Vol CONCORD, N. 0., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28. 1895. - Whohe NO. 1.247 . XI. No. 106. CM a lal Bank. THE ASSOCIATION, Cokcord, N. 0. j, M. Odell, P. B. CCLTRANE, President Cashier. Sabbath school workers of our f.wn ! country and in England a movement prajing the establishment of an an nual temperance Sabb&tb, that is. seventeenth annual session nn SAhhath m tW of the Cabarrus Sunday School As- there shall be concert of action in sociation convened m Bethnaee P.KnhPR nf RACING GOING ON. Of the CabHrrns Sunday Sctiool-Tbe Report of the Recent MeetingA Resolution. The North . Mm D. B. COLTRANE. pecuiati on, 3 HAMMOND & CO. t n Coltrane, Assistant Cashier church 22 1895, at 10 o'clock, temperance the, theme of the day, Capital, 50,000 dent, in the chair. school; and, whereas, No Surplus, $16,000 Devotional, exercises were con- yember 24th, is the day recommends DIRECTORS ducted by Rev. W M Shaw, after ed to be observed this year. t M Odell, D. F. Cannon which followed a yery cordial ad- Resolved, That the Cabarrus Ft am King, J.W.Cannon, dss of jrelcome by W E Furr. county Sunday school association in R. Odell, yv. ti, jlilly, J.ne president maae a snort response convention, assembled, heartily en in which he expressed the pleasure dorses the movement and recommen of the members of the association in dation, and urges each school to take meeting -with the good people of such action as is deemel advisable Bethpage. towards securing the above object. Reading the cufttites and enroll- Signed, nienLcf delej?i.ta followed . Tha StOCK SO&CL tendance of delegates was not as W. R. Odell. iuii na uomiu qo j uesirea owing 10 Kesolution of thanks to the good the rainy weather. Eight townships people of Bethpage for their kind were represented by delegates ap- hospitality to the members of the pointed by the township associations, association. 'Fifteen Sunday schools were repre- Secretary was instructed to fur senten by a full delegation, nish the county papers with minutes Sacretary' s report showed that 0f association for publication. Scocks, Bonds and Grain bought and eleven townships in the county held Rocky River v was selected as the sold, or carried on Margin? , . conventions. - place of next meeting. Treasurer's report was read and Seyeral visiting choirs rendered adopted, and shows a balance on choice musio 'during the sessions of hand of $42 for State Sunday school the association which added much Work. in t.hft nlftAflnfe of the mefttinfrs. 1 he treasurer MT. PLEASANT, N. CY REV. J. D, SHIREY, D. DM PKES ADADEMIC, COMMMRCIAL and COLLEGIATE COURSES. Brokers, 130 & 132 Pearl Street, . NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. P. s. Send for explanatory circus lar on speculation, also weekly mar ket letter. (Free) dwly An Aggregation of Fine Racers Mr. Fraley Claims to liave Been Im posed Upon, v Salisbury, N: 0., August 28.. Some fine racing was had at the fair grounds yesterday afternoon. Qaite an aggregation of the best racers-in the State and seyeral from outside the state were here. Promis Total necessary expenses nent among the horsemen who had session of 38 weeks, $85.00 to stock on the grounds were L Banks 7"" . , . Holt, of l mance county; Capt. W ' seslon bins 'Sepf tt t? - xt i o ' a n v 3. 1895. For cotaloime and H Frazier, of Ninety-Six, S. 0., and 0T,on:oi nf,- - i, XTr. ' , . ' special information, address. Mr. Eogel King, of Washington, D. the president as above, or 0. Greensooro, ksheyille, Derita hm. Secretary of Faculty. and ReidBville were represented. ; The Salisbury Racing Association, which as noted in a squib in jester day's Standard, turned out to be a fake, had by the liberal purses offered attracted this array of fine horses to Salisbury. The - discovery of the fraud caused considerable ex citement among the horsemen who had been luped , into coming here i and an explanation was asked for Mr. W T Johnson, secretary, was the only man present who, it ap peared, knew anything about the matter. On being interrogated Mount Amoena SEMIN ARY A Flourishing School fot Young: Ladies. TEN TEACHERS, Orramental BraLchec Receive . Carefm Attention, REV. O. L. T. FISHER, Principal, MOUNT PL ASANT. K. C A. M Will CABOL! UNIVERSITY OF closely he stated that there was n0 1 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE sucn man as mi. jonn u aioniciair, AND MECHANIC ARTS. who was represented as president or : the association. He afterwards Tne next session of this Col- NORTH Cli I was instructed to I Will sav in nonclnsinn that the! .... . r v i.. ? h, -mi w: o.i . . , . I oaiii that Hra ov vAfl Mnnrn Air. jhr win ukuiii o i utr ;iijfi- ask those schools who did not con- iarge crowd present was more than : j h skipped, leaving his board Examinations at county seats . " wcufco poi xux usnany quiei aa oraeny, auu we . f , M0 , . billannJ" oaruraay in August. Sunday school work to do so at once, could not help but feel that much so &a to make the $50 asked of . onAmniioVioH in thin, th SffeAtt -"Mo seventeenth annual session of the " Vth I Rev. Lancaster delivered a splen- Cabarrus Sunday school associa- did address on the subject : "Those tion. Jno. A. Cline, . Secretary. . Schools, and the vJ I vA AA U L , , i who never attend Sunday school and ww-lx, ; howtoreaclTthem." UUnUUij invitation of the W. 0. T. U., and for teachers. Tuition $60 ; 35 delivered an excellent addresa on teachers, 471 students. Ad "Temperance wor and teaching in flress rresiaent , vy inaion, the Snndfty KhoL 'Am Sir. Sberrill hnses,A Man. Tuesday night about 9:30 o'clock noon. Mr. Geneva Sherrill, who lives on Academy 3treet, near Mr. Anthony, WMW ow- t intnhi hankvard for some- Now that "dog days" have .j .i...- t. . Younsrmen desiring a tech paiu, nits iruuK uciuu icyicu uu . , n . . . . I-i l jt t t? iA- i;OAin;mflj nical education at an unusual his board. Mr. Fraley declaimed , , fl u wirougu.iue xany uuw py f or catalogue to afternoon, any knowledge; of or con. , A q HOLLADAY, hection with the association,-stating 2 w d& w. RaleighKw. C. that he had also been! imposed upon. There will be racing again this after- Chapel Hill, N C, for Cata logue and handbook on "UNI VERSITY EDUCATION." MANUFACTURERS OF FINE GINGHAMS, OUTING CLOTHS, PLAIDS, SHhETING AND SALT BAGS. AFTERNOON SESSION. Salem FEMALE ACADEMY. , The 94th Annual Session begins September 5th 180s. Register for last year shows more than 500 1 persons under instruction during the year. Spe cial teatures: tne development 01 ri ait.i, unar acter and Intellect. Buildings thoroughly remod elled. Fully equipped Preparatory, Collegiate and come fcUhir": Ha wafl vcrv ahiat and when and gone takes a weight from the D' " " ' -i. I . lelled. rully equipped Preparatory, Collegiate ana nfF thft hack BtenS. he noticed a man hearts Of the Superstitious. WhO have Post Graduate Departments, besides first-class Rev, Lancaster made the report nnnn th , k aide fen3e. been aittme idlv bv and letting the S54i; "T! . ommercia fAntW. rtW;ffo V,o? francr '77" 'I ' - . . I J. H. Ul.lSWfc.l-l-, Knncipai, samr v-v v b apparently awaiting the lights to go delicious fruit rot for fear if it was daw . that they parties who thp, intruder what his business was i i..kiyrr fA On motion.:U B Coltrane ap- and what he wanted,there. WHetf """r L1 .w. .-v-.-...v apparently awaiting the lights to go deliciona f rait rot for, fei work, and what has been done by m inide houM Mr Bhenffl dn . the rariou. a.niaters .n charge of made hu pre8enoe known by asking wonld ioae it. Several the work. Fiwrru 0- I L 1 - 1.U pointed a committee to secure preach -7 " - preserve weir irmv, n nn for the chain gang and report , T V I great quantity, the loss of which is mg lor me cnam gang ,anu report mQ t( the anov ran, ft i " same to next meeting of the asso. -llA J rfl . attributed to dog days. "Dogdaja ciation. L -a began just seven weeks ago Tuesday, Election of officers for the coming ; He was chased for some distance be 0,1 the 9th day of JuIy' . fnr h TMt arrrht of. It was a August 27. There is no danger Dr. J 8 Lafferty, president; J A , . man now of fruit spoiling, so the story (Jane, secretary; A 1$ Lientz, treas UWr. , H Two Lives Saved, .T) "R Col- Mrs Phoebe Thomas, of Junction.'! tyeiid aim. goes. Executive uommittee- trane, chairman , Wilson Winecoff, City, HI. was told -by her doctors Rev. Daniel A Long, president of DEALERS IN General Merchandise. Country BUYERS OF Produce r - of all Kind AND Four-Foot wood always wonted best prices for same. We Invite an in, spection of all the goods we Manufacture. J fi White. Vice Presidents: ...No. 1. AN, Harris, jhtp, 8. J illrvin, .A. No.. 4. Dr. J S Lafferty, No. 5. M L Cline, j of GeoV-W Dry, ' No 1. J L Peck, No.- 8.-0 D Barringer, t Nn. 1 Q 1 -T H ritVlpr ."Rarn hmri l - i. . ? No. 10. John H Long, No. 12. B E Mams. Delegates to State association W R Odell and Dr. J 8 Lafferty. principals ; Rev. B F Davis, Jno. A o. Fink, alternates. Rev. B F Davis delivered an ad-Can dresa on "The teachers work. it be improved, if bo "how ?" W R Odell and others made short talks on Sunday school work. The following resolution was unanimously adopted : she had Consumption and that there Antioch College, Ohio, took the train was no hope for her, but two bottles bere this morning in response to i covery comply teiK inteiligenCe just received, ely cured her and she says it saved DW"tu6 J, . . . hr !if 'Mr. ' ThnS: 1 F.ftrfl: 139 Miss Grace Freedland, an assistant Flordia St. San Francisco. -suffered piofessor. Ju : Aitipch College, had from a dreadful cold; approaching been conveyed by her father, an old Consumption, tried without result wealthy farmer, to visit a every thing els then bought one, neighbor;, the old gentleman was re- uio o .vwtvw fnmihir home unattended, and at a an4m twoweek'wa8:Loared.-Vii6:iei . . " . ...',,. ' fta i, uwni Tf ?; onWifB certain. point on the way he was as- of which these are samples, . that suited by a colored man and choked prove the wonderful effiicacy f tiid to death, . The colored : man was medicine in coughs ani pplds. -'Fee promptly arrested and jailed at New tnarbottles at ifetzefs Drug store. Richmond, the county seat of Glare Regular size 50si andl.00;' JLancl Post Wottc." -voJ;. r! i . - x r J COFFINS &C. n . I have now in stock at my rooms opposite the court house a splen-" did line of well-made Furniture such as ' , . Bed steads, Tables, Wash Stands Safes, - Chairs, &c. defy . competition in regard to quality and price. You will be surprised when you hear my prices Comer and see. If not in stock can supply you in a few days. I have a nice' line of zCOFFINS- at prices that will surprise you. I keep a full "line on hand for inw mediate supply. I buy ' LUMBER and run my planing machane, and all persons who wish any thing in this line, will do well to call and eee me. Very Respectfully, mont county.) A mob was collected quickly .and in defiance . of ; ; every remonstrance . the , murderer . was taken out and han&red to the limb of asveamore tree. This is the second Concord.. O. July 13, 1895. lynching of colored' men near New noase For sate. T. Pounds. : I hereby forbid any : parties from trespassing such as ' hunting, cut jiing :timber walking - or ; driyinpV rpmrivirior fruit nr - Anvthinicr oi anv i"--, j - . .V i. . I -rl i , .- . I W-W description-on imf plantation; enmonu nuuow p wu yca. iu uye-ruum uuu uu r 1 . jJ ; , i Greensboro Record. DepotjstreeW now cccupied by Mrs. known, the : Daniel , i Bather ... . told of in J F Willeford, is for sale. Interested lands, in No. 4 i township. - ; WOlt hr s 4j nching be told of in rtie3ill;a on Dx. L M Archey Anyone violating this . notice will the New York Religious (?) Inde- f or terms and otherfdesired inf orma- be prosecuted to the fullest extent rr-" " Whereas. There is among leading of the law. Jno. A Kihmojtsj of the Ohio, perhaps. 26 lta. (Mbs.) Aw Fink.

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