Notice of Dissolution. Notice i8 hereby given that the firm of Yorke & Wadsworth, com posed of N. F. Yorke, J. C Wads worth and Cannona & Fetzer as silent partenere, was dissolved by mutual consent on tho 24th day of May. . . ; .'; ; This the 6th day cf August, 1895. N. F. "Yobze. j. C. Wadsworth. Cakxoxs & Fetzer.' We N- F. Yorke, J. 0. Wadsworth and O. J HairiP, under style and firm name of Yorke, Wadsworth & Co., will conduct and carry on the former business of Yorke & Wads worth, and we assume all liabilities of Xorke & Wadsworth, and. collect all notes, accounts and other debtedness due Xorke & Wads- W We rerpectfully solicit the pat ronage of the public . Yorke, Wadsworth & Co. August 6, 1895. . SALE OF LAND. By virtue of authority Tested in me as commissioner oy a decree of tho Superior Court, made in the case of Lawson Blackwelder and others,plaintiffs,against N M Starns, defendant, I will sell at public aucs tion in iront of. the courthouse door in Concord on Monday, Sept. 2, 1895, to the highest bidder, the following real estate of which John C Stams died seized. 1st. Tract known as the Rowland tract' ad joining J F Furr lands, Martain Furr and others and on which Henry Crayton now lives, containing 114 acres, and known as t1 2 home place.' This tract of land will be sold subject to the dower of Mrs. John C Starnes which has al ready been allotted, and consists of about 67 acres 2nd. Tract known as the Adam Honeycutt tract adjoining Jackson Honeycutt, tho tract above men tioned and others, and contains about 46 acres, and on which O V Maunev now resides. 3rd. Tract known as the Alex ander Shoe tract adjoining Nathan Lambert, Mac Cox and others, and contains about 15 acres. 4th. Tract known as the JonnM Shoe tract adjoins Jackson Honey cutt, Thomas Swinson and others, and contains about 33 acres. Terms: One-third cash, one third in twelve months and the remaining third in two years, the deferred payments to bf r 6 per cent interest from day of sale untd paid, but the purchaser will have the right to anc ticipate th,em by paying cash if he desires to do so Jas. C Gibson, : - Commit-sioner. TRUSTEES SALE. By virtue of authority vested in me by a Deed in Trust or Mortgage executed by O. W. Kobinson on the 1st day of January, 1893, which mort -gft90rkDeed in Trust is duly record ed in Register's offica for Cabarrus county, North Carolina, io book Ho. 7, page 572, 573 and 574 I will sell at ipublic auction at the court house 'door in Concord, North Carolina, on the 14th day of September, 1895, to the highesc bidder that tract of land known as the Col. Thomas H Robinson place at Poplar Tent. Th'S is a chance to secure a good home in one of the best neighbor hoods in Cabarrus county near the church and rchool house. There are good building?, orchards and ; conveniences for home comfort on the place. Terms made Known on day of sale. Tittle to said propert y is supposed to be good, but the pur- chaser only takes such title as a em authorized to convey under said mortgage. John P. Allison, Trustee Bated 16th day of August, 1895. CONCORD MARKETS ., . COTTOK MARKET. yCorreeted by Cannons & Fetzer Good cuddling 7 35 Middlings ........7 Low-middling ........... ......6 Stains 4to 5 PRODUCE MARKET. Corrected bv 0. W Swink. ' BaeoH....... .......... ,.8J Sugar 6ur ed hams 1 2 i to 1 5 Bulk meats, sides. 8 to 9 Beeswax..................... .............5 Butter ...... .... ...... ...... . ..... 15 Ohickew......... ...... 10to20 Corn..... ....... ............ ..50 to.55 Eggs.......... ..... . .. ........ Si Lard .8toll Flour(North Carolina). . .........1.75 Meal.............. ...58 OaU......... ......... 30 to 35 Tallow... .... . ..... 3to4 Reduced Railroad Bates. Cotton State and International Exposition Atlanta, . Ga. Tickets on sale September 5 and 12 and daily from September 15 to Decern ber 15. 1896, inclusive with final limit January 7, 1896. Fare for round trip $14.20. Tickets on sale da:ly from September 15 to Decern ber 30, inclusive with final limit fifteen days fromfdate of sale. Fare for round trip $10.40. Tickets on sale dai)y from'September 15 to December 30, ! id elusive with final limit seven days from date of sale. Fare for round trip 86 55. s Battlefield Encampmeirt of the Sons of Veterans, Knoxville, Tenn. Tickets on sale Sept. 13 to 16, in elusive with final limit October 10, 1895. Fsre for round trip $5.80. Oreintai Industrial Stock, Fruit and Agricultural Fair, New Berne, N. C. Tickets on sale August 24 to 29 inclusive. Final limit September 2, 1895, Continuous passage in each direction. Tickets muBt be stamp ed by agent at New Berne, N. C., before being valid for return pass age. Fare for round trip $8.50. National Encampment Grand Army of the Kepublic Louisville Ky tickets on sale Sept 8th to 11th with final limit October 5tb 1895 Fare for round trip $11.05. State Convention of Negroes, Bals eigb, N. C, tickets on sale Septem ber 8, 9 and 10th with final limit September 13th, 1895. Continuous passage in both directions. Fare for round trip $6.70. : Holiness Convention, Durham, N, C Tickets on sale September 16th and 17th, final limit September 24th, 1895, Continuous passage in both directions. Fare for round trip $5,85. Burke County Agricultural Fair, Morganton, N. C, tickets on sale October 14th to 17th inclusive, final limit October 18th, 1895. Continue ous passage in both directions. Faro foi round trip $3.30. Grand Chapter Order of the East", ern Stars, AVashington, N. C-, tick ets on sale to Selma or Goldsboro September 8th to 11th inclusive, final limit September 21st, 1895 Fare for round trip to Selma $7.60 to Gold3boro"$8.20. THE HEAVILY INS0BED. BICYCLE ORDINANCE. Be it ordained by the commission ers for the towr of Concord, N. C. : Section 1 That the bicycle ordi nances Nos. 73 and 77 respectively passed by the board on the 11th day of September, 1894 and on the 13tn day of August, 1895 be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 2. And be it ordained by the commi?sioners for the town of Concord : That any one who shall ride a bicycle on any sidewalk witht in the corporate limits of the town of Concord, N-C shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined five dollars or imprisoned for te days. ; Seciion 3 Any one who shall ride a bicycle across any of the public crossings within the corporate lim its of the town of Concord at a greater speed than an ordinary walk shall be deemed guilty of a misde meanor and upon conviction there of shall be fined five dollars or im prisoned for ten days. This ordinance shall be in effect on and after Augnst, 23, 1895. By order onboard. a21 lm J. L. Hartsell, Clerk. ran! mi m nuns na rfl 1 L-IU u U VJ 1 ' ZS I mm :brad 3 C "q Chichester's EU.k Diamond Brand. fTHHYROYAL PILLS S ft Arc, always reUbl. laoiks uk vntpn par cutohufr'a Engliik Dia- nana Jtnna la Bed and Gold meuifia 3txea, Maled wlta bine ribbon. Take iok and imiuttmt. At Dracfitu, r eail 4. .Tr?-" MttMBiili and 'Relief for Ladle. Uttmr. L. Mail. 10,0 TMUnoaUU. Aaw Paper. OiitJ VfteH Pnuirt . rautiL rib f . !; For mea women or boys at prioea ranging from $15 to $80. W ablp from factory subject to mpproval and are the omly xnanuXactur- vxa BBuing aireci to coaiwaert. W ba-r no Agents. W offer greater yalw in onr oxford Gladiator wheels at CftO to t8Q than other manufacturers with prices froaTOlCO to Si 50. Every wheel tally warranted. DonH pay local dealers sv profit of Fifty per cent. Cut thia out and write toy tgx trax handaoxne catalogue. Address, OXf ORD rJFQ. COwSSSSETSfe A lilat of Those In ITorfli Carolina In ared for Store Than $30,000. The Atlanta Constitution of Sun day gaye what purports to be a list of the persons in North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee whose lives are insured for $50,000 or more. Its North Carolina list is as follows: ' BURLINGTON. Holt, LS ' CHABLOTTB. Baruch, H . ? McAden, Dr, J H McAden, BY CRANBERRY. Nimson, C H DURHAM. Carr, J S Self and f ami l v Parish, E J Watts, George W ELON COLLEGE. Williamson, Captain J N FAY ETTEVILLE, Thornton, J W - GOLDSBORO. Weil, Harry HAW KIVER. Holt, T M, (members of his family carry $500,000) HICKORY. Hall, Joseph G RALEIGH. Andrews, Colonel A B Tucker, Major RS ! Holt, Governor Thomas M RED SPRINGS. McQueen, William REIDSVILLE. Richardson, Robert P WILMINGTON. Kidder, George W WINSTON. Gray, J A Vaughn, J L The Constitution says that Col. J S Carr, of North Carolina, carries more insurance than any other man in the five States. $172 700 50 000 70,000 110,000 100,000 545,000 158,000 100,000 88,500 1 60,000 50,000 50,000 65,000 60,000 96,000 60,000 67,400 50,000 90,000 75,000 50,000 62,000 THE u,u u y f?SSBQ Are the joy and sunlight of our homes. Use all care to keep the little ones in health. Do not give them nauseous doses. You can overcome their troubles with Dr. King's I Germetuer. They all like to take it because it docs not taste like a medicine, but like a lemonade. It cures colic in young children, overcomes all bowel troubles, gives good digestion, and quiet, healthful sleep. ; As a tonic for weak children and as a remedy for use in teething, it is the greatest in the world. tsJ Sold by Druggists, new package, large bottle, 108 Doses, One Dollar. Manufactured only by Tie Atlanta Chemical Co., Atlanta, Ga. Write for 48-Page Book, MaUed Free. FETZER' S BR UG STORE. ,0 what Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher prescription for Infant? and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor otlier Narcotic substance. It is a liarml-st: substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and tor OIL It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years ;y Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms ami lya feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures: Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teetliing troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Caa toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's FrientL Castoria. Castoria is an excellent medidne for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effeet upon their children." Da. G. C. Osgood, Iowell, Mass Castoria is the best remedy for children of Tvhlch I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant -when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria instead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Dr. J. F. Kincheloe, Conway, Ark. Castoria. " Castoria 1 so well adapted to children th I recomtuend it as superior to any prescript; known to me." H. A. Archer, m. d. Hi So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.V Out physicians in the children's dep&TU Cient have spoken highly of their' experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among car medical supplies what is known as regalar products, yet we are free to confess that thf merits of Castoria has won us to look-wit favor upon it." United Hospital and Dispensary, ' . Boston, M.4. Allen C. Smith, Pres. E The Centaur Company, 7T Murray Street, New York City. Q O G o Q o t v OQ O 3 M ca h r t p C3 e'w e; 5 o CD CO 1 -W .NT' CLo ... . o P O X CD CD ft H p - a rr a a o o to a o C3 a CO .p- a 5' o z " cc a a crew & " & . o sr. j o XT CT1 pu a c P O M S5 0 2- o ro B t Ul & 6 t o o 5(5 O P - - g W I I WE SAY P. 99 FIRE INSURANCE. Having transferred my Fire In urancfi business to Messrs. H I WoodnouBe and BE Harris, I corns mena tbemto any who may be in need of fire insurance, and bespeak for them a liberal -patronage. Respectfully, We hare assumed the Fire Insur ance business of Mr. J. W. Burkhead, comprising the agencies tor several first-class and well established com panies;f and respectfully solicit a liberal share of business in that line. - ' , ; i ... WOODHO8E & HABKIS. 5 August 26, tf Lose yonrlife's blood foolishly, don't spend sleepless nights on account of the yillianous mnrder,Jf justSstep i tne furniture Jstoreand afa very small costj and get you & PATENT TURNOVER1CAN OP Y that will starve a mo quito to deathJinJtwenty-four hours by the clock. you say : '. ' You canjeome nearergettinglanythinglinthe Furnitm line fromus, than fromj anyhouse in North Carolina. 0s stock of molding-forlroomandiframeis not surpassed anj where. Our prices are thejlowest. Come and see LS, . Fetzer & Bell

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