Send One Dollar and get this paper 1 year. T AND ARD. Only - $1.00 SICK CLUBBING HATES on PAGE 2 Only$l Per Year. CONCOKD, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY, 10, 1902. Single Copy 5 Cts. Kl'UCni R POTS Til R fcTAN DARD. The VETERANS FIGHT. TpuOM Scan at the Soldiers' Homo Hi t Killigcrent galn. ' he Ra'eigh correspondent to H,o Charlotte Observer gives the f j owing story: At the Soldiers' IJome this miming two of the inmates, j;i'iies Pitlmau aud Pittraan Har ris, cousins, from Franklin roioly. hud a fight in which Pitt men cut Harris' throat. The in i i y may prove serious. The r u , is Joug but not deep. Sur ge du Hives sewed up the wound. !J ,rris is in the hospital and I'lttmon is confinod to his quart ers until the result of the injury .'s ascertained. The executive ard went lo the home at once .ud m:ul a preliminary investi i. ,tion. It will make a fuller ; no after the result of tl.o wound known. Tho men, each nearly 7 years of ape, quarrelled about i pencil, which one accused the i.her of tnking. Har-ris, the rper and stronger of the two v ad Pit (man down, when the lat ' ir in self defense drew his knife ; ad did the cutting. It is the 1 rst serious light of the kind at I ie home and of course caused uite a i ensation among the 90 i imates." MAR AM) FEATHERS AT A FUNERAL rirtrrmeiit Delayed Until the Attendants 1'uiiUurd the Widower and Ilia Sister ill-Law. Sterling, 111., July 2.-The "oueral of Mis. John Siebert, of Mount Morris, near here, was ielayed to-day until the mourn ers could adjourn to a cornfield and administer a coat of tar and feathers to the husband and sister of the dead woman. Then the funeral proceeded, but the two were to have been cheif mourners and were absent. The house was filled with sorrowing neighbors when some of them discovered Siebert in smother room, hugging and ikuasing Mrs. Theodore Wolfe, 'The crowd quickly dragged the couple to the cornfield. A plen tiful supply of tar was poured over the victims and the feathers 'from a pillow were emptied on reach. Then the two were driven from the village and ordered mover to return. Mrs. Siebert flied of consumption aud during the two years of her sickness, it is alleged that her husband was continually making love to his wife's sister. Sow Style of Frutornul Insurance. State Deputy Wunstorf, who lias the extorual appearance of k lowing a good thing when ho 8!..'S it, in the cuisine lineatleast. i in our midst organizing a council of the Modern t'uritans, ,a fraternal insurance of novel bu.t seemingly vory business like tftylo. At ti':" death of a member the benclloia.-y revives monthly one ouehui;drcd!h part of the policy taken cut till the whole Sas been paid For instance, if ' man's policy calls for f3,C0O t10 beneficiaries' get $30 per ,.;,., h for eight yens and four mouth The system precludes the reck less squandering of thoso sums wl 'H'i) Wn-ftf lUlOJiueu iai supply pai 1 of newnes earned y,, h i ,rM while living. A number of ,cit,zens have taken holtf Oj. the ?ln. Hlie Was 1W. A good joke is related, at the" expense of a modest young Da kota newspaper man. It is to the effect that the pusher of tho pencil went out to report a par ty the other evening, where the liotne had recently been blessed wuli :v new baby. Accompanied by I. is best girl, ha met the hostess at the door, and after the usual salutious asked after tho new baby's health. The lady, who was quite deaf and suffering with the grip, thought he was asking about her cold, anil told him that though she usually had one every winter, Ibis was the worst one sho ever liiid; it kept her awako at night un.i (-unfilled hr to llftl bed. Then, noticing that the scribe -was petting quite pale and ner vous, said she could tell by bis looks that he was going to hav. one just like hers, and asked him in ip.nmo in and sit down. The usual the next Week, but, the local editor has quit, enquiring about new babies. O II Cooper, Elk Point, South Dakota Dyspepsia Cure nincsts what you eat. This preparation contains all of the diirestiints and di(?'ts nil kinds of fiKiii K?lveslnstant, relief and never falls tn cure. Hallows you U) eat un tho fnoilyim want. The must sensitive stimiarlis can take It. ISy Itsuseniany thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on thentoru aeh relieving all distressaftereatinK. Uietini? unnecessary. Pleasant to take. t can't help but do you good Tri'uiiriKl only hy F 0. PrWiTT Op., eiilciiro. GiUou's Drug .Store IT VflllUll I PUT turnip IT IUU HILL rUI l-iicnt With thisgargls jour tliruat cftou Keep fact always fresh ia your memory: For Cots, Mashes and all Open Sores, you need only to apply ffexican ffustan iniment a few times and the soreness and inflammatijn will be conquered and the wounded flesh healed. ' To get tho best results you should saturate a piece of soft cloth with tho liniment and bind it a tho wound as you would a poultice. 25c., fiOc and $1.00 bottle. vrrn all CVC fill Tour poultry iul at th very flrit sign of ltr All C1CUH koui.. H--ly l, Bumblefont or othaT lllmm among your fowl uw Mexican Sluatung Liniment. HEWS CALLINGS. The Southern Education Con vention met in Chattanooga ! Wednesday the 2nd. with 500 teachers in attendance. There have been 437 national banks established within the last year with a capital stock of , P0, 407, 000. j The Federal Sugar Refining 'Company that was recently in corporated in New Jersey with : a capital stock of f 100,000 has filed papers for a capital stock of $10,000,000. Bliud Negroes Working for Lblng. A very pathetio but interest ing sight was presented to the writer, being two blind negroes making their living by honest, hard work. Gus Parker, a young negro boy, born in Kinston, was sent to the blind asylum three years ago. He returned a few weeks past and since that time he has been working for a liveli hood. Recently a blind man that Gus met at the asylum came to Kiuston and Gus now has him under his employ, and they make the finest kind of cane bottoms for chairs. Gus is also an expert mattress maker. It is interest ing to watch them at their work. Kinston Free Press. A Statement in Behalf or the Band. Fresh from Concord this morn ing, the Concord Band took a trolley ride and waked the musi cal echoes. Passing the Catho lie church on South Tryon street the band was playing a popular a r in ignorance or the tact tnat f, 'uerai service was in progress ut tho cnurcn at uie nine Mr. Barrow, the leader cf the band. was consu 'J . Tu i pnon nf tha irMim. stances and N,Mts The Obser ver to make th apology in be- kalf of the band. meuj wr of the band had lo means oi knowing of the funeral and their erwise will be cheerullr ac cepted. Charlotte Obser rer. Concord Band Preliet. The Concord Band, which furnished music yesterday at the tournament and at the play and coronation ball last night is one of the strongest musical organi zations in the State, although it is made up of very young men in general. The personnel of the bat d is as follows: H M Barrow, leader; Willie Hall, W C Correll, Archey Goodman, J li Young, Robert Fetzer, Joe Morrison, Albert Freeze, Harry Hendrix, Jerry Hall, II ERiden hour, Roy Sappenfield, S J Lud- wig, uugn narrier, win fetzer and Frank morrisjn. All of these are skilled c ans and cnarioiie nas , never known better brass band masid than it enjoyed yesterday and last night-Charlotte Observer' , o-S - I TO CUBE A COLD 15 ONE D4Y. n . . I Take Laxative Bromo Quinine I tablets. All druggists Tefuad i . . i The money u u Tans w cur. . ' ' , Pad as Dninkeneo or Olutloar. Tasteful dress is as wholesome and necessary a thing for a wo- street to the jormer uook & von man as good food and drink, stand which he has purchased. But if she makes life a long de- He and his customers now en bauch of clothes she is exactly joy the shade of the venerable in the position of the glutton or oak that has for 1 ,ng years teen drunkard, Lad ie'i Home Jour- a source of public pride in that nftj enjoyable town, wilful ..fMcxIem Mustang LIa mi xU M fullof wateran it will milckly cure a born Throat this MUt Mary Ella Cannon Reeelre ai Honor at Tournament. The coronation ball was a dis tinct social success, and showed iu a handsome ball room 67 couples and a large number of spectators. A very ticautirui german was led by Ball Mauager Osmond L Batringer. The queen's crown was given to MissErmaBailey, of Winston, by Mr. Thos. L Alexander. Miss Mary Ella Cannon, of Con cord, was crowned first maid of honor by Mr. John Craig; Miss Reinhardt, of Lincolnton, was crowned second maid of honor by Mr. Mac. Henderson, and Miss Louise Wadsworth was crowned third maid of honor by Mr. Robert Craig. Mr. Barringer's rosette was given to Miss Norma Van Land ingham. The assistant ball managers presented their ro settes as follows: Mr. Addison Brenizer to Miss Annie Wilson; Mr. John Craig to Miss Madge McAden; Mr. Willis Heard to Miss Erma Bailey, of Winston. Charlotte Observer. Htop the Couch and Works oil the Cold Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets cure a cold in one day. No cure, no pay. Price 25 cents. ' Blu of (Jiang. Glass, N. C, July 2. Miss Edna Barnhardt returned home from Salisbury this morning, where she has been visiting friend for the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Plaster, of Winston, arrived here this morning, where they will spend a while with relatives. Rev. Eugene Winecoff, of Whitosville, N.C , spentTuesday night with his mother Mrs. Eliza Winecoff. . Mr. Hoover Walter, of Spen cer, spent Sunday with his mother, K K Walter. Misses Hattie and Jennie Wine coff went to China Grove this morning to visit friends for a few days. There Is to be an ice cream party at Mr. W J Clines Thurs day night. The boys are to fur nish the ice cream and the girls the cakes. A nice time is ex I pected. Tue party is given iu honor of Mr. John Bost s birth day. Mr. E Hasting, who had in tended going to Wellford, S. C., Monday night decided to wait until after Thursday night Miss Hattie Hunter, of Can nonville, is spending the week with her father, Mr. Dan Hunter. Mrs. F W Glass is spending a few days iu Concord. R. Good Start-Keep It t'p. Capt Jno. It Miller of Ihe Concord fire fighters phones us his acknowledgements to Mrs. R A Brown for a voluntary contri l.lltlllll of 5.00 toward the ex nenses of Iba trip to Raleigh .tournament. It ...A., a timniir i.rnii v niii ui uud i mm . . t L.I..1 ,.U n " " ? ," n,ifl the right wheel and is a gentle hint to others to do likewise, Every member of the company stands ready too .o doff his cap to you as the sheckles drop into the treasurer's hands. Who'll be next? irM MoreJ Hit Stock to HU OwsSUnd. R p ... f M pioas. ant, has moved his stock of eo0(la from his former stand, the old Heilig store, across the Carried Cp 8,000 Feet by a Uulloon iu Rope and Dropped In a Tree. Milford, Mass., Special to New Orleans Times Democrat says: For 15 minutes to-day Louis Ward, aged 20, of this town, had an experience that held three good people breathless and his escape from death .as only little short of a miracle. Ward is a brother of Miss Mabe'.le Ward, who was to have made a balloon ascension to-day with Prof. Hillman at Hoak Park. He was assisMng in mak ing the preparations when the balloon was suddenly released, with Hillman in his place, but the woman not yet in the basket. As the balloon shot up the rope caught Ward's foot and yanked him along. Ward hung head downward and the crowd groaned in agony at the sight. Uulman looked down, saw what had occurred, and with only the thought of his own safety, leap ed, his fall of 200 feet not seri ously injuring him. His fear was that tho balloon would not carry the weight of both men. The balloon went ui about 8,000 feet, crjssed Hoag Lake and then began to slowly settle. tly this time Ward, by great ex- tion, had swung himself into an upright position, clinging to the rope and he finally fell into a tree, escaping without a scratch. Miraculous Itefcue of the Transport Kearney by a Collier. Norfolk, July 2. The rescue of the transport Kearney by United States collier Leonidas, Captain Linn, off Bodie's Island, last Sunday, was one of the most miraculous incidents of mid-ocean dramas enacted recently. Saturday one of the Kearney's propeller shafts broke and the loose fragments pierced a big hole in the vessel's side through which water rushed. Distress signals wore hoisted and Suuday morning the Leoni das, by merest chance, sighted the disabled craft, which carried several hundred troops and many women passengers. A hawser was made fast to the transport's bow aud the collier towed ber into Hampton Roads, where she now lies awaiting re pairs at the Newport News ship yard. From informatioa se cured here the hole in the side of the transport is of such nature as to give the pumps all they can do to keep the vessel afloat. The troops and passengers have been lauded. The trip was made with the tow in four days and 21 hours. North Carolina Iu Front Ranks. The government crop report shows the following summary as to the cotton crop in the Slates. "The condition in the princi pal States is reported as follows: North Carolina, 93; South Caro lina, 85; Georgia. 91; Florida, 96; Alabama, 84; Mississippi, 85; Louisiana, 85; Texas, 73; Arkan sas, 94; Tennessee, 98; Oklaho ma. 90, Indian Territory, 89." It will be 6een that the pros pects at this period show North Carolina well up. She has suf fered sharply from an inferior wheat crop and if she does well in cotton it will be a happy off set. A Pathetic bcene. There was a sad and pathetic occurrence at Arlie last batur day morning. Alex Powell, a prosperous colored man, and family retired Friday night in good health. Saturday morning he found his wife cold in deatn. He drove immediately to Mr. Henry Clark's about one mile off, for his wife's mother, Becky Coley. who cooks for Mr. Clark. On arriving at the bedside of her daughter, she looked stead ily at her dead child for a few minutes, raised her hands and exclaimed. "Oh, Bettie, my dear Bettie my only child," and fell dead. She and her daughter were buried in the same grave Sunday eve. Wei don News. Fatally Shot by Bnrlar. Nuw York. Julv 3. Albert C Latimer, a wealthy stationer of this city, who lives in Brooklyn, was fatally shot early toaay ai his home in a struggle with a burglar. The burglar escaped, leaving his shoes and cap be hind. Havinff been awakened by his wifo who heard a noise Latimer started to maice search. A tin nnened a closet door the burglar, masked, dashed out and Latimer grappled with him. in t.h Kt.niL's'le the robber fired two shots and at the second Mr. Latimer fell. His assailant then ton nod over him aud lied through b. Uiiehen window where he had entered the house. A policeman .. . 1 .1 ! . a blocK away nearu trie suui aud the sci earns of Mrs. Latimer and ran to the house. A thor ough search was made of the neighborhood but no trace of the burglar was found. Mr. Latimer was taken to a hospital where the doctors, after an examination, said he could not live. Kit. C. I. Miller Called to St. Johns. At a congregational mooting at St. Johns church on last Sun Rev. C L Miller was unani mously elected as pastor. The call has been forwarded. KILLED IS, WOCSL EI) 29. Two Canon an Electric Railway Collide Near Oloyemllle, N. ., With Fear ful Result. Utica, N. Y., July 5. On an electric railroad near Glovers ville last night there was a col lision between two cars crowded with passengers, by which 15 persons were killed and 29 in jured. For a distance of four miles north of Gloversville, the mountain lane railway, an elec tric road, connects Gloversville with a popular place of resort or picnic ground. As it was the Fourth of July the place was crowed with pleasure seekers. Last night the cars were filler" with people coming home. A 10:30 p. m. at a distance of about 2 miles north of Gloversvill there was a collision between two cars, one bound north and one bound south. They came together head on with terrific velocity. As a result the 15 persons were killed outright and 29 injured, the latter more or less seriously. As it was a holi day there were many business men among those on the cars. It is impossible to get the names of all present. City Recorder Frank C Wood, of Gloversville, had his back broken and is in a very critical condition. Mr. Clarence P Emery Dead. The sad message came by wire Friday night to Mr. F L Emery that his son Clarence P Emery, at Bynum, was seriously ill, of typhoid fever. Mr. Emery se cured a trained nurse, Miss Mary Winecoff, and hastened for his bedside, but congestion of the brain sat in and he passed away at 4 o'clock a. m, this July 5th. Mr. Emery was 30 years old and had a wife and one child. Mrs. Emery was Miss Evie Kime, of our city, and many hearts grieve in sympathy with her and his parents in this sore affliction. Wormi In Apple Treea. Editor Homo od Farm I will give my experience with worms in apple trees. In the fall of 1901 I noticed one tree that seemed dead except about 4 inches on one side. I picked all the worms out above the ground. then raked the earth back down to the roots, put one and a half gallons of slack lime round the tree, put water on it, and raked the earth back over the lime. It has been doing well ever since. Last spring I noticed another tree. The apples on it wore about the size of your thumb, the leaves were turning yellow and falling off. I treated it in the same way as before, and the leaves and apples all fell off, and then it put out new leaves, and now it is in bloom and looking well. Dido, Miss. JO Fondren. . Save the Children. Statistics will prove that a large percentage of deaths among children may be traced to complication arising from he early souring of milk by bacteria. Cholera Infantum is thftmost fatal disease of infancy. and common, especially with bottle fed infants. Painkiller in ,hfl emersencv is best remedy and saves may e child's life while the doctor is coming. 25 and 50c. mm m a mm Pa ugbters of the Confederacy Meet. Mrs. J D Hatchett entertained the Dodson-Ramseur Chapter of U. D. C. on the "Glorious Fourth" The report of the Davis monu ment and its fund by the State director, Mrs. John P Allison, was well prepared and listened to with appreciation. This is a work of love for every loyal Southerner and one to which we willingly respond. Miss Besant presented to the chapter a Mexican dollar to be used in the Davis monument fund. The money was given Miss Besant just after the surrender and was of course a treasure -to her but the "cause" was dearer, She was accorded a rising vole of thanks by the Chapter. C We Have Moved Our Dry Goods :to the Litaker Build ing, Opposite St.Gloud Hotel All ladies that are interested in saving money should see us. We are moving the goods. Low figures do the work. All our Summer Dress Goods, figured Lawns, and in fact all Wash Stuff going at half price. Another lot of those 1.25 White Counterpanes for 95c. Umbrellas and Sun Shades. Do you get hot ? Think of buying a 60c Umbrella for 45c 85c " " 68c 1.00 " 41 85c 1.50 " " - 1.20 2.00 " 1.65 And How About Table Linen. If yoar Table Cloth is getting a little rusty we can replace it with a new one at very small outlay. How About Floor Covering. We can sell you Mattings lower than they can be bought elsewhere. Have decided to sell all our goods at low figure crowded for room. Shoving them out. Cannon & Fetzer Company. The North Cirolin. Stats LITERARY CLASSICAL BOIENTIFIO COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL PEDIOOaiOAL MU8IOAL THO MEH HOLD CP A TR1W. (Jet Little Booty and Ire Pursued Hotlj. Two robbers held up the Rock Island Railroad's limited Thurs day night, says a Chicago dis patch and expected to get into the large safe that held $90,000, which it seems they would have accomplished out tv. w.i. -v... ing one of the express messen gers. This defeated them and they had to make their flight. They are hotly pursued and will be apt to meet with a fatal end if overtaken. They got about $600 wonh of cheap jewelry, which will be little advantage. In their flight they stole horses and buggies, exchanging them for others as they needed them to hasten escape. A man, Charles Nessler, whom it seems they forced to be an ac complice has been arrested and will be used as a witness if they are ever brought to trial. Kerr Killed at Newells. A negro man was killed at Newells Friday night about 10:30 o'clock. He was the fireman on No. 46 freight. The conductor had left bis engine and gone to the depot for orders. No 46 was delayed for two trains to pass. The negro had been seen sitting on the end of a cross tie. When the engineer returned to his train he found his fireman dead, ap parently struck by one of the trains. An inquest is being held over the body as we write. Poisoning the System. It is through the bowels that the body is cleansed of impuri ties. Constipation keeps poisons in the system, causing headache, dulness and melancholia at first, then unsightly eruptious and finally serious illness unless a remedy is applied. DeWitt's Little Early Risers prevent this trouble by sUmulating the liver k Dromoting sy, healthy action of the bowels. - These little pills j do not act violently cut oj strengthening the bowels enable them to porlorm their own;worK. Never gripe or distress. Gib son's Drug Store. A Norfolk man in court there yesterday swore that he spent between 25,000 and 30,000 dollars Charleston in six days. That would have been a cracking ad vertisement for the exposition if it had come a little sooner. Raleigh Times, Noraal and Industrial COllege 1 SeMioa openaSSeptember 18th. Expense. $100 to 1 140; for nun- rcideut. of the State fito. Faculty of 33 member.. Practice and 3 ObMrvattoa School connected with the College, Correspondence in- 2 vlted fron those desiring competent teachers and stenographers. To secure board in the dormitories all free-tuition applications should be 3 made beore July isth.rjFor catalogue and other information address 3 PRESIDENT CHARLES D. McIVER, Greensboro, N, C. 3 3 iiuuiuiuiiuiuumuiiuK REPUBLICANS MEET IS C0SYEN HON. Delegates to State, Congressional aud Judicial Conrentlong Elected E Spen cer Blackburn Indented. The Republican county con vention was held today (Satur day) in the court house. Mr. G L Patterson was made -x .nnin and Mr. G E Kecsler secretary. It elected delegates to the State, Congressional and Judi cial conventions and attended to such other matter as pertained to the meeting. The following resolution by Mr. G Ed. Keesler was unani mously adopted, Resolved, By the Republican party, of Cabarrus county, iu convention assembled that we heartily indorse the able and brilliant record in congress of Hon. E Spencer Blackburn, and that our delegates to congres sional convention at Wilksboro, July 8th, be instructed to vote for his renomination first last and all the time. At the meeting of the execu tive committee after the conven tion Mr. G L Patterson was re elected chairman. Mother Alwajs Keep It Handy. "My mother suffered a long time from distressing pains and general ill health due primarily to indigestion," says L W Spald ing; Verona, Mo. "Two years ago I got her to try Kodol. She grew better at once and now, at the age of seventy-six, eats any thing she wants, remarking that she fears no bad effects as she has her bottle of Kodol handy." Dont waste time doctoring symptoms. Go after the cause. If your 6tomach is sound your health will be good. Kodol rests the stomach and strengthens the body by digesting your food. It is nature's own tonic. Gibson Drug Store. "Nothing pleases a man so much as tho inability of others to get onto his curves." (. "My Family Doctor." Blua Inland, II1., Jan. 14, 1901. Messrs. Kiy Hros : I have nsed your Cream Balm in my family for nine yeus and it has become my family doctor for colds in the head. I nae it freely on my ohildren. It is a Godsend to children as they are troubled more or lets. Yonrs respeotfully, J. KIMBALL. Jndge for yourself. A trial size can be had lor the small sum of 10 cts Supplied by druggists or mailed by Ely brother ' 9 Warren t Zew York. Full tir . Wots, OEMOCKATIC EXECUTIVE COMMIT TEE MEETS. Primaries Sutiirday, August 2nd and Cuuvciition Tuesday, August Stn. The county Democratic execu tive committee met today in the grand jury room of tho court bouse. Tuesday, August 5th, was fixed upon as the day for the county convention for the nomination of a full county ticket. The pri maries will be held in the 11 country townships at 2 o'clock p. m. on Saturday, tho 2nd, and at 8 o'clock p. m. of the same day in tho four wards of No. 12 township. The body, instructed Chairman Hartsell to complete the list of the township and ward executive committees, in all cases where this has been left incomplete, when 30 days from the former primaries shall have expired. Keren Years In Bed. "Will wonders ever cease?" inquire the friends of Mrs. L Pease, of Lawrence Kan. They knew she had been unable to leave her bed in seven years on account of kidney and liver trouble, nervous prostration and general debility; but, "Three bottles of Electric Bitters en abled me to walk," she writes, "and in three mouths I felt like a new person." Women suffer ing from Headache, Backache, Nervousness, sleeplessness, Me lancholy, fainting and Dizzy hpells will hnd it a priceless blessing. Try it. Satisfaction is guaranteed by Fetzer's drug store. Only 50 cents. A Snake About. Mr. Joe Blackweldor, of No. 4, says (hero seems to bo a monster snake in his community that is seen once in a while. It is be lieved to be an escaped speci men from some show. It is described as being about tba proportions of a man's thigh. Acts Immediately. Colds are sometimes mora troublesome in summer than in winter, it's so hard to keep from, adding to them while cooling off after exercise. One minute Cough Cures at occe. Abso lutely sate. Acts immediate'Y' Sure cure for coughs, coldj, orpup. throat and lung troubles. Gibson's urug ouji3. Think They Hate Jim Lowry. A negro who is believed to Q Jim Lowry, the murderer of the chief of police of Shelby a year ago, has been captured and is in Lancaster, . C, to await identi fication. It is strongly believed that he is the real Jim Lowry m mmi Stepped Into Lire Coals. "When a child I burned my foot frightfully," writes W t Eads, of Jonesville, Va., "which caused horrible Jog sores for 30 years, but Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured me after everything else failed." Infal lible for Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Sores, Bruises and Piles. Sold at Fetzer's drug store 25c. Histories fur Louisiana Schools Must Say It Was Schley's Victory. New Orleans, July 4. The bill of Representative Smith pen alizing the use of any hislc ry which does not do full and fair justice to Admiral Schley today passed the Senate and was im mediately signed by the Gc veni or as it has already been p vss. I by the House. The bill pr vide i that before any history c' tii i Spanish war shall be used . any of the public schools, it o. ail have been examintod r,n ' ! fact ascertained that tl s ( r t played by Admiral ScUty. of Santiago, is treated 1"'J ' aril that !.e was jiiveti the ere I for the victory over Corvera. T'nj use of a history parti.-. t,,i Sampson is prohibited unJr o- vere penalties. mm mm A Bagln.', Rearing Flood wasneu uuwn a leieirra i.uo which Chas. C ElliT, of J Ia., had to repwr. "S. waist deep in icy watt writes, "gave me a torri d and cough. It grew wnrv i Finally tho beht doctors ; land, Neb., Sio ix t'ily an- u ha said I had ( 'onsumpli ', ;,, could not live. Then I . . jsing in. img i .Mtw in t y and was wholly ciircl bottles." I'osit vcly '. t for ( 'oughs. I iii i and I.uug Iron - liv I'll ; Druggist. I'ni.o