notice of Dissolution. . Notice As hereby eiven thati ha firm of YoTka &yads worth, coin posed of N F. Yor&e, J. C Wads worth "and Cannons & Fetzer as ,BUentpartenerp, was dissolved by mutual consent orilthe 24th-day'of May. . 1 This the 6th day of August, .1895. ' If.F. Yobke. ': V V J. (X "Wadswobth. Ca'nnons &'-Fbtzeb. . We, N- F. Yorke, J O. Wadsworth and 0, J- Harfip, under style and firm name of Yorfce Wadsworth & Co., will conduct and'Carry on the former business of YorkeSS; Wads worth, and we assume all liabilities of orke & Wadsworth, and -collect all notes, accounts and other in debtedness due Yorke & Wads worth. : ' r- , 1 We respectfully solicit the pat ronage of the public. . Yorke, Wadsworth &.Co. August 6, .1805. " SALE OF LAND. By virtue of authority rested in me as commissioner oy a decree of the Superior Court, made in the case of Lawson BJackwelder and otheris,plainti fife, against N M 3 tarns, defendant, I will sell at public aucs tion in front of the courthouse door in Concord on Monday, Sept. 2, 1895, to the highest bidder, the following: real estate of which" John C S tarns died seized." l?t. Tract known as the Rowland tract adjoining J F urr lands, Martain Furr and' others' and on which Henry Cray ton now lives, containing 114 acrep, and known aB th2 home place. 'This tract of land will be sold subject to the dower of Mrs. John C Starnes wnich has al ready been allotted, and consists of about 67 acres ' ! 2nd. Tract known as the Adam Honeycuit tract adjoining Jackson Honeycutt, the tract above men tioned and others, and contains about 46 acres, and on which O V Mauney now resides. 3rd. Tract known as the Alex ander Shoe tract adjoining5 Nathan Lambert, Mac : Cox and other's, and contains about 15 -acres. 5 4th. vTract known as the Jonn M Shoe tract adjoins Jackson Honey cutt, Thomas Swinson and others, and contains about 33 acres Terms: One-third cash, on third in twelve months and the remaining third in two years, the deferred payments to bear 6 per cent interest from day of sale until paid, but the purchaser will ha v& the right to anv 4icipate them by paying ash -'if he desires to do so Jas. C Gibson, " - - Commissioner. TEUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of authority vested in me by Deed in Trust ' or Mortgage executed by C.-W. Kobinsbn on the 1st day of January, J 893, which morts 3prJ)eedjnri:i8t is duly record ed in Register's office for Cabarrus county, North Carolina, in book No. -7, page 572, $73 and 5741 -will sell at public auction at the court house door in Concord, North Carolina, on the 14th day of September, 1895, to the highest jbidder .that Jtract of land knownas the -Col. Thomas H Robinson place at Poplar Tent. Thsisa chance to secure a good home in one of the best neighbor hoods -in Cabarrus cdiihty liear the church and pchool house There are;good buildingp, orchards and conveniences for home comfort on the place. ,Terms made ' kno wn 6n day df sale. 'Tittle" to said Vdfrerty is supposed to be gocd, but the pur- chaser only takes such titleas 'l -em authorized to convey under said mortgage. .' ? 'rT tr v "John P. Allison, Trustee Dated 15th day August; 1895. yPONGORD ARKlfil-a , COTTON MARKET. Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer Good middling. '..I. L 7 35 ' Middlings ... ...... 7 liow middling .v...v....v......6 Stains ........................ 4to 5 PBODUCE MARKET. Corrected bv C. W Swink. l5acoa ......... ...... ...... ...... Sugar-cured nams 12itol5 Bulk meats, sides. .8 to 9 Beeswax 5 gutter 15 UmcKenj.;.:;.'..v. . . . .. v. ;l0to20 jCorn... ......50 to.,55 aaggo... . - j03 Lard................. ...........Stall FlourCNorWCarolina) ; i v.'.... v;!i,75 Meal ....... ....... . . . .. . . .............. 58 Oata......... .....;v.;i;y..l.; 30 to j35 Callow....... .. -. 3to Seduced Railroad Kates., Cotton State and International - - - - - 4 - Exposition, Atlanta, Ga. Tickets on sale September 5. and 12 and daily from September 15 to Becem ber 15. 1896, inclusive with final limit January 7, 1896. Fare fori round trip $14.20. Tickets on gale da;ly from September 15 to Decern? ber 30, inclusive with final limi fifteen days from'dato of sale. Fare for round trip $10.40. Tickets on sale daily , from September 15 .to December 30, inclusive 1 with final limit seven days from date of sale1. Fare for rouno! trip $6 55V 1 Battlefield Encampment of the Sons of Veterane, Knoxville, Tenn'. Tickets oh sale Sept. 13 to 16, ' m elusive with final limit October 10, 1895. Fere for round trip J55.8Q. Oreintal Industrial Stock, Fruit and Agricultural Fair; New Berne,' N. C. Tickets on sale August 24 rto 29 inclusive. Final limit September 2, 1895. ' Continuous passage in each direction. Tickets must be stamp ed by agent at New Berne, N. C, before being valid for return pass ase. Fare for round trip S8.56. National Encampment Grand Army of the Republic Louisville Ky tickets on sale Sept 8th to 11th witli final limit Qctober 5th ,1895 Ifare for round trip $11.05. State Cpnventiou of Negro ss, Hals eigh, N. C, tickets on sale Septem ber 8, 9 and 10th with final limit September 13th, 1895. Coiitiniidus passage . in both directions. Fare for round trip $6 70. ; Holiness Convention, Durham, N. C Tickets on sale September 16th and 17th, final limit September 24th, 1895, Continuous passage in both directions. Fare for round .trip $5,85. ' : ; ; ! Burke County Agricultural Fair, Morgan ton, N. C; tickets on sale October 14th to 17th inclusive, final limit October 18th, 1895. Continue ous passage in both directions. Fare foi round trip $3.30. Grand. Chapter Order of the East" ern Stars, Washington, N. C, tick ets on sale to Selma or Goldsboro September 8th to 11th inclusive, final limit September 21sf,,189i5, Fare for round trip to Selma $760 to!Goldsboro$8.20. ? ' " As Busy as Can Be. - ,Abont;Jthethriftiest scene in or near ttke city is the work going on at the Cannon factoay, not particu larly on the new factory buildme:, but everything in general. ' 'iEequife McAllister and Contract or Brown are rushing the biick Worlc ' lihi: along. Carpenters began this "(Tuesday) afternoon to place the ' large' sills in the' main building oi'the new addition, while the 'masons were laying the f ouhda-tidh-to the large picker room, Contractor Caldwell is in the push , also, and is as busy as can be, al though 'he was discommoded a little by not getting his cement. J Li Miller lay the foundation ft r another 'new cottage on , Powder Street this morhing, while his force of hands are about to complete one near bv - I : . .w he extension of the sidetrack, which runs some distance above the old mill . and to where the engine room to the new mill will be is, complete, which makes everything quite con veniant to remove the large' timbers from the cars. On to the north of the (Janil(n mills seyeral hundred yards can be seen verv conspicuously a number of new brick houses in course of erection at the Buffalo mill. A gentleman, a very prominent and wealthy citizen of Atlanta, who was in company with the reporter, remarked: "Your little city is not a dead one by any means; m: all parts building Is going on and everybody is as busy as can be. It is "far ahead of any town I know of on my route." Tlie Town Script. , If Concord would issue bonds for the amount it has out in interest bearing script, the town would be paying at least 2 per cent, if not 3 per cent less interest. - U TTL BICYCLE ORDINANCE. ' mm- --Ay. . Be it ordained by the commission ers for the to wr of Concord, N. C. : Section lr That the . bicycle - ordi nances Nos. 73 and 77 resoectively passed by the board on the llvh day of September 1804 arid oh the 13th !ay. of August, 1895 be andjthe same are hereby repealed. ' V r v " ! Section 2. -And:be it ordained by the commresibriers for the town of Concord : Th at , any one who , shall ride a' bic y el e Jon any sidewalk withh, in the corporate limits of the town of Concord, N- C. shall be xdeemed guilty o,ff tkr misdemeanor and - upon convict foir thereof A shall J-Tfe finfed five dollars or imprisoned for 4e; J -Section 3. Any one who shall ride crossings wit nm tne corporate uriv its of the jtbwn of Cdncord stt- a greater speed than an ordinarywalk shall be de'emod' kiiilty of &' mislle, mean or and upon con viotion there1 of shall fined five dollars or imv prisoned for ten days- f This ordinance shall be in effect5 on and after August, .23, 1895. By orderoi board. - ' t a21 lm J. X. Haktsell, Clerk. sStllll 9 high :sfiHBiBfc Opens September 2. Offers full, thor ough preparation for college ; practical, thoriou;h training.for business. or life tforf inf otmaiioii fO dress ' HOLLANB THOMPSON, i tt&s a22tw Concord, N. C. fromfl5to$80i We ship from factory g object to approval and ere the only manufactur ers selling direct to Comomerg. We hftVer wAgcati. W e offer s' t1b in j" oxford Gladiator wheels at$6Qto$SO UxW Other manuf actlirerfl with nrirnn fmm ll tfei to $150. Every wheel folly warranted pay loeai aeaiere m. profltof Kilty) per cent. Cut this out and write tOKlay tcr cux nanasome tatalogne. Address, ME Are the joy and sumlight of our homes. Use all care to keep the little ones in health. Do not give them nauseous doses. You can overcome their troubles with Dr.1 King's ' ' Royal Germefuer. They ail like to take it because it does not taste like a medicine, bui like a lemonade. It cures colic in young children, overcomes all bowel troubles, gives good digestion, , and quiet, healthful sleep. As a tonic f or weak children and lcarejmedyjfor-use injteethingit isi the-greatest in the world. j fi"Sold by Druggists, new package, large bottle, 108 Doses, One 'Dollar. Manufactured only by p Atlpta Aemlcal Co., Atlanta, ;Ga. Write for 48Page Book, Mailed Free. FETZER' S DRUGSTORE. FIBE INSURANCE. ft- r ; Ravine : transferred -my Fire In JfW0T0"dhorfseind?B E Harris r i com. rW F' FP may ,oe m ifr therii a liberal ' Vat ronfc S& f r ? 1 .We.haTBassVmed'jthG Fire Insur-i ?com)Hiiiih8enciebTr several Ef Bt-atf aiidiit'ell)e8tabyehe1 xsoins nvrnnn ptpa ma UAruuu urua uui jus wtaii csici ubelaraoTbusinesa in that line'. l 'August '26, reo in vV . f. 9' " I , .. . V I i ' - ,f r I Castoria is Pr. Samuel Pitclier'3 prescription for Infants 5 and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor oer Itocotic suhsto for Paregoric, Brops, Soothing; Syrups, and . tor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Vorms and lys leTerishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach arid bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's nacea-the Mother's Friend. Castoria. f Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its jgood cflteet upon their children." :':."t - Dr. G. 0 tGOOD. Ibwell, Mass. Castoria Is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria instead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing a opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." DR. J. F. KlNCHELOE, Conway, Ark. Castoria. " Castoria Is so well adapted to children that 1 recoihiiend it as superior to any prescription known to me." : : H. A. Archer, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St.', Brooklyn, N. Y. 44 Our physicians in the children's depart, xnent have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we "' only have among our medical supplies what is known as- regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria lias won us to look 'jrith favor upon it." United Hospital and Dispensary, Boston, Mass. Allen C. Smith, Pres The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York City. Q c-r- o Q o o 'CO 0 r O a 0 o sa CO oo r-f 2 S3 S L-i U o3 S 9 b--S Ira ! SAY 'UVJ li.'C Lose yourlife's blood fcolishly, don't spend sleepless nights on account of the Yillianpns ninrderjustXstep into tn,? ? at 4a very small cost and get yon a PATEN T TUKNOVER CAN OP Y that will starve a mos qnito to vdeatKinlwentyf onr hqnrs Jby the clock. DH you say J?? : cgS?,?-f aJ?RUi anythinin the Furniture ,lin? from us than frorn any lloup iNorth (?a Our 8tock. f moiaiDgJforlroomand'.frame-; ia not surpassed any nr. V fi ell