BATCH OF LOCAL NKWS.- Hnl Tut ia iliape y 0 A ,tf jeucil Fustier. Soar 1 a 1 kraut making is ;n order. i t W Foil is quue sic on Air J npnot street. What is all Thin About? Editor Stanuarl: you mfty not know mo T will Ai , j ciat man j. am ,; aa oral architect. In classical lar ce I vf ould be called an odo: talo gis bo you see I am somewhat of a scientist, but I have recently dis- . -j. u kan Crv vi ' covered that which I nannr ,,ri: rr Tl)eD0t street, next to Wal- On-hewn .that, you could solve on West JJepw . knotty problems and with the eye ter'a store. , . , of futurity praze upon things en exs KeyH.T W Smith and J R Moose piicable, I submit it to you for an re conducting a successful meeting explanation. . 1 cuiioh (Methodist) church, intto. When I go down town a q township. short route takes me through an Theeraded school building and a"- wuu miuway 01 said alley 7 a rendezvous for tramps. there is a mud-hole-or at least it is ' ' haye lodged there in tte w-itiiatocl during, the day-but at Several uaye k . . night its location is erratic as vill tew s be shown in the conclusion: Messrs. Will Johnson and Mcr- first night I went to the rmhfc. but I rison Fetzer will leave next week for went into it. The second trip I Mebane, where they will enter the vered to the left, but into it 1 went Presbyterian High School. again. The third night I cautiously KafB3 Patterson, of Uarham and themiddle but I found it the next chief marshall of the State of tbirtoen tr to Fair, spent part of Tuesday in the avoid if r hayft Btepped 5nto it city. He looks quite natural, twelve times and the most remark Mr. Bob Wallace's clover thresh- able feature is I have invariably y k Cigarettes I S L3L W.OuKeSonsACo. TOEAMERCM TCSACCO C3? VSMWtl OURHAHU H.C. U.9.A. BISflBllWHS 1L. MASK FROM High Grado Tobacco ARB v ABSOLUTELY PUHE THE RUSH OF HUMANITY. People Wfco Travel s3m hj Oar nepert. Miss Ella Walter returned this naCUi"0 uaooov nutvuu vvnu wv i - - r- - siu ivum i uiuiuiu iiviu 4.1 v; tf ytBM Brown Bros plantation, wnere there vvny is mis, or can it De a movable Mr. J W Cannon returned this several days work for them. r"11016 Wm. Smotheesook. morninir from New fork. ' i Line above is protounded by a The Standard get3 about three nfclerYlftn. wfill wftWT1 in chrrn -Master Louis Brown ii in 8al- numbers of the Salisbury Herald Per people. We can not answer it, but isbury attendipg the rccsv We want our interesting Ue have reasons to believe there are neighbor on the North every day. severa) gentlemen, who have in the Lw . ..w. niw riRar. flnlvfiti m or a tv nrnh. I Rey. M U U ecnerer went out w ' . Mta. John Littk and three Orjan church, fiowan county, today . children are Tisitine at Davidron LOWE & SON'S. Not in the' history of our business have we offered such rediculousl7 w 5 as we are doing'now. We are determined to, close out all of our HOT WEATHER FABRICS' SUMMER WE HVVE ; just received a lot of -pietty percales for Shirt Waists. Don't fail to see them. ; A LOT of new and Stylish prints just in. Good Styles. WE H AVE a few pieces of Or gandie Lawns that will go at low figures now IF YOU want the coolest and prettiest hot weather dress call and see our 2-yards wide white Organdie. GOOES A BIG lot of. Ladifta "Rlnolr and will not take into cons Hose to go ot 5 cents, sideration what it cost us, but OUR. NAVY to Jiddress the annual convention of once recognize. To them, it is Bub- college. we would prefer to have the oosts than to have the goods laying on our counters. Look at the handsome - - . line of that we ara selhn5 at 8 cents . t fTT ' TTnmA o w t I tfle " mitted-they are surviving members Miss Annie Bost. of Boat'a Mill. ' . v r ,,;v; of the Lyceum that didn't survive. fHft fw..;;Mra; t tner nouses cnarge you w Missionary society The cotton-weigher has himself a spent the day with her sitter9 Mrs. J W Cannon. cents for the same stuff all Old People. "lZit:tSZ Uetuttd -Misses Mar, . ndlaU tatlprd. lan at Half price. And pmviuiui w & -- will find the true remedy m Electric 0f Harriaburg, ara .Tinting the f..wu .oaiwfl stimulate and contains no whiskey J-lW VV COmiWtauio o iw00w k-;frtTiflaf Vint nfaofl ft ' , . . ? "ui.uiuu!i x-vw-i, -v ji Mr. .ore vara iontco:nerY nts t,o Bfrf fnmp is wnrifina on tonic and alteiative. It acts mildly xl' ,AOWA r-ftyj Ine street iorce is worning oni , xUofrtmalh onj Hnwia tkt rpt.nmp.d from a monih'i itsf in uu DVviuuvu m I " r .. ' 0 SH the blind ditch that crosses Main strength. and giving tone to the or Montgomery county, for ladies at net cose. We . ; fv.A nf f Mi. TTfnfc I crans. therebv aidiner Nature in the & J -sJ Z . mu rformaDC6 of the fuDCtions. Eiecs Mrs. Dr. E QBeUto, of Ohw don't want the shoes would o-wiau b. oensi tno fitters is an excellent, appetizer . -jhntf .f W Hnnf closed and had things in pretty bad and aids digestion. Old People and lottet 18 them. fix dnrmff the ramv snell. lisi-4 ' ti.i.i T?fr,a ' i 7 0 J jfc - m II MI, V rHMLH MHr UUIlUD Ck U X CWW O Blue Crepons for Shirt Waists are the correct thing for Hot weather. - OUR STOCK of Jjadiea Oxford Ties in Black and Tans are the handsomest in the town. Go, say the Ladies and pur prices are lower too. TOBACCO GOOD TOBACCO TOO and more. Tobacco for less money than can . be bougnt in Con cord. You that use iobacco : can save money by eeinc us MORRION, LENTZ & Co fisty cents per bottle at Drugstore. Mr. and Mn. II L Brown and - . . m a. M-M. r. m. M mmA9. mim m - - 1 - Mr, J R Nassman was in the city 1 Mltiiit ftinlAn . I mm. mm IVUIl v K wmvM. Tuesday ana says mere is : less . Mr. -Rd naator ia minus a shirt, afternoon ik fahirlotte. All the Fall Goods little, mwvfatr .ptafJing the T Af pT.Tj grumbling among the farmers in his He u working ;ear the depot and STTnTTS section than for years past, as eyery- ftw5n ff tA f. A ATnMa!vft hea, bad dis, I f?,, .JfWtWai,OTft wni Ko f mtllUl except money, aUU I o , , v- tnn f ,1aninir aamn nn 1 . - - the wealthiest grnmble I ?T?Sl .T. " 7. hn m -ttT( Tu the Lowest". Prices named on thing is plentiful except money that eren 1 W 'Mm Q Homa anil ncrVifir I . . -. ... xM owxvj. called hiai to the Buffalo mills, , ana The top glass to the front door of when he returned his coat pockets W nr SamDle Shoes and -fflrnf.ll nnf Tn.v had been rifled and his "oiled" shirt Wade H Hams, of Charlotte. Sample bnoes and pht Mr. Dolnh Hamilton was taken. It is thought a tramp lif tea it, Mr. AH McNinch has gone to ing to give'you the full bene- putting in the shutter at the time, to the cuiZeurooI Ro h V" 011 PWW?8! He fit of it. flni ;00 Qfv loff han On Ann ftf tftr thft 20th dav of this will oe ftDsen w Boverai uvh UCIC1D1 UlCUCiS BU LIUA. Ul J 1LAU UUUU V - 'w v l I . - V- V " . and badly lacerated it! : The gashes month ot August, I will open Mi83 Emma white,, of . BehU You can get tne Dest 61 cent are ugU ones aud yerj painf nl AltSL.?' ?i dere N. 0.,' Isisiting at Dr.' J E Corset you ever saw, Will UC Kiau W BCHO luo uauuu ' " V a..r.i j. ' I iHtheirneedsin the Jresh meat line. For SOjcents we sell you.a very painf Tho Tiannrhfora 'nf, -f.Vio TTinor J A UW AMVtCUUWAU WUW . Ufa.. . . . .. ft : I Cw rtiana nf hnflinASS TOlH hfl in the I T- n n TXTilns Ifffl me,neea some money Tery Minch iQQm grgt ; d H gi, 75 cent Corset, and tne same mnch for their work, will haye an bie wd on West Denot ?nicr eV !,?P-1 ice cream nartvThnrsdaT, or Fridav Ufropf Rpanpctfollv. nsburg, the guests or Mr. night. These ladies are making a alO lm. J. F. Dayvault. NF Yorke, ' Mi3 Nannie Thorn well,4 after audicesand we advise you all to eel a ;f . . m .Ji i.- with Miss JBtftner ifirvm,. -lett last Yon ftftf. AV fhf. von-: havft lOtte WHteS-THB DTAHJJAftU mai ae . , t - rww . J.r- . . . .' it. -1 niflrnit ior ner nuiuo a rori, iub, onmo, is thel onlv man tnat can soive me ior your rneumas v r ; , t - ISO have taken Uyer's per capita circulation and regulate The.Raieigli News and.Obseryer Bays : Miss: Mary ; AfontjEmeryt' of tried everything for your tism. until von Pills. Hundred have been cured of the fi uancial matters. Says he - . . . . ii I irfViinr aiinrf. nf hlftfik-toncmfi or ima compiamt oy tne usa or tnese w.- 7-o - r- n.rf1 f ti,A 0 if;S8 . m8 alone. They were admitted on bog cholera will solve the money fc th " exhibition at the World's Fair as a question -too many people t atAndard cathartic. Messrs. G.W Means, Luther BileB , and Several Children had auife an ITben Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla. experience with a humble bee neat menshewaaaccrforcriv , u j . " . When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, "WUU9J aiwsrnoon. xney wwo necdren, she gave them Cartorkw caaBing a rabbit when they ran Into the buzzing things, but as thft rab fcit was gaining on them they didx t Stop to inveitigate. The rabbit got and Mrs; cut in better corsets. SHIRT WAIST SETS,, STUDS, COLLAR BUTTONS, CUFF BUTTONS New lot jnst in: Bought Before the . - . ....... Advance in Price. Beautiful, dark Crepons as changable and as Pretty as silk only 12' cents, worth 15 - ' - t i .., i j . ' '' - ' ' ' CentS S l: Si,-'; i :. JYEW FALL SHAPES in Henriet tas 40 inches ... :wide only 25 cents per yard. ALL WOOL SERGZ 36 inches wide, 2? cents worth 35 cents. ' i Lollie illiamsjt . on Fayetteyille street. ; , -lMij -Maggie,' lMaude and - -.. '- .: ' ' ' , - . , J'C V'-'ji' V ! 'U.An Hova vafnvnoH rtnm "if :Wffi" Vi i PRETTY FALL STILES in Percales only .10 cents. aay, nevertheless. ; ot one complaint has ever been &ade by those using Ayer's Sarsa- parilla according ter directions, furthermore, we haye yet to learn of a case "m which it has failed to afford beueat. So say hundreds of - drgeist U over the country. Has cured 1 her8, will cure you. Ncliool An uouu cement. - If! T l-1T Vin-vrmnr fonorVlf. Oft successfully. for the past two years Jfc 800thes : the child, softens the m uoncorG, win gaiu uu uox gums, allays ait pain, cures wmu i If Jl CTa rv 9 O v rl 1M frTl A I aaIiA a 4 Ifl SCuOOl, JlLOuUaj UCll. . UU iu uw uuuU OUU w. uvs tvuvvj v same bhildmg. She endeavors . to inurnoM. it wm nann. wyw meet the demands of .school com. bining thorough mental work with . worid, ; Twenty.five cents a bottle the best Physical and-Moral develop Be sure and ask for ilrs. Winslows inents. Temsl$1.50, $2.00 and $3.00 Soothing SympV and take no ojber "ra. w 1 fmm Sewins Machines at7 $22.50 Salisbury. Miss Maude . was qaite 4orth $3tf .00, i ; : ' , v j;V ' . ' x . " 7 ' iU, while here.. but was, ame , .jty jaK French Flannel for Ladies Dressing Saeqmes . only cents per yard. See our .Croyenette . abso ror Over Firty Tear, i . f; Mrs. Winslow'a ! Sooth ns: Syrup has been used for oyer fif ty years by millions oi muuicrts iur tiieit .ujuiiutc ways see us LOWE &: 60 lutely RAIN PROOF ; 56 inchesjwi(de 5 e v. .jr.-.. ,

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