Ifotlec of Dissolution. Notice is hereby piyen that the firm of York & Wadsworth, com- posed'ofcN:F- York-lf; -Wads-worth and Cannonn & Fetzer as silent parteaer?,; was dissolved by mutual consent on the 21th day of May.: - cr . i f ;V4 Y' 7 Ifcis the 6th day of August, 1895 a - N; F. Yobke. PTVobth. , Canons & Fstztfa. - ' f. i. - i?;fi We, N. F. Yorke, J. C. Wads worth and , 0 1 J- Harris, under style and firm name of Ybrke, Wadswbrth & Co., will condudt and icarry 6n the " former business of Yorke- Wad$ worth, and we assume all liabilities of Yorke & Wadsworth, and collect all notes, accounts apd other in debtedness due- Xorke & Wads -worth. : We respoctfulljr solicit the pat ronage of the public- M ? I VV- YORKE, W ADSWOBTH & Co. August 6, 1895; ' " SALE OF LAND: Reduced Hall road Rates. Trinnial Conclave of Knights Templar, Boston, Maes. Ticket son sale August 23 to 25, inclusive? Final limit September 10, 1895.- Fare for round trip for, tickets! routed all rail reading the.same in both directions $23.35. For tickets routed via Sound Lines between New York and Boston reading the same in both directions $21.85. For tickets routed between New York and Boston via rail in one direction and via Sound in the other ,.$24?2Sj $6r. ticketk " rnu te 1 . between ? tfew York and Boston via on rail line go ing and ahdlFer rail line returning 825. 03 . For tickets routed bfi$een New Yoi fcr anj Boston ' via one Sound line going and another1 Sound line returning $23.44. . disposing tickets with the agent 6f terminal lines in Boston on extefi eion of final limit may be obtained but in no case will tickets be good A DOG FALL. me as commissioner oy decree of to leave Boston later than Sepiem Cleveland i and Men Strive for " ( tpp Mastery A Drawn Battle. The Democratic caucuses in the city of Roctieaief and the country fl&iniiB 'of' Monroe county were held 'last evening nnder the arran ge men t made bynhe State committee look ing .tjo he pacification of the Hill and U5;ejelan factions oi tne party The results as a whole were Bur- the Superior Court, made in the case of Lawson BJackwelder1 and Qthers,plaintiffs,against MStarns, defendant, I will sell at public aucs tion in front ' of 5 the court house door in Concord on Monday, Sept. 2, 1895, to the highest bidder; the following real estate of which John C Starts died seized. - 1 1st. Tract known as the Rowland tract radioming J F Furr lands. Martajn aFurr and ; others add on which Henry Cray tonr now; iivesv containing 114 acres an di known as in a home place. Xhis tract of land will be sold subject to the vdower of Mrs. John C tames which has al ready been allotted, and consists of abou? 67 acres , , r 2nd. Tract known as the Adam Honeycutt tract a joining Jackson Honey cult, the , tract , al?ov 'men iionea and others, and t contains about '46 acres! and on' which OV Mauney,now resides ;f? 3rd. Tract .known, as the .Alex finder Shoe tract adjoining Nathan Lambert, Mafc Gox and Others; 'and contains about 15 aeres.." i M. 4th. Tracf kLKwn aatne Jonn $1 Shoe tract adjoins eksvif Hone j cuttf, Thomas Swlnsbn-'ahd others, and contains about )S3 acres. 'r.i m Terms: One-third cash, one-third in twelve months and the remaining third in r two yearsj . the -deferred payments to bear 6jPer cent interest from day of sale until fcaid, but the purchaser will haveihe rignt to an iicipate them by payingl cish if he desires to do so , Ja"B. C Gi3SpNr - ' - 5 s : i -Qommissioneri' . TRUJST154S SALE; By virtue of authority vested in me by a Deed in Trust or Mortgage executed. Jby C. Wi Rjobinsot? onthe 1st dayof -January, 1893, which'mbrt gp 3 or DeedinTrtist' is dtilrec'ord-i ed in Register's office for Cabarrus ?ounty, North Carolina, in book No. 7, page 572, 573 and 574 I will sell at public auction at the court house door, in Concord North Carolina; on the 44th day of September, 1895, to the highest bidder that tract of land known as the Col. Thomas H Robinson place at P.epjar Tent Th's is, a chance to secure a gdbd home in one of the best neighbor hoods in Cabarrus county near the church and pchool houses : There are rgopd building,; orchards ' and conveniences for home comfort on the place 1 Termsfrmade knowh on day of sale. Tittle to said property is supposed to be good, butrthel pur i chafer only takes' Buch title as 1 em authorized to convey under said mortgage. ' John P. Allison, Trustee. JJatea 15th day of August, 1895. ft" CONCORD MARKKTa 5 COTTOii IIABKKT. Corrected by Qannonj & Fetzer Middlings.;..;.; ....;...7...;..7 Low middling BtainsrAr.'..-, - 6 4fto5 PBODUOB MARKET. Corrected bv 0. W Swink. Baxm...t... ........... ...........u.y BugarMinred hamsV.i......l.. i2itol5 Bulk- meats, sides ....8 to 9 Beeawci.. .... ......... .. ;v.i5 Butter... .........15 Chicfepi..;.:... .v.:v-:l0fcd25 Corn.... .50 to. 55 Lard........ ......... ..............8toll Flourorth 2arolina)f 1 feal....... :. . Cht3...M..................,j;r;StB?3S; -Tallow....... ...... .........v.... 3toi f -ii i , ; - i iiow uaiei toSoston ana Xl turn. Sotuheni Railway will sell round trip tickets to Boston, Ltss., rate of one faro ticket good to re ber 30, 1895, These tickets will also bear a transit limit of seven days in each direction. ; ..; Cotton State and International Exposition, Atlanta, Ga. Tickets on sale cap temoer o ana i-ana daily from September 15 to Deoem ber 15. 1896, inclusive with final limit January 7. 1896. Fare fox round trip 814.20 . Tickets on sale da'ly from September, 15 to Decern ber 30, inclusive with fjnal limit fifteen days from date of sale, ja'r for rouno trip $10.40. , Tickets on sale lally from September 15 to December, 30, inclusive with final limit seven days from date of sale. Fare for round trip S6 5& Grand Lodge Knights of Honor, JMorehead City, N. C. Tickets on sale August 19, 20 and 21, -Finai limit August 31. 1895; Continuous passage in each directioh. Faie for roundtrip$I2 1Q. - roini, in. u, iicnets on sale August prising 'and 4 howed thit the quarrel bfM?,tne ""factions ' winch have been at daggers drawn for eeyeral years, liadr not been thoroughly harmonized iln ten': of the twenty Iwards of the city each faction was successf nl, and ? in the, country as a whole the same proportion marked the result, the Cleveland men carrying the first and third j assemoiy aistnctB ana tne mu men .the '8econd''''ttnil76nrth. This will make an even break for State com mitteemen. :IHvided- on the lines of senatorial districts, the Hill men carried the forty-third and the Cleveland men the forty fourth, That fiye-roonl house on East! Depot street, now occupied bj Mrs. j Wflle&rd, fs for sale.' Interested fori tetes and other desired informa- ion. 261m. (Mrs.) Ann Fink. i rrvH nnu c w For Bale! . I haye two good fresh milk cows for sale. Apply at the Standari office for information or to me. at my fe? M) 01KD& the 4ohn H Mor rison piace. tills mi- - - ...---.: roHN W. Morris. 20; 21 and 22. Final limit' August 28, ,1895. Continuous passage in each direction. Fare for rouna irii S3. 00. Battlefield Encampment of the oods oi v eteranF, nnoxvine, xenn. 'J?iCkets on sale Sept. 13 to 16, in clusive with final limit October 10, 1895. "Fore for round trip S5m Association, Asnville, N, C. Tickets on sale August 19 to; 21 inclusive"; Limit August 24, 1895. Fare for round trip $5.70. . yr!l: Dedication of the Chickamanga and Chattanooga NaionaJ arkj ChatanoogavTenn. 1'ickets on'sale September 16 ta 19. inclusive ith final limit October 13, 1895. Fare for round trip $765. J-- " Jt North Carolina State Horticult ural? and Floral Society, GreensbtMtt N. C. Tickets on sale August 19, 20 and 21 Finaldiniit August 24.' 1893 n :l: 1 . .' .. vuuliduuub passage m eacn. direc tion , Fare for r6uml trip $3 lii Oreintal Industrial Stock, Fruit and-Agricultu-raUFair, OKew BferSe,4 JM u. Tickets on sale August 24 to 29 inclusive. Final limit HeDteinbey 2,1895. Continuous passage in each direction." i Tickets fmrfstTbS BtamiH ea by agent at Wew lierne, C, before being vaid f or, returu vpas1 age. Fare for round trip $8.50. National f Wcampttfent l5Grand 'Lanfl roted Jtotlck. 1 hereby, f orbjd any parties from trejpassiijgLjBucU as hunting, cut- njg &mr, wal W or driving, removing irnn or anytnincr of any desenptmnon - my plantation Jknown as the Daniel: Suther A IaU, ln'No. 4 township. r : Anyone Yolatin tis notice will be pWcntSd :W ile'fdlleat extent of tWlav?"1 36 To the Citizens or Cop cord. after the 20th day of, this out n8t-cia8 , meat market and will be g&i "to serve the public with ' ,M till i. -i ''V JUm 1 7 their needs in thefresh meat line. Mjr place oi business will be in the 19Ninch store room, first! door abpye, marble yard on West 'Depot street. x Kespectfully, 1 m. J F. Datvault. Army of the Bepublio Louisville Ky, ticps o sale Sop htfCo M ffi ftnal limit October 5th 1895 Fare for fbrnid trip m$)t V t ( ; ,V;v Tickets fortheTriennial Conclave of Knights Templar Boston Mass "..1 . v A wui go on saie at once, ana continue until August 25tb 185. 'Ss'meTfaft and conditions, asbejprejpjnhed . IF VOO DUY A t: Ill 1 Mill SO ftDDrfiTftl And AM th ml minnf. 1 . . ; i f. ton iuagttimttocoawnnri. T7g hart Bo"tnti. offer frrf r Tal w la our teqrd QladlatOT wheels at tCO to tSO th&n bthct mantxfacturera with prices from 01 CO WO Every wheel rally wa pay iscai doltn Out this out and write today Tex profit of 1lfly r i XCmaCE dEBlNACE ito: era lor J V n e it ordain ecv by tne commission for the towr of Concord. N.-n . : ection't'Thit the bicycle prdi tcx?s Nob.- 73f and ,77?J resbeotivelv passea oy tne Doarploatne ntn day oi September, leWjandjon- theSttt car qj August, be and the same arel hereby repealed. fieU6nflid it ordained by tha commsslonerx' the town of ndeWwyelnlmy sidewalk withh in to-tiwrpbratHmitsxif "the; town of .Poprd,.; N Q. ihajl ,be , deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviatioxi thereof Bball be fined W tea Biefctidn Sf Ahy one who shall ride a bicycle across any of the public crobings.within ihe-cornorata lim its pfrthir tow Concord at ereaier spetnaMoinary :waik Duiii uo ueeuieu guitiy oi a miSQ6 meanortroncpttviction Iherei of rihaU-bd665fivtr driilaf c ifnl Castoria is Ir. Samuel Pitcher,s prescription for Infants and Cnildren. It contains neither Opiiimi Morphino nor other Narcotic substance. : It is a harmiss" substitute for Paregrbric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and tor Oil, It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years bv Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and iys feTerishncss. Castoria prevents vomitings Sour Cuid. cures Diarrhcea and "Wind Cojic. Castoria relieves teething ' troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tjio food, regrulates the stomach and bowels," giving1 healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. Castoria is an excellent .medicine for chil dren. , Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good efieet upon their children- jtL g: c.: (isoood, Iowell, Mass. Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers: will consider the real interest of their children , and use Castoria instead of the! various quack nostrums which are destroying their laved one, by forcing opium, morphine, . soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their' throats, thereby fending them to premature grrfves." iY.-. ' ' ' Dk. J. F. Kikcheloh, , , ; Conway, Ark, Castoria. ; u CftStorim Is so well adapted to children tin X recoeniucnd it as superior to any prescription, known to me." H. A. Archk. M. xn So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, n. Tj "Onr physicians in the children's depart. , ment have spoken highly of their expert, ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and ' although' we njyhave among onr medical supplies what is known aa regular products, yet we are" free to" confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look witb favor upon it." - 1 UMXTBD HOSPXTAX. A27D DlSPKNSARV, Boston, Mass ' Aixeh C. Smith, Pres. The Centaur Company, 7T Murray Street, New York City. Q r a o o, err -f n cd p a ?30 g Q G 2 ? h. o C3 P SB o , & - CD Q I t o & ? g- 5V W P tJ M O CD p t (22 69 89 ..5 B 2- B CD O ? M Wf' SAY . I 1 I.I V gg . v,r, - .... - Liwun wjftg. i buu iwiawta in XXZLTJ Ki. 'XUUZ12L i .tltiiftntJftftied rm rn Lose vonr life's hi oorl frolihW rf oAi i.iQc.c nitj! Ctie . TilliaijpusSmurder ja'stlstep mte tne fnrpiture storen"arat a yeryrmali cost, anil get yon a PATENT TURNOVER CAHOPT; that will "starye a mos . - . av - ' mmtm A M w - mm w . i m m a A Mil ?W?.tfl??'5tan from any.hpui in North Carnlitm. Oni- I""!"! r lwo- W luejiowest. , ; Gome audi Bee , turn until Septzaber.10, nd c-n be OUX HandBome e&t&IoflmA. Art wWWWoo era; co. fAtJDfcCZlDBrtll. 111(1 fT-Tl Tift I A T 11 i Am: .X V.