A BATCH OF LOCAL NEWS. rf jtj, an:l Put In SJinpe By Our An Unfortunate Youth. Carina Dollar iV. v , :r , . . . me vouinrn nn niriinn I. aunt" reiicii PiiHher: wuu sometime ago suffered . w m;v, I tile loss of ITiia aTwrtf - . , " . . i.Y--U 'V'" 'f W8 taken 10 theJhnrtW4 lir iL their return to mis omce. bo n 7 J ,;?"v' uaierrea to Unar. Arrange.eat3 are Wnf perfected ta'the 1 iC 2h 0f , lawu party at Fdreit HiH on K of - . , fnt ?f the r ft lawn p 7 , MfVej8.baaiT; mtoairea 'hvteni 4 THE fitfira i)F 'B:Mikiir5r. on for Tuesday Bight next, under the and .. nf the ladies of the Metno-h r y crjsiaiuzea my0 v iienz, ana upon ad aisL church. 1 -;iJ.ii -, A- People Wtoo Tifa,,!; fc 0ar , Reporter.' Theriff Sims is waling aV: lotte foaay. : ' ;:n Miss Lizzie Boat is visiting at Mr. J W Cannon's, Mias Daisy Jaggart is visiting her sister, Mrs. K L Dove. - Mr. 0 G Heihg, of Mt. Pleas ant, spent the day in the city. Prof. M A Boer; of North Carolina College, spent the day here. vice of Dr. L M Archey, the county nhvaiman. tha Mr, Kobert Dove left Thursday boy was moved. Strmn, right for Baltimore, where be will friends contributed quite liberal! - " . 1 1 1 I I . .1 - r . . . . .. J I . . 1. r be under treatment oy a special pnj to defray the erpensVs of the litfiA I TJ J Wertz and little a cianior-a i'c'H"w ,WVW1C u- wno, n not aided in fimo BFeut j.nuruuy aiternoon m ,!me our local' physicians. will be entirely blind. ThW nhiln ia city- vfr. Hazeillius Suther, a native a nt Tears of age, and his peo- rwnrd bov and son of the late Pie llve 011 Vte&t Hill. Caleb A Cuther, now of near Trout- JUrs- m l. Moorfe accompanied the mWs. Iredell county, was in the ooy t0 unarlotte a4d will see him atinfl rtr otitis departed boyhood days. ow People. In ill probabiiitr, tomorrow's . Uld P61 reqaire medicine 6 . . I Will find in ft trno rorria in T?l;, cord WiU wmd p the baseball .ea- Bitters son .or k., 8timulate and contain8 no wh.gk .Tinted bv manv and eyerybodv is I .u- t - - - - Wl utuu UIUIIUIU. DQI ftCM in n innted to witness it. Itbnic nTi nltAratiVo T Miss Fannie Strieker, a most I o the stomach and bowls. vadclinfr estimable young lady of this city, I strength and giving tone tq the orn has gone to Forest City, where she tuFeoy Jwature in .4 . .tne r.ceDted a ooaition as iKgtrnct. l'B"urPaDoe me lunouons. jaiec ress in a music school. Forest City tri,? S'tters is an excellent appetizer is fortunate to secure one so com 7f 7 " , I - it just exactly what they need. Price A number of yourg ladies and Drug Store. gentlemen picnicked at Glasses Thursday night. "The ride was delightful," says one, "but the dust was almost stifling." The exenr-i eion went and returned without ac Daring the absence of Miss Wii- To tbe Cltlxens! of Concord. On and after the 20th day of this month ot August, I will open out a first-class .meat market and will be glad to serve the public with their needs in the fresh meat line. My place of business will be in the Hams, Mr. Bryant, a recent radaat8 lUWDt f i l . tt ; i i - e I w " . oi iue umverduy, is locauzing ior street. Respectfully, the Charlotte Observer. His first alO lm, J. F. Dayvault. work and experience, in a new .among strangers, is a succesd. has a nose for news. A Farmer Commits Suicide. e Clinton. Mo., Aug. 29. Joe Line hoss, a farmer from Blair town, Mo., nntntirtlfffld ctnistiA Via a f Awilav xr tarn m time has prevented many a 7lerddv by . Demitv Constable N. . I " . - nt of sickness and saved numerous L.Green and placed in jail, charged lives. This prove3 the necessity ot with foreink a $21 note anddeposit ... i keeping this incomparable medicine I ingr it as collateral for a loan with the Blairtown Bank. He formerly lived at Ladue,Mo., and bore good reputation a son the Miss Lizzie Eddieman, pf Ko. 4 township, is visiting Miss Myrtie Moore. Dr. C C Wilson and little daughter have returned to Harris burg. Mr. WH Bransofi, of Dnrham1, s the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W 11 Odelf. ' Messrs. Harrisdii Wilson and J B Douglass were overfrom Cbarfotte last night. Prof. R L Keealer and nephew, Master J erry Hall, returned from Salisbury todoy. Dr. Richmond . Harding and family returned to Davidson today, after several days in the city. Miss Mattie landsay pf Mat thews, is visiting her .cousin, Miss Gertrude Caldwell, on Spring street. Capt. Robert E Cockrane, and wife, of Charlotte, spent the day in the city with Mrs. S E W Pharr; Mr. Cochrane'ir sister. Misses Selene and Annie Paries Hutchinson, who have, beeri. spend- ing a week at Capt. J MOdell's, re turned to Charlotte, their home, today, , , ,t Mrs. Paulr mother of C Rbtrai ford, with two children, Miss Sophia and Master 'Wl Bdye made this city their home; hayibg 'moved here irom Rockingham; : i HOT WEATHER FABRICS On Saturday- vAUG 31 WE ARE GOING TO SELL THEI.IBAL ANCE OF OUR LAWNS, D AMITIES AND MUSLINS, 1 -AT- 5c -YD- ft tag basis ; Alexandria. Va Asheville. N. C. Burlinfton,N. C BurkoviHV Chartottetfriile, Va.. Chapel Hill, N. u Concord U J O. ' . Charlotte. N. C panviae,yA...... Lhirtiatn. n. C.v. . . where it can be readily reached at all hours of the day and night. A snpfiial to the Ohartntte Oh- . Bucklen's Arnica Salve. server irom Morven, Anson county, The Best Salve in tke world for says that the first bale of new cot- Cuts, Bruisss, Sores, Ulcers, Salt ton was sold at that place yesterdav Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappe (Thursday) by Steve West. The Hands, Chilblains, Corns and ail cotton was purchased by J M Hardi- Eruptions, and positively cures nBuiuu.ujuiu uwui Piles or no pay requi-ed. It is n, who paid eight cents for it. guaranteed to give statisfaction or ThP. Saliahnrxr 7WAnnnViftnf. monev refunded. Price 25 cents per th- nhiftHfl nKi;, ..v ccJbox, For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug , . - 7 Store. uaugnter8 of the rimg gave tne children an exhibit of j curiosities, etc., in the chapter hcuse tonight. The curiosities exhibited were loan. d them by Kev. Dr- Davis, of Con cord." Fred Miller, colored boy of the iown, was employed by Mr. Castor to qo some wort, and on going voaDnetite? Then do not try to v i rnrp.ft rooiaown: dud use lug wuou fftiubuw the boy's attention was attracted by Bcielltific means for restoring tone to 'SSSSSfe?c something in the lot, and not lopk- th6 8t0mach. How ? Why, by tak- SKttC mg wnere He was stepping fell to h A ers garsaparilla, and in a sur- wStvaV... o- - - nriBinffiv saurt tiLuc, yuui owmouic i vvinston-saiem, r o - . : f . j ho ; f REDUCED Cotton States sr,a inttllDpl Exposltlcn ATLANTA, GA., tpleinljer 18 DeceBibii' 3f;f8 Tnr fhi kWrve occarion the SbtithernlUJIi THESE GOODS SOLDSFOR 12 1-2 jtosl5a, BUT ALL WE.HV.VE jastreceivfid a lot of pjetty percales for Sliirt Waists. Don't ! fall to see them. ALOT of new and Stylish priflls jnst in. Good Styles. WE HAVE a few piecs of Or gandie Lawns that will go at low figures now IF YO U want the coolest and prettiest hot weather dress call and see our 2-yards wide white Organdie. A BIG , ,; Jot of; Ladies Black Hose to go; ot 5.cents! OUR NAVY Blue Crepons for Shirt Waists are the correct thing for Hot weather ... i i 4J of Ladies Oxford Ties in Black and Tans are the handsomest in the town. Go, say the Ladies and our prices are lbwer too. TOBACCOGOOD TOBACCO TOO arid more Tobacco ;for less money than -can be, bought iti Qbn cord. You that use iobacco can v save inonev bv 4eiftiTio' n a MORRION, LENTZ & 36 Fall L.1 t' u-ooas l;- . .-. i'iu, tt 1 .j- Bought Before the, Co. 'will .eU low-rate .rcmnlitip.Twcicewap ATLAMA. ua., ana rexura on wio iuuww- '-i . f i,. MUST i 12.85 18.70 13.70 23.2517.05 B5.3al8.55 9.40 JL1 4 uiau muj , - OttfehroyN. O. Goldsborc.N. C Wben Baby -was sick. ire gave her Castoria. iffheii she was a Child, she cried I or Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. HemteSBpTTFllle N. C Hickory, N. C HkfatfoiHt,lVrAJv... Hot SpringaN. C . . Henderson. N. C...... Lynchburg, v a. Lexinarton. N. C... MoTRftntpSQjN. C Marion, W. U . Newton. ;xxU Orartre.-Va:. Oxford. N. C. KIchmona, va. Reidsville, N.u.... Raleigh, N. C.-.. South Boston, va . Strasbursr. Va SalUbury.vNie....... S3.25tl7.( BO.40,15.00 13.15?.. te0.05il4.70 ...teO.401&.) 26.2519.2a 21.7515.95 . 20i.4Q15.Oa., S0 18.50 16.05.... Advance in Price. 4 15 5.75 9.651..... i 10.35 ia,40U,.r. 9.m i: i.25l l4.t - r 11.80..... la 10.901 GO .. . . .f6.55 5.85 NOTHING RESERVED FOR ONE DAY. 10.20J..... Jin tti.flOJ..... 11.6(K QBeautiful, dark Crepons aa JJ)"yT Jlchangable and as Pretty as T silk only I2cents,f vwlh 15 cents. . . 10.45 15.30 .-.s.Jll.25 24.5M8.00.,..v 20.4015 W tB.25riT.ra..v.-J 18.8513.80 20.4015.00..... 121.515.80 26.2519.25 15.30,. ... 15.30..... 16.35'.. 12.( 8: 26.25W.5 23.6517.35 26.2519.25 22.9516.85 19.0013.95'.. T.S 840 6X5 8.05 7.25 7.10 7.25 LOWE &JSON. 10.45! 1344ff.kl.. 10.45'..... 10.80,.... t 14.00,... 4 7.25 7.85' T.25 .15 4.90 ..tlt.OT..:. 12.60. ... 14.00..... 11.30.. 9.80K.. of 7 or 8 feet, r His arm;waa full of wiH com0 ia; and Come to stay. (atesxr6minteraete.iwhite :umoer at the time, but the bov was m r,, r .. explanation., v..VtV j Ncbool Aanoanceineni. ; i inll'ltnn A- Tickets will be sold Septembers aot seriously hurt. it is saia that soon after tne annneaai illlv for the DaSt tWO YCarS 1 7,1896. MMWWWW I campmeeting was established Miss Marshall haying taught so . ..hw tnv tio raaf. two VftftrjR 7.1896. ' , . a A'i at nniiimnn TinicptH will ix sow aaur irow n j :i i amaa W cant.mhr 1ft tn Decftmbnr 15. 1895. inclusive, m UOnCOru, wiii I nai limit twentv (20) days from date of TOUI)UlUfC wc ww, . SChOOl, MOnaay oeuu -cuu, iu n., lTieketll wm bld daiirfroni September 15 to December 30. isySi iBoiujnnp. with final limit fifteen (15) dayat f rem 'datrf oi flnlnmn C: unwavering old man in the neigh- gamQ building. She endeavors to ifumn'D : Tickets will be sold on Tuesdays pardonable sin almost for the men bining thorough mental work with ana women to sit together during tne best Physical ana Moral develop services.- Theretbre he bdilt ahigh ment8t Terms $1.50, $2.00 and $3.00 partition running lengthwise of tne per month. , , arbor to separate the sexes. The -ftFor ' night after the partition was finished That five-room house on East ered and Thursdays of each week from Septemoer 17 Ttenftmher 24. 1895. inclusive with final limit ten (10) days frpm-date of sale. . -rvimnn w..' Tioketa will be sold daily froto September 15 to December 30, 1895, inclusive, with final limit seven X7) days from date of sate.- ... ... m, t . . . j. t Avail! K.3 ..1 Is the loniy line nterinr itetiBxosjfljp one, or ones, tarred and feath- Depot street, now xdcupied by Mrs. gto it waIi ThflMavr fiia nar- .t w Wil lftford. is f or sale. Inter es tea tvrntA to the Exposition Gtouads.' mj i . j w -,tw tV- t . If A ATT For ticket and fuU toformauon appiy w "tlOU Wa3 torn down and has nCVer Parties Will f ttZZ your nearest asrent, or address , u. I forma and other desired lniorma-1 T rrm w a: JSTUW FALL SHADES inJHenriettas 40 inches wide only 25 cents per yard; ALL WOOL SERGJi 86 inches wide, 27 cents worth 35 cents. PRETTY FALL STYLES in- irercales omv 10 cents. ALL WOOL (fine ,. Aterino) French Flannel for Ladies Dressing Saeqmes only 50 cents per yard, ' : See our Croyenette abso lately iRAINipROOF 60 inches.wide. - .1. HOQ t , for terms ana omer ueaircu I f inn. J.MCnLP. Vf.A.TUttl Traffio Manairer. Genl Pass. Aft 1 j I 1300 Penn. Ave Washington, D. C .