MA on 13.0 ''' : - rl VnL. ftifi XL-No. 107. CONCOH1V N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1895. Whose NO. 1.S4S a ioil B Concord, N. 0. Ill rODELL, j) B. CCLTRANE, I," D. COLTRANE, " President, Cashier. Assistant Cashier ' $50,000 $16,000 Capital. Surplus -DIRECTOR; .. t u owl. D. F. Cannon Vt AM KlXrt, $ i Odell, W. H, Lilly, D. B. COLTRANE. . Speculation, HAMMOND '&' CO. - Stock &nd'-Soitd 180 & 132 Pc'arlStreet, Sf ' ' - ' ' KEW YORK CITY, N; Y. . M O N E Y. NO. 11. The reader who has examined the Jast two communications is no 'doubt ready to admit that whatever the standard of value, the value of the money unit, may be it is of the greatest. importance that it shall be as nearly invariable as the nature ot things will permit. Let it be sup posed, however, that it is desirable J. W, Cannon; un Wvp fwn Qfonrioo u standard as it is commonly called, and that the aim shall be to have them established on absolute equal ity,- How shall the equality be es tablished ? The first notion of equals iy that presents itself is that the two metals, ' Say, shall have q u al recognition at the' mint, that each shall, have the same time given it for coinage, that each shall be ocined into, the same denominations, that there shall be as .many one dollar pieces, two dollar pieces, five dollar pieces, ten dollar pieces, twenty dols lar pieces, coined of the one as of the Scocfcs, Bonds and Grain bought and other. This would put each on sold, or carried on Margin. , equal terms in the mint provided.the p. S. Send for explanatory circus expense of handling the one was no lar on speculation, also weekly mar- greater than ' the expense .attending ket letter. (Free) dwly UNIVERSITY OF aw on mm the handling of the other. If the expense incident to handling the one were greater than that to hand ling the other, the difference could b6 adjusted sd as to put the two metals on equality in the matter of ? v . ' I V an A 1 i n rr Comprises the University, the - t; - , College., the Law and Medical Th? next B,eP towards ee o ' . .. I :. r i. U i- .-1 cur perieoi euaauiy avouiu ue to reneal all lesral tender laws, re- T TT JT TV KT T t 1 1 ' 'D LJ 1VL 1VL ili l I quiring all contracts to name the kind of payment to be-made, and if money is to be paid, on the basis, of which standard oavment shall be 4or teachers. Tuition $60 ; ; 35 made. If the two metals were eold teachers, 471 students. Ad n:A aU naa rtM ufl aSIJt, j -r, . 3 - ,L ,.T. r ana, sUveraJI noUs wou.d, he drawn Chapel Hill, N C. for Cata- m either gold olrercom. logue and handbook on "UNI- wpeonTeir or ineir cqoinienn. ' ilm. . . ill! . the peonle would en f orc a nrpfpr. 1 I ence for the superior . metal, ; Now, if hb two metals are not naturally equal, no law, it is evident, can make them so. Even in cases - 4 ' .... where attempts have been made to j compensate for the want of natural equaliry by establisning ratice; fail ure to maintain, the ratios has fol lowed becuase an increase or decrease in the quantity especially of the in ferior metal lias practically had the effect of ibex easing or decreasing the inequality, by adding to or dimin ishing the burden incident to circu lating and; handling, ;tbe inferior metal. , ' r . It should also be noticed that in the matter ofepmparison we are so j constituted bj nature . that in mak ing comparisons, the ideal, whatever that ideal may be, usually is what we conceive to be the' best of 'the class, "and with it we ' compare all other members of the class. In com paring trees cattle, horses, men, metals, the. most n arly perfect specimen is chosen, the other mem j bers of the 6lMs being compared with it , " r - - -' Similarly -witn meta s uaeu asi money material- If they are all dif ferent, some one will be selected for comparison. Xhe selection will not be m aider at random or to suit the fancy of some one person or clas3; of per sons, but will be made in accordance SCHOOL VERSITY EDUCATION. 111 liislw manufacturers of Stores would have notices put up in each house stating on what basis all sales would be made, and by what standard all accounts would be set tled. Contractors, mechanics, day laborers, clerks etc. would have special agreemeut in each case as to the basis on which payment was to be made to them. In the absence of special agreement as to the basis of payment the law might require that the mean or average of the two O - DEALERS IN General SUITS AGAINST FRALEY Races Fair, Knt Crowd Small-Johnston, tbe Fakir, 'Sot Yet Heard r From. ;' : , ; Salisbury, N. C, Aug. 29. The racing at the fair ground yesterday afternoon was fairly attended, but was not as satisfactoiy as that on Tuesday. The horsemen having the crowd would not begin the races un til sufficient money a certain amount was raised. This took some time, and then oaly two races were run a trotting and running race; The gate receipts for the two days and- the money raised yesterday, it.wa8 said, amounted to about 275, which should meet nearly all the expenses incurred by the horsemen in coming here. - f Vr ; i Rev, L K Propst, of Atlanta, Ga.j lectured in St. John's : Lutheran church ; tonight on 3he ;suTjebt of Home, and ,Forei?n -Missions. The lecture was both interesting and' in s true live. ' - ' . .. ReV? O B Km z and J D Heilig attended the meeting of the Woman's Ucme and Foreign Missionary .so ciety at Org'Mn church. Have , had no repcrt from them of the session, . Jb ive or .1119 norse j)en wno were duped into coming here to the race meet adVertised by the .fake (Sal is- bury- Racing Agsociatipn yes.terry entered suits against Mr. W G Eraley Isrii Mm MT. PLEASANT, N. C. REV. J. ft SHIREY, D. P., Pres ADADEMIC, COMMMROIA T. AND COLLEGIATE COURt ES. Total necessary expenses session of 38 weeks. $85.00 to $137,000. Next session begins Sept 3. 1895. For cotalocrue and special information, address the President as above, or lm. Secretary of Faculty. . M ount vmcena SEMI N A R Y A Flourishing School for Yiur's 1 . Ladies. . ! TEN TEACHERS, -Ornamental Brarches Ec-fivo t-. - - -- Carefui intention, ftEV. O. L. T. FISHER, A. M PEINCIPAi-, MOUNT PL asa:; T. F. 0 fin OlilLliF" College of. Agriculture ? , ; V ' ' awd Mechanic arts. of . $50 each for conspiracy, and con- with the decision of the peIiwliq federacy. : :The trial washeld: last as a wlinlp. Have wntVnmt. - nrvhsii ifa- i - ' 'Li Mi -L- '.' -J- r 1:5'' '.:,. nigni m me court room ueiore eq. Andrew Murphy and sttfacted .uite a 'crowxl as a whole have without coiistuta tion decreed in their own minds wpiou.i8;oe superior, ue seieu- a cr0wxl of ' interested Spectators,! tion is not made , because the; law Messrs. -Lee S Oyerman- and H: says so, but'' the law. is -enacted to Clemeht appeared: for... the-plaintiffs suit the selection already made. and itbiiiiTheo; F Kliittz if or : the xnat metal wmcn lumns more defendant. ' On a hearing without nearly all the requirements of a exaainlneall the witnesses the case uiuiiey material wm; ue an lue waa on suited. The nlamtlff3 ao The neit session of tliisLol-'' lege will begin Septenibr.rith, wxammaiions at county soats fitst" Saturday ? in : u gust . ' i ou n g men aesi r l n g , a , i e c n --j nical education at an imnsnal-: y low cost will do well to ap- ; ply tor catalgue to A. Q. HOLLADAYh Pw:;: standard of comparison. - The ranosT5 to 1, 16 to 1, 32 to lrare by-nature comparisons, arid show that one quantity is estimated in ferms of another, that a, less valuable metal is compared with a. pealed td the i Superior cbnTt - J Your correspondent would . sug- gest a solution to the problem of Mri William iSmotherscck .proN pou nded in ; yesterday's Stand ird if edncofd wa's not a : drv tb'wnT 'As . . FLY GINGHAMS, ' -OUTING CLOTHS, PLAIDS, STILETING standards be taken as the basis for AND SALT BAG&A&ettlQmt' Iq tbis ttie two j. i''',..' i. . . ii metais wouia roe given equal cnances before the people. The parties to a contract would then say what the payment should be and their prefer ences would be indicated in the con tract. There would be no necessity for calling'in the sheriff to enforce Merchandise, the recePtion f iht weight, heavy weignr, cneap or ucax ujuuey. txxic parties would have a definite under standing and no mistake covuld be made.' '':f?"v'v- 'B WO ' ' As to whether the people would receive the two metals on equal terms, it no doubt would happen that they would be 3 governed by their own' convenience. If the natural equality of the -iwo metals was; the 84rnelthere" wouldt hardly, be any preference shown for either the one or the6ther. 4ff however there, was not a naturar equality, thdi-ikr if the colorr weight malleability etc. if throne metal Jy not equal to HARD TO SWALLOW. more valuable metal; and, also,-n6t- it ia'he lets rt goy the board. For wnuHiayuiijg uur piacicuw iui the.sake of saving shoe leather and a either the one or the other metal, we drtv Rnfv would it not be a eood still recognize, somehow or .other, for the aforesaid 'gentleman to the 1 as the unit, and the 15, 16,and g0 a little further1 around -of" go o as numoers or quaniiues com- 4 home in the dav . time pcred with that unit, r .. 1 .;SecretarY.;.Johnson,.iof- the t racing SAVIQNY. 1 oscniahinn whn Rkinnffl wh'ea his fr';aud,wa,s discovered, i has not j yet been; heard from, viiis iolducto.tnes One Man Ate Seven Watermelons at J arid a few of hlS handbills are,, fltill One Sitting A Wager. j here. . Jep Morris is a resident of this; ntr, aWA Tna l R'nrpaf TTHl TTia Two Livei saveu, uapuuity xor rry iug waruiciyu. cit- m wag tol(j by her doctors ceeds even a : wheelbarrow. Jim nnninmntmn ahd that there Walter,1 a merchant at Forest Hill, waa no hope'fOr her, but tw6' bottles tells the following : ' ' Drl Kins:s ew Discovery cbrnplet 'Wednesday Tiight Jep Morris and ely cured her and' she says it saved o ni-r iiTH. nxr. xuub. xikkcio. rnrim . mmm i Count BUYERS OF .' ry Produce , of all Kind AND Fonr. Foot wood always Wonted best prices fox 6ae. We!Wiln Section of all , the goods the color, weight malleability etc. of the other metal, the people would hardly receive them on equal terms. The likes and dislike?, the desires of nFhora to or p. in mo fltnrp . j vJ ' v , Flordia St. San Francisco, suftere a ral.-I VA ... H rxF thwart nlMA nH I 'V..". : , - : . ,. ' , . I from a ilrpftHfnl t.n(i. RDTiroacninff finding they wereso cheap (5 cents cgumptionV trlccl .thout result each)prbpo8ed to-pay for three1 if, very, thing ' els ? then bdu ght: or e Morris would eat ihi m. , The propo ; l5o Jtlabf Drv Km& New-Diecovery sition was accepted and Morris ' ate. and in two week ivaF ;cntiHe is the melons. 'Morris then said: he naturaly thankful; It is;such results, Jva v, .k Qf which these ar earn ples;-that wu u cu ..vyirj - f -- provethe wbnderf alfficacy of thi would paytfor them. i.He was- takeir . twBraaia, re up ande mlons UUigUtUg)UI9 wm. w,i UW MA WUMWV Xv jJUlCK DillO-VVP.' I". l ..I yv.j a leronrhimsel 4anipbJieSe smallest of "these melons1 weighed .''IhlieVy twelve ponnds.'' "-' ' ' i'''r ; f- trespaj?iBg suchv as htintiasi . cat- Sale 111 FEMALE ACADEHY.. The-QAth Annall Session begins September stli iSq.s. Register for last year shows more than soo persons under instruction during the year. . Spe- j c . i . .. i . tr. 1. 1. t acter and Intellect; Euildings thoroup;hVy reniod- elled. Fully equipped Preparatory, Col!e:iate and Post Graduate Departm; nts, besides nrsr-clasl . schools in Music, Art, - Laaiguages, Conimei cia! and Industrial Studies. . , J. H. CLEWELL, 'Rrincipal, S3lm,r v daw 2v. - . . ';..... .'..,...' u h l COFFINS &C I have now in stcck at my rooms opposite the court house a splen did line of well-made" Furniture such as Bed Steads, Tables, .Wash Stands Safes, .Chairs, &c. I ; dt f y competition in regard to quality and price. You will be surprised when you hear my prices - Come and ' see. If not in stock can supply you in a few days. ,1 ' have a nice line Of 1 at prices that will surprise you. I Ikeep a" full line on hand fcr irn. mediate supply. I buy ' ' LUMBER and rari; my planing machane, and all. persons who wish any .thing in thig line, will do well to call and see me. ' Very Respectfully, trespassing5!! .wager of $5.00 has been; put tiog tmber;ralkft u p'thal Morris .will eat ' i 2 5 pou nd s remo vU g rf rni t fealty tnine;; of an y ; Horns is a married man, about SOltnown 1 as T."lfe-jDaniel t Suther rears 0f age- andwiirprdbably weigh lanQs, ' i8ctflttn9hpFY 1 . be prosedu teilto II est : extent Xou pou T Pounds Concord. N. C' July 13, 18951 HIGH SCHOOL ; Opens Septemheri. Offers full, thor ough preparation for college ; practical, horouk JUalning for v business ori life For.tofonriation or annonncement, ad- fdres.- HOLLAND THOMPSf :. ; f " I

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