro prietor ot th.i Union Bottling Woiks. Erie. P.,., and tried all kinds of remedies, went to several do ''os and spent con tcdcu.ble m i,.'.y trying to get a inomenl's peae.!. I'liiu'ly I read of IC'xlol H) 'p-i i , 'ure aud have been tawing l, io rey great si.ti.if.u tii.i'i. I never found its equal for stomal'-! (r.ublo and! gladly recommend ii in hope that I may help oile r t'ers.'' Iv idol Dy.-Miepsia Cere al! sioanich t roubles. Yju don't have to diet Kodol Dyspepsia, Cure digosls what you eat. Gibsou's Drug Slor-o. 'Money may not talk, 'but it cheers & man up wonderfully.") Ml ADE II SCiKHIL CLOHIXU. . In.' Y11 iinttinidiiiiles Acq 11 it J'lieliiselves Well t inier Very I'lituTurulili; Cir ciiin.'aiK'eK Mr. iileliiuie Speaks llli His (liumi'tcrNCc I'.iitiuisiiiMii for I'liliiic tducutiini lloiinrs Conferred. Tho Concord Graded School aeld its commoncemelit exercises iu the court house Friday night, riio cou"t room was altogether out of proportion to tho inter est taken iu the school. The audioiico was a jam like sar dines in a box, every available spico being occupied, people standing where there were 110 seats. Under such circumstances the tender voices of the young or formers, however cliar, they might have rung in a less crowded hall could not fill that dense mass of vibratin ', respiratory astmosphore. Tie- nalt could not be heard ana when an audience cannot hear, ill know it becomes rostivo and noisy, making tho chances of hearing si ill less. We are -in formed that tho graduating class is chagrinned 011 account of the disorder that prevailed, somu of which was inexcuseablo. The hissingand cat calls from anum her of boys, that need a few good warm draughts of the slipper, wore exasperating enough and tho class may justly feel offended at that and any other noise avoid able under tbo circumstances. All in ail, however, the exer cises wore quite eridilablo and friends and lovers of youth a well as parents and relatives ol the young people are proud of the class and we herein offer our sincere congratulations. The music was specially good; "' viiUiK-iatii:; oe. .n0' v . ry go jit Tlio scene iv:ik rleli.-lil fill to r, - , . , behold with its bright vouti" ucnoiu nun us oiiiu, juui.p j faces intermingled with llowor: land plants. I'rof. Chas. 11 Mebane, presi ,,ll nfr'nU,,-!,.,,, n-nc in. himself well into his favorite theme, "Tbo Public Schools and Popular Etlucation." Ho was ,u,i altogether free fiotu gloom ovor lllC) :u'k of , attendance on the public schools. He sees no ,. ... , ., , way ol gctl ing all the cbddreii into the' schools, but by compell ing parents to semi mom. Ho congratulated Cabarrus on being in the front in the move- ; m-nt for larger school districts and better school houses. He ,Mw in this movement the oppor- tunity for better paid touchers and better work. At tho close of Mr Mebane's address the graduating certifi cates were presented by Mr. D B Coltrane, tho chairman of the graded school board. He prof- :icl Hio act with some happy prophetic statotnertts, showing his great faith iu tho onward and upward movement for popu lar education. A very happy closing leaiiir, was the presentation of a pai i of LT) visilin cards from -Mr. .1 B Shorrill to ea-di ;,rl ii. l..e white graded s .hools who in .-. a record during lee teim fu from absence or tardiness. Tin following are the names called out to receive 'be c ,i !s and the honor that a, delighted and iei.ee1 was pleased, to bestow: Litz.i belh McEachcrn, B..itlia J.lill, Hattio Pounds, M.ugard Me Enchern, Mary Mr.rrispu, .Var gurite Brown, Anna Doug la.- . Siierrill, Jennie Vi:isl-jw Col I trano, Mary Lilly Sin mil, Helen Patterson, Eugenia, Lore, it,, Caltlwoll, Ida Ccok, Nora P. la McDauiel. 'Viola Blalock, Lilly May Cook and Mary Jones. Thus ended tho most largely attended and, wo think it fair to say, the best session in the his lory of 'the C ncord Graded School. It is also the'last to be hold m the old Central buildin Mm. Jas 0. Dent Head. Mrs. Jas. O. Dent died at- her home at. forest Hill at it o'clock this (Saturday ) tuon.r g, of ty phoid fever. '..ho was a great sufferer, 'the -ii- wise iiliJ iug the iniin. Three physicians at.d jommuiiily of friends and neigh bors ministered to her, but. relief only came in death. hue was about -47 years old. She loaves husband and one elii'd in this sad bereavement. She was a member of the Baptist church at Jerusalem, Davie county. The remains will bo buried tomorrow (Sunday) alien, 0011. Ir. John h. I'.imI Lead. Mr, John L. Bost, sou of Mr. M. L. Bost, died this (Saturday) morning at tho homo of hi; father at Hosts Mills ..fterlin goring for several .ars will; consumption. Ue was about -le years old. lie leaves a wife and one sou, about five years old, and aa aged and invalid father, live sisters and two brothers tc mourn his death. lie was a member of St. Martin's M. E. church, where the burial of tl. remains took place this evening. Mrs. C'lius. I), lit 1;. a iii Ilia.l. The wife of Mr Chas. il, Mc Donald, night, 'doss of Milr.n'iiie it Cabai rus Mill, tbed at her home on West Cochin e-otat ! o'clock' Friday night, of con sumption. She was Ha years old. She leaves a -urvi'iiH' husband and six ehiUreli. I'1 i, was a member of the I'ioisewp.ii church and the funeral service-, were conducted at tho homo at 5 o'clock this evening by Dr. J. C. Davis, and th body was laid to rest in the city cemetery. Daily of lb. Found lli-ui". Neur Sjk i.Oer. Mr. Julius Howell, of tiold Hill, was found derd in th woods near Spencer Wctino.sday afternoon. Ho was sixty years old and was not enjoying good health. Ho was a gallant Con federate soldier. Working 21 If iis a Day. There's no rest- for i.hosa tiro less little workers Dr. KiigV Now Life Pills. Millions are always busy, curing Torpid LiYor, J;i undi.-e, I'iiiousnes, Fever aud Aguti. They banish Sick Ueaiia. l;e, drive out Malaria. Never gripe or weaken. Small, tasto nice, work wonders. Try them, -ac at FMzor's Drug Store. .Mrs II. St. I Dead. The wifo of Kev. II M Blair, editor of tho Noith Oarolina Chi istiau Advocate, died after a few hours of sickness ou the 18th inst. Editor Blair has our deep est sympathy in this soro be reavement. AilE 1 OU Vl'luC an. il.,. iwiUiwaUnorouiody t euul an easy way nnj a sure way to treat a case of Soro Throat in order to kill disease germs and insure liealthy throat action is to take half a glassf nil of water put into it a teaspoonf ul of Mexican IVIuotang liniment anrl with fltls rrzto tri tlirnut at. frcnwt IntoryaH n,A u,t.,6 tho oiiii.:ii of tiio tdieul. t!i.r..ii-hly with tlieltuWf BM,'ur.loii!tliisp.rK"iii.M,n u sott c-lotu aua wrujv nrouua tho u.-tk. It is u ) Oi jl iUb CL tt. oc, KOu. uiiil $1.C0 a bottle. rrrilll lir Vr'! havo lonf; hem troutilcj with riravtm? IT f,lA I hC IUU gore or liter. Tnmt it al, once with Slexi. MJ1 Mustang IiUiilenli uud you can Uepeud upou a BiieeU curt. . AT LACKED HY iiCKGLAH. 1 lei K er riemint,' Hotel Meds Ultli n Surprise Marion, N. (.!., April 17. Last :.i'..!ii. about nine o'clock a burg Ur entered the old Pleming Hotel, which is run as an annex hi the r.agio. Hotel. As Mr. Hopper, the clerk, started lo lis room ho struck a match in a lark room adjoining, when it v' knocked out ol his hand and -.ovoral cuts with razor or knife slashed his shirt and coat collar. Mr. Hopper foil backwards and ho burglar passed out in the lark. The dork could not tell who it was or whether white or bUick. His trunk nad been opened and twenty dollars in gold stolen. Blood hounds were telegraphed for but could not be gotten. Mr. U. itl lo Movo to MorRiin. Mr. W W Roid tolls the Sun ihat he has decided to movo to Morgan township, wheio he will aako his home with his brother, Mr. Calvin Bei.l. Mr. Keid will leave very shortly for the country. Sahsoury Sun. Kev. niitl Urs. Jiet'tillonsh Losu Tlifir Little bill. Rev. and Mrs. II A McCul- lough of Cameron, S. C, are leeply bereavt d by the death of their infant daughter, Miriam Kathleon, ou last Sunday at the igo of little more than a year and a half. Tl)3 sympathies of his people aro tenderly manifest for i heir pastor and his wife. Lutheru Visitor. lioascn for not Tukiiiifn Xonsiapt-r. Tiio editor of au exchange aims that his town has three of the stingiest men on record The first will not drink as much water as he wants unless it comes from a neighbor's well. The second forbids any of his family writing any but a small hand, as it is a waste of ink. to make large letters. Tho third stops the clod; at uight to save wear and (ear of machinery. All of them to .ake a newspapor on the ground that it is such a strin on the spectacles to read, tl lbs WitiRs It never pays for even the best of orators to make speeches before beiug sure of the facts upon which their arguments are eased becauso somebody is pretty sure to trip them. Now, there 'is tho much talked of tlhauncey Depow, senator from New York aud one of the most famous orators of America, who was niado to look like thirty cents by Senator Simmons of North Carolina, a comparatively unknown man. And all because tho polished Chauncey "went off half cocked " to use a common expression. The New Yorker made a pretty mean speech in which he said that the amend ment in iSoi'lh Carolina was adopted to turn Duller and Prilchard out of the Senate. Mr. simmons had only to state, m reply, that the amendment had noi even yet gono into effect, and tho old after dinner sport was t alien oil his pegs completely. Monroe Journal. Mr. Wiley to Leave fur New Voik. Capt. V M unlock Wiley has resigned as manager of tho Un ion Copper mine at Gold Hill to go iuto the brokDrago business I in New York. - ,lor!'t know that for nil lnflrr. Mc-klcuu Mubtuntf iaiUjuuut- A Uisdit Itii.iu! ,".i,.iisr. Miss Lulu J Harris ! bo is a student, at the Pre.,', , terian College, has beeu elected sponsor of the Cabarrus Count Camp of Confederate Veterans and will leave for Dallas this morning. She goes with her uncle and adopted father, Capt. J Shakespeare Han Sin co die was a woe thing she has Accompanied him to every Con federate reunion; ano she knows Nearly every veteran in the State. Miss Harris is just 12 years of age. Prom babyhood sho has been reared by Capt. Harris; and tho two of them managed one of tho .biggest farms in Cabarrus cunfy until a few mouths ago, when sho came here to school ami Capt, Harris changed his residence to Char lotte to see the school. Sh.j is a flower that has yielded beauti fully to transplanting; but sho would rather sond her own ihoroughbrod horse at a high fence than to road Caesar, and she would rather tug along witl lierbelr.ved uncle than to own a trunk full of diplomas. She will be a sponsor from her heart: for the love of the cause :s born in the blood and was preached by as gallant scout as over drew b oath. Charlotte Observer lbtii. "Faint praise will not obstruct a How of words.'' Seglcct .Tii'uiis Pauper. i ' t : -et ' ":..,-,.. . and CO !!.-' : pai ri. Yr. . .'-,; SU-t'er i "1 I,. I , I).. ''.':', I'.! e E.,.,1., -.-i, cure such cases, M. B. Smitii, Butternut, Mich., say "DoWitt's Eittlo Early Risers are tho most satisfactory pills I over took. Never gripe or cause nausea." Gibson Drug Store. "Common sense extracts moro solid comfort from life than genius does." Strong Evidence anhluius tho popular verdict Hint Kyl'H C'reiim linlm s worth its wieit iu guld. Tri d sizo () cents, l-'ull ai.o flu cents. Hole by rlriiL'gists anil uinileil hv I'Af lirotlicis. TA Wtirron St., New York. i'rob, rta, Cal. Messrs. Va. linos : I buvu been a nfilietod with ciitiirrh for tfffn'y years, it auda tne k i wouk I thouirlit i had eou. samption I pit eno bottle of Ely's Cream l!ul;n and in tiirpe iIh.ts the dis cliarfia stopi'il. It is tho best medicine I Have n.seit lor ,-utimh Very truly, Thank E. Kimlesiibe. "Tho most effective argument on a boy is a good keen switch.' "Success comes to those who wait provided they hustlo whilo wailing." Arrival of Traini. The f lUewliui chnngo of aclietlulij tot k edt Nov. 21. 19U1. NOKTHBOUND. No 8 rrlvo8 at " RI 2 i. ti as ' " !J " " 40 SOUTIliSOUNU 5 ,'.7 a ra 10 i,l a m 7-0J p m H.4.1 p m 10.11 pm 10.41 a m .5S p m So II 7 rriTC8 at K.49 a u a di p m p m a m a rp pra 11 " " a a ID 7 " " n 4J 85 " " U 10 " " 7,;tr ?i " " 7 ;.t 211 " " U.'-H TiiL nukiaK retiului steps at Con. ril an t-lieiin w ilh the letter V pre ixnl to the i-.-li, i-'ule ti lie. No other oaiiiK t-ti.ii at i oLCoru except a" ex- pl.iiued lu'l. i o. ;r m fcn iii-rm i. . un.' u iit elf pn.-netii.-ers fn in :ii v i.oint i,outli jt Chatlott i .it sii.i.eiis tutw.en Sulislaii V an, ! i ee ilie ; let ca p:is- i; i,1 to. -a 1 irn ii.'h. Ii1 , , ..1 . 1'nl.eeru to let efi' '. . , i -. u u au , , i N,'. T, ttud Ti : i- ."l.j! 1 s v. !., u - h. ve.'o sei.'-'i'in li'eii (Kl,n('li;.l', -: n i . o 1 . ; i ' -Il S. . ..I of Neri.e,..l luuat'h r, lit l--.ll.--i :,-' ii il. ail s' .. 7. .No. i- 5 n ol si p at iwi'll" I M oil' pil.- elr..;. ri trom nrr r. l iei- I ,e vl: ' ,1 !. I'tli, tl . of iml oil k" ' 4 ,',1' i Cl.urt-1 ;.t ( il h S.L 1 -I '111 '.' . 1 lo let i in: i p -in -: on: to i. t . Iioio '' d p. ;it 1, it'O'll i p.rtie s nut. C.-i.'. i -o.-J I i: ii ir- .- nrrii I . ll lit t. e I'.i- i: L. V.'.-nou. r. f . I'll j A Groves, bond Ac l Old