nn Send One Dollar and get this HE sr:i; clubbing rates on page2 Only $1 Per Year. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, .JUNK, 12, 1902. Single Copy 5 Cts. 1 BSCR1HE FOR TIIF STAN DARD. Only - $1.00 A NBA RD. KI0T1M1 IN CHICAGO Stent Wh','oiim :i:tv to Piht Their Wij In K. livt-r Hi i f. 'J'Iib win-si of .-iiuauons existt at Chicago W ith tho boef mer jumI the riiicis. A dozn 01 ini)ii) buttles wore fought Vie iwcen iiHit an 11 mid the riot.- on VVeiliifii ,v. i he casiKtlMrt were not trat however I'loiiiii.lj one man hit with i bv .i l:ni l i In' a rioter may die, M'.st of ;lic results are brui.se 'l'h in v -six meat wagons sue (C( d'd in ironing out of the UD ion Muck .yards and in d-Mi verity an at. Daily of 5th. Tuilon-FWur. ,Av. S VV Tarlton atd Mrs. M ,ry Fisher were united in mar riage today ( Thursday) at o'i lock a. in., at the Lutheran pa-'sonago by lev. W II Hiller Mr. Tarlton is 58 years of age and Mrs. Fisher is nearly 51. Ea?h lost a life companion more tli. ,n a year aco and felt the bu-den of undivided cares and tlin oppressiveness of solitude. Union according to the divinely appointed way for man seemed tho proper solution of life s prob lem with them. Their pastor, Rev- V K Siickley, being absent t hi y came to Concord and pro curing license, were married as above stated. May the shadows of life's set tit sun leu'.'lhen slowly with thorn ami sink beneath a cloud less horizon. Iter. C A Uurks' Discourse. Tne Richmond Times of the 2nd says: Tne Rev. C A Marks preached .Sunday night at the First English Luntheran Church, taking f:r his subject the dis aster at Martinique. He took ill is incident as an example of the power of God to visit destruction upon a sinful world and . declared that the d i-astcr pointed to the truth of tli'' destruction of too world by fir.!. People hoot at the ide . that V re is a lake of fire and brim s'nne for the punishment of the winked, said Mr Marks, "well, go and look at those people in tst Pierre. See their hands .sticking out from under the sit lies atid the lava, as if they V ' re trying to shield their f ,i es ' from the suffocating v.' i losphere. If God could fill ihe air with these sulphurous femes, rain fire and pour out streams of boiling mud, if he can f tir up the- waters as they were s i ed up aruuud the island of M rtinique, how easily can he ) i'Miare a lake of Are and brimstone for the destruction of sinners." Many of our readers recall with pleasure tho days when he served Lutheran Chapel and tVatr-r Grove churches and the people who could, would follow lira from one church to the !ln r that, they might not misss a single discourse. 10 CURE A COM) IN OXE DtY. TaKe Laxative Bromo Quinind Tablets. All druggists refute th! money if it fails to cure. Forty Ostriches Arrive at Ashevlllo. Tne birds for the ostrich farm loeu'ed at, the corner of Coleman and VVoolsey avenue have ar rived aud are now iu their quarters VI r. Nash came with them Trim Arizona aud every ostrich vi'.s in perfect condition on ..r re.. I. There are4lt of them, six lli V hieh are chbks. The farm i i .t open for the inspection of vui'nrs and will not be until a (iji tin 2iit.li- of the month, A ilit ville Gazette of 3rd. S nator Pettus, of Alabama says that the secret of living loug is to woik. "I am eighty i. ue," he adds, "and happy and L in i thy us a boy. I notice that all of my neighbors who got rich and retired are dead. I n -v 'i' got rich and never retired, 'i in n ost fatal disease 1 know of :i quit work. It kills every time Keep working and you'll k'H'i) alive. ( - the Cough ami Winks fl the Cold Laxative Uronr-o yuinine Tab-1- f cere a cold in one day. No c uio, no pa. . 1'riie 25 cents. "Vomit' man if you can'i ii, bi ry a girl with dollars you are J iil;y Icmai ry one with sense ' Jyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Vhls preparation contains all of the uliriMiants anil digests nil kinds of fro id. ItBlvesinstnnt, relief and never 'nils toeure. It allows you to eat all i, he fod you want. The most sensitive f.toniaeli can take),. Jiy itsusemany thousands of dyspeptics have been mired after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on thestom leh. relieving all riistresaaftereatlntf. Lieting unnecessary. 1'lcasanttotake. It can't help but do you good frotiiirpil only tiv F. C. PrW ITT A Co., ClilriMfa tiiu 1. boitlu contui an turn.- lUe 60C lfc u.j&oii hUrug Store OOL. J. T. AXTHOXT'S ADDRESS. He Relates Eirly History ana tbe Birth and Growth of the Improved Order Red Men. Col. J T Anthony, of Char lotte, met the improved Order Red Men, sixteen in number, and a few citizens Wednesday night in the court house where he ad dressed them on the origin, the growth and the benefits of the Order. It is remembered that the Bos ton tea party were disguised as Indians when they threw the tea over board. This seems to have been the incipiency of the Order. With a spirit of resistance to British oppression the cliqu9 de veloped into an order of useful ness, and it adopted a ritual, pass words and grip and served good purposes in our early his tory. George Washington, said the speaker, was one of the first officers in the order. The good effects were felt during the Rev olutionary War and the war ol 1812. . In 1832 the system was im proved and added the word "Im proved" to the name. The Order has sutlered mucn at different stages and almost became extinct.at several periods. It suffered great depression from our i onreaerate war ana even n 1870 it numbered only t,bout ihirtyor forty thousand mem hers. It has now taken on new life and numbers 300,000 mem bers. He dwelled on the benefits of secret co operation through which the order works and on the orphanage feature. The Colonel was disappointed in havins so small an audience, The members are a fine look- insr bodv of voung men. The Colonel said he hoped to meet them again on some tuture occasion. In the course of his remarks the Colonel asked pardon for personal reference to himself in doing his first picket duty in the Con federate service near the ruins of the old church in which Poca houtas was baptized a member of the Christian church. Pint Regiment Band May be Disbanded There is a possibility of the First Regiment band diRoan ung. C N Webster, the manager, declares that the band is not receiving the necessary encour aiTH.nent from the city. The aldermen would not furnish rousrh stand and lights for con certs at court square hence thev have been stopped. The attendance at the auditorium concerts has not been as large as expected. Unless there 1 a sufficient number of season tickets sold for the concerts to make them a financial success, the concert next Thursday night will be the last appearance ;)f the band, as it will bo dis banded, the instruments returned to the government, and the First Regiment band of Ashe ville a thing of the past. It is up to the citizens whether they wish a batfd or not. Asheville Gazette. Impure Drlnklnf Water is always a source of danger; lysenter and bowel trouble fellow its use, every persoD should have handy a bottle of Painkiller (Perry Davis'), which will quickly cure these distress ing ailments. Be careful aud see that the storekeeper does not pawn off some worthless substitute upon you as is some times done for the sake of a few cents extia profit. Large bottles 25 and 50 cents. i,t; !c I u 1 BjII Goodman Dead. Lottie Bell, the little daughter r Mr. C J Goodman, died Wed tesday evening. She was eight years old and was was mot her less, Mrs. Goodman having pre ceded her some two years ago The remains were laid to rest i h the usual funeral exercises this (Thursday) evening at Mt. Olivet M. E. church. Our sym pathies are tendered to the af fl cted family. "Probably some people lie to you because they think too much of you to tell the truth." "When a young husband becomes a father be feels as happy t be looks scared." Light Biscuit Delicious Cake Dainty Pastfics Fine Pviiiagfi Flafcy CtxssU LIMBER FIRE AT OARKY. Cosf 175,000-Inteuse Heat Rulus Rail road Track. The Raleigh Correspondence of the 5th to the Charlotte Ob server says. The extensive lumber plant at Carey was destroyed by fire this morning. The burned plant and its lumber yards cover three acres. About eighty men were employed. The Duke family, of Durham, is chief owner, and John C. An gier is manager. Tonight's es timate of the loss is $75,000, and there is only (15,000 insurance. The rate of insurance was 10 per cent. The fire started in the en gine room. The beat was so intense that the railway track was literally destroyed, the ties consumed and the rails bent like cork screws. Even the county road, quit a distance away, was im passable, so fervent was the heat. Residences a considerable dis tance away wore on five repeat edly, but were extinguish ..a. CHICAGO TROUBLES qUIETED. Teamster Go to llaullnif Beef Again at Better Wage but UU in at Other j made!autern was awarded Lester Coltrane, Jr., and reluctantly Po,nU- presented by little Frank Rogers Chicago, June 5. The siirne y0rko. of packing house teamsters, The crowning event of this which has upset Chicago for evening of pleasure was the thirteen days, was settled this Florodora March. The young morning at four o'clock. ladies in evening di ess and black The struggle was ended after J picture hats wore tho persouifi an all night conference between cation of gr; co and beauty and the packers ond representatives j the gentlemen were gallant and of the strikers with Mayor j handsome. Harrison, city clerk Leofflor and I Fifty dollars were the net pro- members or tne state ooara oi arbitration acting as meditors. By the terms of settlement the men return to work as soon as the agreement is ratified. The meeting for ratification will be held later in the day. The men sacrifice Ihe demand for formal recognition of union aud bars Stewart, two important points. The packers advance wages and there will be no discrimination against the strikers. A Sensational Cane. A case with a sensation tied to it will come up in the Federal court next Wednesday. The charge is that of sending obscene matter through the mails and the defendant are from Uar nett county, Chas LI Randall and two young men named Wilsou. Books purporting to come frem iheir postoffice and from them were received by parties in In diana, who showed the books to the postmaster and he reported tbe matter to the postoffice de partment, which started the suit. The books are of the "Key hole in the Door" and "Was it Grace's Fault?" variety, and the charge is that the matter in them is vile and obscene. Tbe government will hold that the young men were sending out circulars and sending these books through the mail, when such are debarred. The books sell at ten cents each and cost fcur cents each. The prosecution has same of the books and the question is now being considered as to whether they will be read to the jury in court or given to them for consideral 'un in their private onference. It is reported thai two of the accused are closely related to the postmaster an;) the business they were doing was greatly increasing the revenue of the postoffice since ll the circulars were sent out from here. The young nvm are of good family, and a strong defence will be made. Raleigh News and Observer. Not Heath, But the Other Woman. Moore, the Charlotte farmer who disappeared dur'ng the twentieth celebration and was thought to be dead and whose corpse was so much hunted for and whose wife mourned for two weeks over her dead husband has turned np in Salisbury with the other woman. Mrs. Moore is mighty mid and Moore ought t suffer severe punishment for his brutal behavior, Gastonia New KNTERTAXMENT THl'RKDAY SIGHT 1 Spleuilid NiieeesH-(iru. and Lady Wakliliiirtou Willi L' Th CIIIikoii Lawn Traiihformrd War of Itosen 4150 the Net Proceeds. The ladies of the Episcopal Church are to be congratulated. Hie Garden Party was such an ivt'i vv 1 1 tii in I ii auii't:a iiiab cicij feature captivated a very appre ;iaive audience. Mrs. R E Gibson's pretty lawn was effectively decorated with Japanese lanterns and the house was transformed iutoau old time colonial residence "Janice Mer-i edilh," "Joscelyn Cheschiio'" and man colonial dames and gentlemen in "doublet and prose" greeted the guest. ' The dretm was on aud in this som-j iiambulistic state we wore usher-. ed into the presence of Gen. I George Washington and Lady j Washington, whero one could only bow, bow and murmur! words of pleasure and surprise' at the honor couferred in the city of Concord and incidentally b . interred in the PresLy on the Colonial reception, by . ., their preseuce. , temn cemeery.-Daily of the , I h The Japanese Kitchen and -. "all therein contained" was a Tho F" Tobacco Company to (i thing of beauty. The Japs were j Into Business in Xortli Carolina. quite fetching and graciously consented to do away with rice and chopsticks aud serve ice tea and sandwiches in place. Ihe guessing contest offered much amusement, some of the local hits being quite good. The lawn drills were under the management of Prof. Northcott and the ladies are especially in debted to him for his fine sug- croctirtnb ir nrnfipipnll V7 f"XOP.llt4d I "The first, we mi-ht call, the "War of Roses", participated iu by twenty 1 ttie girts aua Doys, lovely. Both armies finally suV rendered and threw down their weapons of roses over which nrotlv litr e Marin Cu dwell was led to the throne of flowers. Un-' der her majesty's reign peace declared and most wonderful to relate, the Father of his Country smiled his approval. The lantern drill was well ex ecuted. The prize (a box of candy) for the prettiest homo- coeds. C. Albemarle News Culled from the Chni lotte Observer. The graded school board met Tuesday and elected the teachers for the Albemarle graded schools, for the next term. With one exception all i'1 old teachers were elected as follows: Super intendent, L L Stevens, of Pasquotank county; teachers, Misses Ella Ford, of Raleigh; C an ie IVeaver, of Greensboro, .lohnsie Coit, of Salisbury; Eugenia Rowe, of Monroe, and SallieAlleu, of Anson county. While returning from a picnic at The Narrows on tho Yadkin Tuesday afternoon the horses attached to a carriage in which were Mrs. J B Uarrelsoti and two thiloren and two young men, Goodale and jasper Russell became frightened and ran away. Mrs. Harrolson and son were thrown out, the former sustaining sorious injuries. Russell jumped, but held on m lines and was dragged a con siderable distance, bruising his face badly. The other occupants escaped with slight bruises. The carriage was demolished. A marriage which took place here Monday afternoon and which was intended to be kept a secret leaked out Thursday. Tho contracting parties wero Mr. Cicero Ril'jhe, of Ritchfic'd, and Miss Daisy L.yerly, of Uo" an county. Mr Ri'chie drove-' down through tho country Monday to attend the Drr.ie ociatio county couvtntioc. liis bride came down on th ti'ain to do some shoppii g it; Albemarle. They "net here a! 1 o'clock and were married b Rev. G T Rowe. Mrs. Ritchie returned on the evening trail while Mr. Ritchie drove Iuk k ti his home at Ritchlield. It is noi known why they desired the marriage kept secret. Mrs. (,'ro. BiirrniKer IVnd. Mi s, Geo. Barrinper, nee Miss Matlie Fisher, died at her home in Mt. 1 kasant Friday. Mrs. Barrirpcr lad Wen very low with the dreaded malady of con sumption for seven months and her death was not unexpected by her many friends. Her hus Inrd prtcedsd ler lastAugust, of typhoid fever. The funeral services were con ducted at St. John's today (Sat urday), after which the remains were laid to rest iu the cemetery. V e extend our deepest sym pathy to the relatives and friends 1 Iu their hour of sorrow, LAMI OP LIFE (iOES OUT. fli'H, J. 0' Wulliiie PusmS A wo j Was Ml Yiaia Old - I.uv(n Three Cliil tire ii. On Saturday morning, about 5 o'clock, Mis. Lydia Wallace, , &6 dt pi rUd this life at the hi ire of her diup.hter, Mrs. J M Brown, on .North Union street. Death was caused by a complica tion of disrasf s attendant upon old ape. The deceased is sur vived by three children, MrsJ M Blown, Mrs. J B Caldwell and Mr. Jno K Wallace. Deceas ed was the relict of the late Jno O Wallace, so well remembered by the older citizens of our town. The funeral will take place to morrow morning, the remiirs London, Juno C. The Impe- rial Tobacco Company has re ceived a report from the agents it sent to the United States for the purpose of organizing a fight against the American tobacco combine. The report says that a large numoer or additional 'agents, buyers and experts has ' already been engaged, and that : , .. . . , j architects bave been commis- sioned to design a number ol , caf fac, r The Impe- rial Tobacco Company intends to start in the tobacco business at Greeuville and Kinston, N. C, and Danville, Va., aud at other points throughout Virgin- a and North arid South Carolina Y'hihk Man Killed by the llni-nting or (jrlmlstoiip. An unusual and fatal accident occurred hero this morning. V B Jackson, a young man from Winnsboro, was grinding some tools at a planing mill, the grindstone belted to the engine and revolving rapidly. Suddenly the stone burst and one large piece struck Mr. Jackson in the face. Lie was knocked into insensibility and died an hour af terwards. The sad slate of affairs is heightened by the fact that he leaves an invalid wife and two small children. Batesburg, S. C, Special to Columbia State. A Heal Friend. "I suffered from dyspepsia and indigestion for fifteen years," says W S Sturdevant of Marry Oaks. N. C. "After I had tried many doctors and medicines to no avail one of my friends persuaded me to try Kodol. It gave immediate relief. I can eat almost anything I want now and my digestion is good I cheer fully recommend Kodol." Don't iryiocure stomach trouble by dieting. That only further weakens the system. You need wholesome, strength ening food, Kodol enables you to assimilate what you eat by digesting it without thestomach's aid. Gibson Drug Store. Big Naval Demonstration. Washington, June G, The Navy Department today made public the order for the assem bling of the North Atlantic, South Atlantic and European tquadrons to participate in the most extensive fleet manoeuvres ever altetrpted by tho navy m he Westliulies. The orders re ito that about November 10th next the department will assem olo iu available vessels of the station uumcd and about Januarj 1st, 1U0& these vessels will be gathered at Culelia, P. R., or Guauiumimo, Cuba, and organiz ed aud united for two months as a fleet. The list of vessels which will take part is as follows: Kearsage, Iowa, Massachusetts, Brooklyn, Illinois, Alabama, In diana, the row Maine (probably), Olympia, Baltimore, Cincinnati, Raleigh, Albany, Chicago, San Francisco, Newark, Detroit, Montgomery, Nashville, Mariet ta, Machias, as many of the half dred or more torpedo toals and destroyers as are available at the time and a fleet of naval coliiois. Subscribe for the Standard, - Mexican flustang Liniment lon't Btny on or near the mirface, t tit gns in through th muscles and tissual to tho boue aud driveg out all sureneHS aud uLilauiiuaUou. For a Lame Back, Sore Muscles, or, in fact, all Lameness and Sore ness of your body there is nothing 1 that will drive out the pain and injj llamrnation so quickly as Mexican Mustang Liinlment. If you cannot reach the spot 3Tour-"," 1 self get some one to assist you, for ' it is essential that the liniment be j rubbed in most thoroughly. Mexican Hustang Liniment OTPrcomes tlin aihmmt of horses ami all donipfitie anininta. In fart, it b a u:&n Uuulcr aud jaiu killer uomut&er whuor wbut tho patleutia. l'rof. Ilivins Undecided. Prof. J A Bivius, who is at Trinity College, writes News that, for the present now The the natter of his accepting or declining the offer of the Con cord school cannot be definitely stated. lie adds that a definite answer will be given within the next few days. Charlotte News of olh. Lovely Feeling After Fighting. A Pretoria dispa'.eh of the 4th !ustrat s how brave and honor able antagonists may regard eacliother when the contest has ended. It says: "Tho ballot of the Boers at Vereeniging resulted in 34 votes in favor of surrender and P against it. Preparations are he- na made hero for tho snrmnrlnr of tho Boer commandoes, which win occur on tne race course. All the Boors are allowed r. foct freedom. Lord Kitchener's address tn the Boer delegates, in which the urnisn commander in chief said that if ho had been one nf them he would have been proud to have done so well in tho field as they had done, made the best possible impression aud brought forth a heavy response from General Beyers, the chairman, wno expressed the pleasure the Boors experienced at meeting Lord Kitchener as a friend, ad ding that they had fought so Ions: atraiust him. that thev hnri acquired full appreciation of his WOIII1. "People who are content to stay at the bottom must belong lo the lower orderof animcls." E ONE S TERRY CLOTH TOWELING ? m m m m m m m TOWELS BY S About one-half the cost of Towels in regular way. 8 t i m m 1 PARASOLS and E UMBRELLAS - Single and .Double Kr.iHed Parasols, Black and Colors. Childn n's Parasols, 15c. to $1.00 each. :-: :-: :-: :-: GOOD FOR RAIN OR SHINE. Best 50c. Umbrella In Concord. GOOD FOR RAIN OR SHINE. m m 112 m m !8 m m m m CANNON v ftliXII2IIIZIiIiIIlI3II!X21XIIIIXI2IISIIXIiTii Black Jack Camp W. 0. V . Mr. A C Fine, the officical or ganizer, with mineteen mem bers of Elm Camp, went to Rocky River Friday nierht and organ zed a Camp to be known as Black Jack Camp Woodman of the World. There were 25 ap plications as charter members, thirteen of whom were present. Nine received tho if itiation de gree. Thousands Kent into Exile. Every year a lariie number of poor sufferers whose lungs are sore and racked with coughs are urged to go to another climate. But this is costly and not always ure. Don't be an exile when Dr. King New's Discovery for Consumption will cure you at home. It's the most infallible medicine for Coughs, Colds, and ,tll Throat and Lung diseases on earth. The first dose brings relief. Astounding cures rosult from persistent use. Trial bottles free at Fetzers Drug Store. Price 50c and $1.00 Every bottle guaranteeed. Miss Rosa Bell Wager of Matthews is visiting her cousin, Miss Mary llendrix. for a few days. Don't Let iliriu Suffer. Often children are torlured with itching aud burning eczema and other skin diseases but Bucklen's Arnica Salvo heals I he raw sores, expels inflamxa tion leaves the skin without a scar. Clean, fragrant, cheap, there's no salve on earth as good Try it. Cure guaranteed. Only tl'tc at Fetzer's Drug Store. IK BALE OF THE POUND, FETZER CO. paper 1 year. MllEKTY HELM-ARTY BLOWS CP. 'ra'n Containing rhilmlelphia People Wrecketl-tiiirinecr ami Firemen Injured. Richmond, June, 6. The ngine drawing the train having n! board the party of officials roin Philadelphia for tho urpo.se of wringing back the '".liberty Bell was blown up to n'ght near Acquis Creek, on the iichuioud, Fredericksburg & 'oloinac Railroad, about 30 ailes south of Washington. The ntrine was wrecked and the aggage car and two coaches lerailed,. Engineer Humphrey nd Fireman Saunders were njufed. Tho two Pullman :oaches remained on the track md the passengers, though not injured, were shaken up. The ?ullman cars and their occu anrs were returned to Washing 'on tonight and a fresh start vill be made for Charleston oinorrow. Reaily toYli'lu. I used DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve for piles and found it a :ertaiu cure," says S R Mere lith, Willow Grove, Del. Operations unecessary to cure piles. They always yield to be DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve. Cures skin diseases alJ kinds of wounds. Accept no counter feits, Gibson Drug Store. "When you hear a girl say that diamonds are vulgar you may bo pretty sure she hasn't any." . m m I.ouila Them All. "One Minute Cough Cure beats all other medicines I ever tried for coughs, cjlds croup and throat and lung troubles," says D Scott Curin of Logan ton, Pa One Minute Cough Cure is the only absolutely safe cough remedy which acts immediately Mothers every where testify to the good it has done their little oues. Croup is so sudden in its attacks that the doctor often arrives too late. It yields at once to One Minute Cough Cure. Pleasant to take. Children like it Sure cure for grip, bronchitis, coughs. Gibsoa Drug Store, Ihe Southern Selliug Tickets to Charlei tun at Special Bates. The Southern Railway has put tickets on sale for the Char leston Exposition. The round trip rate from Concord for sea son tickets is $11.05. ThelOday tickets on sale daily are $8.10. Tickets on sale on Tuesdays and Thursday, 7 day return limit are $3.30 He Kept Ills Leg. Twelve years ago J W Sulli van, of Hartford, Conn., scratch ed his leg with a rusty wire. Inflammation aud blood poison ing set in. For two years he suffered intensely. Then the best doctors urged amputation, "but," he writes, "I used one bottle of Electric Bitters and I 1-2 boxes of Bucklen'j Arnica Salve and my leg was sound and well as ever." For Eruptions, Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Sores and all blood disorders Electric Bitters has no rival on, earth. Try them Fetzers Drug Store will guarantee satisfaction r refund money: Only 50 cents. Reduced Rates. On account of the following occasions the Southern Railway will make reduced rates : Trinity College commencement. Tickets on sale June 1 to 5 with final limit 8. Round trip $i. 75. Elon College commencement, Elon College, N. C, June 25. Tickets on sale Juno 1 to 3 with fiual limit 8. Round trip 3.45. On account of Annual Meeting Southern Educational Associa tion, Chattanooga, Teen., July 1-4, ItiQ'J. Tickets to be sold June 27 to July 1. inclusive, with final limit July 6. Fare $14.60 for round trip. North Carolina Teachers' As si'inli'y. Moii'head City, N. C, Julie m lii. Tickets to bo sold Juno 7 to 1 1 with final limit 30 (h;j s from date of salo. Fare for round trip fi.iO. Ou xccount of Annual Con vention Diocese of N. C. and Brotherhood of St. Andrews, Oxford, June 11 to 13 1902 thd Southern Railway will havo tick ets on sale June 10, 11, 12 and 18 with final limit Juno it, 1U02. Fare jO.." for round trip. On Account of TIhuii.iu State Ionian's Christian Temperance Union, Kalwitrh, June H 19, the Southern Railway will have spo ckll rates. Tickets to bo hold June L'o, 21 and 22, with final Unit Juno ",, llJ(2. $15.70 for round trip. v:w,CUt.'J uilll VICil'It.l, l. V, suie rato as Portland Oi. ... .1 r:. .. TI

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