BATCH OF LOCA L NEWS. A man by name of Coleman was brought in town from No, 9 town 8hir and lodged in jail -on Wedar a uay ior carrying pistols and knocks. While the baseball games'. Jy the colored people in rear of the city hall are quite noisy, they famish amuse ment for quite a lare crowd of spectators every afternoon, who greatly enjoy the funny movements . j t And Put in Slinpe Br nr iMl - Pumpkins are ripe, Jcrar Oald we'll u quite sujK at v3 home on Spring fctreet. Dr. W H Lilly is quite sick, and baa been confined to his bed for several days. V Mr. Chat White is with Cannons and play of this.people. i Fetzer, on the clothing side, dur Mr. Paul McGraw. a brother tn in the tan season. Mr. Frank McGraw. nf fW- 5fV , . ' . Mrs. Wagoner, on West Depot met with a painful accident while street, is having a drive nicely graded chopping Tuesday by an axe glanc in the front of her residence. Ing, which cut a terrible gash in his a f tpr Seoteraber 1. the stores will foot' He lives in Rowan county, - . ' i r , i uar wrgan cnurcn. TT x on cannot say THE RUSH OF HCJMANITY. begin to keep open at night. Many of the merchants did not close, any -way-North Carolina college opens next Tuesday, September 3, and prospects for a large enrollment is very jen- .ouraging. Lowe os bon, as you win see in their new advertisement, will have a special sale of lawns, etc., on Saturday. that you have tried everything for your rheumav tisni, until you have taken Ayer's Pills. Hundreds have been cared of this complaint by the nsd of these Pills alone. They were admitted on exhibition at the World's Fair, as a standard cathartic. The Daughters of the King" People Wtio Travel, nsSecn bj Onr Reorter. Dr. W C Houston returned last night from Monroe. Prof. 11 T J Lndwig was in the city tod .y from Mt. Pleasant. Mr. and Mrs. James P Cook are spending the afternoon in Charlotte. Miss Nannie Cannon left today for Charlotte to visit Miss Bonnie Oates. Mrs, Dr. UB Young and Master Robert returned la3t night from Charlotte. Mr. J H Mason left today on hia monthly tour through the east em part of the state. Masters Harry and Springs Montgomery ... returned to the city last night from Raleigh. Miss Janie Richmond, who has bten viiiting in Danville for some time, is expected to arrive home to night . Mr. Holland Thompson, who is "HOT WEATHER FABRICS have postponed their ice cream nartv till next week, when the? intend to lo conaacc in uoncora iiig.i school, The home on North Main street add ta its attractiveness bv introduc- arrived in tne city last night from of Mr. F A Archibald has been pur- ing a "Library Party" the books 0WW8vlJ 16 chased by Dr. D G Caldwell, who beinf represented by signs or fanci- Mrs, li L Dick and little sister, will soon move into it. ful desisrns. which will make it verv Miaa Katharine TW utt Una . I mm m I - . mm--mmm mm0mm mmj W Rev. MA Smith has announced interesting and amusing, A prize afternoon for a week's visit to rela that a revival will begin at Forest will be presented to the best guesser. tives at Mt. Pleasant, rrni ir.ii iz-l. "U i i l tj I . - : I mil ivi prniiii ink i-.ii ii ri'.ri Miiiiiir. nniik : - , . " x- i . . . I Mr. I Jftnifil Pnm whft , wm , - r t o- I uncKieii Arnica bhitvi i - " temoer o, so eaja xvey. oimpson, Tha Rocf Ralin fU wnrM fnr visiting at Mr. Sam Pharr'a. Utt UW WU WHt V WUW wv w f w J wwmw Mr. Pink M Misenheimer shot Cuts, Brnisss, JSores, Ulcers, Salt this morning for Virginia, where he into a heavy of English sparrows neum, 1 ever bores, letterd Uhappe wlll 8pend 30me Ume Ti-r i i i. ii Tii r n. . -ii i jjLauuo, uuuuiaiuBi vuiua huu i Heune8uayatluBi:euix roiicr mm fikin -RrnnfciW nditiTOW enrea -Prof, and Mrs 0 Richmond a Klllea nuyiwp oiras at once. Pilea or no pay requi-ed. It is Harding and two little daughters With today's issue we print a gaaranteed to give statisfaction or Lrrived ia the clty laafc night from schedule of rates to the Cotton .pTi scales iLixposiuon at quanta as iar store. Dished by the Southern railway. On Saturday 31, WE ARE GOING TO SELL THE IBAL , ANCE OF OUR AUG mght cases or typnoiu teyer, in two families, is reported at China - G rove. Mr. Frank I Frank Patter son, of that place, is quite sick, also. Mr. Bostian, the Racket man Virginia, and are guests of Judge Montgomery. Mia "Rnaa Mav Phillina re A Smoke Ilouse Bobbed. . . - vrw. nf. in t.hir wnrk t turne 0118 mornine irom KOCK thehomeof MrTReeae Johnston, in fiU- J; Accompanying her ,r . v- r r ' from Charlotte were little Misses no, ii lownsuip. our. auu iuro. . Johnston are in the mountains at NelIe Hernn the home ot Mr. Johnston's f athert Miss Fannie Sims, of Charlotte, ! tells you in his advertisement of to- and left on his lantation a family who has been visiting her cousin, lay about the cheap lot of lace curs of colored people. Miss Alice Sims, on Bell Avenue, tains and other articles of usefuK In looking around the place Wed- returned home today. She was ac ness. nesdav morning the tenant discovers companied by Miss Alice Sims. m r-m 1 . The Observer savs that last Sun. W that lobbers had dug a hole un- day was one of the greatest days the e'r the smoke house and taken from street car line of Charlotte has ever within all of Mr. Johnston's meat, which amounted to several hundred pounds. Efforts are being made to locate LAWNS, damTties AND MUSLINS, -AT -5c - YD WE HVVE just received a lot of pjetty percales for Shirt Waists. Don' t fail to see them. A LOT of new and Stylish prints just in. Good ; ? Styles. WE HAVE a few pieces of Or gandie Lawns that will go at low figures now IF YOU want the coolest and prettiest hot weather dress call and see our i 2-yards wide white 1 Organdie. ABIG lot of; Ladies Black Hose to go ot 5'cents. j OUR NAVY Blue Crepons for Shirt Waists are the f correct thing for Hot weather. OUR STOCK of Ladies Oxford Ties in Black and Tans are the handsomest in the' town. Go, say the Ladies and our prices are lower too. TOBACCO GOOD TOBACCO TOO and more Tobacco JLox less money than can ' be bought in Con cord. You that use iobacco can save money by eeme us MORRION, LENTZ to. STRICKEN DUMB. had. The receipts from fares were about $250. ' Atong the improvements of the city is one at Forest Hill Methodist church. The payement immediate ly in front of this building is being -built of cement. THESE GOODS SOLD FOR 12 1-2 to 15c, &but; ALL MUST Co Pall Goods GO NOW i "A number of little girls and boys of the city, on Wednesday, changed their attire from that of girls to beys and boys to girls. It was great time for them. A Man Who BailedSAg-alnst Religion Stricken Dumb and Askfl to be Prayed For. Savannah, Ga., Aug. 27. A the guilty parties. Suspicion in on special to the Morning News from one or more. Mr. Johnston will be Athens, Ga., tells lot a remarkable apprieedcf his misfortune, as parties incident that occurred at a big have written to him. MAthndiat rflvival in Drosrrass for To the Citlsens of Concord. tne past weeK ttU xxigu ouu, uut- NOTHING liESKJi Y rJJU -JfUtt On and after the 20th day of this teen miles from that place. WiN month ot August, 1 will open i hiam. Hoguewood, living at High out a first-class meat market ana R, . woB -MAthodiah hnt will be glad to serve the public with - : - ' Tr. Sieir nefds in the fresh meat line, bad turned unbelieyer. He would fv nlace of business will be in the attend the meetings ana go m.we j i . , i . . . , McNinch store room, hrst door church, but soon coming out, wouia above marble yard on West Depot get a crowd around him and ridicule' t nri the whole proceedings. aiUim. xAx,Au. Q i . ' .ill. Innlir railincr nnt asrainst religion. etc and n ' ONE. DAY. LOWE &V SON. At Anderson, S. C, the town dad dies have prohibited the livery men irom mrinsr a horse, rnnmnir a transfer, or ice and dairymen from Selling ioA nr m!llf on SnnfUv- It 1 Lord-Wot tloyd. I J M ... . . (jnarlie ljioyu, tne muruerer, i wnile in tne miast ox a sencence liey. Walker White, who has been iong8 t0 a family in this county suddenly stopped, and has not spoken 7i8iting relatives in this county, with known aa "Lord." He was raised aincse. Evervthinff Dossible has been bis two little boys, has returned to Lear tne Phoenix mine, this county, done to restore his sneech, but to no Statesville, where he will join his an his father and mother still live ayaii. The man is sound and hearty tamily. He will return to Texas there. His father remarked, when everv resnect. He went to the I - M wut September 15, hearing of Charlie's act, "it's mighty the church yesterday, and was seen Sot on ,i;f i,a bad, but I raised him right." by the minister to be shaking all ' made by those using Ayer's Sarsa, " , ' , ; Mer- Patilla accordine te directions, .yiat, who reaaire medicine ' a ieir Barthermore, we have yet to learn of to regulate the bowela and kidneys te to the pastor, who read it to we a raso ;n ,t,:i. u u - tt.A I j tn 17.iAM.rin meetinc". It was : "I am ttoomea to benefit, Da f i.t. niu.,a Thla medicina does not hell. 1 now Deueve mere i W QUI UUU.iC3U.a W A. UACC.MWI l.lllliC31.a I m nil .u. tt.. j ...unnnhim. nn whiflkAv Prav for toe. The affair has causea -ii :nATiAat hnfc , ay.t.a a a. Ian immense BensaLion. no 19 b" fir rii. iit-ti - - - - aiwww wmw m and alterative. It 4icts mildly I dumb. on the stomach and bowls, addinsr cfMVi- n.nd ending tone to the ori ona tiiprebv aidine Nature in the - bers, will cure you. Mr. W W Morris has a walking . stick which he. brought with him -vlu tue mountains, on wnicn no TlftO i 1 ? t V 1 I or . - . . - - . . 1 I I -J icij aruaucaiiy carvea emDiems L.vfAmanAa of the functions, iiiech ..v:. MMhccori. t the order of Masons and of the Tiitrra is an excellent appetiieif I euh wOiiid, Scried for ctod appa Sigma society. The .stick diffestion. Old People and waa cutonthfi tnn nf Jnn T.nska .. aM.w whafc thfiY heed. Price VtoCUMr8o,2wcTf tur r " - i jubd . - .- ' fountain. Hia talant as a rarver ifl ner bottle at Fetzers: Bought Before the Advance in Price. . Beautiful, dark Crepons as changable and as Pretty as silk only 12 cents, worth 15 cents. NEW FALL SHADES in Henriettas 40 inches wide only 25 cents per yard. ALL WOOL SERGE 36 inches wide, 27 cents worth 35 cents. PRETTY FALL STYLES in Percales only 10 cents ALL WOOL (fine Merino) French Flannel for Ladies Dressing Saeqmes only 60 cents per yard. See onr Croyenette abson lutely RAIN PROOF ; 5Q inches Jjwide. : Ma by his work. Drue Store. - UdVJ "f"-

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