104. UOJNUOKI), N. CM MOJNDAY, AUGUST 26, 1895. Whose NO. 1.245 1 ill COKCOBD, N, 0. President, Cashier. t M. OPEL1" n R CCLTRANE, asmer. jJd! Coltrane, Assistant Cashier Capital, Surplus, $50,000 $16,000 HAKVEST HOME FESTIVAL t THE CHARGE; EXPLODED, j A A A W . v .. a i. . a nines- Lmneran ennrrh Snd. KoriAm iAirianf nt rmvn m. tY -Tile Drnr At 1nn imaHa Ar ! Soil's Products The Sermon and DIRECTORS: j, M. Odell, t?r k m King. w e. Odell, W; H, Lillt, 1). B. COLTRANE. "TSpec HAMMOND & CO. , Music Appropriate. ' : Ajnong the festivals celebrated by the Lutheran church during the year is, that of the Harvest Home. At St. James Lutheran church, Sunday, the pulpit, chancel,the altar and in fact the entire pu'pit recess was' decorated with everj kind of D. F. Cannon TXXlt vegetable and grain known to J. W. Cannon, this section. Among them all, here and there the house and" yard flower added beauty to the very tasty arrangement. ; These samples of the soil's yield were arranged according to designs by Mrs. M- G G Scherer. In the uiatipn. One Man has an Eye Shot Out and a Six Foot Drill Driren Through Ills Arm. TheLpremature ex plosion of a dy namite blast at Superintendent Lit tle's camp on the Yorkyille road, yesterday afternoon, seriously injured a convict named Robert ; Johnston. Johnston's left eye was shot full of gravel and the eye sight destroyed; the skin on his forehead was torn off and a steel drill, six feet Jong, but of slender circumference, was driven through the muscles of his left arm, tearing a great hole through the flesh, but not injuring the bone. The accident occurred about sun- down. Jonn8ton waa tamping a background stood an arch on which dyr amite cartride in a deep hole in a were tne woras maae pt red ana xock that was in the road. Super- yejlow corn: "Our Daily Bread." intendent LUtle was stand ng by On the cross arm of the arch were watching the work. The tamping the words made of shelled beans: was hpinir done with a steel drill. chas. graham Escapes. mm Picked the Lock With a Bucket San- die Coons Down a Sewer Pipe 35 MTV PT."R ASANT T fl. Jailor. Hill hasn't but one boarder. REV.- J; D. SHIREYF B. Dm PREs' Daiuraay. nignt unaries , liranam, the negro who carved up another a few weeks, ago on East Depot street, and whom Chief Boger captured in Charlotte last week, made his es- Total necessarv expenses - . .....'.. i . ' , - I - . . . ml . . L7 cape Saturday, night some. time after session of 38 weeks. ?85.00 to ADADEMIC, COMMERCIAL ... . . .AND . . COLLEGIATE COURSES. midnight. He was in an iron cage; the door is iron, and locked with a padlock. Graham had nothing in his room but a spoon, a, pan and a water bucket. The spoon handle waa found mashed. The handle of the bucket was torn off and bent up a little. This he used in picking the look, Thejfe is a hole in the door for passing in mea s and through this he used his bncfceubandle key on the padlock. ';; From there he unlocked a similar $137,000. Next session begins Sept. 3. 18951 For cotalogue and special information, address, the President as above, or lm.' Secretary of Faculty. M Stock and Bond: Brokers, 130 & 132 Pearl Street, wrwvnT?TT CITY. TJ". . Kw in numbers and size until the I with his neht hand. At one par the outside near the window a 4 inch -: scene appeared as a little world with- ticnlar lick, hammer, drill and dar iewer pipe runs down the wall. He Stocks, Bonds and Grain bought and in itself; The effect was very pretty key went up in the air and frag cooned down tbis pipe a distance of sold, or carried on Margin. and was indeed inspiration to be ments of the. shattered rock were 35 feet a risky and dangerous feat p, S. Send for explanatory circuh yery thankful for the many bless strewn around. Mr. Little was not Unwitnessed and without charge. ar on speculation, also weekly mar- ing8 coming from the divine hand. J injured. The head of. the drill was Jailer Hill is by no means respon- ount Arncena 5 EM IN ARY . A Flourishing School for iounr Ladies. TEN TEAC HERS. Ornamental Brat ohe s Rfscoir V- Carefui Attention, Haryest Home." From this, as a Johnston was holding the drill in lock and went up into the garret ; Mart, tha decorations began and his left hand and plying the hammer there he tore out a slat window. On HEV. p.. L. T. FISHER, A. Principal MOUNT PL A.SAKT, N. O HORTII EillDLIi ket letter. (Free) dwly The music was appropriate and I battered and ragged from constant sible. It was not carelessness. It well rendered. The pastor's prayer, j hammering, and it tore the negro's was the shrewd, smart act of a very full of praise and thanksgiving, to - . -A -1 . ' gether with real evidences or aoun the muscle being torn away. Dr. dance piled up here and, there, pre Wilder, the county physician dressed and it works "like a charm' even pared the large congregation present Johnston's wounds. He will recover, as good as the real key. for an appropriate, beautifully Dut his left arm will be useless andp It is nard- to keep prisoners in College the Law and Medical Korded and tnou5h'ful discourse, his left eye will be blined. ' A spark jail. It is hard on. the jailer to keep College of Agriculture - and Mechanic arts. ill UNIVERSITY OF TH-GIHOU Comprises the University, the delivered with great effect by the fr0m the steel drill is believed to pas tor,, the Rev. M. G G Scherer. have caused the explosion. Hislext was a part oi the, 11th verse Schools, and the SUMMER ' V r ot e 26th cbapte- o Dueteronomy: Conffra(alRtlons to onCord. vSC i H X J r) 1 j 1 "And-tnoa shall rejoice in every r' The people of Concord are trying . , m - - onr, good: thing hich : the ;Lord: thy God 0 get 'the -Southern. Railroad Com. Zrln Zr i ar bath giyen thee." Concluding his pauf tb hui Id a branch line fromhe The next session of this Col-. arm in a shocking manner, marly all mean negro. Mr. Hill brought , in lege will begin September 5 th the lock and the bucket-handle key Jttxaminauons couLjy sears first' Saturday in August. Young men desiring a tech nical education at an unusual ly low cost will do well to ap ply for catalogue to A. M. uuijIjAuax, i-fp., RaWigb.N. C. them as well as he does. Green Weddington, the only other j 2 w d& w prisoner in jail, expected to . go,vtoo, but 'the key; would not worki oiathe lock to his door. ; m em. FEMALE ACADEMY Aimed at Baron Rotncnllds " The 94th Annual Session begins September 3th. A "RTR. AVlCr. 24. A hftaVV . letter I nrsnns under instruttion durine the vtar. Sue- dress President Winston, "T . .T- 7-7 p ;u. V7 w v-.uAZ aeitures;-the dcvo?ment-of huh air Chapel Hill, N C, for: Gata- on.the, Harvest Horn, of Jthw hfe, 0f a little oTera mile, and they, are ritoenti to Baton thoMds aB J- logueandliaudbookori'UNt Ee. SoKeter with much' earnestness ion MatoMhiye it don .be. de!A.W ftthi kcS: iTisnnTmir TiTvTTn a mTAXT i - r.-wnnA fVof- oil rklorif. fho BPPfl in thlfl i.1 A ,nttnr. afternoon, dnrinff his hOSenCe at and Industrial Studies. V TiJttaiX 1. JCJJ U I ,,t w . w 1 tJtiUtso li tuc iuhu, 10 vuiiv) V. t , 1 . - . o- . - t. H. CLEWELl. RrincipaJ, Salrn. N 1110 iiiau win uuug iuibu wav AA lactones win De uuni aiao, jme 1 "rrrr i""" MANUFACTURERS OF 1 k, FINE GINGHAMS, OUTING CLOTHS, AND SALT BAGS. DEAJLERSS in General which suits and mates: the Great matter it seems, has been left in the clerk, M Jodkowsky, opened the uarvest Home or tne nereatier ior hands of Capt. W 15 Ryder,, tne w FVWU: - .ft,lfuc! : those that loye God. Southern popular representative at upon it explodea. J.ne cierK s eves Charlotte, and he was m Concord were almost torn out of his head and All About a cow. ! -L . , - .v : -ii-f. I nn of his hands was so badlv shat- Messrs. H K Keid and J Walker f sjANi,ARD is! moved to say-: tered tnat tnree :of his fingers. had fipatrick, two prominent citizens ifWnrri wftfl aiad to have this to.be amputated. M Laurent, seer thorough business: man, who isin retary of the prefecture, is: of . the 8Q?h close touch with the successful opinion that the infernal machine and prosperous career ; oW the" great was similar; to those sent to. Pepi Southern to spend some time in tlie ties Treille, Eitenne and Constans city:and that he is to je turn to make in 1891, and that it probably, con a complete look.over the grounds tained fulminate of mercury. It is where the switch is proposed to be thought that the, package was sent run, is quite an encouragement to Y an anarcmai. . tdose directly interested in par- r n- , ; r J i 'JLnnl Posted' Jfotice. ticular and to us all in general. I hereby forbid any parties from if Uapt. Kyder nas. autnorny 10 tresnassinff such as hnntins:, cut- - v J' --(- T t. - FUR WIT of , Sharon township, Mecklenburg county, are to be tried before the church session for hard words 4 over PLAIDS, SHEETING cow. Mr. Reed had a cow that gave six gajlpns of milk at ore; time and t so told'Mr. Kirkpatrink and he in turn to a Charlotte newspaper. The item was spicy. The next t Sunday at the church the . two had words, Reid denying that he had made such claims for his cow. The Charlotte Obseryer says they are both officers in the church, hence the trial. ; Merchandise. hebool Announcement, BUYERS OF Country Produce AND Four-Foot wood alwavs wonted best prices for same. We invite an in spection of all x the goods we Manufacture, apt in tije,. matter Ccncqrd ill hav tiiig timber, walking dr. driving, reason to hope that itvwili get, just) removing fruit or anything of any what it wants. There . is npt a mans descriptions-ion my plantation, connected with the Southern so known as t the Daniel ' Sutner, Miss Marshall haying taught so nnink to ?rasD the merits of an v re. on a m To tnwnnhin. . - j t ; x : o 1. : ( . . i iuu auj awi , ' tz . successfully' for the past two years quest made upon the Southern for i Anyone: violating this; notice will in- Concord, will again open ner mutual betterment, and unless .there be prosecuted to the fullest extent - ' - . . . I : .. -rr ' ia finmA nniorsseen onatacle in tne rof- the law. JKO. n.l3lMOJNS way, ; they will;get wha they, an. Capt, Ryder, among other things, is noted for his knacK of. always doing what is right. Charlotte Nev s. COFFINS &C. I have now in stock at my. rooms opposite the.court house a spleu did' line Of well-made Furniture such as Bed Steads, 'Tables, Wash Stands Safes,, defy competition in regard to ' quality ; and price. You will bo surprised when you hear m y prices Come and see. If not in slock can supply you in a few days, X have a nice line of COFFI school, Monday, Sept 2ndj in the flame boildinff. She endeavors to Of all' Bind meet th demands ,of a school corn- binding thorough mental work with the best Physical and Moral develop ments. Terms $1.50, $2 00 and $3 00 per month. - a31. riano Tuner Coming. i Two-Pasre Money liesson. Sunday's Charlotte Ooseryer gives a two page colloquy on money- sound money. The author oi it offers $500 to any one that answers the article in a satisfactory manner, it to be decided by a committee. Now's a silverbug's chance. '. Mr. JWilmouthi the most excellent ;tuner of Ludden & Bates; ofiChar? at prices that will .surpriseijou. I keep a full 'line on hand' for id mediate supply. I buy LUMBER and run my planing machanr, and all persons who wish" any thing inltbislirie, will do well ' to caii and see me. - Very Respectfully, lotte will be in Concord: in a few days and those desiring pianos tuned vill please leave: their names iwith Dr. YouLe.OKlat the St. Olbud al4 ? Concord "N. C. July 13. 1895. pounds Bncklen's Arnica Salye. l?hTe Best Salve in the world- for 'Hotel. Cuts. Bruises, Sorest Ulcers, Salt T?ArW KrTne fPnf f otH f3htittA I HonseFor Sale. I fK : Cklekester's EnsUak Dtmmond limn. Hands Chilblains, Corns and all Tliat fiye,:roqm house on East r ,R0 YAL PILLS Skin KruDtions, and positively cures vewL$fiJ4w Piles or no? payi requi-ed, Iths J F Wiljefprd, is for sale. Interested guaranteed to give statief action' or parties will call oh Dr. L M Xrchey mohev refunded. Price 25 -Cents per for terms and other desired informa boxl For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug tion. . V ' ''' s Store, 3261m,. (Mes ) Akn Fihx. Orlrfnal mod Onlr 6anbt. ' A. 8r c, Jway reliable, ladies uk TfV Drujrfst tor CWcierter" Tnffdu -JA fnofwlrafui in Bed and Gold BflumcVV Jhoxea. Kftled with Wae rtbbon. I ftke A ' iff tamp-' for' particul.r.. testmoo . Relief for Ladle,'? letter, j