Y-iV if r . v ? . , : - Cexts J Cents. f j J Cexts CEXT3 PER MONTH PER MONTH Delivered by tha Carriers! Delivered by th Vol. IV.No. NCORI), N. C., FHIDAY, JANUARY 1, m. Whole No. 617 Carriers. . ' f i i m '.r t a i j 'u ' A . . t.. " '. V ;'5.'.-, v:- ' ; . ; ii iumi M 1 '-'-' ft (ill' v TOWN 11 AT. Oar Reporter's Street Work nt Xew of the County ' Be careful to write it right. R A Brown is having auction to day. . tocK;;arish ha8 his " cottage on Depot;rt.raearly completed. :Mr fa'm$irjk O W Brown spent New Year;.t'fealisbury. TnlpS-son of Rev Shaw, of Beth pagei-vy sick. . We cart , make Concord boom, if we only set our heads to it. The calendars are in it. They will be on duty for some time. W O Boshamer cleaned up Main itreet f or the dirt and trash. It was a good investment. ' ' R II Griffin has gone to Stanly. He is the assignee of Mr E0rd, cf Big Lick.; J . Senator Vance attended the Bill Nye banquet at Asheville, on Tues day night. The first of the year the Phan-tasm-.i Company at the Opeia House, Saturday night. ' Mr and Mrs David Bostian, who lire on East Depot street, are quite sick with the grip. Married on the 24th of December, Mr W B J.Bost and Mrs M M Pen idnger, of No. G. ' " A reception will be given tonight . in jG reensboro, by Mr and Mrs E P Wharton, ; complimentary to . Miss Fannie Fisher J' ' - . ; Ouilfo'rd county fui-nishes hitie more cmvicts to the' penitentiary. They v.-ere taken to Raleigh Wednes day. Rjv. , Paul Birringer will preach in the Reformed church next Sun day at 11 a m. He has accepted the call to this charge for 1892.-: " 0 II Walker, of No. '8, was the first man to . have us write a' receipt, Jan. .1st 1SD, and he paid before it was due. . .v J W EGrd, of Big Lick,' and who lost Lis store by fire some time ago, , was forced to make' an assignment, his creditors pressing him. This is to be regretted, as Mr E was a clever man, and suffered a big los3 by fire. The Standard joins his many friends and admirers in the pleasure of seeing Dr. Bays, pastor of the Central M E church oa the streets again. He. has had a very severe attack of the grip.- ' Clem- Dowd, of Charlotte, an ex Congressman of the shoe striDg dis trict entertained the following news , paper men," on the 31st: J P Strong of the Democrat; J B Sherrill, edi tor of the Concord Times: Jerome Dowd, editor of the Mecklenburg Times, and Messrs. St. Clair, ;Dowd and Newell, of The Chronicle. . The Phantasma Novelty Company will appear in the Opera House, Saturday night. Of the' company there are many complimentaay notices by reliable papers, See this : Mr. . George Sun, proprietor and manager of "Sun's New Phantasma and Refined Novelty Compan ( delighted the good sized audience at our Opera House last night wilh hi3 phenomenal feat3 of "juggling. He is certainly a wonder and the audience made known their appre ciation of his art by loud cheers. V election of Officers. ; The annual meeti 0 A takes place toni officers will be elected. Jt is ear estly desired that every taember be present. . Gentlenjeji, eee " that you attend. ? C !.V c3VCIt- Airy: in Ashes'. aiffht,'at wmcR-v '' ' , 1, TliJLlE 'RIDGE IWX AKD XIXE Emanelpatlon Dy."" This day is 29 -years - old. The colored people are. celebrating it Jn grand style. The order was good and no one can deny that the colored people have a right to enjoy the day. The programme in the;' court house was an interesting' one This I Xecessary, ' To make the New Year a happy one to ourselves and others, says an exchange, we must close the gates on prejudice, envy, jealousy, malice, evil thinking and evil speaking, and let nothing but'grapiouB dispositions enter the portals of Sthe new year. Let us dispense bur happiness. The grandest of all arts is the art of do- ing'good. ; Eleven Tears' Nerviee. . Rev W A Lutz, who has served the Lutheran churches at EnoeliN ville and Trinity,:' iiir Cabarrus, for eleven yeari, has v closed his work there. A friend of his and congre gation furnish the following statis tics : ' Preached at St Enoch, 379 ser mons ; at Trintity,- 303 sermons ; at funerals, 99. sermons. Baptized at Si Enoch, 21 f; - at Trinity, 128. Received, into St.. Fnoch, 210; at Trinity. 12G. He administered the communion 99 timdug. bis pas torate.' I Rev. Lu tz: .resigned r only at a pressing call to. Winston. - '- IlXlt l'OlA'A'i lX. A Moanlfilu in Jiipiui llpn Into Hole. . the average good combination, enj . -i r il . ''t- k i it....-'! tne roau. ana one oi me uest.i, ever visited our city. Blade. 'To ledo, 0. ' Mr. flgachi, director of. the Gifu Observutory, 'Japan has been exam ining rthe district wjiere the recent earthquakes in Japan were most se vere. ! At this pla0'gome years ago, holes appeared in.the- ground to which, no bottom could :- bo found, and it wa3 believeJf;-;that they com mun'cated with ihtmense cavities far below. Mr. Igachi" new believes the earthquake1 was caused bv- the Fugiva Mountain slipping into, these cavern3. In district' Ono .'an im mense landslide took; place, damag ing the Mano River. ' A lake is now formed which is already fifty-feet deep. Another large Jake is being formed in the came way by the Ashiba River at Nagoya. A curi ous fact is an anonymous writer sent a letter to the Cabinent, some time ago, saying a ' dreadful calamity would take . placo October 28th. This was the very day of the earth quake. , - Some time ago Dolph Litaker, of No. 4, accidentally shot himself. The physicians failed to get the ball, by probing. On last Tuesday Tom Litaker, brother of Dolph, succeed ed in getting the ball, it having shown itself on the opposite side from where it penetrated. Rev. R. G. Pearson writes a long letter to the Asheviile Citizen from Burdighera, Italy, under date of December 3d, and winds up by quo ting a few lines about "Home, Sweet Home.', . Thi3 edition ha3 much to say about onions. Bob Burdette said the most of it and that's right. Ononsiye popular with. the masses, therefore the Standard writes about onions, or employs writers. IirVXES? IIOI SKS Bl'RXED. The L sjf ver 100,000 The Work Muny Other Kekiilldiny to of ai J, "('ary- Special tyofyt Standard j . 1 Mt. Airy, N. 0., Jan. 1, 1892. . At 2 o'clock - this morning, fire bells rang in the New Year. The magnificent Blue Ridge Inn, containing one hundred rooms, the tobacco and cigar factory of Armfield & Co., offices of the. Granite. City Land and- Improvement Co., stores of Byuutn & Co, J D. Smith, W E Merrit , J V Mitchell, -Robins & Co., Walli & Long with Mt. Airy Hotel were all totally destroyed by fire ; others badly damaged were : Worth & Joy.e, J R Paddison, Yad kin Valley News, J W Pitcher, R L Mooro & Bro., li A Loten. Loss one bundled thousand. The'property was mostly covered by insurance. The fire is thought to be the work of an incendiary. . This does not down Mt Airy : Telegrams have gone out for 100 masons to re place buildings. G. R. P. The Blue Rrdge Inn was the mag nificent hoel, kept by Capt. J W Clarke, formerly of the - St. Cloud. The dispatch to the Standard does not state whether any one was hurt, but it is reasonable to suppose that no oue perished in the flames. - The rotal Tel-seih. . . Why should not -the government control the telegraph ? v Because the telegraph is a luxury, not a necessity, and 'even at half the existing rates, would be of no'- value direct ly to' 60,000,000. out of 05,000, 000 people. L'et every farmer ask himself what difference it would nv.ik to him if messages could be sent at half the present prices. ' . ' .But ihe English government has control of the telegraph, and has re duced the ratos.' Rates in Great Britain' are. oh short distances, and are somewhat loAver than short dis tance rates in America. If for in stance 'the telegraph system of American were compared to a stretch of territory around New York as large as Great Britain, short distance messages here would be a3 cheap as in England. But in Europe, if a message is sent from .Geneva to London about as far as from New York to Pitsburgh; the ra'es are higher than they would be in Amer- 1 a for twice the 'distance. . So ..the advantage of governmenttl control is purely imaginary. In America with a population of 65,000,000 per son?, the number of messages is only 59,000,000, or less than one message to each inhabitant. , As most of the business is mercantile or speculative manifestly the price concerns only a small number of persons, why th?n should the people who do not nse the telegrepb, and would not even if the message were only , ten cents, be taxed in order that the specula tors in Chicago and New York, the gamblers and sporting men may have lower rates for telegrams ? .For a tax would be necesary to cover a deficit. In England there is every year a deficit of a million or more in that thickly populated country. Here the deficit would be far greater and the benefits would accrue to classes abundantly able to pay for their own messages. Let the people control these rob bing schemes. V - ...- JOIIX C. IAVIS, Onions. The Wilmington Swindler, v -Examination. ! Waive Old people well know the value of onion poultices for many pur- Hundreds of people gathered at hlt . or boi1 the court house at Wilmington ere often gpplied in cases of Tuesday, to hear another case against croup or sore throat, being put on as John C. Davis, the lawyer, on . the aa "."Id be" borne. In the charge of obtaining money under i latt d'ase or a threatened attack false pretences. Davis was cool and ,? dlPhlh they, are often used, shook hands with several people. ,but.f.an7 claim that they are more Some marks of care were - visible raPld m ,ac lon if Pounded UP 5 however. The Star says that Col. ! f"drillf 1 at once' Iq n in1 T; W. Strange, his counsel, said that,-.1!? ,r &T08 tumor, they the- defence would not longer ask , U nave wP,d tSect in eith form, the detention of the court,'but would : mS it to "a head" as quickly as waive an examination. Davis was ! almost an rernedJr kuown and al" required to give a bond of $750 for his Ts" WILUyHl Pa,n- -ven pnysi appearance on ' the- first Monday in :clan8 rommend the onion poultice January, in the criminal court. I I a. L failed to'mvfi.- hnnl nml m rPflnm.llueuumuc lrd'm ana a rew i to the feet in cases of fever and ns of the juice of an onion dropped iu the the insertion of the warm "i ited to jail. ' The charge in this i PAiPi Wfl'? bv Afrs "R. LT. Vnntiinfr fnr i false pretences ; but there is another I ?ea,or ?re of the roasted onion by her for-perjury, and there are 13 a fav,onte remed for obstinate others by Mrs Dixon, a widow, for i"!lSeJ of ea!,achti and nralgia of false pretences, fowy and perjury, j he facp-? Etmg of raw onion ia the sailor's favorite cure or preven- c "TTLEPKOi s or : ,-v J tl ve of . scnrvv. Those who can Tnr, riteh Tnrieiiiinc anj oilier Tar j digest them often find the eating of ' Vroilu't' raw onions at supper gives a night The revenue collector has a re of sound sletp incase of insomnia, port from deputy collector Jones, of ana WIlere raw onions are not easily the capture of two one horse wagons, ahorse and a mule and three bar rels of moonshine whiskey near Southern Pines, Moore county. What will be the wages paid farm labor next year is now the chief topic of conversation' in Edgecombe, the northerner eays.'; -The opinion is .that there will be a' general rev duction of about one duMar per month. The editor of the late Lincoln Plow, Forge and Grip overhei'.rdJ some fellows whispering together, one night, as 'follows: '"Carolina Central pay train dark night." He got on his hore and rode twenty miles before daybreak to inform the Superintendent of the " Carolina Central railroad that a conspiracy had been formed to rob his pay train. The Superintendent said he had no pay train. i i.i ' . Rnnliiii and Sio-u!u( Ion. iny one wlio has critically noticed even a few of the statements made by the national banks of the coun try, under the late call of the comp troller of the currency, must have observed how small a ratio their cir culation bore to their capital. This i3 in part attributable to the scarcity of government boud3 as security for their notes, and in part to the great er profit in dealings that do ' not require so much. of , their own money. The great growth of speculation in the country also requires for its use much of the money formerly devoted to legitimate commerce .and business purposes. ' It is therefore deceptive to make comparisons of the amount of money "per capita" in circulation at other periods and at present - Thev gigantic game of speculation in stocks and in the futures of produce is one of late but rapid growth, and requiies much of the money in circulation. The rapid contraction of the cir culation of the national"' banks re duced from over hree hundred millions a few yea A a'go to less thun half that amount now affords suffi cient proof that that r jstemls no?.' a partial and ij fat jjpproflching a total failure in what has, been re garded its chief exeelh jocepthe fur nishing to the people' a l.tra volume of reliably sound currency. Atl-nta, Journal. i ' , - 1 digested boiled onions have a similar effect. They quicken the action of the kidneys, and even severe cases of gravel have been cured by a regular habit of eating raw onions. For stomach worms in children they are better thau most of the advertised remedies. - - " :'"". nisiiKSH LOCALS. ' Insiirant-e. ' I am prepared to furnish Insur ance in the United States Mutual accident association of ' Xew York City, the largest .'aid best. ... J. L. 1ogeu, agent. Xollre. All persons indebted to the. firm of Morrison, Lent & (Jiilon are respect fully requested' to (nil at once and settle their accounts, as we nnust have a settlement. D Pi. Moriusox, A. E. Lentz, October 0. M. M. (Iillox. Necl Wheat Tor Sale. Call at Ciu!e & Correll'3, in t! e Allison building, fur seed wheat. Come early, as th4 supply is limited. They have my Fiilosfer, Fultz and White wheat for sale. Jxo. P. Allisox. Beck's Meat Market has on hand every day, fresh beef, pork, goase and sausage in all styles. Give me a call. Fked Deck. 14: tf. For Kale. For cash or on time, one Jersey bull, three work oxen, ten beef cat tle, three mules, one improved mow-' ing machine and one" improved wheat drill. Call on, W, C. COLEMAJf. 14 tf. . , For sale, a fine Italian harp,' in excellent condition, lately re mod died ; the one, the Concord Stiing Band ha3 been using. For prices and other information apply at this office. dec 7 91 d 2 w. Waxt.sd Four thousand coiui cf four foot pine and oak wood de livered at Odell Manufacturing Co. 'a cotton miPs. , ' itively I'Ihiiu for Kie. An excellent piano, comi new, for sale. Applv to V M. Smith. au. 2Ltf. . .Morehouse fo to luive oilers I a 111 be zlzd the storehouse and lot now uc oy Dr. Johnson. for upied - r