Vol. XL-No. 10), CONCORD, N C THL'lli DA Y , AUGUST 22. 1895. Whoiie KO. 1.242 cm a ioiiai Bank. COKCORD, N. C. j. M. Odell, I). B. CCLTRANE, L. D. COLTRANK, Capital, Surplus, Presidents Cashier. Assistant Cashier $50,000 .mm DOiVT WANT ANEW STREET I THE FAIR GROUND SWITCHr Bat Would ,lle to Hare the Olil Cae llemedled-Mr. Cook Makes a Fair Offer, i AT ST. JOHN'S. (Jitizens in the. extreme nor th- The 5Iari2e of Kr. Earnhardt to Miss Ella Ridenhonr-Gone to TYrightsyllle. Promptly at 7 o'clock Wednesday evening the doors of Sc. John's Evangelical Lutheran church were T2ie SIrttSer to lit IjC3iI In la at Once and Reports Made to the:Officrs of the Southern If all Works Well Two Mills Will Go Up Soon. western part of the city are and Standard readers will remember have been complaining about the that efforts have been made and bad condition of the red hill just much said through these columns to thrown 0Den to receive the meats beyond the branch this side of Mr. secure the building of a swith to the whn ; wif;flc th t Fair Grounds, where it was proposed riaffe of - f)octor Charlpa R xu iue winter time wnen erect a large couon mm, Alter- Earnhardt to Miaa Ella Ridpnhnnr II l ' . : -' V. I .1 '..1 " "1 ' a J !.. I DIRECTORS ; ne roaus are ,cut up ana tne warns anotner pany sam -cnac u trie daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D H J. Odell, D. F. Uannon oao speii is on, nut only tne ye, switcn was nunc ne too would see Ridenhoor,'cf No. 8 township, and ELAX Ai, VyM,,vlCH aau aorses DUC pedestrians as eecouu iuju was uuni. sisttr to Mr. K E Ridenhour nf this W K. Odell, W.H, ..LILLY, Weil, haye a struzele to eec alomr Attorney VY M Smith sent the Lsfi 5 - - ' ' - o 0i - - . . . i xjm. v j . jl uv wv. 1 1 luuu j r ao a uicbty .u . i. i I vtn.r. J i r l I - T . f . ... . V iutti pari oi town, ana il would ne Fo uu iiwC0 uum several m- one; Rev. J Q Wertz conducting it, well if the authorities would work terested citizens to Mr. W H Bald and the charcn was magnificently on it oetore the bad season arrives. wfn tmra vice president Qt tne MpAnratpH ivi t inn ir rrr t-t a 1 1 ttaci m thnt nnf i nnninprn. J mt i vvui w ioq m i.uu u -" -v v xne usners ior tne occasion were of town, say 8 that they dtn't want a Mr. Baldwin answers that he has Messrs T H Ridenhour W A Foil if new .street, DUl WOUIQ 06 greatly luearu iroui yo. Auuiew6 on IflQ W lWn TnoUr anrl nmma fliloo pleased if something -was done to subject and after considering the Tie attendants who : grouped improve tne one tney naye. ne matter nas uirectea tne oupennien around the altar weie Mr. John M 1 says he will furnish a wagon and dent of the road, together with the Cook with Miss Mollie Sather: Mr. 1 . . - - I "TV T- mm I ' . , haul rock enough to put it in good division freight Agent, to call upon Barrier with Miss Hattie Misen- Hfthape if the town will do the rest, our people at once and to look oyer hjeimer ; Mr. W A Ridenhour with says the qt-zens in J hat part of the ground and make a full report. Miss Clara Oehler. Misses Pink town pay their share of taxes and Mr. Baldwin assures!! concerned Ridenhour and Nell Fisher preceded should get their portion of attention, that the question will hay their the bnde, while Messrs. V C Rider- xixuou wiwm wuBmcittuuu. i hour and Homer tfarnhardt escorted Death of Mrs. leazer, 1 hiS and Other UiiUerS in Ue let- thp rnnm tn tho mftTfiafrplfar.' r. D.penu iur epiauatgry circusi .uiMo yi vupm Ax:azet vi. vuo www iier mase une OUUOOK very promising I tru affair wan a nleas&nt one i i D.mUaM4;. Ji'aJ svf inMl,AM Arw i-1 il . j... - - V I - lar on specumuuu, aisu weemj mr- i cuiwuiuij uicu y.y puuiu yci m ior we oouoiDg oiine BwncD. i Miss Effie' Misenheimer presided ket letter. (Free) dwly her home in Mooresyille Wednesday When these representatives appear it thp 'orVftn j at 3;45. ; She leaves one child six on .the grounds let the people be The bridal nartv was criven a re. jears old. ready tp show what will be done cention at the home of the bride on There's .where MoTe iieaded Poiiti- f h?n? c0?1011? are mde right- Tuesday evening. The supper was Clans Go. I. JLiliS, OaA-NDAKD ieeiS it m 118 an olprrAnf. nna .. . iI WWW. Walter R Henry will in the next bones that in a yery short while; Dr. andiMrs. Barnhardt left last Comprises the University, thej?Pe -fl? ft? SK .nator Ja. pnoor-jU haye pa its gontherit : ight (or WrigbUTille, where they uoilege, tne iawand MeaicaX vr."r"r r'r"w.tT'.c v IT l";"V-rT" r "r fl wm spena several weess bcnoois, ana tne W. U, XilLLY, D. B, COLTRANE. Specuiaian, HAMMOND & CO. Stock and loiad Brokers, 130 & 132 Pearl Street, NEW YOKK CITY, H". Y. StockSj Bonds and.Grainibbujjht and. sold, or carried on Margin. UNIVERSITY OF MQRTH U ? ? ? : j i U SUMMER SCHOOiJ lie'Vas 'left the toJm LetthegobdorkgOwn. Ijeopmp a populist. He will aid in a I canvass of the Stat. He rade - an attac& un .oenator xiaosom nub luug ago which FbpulUt papers prihfed. Don'J Like to 5ee It.' It appears that when the colored snch things aont its borne oys as people get into trouble :they xnakel this $.h ? ken o yesterday iv,-ii.: xJL "u w.1-1. 1 Donnnrd' Stand ART) : "ThA 'Starft' straight lor Charlotte. In the past six months Chief of Police BogerJ have written to the Salisbury boy? begging them to come down and for teachers. Tuition $60 ; 35 concord uigii flcn6i. 4oo7r2V.c. Arrt a4nnnii a Tn another coin ton Thi STAND A.r.nr, "r ; j l. -t- . vi;i rtf t has rn6 down three criminals, two Chapel Hill, N C, for Cata, the .Concord High Spool, which scaped : y.ct81rom the oha.n i ."r.'iw losue and handbook'on 'WWl-' -W fi.mW . 'Mr: TTniUnd ean2 "d theone brought oyer Tues- swerth s tome ; as they rere wyeral VKRSITY EDUCATION." Thompson, of Statesyille, is - day night, who ws; an ex conyict. eeks ago' and the small boys have Charles Barnhardt the first one wuumucu tuau oauBuuij uau y North Carclina b1 MT. PLEASANT, N. C. REV. J. D. SHRIEY, D. D., PKE5- ADADEMIC, COMMMRCIAI AND COLLEGIATE COURSES. Total necessary expenses session of 38 weeks, $85.00 to $137,000. Next session begins Sept- 3. 1895. For ootalogne and special information, address the President as above, or lm. Secretary of Faculty. Mount Amoena SEMINARY A Flourishing School for Young Ladies. TEN TEACHERS, On amental Branches Receive Carefui Attention, UEV. C. L. T. FISHER, A. U Pbincipal, MOUNT PL A3ANT.:N. C College of Agriculture and Mechanic arts. The next session of this Col lege will begin September 5th. Examinations at ccuntr seats first Saturday in August Young men desiring a tech nical education at an unusual ly low cost will do well to ap ply for catalogue to ! A. Q. HdLLADAY, Prep., 2wd&w. Raleigh, N. C. MANUFACTUEEES OF FIJE GINGHAMS, 0UT1JVG CLOTHS, pnuoipai auu u Huum,uUU0 u , ; , .. , . and doa. want tQ , , wUh them MntftfnrtMhinrrab!irhlvanoken """a"' M ,v r-""l .. . . for three years and had four more aKam- .we suppose me rugs" oyrroi. .meruiau uu r. y uuic " : . are the boys alluded to. -Now. boys it.TT-:-. I.- fTT1rT, Or- . 1 TTX ISBiB -V Uw fw VU VUw wUCU -,MUC,, I , - " lt.Zt Mr Thomson wUl r " The next one had ,et four mdiitlis, yonetf together, accept the ffiS'it SL' f' . Charlotte can be termedas1 challenge and go down to Concord ceiye a very liberal patronage, as , .. : .. , ... aAy.,h. ata cn w tht il. .- u j .- j . a vciiv oi reioee. umei poeenirrr- - ... rrr .",-"r X "V: l-A" has a W nose for and does eoe the,'ll be satisfied for a good twelye mgn SCDOOI, one mat rases up me r .. . ... . . . mnnths to me "Sa1iahnrv Herald Fptk where our Graded School Hlr. 1 .t.S'SSJ laworeaicerp. . ..j-r-r- , want, and on their own leaves off. PLAIDS, SHEETING -' Thompson is welcdmVd to I VUUUUrU. OCXS UUUUUUUCUlOUk cio WD SALT BAGS, where. Conld Sell Else. as Ctieap 'It as o. kWboaySiPJy fint generally get IVi So to speak, although one can't A lnan was on the streets witiiways some times tell, or Salisbury watermelons for sale. . He asked a I has a clever set of players. DEALERS IN General Country Dratted in Black. Many of the bicycle riders of this merOhwit a:h?gh;once ,fo y BFPrr city have placed a band of mourning duct, hut:the merchant told the; ardnhd their wheels and are to iarmer inat ne uuum pay cneaper narade the sidewalks late this even- fiom another man, because he (the ins for the last time.. As itis; ther other man) bont "WW i i f-nm I y- y l'..f i '.i l-t I trA InaA navai arifl wnrilrl noiflf tW1 - ... head xor.a moment, and looking . ljL5i iirii Uvi as chean as anybody else, .for I ' &6 .eve. isqpvwpww 177 . j fod those wno nave not, nave now iub mJ""WBttJ innortunityto try itJWXCail oni , J-" theyprtiseePruggsJ;.ftnd M. MW"J&Mft' t , Xria Bottle, Free. Send your name n,.' gentleman -wntihe in. thit Prod )Kd v ... 8 BUYERS OF i - luce of al AND Four-Foot wood always wonted best prices for same. We invite an in spection of all the goods Manufacture, tjmaddresgjtoadC imicadn;?aM go en & Co. t a sample box ot Dr. Kine's New Life, Pills Free, as well as a covy of Guide to Health and Houtehold Instructor, Free. All Of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing at Fetzers Drug store. Piano Tuner Comlngr. Mr. Wilmouth, the most excellent tuner of Ludden & Bates, of Char lotte, will be in Concord in a few days and those deBirmg. pianos 1 aav ft their names with Dr. Young at at the St, Cloud J wee; Fartoer says : . jWe write, rand talk I 00rziQjT 1" MW Ml bugs, fetbngs, butblteT-a;wtradi one;a3 yetjiftj undertaken : tb grve his;ep.;hdapgj must De, irDiSL:niB.uame..ana cuar ter,J a cross between a gl t silver iiug aha bedbugl And this old broken $ovn Jplif tlCian,OUv QLa jvu, its niciureeuuc At a If 6w 1'lace. , ', . ,f Since the bicvcle ordinance has Dn passea ana mere are no uiox? privileges on ' ifi e sicfewalks VhosS o ueaire mj nue, a very uuttiuiiug Mi83 ha8 donned the' bloomers and' yj! xlaily . practicing ;horse-bacl tiding: t ;Sbt as v expert now atf many -older ones jure: who hate bidden Worses, all r)lixt s. ; Volnniary Advance in Jares- august 1st. The oer me JGv$ ciinw bay previously apnoun reed a iiMilar advance from tha lame qcr. xne increase in wags , m H6ngtiton cdnidtv will Amount to alyi$50,00p jper moyith and mi FEMALE ACADEMY. The 94th Annual Session begins September stbi 1895, Register for last year shoVs more than 5to persons under instruction d ing the year. Spe- . cial features: the development of Health, Char acter and Intellect. Buildings thoroughly remod elled. Fully equipped Preparatory, Collegiate and Post Graduate Departments, besides nrsfc-class schools in Music,. Art, Ljuages. Commercial and. Industrial Studies. J. H. CLEWELL, Rrincipal, Salm, N daw 2W. FU R W ITURE COFFINS &C. I have now in stock at my rooms opposite the court house a splen did line Of well-made Furiiiture such as i x Bed Steads, Tables, Wash Stands Safes, hairs, &c. Idefy competition in regard ta quality andprice. You will be surprised whpn you bear my prices Come and see. If not in stock caiir.suply' you in a few days. I i have nice line of COF F I N S at prices, hai will surprise you. I keep a full Z line on hand for im mediate, supply. I buy LUMBEP and run my planing machane, and $V pffaohs 'who wish any thtD& iUith line, wid do -well to calt ind see me. . n ) i ru rtyeTy Respectf ully, flti f. ira ml n n f.arv n n tha' three cases of iypioid jfever are If. T I ITnl iyj- Bounds Concord.'N. 0. July 13, 1895. M U u - Arc, always relUbl. LAOic.uk fnr ITMieAtmrr nmw w- DntfU La-Ai in Ana (AM aactaJlia w..M ---- with Mm ribbon. Take ta aunt W tioir, msuwww Jlotel.